#*cue heaston confusion*
sapphic-woes · 2 years
I have been summoned. What about headcannons for Eivor and a female reader travelling together? Especially when they are still in a friends to crush stage. Thank you and have a good day. ❤
Ok so....uh what if it's: "princess/queen in need of safe passing and Eivor wants to gain an alliance so she escorts you" stage...because it's all I can think abt srry:
Eivor x Royal!Reader
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The reasons for why you're on the run don't really matter much, let's just say people either want you dead or kidnapped.
I think at first you guys are at an odds not because you're pretentious or anything, but you're sheltered and never dealt with the outdoors
Like I imagine you don't know how to start a fire, hunt, etc etc. When Eivor met you, however, you could command a room and figure out a war strategy through information alone, so she assumed stuff like this would be the basics for you.
So when she tells you to make a fire while she goes out to hunt, comes back and you're tirelessly trying to do it and so frustrated you can't? It's like a break in character in you to her.
Maybe you come off as cold. Calculating. You make the hard decisions and don't seem to let emotions control you. However, Eivor soon learns that's just how you are to deal with all the aldermen constantly at your throat
In reality, you're pretty open to learning more skills, understanding her culture, and who she is. Eivor teaches you how to start a fire, to hunt, hell even to ride (let's say you had to escape in a rush and left on one horse)
You talk of your shared differences: she grew up on the battlefield, physically hardened by her experiences. You grew up in the heart of your kingdom, mentally hardened by those seeking your power. In ways you two are similar, in others strikingly different.
I imagine one day you speak of a horrible time of political turmoil. Maybe you had to pull some strings behind the scenes, barely getting away with your life and your title.
You speak of it as if its nothing, and make some offhand comment that regardless of how cruel you were back then, you would do it all over, becuase there's no one in that kingdom who would care to protect you as much as yourself
And Eivor breaks at that. She has people she knows would do anything to protect her back in Ravensthorpe, and that's why despite having so much blood on her hands, she's gentle. You on the other hand, have never picked up a sword in your life, and yet your circumstances have forced you to become more heartless than she could ever be.
Eivor would reach for you then, cup your cheeks in a way you'd never experienced before. Softly as if you would break. Firmly as if she feared you would slip through the cracks of her hands.
Looking into your eyes, Eivor speaks slowly, whispering like any louder would make the words grow sharp against your ears:
"Lady...if I had been there, I would have protected you."
You stared up into the frost of her eyes, mind muddled with confusion. You didn't know why she said that to you, or why it was with such conviction. You didn't need her pity. You were a ruler, one who led her people with strength and virtue. Perhaps you were in a predicament now, but that did not mean anything had changed.
"...Thank you. It is a, um, a comfort to know." You treaded lightly with your words. Eivor caught the habit immediately.
"We are not within the walls of your kingdom. There is no one here to hear us." When you tried to look down, she didn't allow you, coarse skin gingerly keeping your head tilted towards her. The care in her eyes was heavy. It settled over your heart and squeezed out an old warmth. You tried to hold it in with a shaky breath.
"I am well aware. Still, I do not understand what you want me to say–" Your cheeks were abruptly squished together, head jerked closer towards Eivor's own. Suddenly, all you could process was blue irises contrasting the night sky, twinkling just as the stars did. Eivor carefully ground out each of her words for your to process
"If it were me. Lady." No. No, no, no–I do not wish to hear it! Frantically, you shook your head while she spoke. You feared it would cause you to come undone, yet Eivor pressed on anyway.
"I would have done everything. No matter the cost, no matter the sacrifice. No task would have proven too much to bear in order to protect you." The tears built up in the corner of your eyes. You held the droplets in until you shut them, running down you face as Eivor quietly whispered.
"Becuase you are precious, lady."
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