#*brain.exe reboot*
frnkiebby · 9 months
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more horizontal frnk for your viewing pleasure~🎃
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My Mom Is Cool
My mom is unfamiliar with the term "robofucker" and has probably not heard me say "robot porn" because i think i usually say Allen or just Transformer or something
Anyhow she just referred to one of my stories i was showing her the stats on (my mom likes following my author blog progress and she also sometimes reads the reviews with me we're silly yes) as Techno Smut and I
how was I today years old hearing that for the first time
I love it
I'm stealing it
T e c h n o s m u t
conversations I never thought I'd have with my mom, I adore her.
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
Brotklumpenuschi - now in slow: Brot-klumpen-uschi - aka: Bread nugget Uschi [Uschi is a silly name.]
Please don't ask me what my brain has produced here. It's mental flatulence. It's a product of the mental manure automaton of my brain.
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sesshy380 · 1 year
Someone please take brain gremlin for walkies. I has no energy.
Brain gremlin was quiet until I got a notification from an out-of-the-blue commentor on longfic. Had to tell brain gremlin to shush and not scare them away. We'll save the crazy confetti for when it becomes obvious they aren't going to run for the hills.
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peachshadows · 2 months
We already established that Macaque is going to wear something cute for the dinner date that's going to knock Wukong's shoes off. But what about the dinner itself? Would Macaque be holding Wukong's hand (just for show, of course)? Would he bump his leg against Wukong's under the table (oh, how clumsy of him)? Would Macaque eat just a little messier than he usually would so he could find the excuse to lick the remnants from his lips and his fingers (gotta enjoy every crumb and remnant sauce since it's rare for Macaque to get expensive food that he didn't steal)?
Or would he do none of that and still be stared at by Wukong since he's wearing that dress and eating the food Wukong provided bought for him?
I want the monkey man to be pathetic and down bad for every little thing Macaque does. I need him to be salivating even though he has a full plate in front of him.
And - oh, would you look at that - an excuse for Macaque to lightly scold the Great Sage for wasting food and start feeding it to him. Macaque's trying to be mocking but Wukong ends up enjoying it a little too much.
The way I see it is that Macaque at first is acting normal but as more people stare, the more he plays up his role as a demon being courted by the great sage himself. Like when they're walking to dinner, not only are they holding hands but Macaque is straight up cuddling Wukong's arm and Wukong is just brain.exe failing to reboot and Wukong thinks it's gonna get easier when they eat but no it gets worse. Macaque is a lil seductive temptress with his leg slowly riding up Wukong's leg, licking sauce from his fingers, and just ajdjfjfjjsje Wukong is not doing well. He can't even eat without choking
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docwritesshit · 1 year
I just read you monkie kid X reader and I love it can you please do another monkie kid X reader where the reader comfort mk because he is scared to see the reader reaction to his monkie form the reader say that they love him no matter what (this is both comfort and fluff)
Don't question how I got this done so fast
Anyways! Im glad my abundance of energy let me turn this one out rq
Also, have my he/they MK headcannon as a treat
Word count: 500
MK was spiraling so hard. And who could blame him? He was someone he barely knew, someone you didn't know. He just got used to being in his form around the gang as they saw him the first time he transformed, but you? You were back home waiting for him, semi oblivious to what was happening.
So it was no surprise the first time he went into his monkie form around you, it was semi unplanned.
It was supposed to be a chill picnic on the roof watching the stars, and he let his guard down when he was half asleep on your shoulder, you were humming lowly. He felt you freeze, your humming stopped.
So he raised his head to look at you. You had your brows furrowed, and you gaze focused on his hands that held your own.
He followed your gaze, and felt his heart plummet when he saw that they were covered in fur and his nails were curved into claws. He froze, his breaths becoming faster. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go.
You noticed the weight come off your shoulder and looked over to him, his features contorted into one of fear and terror. You widened your eyes, dropping his hands and brought your own to cup his cheeks.
“MK. Look at me. Can you look at me?”
They nodded.
“Mirror me, ok?”
He nodded.
You inhaled through your nose. They did the same. You exhaled through your mouth. He did the same. You guys repeated this process for a bit till you could see their shoulders relax. You smiled, and now taking the chance to really look at your partner. He held his breath as you scanned his rounded ears, the fur coming down the sides of his face, the heart pattern around his eyes.
“So what made you think you could hide this adorable side of yourself from me for long?” You questioned.
Monkie brain.exe has crashed.
He opened his mouth and made a ‘huh’ sound. You gasped whenyou saw his large canines.
“You have fangs now too!!?!? Do you know how much hotter that makes you??” You exclaimed. That made him snort. You smiled, wrapping your arms around him and brought him closer. He hugged you back, feeling tears of relief prick at his eyes.
“I thought you would hate me…” He mumbled. You wheezed, shoulders shaking.
“Hate you? Dude, almost nothing could make me hate you. And that list is very short.” You stated. Mk buried their face in your shoulder, staining your hoodie with his tears. You sighed, running your fingers through his hair as he sobbed into your shoulder.
“You really are a treasure to me.” They said. You chuckled, and kissed his head.
“You are a star to me MK. Nothing could change that.”
They felt his heart warm and swell, and he hoped it wouldn’t be the last time his heart grew with you.
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the-party-dude · 3 months
*brain.exe has stopped working*
*error file 404 not found*
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trans-estinien · 2 years
If be so powerful if it weren't for the [Brain.exe has stopped working. Would you like to reboot?]
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bonnie-is-bumbling · 1 year
So here lately, my special interest has been airplanes! And not the typical cool fighter jets or anything. But the Boeing 747, or the new 777x, various Airbus or Embraer models... It's only right I watched a video on the De Havilland Comet.
(Picture snagged from google. If you're the owner and would like me to mention you or take the post down, let me know, I'm not argumentative ♡)
This is my take on it- know I do not work in aviation, and to be WAY too honest, I'm not GREAT at research. I'm way too wary of sites, sources, etc. I'll state what I know, and what I think I know. If I'm wrong, please don't be mean about it- I'm very happy to learn more!
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Just look at the absolute aesthetic of this plane.
I wonder if modern aircraft could pull off the engines embedded in the wings or if that in itself is a trouble this plane had. I could have heard why they aren't that way at some point, but brain.exe has rebooted since. SO I'm gonna throw what I DID retain from a few videos in this post!
The Comet was the very first commercial airplane using 100% jet engine power, and it was an absolute improvement over piston-engine, propeller flown planes commonly used. It could fly faster, further, and above the weather. It almost didn't happen, because jet fuel just wasn't/isn't very efficient until it reaches a certain altitude.
That said, the Comet was subject to cabin pressurization issues, as evidenced by the planes basically evaporating from time to time mid-air. But mind you, as unsafe as this may seem now, in those days, the Comet was near, if not THE pinnacle of safety in aviation.
While I can't recall if I've ACTUALLY researched it or not, or if it was discussed in the documentaries I've watched, and articles I've read... I would imagine this engine design would have one very big accessibility issue. I would imagine to work on the engines, mechanics would have to work around the wing, if not remove the whole bloody wing.
Not to mention, modern jet aircraft are generally built to have their engine fly OFF the plane and avoid the fuselage if they absolutely MUST detach. The Comet could not do that. As scary as a detached engine sounds, modern planes are built to still be able to land of they lose an engine. Twin-engine jets can fly on one, though I'd imagine getting the right balance is tough on pilots. And a B747 or an A380 can fly on two, but again, this depends on SO many factors.
Either way, were a failure to happen in a Comet engine, I could be wrong, but generally I'd say my only hope would be to hope the thing wasn't on fire and about to spread to the plane. Though therein does lie a curiosity of mine-- What WOULD, in theory, happen if someone took the design of the Comet and threw nothing but new, modern technologies into it?
I mean, modern engines, modern computer systems, safety systems, entertainment and comfort systems... Literally everything except for how it looks... Modern materials, of course. I wonder if it would be about the same, or if it would be really cool, or, on a darker note, would it be catastrophic? Isn't it wild how far aviation has come? Our modern airplanes are just these cool, graceful metal birds in the sky. Birds that are a LOT bigger up close!
Oh my, I didn't fly on it unfortunately, but the last time I was at an airport, it was either a 747 or an A380 I saw at another terminal through the windows and HOLY COW. I really do forget they're THAT big. To wrap it up- planes are really cool! Those who work in aviation or know about planes, I'd love to hear what YOU think would happen, if someone made a 'modern comet' and tried to fly it. Or if you have any interesting tidbits about it, I wanna see itttt! Until later, all. Cheers ♡
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undead-potatoes · 5 years
JustBrainfogThings: Putting food in the oven, then coming back to check up on it 30 minutes later only to realize you never turned the damn oven on in the first place
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hellfirexandxashes · 2 years
Rei huddles sheepishly against her too tall son. He was always so warm.
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Dabi was never quite fully coherent whenever he first awoke, sleep being something that never came easily to him these days. So whenever the pyro did manage to slip into dreamland, waking up fully provided quite a challenge for his body and mind. As such he mostly shambles around when he first wakes, so he doesn't put up much of a struggle or even a complaint when someone huddles up to him. It certainly wasn't the first time someone used him as a heating blanket (Toga being the main culprit usually) in his groggy state and it probably wouldn't be the last.
"Hnn?" Is all he can over, a questioning noise as his eyes barely crack open.
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ga-yuu · 2 years
Me going on twitter to check for any new events related to Ikegen and:
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Me: (O.O)
Me: Brain.exe shuts down.
Me: Reboot!
Me: "Yoritomo!? You okay buddy!? Yoshi, you grew your hair!? WTF is happening!?!?!? Is this a new event!? "What if the male leads were demons!? Did you change souls!? Is this 3rd-anniversary something-related-thing!?!? WHAT IS THIS!!?
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batwritings · 3 years
15 minutes of your time, dearest Bat, if I may. I'm studying to be a photographer, I really like taking pictures. A lot of the little jobs I do are taking graduation pictures for family friends. I got the idea of being the photographer of one of the boys, but in the nude....so I'm going to share it with you.
Model Gogy, because let's be honest he is so pretty and very photogenic. Filters are not needed for this man.
So you are hired to take photos of him on a regular because his agent likes the way your shoots come out. They have been the most flattering and it's all because you've got a crush on the British man. George is nothing but nice to you. The banter is easy and boarder line flirtatious at times. You are professional though.
Well one day you get an email from his agent, but it doesn't sound like them. 'Hey can we set up a shoot soon.' was the subject. The rest of the email was weird too. Not much information was shared and the dates were going to be in 2 days. Usually you got a week to prepare and plan things. But your Schedule was clear and to be honest you can say no.
So in the two days you scramble to get ready and made sure all your other projects were cleared out. You arrive at the address with probably more gear then you needed. It's just George there though he is awkwardly sitting at a table in the middle of the nearly empty studio waiting for you. He lights up when he sees you and even helps you with equipment. You ask him what the shoot was about and he blushes.
"I understand if you don't feel comfortable doing this. Honestly I wish my agent would have told you right from the start but I need nude pictures taken." He chews his lip nervous. The instant though of naked George with his dick out makes brain.exe stop working. The little longer you just stare at him the more nervous he gets, laughing weakly and rambling about something.
"I can...do the job." You blink back when he starts saying something about 'not worrying about it he can get someone else to do it but he trusts you'. He pauses and smiles relaxing some and smiling relieved at you.
"cool, thank you," he sounded like he wanted to say more but instead just fidgeted.
Clearing your throat you ask how he wanted to do this. He left it up to you. Again you couldn't think properly. Your own blush was surely visible. You look around at the sparse furniture. The large couch would have to work because it was the only thing besides the blankets and the floor. So you tell him the plan and proceed to set up. Usually you wouldn't, a scene would already be ready but this was different. George waited not wanting to get in your way. When it was ready you smiled at him.
"We can start when you are ready, okay?" He nods at you and plops down on the couch shifting a little awkwardly. Your camera was raised as you figured out the best angles for lighting. He was stiff and looked for once so uncomfortable.
"Do you want to do some normal shots to help you relax?" You ask giving him a warm smile trying to help him. He nods pulling off his jacket though.
"Maybe I can take of layers as we go." He says seeming to melt into his usual confidence. It was a good idea. He lounges across the sofa in his short, jeans, and shoes. Looking aloof and kinda reminding you of a cat.
He removed his shoes next, falling into another pose. Legs tucked against him and sprawled over a pillow. He looked so soft even in the slightly tight jeans. Which were the next things removed. George sat crisscross with the giant pillow him his lap and a daring look in his eyes. The light looked amazing spilling over his eyes and pale skin. There was hesitation on the next article of clothing. He settling on the socks instead. Crossing his ankles and popping his knees over the arm of the couch laying back with his shirt riding up his torso. A light whisper of a happy trail peaking out. It took longer for the next piece to so. A blush painted his cheeks. By now you were so focused on actually taking pictures you didn't even think about the situation anymore. His shirt was gone. His hands hiding parts of his chest and his eyes searched out yours. You pause for a moment taking in his figure. There before you was the nearly naked figure of the most attractive person you have ever seen. His lips were bitten red and his dark eyes looking up at you through thick lashes. The pretty pink looked like pastel chalk dusting his body. The pale skin seemed to glow in the bright lights and the many windows letting the natural sun in. Your breath catches when he give you a look that screams come here.
You don't move for a moment frozen just staring. He leans back spreading his legs and leaning back into the couch. His arms flexing as he holds them over his head and back. He is wide open and looked so damn good. You snapped a picture on accident your finger having been playing with the button. You lick your lips and clear your throat. Pushing your attention to the job. You take some pictures working hard not to drool over how god damn sexy he looked and inviting. Oh so inviting.
His hands slide down his body and stop around his waist band of his boxers smirking at you. Teasing the edges down. You gulp watching was the fabric slowly slides down his legs and pools in front of the couch. He is completely naked and standing in front of you. And the first thing you couldn't help but look at was his half hard cock. It twitched before your eyes. The muscles of his thighs flexing as he shifted into a better position on the sofa. Slouched back and looking like a lazy king. His hands gliding over his hips and dancing down his thighs. His eyes staring at you hard. One hand raised and he gave a come here gesture with one finger. Those dark eyes blown wide with the teasing lust. Your throat his dry and your camera is heavy in your hands.
Bitting your lip you move forward. He leans forward and takes the camera pulling you closer by the strap until you were nearly filling into his lap. He smirks and whispers, "wanna have some fun?" You shiver, slipping the strap off and nodding. He set the device down gently on the ground and takes your hips in his hands. He guilds you onto his lap. Your knees on each his of his hips. Those hands of his rubbing your thighs, looking up at your slightly and pressing your foreheads together. His breath smells so good, fresh and sweet like bubblegum.
He captures your lips in a hot kiss. His soft tongue dancing with yours.
While you kiss and relax more pieces of your wardrobe is removed allowing for George to touch you all over. The last thing to go was your underwear. He teases you firm hands pressing your ass and slapping it. You whine on his lap writhing excitedly. Your sex grinds against his and he moans too. The controlled ride of your hips into his was intoxicating. Your lips met and he leans you back to lay on the couch. Dipping between your spread thighs and licking your heat. The brunette sucks and licks at you for a long while your hands tangling in his hair. His slim fingers toying with your entrance. Using his own spit he presses in. A cry left your lips, stars dancing in your eyes and he continued. Your brains as become more empty the more time passed. An eternity later and you felt so fucked out you wanted to cum so badly. He kissed up your body settling between your legs. His hand that had prepped you smeared on the couch. His other hand tapping against your lips. You take them sucking hard and whining when he rubs the pads of his fingers over your tongue. When he removed them the next saliva was used to prep his cock.
The head was pressed into you slowly. Your legs wrapped around his hips and you leaned back moaning the further he pushed in. He wasn't very big but he did fill you perfectly. Tucking his hands under your thighs he lifts you off the couch some and draw his hips back before thrusting them forwards again. Grunting with he force he continues to build up his speed. You grab his thighs rolling your hips into him bouncing off his body as you meet in a slap of skin. The pleasure was maddening, the swell of release was just out of touch but this felt so perfectly good you didn't want to ever stop.
He stopped panted hard and moving you to lay with him, throwing your leg over his hip and the other straight tangled with his. This position hit something new for you cause you to cry out and grab hold of his hands on your hips. He speed up fucking hard and fast. You quivered and called out his name as you felt the swell spill over into creamy release. He followed soon after stilling deep inside and filling you up with a new pressure.
Needless to say you didn't get the pictures you needed.
rebooting in progress, please wait. . .
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necromanticwhxre · 3 years
I would *love* to Mommy you in a language you don't understand while you're in one of those bodysuits~
You'd wake up in a latex bodysuit, hooded so you can't see me or act on your own, you hear my condescending tone as I baby you and grope your diapered crotch, feeling you up as you wriggle around all confused~ Hushing you when you make a fuss and just cradling and groping you as I tell you all about your new life, despite you not understanding a word ♥️
Eventually you'd learn to love me, I'd let you hump through the diaper whenever you want ^-^ And I'd be oh so excited when you pick up your first words in the new language~
um um um
brain.exe not found. please contact your transgirl administrator for reboot
um um um pls pls pls pls pls um so um hots n cute n stuff um 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
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saintsandsinners · 2 years
Ghost OC Week - Day Four
Day One - Day Two - Day Three
For full disclosure this one is rather lengthy mainly because we couldn’t help ourselves and added in ‘little’ excerpts from what we’re working on. Due to length uh this one needs a cut. 
@ghostbcfandomevents April 6th - Somewhere in between - What steps did this character take to get to where they are now? Feel free to choose a specific time/era to focus on and describe what your oc was doing.
Vesper Harley
She got rather good at growing hellish plants and used her knowledge and skill to help with the rituals of the higher ups. This caused her to get particularly close to I who saw a lot of potential there and who gradually brought her higher up into the ranks before she eventually landed her own little church to watch over. With her husband, of course. 
Right now she is somewhat existing as a temptation to Copia. She initially met the man while tending their stall at the local market. She was selling some of their honey and fresh bread that day and ran into a particularly hungry looking Catholic priest. She eagerly offered the guy some spreadable honey on bread and he happily took it. At the time Copia was unaware of her organization as he was a relatively new priest sent in to take the place of an older member of the church that had died and had only recently arrived. She then gave the man a small jar of the honey to take with him as a welcoming gift. Copia, being the awkward little man that he is, returns the jar a few days later only to find a rather beefy man working the stand instead who happily goes on about his wife and even invites him to dinner. It’s at that specific dinner that he comes to realize that these two are the heads of the Satanic church in his area and are essentially his rivals of sorts. 
I was going to put some fancy excerpt here but it turns out my word doc I was working on didn’t save the last updates I made for it. I am too lost in sadness to rewrite it. Damn you word (or rather me not saving every now and then).
Varg Viking
As much as he enjoyed the architecture of the practically ancient abbey, Varg found the place to be more akin to a maze than a place of religious worship. Could he ask his chaperone where he was and how to find his way back to his room? Yes, theoretically he could have. Would his pride allow him to? No, it would not. The ghoul shadowing him hadn’t said anything for the better part of the morning, but at this point Varg knew better than to try and force him to say anything. Their attempts at smalltalk had ended poorly, so he’d just opted for surrender. 
The light at the end of the tunnel turned into blinding sun, and for a brief second, Varg could sympathize with Dracula and his kin. The next second, however, a solid shape collided with his chest, and a surprised yelp pulled his eyes away from the blinding sun to instead squint at the short person he had just walked into. Before his brain could catch up, he had already offered a chorus of apologies to the straw hat in his face. 
“I’m terribly sorry,” he exclaimed, crouching down to begin collecting the small bouquets of purple flowers strewn across the stone steps. “The sun blinded me, I’m so terribly sorry I didn’t see you, let me-”
He was interrupted by green eyes when he finally looked up, a few bouquets of flowers already in his hands. The wide-brimmed sun hat had hidden much of her face, but he was staring at one of the prettiest women he’d ever laid his eyes on. Thick red hair framed her face, still carrying her surprise, and Varg’s eyes zeroed in on the freckles smattered across her skin. 
“I, uh-” 
brain.exe has stopped working. Reboot? Yes/No
“I- Flowers?” he offered lamely when his brain still hadn’t caught up. The pretty woman’s face morphed from surprise into a shy smile, and she gingerly took the flowers from his offering hand. 
“Thank you,” she said, placing the flowers back into the wicker basket hanging from one of her arms. “I’ve not seen you before, I take it you’re one of the delegates from the other church?” 
A beat passed before Varg’s brain had processed the question. He slowly got to his feet and bent at the waist, bowing deeply as taught by his brothers. He may be a satanist, but he was also a gentleman.
“Varg Viking, at your service, miss…?”
“Vesper,” she started, before clearing her throat and standing a little taller. “Vesper Harley, pleasure to meet you, Varg.”
“Oh, the pleasure is all mine.”
[Moments later he had a severe allergic reaction. I’m lazy.]
Lola Sotelo
She essentially has only had the job for a few months at the time of writing this and she’s landed herself where she is due to poor financial management. 
Her current project is a bit.. Uh spicey. The manuscript she is attempting to piece back together details Ghoul anatomy and physiology though she doesn’t exactly know that due to it being written in a different language. The diagrams are rather in depth.
It was the smallest hint of a spark in his eyes.
The masked man’s eyes seemed to glow an almost fiery hue, flickering in the dark for the briefest moment before returning to their honeyed state. She could have sworn she saw them flare up like a log catching in a fireplace but as she blinked her tired eyes she quickly dismissed the notion. It was a trick of the light and nothing more. 
She gave the man a weary smile before casting one last look at the nearly complete manuscript before her. Sketches of nearly naked figures sprawled across the decaying paper and for a moment she felt a blush rise to her cheeks. 
So that’s what caught his eye. 
Though, she couldn’t tell if the interest from the stranger was born of disgust towards these devilish depictions or a strange sense of intrigue and perhaps even arousal. The drawn figures appeared to taunt her as her mind roamed, one even going as far as winking on the page before her as if it knew she had just been caught. A small part of her was at least grateful for the fact that this particular page was at least semi clothed. 
“I’m sorry for staying so late.” She managed out as she tore her eyes from the page. The man said nothing in response, only clutching his hands behind his back as his head tilted once more. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the masked man’s eyes flicker again with that strange spark before darkening once more. There was something about his gaze, something almost predatory, that made a small lump build in the back of her throat. 
It’s a trick of the light and nothing more. She thought as her hands busied themselves tidying her already neat workspace. A bit of candlelight on plaster, that’s all. 
“Do you find it interesting?” His voice was deep and heavily accented and the moment she heard it she gave a small gasp, her knees nearly hitting the bottom of the table as she bolted upright. She stared at the man with wide eyes as he merely tilted his head once more. She had never heard one of them speak, she was starting to doubt that they could. Yet here he was. 
And his voice.
It was hardly unpleasant though it brought more questions than answers. The accent was strange, not one she had heard before and certainly not one she had expected to hear. European was the best guess though that was rather obvious but it was all that she could muster and even that was vague. 
“What?” It was her turn to give a curious tilt. The masked man’s eyes narrowed though the throaty chuckle he gave hinted more at amusement than anger. 
“The manuscript. I take it, you read it while restoring it? Or at least saw the... diagrams.” His hand gestured to the pages laid out across the desk before falling to gently trace the corner of a page. She knew that page well. The illustration was covered with a thick wax paper to prevent further damage but a ghost of an image could still vaguely be seen through the white fog. She was not what one would call prudish but even she had the decency to blush.
“It was.. interesting. Unexpected for a church. Though the text is in Latin so the exact contents are still a mystery to me... What uh... what is it about?” Her lips twitched as she attempted to give him a polite smile. Her mind instantly scolding her for asking a priest, if one could even call him that, to describe an erotic manuscript. Her cheeks only turned a deeper shade of red as the reality of just what she had asked began to sink further and further in. 
“Ghouls. Creatures of Hellish origin. A bunch of horny bastards really.” She could practically hear the smile in his voice as he flipped the wax paper up revealing the figures below. A woman, human by all appearances, was crouched in front of a horned beast in worship. The creature was man-like to be sure but its horns, claws and tail gave away its devilish nature. As did it’s more.. intimate parts. Where one would have expected a more human appendage, a rather large almost animalistic thing stood. It was less like something one would expect given their current setting and more something reminiscent of what one would find on a late night horny deep dive.
“Interesting choice of words for a priest.” She tried diverting the attention away from the illustration. Her own eyes quickly darted away as she came to realize she was staring a touch too intently. They settled back on her utensils and she carefully plucked them from their place to return to their much loved case. She could hear him give a deep chuckle as the cloth of his robes crinkled against the desk.
“I’m no priest.”
Tefra gets caught spying on the new hire, Lola. He gets bullied endlessly for his inability to approach this cute short woman, and the other ghouls offer their unsolicited advice. Never ask ghouls for dating or courting advice. Cumulus suggested maybe the head of a vicious predator, girls love strong and dependable men. Cirrus suggested an elaborate meal, or perhaps a rare delicacy that shows his devotion to romance. Tefra has to remind them that Earth does not have hell-beasts and that he does not know what is rare in this realm. Or where to find it. Dew suggests borrowing something from the kitchen. Tefra has no intention of getting himself unsummoned. 
It culminates in Aether, ever the reasonable ghoul, suggesting Tefra just talk to the new hire when he’s her chaperone. Tefra thinks that might be a good idea, but he’s keeping the offerings as a backup plan. 
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crackinglamb · 3 years
Six Sentence Sunday
Tagged by @a11sha11fade, thank you!
Tagging...(brain.exe failure, reboot?) Anyone who has something they want to share!
Cheating a wee bit, just because the last two lines perfectly sum up Imogen's assessment of her beloved.
We stopped by my room on the way to his. Leli wasn't kidding. The room looks like a bomb went off in it. The furniture is kindling and the walls were a mess of things I'd rather not think about. Enough intact parts were apparently found to identify them as Venatori harlequins, and some few weapons survived passing through the wards Solas laid. I almost can't believe he could set something so powerful with a wave of his hand, but then I remember who I'm dealing with.
One should never mess with the Dread Wolf. It isn't pretty.
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