#*in Olivia Cooke's voice* Stunning
ironthroneconquerors · 4 months
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Olivia Cooke for Entertainment Weekly
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ahappyphjl · 4 months
phils hair……. im processing. it looks insanely good now give us the messy quiff
it doeeees he looks like the coolest person ever, i mean he is but like the blonde is Stunning. the power he would have with a messy quiff….i fear none would survive
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everythingroyalty · 2 years
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missdontcare-x · 2 years
“a negroni, sbagliato with prosecco in it”
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euphorial-docx · 5 months
your fics are so well loved and cherished <3 it’s been a almost a year since i first read aoe and ive probably read it like monthly since. the way you write, your characterization, storytelling, everything is so stunning <3333
thank you so much <333 my goal is to make people feel things and it’s insane to me that the stuff i write actually does that sometimes!
also i love the compliment “stunning.” i can hear olivia cooke’s voice saying it.
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queerofdenial · 2 years
when you get this you have to post 5 songs you actually listen to then send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers 🌃
*olivia cooke voice* oooooh stunning. here's five faves from my on repeat spotify playlist!
ENERGY (ft. Beam) - Beyoncé (honestly half of my on repeat is this album but this is the number 1)
honey - Coastal Club
Tusk - Fleetwood Mac
Judy You Hung the Moon - HARBOUR
It's Called: Freefall - Rainbow Kitten Surprise
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mimelord1 · 2 years
House of the Dragons Emma DArcy Reacts to Favorite Drink Becoming a Meme
House of the Dragon’s Emma D’Arcy Reacts to Favorite Drink Becoming a Meme https://ift.tt/TYpHahG Cheers, Princess. In a TikTok video posted by HBO Max Oct. 1, Olivia Cooke, who plays the adult Queen Alicent Hightower on the new Game of Thrones prequel series House of the Dragon, asks her co-star Emma D’Arcy, who portrays the character’s nemesis, Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, to name their “drink of choice.” D’Arcy replies, “A Negroni,” to which Cooke responds, “I was going to say the same thing.” D’Arcy continues, “Sbagliato.” Cooke replies, “Oooh!” and her co-star adds, “With prosecco in it.” Cooke comments, “Oh, stunning!”  The clip has gone viral, with many viewers fascinated not only by D’Arcy’s unconventional answer but also mesmerized by their signature calm tone. “The voice my friends,” commented one user, “the voice.” Another person replied, “Their voice is what velvet sounds like.” In an interview with The New York Times, posted Oct. 12, D’Arcy spoke about the viral clip about their favorite cocktail. “I keep thinking I should tell my mum that I’ve become a meme in the hope that she’ll be happy for me,” the star said, “but I’d have to explain what a meme is, and I’ve decided it’s too much effort.” The post House of the Dragon’s Emma D’Arcy Reacts to Favorite Drink Becoming a Meme first appeared on Suave Media. Tags and categories: Uncategorized via WordPress https://ift.tt/RgnHtqN October 15, 2022 at 09:48PM
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The Nanny Named...
A/N: Hi all! So,it’s been a while. I have been in a real nostalgic mood lately and totally binged ‘The Nanny’. Annnd then all I wanted to was write a story about it. So I’ve been writing a multi-chapter story with Y/N as Fran and Gwil as Maxwell. I hope you all enjoy this prologue. Any feed back would be appreciated! And if you’d like to be tagged, please let me know! Love you!
Pairing: Producer!Gwilym Lee x fem!Reader
Summary: You need a job after you walk out of your last one. Your friend sends you to an interview and it…doesn’t quite go as planned.  
Warnings: Cursing, some angst, and cheating
 You leaned over the counter, trying to make out what your boyfriend had written down for the specials for the night. Why couldn’t the man learn to write like an actual grown-up?
“Oooh, Y/N,” one of your best friends, Mel, came in. “Have you heard?”
“Heard what?” You replied, not looking up.
“J.C. and Erika? They just got engaged.”
That got you attention. You looked up at her. “Are you serious? They’ve been dating for what? Three seconds?”
Melanie laughed, taking her coat off. “I think closer to three weeks, but yeah. Isn’t that crazy?”
You sighed, looking back down at the notes. “To each their own, I guess.”
You were happy for them, on some level, but it was a bit hard when two people that you considered ridiculously obnoxious were engaged in less than a month but you and your boyfriend had been dating for almost four years and were still not living together.
“Think that’ll make Kurt move any faster?”
You shook your head. “No, there’s nothing that will make him move any faster. We’ve talked about it countless times. He’s just happy right where we are.”
“Yeah, but you’re not.”
You huffed, not disagreeing. You had wanted to at least living together by now. Maybe not married (you still weren’t even sure if you wanted to get married), but at least the notion that the relationship was going somewhere.
“Maybe you should bring it up to him again,” Mel suggested as she tied on her apron.
You thought about it. Maybe you should. It had been a few months since the two of you had had any kind of conversation about it. Every year when your lease was up for renewal, you brought it up just to see if you should renew. And Kurt always told you ‘yes’.
“Yeah, maybe. But for now, I’ve got to figure out these damn specials he’s decided to jot down like a first grader after a lunch of cake and ice cream.” You grabbed the paper and then knocked on the door to his office. “Kurt!”
“Yeah, babe?”
You went into the office to see him staring at his phone. He glanced up at you for a second before going back to his phone.
“Hi, sweetie, can you decipher this chicken scratch for me?” You walked over and sat up on his desk.
Kurt sat his phone down, face up, and took the paper and squinted at it himself. “Uh…I…huh. Ribs of some kind. I’ll have to go look in the fridge quick. Be right back.” He pressed a kiss to your temple before getting up and leaving the office.
You swung your legs, waiting for him to come back, thinking about the dinner rush on the Friday night that was going to hit. But hey, at least the tips would be good.
And then you saw something light up on the desk.
You glanced down to see Kurt’s phone on full brightness. With a notification from Tinder. Saying Kurt had 3 new messages waiting for him.
You picked up the phone and stared at it, fighting back tears. You’d had a feeling something like this had been going on, but it was a totally different story when it was staring you in the face.
“Beef ribs are the special tonight.”
You stood up and shoved Kurt’s phone at him. “Great. Maybe whoever these 3 can serve it!” You stormed out.
“Wait! Y/N!” Kurt chased after you. “This isn’t how I wanted you to find out!”
“Oh, fuck off!” You yelled at him, turning on your heel to yell at him. “This isn’t how you wanted me to find out!? What the hell kind of excuse is that?!”
“Can we discuss this back in the office?” Kurt offered quietly.
“No, because there’s nothing to discuss.” You untied your apron and threw it at him. “I quit and I am DONE with you! FOUR YEARS! I’ve wasted four years of my life on you in this stupid dying restaurant!”
“It’s not dying!”
You stared at him stunned. “That’s all you have to say? Four years down the drain and all you care about is this damn rat trap?!”
“It’s not a…!” Kurt took a deep breath. “You know what? Fine. Go ahead. We don’t need you around here!”  
“Obviously!” You screamed before grabbing your coat and stomping out.
You walked all the out to the street, hailed a cab, and got in the back. You gave the driver your address and then fell apart.
“Um…a…are you alright, dear?” The cab driver asked you, glancing in their review window.
You could only shake your head. “Okay, well, there should be a box of tissues under my seat. Help yourself.”
You reached down and grabbed the box, pulling out tissues. You blew your nose and wiped your eyes.
“Just put them in the trash when you’re done.”
You nodded your thanks, making a mental note to give them a big tip.
The rest of the time the two of you were silent as you tried to make yourself somewhat presentable so your roommate wouldn’t ask what happened. You were not in the mood to talk about it.
The driver pulled up to your building and told you the total. You paid and started to make your way out before they called to you.
“Whatever it was, I hope it gets better.”
You gave them a smile and wave before you shut the door and started to into your building. You ran up the stairs instead of taking the risk of running into a nosy neighbor on the elevator. You got into your apartment and collapsed on the couch. You started sobbing into your pillow.
How on Earth could he do that to you? Sure, the two of you hadn’t gone beyond dating but four years?! You had given four years of your life! Not just romantically but you’d worked your ass off to help with his restaurant. You’d hired nearly all of the servers! And three of the cooks! Who the hell was he to kick YOU out?
You woke up to your roommate, Olivia, coming home, not sure how long later.
“Y/N? What are you doing home? Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”
You sat up, your entire face felt swollen.
“Oh, Y/N,” Olivia sat next to you and wrapped an arm around you. “Did something happen at the restaurant?”
You tried to explain what happened, but you couldn’t get the whole story out without bursting into tears.
“Oh sh, sh, honey,” she rubbed your shoulder. “I know. He’s a scumbag. I’m so sorry.”
You just nodded, crying into her shoulder.
“Do you want me to call Rosie and see if she’ll let some the dogs loose in the kitchen?”
You chuckled for a moment. “Think she would? I know she’s very attached to them.”
“Well, they are shelter dogs. They deserve a good meal.”
You pulled your head up and gave her a semi-smile. “You are the best person I know.”
“If only I was available to you.”
“I can love you better than Rosie can.”
“Yeah, but can you afford an apartment in Hell’s Kitchen like she can?”
You sighed, pretending to be defeated. “I guess not. I give you my blessing then.”
“I can run down to the bodega and get some wine and ice cream. I don’t have to work tomorrow.”
“Oh good, then get something for yourself.”
Olivia pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Great, I’ll be right back.”
You laid back down when Olivia stood up.
You and Olivia spent the rest of the night drinking, eating ice cream, and complaining about Kurt. It made you feel a little better.
At nearly one in the morning, you finally stumbled to your bed, hoping that you wouldn’t dream of Kurt, the restaurant, or anything to do with your love life.
“Y/N!” Olivia announced as she came home.
“Whaaaat?” you called back to her from the couch. You’d barely left it in the past couple weeks. You’d barely even left your apartment, if you were being honest.
“I think I’ve got you a job!”
You sat up and looked at her, somewhat skeptical. “Where?”
“Oh,” you were surprised. Olivia had been trying to get you jobs, but this was the one that sounded like it might actually be promising. “What is it?”
“Rosie’s brother has a catering gig and needs a good waitress, but the homeowners want to interview everyone individually. They want you there at 3:30 for your interview.”
You jumped up. “Are you serious?!”
“One hundred percent!”
You threw your arms around Olivia’s neck and pulled her in for a hug. “Oh thank you thank you, Ollie!”
“Ooof. You better stop thanking me and get in the shower.”
You got on the subway to make your way up to Manhattan a couple hours later. You hadn’t been there since last year when a friend of yours had their 30th birthday party at some pretentious hipster bar. 
You kept glancing at the passing stations, hoping that this was going to work out. You could still hear your mother’s voice in your head telling you that you should’ve known better than to take a job at the man that you were dating’s place of work. 
The past few weeks, you’d been miserable. You had barely left the apartment besides your runs down to the bodega to get alcohol, ice cream, or the minimal amount of groceries that you could afford and actually wanted. Your bank account was screaming at you before you’d left the restaurant, so as much as you’d wanted to just wallow in your self-pity on the past four years of your life that you had wasted, you needed to get a new job. 
You got off at the correct station and walked up the stairs, stepping onto the streets of Manhattan. This part of the city always seemed different to you. Sure, you’d grown up in New York City, but it had been in Queens. 
You walked to the correct block and took in all the gorgeous buildings that were there. It sort of took your breath away, the way the trees were just starting to bud in the spring air. 
You nearly ran into somebody on the street and apologized, hoping they couldn’t tell how out of place you were. 
This was insane. Who in their right mind would hire YOU to work some cocktail party that was going to have people there that blew what you paid in rent on a quick trip to Macy’s? You thought about turning around and just heading home, but then you remembered that your bank account had about $15 in it.
As you walked down the street, you were hit with a strong smell of rose, jasmine, and vanilla. It was comforting and made you a bit more confident in yourself. Like everything was going to work out, regardless of how the interview went.
You glanced down at your phone, making sure that it was the right address before taking a deep breath and walking up the stairs to the front door. You knocked and then waited.
A man in a suit opened the door. He had black hair and kind brown eyes. He seemed unsurprised to see you standing there.
“Hello, are you here about the position?”
“I am.”
“Well come in, come in, Mr. Lee should be ready for you soon.” He ushered you inside, taking your coat for you. “Would you like me to drop off your resume to him?”
You hadn’t thought about bringing that.
“Oh, um…no, that’s okay. I’ll just…get it to him if he asks for it.”
The man raised his eyebrows but didn’t say anything before he lead you to the couch and gestured for you to sit down.
You sat down and waited for him to return. Or for this mysterious ‘Mr. Lee’ to appear. You looked around, amazed at how high the ceilings were.
Suddenly, there was a scream from upstairs and the pounding of footsteps coming down.
“Help! Help! I’m hurt!” A little boy with dark, curly hair came running into the room. He collapsed right in front of you, his eyes closed and his tongue sticking out.
You looked down at him, trying not to laugh. “Ya okay, hun?”
The boy opened one eye, quickly shut it again, but didn’t say anything.
“Ah, Master Aled, I believe this is the third time today you’ve passed on. I’ll make sure your father and sister mourn the proper amount,” the man appeared again, stepping over the child and coming to stand in front of you. “Miss, Mr. Lee will see you in his office. If you’ll just follow me and please don’t trip over the expired, younger Master Lee. He’ll need to get up for his Little League practice in about thirty minutes.”
“James!” The boy, Aled apparently, sat up and glared at the man, James. “You ruined my plan!”
You stood up and the two of you walked into an office.  It was decorated with different awards, pieces of art. The hardwood on the floor matched the desk that was in the middle of the room. Sitting at the desk was a man writing something.
He had a dark, thick head of hair. He stood up, a pair of piercing blue eyes behind a black, horn-rimmed glasses. He was wearing a black turtleneck, gray suit jacket, and black pants.
“Hello, I’m Gwilym Lee,” he offered you his hand.
“I…um…hi,” you smiled and shook his hand. “I’m Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Thank you, James,” Mr. Lee told him. James nodded and started to leave the room. “Now, do you have your resume?”
James sent you a pointed smirk, before leaving the room all together and shutting the door behind him.
“Um…no, I don’t. Sorry, Mr. Lee.”
He frowned at you. “Alright, Miss Y/L/N. Well, tell me about your work history then.”
You cleared your throat. Rosie had neglected to tell you that the man you were going to work for was this handsome. “Well, I’ve worked in multiple, high class restaurants over the past ten years. I was working at my last job for nearly three years.”
Mr. Lee squinted at you, but you kept talking.
“And I’ve been a server, a hostess, and a bartender. I could work anywhere that you’d need me tonight.”
Mr. Lee took off his glasses and continued to stare at you.
“S…so, um…I can give you references if you need,” you finished lamely.
“Um…Miss Y/L/N, I believe there’s been a bit of a mix up.”
“Oh,” you replied, totally defeated. “I understand.”
“It’s just…this job is far too difficult to do without any experience and I think…”
“I mean, I…I have SOME experience.  I once served at the River Cafe,” you tried to argue.
“Oh no, don’t get me wrong…”
“Daddy!” A little girl came running into the room, seemingly in tears, and hugged Mr. Lee’s arm. “Aled said that there’s a monster in my closet and then he took and threw her in the closet to the monster!”
Mr. Lee picked up the girl and placed her in his lap. “Oooh Afon, sweetheart, I’m sure he didn’t mean to…”
“Yes, he did!“
“I did not!” Aled came running in too.
Mr. Lee sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Aled, please just go get the bunny out of the closet. I am in the middle of a meeting.”
“Fine, let’s go, Afon. Daddy is a veeeery busy man,” Aled grabbed his sister’s hand and took her out.
Mr. Lee just watched them leave, a somewhat longing look on his face before meeting your eyes again.
“Miss Y/L/N, this interview was for a nanny position for my children. You see, our last one just quit and I…I’ve been interviewing people for nearly a week now and…” Mr. Lee shook his head.  “I’m sorry, you don’t need to hear all my woes. I’ll have James see you out.”
Why had Rosie sent you here? If this was an interview for a nanny position you were WAY out of the running. You barely even liked the younger cousins that you had. Maybe you’d gotten the time wrong and they had meant to have the caterer interviews earlier in the afternoon?
You jumped up, an idea coming to your mind. “Ya know, Mr. Lee, I actually do have some nannying experience. I was a nanny for a family on my block every summer while I was in high school.”
It technically wasn’t a lie. You’d babysat for your neighbors. Once a week. When their mom had her PTA meetings. For about two hours.
Mr. Lee was shaking his head and standing up. “No, I couldn’t subject you to this. I’m very sorry. But if we ever need a caterer, I’ll keep you in mind.” He gave you a smile, coming around the front of his desk.
You sighed and stood up. “Well, thank you for taking this interview with me anyway,” you offered your hand again and Mr. Lee shook it.
“Of course, now could I escort you to the door?”
“I suppose so,” you told him.
Mr. Lee gestured for you to go through the door and followed you out of the room.
You were halfway through the living room when the phone rang. James, who had been wiping down the coffee table, quickly grabbed the phone off the hook. “Lee residence…yes…yes…oh how unfortunate…I will let him know…yes, thank you, goodbye.” James hung up the phone and looked at Mr, Lee. “That was the service. They won’t be able to send anybody tonight. They are booked solid.” 
“Oh no,” Mr. Lee rubbed his temples. “That’s totally unacceptable. What happened to that woman that we used last weekend?” 
“She’s refusing to come back. Something about a near death experience,” James looked over at Aled who sunk down behind the couch to hide. 
You hesitated at the door. Maybe this could be your chance. Even if he just used you tonight, as long as you didn’t kill the kids, you would get paid. And probably pretty well guessing on the house. You could at least offer, you supposed. 
“Um...Mr. Lee. If you need somebody for tonight, I’d be available.”
Everybody’s heads whipped around to you, all eyes wide, surprised. 
“Well,” Mr. Lee ran a hand through his hair and sighed heavily. “I don’t know. James, couldn’t you…?” 
“It’s my night off, sir. Remember? I’ve got my niece’s dance recital.” 
“Oh right, of course,” Mr. Lee looked you over, seemingly arguing within himself about what to do. “Look, Miss Y/L/N, I...I usually don’t do things like this, especially where my children are concerned, but I am...desperate. I’ve got a meeting with one of my biggest potential backers this evening and I need someone to watch my children. So, if you could…”
“Oh thank you! Thank you!” You pulled  Mr. Lee into a hug before you knew what you were doing. “You won’t regret this! What time should I be back here?”
“Before I change my mind,” Mr. Lee muttered.
You pulled away, laughing a bit, before you heard James say something about six-thirty. You then quickly left before Mr. Lee could’ve said anything else.
You practically ran to the subway, nearly giddy. You had a job. You FINALLY had a job! You were walking down the stairs when you pulled your phone out. You had four missed calls and fifteen text messages. Just when you were going to read some of them, it started to ring. You saw it was Rosie.
“Hey, Rose, what’s…?”
“Oh, thank GOD! Ollie, she’s okay. Where the…?”
“WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!” Olivia yelled in the phone.
“In Manhattan at the interview your girlfriend sent me!”
“Nooo, you never showed up to the interview! We’ve been calling you for almost an hour now!”
You frowned at that. Why were they so upset? Rosie had sent you to the interview, how was she so confused?
“What house did you go to?”
“The one Rosie sent me to,” you told her slowly, hoping she would calm down. “1781.”
“She says she went to 1781,” Olivia must’ve relayed to Rosie. “That’s what you told me!…Soooo, funny story. You were supposed to go to 1871. That’s where the catering job was.”
“It’s fine! I got a job anyway! I’ll explain when I get home, but I’ve got a job tonight!”
“What?...She got a job by going to the wrong house….I don’t know! She said she would explain it when she got home…When will you get home?”
“As soon as the subway will let me.”
The whole way home you felt like you were floating. You were hoping that you would at least get paid enough to buy some groceries.
How were you going to take care of two kids tonight though? They didn’t look that old. The boy, Aled?, seemed like he was about nine or ten. The girl, in the brief moment that you had seen her, seemed to only be about five or six. You supposed you could entertain them for a couple hours. Hopefully they had all the streaming services. Just stick them in front of the TV and wait it out.
You walked into your apartment and got tackled into the wall by Olivia.
You laughed and gave her a hug back. “I’m fine! You leave me here all the time to go to your girlfriend’s house, but me going into Manhattan scares you.”
Olivia pulled back and glared at you. “Whatever. Tell us what happened!” Olivia started to pull you towards the living room where Rosie was sitting on the couch. “Ronnie told us you never made it to the house and then you weren’t picking up.”
You went into the whole story of what happened. Explaining the kids, the mansion, the butler, and finally, the man that hired you.
“…name’s Gwilym Lee.”
“Wait,” Rosie sat up a bit straighter. “Gwilym Lee? The producer?”
You exchanged confused looks with Olivia.
“Oh, come on, neither of you know Gwilym Lee? He was like this huge producer at Disney. He’s been involved in all the Marvel movies.”
Your eyebrows shot up. “Are you serious?”
“Yeeeeeah, did you not see anything in his house that gave it away?”
“No,” you answered honestly. You hadn’t. You were sure that there was something that you had missed, but you were too worried about the interview and trying to get a job that you weren’t paying that much attention.
“And he’s going to trust you with his kids?”
You slowly nodded, suddenly much more nervous about tonight than you originally were.
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ironthroneconquerors · 4 months
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Emma D'Arcy for Entertainment Weekly
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everythingroyalty · 2 years
Kate took inspiration of Mary for the diplomatic reception and no one it’s going to convince me otherwise!!! 😍 She looked so so so god and the hair with the tiara reminds me of Mary a lot!!!
A little less shoulder-paddy (I don't understand Kate's love for those defined shoulders but what do I know 😅) and cut the long sleeves and I could easily see that look on Mary 😍
I really loved that she wore her hair down. I know updos are easier with tiaras but it adds a whole new level of gorgeous with a downdo IMO 🥰 And it doesn't hurt that she, like Mary, looks *Olivia Cooke voice* STUNNING in red.
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I Put A Spell On You (Because You’re Mine) [5/11]
Summary: Denali is in love with her very much straight best friend, but a break up later and one drunken night together changes everything.
Note: Again, this is definitely NSFW. (:
Prefer reading it on AO3?
It was the morning of their second day at the lake house when Rosé rolled out of the bed she had been sleeping in, rubbing her eyes as she squinted at how bright the room was from the sunlight pouring in. She looked over to the bed next to her and noticed that it was empty, meaning that Denali was already up and about.
Yawning, she grabbed her toiletries and headed to the ensuite bathroom to freshen up for the day. 20 minutes later, she was out of the room, trying to gauge where everyone was. She had already figured out that Mik and Symone were outside with Kandy, from the sounds of Kandy hollering instructions at the two on what they needed to load into the boat that they were going to be taking out later that day. Checking the clock on the wall as she walked past it, she saw that it was just past 9am, meaning that the rest were probably up as well, and even if they weren’t, Kandy’s voice would have woken them up. Her nose twitched as she smelled the scent of bacon and toast, the smell leading her to the kitchen where she saw Denali wielding a pan in one hand and a spatula in the other, her dark hair up in a messy bun and an apron tied around her waist. Rosé smiled at the domestic scene and walked over to Denali.
“Good morning, angel.”
Denali whirled around, grinning when she spotted the older girl. “Good morning sleepyhead! Sorry I didn’t wake you earlier, figured you’d appreciate the sleep.”
Rosé smiled appreciatively at Denali. “Thanks. Do you need any help that doesn’t involve me burning the place down?” Denali laughed, clearly remembering the time when Rosé had somehow managed to scorch a pot of water. “Yes please! Could you help me set up eight plates on the table and distribute that plate of toast over there? I’m almost done with the bacon, and just have the eggs left do.”
“That I can do.”
Rosé busied herself with grabbing the plates from the cupboard and placing them on the table, then distributed the pile of toast, two per person. She moved back over to Denali who passed her the finished bacon while she started cracking a dozen eggs into a large bowl and whisking them. After making sure every plate had an even amount of bacon, she hopped onto the countertop and watched as Denali added milk and shredded cheese to the eggs.
Watching the other girl cook was one of her favourite things to do. Denali always had this little crease between her brows when she was cooking, her tongue poking out as she concentrated with the task at hand. She always put so much love and care into whatever she did, which was how her food always ended up tasting so good. Rosé remembered that one time when she had moaned about wanting to eat chicken pot pie after seeing it on her Instagram feed and that same evening, Denali had whipped up a batch for their dinner. Despite Denali saying that it was her first time baking the dish, it had been so good that they had somehow managed to finish it all, not leaving behind a single crumb.
That was the thing with Denali, she was someone that was so big hearted and loving, always giving and never asking for anything in return. It was the thing that Rosé loved the most about her, and also something that made her protective of her best friend. She had seen her fair share of Denali having her heart broken after she had given too much to her partners, only to have been taken advantage of and tossed aside once they were done with her.
At that very thought, Rosé felt her insides clench with shame, thinking back to the nights when she had slept with Denali.
Rosé didn’t want to admit that there was anything going on between the two of them. She knew that the sex had made their friendship more complicated than it needed to be. Each night when she slept, each time she woke up from those dreams about her best friend, she felt the guilt in her growing stronger and stronger, slowly eating away at her. Their sexual chemistry was mind-blowing, and Denali was always so willing and pliant under her. She had always been such a loving and kind person, so affectionate and filled with life and love. She knew that the younger woman always found it hard to say no to anyone, and that was what was killing Rosé, the fact that Denali never seemed to say no to her.
Rosé knew that she had taken advantage of that aspect of her giving nature, and that she was just taking and taking and taking, but she couldn’t help herself.
And she didn’t want to stop long enough to ask herself why.
She felt a finger poke her cheek, and shook herself out of her thoughts, meeting Denali’s laughing eyes.
“You looked like you were a million miles away.”
“Oh sorry, did you say something?” Denali held up a spoon of eggs to Rosé. “Taste this and let me know if it needs more salt?” The older girl nodded, and was about to taste it when Denali pulled the spoon back. “Hold on, let me cool it for you.” Denali blew at the spoonful of eggs, and Rosé couldn’t help but stare at Denali’s pursed lips with a lump in her throat.
The urge to kiss Denali then was strong.
Satisfied with the eggs being cooled enough, Denali held the spoon out to Rosé again, who stiffly took a bite. She nodded in approval at the taste, giving Denali a thumbs up, who grinned in response.
“Great! I’ll just add the chives, and it’s done! Can you help me round up the rest while I dish out the eggs?”
Not trusting herself to speak, Rosé nodded again and began looking for the rest after Denali had pointed out where everyone was. Minutes later, the dining table was filled with the sound of everyone eating and chattering away.
Rosé was sitting across from Denali, subtly watching her as she ate her toast, the younger girl nodding and smiling to whatever Symone was telling her, who was next to Denali sitting closer than necessary. Rosé didn’t know what it was, but she knew that she didn’t like the way that Symone had been eyeing Denali since yesterday morning at the diner.
She took a bite of her eggs, watching the way Denali was blushing at something Symone said, and she scowled down at her plate.
No, Rosé didn’t like it at all.
It was close to noon when the boat was finally anchored. Kandy had commandeered the boat closer to the shore opposite of the lake house where there was nothing but lush greenery and, from what she had heard from her family, a waterfall that was a short walk away.
As soon as they were safely anchored, Mik had been the first to strip down to his trunks and jump into the water with a shout, followed closely by Olivia, Utica, Joey then Kandy. Symone, Denali and Rosé had watched them in amusement and chose to stay on the boat instead of getting into the water.
Denali was sitting at the edge of the boat, swinging her legs back and forth as she watched the others laughing and splashing about in the water. They had beckoned at her to join them in the water, but she declined, not really wanting to take off the shirt that she was wearing. She was a little conscious of the fact that Olivia had pointed out the faint marks that Rosé had left on her, and she didn’t really want to risk the others asking her questions if they saw them, especially with the older girl in their presence.
Leaning her chin on the railing, she heard footsteps and a familiar pair of legs slid into her view as Symone sat next to her.
“Hey beautiful.”
Denali stifled a laugh. She wasn’t sure why, but Symone had been showering her with compliments lately. It was odd, but Denali had thought nothing of it, chalking it up to just Symone being Symone.
“Hey pretty girl, why aren’t you down there?” The other girl shrugged, scooting closer to her as she replied. “Well, maybe because you’re up here and not down there.”
“Oh.” Denali frowned, feeling bad that she was possibly holding Symone back. “Are you alright? I thought you were looking forward to swimming in the lake.” Symone asked, tapping her fingers on the railing.
“I was! I mean, I am. I just- Maybe later.”
Symone quirked a brow. “You sure? You know, if you’re afraid of drowning, I’ll make sure to save you. I’d even give you a little mouth to mouth resuscitation. Heck, we can practice it now if you don’t believe me.”
Denali stared at Symone, stunned at her bold advances, before coughing, her cheeks flushing a bright red. “It’s okay, I believe you.” Symone laughed at Denali’s expression and poked at her cheek. “I’m kidding babe. Well, half kidding.”
“And which half are you kidding about?”
“Whichever half you want to believe.” Symone winked before getting up. “Listen doll, I’m going to head into the water. Just come in whenever you want to, okay?” Denali smiled at Symone and shooed her off, giggling as the ebony girl blew a kiss in her direction before jumping into the water to join the rest.
Denali huffed and stood up, fanning herself in the heat. Deciding that it was safe enough to take her shirt off, she pulled it off and tossed it to the side, leaving her in just her white string bikini. Denali sighed in relief, feeling the soft breeze on her skin as turned to join Rosé. She froze for a bit when she saw the older girl looking at her from the other side, an unreadable expression on her face.
Rosé shrugged, silent as she looked away.
Denali frowned. Rosé had been acting weird all morning since breakfast. She had been cold and quiet, not really engaging with anyone, as if she was on autopilot, and Denali was worried. Rosé was usually only quiet when something was bothering her. She took a step closer to her, reaching out to her wrap fingers around her wrist in an attempt to connect with her.
There was a flash of a predatory look in her eyes that disappeared after a second, and Denali blinked. It was probably just the sun playing tricks on her. Rosé smiled innocently at her, then without warning picked Denali up in her arms, causing the younger girl to squeal.
“ROSIE! What are you dong? Put me down!”
Rosé grinned as she walked over to the edge of the boat, towards their friends in the water. “Are you sure you want me to put you down?” Rosé asked innocently. Gasping Denali narrowed her eyes. “You wouldn’t dare. If you drop me, I swear that I will never ever bake those stupid butterscotch blondies that you love so much ever again.” Rosé stopped just a few steps away from the edge of the boat. “Fine, I won’t drop you then.”
Denali smiled triumphantly at Rosé, thinking she had won, but realised her mistake as soon as Rosé took another step towards the edge.
“No, don’t you even think about it.”
“Think about what?” Rosé said innocently, taking another big step.
“Rosé McCorkell, if you take one more step, I will scream.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time I made you scream.” Denali sputtered, her face turning red.
“Not another step!”
“Fine, then I’ll just have to jump.” Denali’s eyes widened at that, before she could say anything Rosé jumped forwards with Denali held tightly in her arms, and they both ended up in the water with a huge splash, much to the delight of their friends. In the chaos of it, Denali broke through the surface, spitting out water as she gasped for air. She turned towards the sound of familiar laughter and splashed in the direction where she hoped Rosé was while trying to wipe the water from her eyes.
“You’re an idiot Rosé.” Rosé had simply smiled back at her and smacked a wet kiss against Denali’s cheek.
“That’s why you love me.” Denali’s heart thumped at that as she bit the inside of her cheek.
Rosé had no idea.
Hours later, the group had made their way to the opposite shore. Half of them choosing to sunbathe on their towels while Symone, Mik, Rosé and Denali attempted to play a game of frisbee, attempting being the keyword.
Rosé couldn’t stop glaring at Symone every time the ebony girl moved closer to Denali, which was happening more and more over the course of the day. It irked her how Symone was constantly flirting with the other girl, and instead of walking away or rebuffing her, Denali had just played along with an adorable blush on her face.
Why was Denali even blushing?
“Baby that’s not how you throw a frisbee. Come here, let me show you how it’s done.” Rosé’s jaw clenched when she heard Denali’s giggle in response and watched as the other girl went over to Denali and proceeded to show her how.
Rosé had to force herself not to shove her way between the two of them or pull the Alaskan girl away from Symone as she watched Symone guiding Denali with the frisbee in an attempt to show her how to throw it. The touching was completely unnecessary too with how Symone was lined up close to Denali, especially when the girl had left her shirt discarded on the boat, leaving Denali in just her bikini. Symone was arm to arm with her as she held on to Denali’s wrist to show her how to “flick it like so”.
“Careful Rosé, you don’t want the others to get the wrong idea with how you’re glaring at them, do you?”
Rosé was jerked out of her thoughts and she turned to face Mik, who was watching her with a knowing look in his eye.
“The wrong idea? What do you mean?”
“That you’re acting like a jealous girlfriend.”
Rosé stilled at that comment. “She’s not my girlfriend.”
“I know.”
“I don’t even like girls.”
“And besides, she’s just my best friend.”
“Got it. Denali’s just your female best friend that you do not have the hots for.”
Rosé glared at Mik, who was looking back at her, a smirk on his face. After a moment Mik sighed, the smirk falling off his face and was replaced with a careful one. “Rosé, there’s nothing wrong if you do happen to have feelings for Denali, you know that right?” Choosing to remain silent, Rosé turned away and walked off, not wanting to hear another word from Mik, nor did she want to even look at Denali or Symone right now.
Not if she wanted to maintain her composure and avoid doing something that she knew she would ultimately regret.
Denali frowned and looked over when she heard Mik yelling and caught sight of Rosé’s retreating back.
Where on earth was she going?
Excusing herself from Symone, she approached Mik, wanting to figure out what was wrong with her best friend. “Mik, what happened? Where’s Rosé going?” She grew suspicious when Mik stiffened. “Nothing. She just wanted to go for a walk?”
Denali looked at Mik, noticing how he was fidgeting under her stare. “Are you asking me or are you telling me?”
“I’m just saying. Look, why don’t you go after her? Maybe she’ll need the company.” She stared at Mik for another beat, making the boy fidget even more under her gaze, before turning and jogging after the older girl, not noticing how Mik had let out a sigh of relief. She pushed past the trees and bushes, trying to make out the pink hair that was quickly disappearing from view.
“Rosie, wait for me! Where are you going?”
Denali picked up the pace, chasing after her, ignoring the little nicks that her bare legs surely bore now from the low hanging branches before emerging before a small spring with a waterfall. She gasped in awe at the sight, taking it in. She knew that Kandy mentioned that there was a waterfall somewhere, but she didn’t think that she’d see it today. It looks so peaceful and tranquil, the perfect thinking spot.
Suddenly remembering Rosé, she looked around trying to locate her and spotted her sitting on one of the large rocks near the lip of the body of water. The older looked upset, her face drawn into a frown, and Denali didn’t like to see her like that. It worried her to see Rosé upset and not know what the cause was. She cautiously walked over and sat next to the older girl.
“Hey, what’s up? You got out of there pretty quick.”
Rosé turned to look at her, her face guarded. Denali didn’t like it. Usually Rosé was open with her, though the past few weeks hadn’t really been the case.
“Nothing, just a little tired out from earlier.”
“Don’t lie to me Rosé. You may be able to convince everyone else, but I can see right through you.”
Rosé drew her knees to her chin as she kept her eyes trained on the waterfall, not wanting to reply Denali. The younger girl sighed, not really sure of what to do. There wasn’t anything that she could do if Rosé didn’t want to open up to her, and a small part of her felt hurt at that. She just knew that she couldn’t leave the other girl alone. Tapping an off beat rhythm on her knee, she was stopped when Rosé rested her hand on top of hers. She looked at Rosé’s hand, then looked back up at the girl. This time, she had a look of determination on her face, as if she had figured something out.
“Denali, can I try something with you?”
Denali blinked, then nodded. She wasn’t sure what Rosé wanted to try, but she trusted the other girl. She knew Rosé wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.
The older girl scooted closer to Denali and cupped her face with both hands, thumbs softly stroking her cheeks. Denali stopped breathing, not really sure what was happening.
The older girl’s thumbs stilled, eyes sweeping across Denali’s face, from her wide brown eyes to her sun kissed cheeks, then landing on her full lips. Staring at her lips for a brief moment, Rosé finally pulled the girl towards her, pressing their lips together.
For Denali, it was like time had stopped and she couldn’t move. Her mind blanked out, and all she could register was the sounds of splashing water, the smell of vanilla and the feel of plush lips against her own.
What was happening? Why was Rosé kissing her when there was no alcohol involved at all?
Pulling away in surprise, Denali squeaked when Rosé pulled her back in for a deeper kiss, and this time she couldn’t help the moan that she let out. She felt Rosé’s tongue sweep into her mouth, causing tingles to run up her spine. Not wanting to question it anymore, Denali let herself fall into it, felt Rosé’s hands slide from her cheeks down to her waist, pulling her even closer. She shivered as the pads of Rosé’s thumbs circled her skin and Denali tangled her fingers into the older girl’s pastel pink hair, her nails scratching her scalp, causing Rosé to groan in response.
The older girl pulled away and started to nip at her jaw, down the length of her neck and all the while all Denali could do was breathe in a daze, getting lost in the sensation of Rosé’s mouth drawing lazy patterns across her skin. There was a faint thought that the rest would notice the fresh marks that Rosé was leaving behind, but that disappeared once she felt a tug at her bikini top. She looked down, and the sight of Rosé with the undone strap of her top between her teeth caused her to whimper.
Rosé pushed Denali down onto the rock, careful not to let the younger girl get hurt in the process, and began to tug her top off of her. Before Denali could even protest, Rosé pulled a nipple into her mouth, both hands holding herself steady as she began to tease Denali.
It was happening again, and this time there was no alcohol involved, no excuses to hide behind, and Denali couldn’t think. All she could do was feel. Feel the way Rosé was showering her chest with attention, felt the way her tongue traced patterns and gasp when she nipped at her sensitive buds. Denali knew she was getting wetter and feeling hotter by the second. So lost was she in the physical sensations that she didn’t realise how one of Rosé’s hands had snuck down till it was pressed against her heated core.
Without warning, she felt a finger enter her, and she hissed at the sudden intrusion, reaching down immediately in a bid to stop Rosé’s wandering hand, but was stopped by the older girl’s heated gaze. Her pupils were blown, and Denali was sure that hers were too, lips parted as she dove back in, swallowing Denali’s moans as she inserted a second finger, stroking her walls, twisting and curling her digits inside her. She cried out when she felt the fingers scissor inside her, the sensation causing her to buck her hips against Rosé’s and she heard the older girl moan in response.
Pulling away, Rosé continued to suck bruises into the skin of Denali’s collarbone as she continued to stroke the younger woman with her fingers, intermittently circling the bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs, seeming to savour every gasp and moan that she pulled from her. It wasn’t long before Denali reached her peak, gasping as she felt her climax take over her and Rosé kissed her through it, holding her body tightly to hers as Denali whimpered, feeling spent and exhausted. Rolling over, Rosé tugged Denali’s body to hers, holding her in the cradle of her arms.
After a few moments of letting the younger woman recover from her climax, Rosé carefully picked her up and carried her over to the water. There she washed any traces of their love making from Denali’s skin, fingers lingering on the fresh love bites across her chest. Undoubtedly, there would be questions about those if the others saw them. Without hesitation, Rosé took off the shirt that she was wearing and after securing Denali’s discarded bikini top back on her, she pulled her shirt over Denali to hide most of the bruises on her skin.
The younger woman, still in a daze, let herself be piggybacked back to the boat, faintly registering familiar voices of concern and Rosé reassuring them that Denali was just tired, before she found herself back on the boat and bundled onto Rosé’s lap. Sighing as she felt familiar hands carding their fingers through her hair, Denali felt herself drifting off to the sound of Rosé humming her to sleep.
Clearly there must be something wrong with my mind. This chapter got away from me and kind of went off script, but not so much that it derailed the whole plan. But yeah, we're at just about the halfway point, and it's gonna get interesting.
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plaidbooks · 4 years
A/N: This is just a short, mostly fluff piece, in which Rafael Barba takes care of a sick reader. Based on true events (note: please take medications as prescribed)
Tags: briefest mention of rape, cold medication (and taking too much of it, though not an overdose)
You groaned as you woke up, rolling over and slowly opening your eyes. You felt a soreness in your throat that wasn’t there the night before, and one nostril was clogged. No, you thought, refusing to even acknowledge how your body may or may not be feeling. You rolled over to look at the empty spot beside you; Rafael, your boyfriend, had already left for the day. You groaned again as you got out of bed, dragging your feet to the bathroom. You looked in the mirror, but your eyes caught the bright orange sticky note stuck to the glass.
Hope you have a wonderful day. See you for dinner - Love Raf
You smiled, butterflies in your stomach. You’d been dating for months now, and he left these notes often, but they still made you fall a little more in love with him every time.
Eyes now focusing on your reflection, you winced; you looked exactly how you had felt when you woke up. Maybe a shower would help. You showered quickly, enjoying the warm water on your skin, letting the warmth awaken you. The steam was even able to help unclog your nose, though your throat was still hurting, your head still not feeling right. But you knew that you were already running a little late, and you needed to get going. Before you left the apartment, though, you grabbed the little package of DayQuil, cursing yourself, seeing it as an admission of weakness; if you didn’t let yourself acknowledge your illness, then you wouldn’t be sick! 
You made it to precinct 16, coffee in hand, apology to your boss, Lieutenant Olivia Benson, on your lips. She waved you off; you were very rarely late, and you always had a legit reason. Thankfully, she didn’t ask for one today, because the only excuse you had was maybe coming down with something.
The day seemed to drag on and on, and you felt no better as the hours stretched. Eventually, it came up that there was to be a stake out that night.
“[Y/L/N], Carisi, you two take tonight. Rollins, Fin, you two will take the second shift in the morning,” Olivia ordered.  Your heart sank; a whole night? Feeling like this?
“Sure thing, Lieu,” Sonny replied, shooting you a goofy smile and thumbs up. He wasn’t quite the new guy anymore, but sometimes, he still acted like it. If you were feeling normal, you would’ve smiled and rolled your eyes playfully at him. But now you just sat there, silently thankful you grabbed the DayQuil earlier. You took out your phone and sent a text to Rafael, telling him not to wait up for you. At least it was a Friday, and you’d be off all weekend, after this one night.
“So, what did this guy do again?” you asked, huddled in the passenger seat, sipping at your coffee for warmth.
Sonny was watching the apartment that housed the man you were tasked in staking out, watching for any signs of life. “He raped his wife, and is now trying to threaten her to keep her from testifying.���
You nodded, sighing. You glanced at the clock. It read 3:40am. Got another hour and 20 minutes until Fin and Rollins switched with you two. You had taken another round of DayQuil at midnight, and it was already wearing off. There was no more denying it; you were definitely coming down with a cold. You only hoped that you wouldn’t be getting Sonny sick. Your plan for the weekend was to try and sleep it off; you had some severe NyQuil at home, something you’d never tried before. You weren’t much on medication, especially liquids, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
You were nodding off in your seat when there was a knock on your window. You were so out of it, you didn’t even jump. Turning, you could see Rollins outside the car door. You shuffled out, letting Rollins take your seat, Sonny switching with Fin on the other side.
“Need a ride?” Sonny asked once you were out of sight of the apartment.
“Blease,” you replied, your nose now completely clogged, making the word come out weird. Sonny cocked his brow at you, but didn’t bring it up as he drove you home.
You put your key in the door, unlocking it, and pushing your way in. You felt yourself descend into sickness with every step you took as you shuffled into the living room, unwilling to shed your jacket--you were suddenly freezing and you wrapped the garment around yourself tighter. You walked over to the couch and fell face-first onto the cushions
“Cariño?” you heard Rafael call from the kitchen. You didn’t even notice he was awake; your senses were completely clouded at this point. You grunted, the cushions muffling your voice. You heard his hurried footsteps as he came over to you.
“Are you okay, mi amor?” he asked, crouching down by your head. You turned to face him. His bright green eyes were full of concern, and he placed a comforting hand on your back, rubbing soft circles there.
“I think I’m sick,” you muttered. “I feel like shit.”
He gave your face one more look before he stood, heading for the kitchen. “Let me get you some ginger ale, and then I’ll make you some of my Mami’s famous soup; you’ll feel better instantly.”
You smiled despite yourself; god you loved this man. “I’ll take the ginger ale. But right now, I think I’m just going to have some NyQuil and try and sleep. I’ve been up for almost 24 hours. Can you make me soup when I wake up?”
Rafael was back instantly, ginger ale in his hand. “Of course. Let’s get you to bed.” He helped you stand, then led you to your shared bedroom.
“I don’t want to get you sick,” you protested as he started to help you undress.
He smirked at that. “Don’t worry, Cariño. I don’t get sick.” Now that you thought about it, you had never seen the man sick before. It was true that you, too, rarely got sick, but to never be sick?
“Lucky,” you huffed. He chuckled before helping you climb into bed, tucking you in. He went to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom, grabbed the NyQuil, then poured a cap-full for you. You drank it, trying not to gag on the gross taste, drinking the ginger ale after words.
“Sleep, baby. I’m off today; call me if you need me, okay?” he said, leaning in to kiss your forehead. You smiled, resting your head on the soft pillows, while he went back out of the room. 
You laid there, comfortable except for the illness in your head, congesting your nose, making your throat sore. But sleep never came for you. After an hour, you decided to try and take another cap-full of the disgusting cold medicine. Nothing. After yet another hour, you took a third cap-full, praying for some sort of sleep. Finally, darkness overtook you.
You woke up, groggy, unaware of your surroundings, with a terrible pain in your stomach. It felt like you hadn’t eaten in days. Suddenly remembering the cold medicine, you whipped to look at the clock, wondering how long you could’ve slept to be this hungry. You were stunned to see that only 2 hours had passed.
Maybe I’ve slept a whole day? you thought. But Rafael would’ve woken you...right? After waiting for another painful cramp to subside, you climbed out of bed. You shuffled out of the room, somewhere between sick, hungry, and floating through space. You could hear running water; Rafael was taking a shower in the guest bathroom, probably trying to not wake you. Same day, then.
You made your way to the kitchen, hoping to find something easy to eat, but all you could think of was soup--probably because Rafael had mentioned it. Though, he hadn’t started it, yet, since he didn’t know when to expect you. No worries, you thought, I’ll just make some shitty ramen. You grabbed a pot, filled it with water, and started the stove. Once the water was boiling, you put the noodles in, stirring it. Suddenly, your vision went black. You blinked a few times, but your vision didn’t return. In your drug-induced state, this didn’t seem particularly alarming; you simply sat on the ground, knees pulled up to your chest, arms wrapped around them as you waited for your vision to return.
Slowly, your eyesight returned to you. You blinked, making sure it wasn’t going away again, before you stood and continued cooking your noodles.
“[Y/N]! What the hell are you doing up?” Rafael was in the entrance to the kitchen, wearing only sweatpants, his hair still damp from his shower.
“Hungry,” you murmured back, stirring in the flavor packet. There must’ve been something weird in your voice, because he came over, turned off the stove, and led you away, out of the kitchen, and to the couch.
“Sit,” he commanded. “Stay.” He disappeared and you sat there, staring at the carpeted floor, not quite remembering how you got there or what you were waiting for.
Rafael came back, a bowl in his hands. He handed it to you, and you looked inside at the noodles you had been cooking. Remembering your hunger, you went to take a bite before he stopped you.
“It’s probably hot,” he cautioned, that concern never leaving his expression. He took the bowl from you, and you let out a sad whimper at the loss of food. Instead, he twirled the fork in the noodles, collecting a small amount, and blew on them before holding the fork out to you. He fed you like this until the bowl was empty, blowing on every fork-full.
“Feel better?” he asked, a small smile tugging on his lips, but that concern still deep within his green eyes.
You nodded. “I think I’m going to try and sleep again.” You stood up and he was instantly beside you, leading you back to bed. This time, however, he climbed in bed with you, pulling your body close to his.
“I’m going to make sure you stay here longer than 2 hours this time,” he explained, wrapping his arms around you protectively. You didn’t mind, melting into his touch, his warmth. He kissed your shoulder, his lips warm even through the fabric of your nightshirt. You were asleep before you could even reply.
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Neighbours Part 2
A week later it is finally Gemmas birthday and we were preparing and decorating the whole day. Michael helped us and so we even had time to cook some snacks and prepare a small variety of food for her guests.
As I stand in my bedroom and think about what to wear, I sigh. Most of my clothes are dark, because I don’t like to be seen and getting attention. I take some black tights, a black skirt and a black shirt, which I tug into my skirt. I don’t put some shoes on, because I don’t need to and soon after I brushed my hair and applied some mascara, I am in front of her door.
“Hey, little helper.” Gemma smiles at me and I smile back. I hand her the present I got at a pet shop. A big house for her cat to put it outside on her roof terrace.
“Happy Birthday, Gems, I love you so much,” I say as she stares at the present in shock.
“Wow, this is amazing. Wow, thank you so much, Y/N.” she says and I can see, that she loves it. We take it outside to her terrace and when we put it down, she hugs me very tight. I love her hugs, she is one of the best huggers I know of.
“You´re welcome, Gemma. Really, I saw it and just knew it would be perfect for Olivia,” she smiles at me.
“It is, she will love it, come on I´ll introduce you to some guests,” she says and I frown. I hate such things, I am just not good in those interactions. Inside, she hands me a glass of wine and I follow her around, as she introduces me to a handful of people until I see Meghan and Hannah sitting on the couch. I am relieved to find someone I know.
“Hey, Y/N. Come here, sit down with us.” Hannah says and I excuse myself from the group, where I was standing. I sit next to them both and we salute each other.
The evening is great, we have a lot of fun and during the time we are here, I get a bit more comfortable and we even get a bigger group of friends around us. It is the group, Gemma introduced me, when I moved here.
Shortly after midnight, I leave the party and get some air outside on the terrace. It is really cold, but I need some peace. Inside the music has gotten louder and it is more like a party now, than a nice get together. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, as I hear someone joining me from inside.
“Hello, love. How are you?” a deep, silky voice asks me and I smile at Harry, as I turn around.
“Hey, Harry. I´m fine thank you very much, what about you? Were you able to relax a bit?” I reply and he smiles at me. My heart skips a beat and I try to not be too shy. Normally I would just excuse myself and leave and hide or something, but I am more comfortable around him than I am with other guys.
“I´m good, when did you arrive? I haven’t seen you around,” he asks me and leans next to me to the railing of the terrace. I look up into the sky and it looks oddly greyish despite its deepest night time.
“About 4 hours ago. I was sat there on the couch with some of our friends.” I explain to him why he hasn’t seen me around.
“Oh really thought you just arrived…well, it´s good to see you.” he comes a bit closer and I can feel the heat radiating from him.
“Likewise.” he looks at me and I can feel my heart speeding up a bit.
“You look beautiful tonight. I mean…you never looked not beautiful,” he stutters and I laugh quietly.
“Oh god, on our first meeting I looked horrible. That was the complete lazy Sunday look,” I laugh as he shakes his head.
“No, I thought you were cute. All cuddled up in your sweater.”
“Mmmm thank you. You don’t look too bad yourself, Mister Styles.” I give the compliment back and he nudges me with his arm.
“The party is insiiiiiiide, guys! Don´t be the outcast here!” Gemma shouts from the door and I see Harry rolling his eyes at me. I giggle and turn around.
“Coming right back, Gems. I´m not feeling too well, needed some air,” I put her off and she frowns at me.
“Okay, but don’t think I will forget you out here.” she threatens and I shake my head. She is tipsy and stumbles back inside.
“I bet she already forgot us, which means, we can do whatever we want,” Harry says and I smile. That sound really nice.
“What are you suggesting?” I ask him and he shrugs his shoulders.
“Going for a walk?” he asks and but I decline.
“Too cold, what about going in another flat here and watching a movie?” he beams at me and nods. I smile and get shy very suddenly. Are we really going to watch a movie at my home? We sneak out of the party, Harry right behind me and get into my flat next door. He knows his way around and as I grab something to drink from the kitchen, he scrolls through Netflix, looking for a movie.
“Do you know The Italian Job? I don’t know it because it is a bit older,” he asks from my couch and I answer:
“No, I don’t but I heard of it, let´s watch it then” he laughs and I can hear him coming into the kitchen.
“I like it, that you are so uncomplicated. Can I help you?” he asks and I nod. I can´t carry this all by myself. At the same moment we both reach out for the bowl I filled with some Haribo. Our hands touch and I jump backwards, directly into the open drawer, hurting my back.
I shout something and hold my back, where I hit myself. Shit, this hurts like hell. The sting rushes through my body and Harry looks shocked at me.
“Oh god, did it hurt? Let me see,” he says and I shake my head.
“It´s okay Harry,” I answer and rub my back. Harry insists on seeing my back but I decline and take the two glasses and the bottle.
“You sure?” he asks and walks behind me back to the living room, carrying the Haribos and some other snacks.
“Just sit down, relax and stop worrying. I am not a doll,” he laughs and sits down on my small couch. I sit next to him and get cosy under my blanket.
“Sorry for being overprotective, but you are so cute…I don’t know, I am worried about you being hurt,” he says and I giggle.
“That’s cute, Harry. I´m fine. I don’t get hurt easily. At least not physical.” I think about the one man I dated for 4 years, who wanted to spend his life with me and hurt me so bad, that I nearly lost all my self-confidence.  
“You want to talk about it? I´m a pretty good listener” he suggests and I sigh very deep.
“I don’t know, it´s not a nice story. No Happy End, so…don't want to ruin your evening” I never talked about what happened with my ex. I never had someone to talk about it.
“What happened?” he seems to be really interested in this story. I look at him and see his green eyes wandering over my face. It has been some years, but it still hurts and the effects are still there.
“I like you, Harry, I don’t want you to think in a bad or pitiful way of me,” I reveal my thoughts and look at my hands. He tugs his finger under my chin and lifts my face, to meet his gaze.
“I won´t. I promise. Did he cheat on you? Hurt you physically?” I nod and stare into his eyes.
“Everything. He cheated on me for about 2 years and I was so blind, I didn’t even notice until he told me and broke up. She got pregnant and he gave her the exact engagement ring, he chose once for me. He became so annoyed of me towards the end, that he even sometimes would hit me. Never really bad, but still…” I whisper, still looking into his eyes.
“I´m sorry to hear that. No one deserves that.”
I look downwards, as he takes his hand away and I add slowly:
“He took everything from me…Pride, self-consciousness, love, happiness, self-acceptance and the ability to trust. It took me years to gain all that back and some things I still haven’t.” his hand cups my cheek and I look at him for a short moment.
“You will, I am sure of that. You are stunning inside and out and I love how you get all shy and flustered. There are so many men out there who are longing for someone like you. Humble, grateful, friendly, cute and funny. Just open your eyes and see for yourself.” He says and I smile. That´s so sweet of him to say. Maybe he is right.
 Months later Harry, Gemma and I are sitting in a small café and enjoy a nice day in the sun. Harry and I got closer with each meeting, first we met occasionally through Gemma until we exchanged numbers and met sometimes without her. She joked that we were secretly dating, but I don’t see it as dates. I think we are friends.
“So Harry, when are you gonna start your new album? Columbia must be impatient” Gemma asks him, but Harry shakes his head.
“No, they are not. They say it takes as long as it takes. I wrote some great songs so far, but I am not ready to go back into the studio. I like my time off.” He answers and sips his coffee. Still black.
“Of course you do, because you are spending it mostly with my friend over here,” she scoffs and I turn a light shade of pink.
“Yes, I do, because I like her more than you do!” Oh god, is this going to be a fight over me?
“Maybe you do, but I found her first. Go find yourself your own Y/N.” Gemma giggles as I roll my eyes at them.
“I don’t need to, she is the perfect Y/N. I will keep her and never give her back. Ha!” Harry sounds very serious and when I turn red like a tomato, he laughs and touches my hand.
“Aw look at you, blushing like a teen,” he says and it gets even worse.
“It´s crazy you still turn this red, when he teases you. You two would be so cute together, honestly,” she says and I bury my face in my hands. This is so embarrassing.
“I was just thinking if she might have a little crush on me,” Harry answers and I have enough. This is crazy, I mean yes! Yes, I have a massive crush on him, but this is too much teasing. I can never have him. He would never want me. I feel the tingle in my eyes and get up, leave Gemma and Harry alone. I just leave and walk through the streets of London, to get me off of my thoughts.
“Y/N, wait. Come in, I was just teasing!” Harry says and holds up to my short legs with ease.
“I know, I´m fine,” I reply and even I hear, that my voice is very shaky. Of course, he notices as well and turns me around to face him.
“What is it, Y/N? Tell me.” He begs and I shake my head. I can´t. I would ruin our friendship and he is so important to me.
“Oh my god, it´s Harry Styles, can we take a picture together?” some girls squeal and Harry turn around. This is his life and I have nothing to with it. I don’t fit in here. While Harry takes pictures with his fans, I turn around and leave.
At home, I start sobbing. It hurts so bad, I never wanted to let him touch my heart this way. It was never intentional. But honestly, I let it happen. I met him, I was always around when he was in town and he texted me. Always. It´s my fault. I am so confused and have no plan, what I am supposed to do. I hate it so much, it is disturbing.
My doorbell rings and when I look through the spy, I see Harry. I can´t open him. I just can´t. The tears come back and I cry while sitting on the floor, my back against the bathroom door.  
“Y/N, come on. I can hear you cry. Open the door, please love. Talk to me.” he says softly through the door.
I don’t answer, I don’t want to. I want him to leave me alone and never come back, so I can find my peace again and forget him.
“Please, please open the door. It breaks my heart to hear you like that.” I hear his voice and I can imagine what the look on his face is. He has his brows furrowed, so that his thinking wrinkle is on his forehead.
“I beg you. Please open the door, sweetheart. I am not here to hurt you, I am here to comfort you, okay?” he asks and I smile a little bit.
“I have a key, we could just open the door.” I hear Gemma's voice and Harry mumbles something.
“I´m coming in now, love,” Harry says through the door and then he steps in. I can see Gemma, she rushes over to me, hugging and whispering apologies into my ear.
“It´s okay Gemma. I am not mad, I just need some time,” I say and she nods, kisses my cheek.
“Okay, let´s get you to your couch,” she helps me up and I avoid looking at Harry, it would hit me even harder, knowing that he is concerned about me.
As I sit on my couch, Gemma looks between Harry and me and says:
“I think you two should talk…this has to come to an end. Stop suffering, both of you.” She leads before she leaves and we are alone. Harry sits down next to me and looks with an apologetic look on his dace into my direction. I stare onto the floor. He puts his hand on mine and squeezes me lightly.
“I´m so sorry. I hurt you, that wasn’t my intention.” He explains and I snort very elegant.
“It´s stupid, I know but I can´t help it. I have fallen for you, even despite the fact I tried not to, but it is impossible. You are such a flirt, we cuddle all the time and…oh god!” I bury my face in my hands.
“So you are in love with me?” Harry asks and I nod, not looking anywhere, just keeping my hands in front of my face.
“Good. Very good, indeed.” I hear him say and look up. What? He smiles at me, showing me his dimples. His green eyes stare into mine and I am sure I look like shit. Puffy red eyes and probably tear stains on my cheeks.
“Nothing is good with that, Harry. I destroy our friendship, you will walk away from me and never talk to me again and why? Just because I couldn’t keep my hormones under control, I am so stupid. What would someone like you from someone like me? You dated models and I am no such thing. I am just me, the stupid ass idiot who fell for her friend-“
“I am in love with you, too.” Harry stops my rant and I freeze, as I was walking up and down. Getting fully into my meltdown. Wait, what did he say?
“What?” I sound stupid and look at him, now getting up and coming closer to me. He stops right in front of me, stares into my eyes and smiles.
“I love you, Y/N. I have loved you for almost six months now and I was just too afraid to ruin our friendship. I am so happy it is out now. So happy. You make me so happy,” he says and I can´t believe it. He is in love with me, too? Harry loves me.
He pulls me closer and hugs me for a long time. I fist his shirt and try not to cry, which is really hard. This is my dream come true. He looks at me and I smile.
“You love me,” I say and he laughs.
“Yes. Yes, I do. Can I…can I kiss you know?” he asks and I nod. As his lips touch mine, I melt into his arms, nearly passing out because my heart is beating so hard.
I have waited for so long, afraid to say something and now we have lost so much time because we both did not want to lose each other. Insane. But beautiful and romantic.
“Finally, god I couldn’t bear it any longer with you two,” Gemma says behind us and Harry turns around.
“How did you know anyways?” Harry asks her and I am down for this question, but she just laughs.
“Oh, everybody knew. You weren’t as subtle, as you think. Constantly staring at one another, when the other one wasn’t looking, touching, cuddling, giggling, turning bright red, constantly questioning me about the other one. It couldn’t be more obvious, but I am happy for you.” She says and hugs us both. My heart is about to explode, I am so happy. I think I never was as happy as I am right now and that’s just because a man confessed his feelings to me.
Soooo, this was Part 2 and I hope it satisfied you! I am very grateful to get some response on this. Thanks for the nice messages I already got. Love y´all.
Love, xx
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jj-lynn21 · 5 years
Roman and Princess: The Agreement Ch 3
Warnings:  fluff, angst,
ch 1 ch2 ch 4 
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Roman steps out of the shower. He throws a towel around his waist before getting you a towel. Wrapping it around your body he embraces you as you shiver. He grips your chin to bring your gaze to his. “Maybe we need to turn up the heat.” He kisses your lips. “Your lips are blue babe.”
“Just a little cccold.” You say through chattering teeth. “You’re nnnot ccold?”
“Yeah, but not as cold as you obviously.” He swoops you up, carries you into the bedroom and bundles you under the sheet and blanket. “Heat up five degrees.” The heat turned up in the room with voice command.
You snuggled into the blanket. “Thank you Roman.”
Roman kisses your lips softly before getting dressed in some high end active wear. “I’ll go cook us breakfast. When you are feeling warm enough get dressed come downstairs.”
You nod that you will. When he goes to leave the room, you stretch under the comforter and sigh deeply. Roman smiles at the small sound you make before leaving the room. He gets some blood orange juice out of the refrigerator. Another gift from King Bill Edlund. He pours a glass and drinks it down, refills his glass and pours another for you.  Then he goes about making omelets with all your favorite ingredients.
You roll out of bed. Throw on under garments, shorts, a t-shirt and a sweatshirt before heading downstairs. Lying against Roman’s back wrapping your arms around him you said “Smells wonderful.”
“Its almost ready.” He folded eggs over adding more cheese. “Go sit down and drink some juice.” He leans against the counter as the cheese melts and watches you take a sip.
“Wow that’s good.” You lick your lips. “It doesn’t taste like orange juice.”
“Its not.” He dishes up the omelets and serves you. He sits. “Its something Bill only can get from his home. His family delivered it while we were at work.”
You looked at him stunned. “You trusted someone to come into our home when we weren’t here? Are you kidding me?”
“I don’t just trust anyone.” He said calmly. “But I trust him and his family. I hope you trust him. Do you like him?”
“I like his club.” You take another sip. “I saw him going up to your office yesterday.”
Roman waited for you to look at him again. When you finally do, he said, “We were working out something special for tonight.”
“Really?” You were intrigued. “What?”
He chuckles, “You will just have to wait.”
Not even a hint for me?” Your fingers reach over to walk up his thigh.
He takes your hand and kisses the pulse point on your wrist. “Good things come to those who wait, Princess.” He notices the welt from where you smacked yourself last night.
“I see, you caught yourself as much as you caught me last night.” He changes the subject since he doesn’t what to show how nervous he really is about what him and Bill will be doing for you.
“I’ll heal just like you will by this evening.” You laugh. “That V on your chest didn’t hurt you to badly, did it?”
“I told you Princess,” He grins. “You were fucking awesome. I feel I need to do something just as good for you. Full fill a big fantasy.” He finishes his breakfast in two more bites.
“Roman you full fill some of my wildest fantasies on the daily.” You kiss his forehead. “I wouldn’t ask for anything more.” You pick up his dishes to take them out to the kitchen. “You made breakfast. I’ll do the dishes.”
“Just leave them in the sink.” He comes over to pull you away from the kitchen. Let Clara do them while we go on a car ride. Its overcast but warmer outside for this time of year. We should enjoy it.”
You put your arms around him looking in his mischievous green eyes. “Oh, a drive. I guess you would be wanting a blow job on this drive?” You tease him.
“Only if the mood strikes you.” He said nonchalantly. “I thought we’d hangout with Peter and Letha. You girls can try on some lingerie for us at Victory Secret or something. Grab ice cream. You know, have a normal day. We really don’t spend a lot of time with them.”
“I like that idea.” You kiss his chin because it’s the highest you can reach without him bending down. “I should get something a little nicer on and do my makeup and hair.
Roman chuckles, “You look great no matter what but go ahead do your routine. I’ll call Peter.”
Later that day Roman and Peter chat across from each other in a booth while you and Letha freshen up in the restroom before ordering sundaes to share with your men.
“what are you so nervous about today Roman?” Peter asked.
“I’m not nervous about anything.” Roman looks away from Peter watching for your return.
“I can smell it on you.” Peter insists. “I didn’t show your cousin the movie you did with your girl, if your concerned about that. Did your Mom see it?”
Roman turns back to Peter. “I hope not. Damn it didn’t even cross my mind that if you realized it was my room in the background Olivia would. Trying new things is fun though. My girls into it. She ah…” He looks to see if you and Letha are out of the bathroom and you are not.”
Peter said, “Spill it Godfrey.”
“She wants a threesome.” Roman blurts out. “She was watching one on that channel the other night and was really into it.”
“Lucky bastard,” Peter chuckled. “So, what is making you so nervous? Can’t find a chick willing to join that you both think is hot? Damn that is some woman you got. You need to lock that down.”
“That’s not the kind of threesome she wants.” Roman looks serious. “Although I’m sure she would be cool with that also.”
“Wait, what other…oh fuck.” Peter leans back in the booth shaking his head no and then leans forward again. “Dude, I totally love you but I’m not going to join you and your girl in fantasy land…how could you even ask…”
“Shut the fuck up.” Roman yells and everyone looks. He whispers, “I’m not asking you.”
“You are obviously going to do it,” Peter whispers as you and Letha giggle coming out of the bathroom. You wave and they wave back and smile. “Who is it Roman?”
“Bill Edlund, the owner of Club Vee.” Roman kept his voice quiet.
“Oh, so you’re basically going to fuck yourself,” Peter chuckled as the girls walked over with turtle ice cream sundaes.
“What are you boys whispering about over here,” She sits by Peter and hand him a spoon.
“Sex and debauchery,” He takes a bite of ice cream.
Roman rolls his eyes and sits back putting an arm around you as you sit with the sundae to share with him.  He grabs the cherry stem from the top with his teeth and feeds you the cherry.
“That’s funny, we were talking about the same thing in the restroom,” Letha said and took a bite of ice cream.
Roman looked to you. His eyes narrow.
“What Roman?” You hold his gaze. “Girls can talk about such things to and it doesn’t even always have to pertain to you.”
“Sure, cool.” He realized you didn’t include anything the two of you did so felt better. He thought it was bad enough Peter knew more than he ever intended on telling him. If his cousin found out all Hell would break loose.
You laugh and feed him a big spoon of sundae. You smile as he closes his eyes when he tastes the sweetness and licks his lips. You take a taste yourself and he watches as you watched him.
“Should I be recording this?” Peter said snarky.
Roman looked at him, “Eat a bag of dicks.”
You glared at Peter.
“Ok, then.” Letha said. “Maybe we call it an afternoon. Its been fun. Thank You for buying the stuff I wanted Roman.”
“No, problem.” He tosses a tip on the table because he can not because its expected in an ice cream parlor. “Let’s go.”
Roman Drops them off. You are more than a little annoyed with Peter’s last comment. Although Roman felt that you were, you had to say what you were thinking.
“Am I going to have to listen to little comments about our sex life from Peter every time we see him?” You scream.
“What the fuck are you screaming at me for?” He screamed back. He pulls into the driveway.
“He’s your friend,” You get out and slam the car door shut. You storm toward the front door.
Roman catches up to you grabbing your arm, “Hey, wait.”
He unlocks the door. You go inside and start up the starts. Roman stand at the bottom of the stair
Sternly he said, “STOP, NOW! Get your ass back here to talk to me.”
You stop and turn around at the top of the stairs. A stunned look on you face. Roman points his finger at you and then straight in front of him. You walk back down the stair giving him an evil eye.
“I did not give him any kind of fucking permission to make such a command.” Roman said. “I am sincerely sorry he ever saw our beautiful sexy video. And honestly I think he is jealous as fuck.”
“Well, he can’t fucking have you,” Your voice still showing how angry you are at Peter.
Roman chuckles, “He doesn’t want me babe. He wants you. And don’t worry, I promise I will talk to him about commenting on our love life.” He runs his hands down your shoulders. Licks his lips. And his eyes focus on yours. “Can we not let this ruin our life?”
You can’t resist the way he looks at you. The way he touches you. The sincerity in his voice. Its impossible to be angry at him when he wasn’t the one you were angry at in the first place. You take a deep breath and let it out slowly, “We won’t.”
“Good,” He smiles. “We have night out to prepare for at Club Vee. As you said, you do like it there.”
You start to get giddy with excitement, “Yes, I do.”
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veridium · 5 years
in my way
alright (x3) okay gamers, guess what? COLLEGE AU UPDATE COMING AT YOU LIVE!
I’m thrilled to finally be able to post this sucker. I’m naming it after one of my favorite MUNA songs, and it’s pretty fitting for where we are and where we’re going. Poor Olivia is gonna have some character development in this chili’s tonight. 
Thank you to Isabella @bitchesofostwick for being patient with me as I get my cats wrangled. You’re the MVP. 
fic masterpost / last chapter
When the high of the game weekend subsides, two truths remain:
1. Cassandra called her her girlfriend in public, in front of like, two dozen witnesses. Can’t walk that back. 
2). Cassandra has a fucked up ankle. The doctors recommended a boot, not a brace. Olivia knows enough about sports injuries -- particularly in the feet in legs -- to know it won’t be a quick and easy recovery. 
Luckily for Cass, walking boots have become a fashion, and she will only have to be in one for a short time. But that also means she can’t do certain things as easily as she could without it. Though as much of a soldier as they come, by the end of Monday, she’s in a shitty mood when Olivia calls her shortly after getting out of a work at the gym:
“It’s bullshit that they put me in this thing, the sprain wasn’t that bad. I saw the x-rays!”
Olivia tosses her bag in the trunk of her mini and slams the door down, phone tucked between shoulder and ear. “It’s only for a couple of weeks, right? Just rest up and--”
“--already tired of it knocking into things, what the fuck is the--”
“--Cass, er, hold on, let me…”
“I shouldn’t have called, you were at work--”
“No no!” Olivia slides into the driver’s seat, hurriedly trying to set up the bluetooth. She slides the key into the ignition and twists, but she can still hear Cassandra grumbling and ranting, and she’s not even on speaker. When the bluetooth makes her live on the car stereo, she’s thundering so much Olivia has to turn her down several clicks. 
“Babe, hey!” Olivia cuts in. The speaker goes sharply quiet. “Are you home?”
Quiet, and then a curt sigh. “...Yes.”
“Good. Is Cullen there?” Maybe he can talk her off the ledge. But by the sounds of it, though, he isn’t. 
“No,” Cassandra confirms, “he’s out.”
“Got it,” Olivia sighs as silently as she can. “Okay, how about I come over and cook up something, and you can work on that RICE thing they told you to do--”
“Ugh, the amount of times they said that fucking acronym bull--”
“Rest, ice, compression, and elevation! Yes, that bullshit.” She’s rubbing her hands in the lotion stocked in her console. “I can run to the store if you need anything?”
“No, I’m fine.”
“I’m fine.” Her voice digs into a dreaded monotone. No longer on a rampage, but seething. Olivia can’t pick which is worse. Instead of ragging on her, she puts the car into drive and pulls out of her spot. Just as she’s about to go forward, Cass says something:
“Actually, I have a lot to do tonight. Would you mind if you didn’t come over?”
Olivia stars suspiciously at the stereo, the best proxy she has for her hardass girlfriend. She blurts out a confused sound, her hands falling from the steering wheel down into her lap.
“Uh, are you sure? I mean, are you going to be okay without Cullen around? Is he going to be home soon?”
“I don’t need Cullen around. I’ll be fine. I just have to get homework done.” There’s some background noise of things shuffling, like papers or binders or something. Cassandra wouldn’t be the type to orchestrate a lie like that -- at least, Olivia hopes not.
Unfortunately, no matter what it is, Olivia can’t push her way into her apartment. So, taking hold of the wheel again, she checks to make sure no one else is waiting on her spot.
“I, uh, I’m good with that!” she says, a bit distracted as she drives out toward the parking lot entrance. “Rain check, then?”
“...Okay.” She slides to a stop waiting for the 4:30pm rush to pass by. “Let me know if you need anything, alright? I can still stop by and drop off things. I’ll just be doing homework.”
“Thank you, but I should be fine.”
Fine. Fine, fine, fine. Always fine. 
“Okay...um, alright. Well, I’ll talk to you soon, then?”
Olivia scrunches her nose, missing a chance to pull onto the road by the sudden spike of frustration. She twists her lips shut and nods, as if Cass can see it.
“Cool. Bye.” She hangs up before Cassandra can do the honors herself. It feels kind of awful, and rests on her shoulders as she drives back to her part of campus. I shouldn’t be so impatient with her, it’s only been a couple days. Maybe she thought it would be too easy: the night of the party was all about celebrating them, and Cassandra was riding the euphoria of victory. Sunday was good, too: she stayed home from Church, a rarity for her, and they stayed home and watched movies. Sure she was tired, and a bit overwhelmed, but she wasn’t angry. 
“I don’t get it. I mean, if she’s been an athlete her whole life, shouldn’t she be used to this stuff?”
It’s Tuesday morning and Olivia is trying not to think about the fact that Cassandra didn’t so much as text her for the rest of the night. Perhaps she should have been more explicit when she said “let me know if you need anything,” and said “please don’t shut me out.” 
Josephine, walking beside her, is un-phased. “Cassandra seems to be the type to not let anything get in her way. I’m sure she’s just frustrated she has to consider limitations. That never gets easier, no matter how much you get hurt.”
“Yeah, but…” Olivia takes another long sip while she adjusts her shoulder bag strap. “I don’t know. Maybe I should take a step back.”
“Psh, Olivia,” Josephine gives her a look as they start up some stairs. “She announced you were her girlfriend, what, three days ago? That’s a step!”
“I know it is, but like…okay, I feel like injury care is kind of a step on its own, right? I mean, you wouldn’t just start becoming someone’s bedside physician a week into dating.”
“Is that what’s going on?”
“...Uh, no, but…”
“I don’t know. I feel like...I mean, if she needed anything, I would be there. I took her to the hospital! I sat there for over an hour and waited for them to let her go. I picked up painkillers. I know enough to know that she’ll need help -- that she needs help. She can’t drive or walk very much, and I know it’s causing her pain. I just want to...you know...I want to make sure she’s taken care of. Is that intrusive? Am I skipping a step here?”
Josephine smiles as she holds the door open for Olivia to walk in first. Once inside, she bumps her shoulder into hers encouragingly. “I think it’s just a matter of getting used to things. Does Cassandra have people in her life she regularly depends on like that?”
“Yes! Totally.”
“I mean, like, ‘can you help me with this task I would otherwise have no problem doing by myself, but now I need special assistance with it, and it requires me to be sort of humble and take up someone else’s time and energy’ kind of way?”
Olivia is about to say yes again, but she stops. Josephine’s knowing stare only compounds her mistaken confidence. 
“Uh. Hm.”
Josephine is sense incarnate, and if she’s not saying to back off, then maybe the problem isn’t Olivia’s over-caring. But the fact remains: they haven’t exactly followed a traditional timeline. And this one is making Olivia confront some odd feelings she did not expect to come up so fiercely. 
As they near the hall outside their classroom, a last-minute topic is brought up. “Oh, I forgot,” Josephine says, finger pointed up in the air. “The festival is coming up. Are you going? You are going, right?”
Oh fuck, the festival. The event that happens right before break. Carnival games, cider, the whole autumnal enchilada. Josephine’s question makes the domino effect kick in: the festival is this weekend, meaning thanksgiving break is next week, meaning exams are less than three weeks from now, which means…
“Uh, Olivia?” Josephine snaps her back into reality with another cool smile. “You look like I asked if you remembered what your last school picture was like!”
Olivia shudders. “Ugh, no, no,” she clarifies, “I’m good. Um, the festival? I thought so, but, with everything that’s been going on I kinda forgot. Are you and Theia going?”
Josephine’s cheery facade subsides, and she holds the books in her arms close to her chest. “Oh. Um, not together, no.”
Suddenly it feels as though they’ve crashed through several floors of drama and into hell’s furnace. What the fuck? 
“Wait, what? Josie, what happ--”
“Shh, sh,” Josie takes hold of Olivia’s forearm and draws nearer. “Nothing, just...just a break. It is alright.”
“Alright?! I--”
“Olivia! Inside voice,” Josephine interrupts.
With as much as she can muster Olivia tries to slow her heartbeat, taking a breath that feels utterly useless. The Kill Bill sirens are sounding off in her head again. Seems like they have become a permanent fixture. 
“We are just taking some time. That is all.”
Olivia’s brow furrows. “Time? Is it because...is it…”
Josephine grins sorely and releases her gentle hold. “There is a lot to it. Too much to chat about before class. You’ve had your own stuff to attend to. I don’t blame you at all!”
Blame. Olivia didn’t think of the word yet, but hearing her say it, it’s pretty damning. Blame would be the way she’d describe how she feels: to blame, more like. If anything else has been going on between them, she has no clue. They were always good at putting on a stunning show of lovers. Now it’s like a “the parents are divorcing” saga all over again. Nevertheless, Olivia swallows her need to know everything all at once.
“Okay. We’ll talk about it, though, right? Soon?”
“Yes, sure,” Josephine says, “I just have a lot to do this week, and then break, and…”
“I get it, no, it’s fine.” Olivia says her least favorite word. “Whenever you can and want to. I’m here!”
They conclude their counseling of each other’s issues -- or, more like Olivia’s, ft. a mention of Josephine’s -- and head to class. Strangely enough it is like a vacation getting to think about anything except what she’s currently overthinking. As soon as the 55 minutes of class are up she goes right back to spinning, except now it has the added ingredients of whatever the fuck is going on with Theia and Josie. 
She checks her phone. No new messages from Theia since their reunion special at the pizza shop. 
Olivia: Hey, Theia. I was talking to Josie. Are you okay?
She sends it, but receives nothing back. At least not for the rest of the afternoon before she texts Cassandra, who is also stonewalling her: 
Olivia: Hey! You feeling better today?
Thankfully, within ten minutes, a response: 
Cassandra: Not really. I went home early and moved my office hours to Thursday. How are you?
Olivia: Oh, ok. I’m glad you’re resting. I’m doing good, just got out of classes for the day. 
Cassandra: Anything interesting?
Olivia: That Chad guy brought up Lenin again. Didn’t think he could do it, but he did! Lol :)
Cassandra stops responding, and after 30 minutes Olivia has arrived back at her dorm. She hops onto her bed and sees nothing, no typing ellipses. Feeling the sinking gut reaction again, she pries a little:
Olivia: Anyway, I know it’s only been a day, but are you up for company? 
Five minutes later, a quick and surprising reply: 
Cassandra: I would, but Leliana is here, actually. Filling me in on what I missed on Sunday. 
Olivia’s turns off her screen and tosses the phone across her bed. What, did a new Apostle get named? Apostle Jerry, or something? Fuck Apostle Jerry. She doesn’t respond; instead she’s disturbed by how much she cares, and how protective she’s being. Leliana is not her favorite person in the world, but she’s no villain. What the hell is going on with emotions this week?
Another half hour goes by of her trying to reign herself in. Her mind says “calm the fuck down, it’s nothing, it’s been a couple of days,” and her heart says, well, a number of inappropriate expletives. 
“Knock, knock,” says an infamous voice from behind the door. 
Olivia groans. 
“Good, you’re here,” Ellinor chuckles as she lets herself in. Dressed in jeans and no shirt, but a nice flannel that compliments her sports bra. She, too, must be trying to unwind from the day.
“Yep, here,” Olivia gripes, falling onto her back on the comforter. “Always here, just at the ready, willing to report for duty!”
By the sounds of it, Ellinor is chomping on something. Maybe a granola bar, or a handful of men’s hopes. “What’s gotten into you?”
“Nothing. Just...just a long day.”
“I totally believe that. Anyway,” Ellinor takes another bite of whatever it is, and remains standing in the center of the room. “You want to go get something to eat? I’m out of ramen an--”
“Yes. Yes, 100% yes,” Olivia jumps up and heads for her closet, zooming past without so much as a hey, hi, hello. “Let’s go. Sushi? Sushi.”
“Hey, woah, there, woman,”
Olivia’s sliding on a pullover sweater, shimmying her cares away, before she hears Ellinor protest again: “Liv! Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Y-yeah! Fuck yeah,” Olivia laughs nervously, pulling her hair up into a bun using a hairtye on her wrist. “I’m so good. You set to go?”
They stare at each other, Olivia’s semi-heavy breathing the only noise. Ellinor, is holding a granola bar wrapper in one hand, the last piece of it in the other.
“Uh, well, seeing as how I don’t have a shirt on,” she says warily, “I would have to have a minute to prepare…”
Olivia, bounding up onto her toes, is not one to criticize. “Sure! Yeah, no, take your time. I mean, it’s just a shirt, it shouldn’t take too long, right?”
“....No….” Ellinor’s side-eyeing intensifies. “Luckily, I just...did laundry…”
“Cool! That’s awesome, congratu--”
“Okay Olivia, what the hell? Did you shotgun three red bulls in a row, or are you hiding something?”
“I...I did not shoot a...yuck!” She groans in displeasure. “No, I’m just...just ready to get off campus. Midterms have been a nightmare.”
“Yeah, for you? Sure.” Ellinor rolls her eyes, dragging her feet as she makes for the door. “Whatever it is, I’m sure I’ll hear about it in between the first and second roll…”
“...Wait, roll…?”
“Of sushi!” Ellinor says from the hall, a bit outraged. “How would I ever mean anything else besides sushi?!”
Relieved to no longer have her best and dearest friend who has x-ray vision into her mania, Olivia takes a deep exhale to herself and begins assembling her items: wallet, keys, and so on. Her phone is the last one she looks for, and indeed the last one she wants to have contact with now. When she grabs it, she checks the screen: no new messages from either of her problematic women. At this point, she’s almost glad. 
She pulls up Cassandra’s thread and begins typing:
Oh, that’s nice of her! On second thought, I forgot I had dinner plans tonight, so nevermind. 
Just as she is about to hit send, she bites her lip and stalls. Yesterday she got on herself for being too impatient with Cassandra and her wants and needs. Or, lack thereof. Maybe it’s fine to just leave well enough alone, since she obviously isn’t caring too much about what Olivia has to say. 
“Hey, ready?” she hears Ellinor from the hall, making the whole deliberation on a time crunch. 
Olivia erases the message, choosing silence as the best reply. If Cassandra has a problem with that, she can very-well rectify it. She slides the phone into her back pocket and leaves her dorm for the night. 
“Where do you want to go?” she asks Ellinor as they get outside, starting for the parking lot.
“Let’s go to that place on the corner by Parsons’ street,” Ellinor says whilst typing on her own phone. “The one with the big boat thing in the front lobby?”
“We never go there,” Olivia says curiously, “why start now?”
“Because Cullen and I have ordered too much from our usual spot and now the guy on the phone knows I’ve taken a lover because of how different my order is now.”
“Got it. Too bad Cullen doesn’t like my kind of sushi,” Olivia bemoans in a teasing way. She sees her beloved mini down the aisle of cars and hits the unlock button. 
“Yeah, well, it’s hard to say it’s you when I have to explicitly ask how spicy the spicy tuna is and if they can put all the wasabi in my box, just in case,” Ellinor says it with a giggle, but it’s a damning detail about Cullen’s beloved taste buds.
“He makes you ask?” Olivia laughs.
“No, I just do it anyway. I think he’s trying to prove to me he can handle spicy foods, he’s been asking to taste my plate. Then he starts sweating and turning red, and I ask if he wants anything to drink, and he tries to laugh it off.” They both get into the car, and Ellinor reaches for her seat belt. “It’s...tragically cute.”
“Yeah, sounds like it,” Olivia grins and shuts her door. After her own seat belt is secure she turns on the car and lets it warm up. Her phone gets tossed into the center console without so much as a second thought or concern. This attracts Ellinor’s attention rather fast. 
“How’s Cass the Boot--”
“Ellinor,” Olivia glances.
“Okay, okay, fine. How is she, though?”
“She’s fine.”
Olivia once again is putting her car into gear for the second time in 24 hours all the while pretending she isn’t bothered by something definitely bothersome. While she reverses, Ellinor proves that bluetooth communication is the better method for saving face, and continues her questioning. 
“Fine? That’s all? I thought…”
“She’s resting up at home. Not much to say, it’s only been a few days since the game.”
After a delay, Ellinor settles back into her seat. “Okay. I see.”
Once they’re on the road, and music gets put on, it’s far less difficult to breathe. If Olivia can just get over it and not treat every day like a make-it-or-break-it moment, she will be fine. Cassandra is just frustrated with herself and tired. She’ll be okay. It’s not the end of the world. It’s not her job. 
Just as they’re hitting downtown, Ellinor tries again to strike up conversation: “Cullen’s excited about the fall festival, apparently he and the guys get super competitive about the games.”
“Really? That’s unsurprising,” Olivia smirks. 
“Yeah, something tells me I’m going to hit the jackpot with stuffed animals won in my honor. Are you excited?”
“M-me? Yeah. Totally. I’ve been looking forward to it for the last couple weeks.”
“Me, too.”
Another few minutes of no talking. The conversation was dead on arrival. Olivia can’t help but think about going, or not going, or going and being alone. What would be worse, going somewhere with Cassandra being grumpy, or going alone and watching all the couples have fun? It felt rather anticlimactic. She wanted to share it with the woman she’s got it bad for. 
“It’s up a few more blocks, right?” she asks.
“Uh, yeah,” Ellinor checks the directions on her phone briefly. 
“You sure everything’s okay?”
Olivia grips the wheel harder, and fortunately the light in front of her finally turns green. “Yes, just on edge with midterms.”
“...that is the thing, though, exams never phase you.”
“Yeah, well.”
Ellinor gives a “mhm” sound and goes back to scrolling through her phone. Olivia knows better than to think her ignorant. But what else can she do when she herself doesn’t understand why she’s so nervous and upset? Why, if Cassandra texted her in this moment asking for her help and presence, she’d flip a U-turn and tell sushi to go fuck itself? Relationships have steps. There are steps for a reason. 
This isn’t Cassandra’s fault, Olivia tells herself. Over and over, but she barely believes it. This is a me thing. It has to be. 
As she gets out of the car in the parking lot outside the restaurant, Olivia finds herself holding tight to her bundle of keys. Tight onto something in particular: a keychain, one of only two on the ring. As they approach she takes a look at it in her hand: an old baseball keychain, so old the white on the ball has worn off. What’s more worn down are the letters that read “World’s No. 1 Daughter” on the back. 
“Hey, ready?” Ellinor asks, holding onto the door but not opening it yet. She sounds sweeter, now, like she noticed and understands. Ellinor always understands. 
Olivia shakes her head, smiling as she puts her keys in her sweater pocket. “Yeah! I’m starving, holy shit.”
Nothing pairs with sushi quite like anxiety.
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alternislatronemhq · 4 years
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Congrats, BEE, you have been accepted to AL for the role of DOLORES UMBRIDGE (FC:Olivia Taylor Dudley). OH MY GOODNESS, BEE! Your portrayal of Dolores was just stunning. I found myself laughing in places and gasping in others. You’ve really gotten into the head of a character that is just awful and played that out in a way that’s captivating. I can’t wait to see what chaos she brings to the dash! Please send in your blog (no sideblogs for first characters, please) in the next 24 hours and be sure to take a look at our new player checklist. Welcome home (once again), we’re so excited to have you join the family!
name — Bee age — 29 pronouns — She/her timezone — MST activity level — I have quite a bit of free time at the moment! I can usually manage being on for at least a little while every day and I’ll average a handful of replies a week at a minimum. any questions? —No questions per se, just a small disclaimer to let anyone reading know that I am a tolerant and open-minded individual, so while I’m excited for the creative challenge and entertainment of potentially writing an absolutely loathsome person like Ms. Dolores Jane Umbridge, anything offensive that she says or thinks or does IC does not reflect my own personal views!
IC Overview
name — Dolores Jane Umbridge—but my friends call me Lo, at least they would if I had any FRIENDS. -hold for laughter- Yeah, eat your fucking hearts out all you moronic lowlife swine. Hem hem. faceclaim — Olivia Taylor Dudley, Jenna Coleman, Mae Whitman age — 32 gender — Cis-female, and uncomfortably cutesy girly-girl for a woman over thirty. Hyperfemme caricature with BDE. Never met a shade of pink she didn’t just love.
sexuality — Outwardly, all Dolores cares about is locating the picture-perfect partner for the type of life she wants to be seen as having and lock them down, and in her mind that person is a man. She wants a husband with money and looks and brains and power, but not so much of any one that it would outshine her; she craves to be in the power seat of a power couple, and to get the attention she feels she’s always been unjustly robbed of. She’s got no interest whatsoever in romance and finds the whole concept a laughable waste of time. But for all she projects to the world, Dolores in reality harbors a deep, deep, DEEPDEEPDEEP same-sex attraction. She has thoroughly locked herself in that closet and a Norwegian Ridgeback swallowed the key.
patronus —Persian cat. This animal has all the appearance of being sweet and cuddly, but rub her the wrong way and those barely-retracted claws are coming out in an instant. Vain, independent, calculating, haughty, and very, very well-groomed at all times.
boggart —Stemming from her Napoleon Complex, Dolores’ boggart takes the form of herself shrunken down like Alice in Wonderland after sipping the drink me potion; her voice squeaks higher and higher into an undetectable range no matter how loud she yells and she can just barely avoid getting squashed beneath someone else’s disgusting, dirty shoes. Dolores as a person demands attention to function and she simply will not tolerate being made to feel literally small.
IC In Depth
personality traits —
tidy - Dolores is obsessed with beauty and perfection and symmetry in all things and nothing makes her skin crawl more than disorder—to the extent that after her mother and father split and she lived full-time with her father, Dolores developed OCD (though it hasn’t been properly diagnosed as such, and Dolores would immediately write off anyone who attempted to call it that to her face). In her mind she is simply particular; she has very high standards and she expects the world to rise to them, or else she’ll root out the filth around her weed by weed. She cut off the heads of her stuffies who stepped out of line at her toddler-age tea parties you’d better believe she’d do the same to you and care less about it.
passive aggressive - Dolores is well-known for her disconcerting calm in face of disagreements, her calculated cute-sweet demeanor and high-pitched voice. But make no mistake; Dolores is sugar laced with arsenic. In all likelihood she hates your guts and has already cooked up an in-depth five-year plan to chip away at you piece by painstaking piece. It’s a mystery how she manages to keep all that highly-pressurized rage simmering beneath the surface the way she’s somehow perfected, because she’s wound up so tight that it’s a wonder her eyes don’t pop out of her damn head and she’s about twenty-five seconds away from a full-blown psychotic break on a good day.
jealous - Dolores wants what she feels she’s due, plain and simple. When she sees others gain the things she wants while she gets overlooked, it stokes that ever-burning vindictive flame inside of her. It started in early childhood when her father gave attention to anyone or anything that wasn’t her, and it’s only gotten worse every day since.
intolerant - At this point in her life, her infamous intolerance is still in its earliest seed stages, but the seed is planted. One of the most interesting things for me about writing a character like Dolores at this age is to see how and why this mentality grows out of experiences she encounters in these formative years.
character biography —
Born ten pounds of spunk in a four pound, five ounce package, Dolores Jane Umbridge came into this world pink and perfect.
Perfect. Perfect. Perfectperfectperfect.
Even from a young age it was all Dolores cared about. Her father Orford Umbridge would whisper to Dolores what a beautiful perfect princess she was and Dolores believed it with every fibre of her being. Beautiful. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.
Then her mother Ellen gave birth to a younger brother who showed not the faintest trace of magic, and that was not perfect. The rift between parents and siblings grew into a cavern as Orford’s whispering words turned against Ellen; her fault. Worthless. Vile. Mudblood. Filthy Squib. Repulsive. Disgraceful. Wrong.
It wasn’t long before the couple split up, with Ellen and her son being banished to the Muggle world, and then it was just Orford and Dolores, together in their once-more perfect world.
And would that it could have stayed that way forever. Orford had always had wandering eyes and Dolores, desperate always to be the only girl in her father’s life, grew jealous and suspicious and hateful (and nonononono NOT anything else nope) for the beautiful vapid creatures that drew his gaze, threatening to upend what was hers.
Knowing nothing beyond her childhood of constant praise and adoration, Dolores went to Hogwarts expecting the world to cater to her every whim. So when people didn’t immediately kiss the ground she walked on, it made her angry. When all the girls and boys didn’t fall all over themselves to try and woo her, it made her furious. When the professors and adults didn’t sing her vast praises on high, it made her outraged.
How was everyone on earth too fucking useless to see how perfect she was?!
Dolores was a bundle of dynamite wrapped up in a pretty pink bow, just waiting to blow.
She went to the Ministry with adjusted expectations on being outright offered what she knew she deserved, and was proven right when she was overlooked by grotesquely unqualified superiors in favor of the sniveling ingrates all around her. But Dolores was prepared to play the long game and bide her time, just waiting for that one weak crack in the system where she could dig in her knuckle and crumble an empire with a smile on her face.
And she thought she’d found that perfect crack when she went to the Dark Lord. Surely he would see Dolores for all she was worth, surely he would bestow upon her all that power, finally, finally, finally. He was only a silly man, after all.
But the foul, imperfect world let Dolores down again. The Dark Lord gave his preference to some other detestable twots just like Dolores always feared Orford would, and then he paid the price for his idiocy when he fell from power (serves him right the arrogant swine), and Dolores returned to her long game at the Ministry with a newfound fervor to crush all who dared try to overlook her beneath her pink kitten heels.
Waiting for the next perfect move to present itself. And when it does, she’ll be ready.
plot ideas —
Girlsgirlsgirls. I would love an opportunity to unpack some of Dolores’ deeply rooted internalized homophobia. Maybe it’s an openly gay and proud woman who drives Dolores up the wall, maybe it’s a beautiful lady who despite all of Dolores’ efforts starts to get beneath her skin, someone she can’t seem to shake… This could go in so many directions and I’m here for them all!
Ministry Spats. Anyone she might have dustups with on her Ministry stomping grounds—Arthur Weasley, Alastor Moody, etc. Also anyone with pro-creature leanings and/or sentiments at this stage could greatly inform her later mindset and I would love to have them interact.
extra —
Headcanon: Dolores hates children; she thinks they’re disgusting tiny wastes of breath and absolutely looks down on anyone who has chosen the family plan for their life.
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