#*ravenstan vc* besitos besties
boxwinebaddie · 4 months
an uncle nina clean-a upgayte! <3 c':
i'd apologize for all the personal posts but this is, in fact, my personal blog and i don't want to try to write/create until this is all sorted ( and i think it will be my best writing yet when it's here! fingers crossed. )
we've reached the halfway point in uncle nina *rp vc* vanquishes the evil that is her horror movie level scary depression nightmare room!
yay! <333 i am in surprisingly good spirits, have several loads of laundry going, hung a lot of clothes, can currently see my floor (epic), i made a schedule, all parts of my shift were covered, and this is just a reminder to all my friends ( especially a dear one who reached out to me and told me they are also overwhelmed) that you are so much BIGGER than the things that scare you, angels.
you can do anything that you set your mind to and i promise those things that seem impossible now will be so silly and small later when you are sittin at the summit of shit mountain w/ a smile on ur face. :)
take care, be well, be merry, be proud of ur accomplishments, big or small and know that every breath you take is a battle, baby.
so keep fighting the good fight, okay? <3
i love you and i hope you heal,
uncle nina <333
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