perfectsunlight · 2 days
[24] NOW
warnings: mentions of underaged drinking, slight angst
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ivory had only been to two “real” parties in her entire life. the first one was a celebration with the girls she had first debuted with. newjeans was just a project group, and everyone knew they would only last for two years, but they wanted to celebrate their accomplishments. the group had risen quickly in the industry, and this small, intimate gathering marked the close of an era for the girls. they laughed, danced, cried, and shared bittersweet moments of reflection over everything they'd achieved in such a short time.
jieun had been aware of the party. in fact, she was the one who picked jane up afterward, offering her a warm smile and a quiet ride home. there had been no interrogation, no disapproving looks—just an air of trust between them. jieun simply said, “i trust you to make smart decisions,” and that was the end of it. 
the second time was different. 
jane had just turned 17, and she was beginning to feel the pull of rebellion that came with adolescence and her mother’s absence. the industry had forced her to grow up fast, but there were moments when she longed to be just a regular teenager. when her friends invited her to a low-key gathering, it didn’t seem like a big deal. they weren’t throwing some wild, out-of-control party; it was just a small group having fun.
she slipped out of her grandmother’s house that evening, heart pounding in excitement and guilt. it wasn’t that she was trying to hide anything from jieun; it was just that she didn’t want the lecture that would inevitably come if her grandmother found out she was going to a party where alcohol would be present.
the night had been a blur of laughter, music, and one too many drinks. ivory wasn’t used to alcohol, and it hit her harder than she’d expected. she didn’t have a lot, but enough to make her feel lightheaded. she hadn’t planned on drinking, but the peer pressure from her friends had been harder to resist than she thought. 
one sip turned into two, and before she knew it, the glass was empty. by the time she realized how much she’d had, it was too late. she had no idea how long she’d stayed, only that it was well past curfew when she stumbled back home, trying her best to be silent.
but jieun had been waiting.
as soon as jane walked through the door, there was no hiding her disheveled state. her grandmother’s face had been a mixture of disappointment and concern, and the silence in the air was suffocating. without saying a word, jieun helped her to her room, tucked her into bed, and then made the dreaded phone call to jennie.
her mother had been overseas performing, and even halfway across the world, jennie’s response had been swift and disciplined. jane remembered the long-distance scolding she’d received the next morning as she nursed her hangover.
“how much did you drink?” her mother’s sharp tone had cut through the phone, startling ivory even in her groggy state.
"not a lot," ivory had mumbled, wincing as her headache throbbed. “maybe 3 i think?”
“you think?” jennie’s voice was sharp with disapproval. even through the phone, she still felt intimidated by the authority of her mother. “jane ivory kim.”
ivory froze at the sound of her full name. jennie never used it. she only did when she was really, really upset. from what she could remember, that was only the third time in her life that she had heard it. but she now knew there was no escaping this now.
“do you even realize what you’ve done? you’re not even 18 yet!” jennie’s voice was a mixture of anger and concern. “you’re supposed to be focusing on your career, on your future, and here you are—drinking? sneaking around like this? i expected better from you.”
ivory bit her lip, her hands trembling slightly as she held the phone. she knew she had messed up, but hearing jennie’s disappointment stung more than she could have prepared for.
“i’m sorry,” she whispered, her voice small. jennie’s sigh was long and heavy, frustration clear, but there was an undercurrent of something softer. 
“you have to understand that this world isn’t kind, especially to someone like you. you can’t afford to make these kinds of mistakes, ivory. one wrong step, and people will tear you apart.”
she knew her mother wasn’t just angry—she was scared. scared of what the public might say, scared of how one misstep could affect her daughter’s future. and jennie knew better than anyone how ruthless the media was.
the older woman had spent years mastering the art of survival in that world, but ivory—ivory was still so young. so vulnerable. and jennie would do anything to protect her from that, even if it meant that right now she was being a strict, overbearing mother.
needless to say, ivory never did anything of that nature ever again.
and now, here she was at her third “real” party—an afterparty in of the most famous clubs in paris. ivory walked through the doors as her sharp eyes took in her surroundings. 
jisoo stirred the cocktail in her hand, a thoughtful expression on her face as she glanced around the bustling afterparty. she’d been keeping an eye on jennie, noting the way her friend’s attention seemed to shift between the crowd and her phone. the air was thick with anticipation and excitement, and jisoo couldn’t help but be intrigued by the subtle tension she’d noticed earlier.
casually, she leaned closer to jennie, her tone light but with an undercurrent of curiosity. “oh yeah,” she began, taking a sip of her drink and surveying the scene. “you’ve got a clone running around. there’s this kid who looks like you, i saw her at the show.”
jennie’s head snapped up, her eyes widening slightly before she masked her surprise with a casual smile. 
“ella? you’ve met her before, we had dinner with her once.” 
the older one shook her head, giving a form of half smile. she took a sip of her drink before responding, changing her focus from the bustling bodies to her bandmate.
“i wasn’t talking about ella. there’s this new kid in dior, her name is ivory. she looks just like you.”
jennie quickly grabbed her drink and held it to her lips, pausing to speak before taking a quick swig.  “ivory? i haven’t heard of her. i don’t really pay attention to these new kids.” her tone was light and casual, almost a bit disregarding.
jisoo’s eyes sparkled with something jennie couldn’t quite name. she watched her friend smile at her before speaking once again. “well, it’s quite the resemblance. you should see for yourself. i was planning on introducing you anyway.”
jennie’s heart skipped a beat as she let out a chuckle of surprise. “oh, that’s really not necessary, jisoo.” 
the dior ambassador’s eyes shifted to the entrance of the club, watching as a familiar figure walked in. she placed her hands on the table and rose to her feet, flashing a quick smile to her younger bandmate.
“nonsense. i’ll go get her. stay here.”
there were very few things that made jennie kim feel genuine fear. sure, she got scared easily. but genuine fear?
there were only two things: the father of her daughter and the world finding out about ivory.
“hey!” lisa squealed as she took a seat next to jennie. the idol was snapped out of her thoughts by the noise, as well as the sight of the thai girl with an australian behind her.
“hi rosie, hi lisa.” she chuckled softly, trying to mask her anxiety as the two settled in beside her. “where’s jisoo?” the thai girl asked, her head on a swivel as she scanned the bustling scene. “i thought she was here?” 
“oh i think she went to the bathroom—” as if the universe ignored every plea in jennie’s body, jisoo reappeared, a bright smile on her face as she waved enthusiastically. “i’m back! and look who i brought!” she gestured to ivory, who was standing slightly awkwardly beside her.
“oh hey girls,” jisoo announced, grinning from ear to ear as she gently motioned towards the younger girl beside her. “this is ivory, she’s dior’s newest ambassador. i came to introduce her to jennie. don’t they look alike?”
ivory blinked, caught off guard. however, she remained silent, simply giving a small bow to the veteran idols in front of her. jennie felt a rush of heat to her cheeks, and before she could respond, lisa leaned forward, her expression intrigued as she examined the features on jane’s face. “oh wow, she really does look like you! what the hell?” rosé nodded in agreement, her eyes wide as she pointed a finger between the two. “she looks like you did when you were a trainee, unnie. are you two related?”
jennie let out a forced laugh, feeling a mix of pride and panic at the unexpected attention. “well—uh—”
before she could finish, jisoo jumped in, “of course they’re related! look at their faces!” she elbowed jennie playfully, adding a layer of humor to the situation. “there’s no way you two aren’t even cousins at least,” rosie mentioned, leaning back into the leather bench.
ivory, however, felt a bit overwhelmed by the scrutiny. “i don’t—”  she started, but the words faltered as her gaze drifted across the room. that’s when she spotted yuna in the distance, laughing and chatting with a group nearby. relief washed over her, and without thinking, she seized the opportunity.
“uh, i think i need to go say hi to my friend. it was nice meeting you all!” ivory blurted out, her voice rising slightly as she stood up from the table and quickly bowed before almost running over to yuna. the suddenness of her movement startled jennie, who watched wide-eyed as her daughter made a beeline toward her friend.
“wait—ivory!” jennie called out, but her daughter was already weaving through the crowd, determined to escape the spotlight. “see? she’s just like you!” jisoo teased, but jennie’s heart sank as she watched ivory disappear into the throng.
“give her a moment,” rosé reassured, her eyes following ivory’s retreating figure. “it’s a lot to take in.”
lisa nodded, her expression thoughtful. “yeah, she’ll be fine. just needs to catch up with her friends.”
jennie felt a mix of frustration and concern. she wanted to protect ivory, to shield her from the pressures that came with their family name, but she couldn’t help but feel that running away wasn’t the solution.
“maybe i should go after her,” jennie said, her instinct to protect kicking in.
“let her breathe,” jisoo said gently as she slid a new glass towards her friend. “it’s not like you’re her mother.”
jennie forced a laugh, but the comment struck a nerve. she was her mother, whether people recognized it or not. the idol fought the nerve to just tell it all, but she knew better than that. she settled back into her seat, trying to relax as she kept her eyes trained on her baby girl.
from her distance, jennie watched as ivory joined her friends. they were laughing, and for a moment, jennie felt a flicker of pride. she was happy her kiddo was enjoying the night. but then she saw a drink in ivory’s hand. given it was just a small glass of champagne, and jane was 18, it seemed harmless enough for her to let it slide.
jennie aimlessly engaged in conversation with her girls, but her gaze kept drifting back to ivory. the way she laughed with her friends brought a small smile to jennie's face, but there was a nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach.
but then ivory raised her glass for another. jennie's heart raced. she didn’t want to overreact, but two drinks in one night—especially knowing her daughter’s alcohol tolerance was very low—made her uneasy.
“excuse me, i need to use the bathroom,” jennie said, standing up abruptly. she glanced at the other girls, who exchanged a few looks. jisoo in particular watched her bandmate’s figure disappear into the bustling crowd.
as she navigated through the sea of dancing people, jennie felt a surge of protective instinct kick in. her sharp eyes glanced around, making sure no one was too close to ivory. her friend group had gone off somewhere, leaving her daughter alone near one of the side bars with a shot of something that looked a bit too strong being slid her way. 
“ivory!” jennie shouted, her voice firm yet laced with concern. the bass and lights pounded through the air, but her voice cut through it all, sharp with a mother's authority. jane froze, her hand hovering just above the small glass that had been slid toward her. she glanced over her shoulder, wide-eyed, before jennie reached her, her expression tense.
“oh sh—”
“what do you think you’re doing?” jennie’s words were calm but underlined with urgency as she swiftly put a hand on her daughter’s wrist. “i’m just...drinking. it’s a party.” ivory said, her tone defensive and a bit sharp as she crossed her arms. she avoided her mother’s intense gaze, clearly caught off guard.
jennie’s grip on jane’s wrist tightened ever so slightly, but her voice remained steady, though now tinged with a bit of frustration. “you’re not just drinking, jane ivory. you’re eighteen, and that’s a shot,” she said, gesturing to the glass sitting on the bar. “do you even know what’s in it? do you even know who gave it to you?”
ivory rolled her eyes, pulling her wrist free from jennie’s grasp. “look, seriously? i’m not a little kid anymore. it’s just a shot.” she reached for the glass again, her fingers brushing the rim. “it’s not like i’m doing anything crazy.”
her mother’s heart raced, the protective instinct flaring up even stronger. jennie’s voice was stern but laced with genuine concern. “you think everyone here has your best interests at heart just because it’s a party?”
ivory hesitated, her hand still hovering near the glass, clearly torn between rebellion and the nagging voice of reason her mother represented. she glanced up at jennie, her jaw tightening. “you’re being dramatic.”
her fingers wrapped around the shot glass despite her mother’s strict warning. she lifted it halfway to her lips, her eyes daring jennie to say something else.
immediately, jennie’s hand shot out, wrapping around the glass, stopping it just short of ivory’s mouth. their eyes locked, a silent standoff. “you may be old enough to drink,” jennie said firmly, her voice unyielding. “but i am still your mother. and you will not disregard that.” she pried the glass from her daughter’s fingers.
the younger girl’s jaw clenched as jennie took the alcohol away from her grip. the tension between them was palpable, as it usually was. but this was different since they were in public. ivory looked away, clearly trying to rein in her frustration, her arms crossing tightly over her chest. “whatever,” she muttered under her breath, her tone simmering with resentment. 
“you don’t have to embarrass me like this.”
jennie, still holding the glass, placed it firmly back on the bar. she met ivory’s gaze with a mix of determination and understanding. “i’m not trying to embarrass you. i’m trying to protect you,” she said softly, though her voice held a steel edge. “you’ll understand one day.”
“just because you made mistakes at my age doesn’t mean that i will, too.” 
ivory whispered harshly, her eyes flashing with a mix of defiance and hurt. jennie’s expression softened, though her frustration remained. the words stung more than she wanted to admit, but she kept her composure. “i’m not saying you will,” jennie replied quietly, her voice gentle yet firm. “i just don’t want you to feel like you have to make the same choices to figure things out.”
ivory rolled her eyes, clearly feeling cornered. “i’m not a kid anymore.” the blackpink member sighed, knowing that pushing further wouldn’t help at the moment. 
“i know,” she replied, softening her tone further. “but just because you’re older doesn’t mean i stop caring.”
her daughter opened her mouth to retort but stopped as something caught jennie’s attention. a figure in the distance stood with their phone held up, the lens clearly aimed in their direction. jennie’s heart sank as she realized what was happening.
jennie’s eyes narrowed, and the familiar, uncomfortable feeling of being watched and judged washed over her. she stepped slightly in front of ivory, instinctively trying to shield her from the attention. 
“valentine, we need to leave,” she said, her voice now laced with urgency. the younger girl furrowed her brow, confused by her mother’s sudden shift in tone. this was her last night in paris, she wanted to have fun. 
“what? why? i don’t want to leave. why do you always ruin—”
“jane ivory kim.” her voice low but sharp, and the use of her full name sending a jolt of warning through the young girl. even jane knew she was stepping on a line she shouldn't cross.
jennie’s eyes held an emotion that even ivory, in her frustration, couldn’t quite place. it wasn’t just anger. there was something deeper, something that made ivory pause for a second longer than she intended.
ivory’s frustration flared again, but now it was tinged with guilt. she knew her words had been harsh, maybe even offensive. but she hated how her mother always seemed to interfere just when she wanted a little freedom. 
however, seeing the way jennie looked at her now, even in the dim lighting and harsh noise, something about it made her chest tighten.
jennie was struggling to hold back her emotions. she understood that ivory was at an age where she wanted to spread her wings, to experience life without constant oversight. but jennie had been through it all—she knew how quickly things could spiral out of control, especially in the public eye.
she knew jane didn’t mean what she said. at least, that’s what she kept telling herself so she wouldn’t have her heart shatter into a million pieces.
“i’m not trying to ruin anything, ivory. i’m trying to protect you,” jennie’s voice softened, though the urgency was still there. she took a deep breath, lowering her voice so only her daughter could hear. 
“there’s someone filming us. we have to leave. now.”
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bitchey · 1 day
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 𓈒ׂ ☕️📁   ࣪ Falling For You @aestradairio 。° ࣪
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yncoreee · 1 day
CAN WE SKIP TO THE GOOD PART. Eunchae x reader
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Synopsis — she can’t help with the constant teasing and flirting… well maybe she will now that chaewon has eyes on her
Warnings .ᐟ chaewon is really overprotective they have one short kiss, this is prop not all, Requested
꩜ — ⵌWord count 986
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Eunchae still doesn’t know how and why she had gotten closer to you. over the past few weeks.
There was just something about you that pulled her like a magnet, the moment she laid eyes on you in the company’s building.
She couldn’t resist the constant flirting and teasing every time she met you. You were just too cute to not be babied nor teased.
Today was like the usual, lesserafim had been practicing all day, working on routines and all.
Eunchae decided to sneakily leave the practice room with the excuse of “getting some refreshments” which was obviously a lie. She was on her way to look for you.
She thought of going back, losing hopes. She was having a feeling that you didn’t come today. Until she bumped into a smaller figure.
“So sor— mmm if it isn’t the cutest girl in this building” she said with a small smirk as she helped you up from the floor.
Playfully, you rolled your eyes dusting the dirt away from your clothes. “You really suck at trying to get me flustered” you responded but couldn’t hold back a smile that tugged the corner of your lips.
“What?? I’m just telling the truth” she shrugged innocently leaning against the wall.
“Yeah right” you said with sarcasm. “Jeez, is that why you’ve been following me around like a lost puppy?” You pointed out raising an eyebrow at the taller girl.
“Oh and what if I just like you?” She asked pushing her body away from the wall, taking small steps towards you.
“You’re crazy” you rolled your eyes, playfully pushing her away. Eunchae let out a low chuckle “Yeah right. Crazy for you”. She smirked, leaning down. Of course she wasn’t going to get away that easily.
You felt your breath hitch and your heart beating faster the closer her face seemed to get to yours. Was she…..trying to kiss you.
No idea. You had absolutely no idea what she’s up to. But something about the way she stares at your lips just draws you closer to her.
Just as the gap between your lips were a mere inches apart a loud gasp was heard from behind.
“WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING HERE?!” Your body felt stiff after hearing the familiar voice.
Eunchae stepped away from you, like she had been caught red handed. “I-i chaewon u-unnie?” She managed to stutter, averting her gaze everywhere but the angry leader's face. Which probably looked red and on the verge of exploding.
“What the hell were you thinking of doing to my sister” she spoke through gritted teeth, eyeing the younger girl who, even though was 5cm taller, felt so small under her threatening gaze.
You stood in between them more specifically on eunchae’s side. Ready to protect her from what your sister could possibly pull next.
Eunchae on the other hand was completely baffled. She blinked multiple times at the new found information. “W-wait sister?!”
Chaewon let out a frustrated sigh. “Yes sister. Are you that dumb? Don’t you see the resemblance?!” She yelled the last part like it was the most obvious thing on earth.
“Ack!! Unnie I swear I didn’t know. I never knew! It’s just I like her soooo much, she gives me butterflies in my tummy!! I couldn’t help myself. I promise I won’t ever mess with her again!!” Eunchae pleaded practically kneeling on the ground for chaewon.
“Shut up and stop crying!” ….. “but do you seriously like her?” Chaewon asked. Her expression slowly softened.
“Yes!! I really really like her!” Eunchae nodded her head rapidly as she pulled your hands closer but immediately let go as soon as she noticed the scowl on Chaewon’s face.
Your heart felt like it was running a marathon as you glanced over at the eunchae who was being confident and teasing some minutes ago.
Chaewon closed her eyes, processing the girls words with a skeptical look. “YOU!” She opened her eyes pointing at you. “You like her back huh?”
You came back to reality closing your mouth. “Yes, I really really like her” you answered, nodding your head.
Seeing the skepticism in Chaewon’s eyes eunchae could feel her heart pounding as the pressure only increased. “Unnie I swear I’ll treat her right! I’ll be her forever love, I’ll—“
“Shut it” chaewon held up her index finger to silence the nervous girl.
She sighed finally coming to a conclusion after what seemed like ages. “Fine, I'll give you just one chance. And if you hurt her! I’ll make you decrease in height” chaewon threatened with a stern warning.
Eunchae gulped feeling intimidated by Chaewon’s facial expressions. “I promise” she whispered quietly.
“Good!” Chaewon huffed angrily stomping her foot away but came back to give another warning. “And NO kissing okay?!” She peeped her head from the wall, using her index and middle finger to point to her eyes and back at eunchae. A gesture that meant “I’m watching you”
“Y-yes no kissing” eunchae stuttered.
Eunchae let out a sigh of relief and turned to face you after she heard distant footsteps. “Damn that was hella scary” she admitted leaning against the wall again.
You let out a soft chuckle. “Well at least be happy she even agreed. Chaewon Unnie doesn’t easily agree to thing,It would’ve taken ages” you said acting like it wasn’t that much of a big deal and it was something you were used to.
Eunchae’s eyes widened. “Ages?!! I can’t wait for ages…..” eunchae spoke in a low tone, placing her hands on your waist as she pulls you closer.
She looked around making sure the coast was clear of an angry pupu before finally closing the gap between your lips, placing a short and soft kiss. “I love you y/n” she confessed nuzzling her forehead into yours.
“I love you to—“
“Uh oh”
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bellaaae · 20 hours
Eunchae and yn moments [88k views]
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— Clip 1✰
“Yn is so cuteee” Eunchae read out a comment happily.
“Thank you” Yn smiled making a heart with her hand. “No she isn’t” Eunchae disagreed.
Yn squinted her eyes followed by a sassy eye roll. “Heyyyy!! What’s that supposed to mean????” Eunchae fake cried looking up at Yn.
— Clip 2✰
Lesserafim finished their dance practice. They alls stood in the middle of the room staring at the camera until it was finally time to turn it off.
Yn and Eunchae ran to hug each other yelling as they jumped up and down. “RAHGDHSHS!!” They’re so relieved that practice was finally over.
The camera switched to Kazuha who pointed at the two hyper maknaes at the back. “What’s up with those two?”
— Clip 3✰
“Wait….i just saw something” Eunchae suddenly spoke. Her gaze focused on the computer screen.
“Cutie—“ the voice of yn sounded from the computer. It sounded like the popular video of yn doing Aegyo.
“Fearnots do you know this?” Eunchae asked letting out a loud laugh. She carried the camera and flipped it around to show fearnots the video.
“It’s so cute but the way yn is embarrassed makes it funny” she giggled.
Eunchae decided to press the close button to focus on reading the comments.
[Yn 🎧]
Yahhh unnie??? Please never do that!!
Eunchae bursted out laughing harder than the previous laugh. She stuck her tongue out at the camera. “Come make me!” “I’ll play more of your Aegyos” she teased.
— Clip 4✰
“I’m not scared of ghost. I’m not even scared of anything—” Eunchae boosted talking to the camera as she walked around the set.
“AHHH!” She screamed backing off the money she laid eyes on yn who had a ghost make up on.
“Hey! You scared me!” She whined stomping forward to slap Yn’s arm and then stomping away with a pout.
“I refuse to believe I’m the maknae” Yn sighed.
— Clip 5✰
“This house is such a mess” chaewon groaned as she held onto the camera for the vlog.
“Ah!” She screamed almost meeting face with the floor but maintained her balance. “WHO THE HECK— ohhh awww they’re so cuteeee” she cooed flipping the camera around like her expressions did and zooming in to two sleeping maknaes.
“Their cheeks look so fluff…it’s like watching two sleeping cats” she muttered.
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tzulipss · 8 days
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‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎S𝑜CR4Z𝑦.jpeg⠀⠀⌨️⠀⠀⠀۫ ͡ ͡ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 🪟⠀⠀⠀ㅤ𑜞✿ ꯭ꯨ🍀 ᭢⠀‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ( #流行 ) ‎ ‎ ‎ * ° ໋•̩̩͙
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fuckici · 7 months
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𓈒 ˙ 👡 ּ 🛍⠀ . ࣪𓇻 ݁
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sugarish · 18 days
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  ✟᭢᜴꤬⠀ act like an angel .
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iyunjin · 7 months
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𝐘ᱹmp3 📼 ࣪ ָ 𖦹 さ 𝇃𝇂
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我 ⸼ ࣪ ✿◌ ۪ 🕷 _ ⩇⩇ ᭡
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shiolu · 7 months
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She  Looks  Just  Like  A  Dream,  The  Prettiest  Girl  I've  Ever  Seen ✧ . ︵
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⠀⠀⠀⠀ ヾ(๑╹◡<)ノ"ㅤ࣪ ᭄᭡⠀ ⠀♥︎ @yeritos
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y-unjins · 2 years
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♩ ⁺ ⠀┄ (☆﹏☆) 𓏸𓈒
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♩ ⁺ ⠀┄ (☆﹏☆) 𓏸𓈒
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kazuhas · 8 months
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jihyoruri · 1 month
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ HOMESICK kim chaewon x reader
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↳ warnings richgirl!yn, read these four parts before this one if you haven’t already, yn is struggling, chaewon is …. chaewon again , aespa girls on top, swearing
yn had been at the aespa dorms for weeks.
and you would think it would make the girls concerned on the absence of their beloved member but it only fueled more things.
kazuha tried her best to make excuses for yn’s absence telling the girls that the aespa dorms are closer to yn’s house and yn did mention how she had things to take care of with her dad, but only earned comments like this.
“we have a comeback coming up, she would be responsible and tell her dad that we need her.”
“fans are getting worried as well she hasn’t updated for weeks, she needs to realize that this falls back on us and to stop thinking about herself.”
“so daddy’s girl is running around shopping with him and not doing her job of being an idol for weeks, classic yn.”.
the last one was chaewon of course.
it only took one big mishap for yn to be forced back into the her actual dorms and you could probably blame chaewon for this one.
yn listened to the girls' conversation, her head resting comfortably on jimin’s shoulder. she chimed in with her thoughts now and then, enjoying the warmth of their easy chatter.
staying in the dorms with them felt right, comforting, like slipping into a favorite sweater. when she was with them, her worries seemed to fade away, and for a moment, she could almost forget the group she actually belonged to.
still, she never forgot to text kazuha. no matter what, kazuha was always on her mind, someone she could never overlook. the thought of her brought a small pang of worry, she hadn’t heard from her all day.
yn sat up from jimin’s shoulder causing the older girl to look at her concerned, she reached over to grab her phone but was cut off by a gasp from aeri.
"yn, did you see this?" aeri asked, climbing over minjeong to reach her. "look at this, bro."
yn took the phone from aeri and focused on the video playing on the screen.
all of her members were sitting together, clearly in the middle of a group live stream, except it didn’t really feel like one since yn wasn’t there.
her brows knitted together as she watched kazuha’s face, noticing the subtle confusion in her expression. kazuha leaned in to whisper something to yunjin, who simply shrugged and continued chatting with the fans, her smile never faltering.
yn felt the four girls around her lean in closer, their eyes fixed on the screen over her shoulder..
In the video, kazuha glanced at chaewon before scanning the comments. "where’s yn?" she asked, her tone laced with concern as she read the comment she started to say something more, but chaewon quickly interrupted.
"she’s not feeling well, don’t worry, guys. she’s okay, you guys can stop asking now” chaewon laughed, “all the comments are asking for yn let’s talk about something else.”
the video ended with the other members nodding in agreement, except for kazuha, who remained silent.
“what the hell…” minjeong muttered under her breath as yn handed the phone back to aeri, her expression clouded with confusion and hurt.
“why didn’t they call you so you could join the group live?” jimin asked, her hand gently rubbing yn’s back. her eyes darted to yizhuo, who stared back at yn with a simmering anger.
“because they’re assholes,” yizhuo snapped. “you’re literally a phone call away. It wouldn’t have been that hard.”
“I wouldn’t say they’re assh-”
“shut up, yn they’re assholes.”
the girl quieted at her best friends words putting her head in her hands, “I don’t know what’s going on anymore.” she says quietly, “I just- I just don’t know what I did.”
“you didn’t do anything,” jimin says pulling yn into her side, “you didn’t do anything at all.”
“I must have done something,” yn insisted, her voice laced with frustration. “if you do something wrong, you get treated like you’ve done something wrong.” the words spilled out, echoing the words she’d heard her entire life.
“that’s just your dad’s twisted logic,” yizhuo retorted, shaking her head in disbelief. “it’s stupid.”
“It’s not stupid,” yn snapped, her voice rising as she stood up abruptly. the concerned faces of her friends only made her feel more suffocated. “I’m gonna call zuha ,” she said, more to herself than to them, desperate for some clarity or understanding.
yn walked down the hall, her footsteps heavy with frustration, and slipped into yizhuo’s room. she sat on the edge of the bed, her thoughts racing as she pressed kazuha’s name in her call log. the phone barely rang once before kazuha picked up.
“yn, where were you?” kazuha’s voice was tense with frustration. “you missed the live—what is going on?”
“I didn’t even know there was a live,” yn replied, her tone sharp with hurt. “why are you questioning me? you didn’t even tell me about it.”
“what?” kazuha’s voice softened, almost as if she was speaking to herself. “our manager told chaewon to let you know…which I’m now realizing was a terrible decision.”
yn stared blankly at the wall, her heart sinking as the weight of the situation hit her. what the hell? she could barely process the excuse. “okay, zuha… I’m gonna talk to you later,” she said, her voice hollow.
“yn, wait—are you okay?” kazuha’s voice held a hint of concern, but yn couldn’t bring herself to answer. she just couldn’t deal with it right now.
without another word, she hung up, the silence in the room pressing down on her like a heavy weight.
yn let out a heavy sigh and made her way out of yizhuo’s room, her thoughts swirling. as she reentered the living room, the other girls turned to look at her, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity.
jimin quickly reached out, gently grabbing yn’s arm and pulling her down to sit beside her. yizhuo’s gaze remained fixed on yn, waiting for her to speak
“I thought it was just banter at first,” yn began, her voice barely above a whisper. “but now… I think she might actually hate me.”
yizhuo clenched her jaw, her frustration palpable. “have I ever mentioned how much I hate your dad?” she said, her voice tight with anger. “he’s the reason you’re stuck in this mess. you could’ve been with us, but no—he had to ruin everything.”
the bitterness in yizhuo’s voice was unmistakable. she had never fully gotten over what happened when yn was forced to transfer to hybe. While the other girls tried to be strong, pushing through the pain for yn’d sake, yizhuo couldn’t let it go. no matter how hard she tried, the resentment lingered.
yn opened her mouth to respond, but the sudden ringing of her phone cut her off. her heart sank when she saw the caller ID—her father. she hesitated, then answered, ignoring the worried glances from the girls. they had witnessed enough of her tense conversations with him to know what was coming.
“hey, dad,” she greeted him, trying to keep her voice steady.
“yn,” his voice was sharp, no warmth to be found. “why is your manager calling me to tell me that you missed an important live?”
yn’s grip tightened around the phone. “I didn’t—”
“I don’t care,” he snapped, cutting her off. “I don’t need excuses. be back at your dorms today. no exceptions.”
the line went dead before yn could say another word. she stared at the phone in disbelief, her father’s harsh words echoing in her mind. the room was silent, the weight of the conversation hanging in the air as her friends looked on, helpless to ease her pain.
“he sure does love taking you away from us huh?” aeri said trying her best to lighten the mood.
“we can drop you off,” jimin insisted but yn shook her head.
“my dad’s probably already sending the driver.”
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yn’s chest felt tight as she opened the door to her dorm. The sound of chatter filled the air, instantly overwhelming her senses. she took a deep breath, determined not to let the negativity get to her. you’re yn, she reminded herself. you’re confident. you can’t let this bring you down.
quickly, she glanced at her phone, checking her reflection. satisfied with how she looked, she flashed a bright smile at the camera before slipping the phone into the pocket of her jean skirt, which was trimmed with fluffy lining. she walked further into the room, where her members were gathered around the kitchen, busy making lunch together.
her eyes landed on kazuha, who sat quietly on one of the chairs at the kitchen island, her usual liveliness subdued. yn moved toward her, wrapping her arms around her from behind. “zuha!” she called out, trying to infuse her voice with cheerfulness.
the room fell silent at the sound of yn’s voice. kazuha immediately turned around, her face lighting up as she pulled yn into a tight hug. yn smiled, a warm feeling spreading through her chest as she returned the embrace.
with one arm still around kazuha, yn turned to the other girls, flashing them her signature charming smile. “hey, guys!”
the others waved back, though chaewon’s narrowed eyes lingered on yn. the tension was palpable
“I hope I didn’t miss anything important,” yn said lightly, trying to keep the mood casual.
no one responded, and the silence hung awkwardly in the air. yn, unfazed, gently tugged kazuha along with her toward her room.
the rest of the day passed with an undercurrent of unease. kazuha tried to get yn to open up, but she remained guarded. meanwhile, the other girls whispered among themselves about yn’z sudden reappearance, her absence, and her undeniable popularity. as the day turned into the next, things began to unravel.
“yn is trending everywhere right now,” yunjin remarked to chaewon as the girls lounged in the living room. “and all she did was post a photo.”
“do you think her dad pays for likes?” sakura quipped, making eunchae snicker.
“they’re not just talking about the photo,” yunjin added, scrolling through her phone. “they’re also raving about her performances. what does that have to do with a photo?”
“I told you, it’s all privilege,” chaewon said with growing irritation. “yn gets praised for doing the bare minimum.”
“am I hearing my name?” yn’s voice cut through the room as she walked in, kazuha trailing behind her. “what’s up?”
chaewon narrowed her eyes at the smug smile on yn’s face. she just wanted to wipe it off. “what’s up?” she echoed sarcastically. “are you serious?”
yn tried to maintain her composure, ignoring the venom in chaewon’s tone. “yeah, I mean, I heard my name. obviously, something’s up.”
“I don’t think we can tell you,” chaewon sneered, her voice dripping with disdain. “you’ll probably run to daddy.”
yn clenched her jaw, fighting to keep her temper in check. “can we stop?” kazuha tried to intervene, but yn shook her head, not backing down.
“what the hell is your problem, chaewon?” yn shot back, stepping closer to the group. “you’re being a real bitch right now. I thought that was supposed to be my role, but you’re taking it to a whole new level.”
the other girls exchanged glances, surprised by yn’s bluntness. She had a way of cutting through the tension with words that hit hard.
“I should be the one who’s mad,” yn continued, her voice rising with emotion. “none of you have told me what I did wrong. you talk all this shit, but no one has the guts to tell me to my face. for you to hate me this much, to leave me out of a group live… I had to have done something. and as the leader, chaewon, why didn’t you tell me?”
“because I didn’t want you there,” chaewon replied coldly, shrugging as if it were obvious.
“you?” yn repeated, stunned.
“oh, sorry,” chaewon said with a mocking laugh. “I meant we didn’t want you there.”
yn’s hands balled into fists at her sides. “why? Just tell me why.”
chaewon rolled her eyes and stood, walking right up to yn. “because we don’t need someone who hasn’t worked a day in their life dragging us down. what do you even bring to the table?”
“I bring a lot,” yn shot back, her voice steady despite the hurt bubbling inside. “I’m talented, and you hate that. I’m probably the most talked-about person in this group. Just admit it, chaewon—what’s the real reason?”
“you’re the most talked about because of your family,” chaewon spat. “your success is built on your last name.”
“my family has nothing to do with my success,” yn said, her voice trembling with anger.
“they have everything to do with it,” chaewon retorted. “just look at the stats. you’re the only one of us who’s never gotten any hate. after coachella, you were the only one who got praised. that’s got to be money talking.”
“my dad has zero control over how much people like me,” yn argued, her frustration mounting.
“your dad has a lot of control, actually,” yunjin chimed in, shrugging as if it were a fact. “the moon family controls how the public sees them.”
yn felt the walls closing in on her as she looked at kazuha, who only offered her a sad, apologetic glance. she was outnumbered, outmatched, and completely alone.
“I can’t do this right now,” yn whispered, turning on her heel and heading for the door.
but chaewon wasn’t finished. “running away again? can’t handle the truth, daddy’s girl?”
“fuck you.”
and the with that the door slammed shut.
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yn herself couldn’t tell you how she found herself laying on the sand on a beach in busan.
the ocean waves filled the sounds around her on the empty beach, she felt so tired, she just couldn’t understand how things could go so wrong for her.
she knows that she comes from a family of all sorts of wrong, even she herself thinks that she isn’t the best person but was all of this warranted?
“you seem to have some sucky people in your life.”
the homeless man beside her said as he handed yn back her phone after the girl asked him to take some photos of her being sad, her reasoning being a “ a reminder of what she shouldn’t be.”
“you could say that.” she said digging her hands into the sand.
as she stared out at the horizon, her phone buzzed in her lap. she didn’t need to check the screen to know who it was. with a sigh, she brought the phone to her ear.
“yn, why are you on a random beach in busan? that’s two whole hours away,” yizhuo’s concerned voice crackled through the line.
“I’m actually having a lot of fun right now.”
“you know we’re gonna come for you right?”
“yeah…” yn’s voice trailed off as she stared at the waves. “and when you guys do, when we get back, I think I’m going to head home—my actual home. Just for a day or two.”
“yn…” yizhuo’s voice softened, but yn cut her off.
“I miss the toxicity I’m used to,” yn said with a sad smile. “I’m homesick.”
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