#*peer. also to clarify im not making bottom a personality. its just a song that evokes bottoming GMSHSK
enlichened · 1 year
Tagged by @transdiaz to put my playlist on shuffle and give the first 10. I only spotify playlist for my blorbos so I'm just using the top 100 from last year. O7
1. Gleam Behind the Ghosts - August and After
2. Give My Body Back - The Low Anthem
3. Habits- Genevieve Stokes
4. What Once Was - Her's
5. Run Boy Run - Woodkid
6. The Body is a Blade - Japanese Breakfast
7. Rose Mountain - Screaming Females
8. A Werewolf - Attic Abasement (!!!!)
9. Earthbound - The Accidentals
10. Tidal Wave - The Mountain Goats
I'm tagging @bilarper and @demasc if you want to, and whoever else wants to do it!
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floralreddie · 7 years
reddie tumblr au (part 2)
this is a part 2 to my tumblr reddie au. enjoy!
tag list: @im-not-psychotic, @sincerelyhansen, @richietoaster, @homohayls, @aopositn, @arielgirly, @trashmouth-smashmouth, @mzcescapie, @somenates27, @reddiesballoons, @cawcawhawkeye
When Eddie wakes up the next he’s pretty fucking tired, and he entirely blames it on that Trashmouth Tozier. He rubs his eyes tiredly, shuts off his iPhone alarm that’s playing a rather loud rendition of Funkytown, and crawls quickly out of bed and stumbles into the bathroom.
His mom is already downstairs cooking breakfast, from the smell of it.
He gets ready quickly that morning, half-distracted as he thinks of his weird fucking conversation with Richie Tozier on fucking Tumblr the night before, of all the damn places and of all damn people. He had practically fallen out of his chair when the idiot sent that entirely not funny meme Eddie’s way (because he knew the guys blog and had always kind of appreciate how cool Richie was), and then somehow they had started talking.
I mean, Eddie didn’t entirely mind (though Tozier was a fucking idiot, and Eddie already knew this, but now that he had shared more than a few words with the boy he could clarify this fact).The conversation had gone from Eddie revealing his identity (and, fuck, the lanky, curly haired and kind of good looking boy now knew that Eddie ran a fucking 80′s music blog), to Eddie somehow agreeing to have lunch with Tozier and his friends, to them talking until 2 in the morning about Derry, College and the gossip from school.
And Eddie had actually enjoyed the conversation. It had ended, Eddie remembers, with him saying goodnight and Richie telling him to have sweet dreams with about a billion kisses added on the end. 
As he stumbles out of the house that morning (with his mom petting his cheeks and straightening his already neat hair) he blushes as he jogs over to Mike’s puck-up truck and thinks of the poorly spelt and grammatically incorrect sentence Richie Tozier had typed to him last night.
i always knew u were cute but wtf since when were u this funny dude.
He swallows and clambers into Mike’s truck, greeting him and Ben with tired smile. 
Some Top 40 song is playing lowly in the background as Mike starts to engine and says, ‘You look uncharacteristically ruffled today, Eddie. You okay?’
Eddie huffs and throws Mike an offended look over Ben’s chest. ‘I had a shitty nights sleep, Mike. Thanks, though. Dick’. Ben snorts and reaches forward to turn the music up a little more, just as Eddie blurts out. ‘I, er, how do you guys feel about sitting with Richie Tozier, Bev Marsh, Bill Denbrough and Stanley Uris at lunch?’
Ben whips his head round to face Eddie, round cheeks (although, Eddie has to admit, Ben’s lost some weight) turning pink, just as Mike turns a corner, raises a brow and says, ‘I’m fine with that. Bev’s a pretty cool girl, we’ve been hanging out a bit lately. She thinks I’m photogenic’. At that, he turns away from the road to face Eddie and gives a shit-eating grin. ‘Girl’s got a good eye’.
Eddie scoffs. ‘Douche’.
‘Beverly Marsh?’ Ben finally chokes out, still staring at Eddie. Eddie blinks back and leans away from Ben’s suddenly wild look, just as Mike says, 
‘She stopped to talk to me in the hallway yesterday and Ben was with me. I’m pretty sure it took him all but three seconds to fall in love with her’. Eddie catches his eye over Ben’s head, and Mike rolls his eyes. It was no secret that Ben was a hopeless romantic.
‘Why the hell do you want to eat lunch with them anyway?’ Ben says after elbowing Mike in the side and rolling his eyes when Mike insists he could have crashed the truck and killed them all. ‘I didn’t know you spoke to, er....well, anyone’.
Eddie might have glared if the statement weren’t entirely true. Instead, he sniffs and adjusts the collar of his yellow jumper. ‘I got talking to Richie Tozier. He, er...don’t fucking laugh, but he found my damn Tumblr’.
Ben shokes on a laugh, just as Mike turns with his bottom lip trapped between his teeth. ‘Oh, Eddie...’
Eddie shrugs and blushes. ‘Yeah. Whatever. He wants us all to each lunch together. He’s a fucking idiot, but we’ll see how it goes’.
He doesn’t, of course, see the subtle look Mike and Ben exchange, their grins hidden and then brow cocked. He’s too busy thinking about Richie and his friends. There’s Bev, who smokes and is pretty and friendly and had a girlfriend last year from out of town. Then he thinks of Stuttering Bill and the Jewish boy, Stan, who were boyfriend and boyfriend. He remembers when the Synagogue plastered the one, small, pride flag outside of its premises.
He remembered being jealous. His mom knew he was gay, but that didn’t mean she was entirely happy about it. Eddie had, though, threatened to leave make her life a misery and never love her again if she didn’t accept him.
He thought of Richie Tozier, who liked guy and girls and walked around with baggy band shirts and ripped jeans and bright red chucks and turned up, sometimes, with glitter on his glasses and was loud and reckless.
Eddie wondered what it would be like to be like that. 
Richie was fucking pumped for lunch.
He hadn’t seen Eddie Kaspbrak all day, and he knew it would be weird as fuck when he did. He felt like he got the guy a whole lot more because, shit, they had ended up speaking for hours last night.
And Richie was pretty okay with saying he had been wrong about the dude.
Eddie Kaspbrak was funny. He was, aside from Bev, the first person to be able to shoot down Richie with a snappy comeback in seconds flat. He spoke to Richie about school, and his opinions on each of the people in their grade as Richie snorted into his Doritos packet until the early hours of the morning.
He told Bev this in their second period of the day, and she had peered at him and cracked a smile and said, ‘Holy shit. You fucking have a crush on him. On Eddie Kaspbrak. Pastel wearing,cutey Eddie Kaspbrak who had a fucking fanny-pack until he was fifteen’.
Richie remembered that. Honestly, that only showed what balls the smaller guy had. Plus, he ran a fucking 80′s music blog. How lit was that?
He tells Stan and Bill, who both share a look, hands intertwined, and shrug before nodding that, yes, they will eat lunch with Eddie Kaspbak and his friends. Bev shrugs and agrees also, because, hey, Mike would be there and Mike was pretty fucking swell, in her opinion. 
‘His buddy Ben was practically drooling over me yesterday, though,’ she pipes up as the four of them wander through the crowded corridors toward the cafeteria. ‘It was actually kind of cute. Like, he wasn’t doing it in the way Bowers and his posse does, y’know?’
‘I get you,’ Richie clarifies. Because he knows what innocent drooling and creepy as fuck drooling looks like when it comes to males attention to Bev. He’s had to give enough creeps his Tozier glare enough times.
And then he sees him.
He and his friends, not-so-fat-anymore Ben and smiley Mike, are sitting on a round table near one of the large cafeteria windows. He’s wearing a bright yellow jumper and black shorts, and Richie can just about see a pair of white chucks under the table. He has a brown lunch bag in front of him, and he’s eating a white bread sandwich the crusts on. 
And, what the fuck, why does Richie feel so weird and breathless?
‘There they are,’ Bev points out, swiping a loose red curl from her cheek as her bracelets jangle. She nudges Bill ad Stan to look in the right direction, and the two turn away from their quiet conversation with each other to look. Mike sees her, waves, and Bev waves back and starts for the table.
Then Eddie looks up and he sees Richie, and Richie grins his Tozier grin.
He’s rather delighted to see that Kaspbrak blushes.
They all sit down, and suddenly there’s seven of them at the table. Richie practically pushes Bill out of the way so that he can grab the seat next to Eddie, who gives him the side eye and chews his sandwich slowly, and Richie grins and nods and says, as the others greet each other and Bev and Mike talk across the table, ‘Hey, can I ask you something?’
Eddie looks stumped for a moment, but his brown eyes soon narrow and he swallows, and replies, ‘What?’
Richie grins, plonks his lunch on the table (Bill had brought in a spare sandwich for him) and says, ‘Do you want to talk about the 80′s?’
The glare that falls across Kaspbrak’s face his truly a sight, but only made better because of the pink flush that travels up his neck and to his cheeks. ‘You’re a fucking dickweed,’ Eddie grits out. ‘And you’re definitely a Trashmouth’.
Richie, in return, laughs.
It isn’t as awkward as Richie thought it might be, and he’s pretty fucking happy about that. Eddie’s friend Mike talks briefly to him, telling Richie he likes his Ghostbusters t-shirt, Bill doesn’t seem as shy about his stutter as he usually is around new people, Bev smiles to Ben, who sits next to her, and joins in a quiet conversation with him. Richie, as per-usual, has the whole table laughing with his one-liners and inappropriate jokes.
‘We should do something this weekend,’ Bev pipes up, as Stan has just finished reprimanding Richie when the latter threw his crust at the Jewish boy. ‘All seven of us’.
‘We normally hang out at the Q-Quary,’ Bill says, absentmindedly handing Stan a napkin. His boyfriend takes his and places it on the table and begins wiping away any mess. Richie notices, to his right, that Eddie watches the motion closely. ‘On Friday n-n-nights. You guys should come, tomorrow’.
‘Sounds fun!’ Ben nods, popping the lid of his lunch-box back on. Richie notices, with a sly smile, how he shoots a sideways glance to Bev, who’s chugging down her Diet Coke and watching something at the other end of the food hall. 
Normal conversation ensues, and Richie turns to Eddie. He’s finished his lunch, and is instead flicking through his phone, dark lashes fluttering against his cheeks. ‘Whatcha doing there, Ed’s?’
Eddie doesn’t turn away form his phone. ‘I wish you wouldn’t call me that, Trashmouth’.
‘But it suits you so well!’ Richie points out, as Bev starts up a conversation about Mister Delly, the horrible Maths teachers. Richie knows what she’s doing. She’s giving him a moment to talk to Kaspbrak. ‘Because you’re just too cute, cute, cute!’
Eddie does look away from his phone then, gaze deadpan, and there’s a split second when he raises it slightly and Richie’s glasses practically slide off his face in shock. ‘Holy shit,’ he laughs, snatching Eddie’s phone was his grasp as the smaller boy yelps. ‘You have a fucking RuPaul phone case? And you say you’re not entirely out, yet?’
Eddie snatches his phone back and glares, a hot blush creeping across his cheeks. Richie’s pretty sure he’s fallen in love with this guys blush, which is a more than okay with him. ‘Shut up, Richie. Half the people in this town don’t even fucking know what it is, anyway’.
Richie peers at him and Eddie glares back. Suddenly, Richie grins and nudges the other boy in the side. ‘I’m only fucking with you. So, what, Sasha Velour your favourite?’
Eddie blinks before nodding slowly. He wets his lip and brushes a loose curl back into place. 
Richie slopes back in his chair and nods, whilst chewing the side of his mouth. ‘Arty farty kinda guy then, are ya? See, mine is Adore Delano-’
Eddie blinks, and Richie can practically see him squash the smile edging onto his face. 
‘Why does that literally not surprise me at all?’ Eddie shoots back, rolling his eyes. ‘Her catchphrases are fucking party and I’m a messy slut-’
‘Eddie!’ Richie gasps, drawing a hand to his chest. ‘Did you just call me a messy slut?’
‘What the fuck are you two talking about?’ Stan interrupts, and Richie turns with a grin to see the others are looking at him and Eddie curiously. ‘Richie, don’t ruin anymore innocent souls. You’ve already got to Bill, Bev and I’.
Bev laughs. ‘Honestly’. She looks at Mike, Ben and Eddie in turns. ‘Save yourselves whilst you can’.
‘You,’ Richie points out, raising a finger and slouching his chair. ‘Fucking suck, Marsh’.
It takes only fifteen seconds for the others to draw away form Eddie and Richie again, because there seems to be some kind of unsaid agreement amongst their friends to let the two talk, alone. ‘Hey, Ed’s’.
Eddie shoves his phone in his pocket and sighs. ‘For the last time, don’t call me-’
‘Are you going to go to the Quarry tomorrow then?’ Eddie clamps his mouth shut and looks at Richie Tozier, with his big mouth, messy hair and large eyes magnified by his glasses. ‘Because it would be pretty sick if you would’. Eddie blushes and nods and Richie grins. ‘Fuckin’-ey! Now, gimme you number, will ya?’
With that, he pulls out a battered iPhone 5C (in a bright pink with stickers on the back), as Eddie lowly reads out his number with a curious look on his face as he stares at the older boy. 
‘Ah,’ Richie sighs, saving the number and shooting Eddie a quick text to let him know his own digits. ‘I should have got you to write it on my arm like they do in those old movies, shouldn’t I?’
‘No,’ Eddie says simply. ‘Because you might have got ink poisoning’. At that moment, the bell rings and they all sigh because, oddly, they had all been enjoying themselves far more than they thought they would. Each of the people at the table had come to lunch for Richie and Eddie’s benefit, but, somehow, they ended up feeling like seven of them together made perfect sense. 
‘Righto, lads and lady!’ Richie practically shouts, clambering to his feet. Each person looks to him. ‘We all agreed on tomorrow night?’ Slowly, they all nod. Bev stares at him with a sly smile and gaze that twitches to the yellow jumper wearing Eddie Kaspbrak, who climbs slowly to his feet. ‘Splendid!’
They disperse, all of them half-knowing that their groups might have just gotten a little bit bigger.
That night, Eddie Kaspbrak crawls into bed at 9:07 PM after kissing his mother goodnight and taking his vitamins, when a beeping sounds from his phone. Decked out in his stripes pyjama bottoms and Mike’s oversized shirt he had left at Eddie’s weeks ago, he lays on his back in bed and reaches for his phone. 
With a grin that he can’t help but allow to spread across his face, he rolls his eyes when he reads the text message, knowing full well what the butterflies in his stomach meant.
Richie ‘Trashmouth’ Tozier: that yellow jumper made you look like the sun today, you know
Richie ‘Trashmouth’ Tozier: you also better appreciate the fact that i just used a god damn comma in a text message, Eds
Across town, Richie Tozier sits on it window ledge with a  cigarette hanging loosely from his mouth as he blinks down at his cracked phone screen. He grins wide when a message bubble slides onto the conversation. 
Eds: One day with me and you’ve already grasped the concept of grammar. Within a week, you might actually be a fully functioning human being.
Richie ‘Trashmouth’ Tozier: aw eds you wanna spend another week with me? jesus stop flirting with me and go to bed will ya?
Eddie Kaspbrak all but blushes right down to his toes. He’s pretty sure he’s going to have murdered Richie Tozier by the end of next week. 
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