#*dies casually*
somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
I hope this kills you and makes your day at the exact same time. I'm winging this btw and it's all improv in mah brain so it might be longer than expected, idfk, we'll see.
Thanks so much for existing and giving us this comic in the first place now suffer-
Leo watched as Donnie continued talking, his movements exaggerated and his words ecstatic. The holograhic screen lit up every surface within a 2-foot radius, the words big and bright against the darkened atmosphere. Beside himself, Mikey and Raph shivered on each side, looking anywhere but at Donnie's face. And even though Leo understood why they couldn't bare to look their brother in the eye right now, something deep inside of him still burned with annoyance. Because despite everything, it was still Donnie! They just couldn't see it yet!
Not like Leo could see very well past the hard, stable shell that his twin had built around himself. Not like he could tell how Donnie was really feeling. Not like his tireless efforts to reach out and help did anything noteworthy.
All it got him was...
"...Oh! And how could I forget the infirmary machinery as well!" Donnie continued, his voice raised in a professional manner that would make anyone else think he was just giving a regular presentation. "The infirmary duties will obviously be passed onto you, Leo, since aside from Casey, you're the most medically knowledgeable. Plus, I know you won't disappoint."
Of course, Leo wasn't anyone else. He could hear the manic cry for life and freedom and pain in his twin's voice, no matter how quiet. It was there, faint and far away, somewhere that not even Donnie could find it, but it was still there and it needed answering.
Donnie just kept refusing to look in the right direction.
It was well after midnight when Donnie pulled Leo aside for a chat about the affairs of taking on three positions at once. The leader of the resistance could barely piece together what Donnie was saying though, his words muffled by the bigger picture.
In the dead of night, as expected, Donnie's demeanor took a complete 180 shift, his expression barely masking the exhaustion and weakness he undoubtedly felt. His eyes were half-lidded and cloudy, a look that Leo's only ever seen thrice in those yellow and red irises. His shoulders, despite getting bonier and bonier by the day, were slouched in a lazy way that made the soft-shell look like a corpse. The purple hoodie he so much adored nearly reached his knees, the lost fat and muscle making the article of clothing seem bigger than it actually was.
But one of the worst aspects about Donnie's appearance didn't have anything to do with any signs of death or sickness. No... The thing that made Leo really want to throw up...?
Donatello was now shorter than Leonardo.
"C-come on, Donnie... Why would I need to learn any of this... Nerd... Stuff, if I already have you?"
A stupid question. Idiotic, dumb, foolish, stupid, demeaning, disgusting, stupid, gross, stupid stupid stupidstupidstupidstupid-
"Riiiiiight... Anyway, you'll need to remove that panel right there to get to the inner-workings of..."
But even though it was a stupid question, Donnie would've usually gone out of his way to answer it.
Why wouldn't he answer?
Two weeks.
It had only been two weeks.
But it felt like a lifetime.
Donnie wasn't dead yet, thank whatever god that's still out there that he wasn't, but Leo still felt like he was. Donnie was literally just there, he was just right in front of him, talking about the schematics of something or other, running his mouth like he's been doing for the past few days. Nothing truly notable about Donnie's health had really changed, no weakening brain cells or crippling disabilities. The only things that had changed were Donnie's height again and his now inability to walk.
His inability to walk. Just two weeks ago he was bouncing off the walls and biting people's noses off.
However, despite all of the physical evidence that Donnie was very clearly still here and alive, Leo couldn't help but feel like a part of him was gone. Dead, deceased, whisked away by the winds of time... It was hard to explain, even for him, how something inside of him just kind of... Faded away.
The Death, as Leo pessimistically liked to call it, was a slow and agonizing process, beginning all the way back when Donnie first revealed his worsening condition and then continuing on until now. It began with just a little click, a little pinprick of emptiness and loss and HURT that Leo didn't know how to fix. Then that pinprick slowly grew into a scab, then a paper cut, then a scratch, then a hole, and then finally evolved to a gaping wound that would take years to fix. It was just this... This agonizing feeling of emptiness and loneliness that Leo hadn't even felt when Raph first died. (Haha, funny. He's already died twice by now. Hilarious.) And no matter how hard Leo tried to heal it with potions and bandages and medicine and melatonin, it never went away.
Not even when Donnie stood directly in front of him.
And isn't that just hilarious? Isn't that great? Isn't that just Splendid? Isn't that just the coolest Revelation That LEO'S EVER FELT?? ISN'T THAT SO INTERESTING????
Isn't it funny?
Leo watched as Donnie continued talking, his movements exaggerated and his words ecstatic.
He watched the ghost wave goodbye with a dramatic flair and a little giddiness in his step, the small soft-shell turtle barely able to show his hand from inside the giant sleeve of his favorite hoodie.
Leonardo waved back, a sad, forced smile and a train track of dried tears gracing his face.
Red enveloped Leo's vision one final time, and soon enough...
The half of himself that somehow still remained...
Faded away.
Haha get Disaster Twin'd idiot-
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I mean. Thank you. This is amazing and I love it with all my heart💜💙
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ochrebones · 2 years
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Do with this what you will
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silviaflowers · 2 years
i may or may not be obsessively talking about your favorite murder robot show so now i get to show it to my brother and am begging my sister to watch it
i swear every time i get a new hyperfixation it feels like my brain is vibrating when i talk about it /pos
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45gayfrogs · 2 months
The fact that both Obi-Wan and Ahsoka think that the other died during order 66 and spend years mourning the other when they both survived is so heartbreaking
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spacebubblehomebase · 2 months
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"What do you do when a mere scapegoat becomes so enamored with the God Of Death that they actually look forward to dying again and again just to see Him?"
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"What do you do when said God Of Death yearns for the sacrificial lamb's PERMANENT DEATH and this very thought is actually the reason He smiles at them?"
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"But it's only because He wants to own them FOREVER the only way He knows how??? ...For His Vessel's soul to be HIS to keep."
Basically, this is my COTL Radioapple AU idea! (NOTE: Read it all over again! This time, just the yellow highlighted words for a different experience and perspective on things! 😉 Trust me on this.) -Bubbly💙
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akoichoi · 10 days
I have so much to say about this
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P: If you're just here to stand around, go home already. E: Yes, well I was feeling parched. P: This isn't some sort of cafe. You too, Maya, don't just serve him tea either! M: Why not? Nick's being a cheapskate...
i have to talk about Phoenix being the actual busy one of the two
Meanwhile Edgeworth having no business using Wright and Co as a secondary lounge spot because why are you here?? (you know Edgeworth has a rally of interns that do his post-trial paperwork)
Maya routinely serving Edgeworth his usual tea (and ofc it's european tea, the kind of stuff nobody but him drinks)
Phoenix patting Pearl's head even though he's annoyed at everyone else in the room. She probably flips the pages for him because she likes to be helpful. And she is.
Nick's entire look
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ellilyre · 7 months
Imagine one day Persephone comes to camp and everyone is freaking out "it's so rare for a god to physically show up at camp ! She must have a very important quest to give !" But then she walks to Nico and says "Hi Nico, next time you see your dad can you tell him I forgot my dandelion earrings at his palace?" And he's like "for the love of Olympus Persephone I told you to not talk to me in front of other campers it's so embarrassing"
Bonus point if he's with Will and she looks at him and goes
Persephone, smirking : you must be Will
Nico : Persephone
Persephone: Nico told me quite a lot about you
Nico : I'll ask Alecto to bring your earrings back to you. Can you go now
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ashes-in-a-jar · 1 year
I think people should listen to a compilation of only Sasha James' lines. Istg 70% of her lines elicited this reaction from me
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bunnieswithknives · 6 months
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I like think David and Rowan met briefly as kids. Just the once on some kind of bring your kid to work day. They only made eye contact. Brief enough they don't remember it when they meet again later but... Idk I just think its a nice thought.
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itspipesmclean · 2 years
jason: who the hell traumatized you?
nico: you want, like, a list?
nico: ?
jason: yes actually
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iwasbored777 · 10 months
The fact that all Gwen knows about her variants in other universes is that they're dead is so sad. Like imagine you want to know what happens to you in other dimensions and it turns out that wherever you look you mean nothing, you're so unimportant that there's no bigger role for you other than dying.
And I've seen you guys pointing this out, where she's looking at what looks like her own death and even if it's not this is not just a "love interest" Gwen, this is a superhero who is supposed to mean something, but she doesn't. She's only here to die. And so far this (our) Gwen doesn't have any reason to believe that she won't die very soon just like other Gwens.
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I think that one of the main reasons why she's rejecting Miles is not just her trauma and all shit she's been through and the fear of dying like other Gwens when they're involved with Spider-Man, but also because if they start something and she dies this will hurt him too.
It's easy to say "canon events aren't true she shouldn't believe in that" but this isn't just a regular risk, this is her life we're talking about.
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ochrebones · 1 year
Of Marissa and yn
Spoilers for sposre parts
Two for robbery and such
And rapidly decreasing quality
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royalarchivist · 9 months
Foolish: You'll never take me alive.
[Foolish jumps off the platform before Pepito can lasso him and lands in a pool of water. Pepito follows him shortly after, and Foolish laughs as he takes the elevator back up to the platform]
Foolish: Alright, this time: Waterbucket.
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(They were both fine; Bad, Bagi, and Mike all came running to help them)
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MC: You know, it actually takes a lot longer than people think for someone to die from strangling.
Solomon: Oh? Well, that's...interesting. Did you read that on a book or something?
MC: Nah, it's from personal experience. 🙂
Solomon: ...
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mikeybutnotway · 2 months
Haha what do you mean we never find out how Sherlock really survived the reichenbach fall... what do you mean.... guys hahaha.....
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tardxsblues · 1 year
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Because you're missing something. What? How you're going to win. You always miss it. Right up until the last minute, so put down the sword, stop playing soldier, and look for it. Start winning, Doctor. It's what you're good at.
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