#*is totally working on a sona but worried it might be too complicated because that is a habit I have*
arintheman · 22 hours
Ok serious question that is furry-related. How many animals is too many to combine into one sona? (Elaboration in tags is appreciated)
I'm only leaving this up for a day cuz I wanna know
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5thgradedrawings · 5 years
Do you have any tips for people that might wanna make their own comics? :o love your blog!!
first of all, thank you for the compliment and sorry for answering this so late!!! i’ve been quite busy all day, and then i hit post limit, and then i simply forgot about this ask...
as for tips... hmm, well, since i just started this, i don’t really have any real idea what i’m doing BUT!!! i can give you what my thought process was when making this blog:
1. i would suggest adopting a simpler style if you currently have one that is too complicated (my main art style has more detail and drawing with it often is very draining!!) and if you’re afraid you won’t have a consistent style, don’t worry about it!!!! by using a simpler style, with less details/colors, you’ll be able to draw more and FINISH more, which will give you a real sense of accomplishment. furthermore, look at it from a perspective of a beginner- this is the first time you’re doing something like this, so it’s okay to make mistakes or have art that maybe looks a little frumpy in your eyes.
2. try to be consistent!!! and i don’t mean with your style- be consistent with the colors you use, the characters, the panels.... obviously feel free to deviate from what you establish as your norm, but at first, set some rules for yourself. for example, i’ve decided that my norm is doing two panel comics and using mainly pastel colors with more saturated, bright colors, and i always use the same pink for my character. this both makes it easier to make decisions in regards to my art and it also challenges me to get creative! two panels isn’t an easy way to go, so it helps me think more about what i’m going to draw about.
3. decide what you want to draw about- do you want to have multiple characters and have them doing whacky antics and making jokes, like cyelatm? or do you want to make a ‘sona of yourself and draw about your daily life and silly thoughts you have, like mysillycomics and myself? or maybe you’d like to do comics more like dog-teeth, where you talk about your experiences with gender, sexuality, and mental health? there’s lots of options, and it all depends on how much of your life you want to share, and what kind of audience you’re looking for.
4. draw experiences from your daily life! most of what i draw is very inane, because it’s really just thoughts i have throughout the day or things that i do, but i try to make it interesting by drawing funny or cute expressions/poses (this blog is essentially a public diary and a way for me to vent and cope with mental illness.) even if your comics are completely fictional, drawing inspiration from your life will be a huge help.
5. write down your ideas, dude. always. you get a good idea for a comic??? WRITE IT DOWN. whether you’re writing it in the notes on your phone or jotting down a scribble in your notebook, you gotta keep those ideas. trust me, you’ll thank yourself when you do this.
6. look at other comic blogs!!! find inspiration in their art and stories and jokes!!! look at how they do things, how they draw, how they compose things. you’ll get a good idea of how to shape your comic like this.
7. don’t be afraid to post your art, even if you think it doesn’t look that great or isn’t that funny or interesting. just finishing something and posting it is a great mood booster in and of itself, and you’ll feel bad about deleting or not posting something you worked on! i post everything i draw here, despite my personal feelings on how it looks, because i know there’s always going to be someone out there that likes it.
8. don’t beat yourself up if you don’t end up posting as much as you’d like to. when i started this blog, i posted maybe 2-3 comics a day, but you might’ve noticed i haven’t even posted a comic in like a week! i love drawing these comics but sometimes i feel burnt out or unmotivated or straight up just have a difficult time with mental health, and that’s totally okay. you just have to remember that you don’t owe anybody anything, and you should always work at your own pace.
drawing comics when you haven’t ever before is a big change in art direction, so it can be difficult at first!!! but if you’re really determined to keep chugging along, then you’ll do great! these tips are just things that i keep in mind and do for myself cos they work for me, but i hope these work for you as well! i also suggest maybe asking for tips from other blogs, and get different opinions and methods, since everyone is different, and you may get a better sense of what to do.
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