ellebarnes90 · 3 days
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chegamos ao fim🥹maaas, talvez eu faça um bônus bem 🙈🫦👅😋🤫 não revisado e muito longo
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Ao longo do dia, a expectativa para o jantar com Enzo crescia. Você tentou se concentrar no trabalho, mas o pensamento voltava sempre para ele, para o jeito como havia te olhado naquela manhã, o sorriso provocador que parecia prometer mais do que apenas um jantar.
Quando o relógio finalmente marcou sete e meia, você já estava pronta. Escolheu uma roupa que te fazia sentir confortável, mas ao mesmo tempo, com um toque de casualidade que não parecia exagerado para a ocasião. Seu coração acelerou conforme a hora se aproximava.
Chegando à casa de Enzo, você notou a luz suave que vinha das janelas, e o cheiro de algo cozinhando no ar. Ele abriu a porta antes mesmo que você pudesse bater, com um sorriso que fez seu estômago revirar.
— Ay coño, você tá linda...como sempre — disse ele, enquanto dava um passo para trás, te convidando a entrar.
O ambiente estava acolhedor, a mesa já estava posta com detalhes simples, mas cuidadosos. Ele parecia mais à vontade do que o habitual, sem a presença de Sara por perto. Havia uma energia diferente no ar, algo entre o casual e o intencional, como se ambos soubessem que aquela noite poderia mudar algo entre vocês.
Vocês conversaram enquanto ele finalizava o jantar. O som das risadas preenchia a sala, mas a tensão continuava presente, nas pequenas trocas de olhares e nos gestos quase imperceptíveis. O jeito que ele se movia pela cozinha, o olhar atento a cada palavra sua, tudo contribuía para um clima que parecia estar se desenrolando lentamente.
Quando finalmente se sentaram à mesa, o jantar foi delicioso, e a conversa fluiu com uma leveza que quase fazia você esquecer a tensão crescente. Mas, a cada minuto que passava, a proximidade entre vocês parecia se intensificar. A maneira como ele te observava, com aqueles olhos castanhos penetrantes, fez seu coração disparar várias vezes.
— Eu estava pensando... — enzocomeçou, depois de uma pausa, enquanto se inclinava levemente sobre a mesa — Não sei o que está acontecendo entre a gente... mas acho que a gente sabe que tem algo aqui, não tem?
Sua respiração ficou presa por um segundo. Ele finalmente havia falado sobre o que ambos estavam sentindo. O olhar dele era intenso, mas também havia uma vulnerabilidade sutil que te surpreendeu. Não era apenas a malícia que você esperava, mas um interesse genuíno.
— Eu... acho que sim — você respondeu, a voz um pouco mais baixa, sentindo o nervosismo tomar conta novamente.
Enzo sorriu de forma suave, como se estivesse esperando essa resposta, e então se levantou devagar, andando até o seu lado da mesa. Ele parou ao seu lado, e, sem dizer mais nada, estendeu a mão para você, te convidando a levantar.
— Vem cá — disse ele, com a voz baixa e um sorriso sugestivo.
Você sentiu uma mistura de ansiedade e excitação enquanto segurava a mão dele.
Enzo te puxou para perto, a mão quente segurando a sua com firmeza. Você levantou da mesa, sentindo o nervosismo subir conforme a proximidade entre vocês se intensificava. Ele te levou até a sala, onde se sentaram no sofá, um de frente para o outro. O ambiente estava silencioso, quase íntimo demais, com apenas o som leve de suas respirações preenchendo o espaço.
Enzo te olhou com uma seriedade suave, seus olhos castanhos mais intensos do que nunca. Ele parecia estar escolhendo as palavras com cuidado, o que fez seu coração acelerar ainda mais.
— Eu tenho pensado muito sobre isso, sabe? — ele começou, o tom mais calmo, como se estivesse tentando organizar os pensamentos. — Sobre a forma como a gente... interage. Como você se dá tão bem com a Sara, como ela te adora...
Você sentiu a garganta apertar um pouco, sem saber onde ele queria chegar com aquilo. Ele percebeu seu nervosismo e deu um sorriso de lado, mas dessa vez era diferente — havia algo mais profundo em seu olhar.
— Às vezes, me parece estranho... — ele continuou, a voz grave, um tom de hesitação ali. — Você é a babá dela, mas... ultimamente, tenho tido essas fantasias na minha cabeça. Coisas que eu tento ignorar, mas não consigo evitar — parou, te observando para ver sua reação, antes de continuar. — Quando te vejo com ela, tão carinhosa, tão paciente... eu começo a pensar em como seria se você fosse mais do que isso. Se você fosse a mãe dela...
A confissão caiu como uma onda suave, mas forte também, sobre você. Seu coração batia tão forte que parecia que ele podia ouvir. Enzo, percebendo sua surpresa, se aproximou um pouco mais, seu corpo agora a poucos centímetros do seu, o calor dele criando uma conexão invisível entre vocês.
— E não só isso... — ele acrescentou, a voz baixa, quase um sussurro. — Eu não consigo parar de imaginar como seria se... tivéssemos um filho nosso, imagina só, um bebezinho sendo a mistura de nós dois
Seu estômago revirou, e o ar pareceu mais pesado ao redor de vocês. Havia algo no jeito que ele dizia aquilo — uma mistura de desejo e carinho, como se ele estivesse tentando navegar por essas emoções com cuidado, mas também com uma honestidade que te deixava sem fôlego.
— Eu sei que pode parecer loucura — ele continuou, passando uma das mãos pelo cabelo, em um gesto nervoso — Mas toda vez que vejo você com a Sara... essas imagens surgem na minha cabeça. E... não consigo evitar
O silêncio que se seguiu era carregado, mas não desconfortável. Você podia sentir o peso daquelas palavras, e ao mesmo tempo, a forma como ele te olhava parecia estar cheia de algo mais,uma mistura de ternura e uma tensão sutil, mas presente.
Você desviou o olhar por um segundo, sentindo o calor subir pelo seu rosto, mas logo voltou a encará-lo, sem saber exatamente o que dizer. As palavras dele estavam gravadas em sua mente, e de repente, todas as pequenas interações entre vocês pareciam se encaixar em algo maior, mais profundo.
— Não sei o que isso significa pra você — ele falou, quebrando o silêncio, a voz ainda baixa e suave — Mas... eu não consigo parar de imaginar. E acho que... no fundo, tô torcendo pra que você sinta o mesmo
O olhar de Enzo te prendeu, os olhos castanhos dele brilhando de uma maneira que misturava vulnerabilidade e desejo. Ele estava deixando claro que aquilo não era só uma ideia passageira, havia algo real por trás de suas palavras, algo que ele vinha tentando esconder, mas que agora parecia impossível de ignorar.
A tensão entre vocês voltou a crescer, mas dessa vez, havia um novo tipo de eletricidade no ar. O toque dele na sua mão, o jeito como seus corpos estavam quase se tocando, a maneira como ele te olhava — tudo parecia carregado de uma mistura de romance e sedução, como se estivesse esperando o próximo passo.
Você sentiu o ar pesar de novo, a confissão dele ecoando na sua mente. Tentou buscar algo para dizer, mas as palavras não vinham. Seu coração batia rápido demais, e a proximidade entre vocês só fazia tudo parecer mais intenso.
— Eu... — começou, sua voz saindo mais baixa do que esperava, os olhos desviando por um segundo antes de voltar a encará-lo — Eu não sei o que dizer...isso é... eu não esperava por isso
Ele continuava te olhando com aquela intensidade, mas agora havia uma ternura em seus olhos, algo que quase te acalmava, mas também fazia seu coração disparar de novo. Enzo deu um passo mais perto no sofá, a mão dele ainda segurando a sua, mas agora com mais firmeza, como se quisesse te garantir que estava tudo bem.
— Não tem problema — ele disse, a voz baixa, cheia de cuidado — Eu sei que é muita coisa. E... eu sei que pode parecer confuso, mas não tem nada de errado nisso, entendeu? — se inclinou um pouco mais, o corpo dele quase colando no seu, e você sentiu o calor aumentar.
O olhar dele se alternava entre seus olhos e seus lábios, oscilando lentamente, e cada movimento parecia calculado, como se ele estivesse medindo a sua reação. Ele não estava com pressa, mas a proximidade deixava claro que ele estava esperando um sinal seu.
— Não tem nada de errado em... querer que a gente seja mais do que isso. Em querer que sejamos uma família — ele continuou, a voz grave, mas ao mesmo tempo suave, te envolvendo completamente. — Você já faz parte da minha vida, da vida da Sara. E eu... eu não consigo mais fingir que não penso nisso. Que não sinto isso
Você engoliu em seco, sentindo o corpo reagir à presença dele de um jeito que não conseguia controlar. O perfume amadeirado dele estava mais forte agora, misturado com o calor que irradiava do corpo dele, e tudo ao redor parecia se dissolver, deixando apenas vocês dois ali, naquele espaço compartilhado.
— Eu sinto algo por você... — você finalmente confessou, sua voz trêmula — Mas eu não sabia que era assim pra você, Enzo. Eu não esperava que... que fosse tão sério.
Ele sorriu de leve, um sorriso terno e um pouco malicioso, enquanto seu olhar se fixava nos seus lábios por um segundo a mais.
— É sério pra mim. Muito mais do que eu queria admitir no começo — ele respondeu, a mão dele subindo suavemente para acariciar seu rosto, os dedos roçando sua pele com cuidado, fazendo você prender a respiração — Não tem nada de errado em sentir isso. Nada de errado em querer que sejamos mais... do que só a babá e o pai dela
Enzo se inclinou um pouco mais, a distância entre os rostos de vocês diminuindo cada vez mais, até que você sentisse a respiração dele misturando-se à sua. O olhar dele continuava alternando entre seus olhos e seus lábios, como se estivesse à espera do momento certo, do sinal certo. Ele queria te dar o espaço, mas ao mesmo tempo, não conseguia mais esconder o desejo que estava à flor da pele.
— Eu quero... mais — ele sussurrou, a voz quase um sopro entre vocês dois, os olhos fixos nos seus — Quero você... quero a gente, quero que a gente seja uma família, de verdade
O som dessas palavras fez seu coração disparar, e naquele instante, tudo pareceu parar. As palavras dele, a confissão, a maneira como ele estava se aproximando... a tentação de deixar aquilo acontecer era quase impossível de resistir.
Você sentiu seu corpo reagir antes mesmo de sua mente processar completamente o que estava acontecendo. Os olhos dele, fixos em você, continuavam a buscar uma resposta, a tensão entre vocês dois aumentando cada vez mais.
— Enzo... — você murmurou, sentindo o nome dele sair quase sem fôlego, com uma mistura de nervosismo e desejo.
Ele sorriu suavemente, a mão agora tocando seu rosto de maneira mais firme, mas ainda cuidadosa, como se estivesse te guiando lentamente para algo inevitável.
— Não tem nada de errado em querer isso, em sentir isso — ele repetiu, a voz baixa, intensa
As palavras de Enzo ficaram no ar por um segundo que pareceu se estender por uma eternidade. Seu coração batia tão forte que você sentia cada pulsação ecoar em sua cabeça, e o corpo inteiro parecia entrar em um estado de alerta. A proximidade entre vocês dois, o calor do toque dele em sua pele, tudo isso estava te levando para um ponto de não retorno.
Sem pensar mais, como se algo dentro de você tivesse se liberado, você tomou a iniciativa. Suas mãos subiram até o peito dele, sentindo o calor e a firmeza de seus músculos sob a camisa enquanto você o puxava com urgência para perto. O movimento foi rápido, quase desesperado, e antes que pudesse hesitar, seus lábios encontraram os dele em um choque de eletricidade.
O beijo começou intenso, como se ambos estivessem reprimindo aquela vontade por tempo demais. Os lábios de Enzo eram quentes, movendo-se contra os seus com uma mistura de urgência e desejo, como se ele também estivesse esperando por isso todo esse tempo. Ele envolveu sua cintura com um dos braços, te puxando para o colo dele, enquanto a outra mão subia lentamente até um pouco abaixo dos seu seio, com um receio de acabar indo longe demais.
Cada movimento era carregado de fome e desejo, e a respiração de ambos se tornava cada vez mais pesada, mais rápida, conforme o beijo se aprofundava. Enzo pressionava o corpo contra o seu, como se quisesse sentir cada parte de você e que você sentisse o quanto ele estava gostando daquilo, e o calor que emanava dele te fazia perder qualquer senso de realidade. A urgência era palpável — não havia mais espaço para hesitação ou dúvidas. Era como se tudo estivesse finalmente se encaixando naquele momento, como se o que vocês dois queriam há tanto tempo estivesse explodindo de uma só vez.
Você sentiu as mãos dele apertarem sua cintura com mais força, a língua dele explorando a sua com uma intensidade que fazia sua buceta pulsa e esquentar cada vez mais, lentamente. Suas mãos subiram até os ombros dele, puxando-o para mais perto, querendo mais, precisando de mais. Cada segundo que passava parecia insuficiente, como se o tempo estivesse contra vocês.
Enzo, sentindo a mesma necessidade, quebrou o beijo por um segundo, ofegante, o rosto a milímetros do seu, a respiração dele quente contra seus lábios.
— Eu te disse... — ele sussurrou, entre respirações pesadas — Não tem nada de errado em querer isso
Antes que você pudesse responder, os lábios dele estavam nos seus de novo, dessa vez ainda mais intensos, como se ele estivesse derrubando qualquer barreira que ainda restasse entre vocês.
Apesar da intensidade do momento, algo dentro de você te fez recuar um pouco, mesmo que a vontade de continuar fosse quase incontrolável. Quando Enzo percebeu o leve afastamento, seus olhos encontraram os seus, ainda escuros com o desejo que ambos compartilhavam, mas também havia algo a mais ali, uma compreensão silenciosa. Ele não disse nada, apenas roçou os lábios nos seus mais uma vez, dessa vez de forma suave, como se estivesse oferecendo uma pausa.
A urgência diminuiu, transformando-se em algo mais íntimo e profundo. Vocês não precisavam dizer nada, o silêncio entre vocês dizia tudo. Em vez de ceder completamente ao desejo naquele momento, a noite se tornou um espaço de conexão mais sutil, de proximidade e carinho.
Sem trocar muitas palavras, vocês foram para o quarto de Enzo, e ele te puxou para a cama, onde se aninharam juntos sob os lençóis. Os braços dele te envolviam de uma maneira protetora, e seu corpo, pressionado contra o dele, te fazia sentir segura e confortável, como se esse momento fosse exatamente o que você precisava.
Vocês trocaram beijos suaves, carícias preguiçosas, explorando a pele um do outro com delicadeza. Não havia mais a pressa que existira minutos antes; agora, era como se o tempo pertencesse só a vocês dois. As mãos de Enzo passavam pelos seus cabelos, pelas suas costas, e você retribuía, traçando os contornos do peito e dos ombros dele enquanto ele te puxava para mais perto, como se não quisesse te soltar.
Entre beijos lentos e murmúrios, ele sussurrou algo sobre o quanto te desejava, o quanto pensava em você. E você, mesmo ainda surpresa com a intensidade dos sentimentos que estavam surgindo, admitiu que o queria também, mais do que poderia ter imaginado. A conversa foi breve, entrecortada por toques e olhares, mas foi sincera, e aquilo foi suficiente para entenderem o que ambos estavam sentindo.
Não houve nada além disso naquela noite — nenhum passo além do que era necessário naquele momento. Vocês dormiram juntos, os corpos enroscados um no outro, trocando carinhos até dormirem. O calor de Enzo contra o seu corpo, o ritmo da respiração dele se tornando mais lenta conforme adormecia, te fazia sentir uma paz que você não sabia que estava buscando.
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i love you , its ruining my life!! // lorenzo berkshire x fem hufflepuff reader
playlist : fortnight - taylor swift
summary : lorenzo berkshire is so completely infatuated with a girl in hufflepuff , its ruining his life!!
y/n used , hufflepuff reader , ttpd was amazing, fluff
a/n : im the queen of slytherin boys x hufflepuff reader lets be honest ,also fortnight is a sad song but i did a different take on it bc fluff is just better !! LMAO
masterlist tppd series masterlist
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its been three months since the very first time lorenzo berkshire saw you in class. he had never seen you before despite your presence being a constant since 1st year, and to say you hadnt gone unseen since was an understatement.
lorenzo berkshire has found himself in nothing but trouble since his little crush on you first blossomed , the very first time he saw you , that fateful day in potions - he had lost 20 points for slytherin in one lesson. and the reasons for his points deduction was simple , he just couldnt focus.
you pushed your hair behind your ear , he dropped his ink pot onto the floor , the loud smash interrupting snapes monotone first lesson back speech.
five points.
you laughed at something your male seat partner said , lorenzo clenched his fist so hard that he snapped his quill as the ink and snapped up feather made a mess of his desk.
five points.
you spoke to lorenzos best friend , theodore , making him misplace an ingredient into his cauldron that caused it to explode back into draco -his seat partner and friends- face.
ten points.
to say his friends and whole house were infruriated with him after that ,was an understatment - enzo had gotten them into points debt on the very first day. thats never even been done before!
but they were even angrier with him a few weeks ago.
it was the day of the highly anticipated , very first, gryffindor vs slytherin match of the year - and enzo bottled it because he was looking at you in the stands.
who could blame him! you were stood in the stands wearing a slytherin scarf with the number 13 on your cheek in green face paint , his number!!
the amount of quaffles he failed to catch and goals he missed completely because of his focus being elsewhere , became too much to count by the end of the match. that slytherin lost by the way.
but even when draco screamed in his face and theodore pushed him into the changing rooms , his mind couldnt leave your happy face as you watched him - and only him.
the most recent incident was when he sat in an exam , not writing a single word because he couldnt stop thinking about how you smiled at him and said hello to him earlier that day. he tried to play it off as hufflepuff friendliness but the red tint in your cheeks and beaming smile blocked out any thought of doubt - and charms knowledge.
that charms test was the first fail he has ever gotten at hogwarts.
all because of you and your pretty stupid smile!
as he stared down at his paper a week later with a horified expression and a sympathetic pansy rubbing his back , he decided enough was enough , he needed to get this off his chest.
so later that day he now found himself sat in the great hall , staring at where you usually sit , except the spot was empty.
his leg bounced under the table as he played with his hands and tie , loosening and re-loosening it every two seconds.
"lorenzo please stop." pansy begged with her head in her hands , trying to will the sound of lorenzos tapping foot to become white noise.
snapping out of it he stopped all movement and looked down with a somber sigh , maybe something happened to you? maybe youre avoiding him? maybe you hate him? maybe youre not hungry?
"enzo chill mate shes just walked in." theodore said looking at something - or someone - by the enterance to the great hall.
without sparing a seond enzo stormed over to you , grabbing your hand softly and stopping your walk to the hufflepuff table.
"please come with me," enzo said as more of a command as you nodded with concern and followed him out the hall and to an empty corridor.
he stopped you so you were stood against the wall and began to pace.
after many seconds of silence you began to question why you were there ,"lorenz-"
"i love you, and its ruining my life!!" he said loudly , stopping in his tracks staring at you , not with anger but instead despiration.
he now stepped forward as you stepped back and hit the wall , "ive lost points , matches , i failed my test for the first time ever!.....please. please say no and let me move on."
you stared up at him in complete shock , "lorenzo you dont know me-"
"i do. oh trust me i do , i know you prefer cats and like muggle classics as well as poetry. your favourite colour is yellow but you dont really tell anyone as to not be called a stereotypical hufflepuff. and...i know theres things i dont know but there is nothing else on this planet i want to learn more about, than you."
you began to beam your signature smile up at him , bringing your arms to wrap around his neck as he melted under your touch, "i failed charms too."
it was his turned to now be confused , "but charms is your favourite?-"
"there was this really handsome guy sat in front of me who i just couldnt stop looking at. he was distracting me."
lorenzo expression fell as his heart broke slowly , "w-who?..."
you looked at him teasingly , "seriously? you enzo!"
he let out a gasp of realisation as you pulled him down towards you for a kiss.
lets just say since that day you both got straight As! but thats not to say enzo doesnt still like to admire in lesson.
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rocketsnacks · 5 months
Comet unfurling her giant tongue to yawn (2024)
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sthavoc · 7 months
maybe the podcast he went on where they're talking about what the hair tie on his wrist meant and he's like "i mean it's my hair tie but i do have a girlfriend, it's not a secret just more private" and then with him loving lamps he says his girlfriend loves them and hates big lights so she has so many lamps and candles all around the house. basically him gushing about his girly and the hosts being like "estas enamoradoooo" and him blushing
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𖥔 ࣪˖ pairing: enzo x fem!reader
𖥔 ࣪˖ summary: Enzo talks about your obsession with lamps and candles around your home on the podcast. And also the significance of the hair tie on his wrist.
𖥔 ࣪˖ warnings: nothing but fluff on this one
𖥔 ࣪˖ note: this is so cute! thank you for the request and I hope this is somewhat of what you were looking for anon<3 I honestly kind of improvised the podcast bc I don’t remember everything they said. it is 1 am where I live and I should be sleeping but I can’t…
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“Bueno, pero me acabo de acordar.” Carlos points at Enzo’s hair tie letting out a laugh at the remembering he just had making Mariang laugh as well, but causing Enzo to look confused. “Hay un tweet donde sale una foto tuya en el ascensor y sales con la goma para el pelo.” He continued to point at the hair tie, and Enzo only remained more confused.
“Sí, para atarme el pelo.” Enzo nods and tugs the hair tie on his wrist. “Obvio.”
“Y el tweet ponía “chicas” tres puntos.” Mariang adds.
Enzo only appeared more baffled at the fact that his fans tweeted about a hair tie that was on his wrist.
“¿Que significa eso?” Enzo questioned glimpsing at Carlos who was ready to answer back.
“Que era de alguna chica con la que estás implicado.”
“No, pero es mía. Para atarme el pelo.” He looks at the hair tie and points at it.
“Bueno entonces, ¿das por finalizada que la goma es tuya?” Carlos laughed throughout his sentence as he looked at Enzo glanced at his hair tie another time.
“Sí, Y-yo creo que es mía. Bueno tengo novia, no es secreto, pero la goma es mía, pero ya ese tema es más privado.” He taps the surface of the table as he inclines his head towards the side for a short second.
“Bueno, pues gracias por aclarar. Cambiando de tema,” Mariang laughs pushing her mic a bit forward.
The three of them proceeded to talk about the movie and other random topics they would hit in the conversation. Like appealing to Enzo about his fans and any random app he had on his phone. Until they caught up with the topic about the money and how they would waste it on all kinds of things. Mariang spoke of the topic of furniture.
“A mí también me gustan los muebles.” Enzo nods along.
“Ah ¿a ti también? ¿Cuál es tu mueble favorito?” Mariang added to the subject as Enzo thought of his response.
“Las lámparas.” He speaks making Mariang nod along as she approves that was also her favorite type of furniture.
“¿Cuál es tu tipo de luz?” She questioned intrigued.
“Cálida, siempre.” Enzo retorts with no doubt in his voice. “Mi novia fue la que hizo que me gustaran de echo.” He chooses to add, with a tsk of his tongue.
“¿En serio? Ay, suena cool tu novia eh.” Mariang gushed grinning at the mention of you.
Enzo’s smile was followed by a nod and a few phrases. “Sí. Ella está obsesionada con las lámparas y las velas también. Como odia las luces así grandes pues tiene toda la casa llena de velas y lámparas.” He expanded his hands in a way of illustrating the big lights.
You were just like him and hated white lighting. It made your eyes burn, and you personally thought it ruined the warmth feeling of a home. Plus you had always wanted your place to have tons of candles and lamps around it.
“Ay pero qué linda. Me da las vibes de que es muy tranquila.” Carlos nods while Mariang agrees with him.
Enzo’s heart only swelled at the thought of you, and how you would look when lighting up the candles around your house. The times when you would have music playing on your radio and you would dance around turning them on.
“Sí, lo es. Se pone contenta al comprar nuevas velas o algún tipo de lámpara. También compra de pura luz cálida.” Enzo spoke into the mic as he kept his contact with Carlos and Mariang who paid attention to him. “Transmite paz. Es un amor.”
“Pero tío, ¡si estás enamorado!” Mariang signaled with her hand towards Enzo who chuckled. Not hiding the fact that he was turning red.
There was no lie in Mariang’s words. He was very much in love with you.
“Entonces espera, ¿la foto tuya donde estás con las plantas y una lamparita es en su casa?” Carlos asked out of curiousness.
“Sí. se le había caído y me pidió que se la arreglara.” Enzo responded.
“Ay pero qué lindo.” Mariang lets out with a cute tone. Enzo nodded with a small smile carved on his lips remembering the moment of you two.
“¿Y siempre le han gustado las lámparas?” Carlos asked before he took a sip of his drink.
For you, there was not a time where you did not like lamps or candles. They were one of your sources of happiness and personal warmth. So Enzo’s response was—
“La verdad que sí. Desde que la conozco siempre le han gustado. Recuerdo que la primera vez que entré a su casa me dijo “No te asustes” Y yo como ¿Pero por qué me voy a asustar?” Enzo furrowed his brows with the smallest of smiles.
“Claro.” Carlos nodded.
“Ya hasta que entre y vi las lámparas y velas.” Enzo chuckles at the memory. “Pero ahora que veo una lamparita o una vela por ahí me acuerdo de ella. Hasta le compré una.” He mentions with a raise of eyebrows.
“Hay ¿en serio? ¿Le dijiste? no vaya a ser que vea el podcast y se arruine la sorpresa.” Mariang looked at the camera making both Enzo and Carlos laugh. Enzo shook his head before he spoke—
“No, sí le dije y está contenta. Espera con ansia su lamparita.”
“Que bonito.” Carlos spoke peacefully into his mic.
Enzo knew you would love your new lamp, and he couldn’t wait to see your face and how it would brighten against the warm light.
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dreamer-classics · 9 months
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Ferrari Enzo, F40, F50
by ziri_mods via instagram
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plumso · 20 days
get him back! (lorenzo x reader)
pairing: lorenzo berkshire x reader // reader's pov!! trope: academic rivals summary: y/n regularly complains about how lorenzo always teases and places ahead of them. but when someone else insults lorenzo, y/n can't stop the boiling rage inside. masterlist I do not consent to the reposting of my work! reblogging, however, is fine <3
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Friday night and there’s no sound in the library except the faint scribbles of a frustrated individual.
Y/N has been studying since the start of the Slytherin and Gryffindor quidditch match. They have continued to study despite their friends’ efforts to drag them to the after parties. Everyone is at the common rooms socializing and laughing. Even Hermione is nowhere to be seen. Meanwhile, with their notes gradually becoming messier, Y/N is all alone. Or so they thought.
“Copying it down word-for-word won’t help with memorizing, you know,” a low voice says behind you.
You jump in shock and turn around to confront the sudden voice. You see that it’s Lorenzo Bershkire, the smug Slytherin boy you swore to defeat since first year. Since then, you made every attempt to beat him either in potions, charms, transfiguration - even in muggle studies! But to no avail. He has remained in his position as first with you as second best.
You watch as Lorenzo’s dark brown eyes examines your notes. His large body is hovering over your shoulder to peek at your work. With his broad chest so close, you can faintly smell his cologne - sage and bergamot. It smells clean and expensive.
“Mind your own business, Berkshire. And don’t look at my notes!” You exclaimed as you covered your books with your hands. You know he’s right, but after hours of rereading the same material, you felt desperate. But you didn’t expect your rival of 6 years to see your pathetic notes.
Lorenzo chuckles as he takes the seat next to you. He props an arm on the table and rests his head in his hand. His legs are crossed and his stare is unwavering. ‘Of course, he’s effortlessly good at posing,’ you think to yourself. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
“You’ll never be first if your handwriting is still like that,” he says as he points at my notes. “It looks like a 10-year-old wrote it.”
You feel your face flush and your cheeks burn. “Oh yeah? Well, at least I don’t pretend to get people to like me. Unlike you, I’m not fake.”
You expect Lorenzo to be caught off guard or hurt, but he remains calm with a smirk still on his face. You can’t stand it. 
“It’s called manipulating, darling. It’s how you get ahead in life,” he says as he twirls my hair with his long, slender fingers. “You should try it sometimes. Maybe you’ll get first place over me one day.”
“So you admit that you manipulate people? Wait until I tell the others - they won’t be so accepting of you then,” you say with a triumphant grin. 
“Do it. They won’t believe you,” he says with a smirk.
Your grin drops and you become silent. You know he’s right. You’ve voiced your opinions about him before, but no one believes you. He can get away with anything.
You sigh in defeat. “You know, I can’t stand you, Berkshire. You get on my nerves,” you say as you shake your head.
Now it’s his turn to be silent, but it feels weird. You’re afraid to look at him, afraid that you took it too far. You immediately want to apologize, but you don’t want to appear weak in front of him. So, you picked up your quill and continued writing.
After a few silent minutes, you hear his chair squeak. Afraid that he was, in fact, hurt by your comment, you turn around to stop him. However, you instantly lock eyes with his, his face only inches away from yours. 
“I only leaned in to help you, but if you wanted to kiss me so badly, you could have just said so,” Lorenzo says with a chuckle. Though you know he was teasing you, your heart felt light knowing he wasn’t sad.
“No thanks! Not in a million years.” You exclaimed as you distance yourself from him.
“So after a million years, you’ll kiss me then? I can wait for that long.”
You give him a look of disbelief before you start packing your things. This causes him to laugh.
“I was just joking! Don’t leave,” he says as he tries to stop you from packing.
You push away his hands. “Well, it’s obvious that I won’t get any studying done with you here, so I’m gonna head to bed.”
“It’s 8:30,” he remarks with disbelief. 
“I’m an early sleeper!” You exclaim as you close your bag and hang it over your shoulder. “Good night, and, uh, I hope you get nightmares.”
You start walking away, but Lorenzo takes hold of one of your hands. He doesn’t say anything and you don’t look back. 
Surprisingly, you don’t draw back your hand. Instead, you linger in his touch. You notice the rough calluses of his finger and how gently he’s holding your hand. You’re surprised; you assumed it would be smooth and cold, but his touch makes you feel warm.
You linger for a few more seconds before you walk away, releasing your hand from his. You want to look back and see the face he’s making, but your pride urges you not to. Sticking to your pride, you exit the library and head to your dorm.
The next day during lunch, you couldn’t help but think back on last night with Lorenzo. Why did he hold your hand? Why was he even in the library late at night? Why wasn’t he partying with his friends? And how did he know you would be there? 
You stop yourself. ‘Why would I even think that he was looking for me? I’m nothing more than an entertaining rival to him,’ you think as your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
You glance behind you to spot Lorenzo sitting with his usual group. They seem to be deeply conversing in something before they all bust out in laughter. What were they saying that could make him laugh like that?
Feeling annoyed, you turn back around and grunt. His air of superiority, his fancy clothes, and his wispy hair - it annoyed you that you couldn’t stop thinking about him. You couldn’t stand how he made fun of your efforts and always placed ahead of you in everything. But what you couldn’t stand the most was how you couldn’t hate him. 
You turn to Hermione who has pumpkin juice in one hand and the Daily Prophet in the other. “Hermione, do you think I’m shallow?”
Hermione raises an eyebrow and sets down her drink. “What a random question to ask. No, I don’t think you’re shallow,” she says with a small laugh.
“What if someone was mean, but they were also really handsome? I mean, you can be annoyed or even dislike them, but could you really hate them?” 
“Hmmm. That is interesting. Are we talking about anyone in particular?” Hermione says with a secret grin that she shares with Ron and Harry.
“Uhh, no. No one in particular. Just curious!” You quip as you fiddle with your cup of orange juice, attempting to seem unconcerned.
“How about you give an example? It’ll help us answer,” Ron chimes.
“Well, I only asked Hermione, but okay.” You look around the Great Hall, trying to find someone who’s mean and handsome, but the only answer you can come up with is Lorenzo. ‘Maybe they won’t think too much of it,’ you think to yourself.
“Ummm, Berkshire, for example. He’s… conventionally okay-looking, but he’s rude and mean,” you say as you avoid looking at their eyes.
“You mean he’s mean to you. He’s always been nice to me,” Ron replies as he munches on a cookie.
“Because he’s two-faced! He makes fun of me at every opportunity,” you say with frustration. “Okay, Ron, maybe you’re too slow to see it, but surely you two believe me, right?” You give a hopeful look to Hermione and Harry.
“Uhhh, sorry, Y/N. Though he hangs out with Draco, he’s actually really nice,” Harry says with a sheepish smile.
“Maybe he teases you because you two are rivals?” Hermione says with a small shrug.
“More like you compete with him while he does nothing,” Ron says with a chuckle but stops when Harry nudges his side. “But, uh, yeah, the ‘rivals’ thing could be a… contributing factor.”
“cOntrIbuTing fActOr” you mockingly say back to Ron, which makes him laugh. “Now answer my question! Could you hate a super handsome person?”
Hermione shifts her body to you and gives you a serious look. “Y/N, I don’t think it’s about looks. I think you li-”
“What are we talking about?” Cormac McLaggen interrupts with a smug smile. He then sits himself between you Hermione. “Did you mention ‘Berkshire?’”
You shift uncomfortably in your seat and try to inch away from him. You never liked McLaggen. He’s weird and too arrogant for no reason, but you didn’t want to seem rude. “Uh, yeah. You know him?” You ask reluctantly, not really interested in his reply.
“Yeah, he’s a real suck-up,” McLaggen says as he slowly puts his arm around your shoulder. You hear a large bang behind you, but you ignore it as you try to fight all attempts to push him away. But you’re curious about his answer. He doesn’t seem fooled by Berkshire like everyone else.
“Why do you think that?” Harry replies with a disbelieving look.
“Think about it. He smiles too much and is ‘nice’ to everyone, but he’s a Slytherin,” McLaggen says with his arm still around you. You hear loud stomps behind you, but you pay no attention to it.
“Well, not all Slytherins are the same-” you attempt to say but you’re quickly interrupted by McLaggen.
“They’re Slytherins! They’re all the same. Evil and manipulative. The only reason that Berkshire places in everything is because he’s rich. He probably cheats or sleeps with the professors,” McLaggen laughs at his comment. “Or he probably threatens everyone because his parents are Death Eaters,” McLaggen says with a smug smirk.
The table is quiet and shocked by McLaggen’s bold comments. You stare at McLaggen’s stupid grin and feel something boiling inside you. Meanwhile, the footsteps you heard earlier were now right behind you, but your eyes were focused on McLaggen.
A dark, cold voice behind you speaks up. “McLaggen, get your hands off of Y-”
The usual buzz of the Great Hall dissipates. Everyone turns away from their conversations to see you and your hands inches away from McLaggen’s face.
“Y/N? What the fu-”
“Shut up, McLaggen! Just shut! Up! Don’t talk about Enzo! Don’t even say his name! I can’t believe that, out of everyone, you are the one to judge. Do you think you’re better than him? McLaggen, you are slimy, creepy, and disgusting,” you exclaim as you shove him away from you. “Stop talking and stop touching me and LEAVE!”
Your face is burning and your hands are balled into a fist. You can feel everyone staring at you in disbelief - they’ve never seen you so angry before. But you don’t care. You want to do so much more than slap him. You wanted to curse him, to wipe McLaggen’s stupid grin on his face, to make him cry.
McLaggen looks around and sees everyone staring. His face flushes as he tries to compose himself. He then stands up and hovers over you, attempting to seem intimidating and tough. “Y/N, don’t you dare ta-”
Before he can speak further, someone takes his collar and pulls him to the ground, all in one swift motion. You look up to see it was Lorenzo. You’re shocked by his sudden appearance. ‘When did he get here?’ you think to yourself. You then worry if he heard McLaggen’s comment earlier.
Lorenzo looks down at McLaggen with a cold smile. “You heard Y/N. So, get out. Now.”
McLaggens huffs his nose and gets on his feet. He readies himself to fight back, but Harry and Ron stand up from their seats. Then Draco and his friends also stand up from their seats. Seeing this, McLaggen clicks his tongue and turns around in defeat.
The Great Hall remains silent as they watch McLaggen walk towards the door, but as soon as he leaves, they immediately start buzzing about what they just saw.
You turn back to Lorenzo and see he is already looking at you. You analyze his expression, looking for any signs of hurt or anger. Instead, he looked pleased.
“Y/N, can I talk to you?” He gives you a warm smile, a smile that he does not show often. Your three friends give a knowing smile at each other, which Lorenzo notices. “Alone,” he adds as he extends his hand to you.
You sheepishly look at your friends before you get up from your seat and take his hands.
Not once letting go of your hands, Lorenzo leads you to the nearest empty classroom. As soon as you two enter, he closes the door and turns around to face you.
“Why did you defend me?” He says as he carefully watches your expressions. 
“I-I’m not sure,” you say as you try to avoid his eyes. Along with everyone else in the Great Hall, you were shocked by your own rage. You don’t understand why you got so mad.
“Don’t give me that, Y/N,” he says softly. It surprises you; his voice is usually cold. Too curious about what expression he’s making, you finally look at him.
“Think harder, Y/N,” He gently squeezes your hand which you realize he’s still holding. “Why did you defend me?” His eyes are pleading for something as if he knows something that you don’t.
You think harder about how you felt when McLaggen was talking about Berkshire. Of course, his comments were incredibly disrespectful and disgusting, but was it enough to warrant a slap? Why were you so angry? Were you angry in general or for Lorenzo?
‘Do I like Lorenzo?’ you think to yourself. Yes, he teases you occasionally, but he hasn’t done anything wrong or evil. In fact, he’s hardworking and reliable. Even though he says he manipulates people, he always helps those in need. ‘So maybe I do like him… as a person.’
You look back at Lorenzo, ready to answer properly, but his eyes entrap you. The faint light from the classroom windows hit them just right. His dark brown eyes shined golden. It looked like a warm pool of honey. You always recognized that Lorenzo was handsome, but this was the first time you appreciated it.
‘Oh. I think I like-like him.’ This epiphany shocks you and causes your breath to hitch. Suddenly, you’re conscious of how close you are to Lorenzo and how his hands are so big and warm.
You like Lorenzo. Probably for quite some time now. But could you admit that to him? After all the competition and petty arguments? After all your complaints about him? Would you two even work out?
But then you look back at Lorenzo and realize that, for the first time, he’s being vulnerable to you. His eyebrows are scrunched as his eyes are still pleading for your answer. Suddenly, the pride that you’ve kept for so long was now forgotten.
“I… like you.” You exhaled and felt a sudden weight lifted from your chest. All that’s left is an inexplicable tingling feeling in your stomach.
Soon, his warm body envelops you. He wraps his arms around your waist and nestles his head in your shoulder. 
“Finally,” he says with a delighted chuckle. “I’ve known all along.”
“W-what? How could you have known? I only realized it just now!” You exclaim as you playfully struggle in his grip, but he refuses to let you go.
“Y/N, you’ve always been slow.” You give him a gentle pinch on his side, which makes him laugh. “I’m kidding! I’m sorry. I just…” He trails off as he draws back a little to look straight into your eyes. “I’ve been waiting for this moment.”
Of course, he’s always been one step ahead of you. Even when it’s about your own feelings, he knew about it before you did. You suddenly felt shy from his intense gaze, but you didn’t want to look away.
“...Did you hear what McLaggen said about you?”
“Were you mad?”
“For a moment… but I was more annoyed that he was touching you.” He gently brushes your hair back from your face. “Do you believe what McLaggen said?”
“Of course not!” You exclaimed as you gently hit his chest. “He’s disgusting and weird. Anything that comes out of his mouth is complete bull crap. Why would you even ask that?” You grumble and slightly pout.
Lorenzo laughs. “Yes, yes, I’m sorry.” His hands drift to the ends of your hair and starts twirling it with his fingers.
“...So, how about you?”
“Hm?” He replies absentmindedly, still focused on your hair. 
“Do you… like me?” You sheepishly ask as you look away and focus on the ground.
Lorenzo gives you a blank stare before roaring into laughter. His laugh shocks you, but it makes you laugh as well. 
“I thought it was quite obvious,” he says as he places a hand on your cheek. He carefully analyzes each feature of your face as if he’s savoring it all in before his eyes flicker at your lips.
“B-but, I didn’t hear you say it.” You say as you notice his stare, causing your breath to hitch. 
“I like you, Y/N.” Lorenzo slowly pulls you in closer and closer until your lips touch his. The feeling is immediate; it’s warm and electrifying. You can hear your heart thumping in your eyes as a strange warmth course throughout your body.
After a few seconds, you both pull away and look at each other in disbelief. It seems that the intense, crashing feelings you felt were mutual. You both laugh when you realize this. 
“That… was something,” Lorenzo says with a smile.
You give him a warm smile before resting your head on his chest. You feel him stiffen in surprise, but he soon relaxes and places his hand on your head, gently combing his fingers through your hair. You smile to yourself when feel his heart beating fast.
“But you should know,” Lorenzo says with a smirk, “that I like you more.”
You abruptly lift your head and give him a look of disbelief. “This isn’t a competition.”
“You only say that because you’re losing,” Lorenze teases with a laugh.
You laugh back and hit him. “Enzo, you get on my nerves!”
Hearing you say his nickname, Lorenzo smiles and a small tint of red appears on his cheek. “Good,” he says as he pulls you in closer, wanting to feel your soft lips on his again. “As long as you don’t get bored of me.” 
a/n: my first enzo fanfic! ahhh! it's also my first time writing in second person pov, and it's harder than i thought lol. and sorry to cormac mclaggen! i feel like he's a common antagonist in hp fanfics HAHA. also, i tried making y/n as general as possible so that it can appeal to everyone, but i couldn't help but add in the hair twirling. hair twirling is just so cute to me :')
fun fact! i chose olivia rodrigo's "get him back" as inspo because her lyrics have a double meaning: (1) she wants to get back together with her ex and (2) also get revenge on him. it emphasizes the fine line between love and hate, which i imagine academic rivals feel lol. hope you liked it! <3
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coolthingsguyslike · 3 months
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blairxbear · 2 months
Stranger Things Preferences
Their Pet Name for you.
(Featuring: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Billy Hargrove, Jonathan Byers, Dmitri Antonov, Jim Hopper, Alexei, Murray Bauman, Robin Buckley, Argyle, Henry/001)
Warnings: Mentions of sex. This blog is 18+ Minors do not interact.
A/N: My first preference! There will be quite a few of these across quite a few fandoms so if you'd like to be tagged in future preferences or future stranger things posts please let me know in the comments! :) Also any Russian is taken straight from google translate so pre-apologies if I have butchered it! Enjoy!
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Steve Harrington
Steve keeps his pet names quite generic, baby, babe, sweetheart. It's not so much the names he uses but how he says them. Most of the time he's most comfortable using the shortened version of your name or nickname he has for you, but the amount of affection he would put into it would make you melt. If he's being especially flirtatious you'd even occasionally get doll. He doesn't miss the effect it has on you when he calls you that.
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Eddie Munson
Eddie is as theatrical with his pet names as he is with anything else in life. He loves to call you princess, especially during Hellfire meetings when he can incorporate you into his campaign. I think Eddie would switch between a few pet names to try to keep it interesting, baby, sunshine, sweetheart. It doesn't matter what he calls you it never fails to give you butterflies. Let's not pretend that if you two are hanging out in his trailer while you joke around and play air guitar together that he doesn't call you his little Rockstar.
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Billy Hargrove
Billy's pet names for you depend on two things; his mood, and who you are around. In public you're only getting the less heartfelt pet names, he refers to you as his girl a lot in front of other people. Not only does he love the small smile it brings to your face but it also feeds into his possessive side, knowing that everyone knows you are his. When you two are alone and have been together for a while, Billy finally shoes a softer side of himself. He will compliment you a lot and attach all sort of pet names to those compliments, baby, sugar, sweet thing, still loving to resort to calling you his girl. You're mad at him and he's trying to make it up to you? Get ready for him to bargain his way back into your arms, wrapping his arms around you as he whispers in your ear, "Come on sweetheart, you know you can't stay mad at me."
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Jonathan Byers
This soft, shy, adorable baby will probably be hesitant to use pet names for a long time. I honestly doubt you would hear them until you two begin to get intimate and he's too lost in the moment to think about what he's saying. He's pussy drunk and rambling into your neck, pet names would all be soft and sweet while he's chasing his high, beautiful and sweetheart would be at the top of his list. Getting high in his room? This sweet man would be telling you how you're his sunshine, rambling on in his delirium about how you light up his life.
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Dmitri Antonov
While this man's English is very good, he still prefers to use pet names in Russian. There's something about the way he looks at you with his intense gaze as he slips back into his native tongue that just turns you into an absolute puddle. His favourites include котенок (kitten) and моя любовь (my love). The thought of this man holding you while you curl up in bed for the night, arms wrapped around you while he whispers endearing words in Russian into your ear is enough to bring butterflies to your stomach.
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Jim Hopper
Let's not pretend like for a goooooooood while this man affectionately refers to you as kid even if you are barely a few years younger than him. He's a tough shell of a man that will refuse to open up or show his feelings for a long time, but when he does you realise its worth the wait. He doesn't throw around pet names and words of endearment a lot as he prefers to save them for moments when he feels it's right. When it's just the two of you and you're sharing a soft moment, sometimes referring to you as darling in his softer moments. Occasionally you might even get a cheeky baby.
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Another Russian baby, this adorable man will always call you pet names in Russian, it doesn't matter how much his English has improved. It just means more to him coming from his native tongue. His regular go to include голубь (Dove) and милый (Darling). Although, Murray taught him how Americans us Pumpkin as a term of endearment as a way to screw with you both and now it's one of Alexei's favourite things to call you. Jokes on Murray because seeing Alexei's face light up as he reaches for you and calls you pumpkin is enough to fall even more in love with him.
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Murray Bauman
I feel like Murray cannot find it in himself to call you soft names to start off with. He's still confused by the fact that you even want to be with him, he's not going to possibly embarrass himself further using some pet names that might cross some invisible line he's set up for himself. He refers to as lady a lot, or another unique name that fits your looks of personality. Once this man is comfortable and more secure in your relationship I think the names would still stay light and not too sensitive. You would definitely get honey a lot, I don't think Murray would be able to resist yelling through the house when he gets home, "Honey, I'm home!"
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Robin Buckley
Robin would also keep her pet names generic just like her bestie Steve, but less out of originality and more just to play it safe. Robin would have some insecurities going into a relationship after all the careful steps she took just to get to where you two are now. She is hesitant at first to say the wrong thing so she sticks to a lot of sweetheart and babe. One day you were spending time together and she slipped up and called you buttercup. She panicked for a second worrying what you would think of the nickname, but seeing your smile wiped all of those worries away and it became one of her favourite pet names so far.
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Okay so we all know this cutie is not going to call you any conventional pet names unless he's sober which is not very often. You're going to get a lot of my dude and bro but he does really mean it affectionately with you. Other than that you're definitely going to get a lot of made up names that mean absolutely nothing but to him they mean a lot; wicked lady, cream puff, anything. He would totally refer to you as "my queen" when he lets you into the van which he refers to as your chariot. Your favourite pet name would be the time he said, "My pretty girl is gonna get all the pizza she wants" he couldn't understand your reaction as you couldn't think of what to say next after hearing Argyle call you his pretty girl.
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I whole heartedly believe this man would refer to you as pet. He does mean it endearingly but he also can't resist how you scrunch your nose up at hearing the teasing term. He also uses a lot of "My little..." whether it be bird, bunny, dove. He constantly feels the need to protect you and he shows that in his terms of endearment by referring to you as small and innocent. I know this man would call you his good girl, and you will have to pry that thought out of my cold dead hands.
A/N: Hope you guys like this! Reminder that if you want to be tagged in future Stranger things posts or other preferences to let me know in the comments and ill create a tags list :)
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littlearticbear · 3 months
Enzo would be the one to post gym pics.
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ellebarnes90 · 1 month
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enzo!boyfriend que, pela significativa diferença de idade entre vocês, tomou a decisão de ir com mais calma com você. O que fez com que só com quase quatro meses de namoro ele tenha te chamado para dormir na casa dele pela primeira vez
enzo!boyfriend que secretamente sentia um tesão absurdo na diferença de tamanho entre vocês. Apesar da altura se quase a mesma, a diferença de tamanho dos membros era bem grande. Amava como a sua mão ficava pequenininha comparada a dele, em como conseguia cobrir você quase totalmente em um abraço e principalmente em como você se encaixava perfeitamente no corpo dele quando dormiam juntos
enzo!boyfriend que apesar de ter se saído super bem e conquistado todos, estava nervoso como nunca ficou no dia de conhecer a sua família. Nunca havia sentido um nervosismo tão grande como aquele, um que ele com certeza nunca esqueceria. As mãos suavam, evitava contato visual com o seu pai — principalmente após saber que ele tinha um facão —, de vez em quando gaguejava e apesar disso tudo, sua família gostou tanto dele que pediu para que vocês passassem a noite na residência
enzo!boyfriend que depois que todos foram dormir e vocês foram para o seu antigo quarto, revelou a você todo nervosismo que sentiu mais cedo, te fazendo rir
enzo!boyfriend que amava deitar de frente para você e sentir o seu carinho no cabelo dele
enzo!boyfriend que ao perceber que, de fato, todos estavam dormindo, usou a voz mais sedutora que podia ter para te dizer o quão difícil foi se controlar para não ficar de pau duro na frente de todos ao te ver com aquele shortinho curto
enzo!boyfriend que se aproximou mais de você descendo a mão grande para a sua bunda, apertando a carne com força te trazendo para ele e quase colando seu corpo no do uruguaio
enzo!boyfriend que, depois de você negar diversas vezes o sexo, conseguiu te convencer a pelo menos o deixar te tocar. Levando a mão até dentro da calcinha, te fazendo apertar o pulso dele ao sentir os dedos grossos tocarem você em um movimento circular, colocando um pouco de pressão na região
enzo!boyfriend que te mandava calar a boca toda vez que gemia alto demais, ameaçando parar. Te beijava e mordia seu lábio inferior, te dizia palavras tão doces e belas que logo depois eram apagadas por xingamentos que só te deixavam ainda mais molhada
enzo!boyfriend que sentia o pau endurecer e pulsar mais ainda a cada vez que você puxava o cabelo dele ou apertava de leve o pescoço, ou até mesmo descia os dedos arranhando de leve a barriga dele por baixo da camisa preta
enzo!boyfriend que não conseguiu segurar os gemidos roucos e quase inaudíveis quando você desceu a mão para a cueca dele, brincando com a ereção do mais velho por cima do tecido azul marinho
enzo!boyfriend que te penetrou com dois dos dedos grossos dele, te fazendo curvar as sobrancelhas e abrir a boca sem emitir nenhum som, apenas acariciava o pau dele e as bolas agora por dentro da cueca, misturando agora então os seus gemidos baixinhos com os dele
enzo!boyfriend que se arrastou para mais perto de você, te fazendo esconder o rosto no pescoço dele enquanto no seu ouvido ele te chamava do que queria, dizia: "Tão gostosa... diz 'pra mim de quem você é, diz amor" entre suspiros
enzo!boyfriend que fechava os olhos com força sempre que você massageava as bolas dele, que por impulso te dedava com mais força
enzo!boyfriend que gozou na sua mão e sujou um pouco a cueca que usava, te fazendo arrepiar com os gemidos um tiquinho mais altos dele e a respiração pesada contra a sua pele
enzo!boyfriend que sentiu sua buceta se contrair e apertar os dedos dele, sentindo dor ao você cravar as unhas no pulso dele quando quis conter os gemidos altos. Ignorou toda a dor e continuou a te dedas mais rápido, retirando os dedos de você apenas para estimular o seu clitóris mais um pouco
enzo!boyfriend que chupou os dedos dele com todo o seu melzinho, saboreando e sentindo o seu gosto
enzo!boyfriend que te virou para o outro lado e dormiu de conchinha com você, não antes de prometer baixinho no seu ouvido que quando você fosse para a casa dele iriam terminar o que começaram hoje
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emwheezie · 5 months
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They're not dead, just stuck in 2009! Part 2 of this meme trend with characters from the comic/story we're working on.
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bibridtribrid · 2 months
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5.16, “While You Were Sleeping” THE VAMPIRE DIARIES (2009-2017)
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peachiebunni · 6 months
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308ferrari · 7 months
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anthonysperkins · 1 year
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Xavier vs. Enzo Bearhug Challenge 04
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superhyperfastcars · 6 months
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