rksakura · 5 years
kt flyer to @rkjohnny ! ( 13 / ? )
sakura considers johnny a good friend but she also has to consider that he’s been training longer than she has. it’s different, addressing those who are not much older than she is. “hey you there!” her eyes are locked on the male as she waves her hand saying a hello excitedly. “is it okay if you can take this flyer?” she usually talks to him in english, finding that using this language is much easier than hangul. “they’ve been asking me to give this all around. seems like i can’t get it out of my hands..” she sighs softly then curves her lips into a small smile, chuckling lightly.
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rksakura · 5 years
kt flyer to @rkjinwook​! ( 11 / ? ) 
it’s not shocking to see the brunette walk around seoul passing out pieces of paper that promote her company’s status figures and image. sakura didn’t think it would be too much of an issue. she didn’t have a difficult time engaging in conversations with other people because of her social butterfly skills. this meant idols too and she’d witness them enter the seocho building ( but only once in a blue moon ). jinwook, a member of convex is right in front of her sight! “hello there sunbaenim!” she bows her head politely because that’s the best gesture to show her respect. “is it okay if i pass you this flyer.. with my signature on it?” she sounded silly but she could only giggle at her corny statement.
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rksakura · 5 years
kt flyer to @rkmason ! ( 5 / ? )
sakura didn’t liked how the results turned out, she wanted to secure the victory with those close to her by her side but sometimes, even that is out of her control. she didn’t hold the string puppets to dictate the show, but she still wants to let mason know that she’ll spend time with him regardless of the circumstances with her busy schedule. if someone wanted to make time, excuses truly shouldn’t be made. “oniisan, kt has me passing out there posters.. it’s kind of weird.” she complains in english, australian accent clear and sharp. her signature’s on the paper marked and the date, her fingers slip it closer to the male as she sips her tea. “it’s pretty silly actually.” she laughs lightheartedly.
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rksakura · 5 years
kt flyer to @rksxngyeol ! ( 10 / ? )
it seems that these days she rarely has time to be out and about in the heart of the city, playing as a wanderer in the massive yet crowded spaces is still one of her favourite past times. sakura finds serenity in the beautiful sights of the cafes that she passes by and the antique boutiques in the shopping district. she needed to buy a formal dress for her parent’s next business trip since she’ll be meeting up with them within the next week. it doesn’t take her long to find a job that she likes. once she enters, she prepares to speak in a precise flow of korean to the stranger who didn’t look like he’d bite. “is it okay if you may take this flyer? thank you so much!” the sheet of paper’s folded into a triangular piece to save space.
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rksakura · 5 years
kt flyer to @rkyerim ! ( 9 / ? )
sakura rarely saw yerim these days. a friendship that she once kept to heart ( and still does to this very day ) but cannot talk to her on a daily basis due to busy agendas and trails of the past. though, it seems that she’ll be seeing her more around the seocho building. “hey there!” she tries to put on a smile the best she can, even though it’s a forced one. “they have me sending out these flyers for some odd reason..” she’s folded the papers in triangular shapes as it’s easy to manage than stuffing her whole backpack with the full sheets. “would you like to take one?”
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rksakura · 5 years
kt flyer to @rkyeri​ ! ( 8 / ? )
sakura still has a difficult time adjusting to the seocho building due to its massive size. there’s still so much she has to learn about being a trainee. it’s a period of adjustment for her, realising that she doesn’t have a lot of free slots in her schedule anymore. but, rarely does she see members of eclipse in the kt practise room! “oh my!” her eyes widened, jaw agape in shock as she can’t believe who was in front of her sight. yeri from eclipse! “oh wow, sunbaenim! hi there!” she has to stay with the guidelines so she doesn’t ruin her reputation, sakura presents herself with a polite bow and a piece of paper folded into a triangular shape which is a kt flyer with her signature on it. “please take this if you can, i have to do this flyer thingy! thank you so much, yeri-sunbaenim!” the honourific doesn’t drop from her tongue, she still has a lot to work with her korean but she’ll get there.
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rksakura · 5 years
kt flyer to @rkharuto​ ! ( 7 / ? ) 
the weather today is breezy, but not in high winds but rather soft ones that mesh with the perfection of the bright sun. there’s no overcast either, sakura is a sucker for nice weather. it doesn’t come too often in seoul as it’s too humid but she dealt with all that back when she resided in japan. she hums softly to herself, prancing around and giving strangers flyers. she stops a boy who seems to be minding his own business but sakura pesters him anyway, “hi i’m sorry for bothering you!” she gives a polite bow briefly before handing over the paper. “please take this if you can! it’s a kt flyer.” she doesn’t like forcing anything on others, so she couldn’t blame him if he didn’t want to take it.
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rksakura · 5 years
kt flyer to @danielxrk​ ! ( 6 / ? ) 
surprisingly, there’s time for her to be out and about in the busy streets of seoul. sakura likes to travel around in the heart of the city, where the core is and everyone’s hangout place. this is the same street that eventually leads her to her favourite cafe, where she spends a lot of time studying and sipping her favourite cup of teas. much to her surprise, she catches daniel in the same location as her. it’s not often that she’ll get to see him anymore as she’s signed her life away but she stops by, pulls a chair and sits next to him. “is this okay for me to sit here, daniel?” she’s holding a sheet of paper and folds it in a triangular shape and passes it over to him on the table, “they wanted me to hand this to people. is it okay if you take one?” she asks politely with a friendly smile. 
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rksakura · 5 years
kt flyer to @rkhyeon ! ( 3 / ? ) 
somewhere in the heart of seoul, the australian gal had to make time to get her favourite cup of tea to start off her day. this is on her daily to-do’s, get tea to secure her health is at its finest. once she’s done sipping the liquids, she makes her way out of the cafe and realises that she has to tend to her duties as being a new trainee: passing out flyers to the public. it isn’t a huge problem for her at all since she’s extremely outgoing but the matter lies in the heart whether people want to accept it from her or not. she stops the next person in the politest way she can, “hi there! this is a kt flyer, i am miyawaki sakura! could you pretty please take this?” she smiles warmly, releasing the piece of paper out of her hand and giving it out to the other.
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rksakura · 5 years
kt flyer to @rkjjwon​ ! ( 1 / ? )
does this count? kind of sort of, right? one flyer. seven more to go. sakura wants this mission to finish quickly but it doesn’t seem hard at all as she’s naturally a friendly and social person. “jaewon, jaewon! can you take one of these for me?” her lips tug into a wide grin as she excitedly hands him the sheet of paper from her stack. “it even has my signature on it so that it’s limited edition, ehehe~” she giggles softly, covering her mouth with her hand. she’s checked all the pieces of paper if it had her signature on it and sakura’s pretty sure that there’s not a single one missing. “i’ll always be here for you if you need anything. i’ll be a call away for our little family! no matter what.” she doesn’t forget to remind him of how important family is before anything else in spite that they’ll both see each other less. sakura blames it on the busy schedules.
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rksakura · 5 years
kt flyer to @rkdongmin ! ( 12 / ? )
a blessing is to have her friends within the same building as her. sometimes, it gets too lonely to train and practise all by herself. sakura’s the kind of person to rely on being around others to guide her happiness ( which may not even be a bad thing ). seeing dongmin at the cafeteria or passing by brings her joy, “it’s nice to see you around, tomodachi.” the word friend in japanese she says with her naturally soft voice. “may you take this flyer?” she passes on the triangular-shaped pieces of paper to the other. “we should even hangout during the cafeteria! but i heard trc can be rough sometimes eh?”
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rksakura · 5 years
kt flyer to @rkyooa​ ! ( 4 / ? ) 
there’s a pretty face she’ll be seeing more in the building, yooa. sakura’s made it this far to become a trainee ( not even expecting this outcome in reality, but grateful for the opportunities ). the seocho building is massive in perplexity, size and getting around. it’s only been a couple of days and she’s still not settled but she finds ease when she relaxes with one of her friends. “yooa-chan, here you go! it’s a flyer!” she slips it in the girl’s hand, paper folded securely in a triangular shape. “we’ll be seeing each other more! i got signed to kt. i’ll still be your biggest fan no matter what though, okay?~” she breaks into a pose, showing a peace sign with both of her fingers and gives the other girl a warm smile. “looks like i have to call you sunbaenim now though!”
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rksakura · 5 years
kt flyer to @hyojinrk​ ! ( 2 / ? ) 
there is an awful feeling in her core, sakura still cannot get over the fact that she’ll be seeing her friends on rare occasions because of trainee life in the way. “hyojin-chan, can you take this for me please?” hints of sadness is seen through her eyes, she passes the small sheet of paper over to hyojin. “it’s a kt flyer, i hope you get to keep it because i left a letter for you on the back! i’ll always hang out with you even if i’m a trainee.” she can’t help it, sakura pouts as she brings hyojin into a brief embrace. “i want to be with my friends forever, they can’t stop me! i’ve always got time for you. promise!” she sticks out her pinky finger in the air to indicate her words, something she’ll never ever take back.
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rksakura · 5 years
kt flyer to @rkseunghun​! ( 14 / ? ) 
sakura didn’t have a lot of time these days to come to the university grounds. in fact, she misses being around her classmates and greeting her professors daily but that isn’t the case anymore. this semester, she’s switched over to part-time as she’s been focusing on her duties as a trainee. it’s different than what she’s used to but it’s a matter of time that she’ll absorb everything. while most people don’t like going to school, sakura didn’t mind it one bit. “hey seunghun! how have you been?” she greets her classmate with a bright smile on her face. “is it okay if you take this flyer out of my hands? it’s nice to see you around since i barely do..” she pouts, handing him over the small sheet of paper.
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