#*goes to pick up my preorder* hey so uh
mudaxolotl · 5 years
you know what im not gonna reblog discourse about swsh bc really who knows how much stuff is credible. i agree that actual footage ive seen looks like shit but im gonna try and stay away from claims that arent backed by footage
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bignookling · 5 years
100 days to acnh challenge - 1 to 74
found this challenge and decided it would be a great way to pass the time until the release date, and a good way to get people to know me a lil better too c’: i feel so powerful starting at this point, there are so few days left to wait! 
1. Do you prefer making up a new name for your villager, or using your own name? i never, ever used my own name... i always felt like this would be boring, and i kinda want to give myself the opportunity to create a new “character” based on the events that happen to them in the game... (my first character in wild world was named Scarlet :^)) 2. Do you use the first map you’re given, or do you reset for layouts? i am bige resetter with bige plans all jokes aside i am way too indecisive and spent way too much time on this, i would even check people’s dream towns prior to resetting to gather ideas and fresh input on this. though usually, each time i remade my town i had a specific kind of map in mind? most of all, i like having a secluded nice little corner to put my house (being able to move your house in nh is a game changer honestly!) grass type and colors of buildings also matter. residents not so much because, hey, i can also reset for that later! (i am terrible) 3. Do you use the face you’re given, or do you wait for guides and choose your favourite? similarly, i use a guide. i think the only times i didn’t was my first times in wild world where i didn’t really have access to a fast internet connection :’^) (guess what i am also indecisive about this! my most used are the classic arched villager eyes, the almond shaped ones and the shiny anime ones THEY ARE TOO CUTE) 4. Favourite town/island name?/Have you a name picked out for your town/island? I WON’T SAY YET... i have multiple options for now and idk what to do... but my nl town is named Suzuran, and i really like this name :] 5. Will you be sharing with friends/family, or is your island going to be all your own? probably gonna be my own! my mother used to have a character in my wild world town though :) 6. What’s a new feature you’re excited about? ALL but mostly the terraforming/switching everything up options!! for...reasons mentioned above... also the weeds. i never really got to dupe clovers or stuff like that so i am very pumped 7. Favourite fruit? buttfruit peaches probably... i also love perfect oranges and perfect pears because they’re like golden... i like gold like perfect fruits in general hehe i also love the new fruits in new leaf! 8. Least favourite fruit? apples are a bit tacky to me but i still love them i am sad i cannot really make a lot of fruit trees work in my minimally colored nl towns... some people do it so well though and i am TRYING 9.  Favourite area? (Beach, campground, shopping district etc, from any entry in the series.) THIS IS HARD I DON’T HAVE A LOT OF MEMORIES i have fond memories of the beach in wild world just because of some people’s really pretty hacked towns. like they added a whole “manor” (big player house) in front of it and that was the bomb. i also loved the cliffs in city folk and am so glad they are back... 10. Where do you like to like to put your house? Do you like that level of customization, or do you prefer to have some things decided, like in older entries? as i said i like secluded, remote areas for the house, and i also loved to put it near the cliff in city folk! (you better be fully awake if you step out)  the beach is a neat option too. but in nl my favorite was next to a waterfall! 11.  Favourite grass pattern? triangles! when i was a kid it was my least fav and i always avoided it though... then i visited a friend’s cf town and was like “wait this is MORE LIKE REAL GRASS” and i had an awakening...  12. Least favourite grass pattern? circles are a bit... odd for grass i think 13. Favourite villager/s? purrl was my absolute queen when i played wild world and still is. i love cats in general... and deer. and coco. coco is so my aesthetic and goals for a town feeling if you know what i mean, i adore her. doyoing 14. Least favourite villager/s? i am basic and like cute things so the least cute and mostly most tacky, bright colored ones... i am sorry...i still care about all your villagers 15. Did you like doing Tom Nook’s chores, or did you find those to be a pain? generally speaking i like them when i first play the game because they are immersive and kinda introduce you to the main concepts of the game? (the city in city folk, being mayor in nl etc) but with side characters and resetting they get a bit repetitive and frustrating upping your reputation to be able to work as a mayor in nl also is a pain 16. Favourite NPC/s? label is my queen and wife. i love her sisters too, and tom nook... BLANCA too i adored her when i played wild world and couldn’t get to see her in my town and was so hyped for her nl event laughs, and joan and daisy mae... i’m probably forgetting some faves I LOVE EVERYONE wait KAPPN has cute dialogue too!  17. Least favourite NPC/s? is there one? i don’t know? i’m gonna go check a list of npcs now ... i am back and honestly I DON’T KNOW 18. Do you use paths? Are you excited about the new path tool? i don’t use paths in my town because they are a mess to set up and i love the natural look anyway, but some people do it so well! i love the ones with natural colors and the little details.  the new path tool looks so convenient, but i don’t know if i like the textures! i’ll probably use it sparsely because i also wanna keep that wild look to my town 19. Favourite feature from an older entry?  the lights on the villagers’ houses in wild world is what came to mind first, hahah 20. What was your first Animal Crossing game? WILD WORLD!! i played it so much and for so long 21. Favourite activity (fishing, bug catching, fossil hunting, other)? bug catching (ca-ching) is my fave out of this list, i also love visiting dream towns and playing with friends in general! 22. Least favourite activity? diving is so slow... 23. Favourite bug? the huge butterflies you see in summer (i was AMAZED when i first saw them), the fireflies (SAME, the first time i saw some was in someone else’s town in city folk as we crossed a bridge and it was just magical, laughs), and the big shiny beetles... it’s not just for the monies, i promise 24. Least favourite bug? either the small butterflies that you see everywhere when you’re trying to catch something neat for the bug-off, or the tarentulas/scorpios because i NEVER MANAGED TO CATCH THEM 25. A quarter of the way there! How’s the wait? actually there’s barely a month remaining as we speak, so pretty fine! i still have to pick my character and town names, and to be honest i am mostly worried i’ll start procrastinating like crazy once the game is out. coughs. at least i’ll draw ac characters? 26.  Favourite fish? i love coelacanths because i am a big nerd, also the sharks and the cute colorful fishes 27.  Least favourite fish? just all the most common ones probably? sea bass isn’t the only one... 28.  Favourite fossil?  what are these questions. uh, i loved putting the small squares ones in my room in wild world...especially ammonites 29.  Least favourite fossil? the ones that bring less cash money? i only care about fossils when they’re displayed in the museum tbh. and there i just love them all 30. Favourite furniture series? the ranch series looked way better in wild world and i am mourning now i love alpine, rococo and modern wood the most! the green one looks cool recolored too! i like combining different series the most, too 31. Least favourite furniture series? anything bright and tacky (except maybe the lovely that’s still fairly cute?)  32. Favourite soundtrack? (Gamecube, DS/Wii, etc) i can’t remember but i get huge pangs of nostalgia if i listen to the wild world/city folk one 33. Least favourite soundtrack? i DON’T KNOW... maybe nl was a bit less whismical? 34. Favourite wallpaper? alpine, chic, exquisite, classic, [...] anything that looks warm and natural and makes for a comfortable house!  35. Do you have a nice memory of the games/community etc you’d like to share? when i was a young teen, i idolized someone in the wild world community because her town was honestly incredibly pretty? so much thought has been put into it and it was just a dream. it made me want to invest more time and planning into my own towns and that’s how i got really, really hooked on the game, i think 36. Least favourite wallpaper? anything really colorful and tacky again... 37.  Favourite carpet? the wood ones, mostly! 39. Favourite furniture item? i love the oven thing from pocket camp... and the rocking chair... and the fireplace... 40. Will you be buying a Switch for Animal Crossing, or do you already have one? i have preordered the animal crossing one... i live for this (i am so glad i waited though honestly) 41. Least favourite furniture item? the huge tacky things or things that just look odd in a house perhaps... wait but i still like to see them and some people use them so well. why would i hate on furniture i wonder 42. Favourite flower? jacob’s ladders and white flowers in general. i adore the look of the ones in nh, holy sh- 43. Least favourite flower? pretty much anything that’s yellow. just never goes with my town plans... the roses especially are so bright i’m 44. Favourite hybrid? i miss the colors of the ones in ww/cf so much... so so much but in general i like anything that’s purple, black or blue i think :> 45. Least favourite hybrid? hmmmm the orange ones from new leaf i think? in the previous games they were so rich and warm though... 46. Favourite shirt? the canary shirt, maybe? though i mostly use qr codes, ahaha some of these outfits are still super cute... 47. Favourite dress? anything pocket camp tends to be good, also this one forever in my heart. i adore the flowery sleeveless dresses too! 48. Favourite accessory? bandages, heart shades, leaf, and tortoise specs! 49. Favourite hat/helmet? celeste’s ribbon, hibiscus hairpin, and that tiny straw hat 51. Favourite shop? i always adored able sisters, and leif’s little gardening shack :> 52. Do you collect amiibo cards/figures? Would you like to see them used in the new game? we know they are compatible now, but i don’t have any! maybe i should buy some? 53. Fishing Tourney or Bug-Off? bug-off is quicker and funnier >:] also i remember i ALWAYS WON in cf while playing with friends... fight me... 54. Do you like making your own clothing patterns? there are so many nice ones already that my slots are always full, so i don’t bother... i remember making a two-toned shirt that i wanted irl when i got new leaf, but that’s pretty much all 55. Did you streetpass with many other ACNL players, or is it a feature you didn’t get much use of? I ALMOST NEVER DID...
56. Favourite villager species? CATS... also, deer. basic basic 57. Least favourite villager species? mice and monkeys have the least cute designs i think...? also hamsters idk. i don’t know i like villagers don’t make me choose 58. Favourite nickname from a villager? 59. Least favourite nickname from a villager? I NEVER LET THEM NICKNAME ME... i am sorry to all the aminals 60. Do you try to collect everything in the game, or just try to get your favourite bits and pieces? in wild world i tried to fill my catalog, but now i only get what i need or what i know my friends might need 61. Favourite villager personality? i always had a thing for the snooty and cranky ones! the uchis are cool now too 62. Least favourite villager personality? the jocks are boring to me and they tend to have my least fav designs. when i like one i keep them though because it is so rare...wheeps 63. Do you “plot reset” for villager house placement, or do you let them move in wherever they want? i only really started doing that with the welcome amiibo update that apparently makes it easier, else i just waited for the annoying ones to move... (and time travelled a lot) 64. Are you excited to wear any of the new accessories (like the bags etc shown in the E3 trailer)? i will COLLECT THOSE and COLOR COORDINATE 65. What season are you most looking forward to seeing in New Horizons? 66. What’s your favourite season? i think summer, i want to hear the cicadas and see the fireflies again, and i also want to see how the rain and wind look like! i remember seeing really pretty storms in nl during summer too ♥ 67. Least favourite season? winter gets slow after a while? i still love it though 68. Which game’s events/holidays do you like the most? 69. Which game’s events/holidays do you like least? i don’t remember ‘-’ honestly i feel like i liked them all for different reasons? wild world felt more “involved” in the community, REMEMBER THE GARDENING CONTESTS! and city folk gave you better rewards and was a fun minigame for the day.  70. Do you have another nice AC related memory you’d like to share (in-game, of the community, etc)? i had a vivid dream that your character could DIE in animal crossing once (i predicted new horizons yes) 71. Do you prefer the “live” versions of K.K. Slider’s Songs, or the airchecks? i tend to prefer the airchecks but the concerts are Special, no matter if it’s with friends or alone 72. An NPC you’d like to see more of? mmmnnh blanca always. i love her spirit 73. An NPC you’d like to see less of? really unpopular opinion probably but i wouldn’t miss reese and cyrus too much if they aren’t as present in nh 74. If you could have any piece of AC merchandise, which would it be? the plushies are so good... i’d like like... a fauna one... idk WHEW I’M DONE... i’ll be posting the rest of it daily now! 
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backpfeifenguy · 6 years
All in your head
WARNING: This story contains mental health issues, violence, self-destructive behaviour and references to suicide.
You’re a fucking joke. Not the most pleasant thought to be woken up by, it must be said. The whole team’s ashamed of you, they only keep you on out of pity. Nevertheless, it was the first thought in Beast Boy’s head as he woke that morning, morning in this case meaning ‘there’s still ten minutes til noon’. I mean, it’s not like you bring much to the table.
Beast Boy blinked the sleep from his eyes, looked up at the clock, and rolled himself out of bed. Robin’s basically a ninja, so they don’t need your smaller forms for stealth. After a quick trip to the bathroom and a check to make sure he’d remembered to put a shirt on, he was just about ready to face what remained of the day. Cyborg and Starfire have you outclassed for raw power.
As he lurched out the door and towards the kitchen, he heard the drone of conversation. They’re talking about you behind your back! He paused at the door, taking a moment to slip into a lazy grin, and strolled into the room.
“Wassup dudes?” He asked cheerfully, strolling into the kitchen and grabbing a box of cereal. Really? ‘Wassup dudes’? Loser.
“Not much, Grass Stain.” Cyborg replied. “Rob was gonna chew you out for sleeping in so long until Star talked him out of it.” See? Robin’s sick of your shit, he’ll be kicking you off the team any day now.
“I guess that’s one I owe her.” Beast Boy chuckled, pouring himself a glass of orange juice. Try fifty. “Anything else?”
“Well, Raven’s started reading a new book.” Cyborg offered jokingly.
“Do tell!” Beast boy exclaimed, treating the information as though it were some juicy piece of gossip.
“Well…” Cyborg looked around shiftily for a moment before leaning in towards Beast Boy. “I’m pretty sure it’s a modern fantasy novel!” He hissed conspiratorially.
“How bold!” The changeling snickered, doing his best to look scandalised. “And the name?”
“Good Omens.” Cyborg replied simply.
“Good Omens…” Beast Boy murmured disbelievingly. “By Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett?” Not a chance! There’s no way that Raven’s reading something you’ve actually read. She’s smart, you’re dumb; had you forgotten?
“I think so,” Cyborg confirmed. “Why?” A coincidence, nothing more.
“I’ve actually read that one.” Beast Boy muttered, grinning hugely. “Raven’s reading a book that I read first!” Doesn’t matter. Still an idiot. “For once, I can start a conversation about something she’s interested in, and I’ll know more about it than her!” He rubbed his hands together deviously. “This is gonna be great!”
“Yeah, well a word of advice, B.” Cyborg wrinkled his nose. “Brush your teeth first, you got some nasty morning breath!” You disgusting animal.
As he brushed his teeth, Beast Boy found himself studying his own reflection. It was unlikely that any of his friends would find this behaviour surprising, considering the fact that he had something of a reputation for vanity. What they would have found surprising was the way his brow furrowed and the corners of his mouth turned down. Jesus, what a mess! The fangs, the skin… the ears! You really got hit with the ugly stick, huh? He put his toothbrush away, idly noting that it had been torn up by his fangs, and left the bathroom. What, running from the mirror? Can’t say I blame you.
“Hey there Rae.” He said cheerfully, approaching the couch.
“Hey Beast Boy.” Raven replied without looking up from her book.
“Good book?” He asked, grinning like an idiot.
“Exceptionally so.” Raven replied, her eyes never leaving the page.
“So who do you like better,” Beast Boy began. “Azriphale or Croweley?” He positively revelled in the look on Raven’s face as she turned to face him.
“...Croweley.” Raven answered after a moment.
“Yeah, I can see that.” Beast Boy nodded. “A demon who goes against his supposed place in the cosmic order and saves the world? Makes sense you’d like him.”
“So you’ve read it.” Raven stated bluntly.
“Three times.” He replied. “Six if you count audiobooks.”
“So who do you like better?” Raven asked.
“Well, I--” The alarm sounded. “Will have to pick this conversation up later.” He finished, running to the elevator and cursing his bad luck. It’s what you deserve.
It was Control Freak. Of all the villains it could have been, it was Control Freak. Attacking a comic book store, because of course he was. “Sell my preordered comics while I’m in prison, will you?” He ranted, firing his remote at basically every figurine, poster and cardboard cutout in the store. “I’ll show you, I’ll show you all!”
“Your payment was declined!” The helpless cashier wailed. “Your accounts were frozen when they locked you up!”
“Great,” Raven deadpanned. “An angry, entitled nerd. Just what I wanted to deal with today.”
“I wonder what he preordered.” Beast Boy mused. Probably all the same stuff you read, since you’re both totally pathetic.
“Well, if it isn’t the Teen Titans.” Control Freak sneered, “Come to stop me have you?”
“Give it up, Control Freak!” Robin exclaimed. “If you surrender now, nobody gets hurt.”
“Why would I surrender?” Control Freak giggled. “After all, I’m in my element here!” And with that, A wave of comic, movie, anime and game characters surged forward to attack. Robin found himself caught up in a brawl with Spike Speigel while Starfire engaged in an aerial battle with Iron Man. Cyborg and Raven were back to back fighting Link (as in, every single version of Link), and Beast Boy found himself face-to-face with a man wearing a dark coat and a tricorn hat, wielding a bizarre oversized saw.
“Are you kidding?” Beast Boy chuckled, ducking and weaving around his assailant’s attacks. “You sent Johnny Bloodborne after me?” With that, he struck the nameless character from the box art of Bloodborne in the stomach before leaping back. “Dude, I platinumed this game ages ago!” Are you seriously bragging about that? Lame. He transformed into a wolf, ducking under a heavy attack and exploiting the opening it created to devastating effect. A few repetitions of this pattern of dodge and strike left his opponent on the verge of defeat; he just needed to get one more shot in and-- Take the hit.
Raven was in a bad mood; she’d had a pleasant conversation interrupted, discovered that Control Freak was to blame, and was currently being attacked by a swarm of blonde elves, all of whom insisted on grunting ans screaming loudly and incoherently as they fought. “How many of these are there?” She asked Cyborg as she sliced one in half with a blade of telekinetic force.
“Legend of Zelda is a long-lived and influential franchise!” Cyborg replied, blasting an especially small and cartoony-looking one.
“Meaning?” Raven demanded.
“Meaning there’s a lot of ‘em!” Cyborg exclaimed.
“Great.” Raven scowled, throwing up a barrier just in time to deflect a sword aimed at her stomach. “Well, it shouldn’t be much longer until one of the others can back us up, so let’s just--” She fell silent, her empathic sense warning her that something was very wrong. “Beast Boy’s aura feels weird, what’s happening?”
“Oh crap!” Control Freak squealed, his voice nearly an octave higher than usual, as he pointed in apparent horror at Beast Boy. Beast Boy lying in a pool of his own blood. With a giant saw stuck in his shoulder.
“What did you do to him?!” Raven demanded, a wave of shadows tearing through their foes and throwing Control Freak against the wall.
“He was supposed to dodge it!” Control Freak shrieked, his aura radiating blind panic and… sadness? “He dodges it, then he beats it! Then you guys beat me, I go to jail, and nobody gets hurt!” His eyes began to tear up. “He wasn’t supposed to get hurt!” The fat, scruffy nerd blubbered inelegantly. “It’s no fun like this!”
“Fun?” Raven demanded. “You think this is a game?! Beast Boy is dead!” She screeched.
“Not yet he ain’t!” Cyborg called out. “So how ‘bout you get your butt over here and heal him?”
“What’s the damage?” She asked, at Beast Boy’s side in an instant.
“Punctured lung, blood loss, broken collarbone and ribs, torn muscles.” Cyborg answered with clinical precision. “Think you can handle it?”
“Easily.” Raven replied, more confidently than she actually felt. “Azarath Metrion Zinthos!” She intoned, setting about mending the damage done to Beast Boy’s ruined frame.
“Is there, uh, anything I can do to help?” Control Freak asked, his voice little more than a squeak.    
“You want to help?” Robin scoffed. “Haven’t you done enough?”
“Can you make some kind of healer?” Cyborg asked pragmatically, more interested in saving his best friend’s life than in recrimination.
“Just give me a minute, okay?” And with that, Control Freak dashed off into some other corner of the store.
A moment later, a middle-aged man dressed like Doctor Frankenstein rushed over, carrying a device that looked for all the world like a cannon.
“Is zis mein patient?” He demanded, his voice carrying a thick German accent.
“Great,” Raven sighed. “A mad scientist. And with that accent, and how unsubtle game designers are, he’s probably a Nazi.”
“I am no such thing!” He replied sternly.
“There’s actually evidence to suggest that the Medic is Jewish.” Control Freak interjected.
“Okay, fine, but how is he useful here?” Raven demanded.
“Step aside und I will demonstrate, frauline.” The Medic replied curtly leveling his weapon (?) at Beast Boy and firing a strange red beam. Raven lunged forward at the sight of this, only to be held back by Cyborg.
“It’s not a weapon.” Cyborg reassured her. “Technically it’s the opposite.” And indeed, Beast Boy’s wounds began to heal, although far too slowly for Raven’s liking.
“My remote can’t replicate his abilities perfectly.” Control Freak offered in response to Raven’s glare. “It produces a weaker version of any power that isn’t purely physical.”
“It’ll do.” Raven replied blankly, returning to the business of mending Beast Boy’s injuries and, if she was being honest to herself, trying not to freak out. It was bad; the combination of a punctured lung and massive blood loss were a recipe for hypoxia, and honestly his lung wasn’t so much punctured as it was carved. The shattered collarbone and shredded muscles only served to complicate things, and it occurred to Raven, not for the first time, that out of all of them, Beast Boy seemed to be the one who ended up getting hurt the most, which struck her as vaguely unfair.
I mean, it’s not like his life before the Titans was sunshine and rainbows; can’t the universe cut him a break? Can’t it cut any of us a break? Nevertheless, Raven set about dealing with the hand that had been dealt, repairing Beast Boy’s lung and replenishing his blood. She felt her strength begin to fade just in time for the Medic to blink out of existence, to her considerable annoyance.
“They don’t last forever.” Control Freak offered by way of explanation. “And using an ability like that really eats into their lifespan.”
“Good to know.” Robin remarked dryly.
“Oh crap, I shouldn’t have told you about that.” Control Freak muttered.
“Ughhh…” Beast Boy moaned, his eyelids fluttering open.
“He’s conscious!” Raven called out.
“What happened?” Beast Boy asked groggily, hie head swimming.
“You nearly got yourself killed by some Hot Topic lookin’ piece of crap is what happened.” Cyborg answered bluntly.
“Oh,” Beast Boy sighed, his memories returning quickly. “Right.” What the hell is wrong with you? Look how exhausted Raven is from keeping your dumb ass alive.
“Hey, uh… guys?” Control Freak mumbled awkwardly. “This whole thing kind of freaked me out so, uh, could you just kinda, y’know, arrest me?”
“Wait, you want us to arrest you?” Beast Boy asked incredulously.
“Dude, you nearly died!” Control Freak exclaimed. “That was seriously messed up!” Great, now even Control Freak is taking pity on you.
“Why do you care what happens to me?” Beat Boy demanded.
“Hey man, I do robberies and consequence-free mayhem!” Control Freak replied, somewhat indignantly in Beast Boy’s opinion. “I don’t kill people!”
“Discussions of Control Freak’s relative morality can wait,” Robin said firmly, cuffing the obese villain. “Right now we need to get him into custody and start on the paperwork. And after that,” He shot Beast Boy a Look. “We need to talk.” Welp, you’re boned.
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