#*late night cc post drop then disappears*
19982510 · 2 months
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7 poses (2 are variations)
credits @awingedllama for the fan that I converted into an accessory for this pose pack!
note: F2_V2 was made for the original fan by /awingedllama, which you can get in this wonderful set "Nostalgia Living" it is a variation on F2_V1 so the left hand will not clip - it's also intended to be used to make gifs like the one above!
released the screwdriver from its prison Easy Go Tool Set that came with the Get Famous Expansion. its now an accessory! feel free to use it in other poses/move its position to other bones.
do not put any of the accessories behind a paywall!
enjoy :]
downloads: patreon (free) | google drive (free) | simfileshare (free)
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chiisai-fukurou · 6 years
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My second day in Tokyo :3
By pure coincidence my best friend happened to be in Tokyo for work that day and we decided that I dropped by at the Tokyo Gift Show to meet during her lunch break :) It was fun and So far I’ve never been to this part of Tokyo before :D Tokyo big sight was impressive as was the wind that day (a Taifun was approaching and was set to hit Tokyo that night...) The wind was strong enough to blow my CC Lemon can from the park bench when I had put it right next to myself (°_°;) Still Japanese didn’t seem to be impressed by this and just soldiered on with heir daily life. Don’t be mistaken as they will all return home or stay inside during the storm and as far as I know only tourists venture outside during a Taifun... My umbrella got shredded that day before I reached my hotel (^-^;)
Before meeting up with my friend I decided to take a stroll around the Big Sight and see what's around :) It was interesting and there was an installation showing different water harvesting methods (basically devices used to try rainwater :) and other interesting ideas to save on energy and water on display before a Panasonic showroom :) As an engineer is was super interesting to see those and to figure out the way they were working :3 I like how most things on display on Japan put an emphasis on understanding how something was made or on how it works as this seems like a good way to reduce the fear many people seem to have of new things :) The Panasonic Show room was certainly worth seeing as well :3 I was especially impressed with a dish washer they had on display that had very nice interlocking reservoirs and generally a very clever integrated design :)
The Tokyo Gift Show was certainly very interesting and I met some very interesting a skilled craftsmen :3 You can see their work on Instagram @shirasagimk who make beautiful wooden bowls and implements turned from wood :3 They are a family run company who makes truly awesome things :3  I was impressed how thin they could turn the wood on their cups :o and @nishimotokoichi who is a great Urushi artist and craftsman :) Sadly he doesn’t display any of his work online but his work is truly awesome and he is kind enough to give me some advice on how to use Urushi from time to time :)
It was a satisfying day with a lot of nice encounters and while I do not like to get wet in the rain I still kind of enjoy listening to it and the wind :) The rain hitting the windows and the wind howling over Tokyo are certainly impressive to behold :3
@todayintokyo I’m a cat-holic so every cat is my friend :D Also I’m pretty good at cat spotting :3 I hope to post something about my work again soon :)
@sallyawayfromhome thank you very much :,) your reply made me happy (^-^)
@youcal thank you :) considering how many articles I wrote I’m surprised how well the filter worked but still... I wish it wasn’t necessary. I feel like this is an issue with tumblr waiting until it is too late and then being cut short on time with finding a solution instead of looking at their platform and trying to fix its various ailments like spam accounts following me and implementing a user based report system that actually works.
@giantcypress sorry if my article sounded like you left the platform :D That was not my intention :D I during 2017 I had quite a few of my articles getting flagged as NSFW due to them having been reblogged on several porn related tumblrs... It is not that it is something I can change and in this case I can see why it got flagged... I also think that the reason other articles didn’t disappear is that this one is one of the few articles that didn’t get flagged before :D So it seems like they implemented a good mechanism that also checks whether  a post got unfledged before :)
Honestly thank you to everyone who keeps on reading my blog and supporting me :)
I’ve spent Christmas with my family in Berlin and new year in Hamburg with a friend and his family :) It was a nice time and a very good way to spend my vacations :)
Still I couldn’t help feeling oddly foreign and not at home. It is hard to describe but I really don’t feel that I share many values, ideas or interests with the people surrounding me... I’m more of a loner due to often getting scolded for the things I’m doing or a lack of appreciation for the things I’m either doing or trying to do. I know it might be a bit harsh but I feel like people here see skill as something disposable and prefer interchangeable people who somehow have specialised skills. I have to admit that, by nature, I don’t like conflicts and much rather prefer to try my best to have a pleasant situation around myself which seems to be something Germans don’t seem to appreciate and to interpret as a weakness. Especially while going out to look for christmas gifts for my family I couldn’t help but feel like most things around me were just not my cup of tea. Which is okay but the sheer amount made me feel rather lonely.
To put it blankly I cannot wait to be in Japan again.
In the meantime I’ll try to write more about last years trip to Japan here to remind me of things that were pleasant :)
With that said I wish everyone a great new year 2019 with lots of sweet dreams  (^-^)/
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