#*s: yukiko
daily-hanamura · 11 months
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#p4#p4g#persona 4#persona 4 golden#hanamura yosuke#yosuke hanamura#souyo#soooooooooo we gonna talk about how yosuke enthusiastically jumps in to tell yu that hes the same#so ive already talked a million times about how yu and yosuke's types are basically each other and that how their r/s is so defined by their#attraction to each others kindness and reliability and all that but im just#kanji's expression is sending me here LFMAO especially because kanji is low key the one that kind of points out their closeness the most#tatsumi “hey let me in on this conversation” kanji#tatsumi “whos your partner now!” kanji#1000% kanji knows they're into each other he knows they're flirting without realising they're flirting#like never ever forget kanji's own sensitivity to the people around him and HE KNOWS. WHATS. UP.#but also the way no one else except kanji intervenes lmao#lmao i think chie yukiko and their class president are just really used to what souyo are like together (embarrassing not-pda pda)#so theyre just ah business as usual theyre doing that thing again. this is minor. trivial in the grand scheme of everything else they do#its got nothing on them passing notes or the way yu turns around to smile at yosuke and yosuke smiles back and they just sit there smiling#at each other in absolute silence. their classmates know to just walk around them and leave them alone.#class prez knows if he has to tell one of them its their turn on duty its a lost cause. they'll make up for it later as they always do#but for now he knows he'll have to get the broom and sweep the classroom floor himself#ok i jest none of that is canon (is it) but thanks to the sample bias i have from this scene#i am on the floor laughcrying at how everyone at the tables just#watching souyo flirt shamelessly like ah theyre at it again. why did hanamura-kun even suggest a group date hes clearly already dating-#he's good with his queue
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screamofdespair · 17 days
[Gosho Aoyama's Collection of Short Stories #2]
The Wandering Red Butterfly - 1999
工藤 優作 Kudō Yūsaku
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letsmakefingerfive · 1 year
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sources here.
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figurecollection · 1 year
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mikanandpotato · 4 months
Man, got an au idea of genderbend, amnesia, and travel au idea.
You know the basic of where Shinichi is gone ten years ago. The Kudo family is searching for him all over the years until Yusaku falls into sick and Yukiko have to stop looking for their only children.
Ran continued to follow her mother step to be lawyer. And also there are Haibara Ai too that often visited Ran.
One day, an suspicious all black, cool glasses, wearing leather jacket, biker lady shows up on Ran's office. She tried to takes Haibara or as she called it "Sherry". Ofc, she run and Ran kick the lady out.
She is taking Ran instead.
Ok, so here is the premise. The suspicious lady is Vermouth apprentice.
Which is already suspicious.
The lady herself seems hold many secrets eventhough she have no actual recollection of who she was before the organization.
The lady is actually Shinichi.
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tristandelarkadien · 7 months
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meowsticmarvels · 8 months
constantly thinking about weird fucked up persona aus but mostly on the brain rn is p3/4 stuff. like for one a swap with the IT and SEES (like location and premise and all that) would be crazy but for reasons that I'll elaborate on in the tags it's not perfect. but what IS crazy to me and had been rotating in my brain is. the concept of SEES having shadows.
for a while I've been thinking of an au where the answer features their shadows. granted I haven't played/watched the answer but the concept is certainly really insane because the characters do have enough issues for it to be crazy. even by that time. there'd be general overarching themes of grief and loss between them all but also individual things (that some of them do mostly get over but still. this would be insane mid-game too) -- junpei's jealousy, akihiko's need to not lose anyone ever again, mitsuru's guilt and feeling like she has to make up for the kirijo group's shortcomings, etc. would be a hell of a time and I'd love to write this concept if I can thinknof things. talk to me abt ur thoughts on p3 characters having p4 esque shadows im thinking
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idiotsonlyevent · 1 year
it actually drives me SO insane crazy how similar chie and yosuke('s problems) are.
anyone who says they aren't friends or that they genuinely don't like each other don't Get It. they just haven't had a weird high school friendship where you're so similar you sort of hate each other, but also you can't Actually hate each other, because that would mean that you hate yourself (you do) and that you want to see yourself fail (you don't). yes, they wanna punch each other; yes, they're besties; yes, we EXIST!!!
they're both... kinda outcasts? iirc chie is somewhat popular, but she def gets shit for not being "feminine enough" esp in inaba. yosuke is yosuke. junes exists.
chie is labeled as a tomboy/masculine but she doesn't really want to be; yosuke isn't "feminine" per se, but he does generally lack more stereotypically masculine interests, even his role as a "bro character" is missing junpei/ryuji's specific type of 'masculine goofiness'(??), and he is disliked enough that i wouldn't be surprised if he was seen as a (im so sorry) "beta male."
they're both jealous of their best friends, Especially as paragons of femininity and masculinity. chie because it feels like something she can't have (esp as it relates to her sexuality); yosuke because he feels that he needs to attain masculinity for social capital (and to prove that he's straight and therefore 'normal').
and they know this about each other. they have one conversation in their first year and chie has his closeted ass clocked before yosuke knows what bi people are. yosuke sees the way chie looks at yukiko and is like "i've BEEN there" < doesn't even know its gay yet
but also yosuke loves running away from his problems and denying his feelings, meanwhile chie is one of like. three emotionally intelligent people in the investigation team. but also yosuke is smarter than her. this means they are the BEST people to torment each other. they commit gendered homo/biphobic psychological violence against each other at least three times a day. but if one of them hears someone talking shit about the other?? that clown won't see the light of day. only chie can shittalk yosuke. only yosuke can shittalk chie. the rest of the investigation team is on THIN fucking ice.
this is also why theyre not allowed to date btw (to Me). besides the fact that chie is Absolutely Not At All Interested in yosuke, and he'd only be interested in "dating" her to try to prove to himself that he's straight, the only ppl ive seen ship yosuchie are straight homophobic guys who hate their wives/gfs and misconstrue their entire dynamic as "they don't even like each other, they should date" which. die. if youre a yosuchie shipper and a normal person, i salute you, you ARE gods strongest soldier.
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crowtobio · 2 years
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#this is just my take obv but i think having her essentially just decide to follow what everyone expects her to do instead of what she wants
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yuriprince · 2 years
in class and all i wanna do is play persoba
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voidblacktea · 11 months
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daily-hanamura · 1 year
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letsplayballet · 1 year
I mean it's no p5s osaka, but naoto's dungeon is pretty sick
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letsmakefingerfive · 1 year
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Yukiko Okada
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figurecollection · 1 year
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trying to make a list of 70’s to early 80’s proto-yuri, if you know of any series i should add to this list please reach out!
also please check out this list of 20th century yuri, it has a broader definition and larger timescale but it's been immensely helpful in the curation of my own list so far
updated as of May 2: series are now ordered by year, titles and author names are listed in jp as well as english, some summaries updated, series added (sakura namiki, secret love, shiroi heya no futari, oniisama e, sakura no sono), summary sources are now listed at the end of each entry
updated as of August 21: all entries now include whether the manga has an english translation (and by what group) and whether i have personally finished it, some series added (utsukushii vampire, itoko valeria, hana no you na lilibet), added a link to the 20th century yuri list
“sakura namiki” / “さくら並木” (1957) - takahashi macoto / 高橋真琴 [read] [english fan translation by Lililicious]
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-when yukiko throws a table tennis match against maki, an upper-classmen who she in love with she fears that she has driven a wedge in their friendship. As rumors and slander begin to swirl around the two girls Yukiko’s fear compounds. Will she be able to repair her friendship with Maki, and could this possibly even bring them closer than ever before? (my summary)
“Secret Love” / “シークレット・ラブ” (1970) - yashiro masako / 矢代まさこ [unread] [no english translation]
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(no summary found)
“shiroi heya no futari” / “白い部屋のふたり” (1971) - yamagishi ryouko / 山岸凉子 [read] [english fan translation by Lililicious]
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-Resine comes to a new boarding school to find she is rooming with Simone, a rebel who is rude to her from the start. However, Resine and Simone end up falling in love… (copied from mangadex)
“futaripocchi” / “ふたりぽっち” (1971) - riyoko ikeda / 池田理代子 [read] [no english translation]
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-Kaoru, a poor girl and Reiko, the daughter of a wealthy family are on good terms and attend Aisei Girls' Academy together. These two, who had completely opposite upbringings and personalities, ended up becoming sisters when their parents remarried. Even as they rebel against each other and hurt each other, they gradually understand each other and deepen their bond, but eventually Reiko begins to develop romantic feelings for Kaoru. Attacked by the absurdities of society the beautiful sisters Kaoru and Reiko go on a journey, just the two of them. (translated from manga ookoku)
“maya no souretsu” / “摩耶の葬列” (1972) - ichijo yukari / 一条ゆかり [read] [english fan translation by Lililicious]
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-A horror story, in which the main character and her family go to their summer house for vacation and people start dying one by one. The twist is that the main character, Reina, is falling in love with her mysterious neighbor, Maya. But who is Maya really, and how does she know so much about Reina's family? (copied from mangadex)
“utsukushii kyuuketski” / “美しき吸血鬼” (1971)- asuka sashiko / 飛鳥幸子 [read] [english fan translation by mangadex user MabitheBard]
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-Lilah, an Austrian Count's daughter, is approached at a ball by Justine, an enchantingly beautiful woman of fellow Habsburg descent. The two quickly become friends, but little does Lilah know that Justine's keen interest in her may become a death sentence. (copied from mangadex)
“aries no otometachi” / “アリエスの乙女たち” (1973) - satonaka machiko / 里中満智子 [unread] [no english translation]
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-Kubo Emiko and Mizuho Romi are two girls born under the Aries sign. Emiko is an earnest and innocent girl who grew up with gentle parents. On the other hand, Romi, who was raised by her fashion designer mother, has a fierce temper. Emiko admires Takashi from the equestrian club, but when she meets the strong and beautiful Romi, she gradually becomes attracted to her. Is this excitement... love? (translated from manga ookoku)
“yureru soushun" / “揺れる早春” (1973) - riyoko ikeda / 池田理代子 [read] [no english translation]
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-Mako, who has excellent grades, is good at sports, and is popular, falls in love with Junko, a beautiful junior who is hated by all the female students at school. Mako is trapped by Junko's intense love and jealousy...!? (translated from manga ookoku)
“hana no you na lilibet” /花のようなリリベット (1974) watanabe masako / わたなべ まさこ [read] [no english translation]
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-Angel, who lives in the boarding school of Sandor Academy deep in the forest, has had recurring nightmares since childhood. she dreams of a sensation of something climbing ontop of her and that when she opens her eyes she sees the face of a beautiful girl. She wakes up screaming in pain, as though her chest had been pierced by sharp fangs. Her roommate, Agatha, vanishes one night and Lilibet, a girl as beautiful as a flower, appears in her place. As if seeing through Angel's heart, which is attracted to her beauty, Lilibet invites her into her room. "I've missed you, Angel. You're mine now..." Lilibet she whispers and embraces Angel, trying to steal her lips. Angel runs back to her room in shock, but Agatha, who had disappeared, has somehow returned. However, something is clearly wrong… unbelievable events occur one after another... (translated from manga ookoku)
“oniisama e” / “おにいさまへ“ (1974) - riyoko ikeda / 池田理代子 [read] [english fan translation by Lililicious]
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-Nanako enrolls in Seiran Academy, a prestigious girls' school, which is a girl's paradise for gorgeous students known as " Lady Kaoru," "Saint Juste," and so on. The selection committee for the school's social group "Sorority," of which every new student dreams of joining, begins. Sorority members are selected by upperclassmen, who vote on their family background, education, appearance, and other factors. Nanako thought she had no connection to this world, but for some reason she was chosen as a candidate...? (copied from mangadex)
“hadashi no mei” / “裸足のメイ” (1974) - fukuhara hiroko / 福原ヒロ子  [read] [no english translation]
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-May is an ordinary high school girl with a crush on the handsome Kido from the soccer club. Thanks to taking a convenient soccer ball to the face she gets a chance to strike up a friendship with him. But on the same day she also gets caught up with the mysterious Misaki Kayako, who has mistaken her for someone named “Maya”. (my summary)
”itoko valeria" / 従姉ヴァレリア (1975)  - fukuhara hiroko / 福原ヒロ子 [unread] [no english translation]
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-Every person has an encounter called fate. It comes whether we want it or not and guides us onto a set track. Encounter - and farewell. It's a turning point in life... Mona is ecstatic when she receives a letter from her cousin Valeria, who tells her that she's coming back after eight years. However, that was only the prologue to a spectacular story of unimaginable intrigue, love, and hatred... (translated from manga ookoku)
“kurenai ni moyu” / 真紅に燃ゆ (1979) - fukuhara hiroko / 福原ヒロ子 [read] [no english translation]
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-Suzuna went to a shrine to see the double cherry blossoms in full bloom on her way home from school. However, she gets tangled up with the biker gang that was hanging out there and is about to be taken away when she is rescued by Sarasa, who happens to be passing by. Suzuna is immediately captivated by the sight of this gallant knight on a motorcycle, with her swaying red hair and feminine gestures. After that, Suzuna and Sarasa hit it off, but as they continue to be chased by biker gang members, a major incident involving the two develops...!! (translated from manga ookoku)
“umibe no kain” / “海辺のカイン”  (1980) - kimura minori / 樹村みのり [unread] [no english translation]
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-One day, Sano, a fashion designer who lives in a beach town, meets Nobuko, a woman who is trying to drink water from a tap at a park. Sano casually invites her to her home and gives her a ticket to an exhibition on the way home. At the exhibition, Sano feels as though she lost to a more popular designer, but Nobuko says she prefers her designs. On the way home, Nobuko confesses her troubles in not being able to dress femininely. Since she lives alone, they meet often and talk about their pasts. As Nobuko confesses her worries and receives advice from her, she begins to develop feelings for Sano. (translated from wikipedia)
“kanojotachi” / 彼女たち (1982) - kashi michiyo / 樫みちよ [read] [no english translation]
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-On her first date with her boyfriend, Misono, a second year high school student, meets Ruiko, who looks like a beautiful young man. At the fashion show her boyfriend brought her to she sees Ruiko on stage as a model. Ruiko is a lesbian and is dating a friend of Misono’s brother, Susan. Misono becomes interested in Ruiko, and Ruiko is also attracted to Misono's purity, but... (translated from manga ookoku)
“ibutachi no heya” / イブたちの部屋 (1983) - nagahama sachiko / 長浜幸子 [unread] [no english translation]
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(no summary found)
“sakura no sono” / “櫻の園” (1985) - yoshida akimi / 吉田秋生 [read] [english fan translation by Heterophobia Fansub]
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-The drama club at Ouka Academy has a yearly tradition of putting on a production of Anton Checkov's The Cherry Orchard for the school's founding day festival. These interwoven tale of love and friendship focus on four girls in the drama club as they prepare for this year's presentation. (copied from mangadex)
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