#*hq natsumi shimizu
fictumlibrary · 3 years
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international women’s week challenge  /  day five: mom, i am a rich man. quote inspo. edit inspo.
taglist: @raith-way @kendelias @ocsandallthatjazz @foxesandmagic @decennia @ocfairygodmother @stanshollaand
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fictumlibrary · 3 years
❝ Would you be so kind as to fall in love with me? ❞ 
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dodie clark lyrics starters
Natsumi is a jealous person. She can’t deny it, but who can blame her? Being compared to her older siblings since she could walk tends to do that to you. She would deny it out loud to her dying day, but she thinks about it more than is healthy.
Everyone loves Kiyoko. She’s smart, she’s beautiful, she’s hardworking, the list never ends. She’s everything that Natsumi isn’t. It has always been that way, their parents holding her to Kiyoko’s standard and being disappointed every time she failed to meet it. People only ever saw her as her sister’s shadow despite her doing all she can to move away from it. To some degree, she’s made peace with the fact that she will never be as good as Kiyoko.
But when she sees Yachi talking to Kiyoko with stars in her eyes, her stomach churns.
It makes sense. Why wouldn’t Yachi be enamoured by Kiyoko? She’d admitted herself (albeit hesitantly and with a lot of embarrassed stuttering) that she’d joined the club because she’d zoned out while Kiyoko was speaking to her, thinking about how beautiful she is. Natsumi probably would have laughed if she didn’t think Yachi was beautiful herself.
Of course, she hasn’t said as much, so now she leans against the wall of her favourite alcove on the school grounds (the teachers never check here), watching the two of them converse during their lunch break. Kiyoko is showing Yachi something in her notebook, probably something volleyball-related. Their shoulders are pressed together and Yachi is nodding eagerly as Kiyoko explains what she’s written. It’s nauseating to watch, yet Natsumi can’t look away.
“You really love to torture yourself, don’t you?”
She doesn’t bother looking at Kinoshita. He’s one of the only people who knows about her little spot and the only person she allows to sit with her while she’s there. That doesn’t mean she’s going to let that comment go, though.
“How am I torturing myself? I’m literally just standing here.”
“Standing here watching your sister charm the love of your life.”
Natsumi finally looks away so she can glare at Kinoshita. “That isn’t what’s happening here. Don’t be so dramatic.”
Kinoshita snorts. “I’m not the dramatic one between the two of us, trust me. But seriously, you’re only going to make yourself feel bad watching them, even if they’re just going over volleyball strategies.”
“It’s not about what they’re talking about that’s the problem,” she mutters.
“You know you can just talk to her yourself, right?”
“And have people spread rumours about the poor first year girl forced into spending time with resident delinquent Natsumi Shimizu? I don’t think so.”
Kinoshita huffs. “People don’t spread rumours about me and I hang out with you.”
“They think you’re weird, though.”
“Well…” He can’t deny it. They both know it’s true. Their classmates think he has a deathwish by approaching her when she actually happens to be in attendance. He’s assured them that he isn’t being blackmailed or bullied, so they’ve left him alone, but Yachi isn’t the type to reassure a crowd like that. “You think Yachi would care about any rumours with you two? She knows you well enough by now, right?”
Natsumi presses her lips together. “She might not care, but I would.”
“For her sake, right?” She says nothing. “For a terrifying delinquent, you spend a lot of time caring about others.”
“I do not.” How dare he suggest she cares about anything other than herself. “Even if I did talk to her, the only thing we have in common is Kiyoko, and I don’t really want to talk about my sister more than I have to.”
Kinoshita shrugs. “You could always ask her out on a date.”
Natsumi looks at him in disbelief. “Absolutely not. She doesn’t even like me.”
“Then flirt with her or something. Woo her, or whatever they call it.”
She can’t contain her laughter. “What is this? One of those shitty ancient books they make us learn about in English? What am I supposed to say? Would you be so kind as to fall in love with me?” She puts on a fake accent for the last bit, trying to imitate what little she’d seen of period romances. “Yeah, no. I know a lost cause when I see it.”
Kinoshita sighs and says, quiet enough that she thinks he might be talking to himself, “It’s not as lost as you think it is.”
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fictumlibrary · 3 years
‘ you are so lucky that they called me and not the police. ’
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* shameless starters
“You are so lucky they called me and not the police.”
Natsumi crosses her arms and makes a show of turning her head away from her sister. She isn’t about to give her the satisfaction of letting her perceive her. Kiyoko has always had a talent for that and she refuses to enable it.
“There was no need to call the police. I didn’t do anything wrong!”
“You punched someone in the nose.”
“And he deserved it!”
“No one deserves to be punched in the nose.”
Natsumi doesn’t respond. She doesn’t say that the guy was disrespecting the volleyball team and that he went out of his way to make a comment on Kiyoko herself, lest anyone think she gives a damn. Then again, the other second years had seen it all go down. Hopefully she can intimidate them into staying silent.
“Besides, you could have gotten hurt,” Kiyoko continues.
That catches Natsumi off-guard. “But I didn’t. The bastard didn’t even get a hit on me. Coward. Left him some souvenirs, though.”
“But I don’t care about the other guy, I care about you.”
Natsumi presses her lips together, keeping all of her protests in. It takes an embarrassing amount of effort not to shout over how no one else in the family cares about her, so why should Kiyoko? Why should perfect little Kiyoko, who can do no wrong, bother with Natsumi the Family Disappointment. The only answer she can come up with is pity.
She does not appreciate being pitied.
“Well, I’m fine,” she says.
“You’re fine this time,” Kiyoko corrects. “What if that guy hadn’t run away? What if the boys hadn’t been there and Ennoshita hadn’t called me?” So it was Ennoshita who snitched. “Even Tanaka was worried about you.”
She scoffs. “Tanaka is never worried about me.”
“Well, he was this time.” Kiyoko regards her for a few moments before deflating and sitting beside her on the park bench. “No one thinks that whatever this guy said is true or that he shouldn’t suffer some form of consequences, even if they’re just social, but you aren’t helping by breaking his nose.”
“I didn’t break it. It just bled a little,” she mumbles.
Kiyoko only sighs. “Come on, let’s get you home.”
Natsumi’s fingernails dig into her skirt. The last thing she ever wants is to be at home, and she knows she’ll arouse suspicion by coming home with Kiyoko at her side. It wouldn’t be the first time she was accused of being a bad influence on her older sister by merely being within a few feet of her.
She stands abruptly and doesn’t look at Kiyoko. “No. I’m going to the convenience store for a bit. I’ll probably just hang out at Kinoshita’s for the night.” She has spare clothes there, anyway.
“Wait, Natsu—”
Kiyoko’s words fall on deaf ears as Natsumi turns and walks away.
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fictumlibrary · 3 years
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oc halloween challenge 2021  ;  day eight  --  kids show au -- ft. yejin ha, kuriko kozume, & natsumi shimizu as the powerpuff girls.
taglist: @raith-way @fralthotius @thotier @kendelias @ocsandallthatjazz @foxesandmagic
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fictumlibrary · 3 years
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the highs and lows of high school volleyball  /  kuriko kozume, natsumi shimizu & yejin ha.
taglist: @raith-way @fralthotius @thotier @kendelias @ocsandallthatjazz
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fictumlibrary · 3 years
natsumi skips school all the time, and while the rest of the family has given up on her, kiyoko hasn't.
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
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fictumlibrary · 3 years
🔗🌁💎🎩 for natsumi!!
🔗 • what bonds do they have with other characters? familial, platonic, romantic, adversarial?
there is obviously kiyoko, aka the only member of her family actually in her corner. natsumi is jealous af and resentful, though, at least at first because she's a bitter bitch. then the two actually talk and become a lot closer.
romantically there's yachi, like natsumi saw her and her brain just went "GIRL. CUTE GIRL. RIGHT THERE" and has the most pathetic crush on her but appears really chill about it.
platonically, she becomes friends with the other second years, particularly kinoshita who is in the same class as her, and when she gets over herself she starts hanging out with them. she and tanaka fight over the dumbest shit though they're both ridiculous.
adversarial... most other people sdlfjsdkfljl. particularly the rest of her family, though, who constantly compare her to kiyoko and have all but given up on her. jokes on them. also any of her teachers. she ends up respecting takeda but that's it.
🌁 • where did they grow up? how has that affected them?
she's grown up in miyagi her entire life and it's made her feel stuck. she wants to go out and see the world, use her video camera to record it all, but her parents have told her she's going to be stuck going nowhere for so long that she's started to believe it, and she resents her hometown in some ways because of that.
💎 • how do they perform under pressure?
she performs very well under pressure unless her parents or older brother are around, then she tends to have an internal freak out. all other times, though, she's a lot like kiyoko, getting shit done regardless of what's standing in her way.
🎩 • what does their general style or fashion sense look like?
lots of plaid skirts, band shirts, chokers, leather jackets, that sort of thing. and don't forget the long boots and fishnet stockings. she has an Image(tm) and she's committed to it.
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OC Ask Game
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fictumlibrary · 3 years
💞 + natsumi 🥰
kiyoko: their relationship is a bit complicated, but i guess that's what makes it fun to write about. natsumi has the biggest inferiority complex when it comes to her older sister, and it doesn't help that everyone (including their parents) compares them all the time. yet kiyoko is the only one who truly believes in her and supports her at the start of the story, though natsumi thinks she's just pitying her. a lot of their dynamic is natsumi overcoming that and their relationship getting a lot better.
yachi: natsumi sees her and goes "cute girl brain go brrrr" dsfjslkdfjl, but when she sees how nervous yachi is at the beginning she attempts to help ease her nerves, and even though yachi is a bit scared of her at first (natsumi has a reputation skdjfsl) she helps yachi to grow more confident in her role as manager while yachi inspires natsumi with just how much she's willing to do and how hard she's willing to work.
tanaka: the two of them would brawl in the maccas parking lot. at first they would genuinely brawl but after some time they becomes friends who would still brawl in the maccas parking lot but just for fun. they're loud and will fight anywhere and everyone is exhausted.
daichi: kiyoko has spoken to daichi about natsumi before and so when natsumi gets dragged to volleyball things by kiyoko he's very nice and doesn't question it which she finds absolutely suspicious. ("kiyoko what did you tell him what does he know i refuse to be perceived") but if she steps out of line she is not safe from Team Dad Daichi, which is such a surprising turn of events for her that it actually manages to shut her up. it's how he shows he cares though sfjsldkfjsdl
kinoshita: they're classmates, and after natsumi starts attending class regularly and going to volleyball things, the two start becoming friends. everyone in class is all "kinoshita are you serious you know who that is right" and he's like "yeah? sumi" and everyone is all how did you give her a nickname and not die. but they simply vibe and hang out together it's great.
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new ask game: send me 💞 + an oc and ill tell you my top five favorite dynamics of theirs!
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fictumlibrary · 3 years
1-10 for natsumi and yachi 👁👄👁
Who is the most affectionate?
natsumi, which shocks everyone because she has an image(tm) that she always tries to maintain, but when it comes to yachi that goes out the window.
Big spoon/Little spoon?
natsumi is usually the big spoon, yachi is usually the little spoon, though sometimes they switch.
Most common argument?
because they're both creative people with an eye for design, they often argue over little things when they start living together, like where they put the pot plants or the order the paintings are hung on the wall.
Favorite non-sexual activity?
they like watching funny internet videos together! though they won't complain if it's a silly movie or tv show, either. natsumi loves to loudly give her commentary and yachi loves to listen.
Who is most likely to carry the other?
natsumi. she's stronger than she looks and she'll just lift yachi up like she weighs nothing.
What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
natsumi loves yachi's voice, yachi loves natsumi's boldness.
What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
nothing changes with natsumi. she always knew she thought yachi was pretty and she would be a bit flirtatious towards her just for fun beforehand, so after she realizes it's just a case of her genuinely meaning what she's saying. for yachi, she gets even MORE flustered than she usually does and she goes through the five stages of grief every single time. but she also tries to be a bit more confident after getting some pep talks from her friends.
Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
yachi calls natsumi 'natsu' and 'sumi' after they get comfortable, mainly because she heard natsumi's friends and family call her that and asked if she could call her that, too. natsumi ends up calling yachi 'toka' aka just a shortened version of her first name.
Who worries the most?
YACHI. is yachi even yachi if she isn't worrying?
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
neither of them remember that well, but if it had to be someone, it would be yachi.
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otp question meme
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fictumlibrary · 3 years
😘 and natsumi pls 🙏
natsu (kiyoko)
sumi (kinoshita starts it, the second years follow suit)
demon, devil wears grunge (tanaka)
tanaka's arch nemesis (noya)
the first years all call her senpai and like tanaka and noya she loves it
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Send me a 😘 + an oc and I’ll tell you what nicknames other characters give them
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