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unearthlydream · 1 year ago
what if i just posted some (sfw) fanfic on here??? y'all can't stop me just bc sharing my writing is humiliating.... right !?!?!?!
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aylen-san · 4 months ago
Welcome to my reality. No, not the one where I tower in horror over Middle-earth with the last armies of orcs and a darkness that envelops all life. Today's reality is far more... modern. If someone had told me thousands of years ago that I would one day be in an ordinary apartment with a cup of coffee in hand, surrounded by the blue-white glow of monitors, I would have laughed. But now? Now this is my life.
Morning, as it is: a debrief with coffee Oh, that sweet awakening. The alarm clock rings. My eternal wrath could destroy it, but why? It's all part of the modern routine. I, Sauron, the great lord of evil, now wake up not to an army but to the sound of a smartphone alarm, so I can sit at the kitchen table and pour myself a coffee—strong, black, like my view of the world.
Ah, coffee. Perhaps in the modern era, it's the bitterness that I find appealing. Every morning, it's a ritual: I sit in front of the computer, scrolling through social media and the news. The design here is actually quite inspiring: black screens, white letters. It all feels so office-cold that I involuntarily smile. "News from Mordor" could be a popular blog.
Remote work, same old job: Zoom meetings and evil schemes How times have changed, haven't they? In my past, I led armies in person, standing at the front lines. And now... now I spend most of my day in Zoom meetings. Yes, even the Dark Lord has to deal with modern bureaucracy. Orcs need management, tasks need assigning, KPIs are sacred. Technology has made my dark work more sustainable.
— "Urgash, what’s going on with the weapon shipment? Why don’t we have the third-quarter report on the allocation of eastern lands?" I ask with cold resolve, looking into the camera, only to hear confused muttering in response.
Orcs, of course, can’t handle Google Sheets. But what can you do? Routine.
Office equipment and old habits My workspace is a modern masterpiece. Cold-lit lamps, an ultramodern laptop with a keyboard glowing with a faint, almost infernal light. All this allows me to devise new plans to conquer Middle-earth with high efficiency. Software? Oh, trust me, even a palantír would envy the power of my server.
But some habits remain unchanged. A glance at a smoldering notepad reminds me of runes and ancient spells. I wonder if I could code the way I once cast curses—would I be able to create a virus to take over the entire internet? Then again... no, we’ve seen where that leads. And if the system crashes, I’m not ready to lose my bookmarks.
Lunch breaks: yes, even dark lords need to eat Ah, lunch breaks. They’ve become part of modern Sauron’s life. Don’t think I’ve lost my taste for brutal bloodshed. No, that’s in the past. Now my lunch consists of something more grounded. A cold salad, maybe a couple of sandwiches, and, of course, another cup of coffee. Only the grim taste of dark bread reminds me of the old days.
— “Delivery for Mr. Sauron?” — a knock at the door. Naturally, food delivery. Even cuisine today has become a sort of twisted pleasure. Strange. The once elegant culinary masterpiece—roasted flesh—is now replaced by avocado toast. Though, to be honest, they’re quite good.
Fitness by the call of darkness Of course, physical fitness is as important for a Dark Lord as for any modern mortal. A treadmill awaits me in the bathroom. No, I don’t go outside. Mordor is still a long way from glamorous park trails. Still, if I must exist in this new, modern world, I can at least maintain my strength. Cardio is power, they say. Power? Ha! Let them know power when I’m in full battle form.
After the run—a few minutes on the punching bag. No, I haven’t lost my skills! Even in a world where leaders rule through screens, old methods still work. Deep down, I’m still ready to crush anyone who dares stand in my way.
Evening leisure: shows and dark conspiracies What else to do in the evening, when the office lights dim? Of course, watch shows. Oh, how elegantly modern shows portray power dynamics. My streaming subscriptions are quite diverse: from Game of Thrones to dark detective stories. In these tales, I see myself—though in a much less epic form, it’s still satisfying to watch others make mistakes.
— "Seriously? Did you really think that conspiracy would work?" — I whisper as I watch yet another villain's plan fall apart. Perhaps, if they’d hired me as a consultant...
Reflections before sleep: what went wrong? When night falls and my monitors dim, I sit on the windowsill and look at the sky. No stars, of course—the city lights drown them out. Even in such a world, illusions of power and light don’t add true strength. I ponder how the world might have changed if my plans had worked out sooner. But then I realize that even in this new world, I can still become its lord.
Only now, my army will consist not of orcs but of fans, liking my posts and retweeting each of my new brilliant plans.
End of the day: Darkness will always find a way So, there you have it, a day in the life of Sauron in the modern world. Not so terrifying, you’d say? Oh, but what do you know? Even in this modern world, Darkness will always find its way. And while you think I’ve become but a shadow of the past, remember: I’m always watching you. Through your screens, through your reflection in darkened windows.
And who knows, maybe tomorrow, your alarm will ring just a bit too loudly...
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enbies-and-felonies · 4 years ago
@wuff-the-dog in response to your reply on my post that read 
“@enbies-and-felonies I have triggers. I am triggered by eyes and shouting. Those are what I would call niche. It would be so shitty of me to get pissed at people when they run their eyes or when they talk louder than a mutter because it hurts my feelings. The world does not revolve around me. I have to deal with it myself. “
okay, and i have triggers as well. mine are fairly niche and extremely specific, and yeah, i can’t control the world at large to keep me away from that triggering content, but there are people who care enough to help.
i tag triggers because i give a fuck about other people. i’m not doing it because i care about their “feelings”, i’m doing it because triggers don’t care about feelings. triggers aren’t just “being upset” or “hurting my feelings”; they can cause anywhere from mild anxiety to extreme panic attacks, throwing up, and other harmful things.
you know, i’ve never had someone who was pissed at me for not trigger tagging. never. but you know what i HAVE had? i’ve had people scared to ask me to tag COMMON triggers, even after i’ve said i’m willing to, and to please remind me if i forget. imagine that. it’s almost like being triggered by things should be taken seriously and respected, no matter what.
in my opinion, it would also be wrong of me to get pissed if/when people don’t tag for triggers.
but you come in here, on a post not even about triggers, and you ridicule the fact that i care enough about people to tag something?? honey, you don’t have to be pissed about people talking loudly to be an asshole, that can be a genuine response to triggers, but then going on to be a jerk about other people’s triggers, and my attempt at not triggering them??
that’s just being an asshole sweetheart.
yeah, i agree the world doesn’t revolve around you (though you’re self-centered enough to reply on my post on a different blog after i blocked your main) but the fact that some people CARE about other people shouldn’t twist your panties in a bunch unless you DON’T care about other people.
and by the way? you don’t have to deal with it yourself. people, as a general rule, actually do care enough about other people to be kind to them. when i mentioned i was triggered by something, people on here, who i didn’t even know, asked if there was a way they could help me be more comfortable. they sent me kind words and tips on how to handle my triggers and reactions to them.
in REAL life, off of the internet, there have been people who go out of their way to avoid triggering people. even “weird” triggers like christmas music.
so please, before you project your own asshole-ery onto the rest of the world, maybe take a moment to realize that it’s okay for people to care about other people. it’s okay to have uncommon triggers, and by all that’s right in this world it’s okay to let other people do their own thing without butting your own head in on something that’s not even a bother.
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luckydreamsublime-blog · 6 years ago
How to Approach Your Technology Coursework 3 Steps

How to Approach Your Technology Coursework
Introduction: How to Approach Your Technology Coursework
This instructable and the attached pdf file show in a simple step by step approach how to achieve good results in the UK GCSE Technology exam. It is specifically aimed at product design but applies to all technology exams.
Step 1: Why Students Fail
The aim of this hand book is to guide you through the process of designing and making in a way that will ensure you meet all of the requirements of the exam board.
This is a step by step approach and none of the steps should be missed out.
Success is a product of the effort you put in. The majority of students fail because they:
Miss out sections of the project Do not meet the required deadlines Produce poor quality, rushed or incomplete work. Waste time in class when they should be working Fail to complete work at home for Homework or during holidays.
Step 2: How to Get High Grades
Factors leading to higher grades include
Projects that stretch the candidate in terms of overall difficulty (concept, skills, techniques)
The design development of the product is clearly shown and reasons arc given for decisions made
Clear, dimensioned views, using CAD, are offered to aid manufacture
Less time is spent on the folder than the making
Quality of manufacture and finish is appropriate and of high quality
Awareness of CAM is shown in parts of the project
CAM is used to aid manufacture, if appropriate
Consideration is given to commercial market needs and a system is suggested to produce the product in numbers.
https://www.the-essays.com/analysis-essay are reviewed and tested throughout the making process (project diary)
Step 3: The Help Booklet
The attached pdf file contains a booklet written for our students to guide and help them succeed.
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18 Discussions
I can't do better than direct you to http://www.picaxeforum.co.uk/www.picaxeforum.co.uk/ the picaxe forum. Explain your problem, with pictures of your board etc and a circuit diagram even if you have to hand draw it and they will help you.
The main issue with not programming is the power supply so double check that.
In the end even if your project doesn't work - BUT is complete you can still get 90% of the marks provided you understand and explain why it isn't working and that you have run out of time. You are making a prototyep on a limited time scale the exam board and your teachers have to be reasonable if you have made a decent effort and mark what you have done.
Ah now I completely screwed up my coursework for tech, teacher wasn't there and that was during a bad phase of being stoned in school constantly and being hungover all the time, however I got 98 & 99% in all my exams for technology so i ended up with a C grade.
Reply 9 years ago on Introduction
Mmmm you get out what you put in! Many students are unaware that time passes very quickly and they need to keep on top of their work, Letting it slide is a recipe for failing or at least not doing as well as you could. Good grades come from organisation not necessarily from being smart! If you intend to go to university get a grip on yourself and get organised or you won't cope! believe me. AND the temptations will be even bigger to slope off and do whatever seems preferable to working.
Reply 9 years ago on Introduction
Aye, know what you mean there, wised up a lot, now in tech, independent studies do make the temptations to be lazy or procrastinate much bigger. On another note that was particularly condescending.
Reply 9 years ago on Introduction
OK I am a teacher by profession and a senior students tutor - i see many every year go down the same route having decided to dedicate another 6 years to their education and the toss it away - i long ago stopped saying the pleasantries every one mutters in these circumstance and started tell it how it is. However I know little about you and you sound like you have sorted yourself out now - hopefully others will read this an react early enough to make the difference. If I sounded condescending I apologise. But please you recognise the situation ;)
Cool I just moved to Europe and I'm going to a British school this will help me with my GCSE's next year.
Reply 9 years ago on Introduction
Good thats why its here - :)
I forgot to say the folder should be between 20 and 30 A3 pages long single sided each page full and the design should take about 17 hours of work and the making about 28 hours making a total of about 40 hours for the project.
This all is dependent on what your sons school says. But that is the exam boards opinion on the subject. OCR will do it in A$ or electronic format i.e. on a CD AQA will take the project on a CD in power point but few schools do it.
The folder is easy -
A web diagram to show how the projects he might do have been searched fro - Cover a range - home work toys leisure with typical projects in each category. For the Robot select toys and expand to investigate what might be involved; Micro - picaxe - Arduaino - Basic Stamp. Motors driver, Motors , gear boxes, Wheels, LEDs, Body work, Plastics, Modelling, Infra red control, radio control, wire control, Intelligent robots. Object avoidance, Light seeking, line following. Batteries, End user and their needs/expectations, Safety,
From this he can create a brief. This is a description of the problem he is trying to solve. (NOTE not the solution) From the Brief and the analysis he will know what to research, his research should be very focused on what he needs (hence the analysis), work from several sources, books, internet, magazines. from the research he can formulate a specification. This is his solution to the brief. It should describe the functionality of the product. i.e. what it must do, perhaps what it might do as well as any safety issues.
From the specification he can produce some ideas (perhaps 10 or so) of how he can go about doing the things it says the product will do.
From the best of his ideas he can select those things that will go into the final product - the development. this includes orthographic drawings of every part he has to make. A plan for manufacture and a costings chart. and some 3D modelling.
test the product against the specification.
Evaluate the project over all highlighting good points and bad points and any issues you had and how you solved them. Try to show how you think the product could be improved with a few sketches to cover those issues.
Many thanks for the guide. My elder son starts GCSE product design next year and this will be absolutely invaluable. We have started thinking about a project and come up with what we think is a good one, but outside his capabilities at the moment. He's a bright lad with a keen interest in electronics (PicAxe) and mechanics and I'm sure I can bring him up to speed pretty quickly. He'll even need to use the 3D fabricator that his school is so proud of. (When I was a lad we had a choice of metalwork or woodwork ;¬) I am slightly worried that because of the training and guidance I'll be giving him that it may be seen as me spoon-feeding him (which I will take pains not to do). Hopefully his performance in lesson time and his documentation will make it clear that this is not the case, but do you have any suggestions as to how I can allay this potential suspicion?
Reply 9 years ago on Introduction
Hi, If he is into picaxe and programming why not make a small toy robot, perhaps as a kit so he has a range of materials and a package/instructions to make. i will repost in my blog my students hand book for GCSE product design and let you know the URL. Will take a day or so. Your help is essential BUT make sure it is more aligned with encouragement to understand what he is doing rather than doing it (either for him or together) If his school work to the rules he should do everything/ folder and practical in school under the supervision of his teachers. They may / should allow preparation work at home that can be brought in on a memory stick to go into the folder. Remember Picaxe.com the forum an invaluable source of information and help on picaxe micro controllers . Get the syllabus and read it with him. The marking guide is in there turn it into heading fro the folder that way you hit everything. After that it is about how thoroughly you do it.
Cool, I've done my GCSE I got an A. I made a cd/dvd rack, I was gunna post an instuctable but never got round to it. I think I let myself down in the exam. I'm doing As level now. Its so much harder, but what you've said is definitively true, its all about the effort you put in.
Reply 10 years ago on Introduction
Looks good , I am not surprised you got an A if your folder work was as good. Which exam board are you doing for A level and what is your project?
Reply 10 years ago on Introduction
Isn't A the highest score you can get on something? What am I missing?
Reply 10 years ago on Introduction
In the UK you can get an A* (A star) roughly the top 8 to 10% .
Reply 10 years ago on Introduction
Hmm I'm not sure of the exam board, possibly EdExcell. The project is 12v lighting (well its just lighting but were not allowed to play with mains) I'm making a light box. I might try an instructable because ill record how i did it anyway.
Reply 10 years ago on Introduction
Although many schools limit students to 12 volts for H&S reasons 6th formers in most educational areas can build mains powered units they jus need to have them safety checked before plugging in.
There are a lot of options with 12 halogen lights and a wall plug type transformer Rapid do suitable units.
Mood light worked well for me in my example.
A Picaxe microprocessor can make a yellow/orange LED flicker like a candle if you play a tune and put the LED on the sound output in place of the speaker. Looks very realistic. You can buy these units in Wilco for £3.
Ther are many options in lighting as a simple Google search of lighting images will show. Many are basic domestic but a few "designer lamps" may cost £100's
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