#*copy & paste* In Chinese mythology green butterflies are a symbol of good and love
kok0w0lf · 4 years
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Day 4: On a date
I think that they would probably prefer going to a peaceful place than a crowded one for their date, so they could show personalities that they don’t dare to show to anyone else than their partner. In the drawing, they are enjoying the view of an empty park in a random inhabited Au, where Gradient feels more confident to show affection to Lux, making her sit on his lap while they snuggle ang giggle. Their movements are so soft and calmed that a green butterfly that was passing by decided to land carefully on Lux’s nose. She got surprised by that, making Gradient smile at her reaction. She carefully watched the butterfly’s elegant movements, even though it made her nose tickle. But the butterfly didn’t stay for too long, and a few second later, decided that it was time to go, making Lux able to tenderly scratch her nose. Even if the word “cute” is a very superficial description of Lux, Gradient enjoyed when she let him see that aspect of hers, even though he loved every other one as well, like her maturity, her death stare, her smile, politeness (even though he knows that Nightmare taught her some curse words when she was a child, making her get into trouble one Halloween night), her battle abilities.... He knew he was lucky to be dating a girl like her, who was more than perfect.
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