#*loid was the best representation for patrick 4 u....no pressure to use visuals tho!!*
clemencetaught · 1 year
round and round ( @ashbtten is also getting a starter bc ferre said so :3 )
The sitting room he was escorted into is no different from the others, if not a tad dustier…almost like the owner barely uses it. Nevertheless, over his cup, Patrick watches his client sitting on the other end of the table. A polite, if not forced smile crosses his face. “While I don’t mind the tea, I must say you’re being rather…generous with your time, once again.” For the third time, Patrick doesn’t add. It doesn’t make sense, really- the President doesn’t rent out his belongings for less than a pretty penny and considering that almost nothing has happened each time Patrick has been summoned here, it almost seems like Mister Hrodvitnir likes to spend his money frivolously. 
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Or maybe he doesn’t. Patrick doesn’t know- but what he does know is that citizens of the Capitol are deceptive. Not to be trusted. “And here I was under the assumption Capitol citizens preferred to make use of every penny they owned.”
Heavens know they already have enough to last a lifetime and more.
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