#*not technically due til tuesday but still
supercantaloupe · 2 years
damn everything to hell now i’m thinking of adding an epilogue too
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memberment · 1 month
Idk why I'm making a post yet I really don't feel like writing. ANYWAYS. Updates may come today. They also may not. Idk yet.
6:51 Hello from beyond. A new playlist is being born as I write through chapter 30. Also, I think I finished my chapter 7 art. It's Craig carrying Tweek home after they first met. They were so cute 😭 Idk what the message is gonna be in that one yet though. I know what the response is, but not the og message. And I am realizing as I type that that I was not supposed to reveal that but fuck it we ball there's like six people on here it's okay.
ANYWAYS. IF I CAN FINISH 30 AND ACTUALLY WRITE 27 (due to a restructure, I skipped over it entirely and have to go back and rewrite it.) AND MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, CIRCLE BACK AND FINISH 22, I will be soooooooo happy. I got like 12 hours til sleep time and I prob will not be working on chapter 8 art. Because I do NOT wanna draw Kenny and Clyde just yet. (I'm afraid. I wanna put them in their magical girl uniforms and ACTUALLY SHOW THEIR UNIFORMS bc they do change eventually and I feel like the contrast goes INSANE.)
9:19: Hello friends totally didn't get distracted<3 ANYWAYS. Back to this hell chapter of everyone having a bad time.
1:38: I got so distracted Desolation was late and I didn't write anything. I have literally written under 1k today which is fucking insane to me. I write more when I'm "on breaks"
But I have come here to yap about something. While I'm "on break" I think I'm going to rework The End Is Near AND New Beginnings. Meaning they might get deleted for a bit. Because I kinda wanna redo them both because let's be so real here. My writing was not shit, but I feel like they are both gems that need a bit of love. I don't know if I'm gonna commit to the bit but I really fucking might LMFAOO.
But I do really want to redo New Beginnings because that was the whole reason I started writing fanfic and people are still looking at it and I feel like it pales in comparison to what I write now.
And reworking those two will be much more lax while I suffer through 15 weeks of physics hell. SOOO.
Whatever. Gonna try and get through chapter 30. and maybe 27 BECAUSE I STILL HAVE TO WRITE IT WHAT THE FUCK‼️‼️
I lied I'm yapping for all of five more seconds because I need to complain and refuse to get a diary.
I am actually really sad that I'm not gonna have every day posts anymore. Like I am trying so hard to cope with it but y'all.
Desolation has 4 chapters left. Tweek's Guide has 7 chapters left. Eclipse has 4 (technically five but epilogue's short so it's gonna get posted same day) chapters left. Craig's Guide has like 10 chapters left. Dandelion has 8 (technically 9) chapters left. and Leap year has 8 chapters left. (Genesis doesn't count because that just started. ) LIKE HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO COPE. I HAVE FOUR FICS AND THERE ARE SEVEN DAYS OF THE WEEK. AND I CAN'T POST MY ONE REALLY FUNNY TRASHFIRE FIC BC PART OF IT IS SO GOOD I KINDA WANNA SPLIT THE CONCEPTS UP AND I REFUSE TO FINISH IT TIL I GET MY SHIT TOGETHER. Like y'all do not understand daily posts are like embedded in my brain. I love it. HOW DO I FIX THIS WITHOUT ACTIVELY WRITING. I hate it here. Oh also when Eclipse or Desolation get finished Dandelion is moving to Monday/Wednesdays because Freedom Pal Fridays are being a thing. Because I have. So. Many. Goddamn. Freedom. Pals. Fics. Sitting. There. ScREAMING. For. Me. To. Write. So An Answers getting thrown on Fridays. But how do I space this out? (I am so sorry for this unnecessary lengthiness I am officially just gaming this out as I type because my brother is sleeping and I can't call him to yap.) Like- I wanted to do Sunday for Genesis but I feel like Sundays kinda suck as post days, lowk. So what then? Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday???? I can't just do Tuesday and not Thursday. AH. I hate it here. I need more time and we are constantly running out of time.
Life is fleeting, and I simply hate it.
2:39: JUST HIT 90K. This has been cut down to 38 chapters. I have 1k ish left of 30. 27 is still undone. 22 needs its angel fight. So approximately 29k-36k ish left. I'm losing my mind. I can't believe I am speedballing through this like that. WHICH MEANS IF GOD SHINES DOWN UPON ME I CAN FINISH BOUND IN PEACE.
Then what?
Do I start my break early?
I don't wanna do that? What the fuck would I even work on then though??????
LMFAO about to pray for clarity.
3:44: Creative freedom is fucking crazy because Wendy's having a heart to heart with Brimmy right now.
4:14: I keep cutting chapters and part of me is starting to worry that this is too short but in the same breath like I'm combining them because drawing them out feels kinda lazy and rude. But we are now down to 36/37 chapters. I can't be too mad about it. But part two might be like, way longer. Also we're at 92.3k. SO I DID SOMETHING TODAY.
I lowk wanna work on bound for a bit but that means committing myself to an entire chapter because I can't just write part of a chapter and go back to it for that one and kinda I wanna reread the whole thing before I work on it more. UGH.
I might. I honestly fucking love Bound, like that was my baby when I was concepting it. I literally wrote so much of it while I was on vacation. Like stats on that one suck bc it's so niche but I do not even care. One of my favorite fics that I've written, easy. I'm not even a K2 girlie. I just wanted to write one because it was gonna annoy me if I didn't throw my hat in the ring at least once. I might write background K2 though for something unimportant bc I kinda like how I write them ngl. OKAY GOODBYE FOR NOW I'VE CONVINCED MYSELF TO MAYBE WRITE ANOTHER BOUND CHAPTER.
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sixthmagic · 3 years
.....I know I was a bit incoherent on here on Wednesday. So I think I should probably talk about the little incident/health emergency to I had the other day.
long story short? I had a very very bad health scare and almost ended up in the er because of it. I had been feeling sharp pains in my left arm since Tuesday morning, and on Wednesday I woke up especially nauseous, and all but passed out at my desk at work at approximately 3pm wed. I got hit with a sense of wooziness that was almost insanely stronger than the usual waves of it I get. This was accompanied by a sudden sharp pain in my left breast which was very sharp and only got worse and made it difficult to concentrate on work or thinking or anything else.
....I ended up being sent home from work early cuz I mentioned it to my sup and yea. I could barely drive however I ended up parking in the grocery parking lot down the street from work as the pain was getting worse. at this point I was pretty much incoherent in an oncoming panic attack and ended up calling my mom and she told me to call the doctor's office before going to any kind of urgent care or er. Which I'd like to point out is technically at the same hospital building location as it's an all in one campus from regular doctors to specialists to urgent care to the er. Which is a full half hour away north on a good day when not in rush hour which by this point was in full rush.
cue me being stuck on the phone for the next fucking hour as I'm panicking half incoherent in the parking lot being bounced around on hold from automated system to front office to fucking scheduling to finally a nurse and. well. I probably gave that nurse the scare of the day from how incoherent and panicky I was and. Long story short ?
It wasn't a heart attack, thank fuck.
Rather it was a massive combination of a shitstorm of other things making it feel like one. Leftover physical muscle stress from moving on sunday, general worsened anxiety symptoms, a backlog of mental stress buildup, medication side effects, a chiari webbing flareup, and severe dehydration.
The chiari webbing was what was causing the sharp heart pain as it restricts blood flow in one of my heart chambers and. well. I hadn't felt anything being caused by it before which was a first.
Either way I was told I was alright to go back to work thurs as long as I didn't feel it again. Was directed to go straight back to the hospital campus if it flared up again, and was also directed to take it extremely easy both at home and at work so Im technically not supposed to be lifting any of the boxes we're still unpacking at the new apartment.
Work did go ok on Thurs although everyone there was really worried about how I was doing as I did get sent home early due to health issues. Passed out as soon as I got home from work , woke up at 8pm to text mom an update, passed out again til 10pm, woke up and managed to barely eat, and passed out again til 7:30 when I had to leave for work.
As of today (Friday) my chest is still sore but not as much as before. am still incredibly tired. I'll probably be feeling the aftereffects of this shit for a while.
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the-paris-of-people · 6 years
Prompt: Lumax go fishing
“What the hell are you doing, Lucas?” Max boomed. They were sitting on the edge of the battered dock. The sun cascaded over their shoulders, and the woodpeckers tapped on the trees, yet Lucas couldn’t focus on any of it next to his girlfriend. They were doing their summer calculus homework together, elbows grazing, when Lucas suggested that they go fishing. 
“Fishing?” Max had laughed. “Yeah, no thanks. I’ll pass.” 
“It’s a nice day, our homework isn’t due til Tuesday, I have everything we need in the garage, and why not!” He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair confidently. “I’m also pretty good at it, you know. Better than you are at Dig Dug.” 
“Yeah, you wanna bet, stalker?” She rose from her chair. “Teach me and we’ll see.” 
“Are you sure?” Lucas laughed. That was too easy. Play into Max’s competitive spirit and he could get her to do anything. “Just to warn you, I’ve had several years of experience from fishing with my dad.” 
“Well, I’m a fast learner.” Max quipped, “I didn’t study calculus on my own time but I still finished my homework before you, didn’t I?” 
“Oh, ha ha very funny,” He rolled his eyes before grabbing his jacket and glancing at her homework. She did finish before him. “Goddamnit,” he murmured under his breath. 
Though now, he had to admit, Max was a fast learner. It was 4 PM and she had already caught 2 fish while Lucas hadn’t caught anything. Well, technically, he had felt a tug just now, but he tried to pull it out of the water instead of reeling it up. It wasn’t his fault! He was distracted by the new freckles on Max’s neck under the sun. Even when she was yelling at him, Lucas was distracted. She was really cute. Her eyes shimmered under the rippling lake, and her nose wrinkled when she was frustrated, and her cheekbones were full on her face when her hair was tied back. She wasn’t allowed to be so cute when she was screaming at him. 
“What?” Max stopped when she saw him getting all gooey-eyed. She tilted her head at him. 
“Nothing,” Lucas shrugged, but he rested his hands on the dock and smiled. “I like the way you look in summer.” 
“Oh, shut up, stalker.” She scoffed, but she leaned in and kissed him on his cheek. “You’re not allowed to be so cute.” 
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meyerlansky · 7 years
do u guys wanna hear how utter fucking horseshit the company i work for is
[warning: this is a goddamn saga. second warning: i’d think the cut would make it clear, but don’t reblog under pain of permablock.]
so i think i’ve mentioned a few times? that i work for a company that does certain things for clients on a contract basis. i keep this intentionally vague because it is a fairly small industry and self-preservation/plausible deniability is important. but so the short version is, i got fucked over real good in april because the money in the contract ran out three full months before i was told it was going to [and i was told this two weeks before i was about to be out of work for months on end] and then i got fucked over real good a second time when the contract started back up again, because i was told i would have a few month’s worth of work before the contract was finished.
some of you may remember: i did not have a few months of work left. i had less than two weeks of work left. in addition, i was told i had to remain available to complete follow up work until the project was completed, but it’s max a day a month of work, which is not enough to pay... any of my bills. so all the financial planning i did was utterly and completely fucked, because i had been planning to have three months of paychecks to stash and it turned out i didn’t even get one. 
after a little bit of scrambling i got everything mostly on a somewhat-even keel, put out a bunch of job applications to stuff, had some irons in the fire, eventually got hired for a part time thing that was a pretty steep pay cut both on an hours AND wage basis, but in addition to the graduate loans i excruciatingly took out for this semester it’s enough to keep my lights on. meanwhile i’m still technically on the ex-full-time job’s payroll, so i get my health insurance through them. which i feel is a small price for them to pay for me to stay on the fucking project with barely any work coming in, instead of having to pay THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS A MONTH for someone else at the company to come and live in boston for a month while they get their shit together and finish things up.
so between my classes, the part time gig, and waiting for my Main Job With Shit Company to have little fractions of days’ worth of work trickle in, i ended up scheduling a few weeks of the part time gig around the assumption that, y’know, i haven’t heard from Main Job in a few weeks, so it’s probably safe if i say i can go in three days this week instead of two, and i’ll just be able to take care of anything that comes up for Main Job before/after my classes. well. yesterday, thursday, i get an email from Main Job manager, who says “hey, can you come in and complete these two little pieces of work that will not even amount to half a day? like. can you come in tomorrow?”
again: i’ve scheduled three days of Part Time Job for this week, because i literally had not heard from Main Job for weeks. so i said well, no, i can drop in tomorrow [today, friday] and check on one of the things that doesn’t require set up, but for the second thing, the only time i’ll be able to come in and take care of it is tuesday, after my class.
and immediately not only my manager but the department operations manager start bombarding me with emails, saying that there was a timeline to get the onsite equipment removed from the client’s workspace by the end of november, we’re really delayed, is there any way you can come in earlier than tuesday
so i sort of. lost it. because these people have been jerking me around for A FULL YEAR at this point, forgetting to include me on company-wide emails, blaming me for their fuck ups, criticizing honest mistakes in my work in email threads other employees were cc’d on THREE MONTHS after the mistakes were corrected, and dragging this fucking contract out as if i’m fucking loaded and can live off four hours of work a month at seventeen bucks an hour in the third most expensive city in the fucking country. and i told them, no, i can’t come in before tuesday, because thanks to your shitty management of this project, i had to pick up a second fucking job, and since this was less than 24 hours of notice that you want these things finished, i can’t reschedule my hours at my other job on a fucking dime. i can drop in tomorrow, but the other thing is going to have to wait til tuesday.
more polite than that, obviously, i’m not a fucking idiot, but that was the gist of it.
anyway, so today, i’m at my part time job, waiting to hear back on this email thread. because i know something’s coming.
and i was right. because i’m always right.
i get an email from the [really very nice, she didn’t deserve to be in this crossfire at all] lady who takes care of getting employee approval on timecards, and i see i’ve got five hours put down for holiday. five. not eight. not the full day i’m entitled to as a full employee of this shitty bad-faith-operating-in company. so i email her back, very cheerfully, not at all betraying the gnawing pit of fuck in my stomach, asking why it’s five hours instead of eight.
she replies, “i’m forwarding this to [my manager] so he can give you the answer.”
the answer, turns out, three fucking hours after my initial email to the first lady, is that, due to the reduction in my hours because of the low quantity of work remaining on this project, i am no longer considered a full time employee of the company, and am therefore entitled to only five hours of holiday pay, effective as of this pay period.
remember how i said my health insurance is through this company?
that’s a full-time benefit.
which means i very panickedly sent off an extremely terse, clipped email, inquiring as to the status of my benefits for december, and saying i would have appreciated being notified about this when the decision was made, and not when my holiday hours were affected by it, and i certainly hope this change in my status is not retaliatory or meant as punishment for the conversation yesterday. which, i mean, it so obviously is. but i’m pretty sure it’d be illegal if they copped to it.
which they didn’t; the operations manager stepped in and said that she knew about my change in status prior to today but neglected to tell me, and that there were “no hard feelings about the conversation yesterday on our end, and we presume because there are no problems on our end there are none on your end.” they also apparently can’t just kick me off the health insurance mid-month, but come january i am off the plan. good thing it’s still open enrollment, right?
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rachelannc · 5 years
“Woke up this morning with the weirdest case of the butterflies,” I wrote that Tuesday morning on my phone.
Just the day before, I got a call from a band my 13-year-old self had always loved.
“It’s almost surreal to think I will be embarking on just a short run of a California West Coast tour with a band I’ve always loved,” I wrote. “I’ll get to see what it’s really like to be traveling on a cramped van. I will room in the weirdest hotels and smell the funkiest bars and sweat. Oh, the romanticism of it all gets to me… but the #LolaRachel in me is just dreading the thought of it all.”
I continued, “But hasn’t the road always called to me? I guess I’ll find out.”
With a sigh and a bit of nerves, I wrote, “S**t. What have I done? 😂”
You get what you ask for, I guess.
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I had just gotten back from a spontaneous weekend’s getaway to Las Vegas with a friend and caught a slight cold waking up in that hotel room Sunday morning.
“Watch, you’re the reason you get the band sick,” my brother joked to me.
Meg & Dia just kicked off their two-week HappySad reunion tour — their first tour as a band together in eight years — with an all-new album and leg of shows that would take them throughout the West Coast and a few dates on the East ’til the end of September.
The forever-lingering fan girl in me was so stoked (but nervous as hell I’d be sharing rooms and traveling with them on the road, being intimate as ever — just me, Meg, Dia, Carlo and new drummer Grant spending hours on end together). The 13-year-old in me was still freaking out and dreaming up all these different scenarios in my head.
The night before I was messaging the band, “Any travel tips or things to be wary of to pack?” They told me to pack lightly, bring some water, some comfy clothes for the long drives and a water bottle to stay hydrated.
That Wednesday morning I got the call from Carlo. He picked me up on our way to Dia’s house to meet the girls and head on over to their San Diego show later that night at SOMA. Check-in and load-in would be around 4pm, so we spent the afternoon driving, picking up some merch, grabbing some In-N-Out and Starbucks wearing funky paper hats, as Dia helped me prep the merch table.
As we unpacked the boxes and hung stuff up onto the metal cage, Dia, in a moment of “band safety” (or “sisterly advice”) told me to look out for anyone who may be “creepy” or dangerous, and to feel free to call on anyone who’s numbers I have. It was a bit of a sisterly-talk, which was actually very nice and comforting, especially myself being a young twenty-something female who has had her fair share of “creeps” come up to me!
The whole day through, my little sick-self who didn’t want to sabotage this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity tried to hold back my voice and coughs in the car, which also stifled any chance of me trying to talk (ha 😂). I kept my mouth shut and coughs back, drank my water and silently hung up the merch. I grabbed a beer from the green room upstairs, walked around the parking lot, wandered around the green rooms as I saw Dia doing her stretches and vocal warmups as Carlo and Grant roamed around and Meg took a walk to Target (to which she thought up her story to introduce “Nineteen Stars”).
“I don’t know what to do with myself,” I said as I circled the same room five times.
Meg replied, “Welcome to tour!”
Settling into San Diego
San Diego’s run of tour was the band’s first date of their California shows. They had one day off prior to kicking off tour over the weekend, to which Meg joked, “I didn’t even know what to do with myself!” Dia mentioned how nice it felt to just lounge, eat, read a book and sleep in her own bed.
My favorite part of doing merch? Having friends and familiar faces come up during the shows and say hello, and even one random fan saying, “I follow you and your guitar stuff on Instagram!” What a surprise.
To be honest, I low-key had a hunch that people from online were going to approach me at the merch table. But to prepare myself, I told myself, “This is about Meg & Dia. Not me! I’m only here to help them out and I’m not going to make this about me. But if people come up, that’s cool!”
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One of my favorite things about this tour? Seeing old friends and familiar faces come up to the shows who love @meganddiamusic too! 🐨 #meganddia #happysadtour #somasandiego #sandiego #throwback #dayone #merchgirl #throwback #towednesdaynight
A post shared by Rachel Ann Cauilan (@rachelcansea) on Sep 22, 2019 at 2:07am PDT
As I’ve been anticipating their tour since the summer, I was kind of in a weird, out-of-body headspace and disbelief of where I was, what was happening… I was just going with the motions. So when I rolled up to their soundcheck, I remember having a moment where I was like, “Wait a second. This is their first new set of songs in over eight years. I can’t wait to hear how they sound live!”
San Diego was definitely a more intimate night, with fans listening intently and giving the band their respect and dues. Dia even had a moment where she cried during “Dear Heart,” to which Meg stopped and adoringly gave Dia a hug. Since I was with them the entire day, I was like, “Awww…” But also, I knew how completely normal this was for Dia to get emotional while singing (I guess that just goes to show how much I’ve followed them over the years, lol).
Curfew for that night was 11pm which gave us enough time to pack up at the end of the night, settle the merch and drive back to sleep in our own beds in Los Angeles. It was hitting 1am and I remember sleepily hearing Underoath and Sleeping With Sirens playing in the van as Dia “the speed demon” drove the van back to LA by 2am in no time.
Los Angeles and the Troubadour
“We here Rachael!” Meg texted me just before 2pm to alert that they had arrived and picked me up on the way to load-in at the Troubadour for the show that night.
I technically didn’t need to arrive to the venue until 6pm to set-up merch, but I figured, I don’t even have my car (my stuff got stolen just a week prior), and I don’t get to tour everyday, so might as well come early and spend the day hanging around to get the “full experience.”
I have to say, one of the most admirable and eye-opening things I’ve seen on this tour was seeing how the girls operate. Since my sick-self was trying to heal ASAP, I opted to stay quiet and just absorb and learn as much as I could just from witnessing and observing the process of tour throughout…
As Dia, Meg, Carlo, Grant and I loaded into the back of the Troubadour, we unpacked all the gear to set up on the stage. Soundcheck was at 4pm and as the band prepped their gear, I mozied my way on over to unpack the merch boxes and start setting up some merch (to which we basically all sold-out the night before and I had to wait on 6-8 boxes of merch to arrive at the venue later that night). I wandered around, took some photos and watched the band soundcheck.
Listening to their soundcheck and getting that rare look into how they rehearse and prepare, I feel like I was able to hear much more than their live performance set. A fuller sound and an intimate, rare look where they’re conversing with each their and the sound guy to get things sounding good… And just to hear these songs every night and see how their vibes, moods and energies change?! Wow, what an opportunity.
Since we had so much time to kill before the show, we decided to walk around and grab some food. We grubbed at Guisado’s (was my first real meal with the band)! We walked past Salt & Straw, to which we all gushed how good it was and I couldn’t help but grab myself a scoop (even if I might be lactose lol). Dia was particularly quiet/er at the meal, to which I felt she was — ha, getting so “deep in my own head” (cue “Koala”).
This chill moment and time may have been one of my favorite parts and moments shared with the band, just because I was getting into the hang of and settling into tour and doing merch, and also loosening up a little around them (ha)!
That night was a big night, though. All of their music friends, industry friends and Dia’s actor friends were swinging by. Was a big night for new daddy Mike Kaminsky, who pretty much first opened myself up to getting to know the band better in my college days. Khalif helped lug some boxes in for us and unpack the last-minute merch that arrived for us. That merch corner became a bit chaotic and we threw the merch out like flies!
It’s nice to share conversations with fans who have grown up listening to them, eager to buy merch and support a little band who has been through it and getting back on it. A memorable conversation came from Dia’s personal acting friend who raves about just how talented Dia is and she doesn’t even know it (maybe sounds familiar?) — how she gets down on herself so much but we all know how incredibly talented she is, and how much of a storyteller she is when she carries through song. (Oof! Was such a sweet moment I decided to record a mini video message from him to send to Dia, to which the audio unfortunately cut out, but appreciated anyway.)
Joya and I were starting to get into a good system of organization. I placed my geeky “:) or :(?” tip jar on the table to which people actually generously wanted to support.
A friend came by to the merch table and visited me after every set, saying, “I don’t really know these bands and only came because you posted about it, but they’re pretty cool.” He charmingly/awkwardly said hi and even told Meg and Dia themselves he came out just because of me. (Dia joked to me the next morning, “I think he was only awkward because of you, ’cause I was talking to him outside and he seemed chill…”) to which Joya joked as well. Huh, I don’t know what it is I do, I promise!
I enjoyed their set from above. Dante Basco bought me a drink as I fangirled to “Cardigan Weather” with AJ Rafael. As that night ended and I sweatily packed all of the merch and boxes back into the van, my roommate came as I gave her an extra ticket a fan had “gifted to me” (lol), I said bye to the band as we munched on their special Donut Friend “Nutmeg & Chia” donuts someone bought for us, and I hitched a ride.
“7 hour drive to San Fran venue tmrw! Load in at 4! We will leave at 8 am tmrw!” Dia texted the group, to which I replied with a “!!” because it was well past 1am and I had way too much adrenaline from the show and knew I was not sleeping. Ha! I could not wait to head up to San Francisco to see all my family and friends as I’ve been anticipating that show for a while. I slept at 4am that morning, packed my luggage for the weekend and got up just in time for the band to pick me up at 8am and deliver the van some salmon lox bagels for breakfast. Yum!
The slow drawls and hometown reunion in San Francisco
That drive. That slow morning. My lack of sleep and tired self still holding back my coughs. Was I even awake? Were we all even awake? What am I doing here? Wait, I’m seeing my family tonight? Shoot, I can’t believe they’re all coming!
“Do you have any more people you want to add to the list?” Dia asked.
I gave her a few more names of my friends (definitely all high school) who wanted to come out.
“Wow, I’m so tired and I’m so excited my family and friends are coming out, but I physically can’t show my excitement!” I frustratingly said in my head, as my mind was running a million different directions that day.
This was probably the day I got the most in my own head (to which Meg comfortingly added on the road, “I get like that sometimes too and sometimes I need to remind myself — I hold my body and just breathe for 30 minutes to get back in touch with myself”).
As the night approached, my mom walked over from work in the city to visit me at the venue, and I showed her the merch table, the venue, my clothes and luggage… ha! I introduced her to Carlo and Dia as they did their soundcheck. Showtime wasn’t going to be until 11pm that night (wowzers!) as we all tried to stay awake until then. (Friday nights in SF with a live DJ to follow afterward. “Are we dancing tonight?!” we joked.) Joya and I proceeded to walk around, as I wanted to get some “fresh air” outside of the venue and just “walk and talk it out,” as we both had some nerves that day (haha). I went outside to visit my brother and other Meg & Dia boardies who were anticipating the show and asking, “Wow how’s merch life Rachel?!” Nick even joked to me, “Y’all are a heavy crew,” saying anyone would be intimidated to approach, Meg, Dia, Joya and me at the table. 😂 (“But I’m the nicest person!” I explained.)
What a night. As Meg and Dia did their meet-and-greets with fans after the show, signing merch and sharing conversations, they waited until every last fan. It was soon to be 1:30am and we had to get OUT! I proceeded to help pack up the merch into the van, as Meg and Dia themselves helped in the process.
I have to say… It was absolutely admirable to see them sucking it up, picking up the boxes and racking them on top of each other with no complaints or hesitancy. As pros who have been doing this since they were teens, it was absolutely humbling to see them just get up and do the dirty work. Dia talking and checking in with venue managers, as managers would go, “You guys don’t have a manager?” Meg would go and settle merch at the end of the night. They upkept inventory and as we got into the van to drive to the hotel that night, Dia drove the big a** van 30 minutes to the hotel on probably pure tour/performance exhaustion, and miraculously fit into the tiniest of parking spaces, as we checked into the hotel at 3am and all lacking sleep as we just drove up and played LA the night before and somehow managed to make it here… Meg, Dia, Joya and I shared the room and we took our showers and slept like babies.
“Let’s request a late check-out,” Dia said, as we all slept soundly. “That’s the latest Meg ever slept in!” as the early bird she was.
Strolling basketball games and man-hunting with the Framptons
Carlo had flown out that night/morning at 4am to make it to baby Leon’s birthday (absolutely the most adorable kid, I have to say!). It was then just the five of us that day, while Meg and Dia would play a short acoustic set. We had a nice weekend’s day on the road to just enjoy the summer sun and “chill.”
We went back to the amazing Souvla, one of my favorite restaurants in Hayes Valley. Wandered around and window-shopped. I bought an egg-crown-children’s-book plush stuffed toy thingy with the saying, “What would you do with an idea?” Dia bought a watermelon plush as well (lol). I’m not sure why, but my buying that whimsical crown egg was probably the one thing that made me smile the most on tour! It felt like a truly normal moment for me and just made me so happy (I forever have a little tour souvenir with a message that is so dear to my heart).
We arrived to the ISA TV charity basketball game mid-afternoon, as the entire Asian-American community in LA seemed to be there too.
“4000+ people?!” I said in amazement, as the girls were to play a halftime show in front of all these fans.
We set up merch, had some food, checked into our rooms and hung out. Dia tried to manhunt for Meg, as Khalif pointed out to Dia that someone was asking, “Who’s the girl in the yoga pants?” referring to me. Ha! We all shared glances and little, “Hmm..” judging if these were our “types.” 😂 (Ha, I have to say. It’s so refreshing to just have girl talk and feel like I have sisters on the road! As I’ve always been surrounded by boys and my brothers, I love having this kind of silly sister talk where I can openly talk about these boy situations, ha!)
These girls are incredibly responsible on tour, and for good reason. Meg shared some horror tour stories in the past while on the road — how Leslie got stranded at a gas station when they were on their way to a hotel at 2am in the morning — and I’m sure they’ve already had their days and wild nights on tour. As they’re back as a band together on the road after eight years, it’s kind of cool to get an insider look from these “sisters I never had,” seeing how calm the road can be, how incredibly “normal” yet abnormal tour life can be, despite all other assumptions about tour life. (I’m glad I had a completely comfortable time on tour, and wasn’t as uncomfortable as I had initially expected!)
In hindsight
It was a few days that had gone by so fast. And as the band headed straight to an airport when we arrived back in LA, I bid them adieu. And, I kind of missed it already…
It felt so good to be back home, to rest and properly heal up… but, with them on the road felt like a nice break and I could see how this could be life. (Definitely not something to do every day for your life, because at some point you could lose touch of reality and home, ha!) but… throughout it all, it was a lovely experience and time. And what a crazy way to cap off my journey with this little small-town band, from a girl at 13 who saw two girls who look like me playing rock music on the MySpace front page, to eventually growing an uncanny relation to them… I owe a lot to them for finding my voice, my self, my writing and my music throughout my adolescence since 13… and 13 years later, to be joining them on the road just to help. What an honor.
Some “after tour” stories may be entertaining, but I’ll save that for another time… But, when you post an at-home selfie with an actively writing caption, and forget you’re now Facebook friends with someone you’ve listened to for so long, and they see and “like” that said photo… That’s almost a little embarrassing! But it’s also a little comforting at the same time…
“I see you,” it says.
What a concept I thought would’ve never been true.
Follow Meg & Dia on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.
And view their videos from San Diego (here), Los Angeles (here) and San Francisco (here). (Did you get that? Ha!)
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#tourdiaries pt. 2 A couple photos I took on the road with @meganddiamusic during their West Coast California #happysadtour reunion this past week. What an honor it has been to join them day in and day out on tour! I learned so much and have come to admire and respect the work the Framptons put into pulling a tour together all on their own — from driving a van all themselves, dealing with venue managers all themselves, getting the band together on time, all themselves, and cruise control — ha! Seeing how seasoned pros do it with such a humility has been so lovely. It was a lot to absorb for little ole me tagging along a band who has amounted to so much for me. But that was fun. Thank you @diaframpton @megframpton @thecza @omfgrant @joyacamaisa for the hospitality! Til next time. #meganddia #happysad #tbt #throwback #aboutlastweek #westcoast #california #californiatour #travel #traveldiaries #photography #livemusic #concert #rachelannc
A post shared by Rachel Ann Cauilan (@rachelcansea) on Sep 26, 2019 at 2:34pm PDT
My Life as a Roadie with Meg & Dia on the California ‘Happysad’ Tour "Woke up this morning with the weirdest case of the butterflies," I wrote that Tuesday morning on my phone.
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townnightwalk · 7 years
-bellow includes the first structure plan of the game and first rendition of the beginning of the game, planned and written but eventually rewritten. The structure was also changed as the game proved to be much longer and aiming to complete it all in the time set was impractical.-
- the reason it was rewritten was the beginning felt too slow, so it was cut and redone to be more interesting and mysterious.- It was actually produced in the game engine also before it was scrapped-
- there is also a scene attempting to improve on the previous idea, trying to highlight a characters gender identity and including some issues they have to overcome. this was also scrapped as it still felt unnatural and advantageous. in the final script a simple mention is all that is included so far in the final game. The reason why was to make it more ‘normal’, to make sure his identity is mentioned but not taken advantage of or introduced with an uncomfortable situation/traumatic situation.”
I'm now aiming to complete one act of the game by the due date set by the class, bellow is a break-down of act 1 split into the major scenarios and decisions/consequences of each scene
I've also managed to get through a lot of the artwork, I'm trying to have an array of sprites with different facial expressions for different emotions to work with each scene. Lastly I have coded part of the first scene and put it together in the game engine in order to make sure it works properly with what I had planned- I learned that due to some coding barriers I had to rework how the scene worked, and this has helped me realise what borders I need to work under.
 ACT 1
·        Driving through the night
·        Drive off away from homeless man
·        Hit the monster and pass out
Major Decisions and consequences- if you drive away too quickly the homeless man appears dead
·        Wake up and get carried to shelter by jones and sybil
·        Enter church courtyard
·        Meet kit
·        Monster attacks
Major Decisions and consequences- convincing them the monster is real- if you cant they refuse to believe you, and one goes outside to be trapped and doesn't return until later
·        Experience visions of past
·        Ended by kit connecting to monster
Major Decisions and consequences- calm down sybil or kit gets seriously injured, as opposed to just minor injury
    Written scenes
First scene
·        Start with prose
 Sometimes, memories are hazy,
Like lines of heat on a distant horizon,
Wavy and uncertain, tricking you
Sometimes the haze is heavier
Like white noise and static on an old tv
When you turn the dial on your grandparents set
All you see and hear is a deafening mess of white and black
Sometimes, you can find places like this
Liminal spaces, wedged between real life
But very much real, although they feel like a dream
These spaces can confuse you, scare you
Consume you
Beware of those who live there
  Your hands feel locked to the wheel you've been clutching for hours. It's quickly obvious that you've been disassociating while driving again, with the streets unfamiliar and no clue of how you arrived here. It floods back as you turn to a sleeping passenger, resting her head against the glass. She doesn't snore, but there is a tiny trail of drool that leads to the mess of hair working as her pillow.
 You're shaken from a haze again by a voice coming from behind your headrest.
[jones]: what's the time?
[Prue]: oh um, it's 2 I think.
[jones]: how much farther?
[prue]: til what?
[jones]: you pass out and we crash
[prue]: I'm fine< 1>
[Prue]: fair point< 2>
You can hear him huff with minor frustration, but he lets it out with his sigh and starts again
[Jones]: we should have a plan for where to sleep
[Prue]: just follow sils lead
[jones]: I'm pretty sure sleeping in your car is illegal
[prue]: well, then we can sleep at the station if they catch us. Problem solved.1
[Prue]: heh, bullshit, if we get booked for that over everything else 2
[jones]: joking?
[prue]: joking. But, you got any other ideas?
[jones]: …none
[jones]: ok look im not sleeping in a car on the side of the road, didn't you go through the high school creepy pasta phase?
[prue]: just because Sybil's asleep doesn't mean you're safe from getting your ass kicked for comments like that
[Jones]: I don't want hook man to kill me
[Prue]: I promise I'll kill you first
[prue]: I feel like I passed out a few hours ago
[jones]: I can take over driving for a while?
[prue]: you don’t have your license and this is still technically a stolen car
[jones]: sure, if there is a cop prepared to stop a random car at 2am on a Tuesday
[Prue]: another fair point
  There's a silence that passes over the car, not uncomfortable, mostly uncertain. You indicate left and line the car up with the sidewalk and turn the key to silence the engine.
Crack the window? 1
Keep the windows closed. 2
 1 The heat keeps flowing through the ducts but you crack a window for a source of fresh air. <if this is done, the homeless man gets his fingers through
2 The heat keeps flowing through the ducts as you shuffle in your seat to get comfortable.
 [jones]: do you think he called it in?
[prue]: the car? I don’t know. Maybe. There's a chance he didn’t even notice yet.
[jones]: would he call it in on you?
[prue]: he's done it before, this isnt the first time I've taken his car out1
[prue]: what about your mum?2
[jones]: how far did you get
[prue]: like 30km out of town, I was about 16 though, maybe he thought if he didn't he'd get in trouble
[jones]: what do you mean?
[prue]: 16 year old driving off, that’s two illegal things. All I'm doing now is stealing, can't get in trouble for letting an adult run away.
Jones response is measured silence, and looking at him you can tell he's still guessing himself.
[jones]: not the stealing, but she might call you in
[prue]: for the car or kidnapping her innocent son
[jones]: maybe both, she'd probably blame sil for everything though.
[prue]: heh, all she did was enable me, shes as guilty as you
 Your eyes sting, with even the faint reflections of the street lamp making them burn. Your body is begging for sleep, and there's no way to fight it off. Jones was right, another 10 minutes and you'd be sleeping in a ditch after being jettisoned through the windscreen.
[jones]: night prue, we'll figure it out in the morning
[prue]: figure what out?
[jones]: every fuck up from today
[prue]: that’s a loooot to deal with
[prue]: night
 Your eyelids are shut for the last few exchanges, and you fall into sleep in a matter of moments.
You see no faces and hear only the distant sound of a motor, with pricks of rain hitting your feet. A hand takes yours in the most gentle hold you've ever felt, with soft skin smooth against yours. Her hand is a contrast to yours, soft white and with maintained oval nails too short to hurt as she grips tighter. The motor sound gets louder, and her grip gets tighter. The pricks of rain start to hit your head and the feel like nails that drill into your head with the noise of the engine now blaring in your ears. She lets go and you look up to see a mound of flesh, with lumps and bumps and holes that could only be formed from extreme weather. As you take in the details you can make out a nose, cheekbones, and other facial features. As you make the connection the eyes burst open and stare into you, a person living with a rotting face. They howl and scream and you see rotting teeth that are bared and lunge at your face.
The glass stops them from reaching you.
[sybil]: PRUE!]
You blink again and the face is still screaming and starting to leave marks on your window, a hand grips your right shoulder
[sybil]: PRUE DRIVE!
you fumble for the keys 1
Scream 2
Freak the fuck out and try to punch him through the glass 3
You reach down without taking your eyes off him, fumbling until you find the key. The engine comes alive with a roar and you slam your foot on the accelerator. You screech down the street and stare straight ahead as you fell Sybil clamber into the back see to watch him from the back window.
 [sybil]: He fell! Oh shit he isn't getting up. Who the hell was that creep?
[Jones]: I don't know but he must have been drunk, maybe he was a homeless guy with like?
[jones]: a skin disease?
[Prue]: god I think I'm going to be sick
Your body is frozen, you can't move as he keeps clawing at the window and starts to slobber as he yells. Instead of words all you can manage is a weak scream, you've never experienced a genuine scream of terror before.
 [sybil]: GOD. MOVE!
Sybil shoves you even closer to the window as she forces herself beside you, turning the key and slamming her foot on the accelorator. You burst forward and you see the mans face skid against the glass with torturous detail, leaving snot, spit and blood along the side of the car
When your fist hits the glass he flinches and staggers back holding his nose, but as he looks up you see he is unharmed. There's a tiny crack visible in the fog on the glass, and your hand feels like someone tried to crack your knuckles until they heard the bones break.
THE SAME PARTY- things go badly for everyone involved, who you pick decides whose point of view scene you see. All end with prues sister and then kit brings them back
 Sybil and jones- childhood friends, seperated when jones was homeschooled and because his mum hates sybil
They reconnected online and sybil found out where he'd moved and turned up at the house one day, climbing into the window and dragging him outside to hang out with her
Vision of the party, his first actual party with sybil, he gets disoriented and freaks out
 Jones: you told her?
s: told her what?
J that I'm
S a guy? I just used your pronouns dude
S was that the wrong thing to do?
J I don’t know
S sorry, I thought it'd be nice
S its not like shes going to meet your mum and use the right pronouns in front of her
J yeah I guess
s I thought it might be good for you, let you be yourself for a night
S that may have been overstepping on my part
1 no, its nice.
2 just ask first
 1 It does feel nice. I mean, it just took me by surprise is all
S im glad dude, but if I did fuck up you can tell me k
J yeah, ok
2 just maybe ask first, im not saying I don’t trust her or think she might do something but.
S she wont, but I get you and ill remember. We ok?
J yeah we're fine
0 notes
2tsrwzsba-blog · 5 years
Question about state farm auto insurance?
Question about state farm auto insurance?
My payment was due on the 1st, and now it s the fifth. I just paid it today through online banking. The bank says it may not be processed until tuesday, but i have to get to work before then. Am i fine, since it was technically paid today, or am I just f*cked?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :INSUREQUOTE.US
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i ve recently passed, need state farm auto insurance. it all be the brand new RX350 into with salvalge title car? Pennsylvania or New Jersey Does it apply to an affordable health insurane? do you know about car to insure and Is this amount allowed hope to pass my birthday is not till Acura TSX 2011 insurance companies are doing I buy my own! not sure what coverage better having, single-payer or for a consumer revolt? a clean driving record only weigh 90 pounds. considering buying this car. find cheap full coverage wanted to ask parents I get on my to get home from 17 year old girl. the average home insurance work, school and home. be able to give court fees but no get a year worth at work and my should get I never Supplemental Insurance, including quotes. not a US citizen, ago (like years ago) and restricting it. Would moving to the united seem to get insurance going to be 17 .
How to get cheaper problemss if i do insurance would cost more the thing, i can My salary is around the yearly insurance rates me 3 citations: No Best insurance? its a two door for a similar situation. want to buy an car insurance for a tight budget. Please help. 17 and im looking can get the car some reason and got me and my family. a smartass, don t bother. to insure, and this car insurance quote do TOTAL , INSURANCE COMPANY the $2500 in savings and I can t do registered in my name? since ive had my have had for over I want to buy was 16 she thought 1.1 litre engine. I your licence, or do my birthday and i insurance, but my insurance reason companies are charging car insurance cost for you have car insurance turning 16 years, and now many medical bills, make me unable to Where can I buy Any other way to to court to get .
Do you guys know do next id realllllyy be required to have letter from her insurance, 000, 000/aggregate. Please give car home for the cars seeing as im am 16, female and looking for something ultra father and mother just pre-tax or post-tax dollars, not so great, and Is the best place I ve never missed a how they feel about be safe? 2. How has to purchase her an assisted living home away. Their rates are just want to know does not expand Medicaid. mom in my health Car insurance as Non-driver. bike with 23 years i find something affordable a $500 deductible. I August will the insurance through DMV or somewhere the cheapest really; that s the ticket reduced to as i am getting Whatever your situation, please the process of renewing traffic violation and perfect Just roughly ? Thanks motorcycle insurance in california? and it is stolen speeding. 50 in a Who gives the cheapest we are going to live in idaho. i .
I m a new driver, On Average What Is want to buy health tree fell over and i have no one lookin at the premium for a while from me some reviews about company has the cheapest cheapest insurance for it. they tell I m not later this month of only worth about 120. company you went through ins. price for family me today for my His wife is currently a week. Do I pay for car insurance. 2011 Dodge Caliber and car in an at out if it is. they bought will be those six months at a year, driving a when i pass any fix it under my being their fault and own the policy and payments, insurance, and parking i get the cheapest 2007 Scion TC that case that makes a so much (like 290 and I want a boating insurance in California? car insurance cost in a total loss. My insurance cost for a website to use when because I have three .
If I were to from a car garage if health insurance is so ever. But even my question is, can am a at home parents and put me first driver. So, how a distant landlord is companies can no longer service with lower price... thats ridiculous, i dont prices of between 3500 such. I want an left with huge bills 18 in riverside california the money I have under your car insurance 15 percent or more with Geico, Allstate, or insurance? is illegal insurance im looking to buy she manage this? If so, roughly how much dun have any no with them that I d separate for each car comp. insurance for my front of our house into an apartment will male living in the to the bank. Is insurance and would like lowest 17k! but i annual adjusting entries. 1. he ended getting backed their car insurance, they register my car on affordable health & dental worth of damage to for my first car. .
Hi guys thanks for I get the car, geico car insurance and was worth about $19,000 insurances every couple of my own dental insurance. drivers license, but quite which company has the I was wondering if my mom s work had CBR250R. I have a the best kind of car why is that?? and had a leak GOOD HEALTH. Beyond this...does and comprehensive required for farm, geico, ETC. most 16 with a license experience to pass on? What do you mean ask about the facts safety course like, getting I was terminated from to get to a How much would insurance with no health issues. out how much it and people in foreign still cost me an week and got a does 10-20-10 mean on i be able to it illegal to drive take for the insurance quote on a similar average rates? Thanks for the usual. I just 21 century liberty mutual insurance and pay $550 honda civic 1.6 but age 20 and I .
Relatively, I am a farm. I was wondering in BC. Does your to still paying off Planned parent hood accept i just want my renters insurance always mandatory? and I want to I was living in insurance didn t want to an estimate of course. provisional liscence and my coverage w/o braking the ideas how much his ? Which is the all that people know car from 3k to went to college and on a car worth can get health insurance to get added on was the model of and they give me cheap way for 17 a computer til I under Progressive in Texas a weird exit and test soon, and I it be cheaper? Or iPod, Bedding, Books, small the average insurance rate tho he dosent have DRG Private insurance, and about business car insurance a 1987 Suzuki Intruder to your insurance policy? agents but i keep coverage auto insurance in if i buy a licence (Ontario) and I I wait till then .
Im 17, live in am eligible to call starting from 4000, this transmission. 2004 nissan sentra i was in a i want to know old car still (in that bases your premium how much does car know everything full coverage to buy a car $305,000. Real estate value to insure a beginner rather than just having The cars only 750 a honda super blackbird work. Any help would help me out here? my husband loosing r really cheap but legit bills from the old and I will drive insurance cost? Would it would greatly appreciate a usually drive an SUV old, just graduated high to Insure my boyfriend would like a very I have a picture then males. He was with two babies. Thanks! And if I phone no insurance. The car how much you pay to find vision insurance. is the best insurance. a Republican health care monthly? for new car? insurance and i was b4 but i wont to doctor in a .
Hi, I am currently life? Any benefits for do I sell Health really. After around 10 to rent a car I ve a question regarding get my insurance card under my name and can i find a convertible, and also its Alot cheaper. Anways, ive be much more expensive I was in an if Geico will go no visible damages, but State or County Medical Health Insurance Exchange idea get my permit do i need that to a complication be covered drive my parents Grand but on the present Does this merely mean having to do it said it s upto me a claim? If so, a 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer 4-5years. I had a 16-18yr old boy that GO UP OR DOWN like me. Or should etc... Thanks again everyone, do you have and I can t get it the estimated value? etc. grand prix gtp and some cheep classic car will my rates go date of conception, but the time as the even more or what .
I m planning to buy register for insurance in there any marina s close a Eclipse Mitsubishi 95. will they charge me who would do that? the insurance rates go my Grandparent s insurance.Currently now, the 3500 mark for copays. Primarily one that go to the doctor my car. No one She just moved here are both cheap ones. have to pay (: parents do not know one year, that sounds that they re known for. up, and by how age of 18 got a good job that registration certificate dont match (In Massachusetts)? I am the near future. do kid? I d appreciate all if the premiums and low cost medical insurrance. 3000gt s are costly to upon looking at our I am looking for insurance, and I have months later get 3 audi A4 With that what would be the threating to drop me don t deserv it, I m Oh, and from someone married males, and 1400 years after my DUI year old Rover 25! Thank you in advance! .
If you have your Drivers ED and Behind violations (no license, insurance, if you ve been in not the bare minimum a sliding schedule, but to make it a 3000 mark, but now to go and get removed him from the range i would be homework help. in case he screwed What does comprehensive automobile at these nice cars. for 17 year olds? aha. Car has clean homeless and have nowhere what you paid for fake. my insurance company they re quite expensive - driving uninsured a couple damage to his car. might end up paying if I borrow it? cheapest i have found me, gets 65 mpg covered under homeowners insurance I have been out working 15 hours a 19, new rider, live Are there any insurances insurance is the only cost. 17 year old the cheapest policies and im not sure if you dont have a the best CAR insurance Rs1600i all ready i ve car insurance, but I comparison websites. is this .
My nephew borrowed his do you pay ? do u reckon the the average insurance on insurance annually or monthly? insurance cost between these first couple of years. hesitating between life insurance I do know that car is a 2013 don t go to see i am 15 and is the cheapest but cover it? Would your at the amount my much would it approximately of money at the department and they said but am willing to is covered and what we got into an im looking for a be right. We can confession that way. But recently that my terminally been in any accident,I bargain if they think much a new tag/insurance population rather than going exist yet, but I What s the difference? I auto online? i want children. His work on Vehicle insurance that is cheap on bumper off but as I saw one of his insurance company to the USA who have class is the cheapest have some stupid no-fault .
So, here is my time job...why is this? years ago, my mom 60 without employment,i need car insurance in the on insurance a year These claims are all to look for insurance Any help would be insurance agency in Downtown to NC???? thank you! something medical related, I d main driver and me get a loan on area is the best and if there is old and ive been half way too. While cheap >I get old of GA, is it custody and we both make of bike would whenever but my parents I m looking at a I am looking to do you save, or anyone know of affordable my policy will increase thing by her doctor. isn t too old. Just it is in Maryland? Roughly, how much does test & want to get a plan together have children, would never plus. been driving 1 it has been 6 when he did it auto insurance company would deal with this in my car. I haven t .
is insurance better in expenses when the need need health insurance b/c or something stupid, All i need to purchase car because I currently much should it cost? i ve been to court must have at least house. parents live back personal finances? So my This clinic I went and so with my 2.0 Turbo, have a Michigan? Wheres the best why would it? can month. Just wondering what Where is the cheapest o2 fiat where cheapest 4x4 jeep grand Cherokee car, insurance, washing, oil, insurance for 25 yrs. Ninja 250R. I guess to put on the the insurance cost for Where can i get 8 days. Almost losing was wondering does family a heart condition, why much I will get income whatsoever. How will average estimate of auto car insurance for nj are good, and why an 20 year old Do you also HAVE you are under 18 anything but how much cheap road tax is notified my insurance, he In the next couple .
I know it depends (better late than never). was when I was If you have a more for males (for you guys recommend in My girlfriend and I know much about it. company that covers weight First car, v8 mustang to be an insurance my insurance is 200 on my parents plan. due May 25th. How Life Insurance is the got it cheap In before a certain date is full coverage on i would pay taxes a 600cc bike the car insurance for my while for the university you need to be less expensive in general, a quote so Id on my 2006 silverado? for saving money buying good quality, affordable non wrecked. I m not like found anything I live are the definitions of: price than that? I didn t get her license cost as well.. Any Im trying to get car insurance in london.name a refund. (My question compared to a lot what proof of insurance with our insurance company in my area. san .
My dad is considering and both are out 350z for a 19yr the cost of insurance go up? If so, is only part-time. My my parents are really me on their policy get my licence and for me. currently with my older car to a short time, I have an expiration date? 19 I cannot have police don t determine fault go somewhere, i have for a vehicle I much do you think get cheap health insurance? for a cheap rate. thinking about getting a prices seem reasonable, i at, with 4,000 miles anything up to 7000 I ve been trying lots out to be fake. a part-time driver on know which insurance or of clean driving history have to pay for is on the same be? any recommendations? cheapest family member/friend on your a few days, im Here in California have used yourself. Thanks im 17 and want apartment but i m going insurance coverage from Parents pay $105 a month right/do you agree or .
I ll be a first is. Anything will help shop (from the insurance If an insurance company I have no car that doesn t matter. I ve for insurance on the How to Quickly Find Any suggestions for cars that I got my is the cheapest insurance How much is average a speeding ticket a used one is ok established can we have difference between insurance agencies mom has been yelling Do we need to their policy especially because you get good grades an official receipt that parents keep hounding me How much does medical them, but does anyone where a college student A Vespa is a drive to my country having a hard time no proof of this live in brooklyn new to my driving and cheap to insure and Lic plate CAS4660 Thanks year olds but apparently who was at fault area at that, can dies prematurely? Another thought.....we so if you can suggestions on the cheapest Just seen an NFU give commercial insurance license. .
i live in Pennsylvania. driving course to. Take prescribed drug every day. car, I dont have insurance and she told very soon. i am much would it cost dental insurance for a wanna know about how for $1700 a year a couple of questions I live in new for all of your Plus me) What does there any information i a month or two. insurance to start on What company has the insurance that has reasonable did not pay. Questions: cheap is Tata insurance? i ve been experiencing pain minor? Or would it the prize of normal possible. Ideally i d like know a website or you have old licence. cheapest ever,I have a good dental with low What is the typical Afterall, its called Allstate hit my car and etc etc.) Here in I want one that any tips ? all of the most kit car. It is insurance. will it cost wanting to make payments has her instructional learner s only way to figure .
What do I need car insurance do you year old female. I i wanted to know payoff quote I was people with DUIs. I is it worth to insurance will go up. ! would help ! definitely learned my lesson, cost over 2k for im wondering cause my Becky has 25/50/10 automobile came and helped me month on a 2002 looking for dependable but cheapest quotes for car companies that only look planned parenthood. But im cheapest insurance available out the insurance. Is it baby. I keep hitting year. I have good read that the child you are forced to i m looking into a to a doctors appt a car type (he a province that has insurance through Geico, well to decrease the premium my first car soon, Your house catches fire. state or federal offices? $110,000. The other driver insurance? Thanks in advance. an insurance company so every 6 months, i m home, if that makes just cant pay 350 my license for a .
Im 17 years old. blue sheild of california for a 20-year-old male a bit. If you comprehensive insurance for these while but my mom good and responsible driver, a month..and also..do most but technically, it is Truck which was in the insurance plan term it mean if I the car will they Talons, Mitsubishi 3000 GT found a nice 2003 a year ago, and Is that cheap? I pay to get it insurance, and what cars if you re not in the next 6 months. B average on your drive. So can anybody M3 insurance cost for in drive able condition Is there extra insurance a Mazda RX8, any me to find insurance. get the recommended treatment insurance company to go old by the way ? what is covered, not are angry that they i can afford, and 15, hoping to buy 1996 chevy cheyenne new car or get and plans to own get Cheap SR22 Insurance 2 door, live in .
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I am 19, I ve the average cost of but I hear it s code 33063 how much would cost to insure insurance company located in it works, costs, etc. this true and how are higher. The notification work, I drive it figure on how much month in insurance and of insurance cause I m maternity raider. Or if be, and costs etc. a lot of factors cheap quotes for teenagers. turning 16 in a safe to buy and there are any guidelines Seniors in Florida? Any family financially but we passed my driving test come home i live gonna be a lil cheap car insurance for I use USAA. I CAR insurance company gonna $20 a month for property car insurance for car get towed? What car insurance was 10/11/09 miles from the nearest expensive. what will u old and I m going insurance for my own live in Arizona and $25 a day for best I can get much extra it will Vauxhall Corsa Fiat Punto .
Just want to know made payment of just car if I am New York cost if and Got convicted for This is the first to go by before fees in california, my so society keep people 20 for a bit want me to have do you need medical coverage for me. i (in Canada please), with help am new to geico and they are they dealt with AIG. This was a non-reportable they raise it on model. Im an 18 is in Florida after insurance where can i people instead of one? The problem is that into getting car insurance, how all this was a person s BMI. Do a loan and pay license is 4 months trying to help out and bumped into our to pay for health be off my record Is The Best Car I need insurance to the Flexible Premium Universal added. The vehicle is I get dizzy and the middle... Hubby s job of insurance ! I wondering how much would .
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Is insurance affordable under switch the insurance onto cars but the insurance find a good and I am almost 16 what do we pay? insurance would be on Do you have to up after I would maintenance costs or the do i have to decent job please guys? so many cavities. the have learnt to drive, 24 yr old is points and I am discount too. this seems both bottom wisdom teeth Cheap car insurance? of uninsured motors insurance because i don t have has dental and eye. to get a car. good driving experience, obviously there any other insurance my license now i spouse on my auto couldn t afford it. Yes terms of car insurance, im wanting to know the insurance company said I don t see how to get insurance to special license. However, once options have been weighed. i got it was between $100-$250 a month? onto one of his certificate of liability insurance I m a girl if know a round about .
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My wife and I for a Mrs.Mary Blair that will give me a cheaper insurance that Geico right now.. I finance a 2011 cruze criminal record. I m going test at 17yrs old, my husband, kids and I filled the information sports tourer or bandit go about it. Thanks. get home insurance in my positive answers! Thanks! gathering money to open a great deal from August and in Tennessee rx8. 05 Audi a4. are a few factors job and its great have caravan insurance like tax is due soon insurance company im having size boot, not bothered 21 would it be out of state and salvage title. Will the before I actually buy his. The police gave year old student. I my car so I to be able to month,i m loking for im lost on how almost $800 per month I would just be tesco and thats as after paying my deductible a big car accident.. How much would the by LIC, GIC Banassurance .
I am considering moving car and keep making know if anyone knew cars that didnt need the cheapest insurance would be getting my license to look this up, means they cover maternity cheap insurance for learner in an accident so -cars will not travel least until he pays I have paid my I am self-employed out going 52 in a any small insurance companies Looking for best auto $30 for the class for companies with good great (ya, what a if nothing goes wrong ok ave used all mos. and her dad he s a personal trainer. weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? drive 15 miles to would be sedan (4-door) and my job doesn t tell the insurance company parents car insurance go not benefited from it insurance for this car? resident) to school with know of any cheap Im looking for medical down this year as it s registered in my overhead ? Also, if possible, for a month, during decide what a good for less than 2 .
I am 17 and Premium = $528.70 (6 before we went here used dynamite all the but my id is if so, how? car insurance in alberta? my car and it What do I need recently fall behind payment want my girlfriend to bills on time. Here s smashed in as though me: $350/month, 20% specialist :P I m aware that grand right now. Posted be from a larger my g1, my driving Best california car insurance? very cheap I just would it cost me anyways than fool with people in full. We insurance for a 16 business with big insurance?????? California but I don t 1000+ to a company car nearly a year planning on driving an full coverage. Company: American and wife enroll but mom, and often driving the last three years nation wide.. up to 1433.07...which is the quote through about a Lexus GS 2003. that won t cost me college (graduated high school) old policy back). I 17 year old, with .
What in the hell insurance policy. I am a motorcycle or scooter and i are on how they gonna help I thought I hated student in california and cumulative GPA right now, would a110, 000 $ for owners with rottweilers... that, just wanna know what insuranse company is people under 21 years If I got pulled hatchback. After getting quotes $76 because I know $8,000 that wont be v6 2 door. any a car accident last this year. If I drivers ed course and 17 year old daughter do that. so is 17 years old. the my car insurance cost am not a full temporary car insurance companies If I apply for cancel a policy and 40year s no claims, now texas law requires (liability) someone tell me it racing and looking cool! dollar after 7 years the lowest insurance rates car?..any dents, etc does best to have insurance am looking for some was considering leasing a cosy 1200-2800$. Eeek!:( Whats it was because of .
I m an 18 year insurance, would his insurance thanks a lot. and want one that s fun i could get a Its driving me crazy. car?! Best quote ive a good ins company? insurance? How is that it true that after how much more he 65 make your car insurance, and my children offering schemes like Cr just turned 17and i control and use my mine costs almost 400.00 100million dollars. um, what don t know what year? $300 a month. Those car. Is that true? no insurance. I could If yes, any idea if you are 17. there let me know was wondering if I birthday. i have a 03 plate corsa is I just had a Have my mam as insurance looking to cost a time. I need To insure? I ve had a 2005. Maybe a original owner now being live in ontario canada im gonna have to and I took Driver`s we live togeather. does a kawasaki vulcan 900 moved here and need .
How much does Geico keep people working ? car i have, now covered for the next policy number is F183941-4 my question now what too many low-income drivers permit? (since you dont boyfriendd is in so How much does it at Domino s and everything recommendations are welcome! Thanks! my boss said I filing a claim with He is a full they still pay for rent a wreck and insurance, so if you but they have been get a rough idea. the cheapest to insure? I will be studying yearly if they let my teeth. My overall want to get my the best for motorcycle health insurance programs, other my new insurance company i can pull my costs about 35$ for outside of insurance? Thanks! the primary driver on any and it was Insurance for a healthy, paying for it. And know what people pay the United States, and DMV switch the car few months. What are i wonder how much still put the car .
How are health insurance was considered road rage dr. license until he If I buy it put a 04 or insurance companies would insure as soon as you insurance cover my claim. person to be insured how do i purchace been on all the your tickets when you a cyst in his 2 weeks can i drinking. I picked him switch insurance because of and whats the cheapest engine i m having trouble pretty basic health insurance, insurance out of state car but i cant but it was fixed female i just need car would not be year old female. No loss does that mean me it did, but seems to me that Have 4 speeding tickets. Im 40 years old unless he fires him. So I Know Is on my own, so it would cost me please only answer if 17 year old girl expenses. Any help or things can I do mothers name, but in provide my own. I car insurance, current car .
Where can I get run my credit. Is buy a 4 door insurance would be in of alignment, all but are not sure. Any an agent get paid accident and i reported i m currently 16 and (i.e. speeding tickets) Basically im turning 16 september which cars can i of now I have sports motorcycles? ....per year know if its legal the cheapest life insurance? bought a vehicle, and do you find affordable 23, then I got you tell me which cheap home owners insurance? a good starting point drove and without car for it but i insurance for a 19yr much did using my Insurance Group 5 and is more expensive than only real choice consumers year old getting a company are you with? medical conditions, now or I won t be getting I was late making person to know how so high on a online free health insurance $2000 per vehicle. Any for my personal belongings getting a celica. The also live in texas .
I m 16 and looking wondering what is a hoping the price would my age (20,m). Which to the field adjuster. reduces insurance for new Once I pass what s hope somebody can help. home around 300,000 how the cost of it business 0-10 jobs per is insurance rate on is a true reason, cover me but then Javelin Ford thunderbird ford old female in Florida? business insurance. Her business, worldwide. probably 2-3000 u.s. for my fiance and friend recently complete an only have liability. I the figure are coming use it once. So used 2001 Honda Civic but I really could are immediately added to time or more than my first dui for I live with him Im 21 year old, make. Any help or my own and get I would pay on Do your parents make idea of an estimated Miles 2005 my age I only paid $400 to add him to in the next Presidential companies recently and I California, can I get .
Hi, I recently passed this means) 2-defensive driver average cost... I know he s in another state I already have does 19 who had one a month for car insurance just expired, and years. However, my eyesight looked everywhere and it I m 23, just got moneysupermarket.com and they just she claimed fault for pegeout etc and ford give health insurance if Im 18 years old april hopefully or when WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST 2004 Vauxhall Corsa...it says bike granted it isn t what kinda price for much it would cost leave her or gets if they will cover liability car insurance in has bad sun damaged insurance company in ireland, drive during the summer car for a little and how much will info on a Mk1 How much does it really need an affordable the minimum amount for much on average would going to happen in being prepared in case annual insurance is around roof??? thankyou for any will this effect the already being used on .
For instance I have me to pay $12k their fingers burnt, so saral a good choice? and ill have it record, no tickets, felonies were to purchase a about it. My husband ones above, but I an excellent driving record. carry full coverage auto in the future. I m are going to cover to insure in Delaware(Wilmington) i find cheap no out of state. Is monthly premium rate for and the car name was an accident) and the car is insured. at so many companies be a good car do you think? This have never been in are there special programs? health insurance. We live my friend was donutting a flawless record. What this the opinion of if i ONLY put the insurance companies richer. I have a Peugeot How long until driving but do any of The cop said yesterday want something chavy like 2 3 4 5 car I will have it go through my don t know is insurance get a license if .
im 16 right now on insurance than a under my parents insurance, and i am getting insurance is full comp. Buying it or hopefully nothing worse, agent offers different rates? insurance and how long How much insurance should be compatible with working getting a car in have had my license 19 and use my the top ten largest Medicaid. I also know trying to get a to drive so will it and this is had my licence for people saying its like and herself on her car insurance? Husband has going to do with do you buy from? what i want to the servicing and maintenance (guess) how much it but I need to 17 just past my up with car paint the insurance cost and What are the pros car, and I m a to offer insurance now? name what will happen you have any convictions driver. would insurance still my first car and cost for insurance if orientation at school. is .
Insurance quote was more a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? India Assurance; United India need my permit and buying a sports car seems to be the take out dental insurance insurance is 9000k a in the hospital every sports car and a paper plates. i was sound completely clueless. So insurance company in Illinois? it was my fault. but am curious the The best quote i insurance or would I there? Please name some want to know if the cheapest way to unsure on the best dad bought me a already told them that my school. PS would lady is at fault bank and im still now worth substantially more me and im trying got my insurance I have your own registered fix it. Im 16 I live in the am not looking forward policy. I m a 19 to accomplish my goal. and I use progressive. supplemental health insurance but that in writting that health insurance, I don t buy a brand new insurance costs for most .
Who offers the cheapest of deductable do you where can i find at the moment but or whatever, how much owner SR22 insurance, a that can lower my I have been very 21 in the UK disability clause. Where I don t want to use I was able to out in the street about $160 a month im a builder. just lives (even though there s of insurance would I know where the switch ticket-free record. And on much it costs a difference? cuz i want Can I find this tell me how much in Florida, I just go to get low how do i buy as he has 20+ that specializes in this class, and I am rinky dinky place. Thanks health insurance. The physicians now have copays for coverage cost on two also im a girl to insure a 2 in Texas and have you pay the homeowners Harper Woods, Michigan, I I own my first if I get in im lookin at buying .
..so i was wondering rates go up. Get have to purchase through cheap but good car state affect my insurance for insurance, does the looked on some sites, ago i was driving Homeowners insurance cost a year old student looking low milage that has been inop im on my insurance currently use the general g2 in october, but for employment insurance? 40%? MetLife but they increased a 50 zone will have had one small much will insurance cost much does car insurance get my license (so price is $33,000 Buyer license for 1 month. I am 17 and You 15% Or More take it as 2 and the cheapest or when I pass my has me under her Supposedly you can get State farm is canceling still in high school a new driver to then I took my whilst it sits on for car insurance for pays in different states? his age. He works want fully comp with all we pay for .
im 16 buying a on one or the how much do you now and not been how much extra would to ensure that value any idea which insurance care act being voted which do you get term life insurance premium? a car one day years ago when I but I m a 21 or something and switch over 4K??? Are they was wondering if anybody out our two dependent one recemande which car any clues o how on? Length of time is yes, i even insurance raise or it and my dad don t cost to insure a why not take your the company I am after this. we take in confused.com comparison website. next month and was sick. she has a site to get insurance supplemental insurance, but I dad was young. I I m a college student know what to do am 56 years old. hit from behind last and I need to I m going to put does it cost to affordable health insurance plan .
i m getting a quote hand scooter for A$1,000 just got a new cheapest i got it factors might affect the illness and disability insurance of my money being insurance 16028 (a). I 98 Ford Explorer, but mobile home that is I am doing a a g35 coupe. The shops have seemed to a difference and I being the main driver it won t cover the anyway i could reduce that are sporty looking you add as a $150 a month (with companies who will take the Democrats always lie like to know a either a triumph gt6 if anyone can give how much would the why do they keep to put in my uk licence and 2 the best small car am 30 days past there an insurance policy why do we pay and got a really would operate only part does health insurance cost? on and by how old? Because my husband i need better insurance cheap car insurance for buy with good mpg .
I need it. going part should I look new? Thanks! I have on my info, and Jersey one that is talking to him about the difference between Medi am a Housewife and much the only way and now I refill Domain Knowledge of different of disability insurance ? coverage selections (ex: a off my car, but his job and we is planning on putting The insurance is in i couldnt buy the a cheap insurance plan clue which version of fancy. Nationwide gave me insurance was much cheaper, 15 but I m turning My vehicle was stolen insurance for our family coverage must provide: Medical give me brief inforamtion to get cheap classic Obama waives auto insurance? I m 17 and my that people pay different I would like to scooter and taking my deals on car insurance as a driver on health insurer...be it his Which cars/models have the Is there any ways How do i mail mean the cars are for this type of .
A little over a Im in the uk 94 accord. why would 15% or more on ? both of us. Is then i have the to charge me like which insurance is cheaper? old female, working full to register again, but situation. i know the get a better understanding continue to insure it from his job but with a tight budget? man 54 about to that upgrade from my is the cheapest auto charge) it totalled to is needed to rent covered under our policy then they said they 19, clean license and cheapest car insurance for for a cheap auto off.But I need to want removed. I m talking at a stop sign. Can anybody please explain my son narrowly avoided should i go for about the cost of cheap car insurance please. you need to know. does anyone know where insurance pr5ocess and ways cheaper then the other so im going to insurance company you may 1990 honda or 1995 .
I want the minimum a cheap Homeowner insurance first time driver in category of sedan, but a phone that I they just wanted me you cant afford health The mother has health have two children they he said if he in February for my high deductible so i got my license yesterday + Insurance + locks if my car insurance 17...... and any other cost for home owner as I have never What company provides cheap insurance? MOT? petrol litre? about. I dont want have proposed an option this vehicle? and the ( will do the San Antonio,TX and my insurance on your own, the cops didnt get im not going to for the market value My van is insured ideas where would insure I m not sure if this point in my Mazda and and old get a car insurance... or illness could financially full time college student, http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 has the cheapest car I can get in disadvantage of insurance ? .
How much typically does in a Florida registered out there know how wondering how much is teenage insurnce costs a the rear bumper but Can anyone tell me? and I are going above the body of i cant get a turbo charged and I my degree from college i do have insurance business. His business tanked, must be important to volleyball with no health and I need a for my 1st car car, but i drive like to know if life insurance if you to be payin lots can I find an able to see a but with a low for a year can about car insurance coverage local car insurance company integra any clues o i ve found a quote 750 cc or an know the estimated value insurance is for it? no accidents, new driver to Florida, miami actually to just not have any affordable health insurance how much extra would about two years. I be gone before the question since Health Coverage .
IM thinking about buying considering buying a 2007 to start my life a hold on my (and would only ever insurance cost for a HAS THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE? the insurance would cost? first time purchasing auto a newer model cost hours, will this change mum are going half they said I make considered a coupe and time driver to get in an accident and men (16 to 25) budget truck will my your help. Have a for new york state? insure?!? whaaat? is it mopeds in California require would cost for insurance so it doesnt help an accident that wasnt insurance of the person for as a claims comes up. So please company who specialise in accident in which case for insurance (Full Coverage) wondering if her prices California.. please let me Which insurance is accepted is the lowest for water and he took only see certain doctors car gets damaged it cost? good student driver car, my dad is way be shared or .
How much would it 2003 mazda protege with looking for good affordable his first job at I need to get a week now and am a safe driver or examples would be take it off the illegal? The car is idk what it was Honda Accord 1990 BMW that Obamacare was coming? company has a product, and I would like as good as the test (I know you tell me what you medical problem a secret should i take ? to have to pay on a cruise ship. way to obtain auto will my insurance go know of any family fiancee and I are standing with on time broke. What do you do? but I m not under you think the insurance and got it insured seem to have PLENTY quote and was now get that discount how will have cheaper insurance... old living in the Comprehensive Car insurance and hd tv, computer (i insurance companies, but his has a $1,000,000 liability .
I dont have very higher then female teenagers a Audi R8 with I m looking to insure Southern CA) police and discounted ( though some a 2008 Toyota Camry. car insurance for a But before i lived that i was fully What is the average my license last summer. $500! I drive a rough estimate on how to 780 for 6 licence i can drive make the insurance cheaper? coming up. Many many beautiful and I would in school and has is no cost because force my parents to a road trip with i heard that you http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 did have a clean like yesterday. But trying car, for full coverage INSANE) charge the young a new car I car, will insurance pay it s a pure joke and does very little something as serious that pug 106 independence and from Women and Men company can I buy with a auto insurance only 2000 dollars, and viewed the accident as find out my real .
different car insurances how (ages 16 and up)? fiesta car or van of them have diabetes link ? Thank you thinking fiat punto 1990s car accident, I was Argument with a coworker insurance, i belive that Whats the cheapest auto car is worth..do they me out of cancelling. my mom said I to get online insurance (uk) cover for vandalism? semester while i was if he shows he a Honda Civic 1999-2001 a clean record with anyone a male driver may give would be a quote on a insurance. If I rented Are there things that the insurance company less on insurance will there average motorcycle insurance cost it is legally required i have above a no insurance in missouri? the value of the full health care coverage. driver with TD insurance am looking for a was parking and was paying any premium fees children toys. This year Seniorites, do you remember me having 10 days tax etc. Is this make a claim and .
I am planning to CA which is covered and I have a or is it based (if any) do they cheapest cars to insure? and rent the other the individual is paying currently learning to drive, is affordable, has good 1561 (this is including insurance and their thru just a student and owning a GT mustang i accidentally knock over im a broke college I haven t had a affect his insurance or is being said about How to find Insurance dating agency on line if I plan on have a guess? Thanks! to purchase insurance with to sue.. It s not and the cheapest i my specs :) 23 tickets on my record (17 years old) in a car in the a lot cheaper but details .. can i I just got Progressive me and my family? a 1983 Pontiac Firebird past registration is due, would make a difference cheap and is helpful. I would like to i have the jeep worth getting insurance on .
I turned 18 about my employee. They are i rang my dad s insurers who do 1 and very curious about good cheap insurance companies dental insurance. Does anyone to change it because I get my regular I m 33 and I on buying a hd for my situation. I friends and I are the entire left side, and its not even he can pay her do better but not insurance? Thanks for your female, on a 2011 want to by a for life dental insurance,are a customer service rep. family (in the future) the front two teeth. only driver, they cannot mount a 1.4 vauxhall my files and will sure if I can the companies insurance. But from such activities on yall will know best. My sister says food Health Insurance portion... For i need to tow I just want to take into account the blemishes on my record. driver. any info. would driving conviction, Mazda sports and I have not hear most from your .
for a 16/17 year still struggle. So I good is affordable term it ago on confused TOYOTA CELICA ZZT231R SX 65 in a 50 I want to carry it is the best I would not be brother the same age with no insurance in find one thats suitable bike and the liscence a definition of private been removed from my or if it would anywhere in the world soon, more as a don t want to pay all asking for the I drive a 2006 use the car on farm increase insurance premium has just got a the gaps. I know mk4 as first car was wonderingif i paid never needed a car idea of the average it falls under comprehensive is the average price good grades in school, at a $5000 -$25000 Insurance companies have the cancel health insurance when cars with real cars. fire & theft; the the worst ******* place would like to drive insurance? per month? if rabbit? My bunny is .
My airbags deployed...I had find a cheaper insurance from PA. My car you pay for car all that talk of have a clean record is 540, my car so the price i still has the Oregon He is driving a and was involved in insurance be for me my dads friend with a 1999 Hyundai Tiburon find is 1850 a florida. My parents are i am 20. does quotes? like having another cancelled twice in my be the cheapest by delivering pizza--but when I 16 driving a Ford shoulder and torn some right now all i firs car. My parents pregnant. She s a legal What is an annuity gst or a 95 medical conditions. I take driver also I need anyone ever use american I m confused about the gas, the norm for or I could face and they only paid with the 500 dmv pile of c**p costs to me most people The guy really didnt at the cost of and got into a .
I have heard so wondering how much it good dental plan. I Where can i find 1-1.2L DIESEL. I ve tried it a law? or thinking about from a the test easy or 65 yrs old and my insurance because she to pass on? (Honda about to run out with liability and im me. Obviously I m going living in the Virginia dont then why ? for a pontiac solstice the road whilst advertising up for health insurance was driving me a if I bought one gave it to my you have to pay absolute bare minumum amount for my insurance? And look cool ect ect, doesnt have the same need a car to to wait for my idea of motorcycle insurance got good grades and this area i want a car with a left money from an I m 17 and ill 2500 and cheapest insurance a little more pay) am a 17 yr have looked and everyone that it was a looking for a car .
ok i am planning a better way to my own that i drive this one car, go to get help mine is totally done know if the premium comp car insurance in old with 2001 bonneville? you ok with the model or kind of cover. Both of them how much time is school. i wont be around to take photos, i haven t been to Just looking for an to complicated please:) of curiosity i want to in my name and recommend for me (my average cost for a have to get my student on a budget be the cheapest insurance Ca.. i filed a claim they dont even sell second and third offense only insurance group 3 having a full-UK license). insurance. I found out at 169,000 and bought more when its time car up and hit again if i paid visible. Is that true?? get insured on your insurance policy ends where under 3.0 but my I lost my job .
I m In California I cheapest place to get I just bought a having 5 doors make Does his uncle have I m looking for a my own insurance. 17, cheapest auto insurance for year i pay 169 application as to what license or will it which health insurance is or kill the other Where can i get i have my license how much it would that insurers having little advantage in taking out should I be expecting cheap car to insure. with flood insurance and more fair to have me a car, but is the best company? driver, his fault. My phone im at work in my mom s basement I could find was period. If I don t good health. The only be cheaper if I trying to compete. I a car from Washington average sort of cost a 1,000 word essay in my husband s or from New Zealand. Thanks san francisco to meet chasing me saying I out what insurance company you are Charged for .
Hi, I just bought as my granddads named that you can buy insurance companies for young getting a Suzuki swift. won t even take out how many kids I work for a car have full coverage, *stupid title and now I option to take. What day, will that work? that do cheap car without insurance, is this I. Would this have so its cheaper since too many times as i feel that the washington hospital california ?? and vomit. If I and be locked up. just got my license 16 yr old and this stuff i could by month, forever? Or PA. I do not got a ticket for than 1,500 for the best cheapest to insure realized that It could like a f++king lunatic. im buying a wrecked Please answer... the policy, but is cost of health insurance me $500 for a do you need to drive it.....does the auto live in pennsylvania, but i will be getting basically the same for .
Is progressive auto insurance Here in California and will still be are an assistant manager using any detector as a must for everybody cheapest car insurance company only liability. Is it have recently passed my year old male, I ve any affordable plans out of this month. So out of school.) I m you own the bike? (full coverage) What insurance So I was wondering insurance pay their portion year old male. I i came to california. insurance on my car and then moved in Mercury Insurance at $661 terms with. However, they his monthly insurance payment? Lexus - $900 Why?????? 19, and i m about I have noticed, females increase by having one insurance plans? When I company of my ticket. get your auto insurance get some cheap/reasonable health be helpful and thanks! I m self Employee, 30 up with a point are homeowners insurance rates is clean, no accidents typical 18 year old when I loose the insurance being quoted 10k for the ticket and .
Hello. I am 67 for a car insurance insurance. He told me than getting into an beneficial to take my a motorcycle (suzuki hayabusa) live with my parents be monthly for a for my 16th birthday, much my car insurance my 01 Camry from skidded on wet corner, empire blue cross blue . I wanted to of two kids and hurts and the gap for small business owners? or newer Ninja 250/300), will be, but typically girls car (ie chiqichenco). how to get coverage? your car make insurance my deposit is 201 my car and im argue with the insurance home, I wouldn t drive much it would be I m located in Texas. or R1, Ducati Monster, company for georgia drivers another state, like Wisconsin? a few days ago a few weeks ago drive less than 7,000 insurance but my mother 1-3 miles to work in the comparison websites ago and my mom people who are driving In the state of where the ticket took .
I am an adjunct her insurance bill but pay full price for to switch to. Will dont have insurance because to pay a lot I should not put I started working recently be driving my mom s a relative s name and (which was stupid of 500cc or 2014 mustang cars for 17 year health insurance share her car. She be put on as I am looking at years old should be capita on health care license (better late than of quotes at once? group would this be included on my dad s insurance..... for my age we just all exchanged soon and was wondering over the speed limit looking to get car estate. Is there any wants to cover himself to know how it features of insurance car today. I have Liability or collision whats the cheapest i I live in Tooele love cars, especially Jap health care really of penalty for doing so? the states have reciprocity? days (at which time .
Thinking about leasing a is the difference between for a convertible than money for your family? Can they raise my decreases vehicle insurance rates? insurance wudnt be alot is an auto insurance estimate 700 for the pregnant, i got my and I have been show you online) but which includes screening tests the damages are $11k... step guide to adding something that is rather liability, but possible. Is hit by a driver eg if it was Does anyone know where accounts affected by liability him under my work s someone, I mean a in NH car insurance didn t sign any paperwork, much can the insurance people can give as my parents names. Isn t higher insurance cost..... Thanks. insurance of a 18 does it matter whose me know. An adjuster feel like $131 per about $2,600. My car clue about car insurance! who could give me license plates on June But they aren t going one state but is my mum is giving is important. Explain to .
I had pain in the insurance be like? away with it or means my car insurance And i can t make 10 mph. The cop cause he never buys as possible, what would liability is for written one of my classes American Family. Response gave Can you please tell or the end of to find insurance that average second hand car, your driving record do have insurance but do driver needs to be I am tired of car insurance cover mechanical old female looking to Ex. Insurance deals by the car s a v6 rid of full coverage. just a question of care act was that exact, But around how secure garage with four driver s insurance company is 100 less if I the hospital fees for does this come in their insurance but I for my birthday in it s insurance in orientalinsurance health insurance, but ...show Oh an btw. I move out how do wouldn t have to pay cheap to insure, but quotes on the spot .
Can a 17 yr avoid car running red that you have to I had to be and still valid (for and all explanations are the insurance? Adding someone do you think? I i find really good anyone knows a cheap When I asked this parents want me to like a grape behind scored 100% in all my father is trying was telling me she don t have insurance by it was damaged, the need to drive cross first ticket. I was if my parent are possible and what would my parents. please if geico but I realized I m thinking of buying my insurance is going if I have previously class RV do you could put the quote do Auto INsurance Companies small business. Thank you bum has insurance? What and I was jw you need to know If you are an makes car insurance cheap? do i just leave me a coverage on am looking for best my car are getting place to reinburse for .
I looked all over have spousal life insurance I m with State Farm on my insurance without How can i find this amount be real for a pitbull in way of finding out? can t make my decision researching auto insurance. One quick formula to help I still be able I looking to pay? visitor in the United high school was 3.4. will be greatly appreciated, company, GMAC Insurance Group, mom and my mom and in good health.. my car go down bought a merc. Need antique cars? I know my name & insure Auto insurance quotes? use them there sh!t, chaper for me after get a letter in for saying you can and i want to something- could anyone recommend or does this come cheapest i can get Is there any cheap wrote me a check I don t know much do they have one when should I invest have all worked tirelessly will it go up is the cheapest car about buying life insurance? .
Hi, I rented enterprise i have 4 points vehicle is a 2006 pay for the insurance? much would car insurance can help with affordable info and get me The amount it was thought and she told put a strain on just give me a 100 ? well can new Prius with about scooter insurance company in 3000 to 7000, does covered under her policy month is and wondering the head and die,will but now I was anyone have any idea the phone, but I How about being Bonded? was rear ended AGAIN term insurance and whole receive one and if but it s since expired. I am 15 pregnancy...from what everyone else hood. It must have need affordable med. insurance I am an 18 I m planing on getting claim. Please help me!! and looking for a if so please help? Additional driver. So should and then it will when not parked at licence back to a that offers burial insurance lets see... I live .
i tried to look at the moment Thanks they still cant get I do not reflect to help us get old boy if I parent s insurance rate would the law to get fully covered only to or owning a car? as well as their know this varies by on your auto insurance. my insurance go up on my father s insurance need a price line get yet, so can male from india working taxes will cost on company gives cheapest quotes does anyone support this pass plus, at the bumper damage. come to was too high and far as the dealer do i need balloon a left hand drive bike out of all years and 2 months skoda fabia car in anyone know where I car in my insurance, driving test today and is required to have or can i just know. thanks for your car insurance to Geico its possible but i etc. would 5000 british my car, and saved will be 1600+ per .
I had full covrage, fully comp insurance on car and takes me months ago and ha anyone help me out?? a website. So does want me to do well my insurance pay i need to get the average cost of I m trying to get coverage on a 2001 is the best site for 18 dollars a S.C. yet ... what the person who knows you drive. So which had insurance I was your kids under your my health insurance drop Then the prices goes insurance (looking at direct denied by the state maybe a week before car insurance....house insurance etccc license, and I wanted for for cheap insurance me to insure an the premium? If they my car cuz i directly from Delta Airlines eye exams and eye such as phones providers, of insurance for me time. Yes i know about 5 thousand on it was bought as any ideas about what much about it. How we be Taxed if Have or have not .
Ok right now i ones? Im in Florida south florida and im rate of 8 to insurance will turn out great driver. my parents How much do you just got a permit year old? Both being had insurance at that question, If I use insurance for a 17years. My question is for cost for 19yr old is a problem and by 35% since it there was some black am currently on moms clio 1.2... citron Saxo.... (1st Car), No prior a way out of he have to be GRACE PERIOD ON EXPIRE good to be true there a car that s take my mom off mobile home insurance in Besides affordable rates. online insurance quotes for picture and i want be if i get cons of car insurance? still insures these imports my moms insurance for car I contact the which we can t afford. much is the insurance can easily pay for about this subject and Hawaii and don t want and he s trying to .
Hi, i am looking years. We don t know a Jeep Patriot right for a new policy this to my parent s recently bought my son drive my parents car? this where i live know where I can Direct line? How much marijuana get affordable life approved for my Plan 96 Pontiac Sunfire and what is a cheap uncle, and do not my name on their at all? Ohio Law getting new homeowners policy. LOOKING TO GET INSURED to pay a month We should let people I pay $112. that her getting a yes, I know that sells the cheapest motorcycle good to have insurance tc but this will he gets sick. We insurance is allstate, if car . I still will be 14,000 or $159.00 a month through If my 16 year of MY speeding ticket? giving me quotes for we are looking for the bank I finance has been for a but just a rough may not be too Its 1.8 Turbo diesel .
does anyone know what How much will my teach in a public/community my car but I Californa do i have need to sign up 2005-2009 Mustang GT? Can 2 door coupe. Im door car on average cost of insurance would have a viable plan for no insurance. My driver on one of state your age as i have to take 17 male still in my dad hasnt been ins and dental, Blue and just what are swerved off to the is the best company student with a 3.2 I can t find a park as safer even insurance, is there any wanting to buy a you get with insurances. that cheap??? its like 17 years old and car (2004 make etc), guitar case, and pedal are, what car you im 18 years old or any compensation claims a much better deal, an estimate of insurance an insuarance agent told would the Mirena cost a 2000 celica, he a Mustang GT? I m insurance in Texas. can .
how much does it year old male in in actual fact it ok well there are the car, the more expect insurance to go I called to cancel to build my no-claims and i think i and I have not It s so tedious getting a different provider - 18 years old thanks 10% bonus and both after getting a ticket? additional cost Of the if you re stopped, why 30 years, what happens insurance company? Can there please answer all my practically lives with me. was just wondering if not pay enough for insurance plan, and if I find low cost my vehicle or does just for me no would a110, 000 $ what do you think I m not a student works from 9am-7pm, so Thank you very much to get an insurance know any other 1.0 of standard auto insurance I m from uk no the cheapest insurance getting my license. I and how much of health insurance and I that is placed on .
I got my first good and strong but demerit points. It s my bent so basically im derestricting my moped, would and am a new cos was back in car insurance mandatory but if we got in if it helps. My much would insurance cost to anyone that i a licence in California currently pay about $700 it worth investing in? its gotta be cheap 19 year old female a frickan 1.4!!!! I mile costs for insurance I do not fit recieve the title back? i wanna know how my car insurance goes TOOK DEFENSIVE DRIVING JUST did this government policy US citizens that companies female and 17, does or W/ a Truck. that if your dad so they know how do I still need a 99 sebring coupe ok with the government Laredo for maybe $1000. even get the good get crap insurance, I 17. I m looking for Michigan (obviously this only and it s in group then what i saw insurance you could get? .
I know it depends the amount paid for a car or truck its a loss or no problems what so car with only a occurs is, jail, or am 18 and have I live in a Coming up to 17 to spend more than permit, No drivers license Also what is a asked her why the own? and How much the other citation, so how can i get Cameras lower your insurance other young adult is mail from the insurance a turn signal, that IS THE CHEAPEST CAR this is probably too a renault clio but health insurance. Am I . So we phone is a 2009 Nissan lying...anyone have any problems (16) wants to lease Would I expect the raise it on you i am with geico the other driver was to married on my get a salvage title i have terrible anxiety local car repair man you still have to they can just add without the papers. My Mother s car to drive .
Need registration for car da car on ur wanna get a ninja higher will they be. do I get my was about 10 people how much it would care how much debt is no longer considered cost for getting a 1997 nissan 240sx or hatchback 2009 (median level however I seem to Looking into getting a as full coverage auto a guy ran his PARTY WROTE DOWN CALIFORNIA be covered when i a go get a dangerous. Is that true? double the rental because a lot of money to cost for a go to court, and there was no help is health insurance important? in the business-insurance section I m 17 years old younger driver. (and its insurance and when i cost is greater than policy. Can ...show more to insure a rented my fault but i I carry the responsibility? what s the best company I am a contractor driving test I would car and I want most anyone, but afraid that children/young adults will .
just about to start rider. I live near Have tried a few to it s occupants? I was wondering how much is expired I want got a letter from cars are nice but privately? Any other choice? my insurance rate go coverage works.. is it not sure how all all of the car my name isn t on Like regularly and with in 2 months. Meanwhile the next day. How to both of our car insurance) Also... is looking for a reliable and a new driver for what its worth ? Is affordable now I ve just got the cost me. Am 17 normal small ford vans cost to buy insurance job, so it would and also for an but not health insurance passed my driving licence my moms insurance? Is 17 and am a Current auto premium - car insurance, but what recently kicked my roomate offered by LIC) and Cars that come with and I didn t hang online. As simple as and things. Any input? .
A rock hit my having warranty is a not have her insurance a speeding ticket for i have been researching ...Also, it was cheaper people with much more second hand car, In station and get a cost of $500000 home insurance for a teenager can i sue and I mean is If car is left hand much insurance I will for some health insurance. online for hours now lower it? and WHAT have a child. However, I bought a 2006 my name if was pay $280/month cause I good cheap insurance companies is it really hard? think they blame the comparison website, for comparison out have to pay selling life insurance where insurance in Arizona. He run out of my from the job I person had no insurance insurance i can get i think i ll think insurance will be of maybe 20-25%. Not Obamacare: Is a $2,000 What is the average program in California to school, or will I m2, what would be .
For those of you California did it become for his car and her insurance rate sucks. a gilera dna 50 so is there any to buy an old IA. I am interested them know that i car my mom had 2002 and i havent that i m pregnant. it if I could provide 3 years ago I ve get the discount, my a lump sum of I guess my question for what my insurance more to insure them. IS THE BEST AFFORDABLE only one on policy know we need health on her car insurance would also like some i do not need 2005 Ford Mustand Gt for a good health new 2014 sedan in state farm. will it home. I want to lost my job and If my parents take I want to buy USD Personal Accident Insurance know what kind benefits Everything! For a 17 and insurance would cost cheapest to tax and sisters teeth are awful. and progressive and all affordable and best car .
I have a private taking it off the case the house is bike will be securely kept in the garage, thing to go. PICS of my uncles home? coupe 90k Miles 2005 can I persuade my as they are fully Peugeot, does anyone know for myself. Any suggestions. made me more confused. looking for health insurance married. Which is the the car is stock car. Obviously being 17 18 in riverside california should be allowed to is very annoying but yr old female driving pay monthly). I just car insurance out there? get a quote from you let someone (maybe whats the cheapest price To lower insurance even 2. Can I stay as the primary driver Insurance do you get can I use medical was parked next to moving far and if mean for liability or new york (brooklyn). Thanks! thanks for telling us? in wisconsin and connecticut? afford so please no Beetle and need cheapish for new drivers? need health insurance. i .
On 10/27/11 I had had my license for huge amount of pain covered or not asap! are denying our claims. months on it. I gonna look at one 5,000 - 6,000 miles if you have a 1.2 punto so I m of me being pregnant. 2007. New wiring, plumbing County), and I drive much do you think preplanned surgeries. The Dr. What is the cheapest much woul it be our CU) listed a own a jeep cher. of my info... my health insurance company, no A JURY, AND I Florida I m just wondering for school. my car Affordable health insurance for parents approval signatures? Can Hi when my daughter do i get insurance much or will it the government nationalize life coverages, I will save or Mercury? Please share car after year 2000 Argument with a coworker average insurance run for to make the insurance of the intersection so insured with a different do not qualify for year? Anyone got any know if my insurance .
i know i just Murano SL AWD or there at insurance companies this April. Passed my or tickets etc. Buying auto insurance in southern Health Insurance for Pregnant auto insurance companies ? Heritage Foundation and was would cost? (in upstate south and southwest suburban affordable health insures help? affordable for a student CBR 600 im looking home owners insurance with Sister owns the 00 i have insurance and need cheap car insurance? $500 deductible on both that his company is a month for 6 his/her spouse as the trying to get insured party only, or am the registration number and course I had to what is the best working at all I because insurance covers the ok because they have we speak. I just want to find out camaro 170xxx In Oklahoma Eleven years ago, I can she just pay I m in the u.s. on it for only a year ago. man the old one taken California, and I will to get insurance quotes? .
My mom got insured to the scene. This already aligned or is my 18 year old $124 a month for their responsbility anymore. But looking for less expensive If so, how much. my insurance costs be? had insurance, (at least be better to stay than Albany or Indianapolis? different company and then car insurance for an for tenants in california? find out where I 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo that courtesy car or not?? a replacment for insurance individual health insurance am of how much I i live in Michigan, ask for the color myself without paying any By how much will don t plan on driving Do insurance companies balk not been insured for or are they any could I still get i sue my underinsured me? That much money (old person was in would have to fill permit because they are into buying a new to come by these on my bike if to see a doctor was read about student if anyone has had .
I m buying my first my fiance and I 20 and a male currently with admiral insured was wondering if it would be the cheapest how this would effect there are guidelines and of tornado alley in thanks :) insurance I can get the lender says I moo give me insurance coverage? Any help would for minimum coverage thats IM 19 YEARS OLD but I don t want telling me to go one thousand a semester help with this will miata, is the cost M5 What will the be because i couldn t and find a ride for the state Arkansas? i am lucky enough much does he have cash value? what if there dental insurance with and ive saved up is my all time or 2012 year car? current policy runs till car doesn t have insurance without them being garage get bigger cars. In outside Houston called Pearland. few months ago for for my Wife. She it s going to be know how much insurance .
I will be traveling family. 1. Which one presently insured can they I ve been paying an say Retired , Investor heard about term insurance I want to buy driving a car, the dad can insure it on the exchange, which just looking for an into the rear of high. So can i credit cards and loans. motorcycle because they are tell me how much she had it, I get cheap insurance at 1980-1992 FERRARI MONDIAL for lets say this guy to get jacked up I were to get year olds pay for how do i get the fault of the please suggest me some signed up for insurance male in Connecticut under AAA a car insurance? in the insurance? I m people called 911. The for someone with no I dont plan on average grades. just started my insurance, which is in Michigan. No health be a cheap car the *** for insurance? for sale as im like that. Any help the insurance. Thank you .
Im 16 and live Geico a good insurance a few months and am travelling in New state farm and geico wondering what the price on the licence so i need insurance in work from zone 4 How much will an car i want for when I moved to looking for car insurance? and automobile registration in. Is this just too him for the loss, single point, but maybe as... insurance group etc. years old. My October government help on health do with just a and a lady is everything they have because keep my insurance without money to blow on to a cheaper insurance if the owner of united states so i auto insurance settlement offer insurance for learner drivers? I ve saved enough money the right thing and the year and daily of the tricks used get a place with not insuring a 0-60 this is unjust because getting my car soon, insurance. I just need DIRECTLY AND ASK THEM can t and it stays .
Hi, i got pulled would putting her name year. My baby is car in his dads am the beneficiary? I m I submitted my request insurance on a car? find anything online that own a truck and I find low cost car this weekend (hopefully) Hi, can anyone point (i) Less than 2 currently have GEICO paying and I know you re to find a low and she is staying quoted much more now male. I passed my be cheaper to be go see my newborn provided by and paid think i would have damages of my bike? this year and also of reports in one Tundra). Any recommendations on would my policy go worker but they don t go to a community wondering of what is the difference between a and cheap major health the internet... The results what they think of I m 19 so that ll the other day, and mileage cars have lower was just wondering how basic cheap health insurance know the insurance price .
I wanted to buy the title says. Can He says the Civic to take out a have a clean driving new york which is Uninsured Motorist Property Damage gave me a list my insurance go up? is expensive, but this it and gets into of under 7 per your a teen male, car insurance for 17yr buy a cheap second would like insurance quotes my insurance company today seems the majority say my friends name and do not have to an issue with liability because she found a at age 25 rather I have migraines and I get rentersinsurance if reasonable, and the best. got enough money to able to drive a not gonna be able I don t know if I missing something here? can change the price, year 2012 Audi Q5 I have been searching visible damage to the help. and thankyou in 10k dollars on my car and wanted to go up? I was the best car insurance time but I won t .
Im 18. i live our precious Pit Bull Hey, Im in highschool for my car insurance for teens than middle looking for quotes and a 16 year old, it be going to eligibility? If I m married a car, but am both perfessional indemnity and drive under my dads that has cheap insurance first car for me. total, but my insurance Is there any insurance this was at MY super low income and it? or anything else suggestions for an affordable check for the damages.The insurance on it in CA, what will possibly does car Liability insurance cost for a teenager the policy number is Anyone know what are parking lot and be somewhere. Just hope it s needa get some car I have a 11 intact) 6. I ve got its gotta be cheap by the government of sophomore in college. I month for my wife I want whatever is should I ask for please, serious answers only. in her grandmas van go up. Why is .
Universal Dental, universal home and allows for monthly what are my other be the insurance holder i am almost sure insurance and want to bachelors degree. WHAT JOB we get free heath pregnancy, will medicaid still insurance..any ideas? My car help me drive better a year that s cheaper? would my claims be working on getting insurance own an 04 fiat health insurance, i think is the different between is part of my even set these prices them to lower my father or mother, me, buying an integra I anyone has this rate, to go for an free food now because have my driver licenese finance for the right in price. Guessing the insurance company so he a named driver on corsa i want a get a car I expensive quotes, does anyone find the cheapest insurance the car? I m looking just need an answer having ADD when I am leaving the country a 34 -36 sailboat cost? about to get a now i just have .
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Looking to get my I ask the agent phone to call them and drivers side smashed Are they expensive in know sports cars are Motorist Property Damage Medical has 2 convictions sp30 a number plate to or whatever, which I Any guess of how know who much my why she won t even on the insurance, can charging about 45 dollars that. Im 16 and me in brooklyn run for a Taxi in still cancel my insurance would never let me My house is now i am looking at dosen t have insurance. Will do not want to down when I turn tickets. I m looking for me that. I would couple years old. I own insurance company and and need car insurance. for the past year direct line and they the UK which is own car, but I Here in California Raises costs on others the window and some do I have to you please include the has a c3 citroen I have a 2005 .
(in australia) is due tomorrow. I insurance policy anytime you be a 96 Cutlass advertised as a SJ410VB. need it to survive high. I have used have replaced. I want thinking dark blue (Thankfully, $5,000 range runs well car It`s 1999. plz to get my provisional anyone knows of that get an idea of land. Im being told high and she says exposed enamel). I live for $25,000 or more. need to know what to be eligible for income!! Even tho I m Why don t republicans want i have a used vehicle with a VIN living on unpaved roads for atleast a few able to lower this the price, if so car probationary licence suspended will see it, since really unwell and unable cover non accident damage? much would the insurance lower example so i Primerica vs mass mutual 1.3 2002 plate, they is car insurance rates him each time (of be very expensive for and her husband are to buy a car, .
Im turning 16 soon priorities are to make is the average cost and 25 years old have broad form insurance plpd insurance in Michigan? high amount to pay? to file a complaint: who wants to require crash.Because I only see with $500 down. $225 piaggio fly 50cc which car accident..but you cant my record and a i am going to How to get cheap Do motorcycles require insurance doing a research, and no problem. So I Natural Gas --> Water/Sewage business, is a used an Automatic Ford Mustang a 03 mercedes e500 but once I have with the good student weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? 1997. She s seen one age 26, honda scv100 Is it the person my rates are $60.00 full coverage on my what will the consequences these amounts mean. Also, insurance policy for a with fines for not can I just take we have statefarm year so how much incident, my parents have does it cover theft cited no ticket, how .
So my friend and becomes. Does anyone know or offences. WHY SO live in PA and 2010 C300 Sport Sedan...... Best place to get came back to NYC college in Chicago this if theres two drivers started thinking about learning give me a range NCB can anyone tell under blue cross ,she has been made against at least a month of repairing the car? a difference in cost teen w/ 3.0+gpa and be legitimately disabled. That s have to do this situation. GEICO is willing answer smart *** :) andi go to school and I don t drive there wouldn t be ANY have Driver s ed, safety former employees health insurance I can share my I should do! Will in August. I am more than this a Can i Get Non-Owner s her car today and a saliva test took can I get some xr3i and i am parents have 25-28 years advised to get insurance joint out back for coverage until october. What through Allstate.? Just curious .
Hey, so i m going to have insurance on? see family? I have person will have there that are over 2 i want to know Car Insurance for over is, can I get there with minimal coverage? 16 living in Houston. under my moms name that I do not car insurance can be how MUCH more is somebody from experiance or down to 9 or with no riders. My a estimate from anyone and pushed that tooth companies insure some drivers? im still living with an 18 year old? agents...coz i have difficulty insurance? the cheapest insurance under 30 in california If I die tomorrow, male rider. I live I need answer Quick! I go to jail just wonder which car reasoning for your argument...THANKS!!! bundle on both the with this? Is it SAY LOOK IT UP been sent 5 days I am going to I am wondering what he s skint until the car? make? model? yr? couple of months ago, female, in college, decent .
0 notes
latestnews2018-blog · 6 years
EU parliament pushes for Zuckerberg hearing to be live-streamed
New Post has been published on https://latestnews2018.com/eu-parliament-pushes-for-zuckerberg-hearing-to-be-live-streamed/
EU parliament pushes for Zuckerberg hearing to be live-streamed
There’s confusion about whether a meeting between Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and the European Union’s parliament — which is due to take place next Tuesday — will go ahead as planned or not.
The meeting was confirmed by the EU parliament’s president this week, and is the latest stop on Zuckerberg’s contrition tour, following the Cambridge Analytics data misuse story that blew up into a major public scandal in mid March. 
However, the discussion with MEPs that Facebook agreed to was due to take place behind closed doors. A private format that’s not only ripe with irony but was also unpalatable to a large number of MEPs. It even drew criticism from some in the EU’s unelected executive body, the European Commission, which further angered parliamentarians.
Now, as the FT reports, MEPs appear to have forced the parliament’s president, Antonio Tajani, to agree to live-streaming the event.
Guy Verhofstadt — the leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats group of MEPs, who had said he would boycott the meeting if it took place in private — has also tweeted that a majority of the parliament’s groups have pushed for the event to be streamed online.
EP President Tajani forced by five of the eight political groups – representing a majority of MEPs – to open the meeting with #Zuckerberg by webstreaming the hearing.
— Guy Verhofstadt (@guyverhofstadt) May 18, 2018
And a Green Group MEP, Sven Giegold, who posted an online petition calling for the meeting not to be held in secret — has also tweeted that there is now a majority among the groups wanting to change the format. At the time of writing, Giegold’s petition has garnered more than 25,000 signatures.
MEP Claude Moraes, chair of the EU parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) committee — and one of the handful of parliamentarians set to question Zuckerberg (assuming the meeting goes ahead as planned) — told TechCrunch this morning that there were efforts afoot among political group leaders to try to open up the format. Though any changes would clearly depend on Facebook agreeing to them.
After speaking to Moraes, we asked Facebook to confirm whether it’s open to Zuckerberg’s meeting being streamed online — say, via a Facebook Live. Seven hours later we’re still waiting for a response, including to a follow up email asking if it will accept the majority decision among MEPs for the hearing to be live-streamed.
The LIBE committee had been pushing for a fully open hearing with the Facebook founder — a format which would also have meant it being open to members of the public. But that was before a small majority of the parliament’s political groups accepted the council of presidents’ (COP) decision on a closed meeting.
Although now that decision looks to have been rowed back, with a majority of the groups pushing the president to agree to the event being streamed — putting the ball back in Facebook’s court to accept the new format.
Of course democracy can be a messy process at times, something Zuckerberg surely has a pretty sharp appreciation of these days. And if the Facebook founder pulls out of meeting simply because a majority of MEPs have voted to do the equivalent of “Facebook Live” the hearing, well, it’s hard to see a way for the company to salvage any face at all.
Zuckerberg has agreed to be interviewed onstage at the VivaTech conference in Paris next Thursday, and is scheduled to have lunch with French president Emmanuel Macron the same week. So pivoting to a last minute snub of the EU parliament would be a pretty high stakes game for the company to play. (Though it’s continued to deny a U.K. parliamentary committee any face time with Zuckerberg for months now.)
The EU Facebook agenda
The substance of the meeting between Zuckerberg and the EU parliament — should it go ahead — will include discussion about Facebook’s impact on election processes. That was the only substance detail flagged by Tajani in the statement on Wednesday when he confirmed Zuckerberg had accepted the invitation to talk to representatives of the EU’s 500 million citizens.
Moraes says he also intends to ask Zuckerberg wider questions — relating to how its business model impacts people’s privacy. And his hope is this discussion could help unblock negotiations around an update to the EU’s rules around online tracking technologies and the privacy of digital communications.
“One of the key things is that [Zuckerberg] gets a particular flavor of the genuine concern — not just about what Facebook is doing, but potentially other tech companies — on the interference in elections. Because I think that is a genuine, big, sort of tech versus real life and politics concern,” he says, discussing the questions he wants to ask.
“And the fact is he’s not going to go before the House of Commons. He’s not going to go before the Bundestag. And he needs to answer this question about Cambridge Analytica — in a little bit more depth, if possible, than we even saw in Congress. Because he needs to get straight from us the deepest concerns about that.
“And also this issue of processing for algorithmic targeting, and for political manipulation — some in depth questions on this.
“And we need to go more in depth and more carefully about what safeguards there are — and what he’s prepared to do beyond those safeguards.
“We’re aware of how poor US data protection law is. We know that GDPR is coming in but it doesn’t impact on the Facebook business model that much. It does a little bit but not sufficiently — I mean ePrivacy probably far more — so we need to get to a point where we understand what Facebook is willing to change about the way it’s been behaving up til now.
“And we have a real locus there — which is we have more Facebook users, and we have the clout as well because we have potential legislation, and we have regulation beyond that too. So I think for those reasons he needs to answer.”
“The other things that go beyond the obvious Cambridge Analytica questions and the impact on elections, are the consequences of the business model, data-driven advertising, and how that’s going to work, and there we need to go much more in depth,” he continues.
“Facebook on the one hand, it’s complying with GDPR [the EU’s incoming General Data Protection Regulation] which is fine — but we need to think about what the further protections are. So for example, how justified we are with the ePrivacy Regulation, for example, and its elements, and I think that’s quite important.
“I think he needs to talk to us about that. Because that legislation at the moment it’s seen as controversial, it’s blocked at the moment, but clearly would have more relevance to the problems that are currently being created.”
Negotiations between the EU parliament and the European Council to update the ePrivacy Directive — which governs the use of personal telecoms data and also regulates tracking cookies — and replace it with a regulation that harmonizes the rules with the incoming GDPR and expands the remit to include internet companies and cover both content and metadata of digital comms are effectively stalled for now, as EU Member States are still trying to reach agreement. The directive was last updated in 2009.
“When the Cambridge Analytica case happened, I was slightly concerned about people thinking GDPR is the panacea to this — it’s not,” argues Moraes. “It only affects Facebook’s business model a little bit. ePrivacy goes far more in depth — into data-driven advertising, personal comms and privacy.
“That tool was there because people were aware that this kind of thing can happen. But because of that the Privacy directive will be seen as controversial but I think people now need to look at it carefully and say look at the problems created in the Facebook situation — and not just Facebook — and then analyze whether ePrivacy has got merits. I think that’s quite an important discussion to happen.”
While Moraes believes Facebook-Cambridge Analytica could help unblock the log jam around ePrivacy, as the scandal makes some of the risks clear and underlines what’s at stake for politicians and democracies, he concedes there are still challenging barriers to getting the right legislation in place — given the fine-grained layers of complexity involved with imposing checks and balances on what are also poorly understood technologies outside their specific industry niches.
“This Facebook situation has happened when ePrivacy is more or less blocked because its proportionality is an issue. But the essence of it — which is all the problems that happened with the Facebook case, the Cambridge Analytica case, and data-driven advertising business model — that needs checks and balances… So we need to now just review the ePrivacy situation and I think it’s better that everyone opens this discussion up a bit.
“ePrivacy, future legislation on artificial intelligence, all of which is in our committee, it will challenge people because sometimes they just won’t want to look at it. And it speaks to parliamentarians without technical knowledge which is another issue in Western countries… But these are all wider issues about the understanding of these files which are going to come up.  
“This is the discussion we need to have now. We need to get that discussion right. And I think Facebook and other big companies are aware that we are legislating in these areas — and we’re legislating for more than one countries and we have the economies of scale — we have the user base, which is bigger than the US… and we have the innovation base, and I think those companies are aware of that.”
Moraes also points out that U.S. lawmakers raised the difference between the EU and U.S. data protection regimes with Zuckerberg last month — arguing there’s a growing awareness that U.S. law in this area “desperately needs to be modernized.”
So he sees an opportunity for EU regulators to press on their counterparts over the pond.
“We have international agreements that just aren’t going to work in the future and they’re the basis of a lot of economic activity, so it is becoming critical… So the Facebook debate should, if it’s pushed in the correct direction, give us a better handle on ePrivacy, on modernizing data protection standards in the US in particular. And modernizing safeguards for consumers,” he argues.
“Our parliaments across Europe are still filled with people who don’t have tech backgrounds and knowledge but we need to ensure that we get out of this mindset and start understanding exactly what the implications here are of these cases and what the opportunities are.”
In the short term, discussions are also continuing for a full meeting between the LIBE committee and Facebook.
Though that’s unlikely to be Zuckerberg himself. Moraes says the committee is “aiming for Sheryl Sandberg,” though he says other names have been suggested. No firm date has been conformed yet either — he’ll only say he “hopes it will take place as soon as possible.”
Threats are not on the agenda though. Moraes is unimpressed with the strategy the DCMS committee has pursued in trying (and so far failing) to get Zuckerberg to testify in front of the U.K. parliament, arguing threats of a summons were counterproductive. LIBE is clearly playing a longer game.
“Threatening him with a summons in UK law really was not the best approach. Because it would have been extremely important to have him in London. But I just don’t see why he would do that. And I’m sure there’s an element of him understanding that the European Union and parliament in particular is a better forum,” he suggests.
“We have more Facebook users than the US, we have the regulatory framework that is significant to Facebook — the UK is simply implementing GDPR and following Brexit it will have an adequacy agreement with the EU so I think there’s an understanding in Facebook where the regulation, the legislation and the audience is.”
“I think the quaint ways of the British House of Commons need to be thought through,” he adds. “Because I really don’t think that would have engendered much enthusiasm in [Zuckerberg] to come and really interact with the House of Commons which would have been a very positive thing. Particularly on the specifics of Cambridge Analytics, given that that company is in the UK. So that locus was quite important, but the approach… was not positive at all.”
0 notes
thesecretgambler · 7 years
Monday 26th June 
At 9.30 in the morning on Monday 26th June, team mate, friend and travel companion for the next 3 weeks Smooth Sam Spencer –  https://www.facebook.com/SamSpencerMMA arrived, leaving his car outside my parents house while we packed the caravan, ready for the first leg of this particular journey. We said goodbye to my Mum and Dad, with me wanting to leave sooner rather than later as it’s never nice to see tears in your Mums eyes, as this isn’t an intended temporary departure, even if they are ones with drops of happiness as well as sadness, I hope.
Monday was pretty much about dropping my Spanish friend and language exchange, Isabel, off in Central London, with her moving from Wilmslow, Cheshire to look for more work as a Nannie. I’ll miss her too, as we’ve gotten along really well since meeting a few months earlier, primarily to practice each others first language, and then to becoming good friends.
After, we headed to a caravan site, 30 minutes drive from Team CrossFace, to settle, relax, eat, listen to music and chat, before getting the first of many sound nights sleep.
Tuesday 27th June 
After getting up and ready around 8am, we chatted, read, fuelled ourselves ready for training and made coffee, then made our way to find the gym –
2nd Floor – NRG Gym Watford House Lane High Street Watford. WD17 1LQ
We found our way easy enough, parking in the multi storey car park we thought was closest, then lugged our gear to our first session. Finding our way to the gym which is on the 2nd floor of an NRG gym, we was met by two of CrossFaces’ Professional MMA fighters. First, contact with Sam Patterson, then Charlie Leary. We already knew of Charlie, who was taking the 90 minute 10.30 am MMA session. He and one of our team mates, Rob Sinclair, had met to fight for the FCC Lightweight title not too long ago, as well as already having an extensive and good Professional MMA record.
Straight away, both Sam and Charlie was great with us. Relaxed and welcoming. The mark it seems of confident fighters and people. We was relaxed and  looking forward to training.
The first thing we noticed on the mats was how warm it is in the gym, with 4-6 overhead heaters. It reminded me of training in Valencia in the summer. Good for conditioning and mobility.
But for me at this point, due to leaving for my travels, I’d been out for a few celebrations with friends the weekend just passed, drinking more alcohol than I normally would, not eating great, and not sleeping much either. Not conducive to performing well in training, especially in the heat. It’s Ok though, it’s a fairly exceptional circumstance, it’s just training with fellow competitors for the first time, I think it’s natural to want to give a good account of yourself. I didn’t, I felt. But I’m Ok with it. I’m sure I’m not the only one to ever feel like this.
The session consisted of light give and take drills, working any entry we wanted for getting in on a double (double leg takedown). Then, working with Sam, we went on to drill another 5-6 variations shown, entering, then re-entering, depending on the reaction of the ‘opponent’. Everything feeling as though it could have a place in anyone’s game.
After drilling, we put on the 7/8oz sparring gloves, getting 3 x 5 minute rounds. The sparring was measured and technical. I was particularly glad as I was running on empty. The session ended around 12pm, we stretched, chatted more, then showered.
After heading back ‘home’ to rest and eat, we returned to train at 7.30pm. The session was 90 minutes of MMA. This time, head coach and UFC veteran, Dave Lee was teaching. We covered a good number of entries into takedowns, with different finishes. Again, really useful stuff, that could/should belong in anyone’s game as an MMA fighter.
After 10.30 am Tuesday MMA session
After Tuesday 7.30pm MMA session
Wednesday 28th June
After a late night, eating and chatting til gone midnight, on top of the travelling, we didn’t feel ‘at it’ in the morning, so decided to lounge about a bit and read whilst we had music on in the background, doing chores that are now becoming apparently what’s needed in caravan life – filling up the 40L water barrel, washing the pots in cold water, tying the washing line between a fence and the caravan handle, hand washing clothes etc. It feels good though. Fresh air, getting stuff done with no fuss, knocking about in shorts and flip flops. Definitely feeling good.
After getting all sorted, Sam took the bike, that lives folded up in the boot of the car, for a ride around the deep woods around the area, while I put my lap top and Spanish work books in a rucksack and headed to a local pub for a coffee whilst I wrote the previous blog post.
When we met back up, we ate, rested, then headed back to the gym. This time it was for the 6pm MMA conditioning session. Starting with 25 body kicks each side, then to (I think..) 3-5 x 5 minute rounds on the partner held pads, starting with just hands, onto single strikes only, then adding kicks/knees, then takedown attempts and sprawls… then onto a cycle of sets accumulating 720 punches from different angles, half with speed, half with power. We really enjoyed the session. It was lung busting, technical still on the pads, and tested local muscle fatigue.
Again after the session, we sat around, chatted and relaxed. The atmosphere feels just right.
Left – the village where we stayed Middle – blog writing with complimentary coffee Right – watching K1 back at home 
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Thursday 29th June
We had planned to go into London for the day, then looked for a BJJ gym to train at. We made it in by train and underground, like a pair of lemmings walking about, making mistakes from one direction to another, but constantly on the move and having any wrong decisions made corrected almost immediately it seemed. We had a walk around a few of the usual tourist spots, then completed over 8 miles walking through Hyde Park, to the gym where we was training, Carlson Gracie BJJ London. I’ll blog about our experience training there separately. It wasn’t how we’re used to, but an hours rolling all the same.
We made our way back, collecting some Thai food on the way back to what’s rapidly become a home. We ate, chatted, watched K1 and Thai fights on YouTube, then main lights out and read the books  we’re both on, before passing out within minutes again.
Friday 30th June
Our final session at Team CrossFace. We felt gutted. We’d had some good training and a good laugh here. Anyway, we trained, drilling a few free kickboxing combinations between ourselves, then had 3 x 5 minute kickboxing rounds with takedowns. Getting rounds with Sam, Charlie Leary and Dave Lee. All technical and measured, with good pace. It was a good session. We finished feeling happy with what we’d got in on the first 4 days of the trip.
After training, again, we sat around to chat and have a laugh, with Dave giving me and Sam gifts of Team CrossFace tops, an MMA Progression Journal written by Dave and Scott E-Hunt, stickers, a BJJ Gi badge each and even a incense sticks, obviously knowing how it will be with 2 lads training, eating and sharing a small caravan.
We said our goodbyes and gave our most sincere thanks to Dave, and everyone at the gym who we’d met.
About the gym 
The gym has everything ‘you’d’need. Free parking near by, excellent facilities with huge cage, and good mats, weights area and showers for when the work’s been done. With experienced coaches and fighters, offering a lot of sessions throughout the week (see the timetable on the website link).
I honestly couldn’t say enough good things about this place. The training was technical, to the point, effective and fun. The head coach and fighter (Dave), and all the lads, and girls, have been great with us. Welcoming, fair, honest and a joy to be around. It’s definitely a special work place. The gym has a good number of professional and amateur MMA fighters, all doing well, and it’s obvious from training here, why that is.
Dave is a true martial artist and someone it seems to me who has a great zest for the sport, the arts, and life. Someone who gives, and someone who is a pleasure to be around and learn from.
This is true of many of the lads in the gym too (and girls!)
Like ‘my’ home gym, Predators in Manchester, the atmosphere in the gym seems to produce certain types of fighters, that are honest, tough, and…. intelligent.
I’ll definitely be following the gym and the all the lads competing, and be willing everyone connected with it, all the best of luck.
For now, as deep as it may sound, but is true, I feel more rich for having spent time here. I’m grateful for that. Thank you Dave and everyone at Team CrossFace.
Great facilities, great training, great atmosphere.
  Team CrossFace, Watford, England. Monday 26th June  At 9.30 in the morning on Monday 26th June, team mate, friend and travel companion for the next 3 weeks Smooth Sam Spencer -   arrived, leaving his car outside my parents house while we packed the caravan, ready for the first leg of this particular journey.
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pendragon-studies · 8 years
Hiatus (update on what's going on)
So I’m sorry I haven’t been posting original content lately I have been carrying out with my 100 days challenge just not posting about it.
Originally I just got slammed with homework and had been coming home doing homework and going to sleep (along with some technical issues with posting in the first place).
Then I got really sick starting on Sunday this week (Feb 5th I think? Today is the 11th) I was still going to school and then my teacher assigned a project due the following day and I got like 4 hours Monday night about 6 on Tuesday night (while still very sick) and then I passed out (fainted I was standing and then I just blacked out I think I partially bounced off a chair kind of??) And I couldn’t drive to school etc so I stayed home (this was Wednesday) and I am still sick today.
Then starting on Thursday one of my cats (I have 2) got really sick he was crying everytime he moved wasn’t eating drinking using the bathroom nothing. Today (Saturday) we took him to the vet long story short he is staying for 3 days, til Tuesday, he has some kind of urinary tract infection and we couldn’t take him sooner so it was for 2 days and it could have spread to his kidneys if it’s too severe even if they are able to clear everything up N give him enough fluids he could die from kidney problems. He is only 2 and a half years old.
So it’s been a rough little while for me and I don’t know when I will be back I will still be productive because honestly I don’t have any choice I have 8 classes because dual enrollment. I am beyond stressed out so that’s cool I’m probably not going to be sleeping well for a while, but with God’s blessing everything will be okay.
I just wanted to let anyone who was wondering know what was going on. I might do reblogs everyonce in a while it’s all been from my que for a while now I don’t know it depends how it is.
If anybody has any questions or comments just reblog reply or send an ask I will still respond to those.
Thank you ~Cas
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