#*bitsy hugs intensify*
i wanna pet a koala they have no right being so fluffy
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askbeelzebub · 5 years
Itsy Bitsy Spider
((This idea struck me like lightning and I love me some sibling fluff so take this I guess hahshdhdhc @ask-asmodeus-infernal-sib ))
Asmodeus had just gotten home after spending all day at a meeting with his siblings, which wasn’t uncommon for him to do. What was uncommon was that directly after he got home and collapsed on his bed, his phone started ringing. He almost wanted to ignore it- he only had an hour or so before he had to start on the pile of paperwork he had been neglecting, and he was so exhausted. After a few seconds of deliberation, Az bit the bullet and grabbed his phone, feeling a little surprised to see a picture of his oldest sibling and himself on the screen- Beelzebub was calling. It wasn’t unusual for Bee to call him, but it was a little out of the ordinary for them to call so soon after a meeting. Maybe he had left something in Hell?
Az pressed the accept call button and put the phone to his ear. “Hey honeybee, what’s up?”
“Az?” It was Beelzebub alright, but their voice was shaky and uncertain.
Az stiffened immediately and sat up, already feeling his heart start to beat faster. “Yeah, it’s me. What’s going on?”
“Can you come back to Hell? Now?” Beelzebubs voice broke towards the end of his sentence- they sounded terrified.
They hadn’t even managed to get out the full sentence before Az was shooting out of bed and running towards the door, hurriedly putting his jacket back on. “I’m on my way, are you hurt?”
“N-No, just-” They cut themselves off with a noise that sounded suspiciously like a muffled scream. “Just hurry, okay?”
Az was already out the door and calculating how long it would take him to get back to Hell. “Two minutes, okay honeybee? It shouldn’t take me long.” He’d have to really haul tail if he wanted to make it in that time frame, but it sounded serious and Az wasn’t taking any chances.
There was silence on the other end, and the dread in Az’s bones intensified even more. “Honeybee?” He tried, and spared a glance at his phone to see that the call had ended. He cursed under his breath and tried to calm himself down enough that he could teleport safely. Az suddenly felt very stupid for leaving Beelzebub in Hell alone. Their siblings had only just left, but clearly something had happened to them in that time frame. Beelzebub had sounded terrified, and Az absently wondered if someone had started some sort of riot, but even that didn’t seem like it would be enough to garner actual fear out of his tough-as-nails sibling.
Az made it back to Hell in about 3 minutes (because unfortunately, semi-safe magic is a thing. Ugh.), and burst through the door of Beelzebubs office with his weapon in hand, wheezing haphazardly but still ready to kick the ass of whatever was hurting his sibling.
There was nothing immediately amiss, which only heightened Az’s confusion. “Beelzebub?” He managed to call out, lowering the weapon slightly.
A voice from the direction of their actual quarters caught his attention. “Az! In here!” Beelzebub somehow sounded more afraid in person than they did over the phone, and Az sprinted in the direction of their voice while steadfastly ignoring the pain in his chest from over-exercising. Halfway tripping on his way into their bedroom, he immediately located his sibling as well as several things that didn’t make any sense. One, Beelzebub was standing on a cabinet looking like the devil himself was coming for their soul, which was a very unusual position for Beelzebub. Two, there was no visible threat. Az had prepared himself to fight some supervillain, or, at the very least, an unusually intimidating demon. But a glance around the area revealed nothing- and Az was even more confused than he was earlier.
Az glanced to his sibling for answers, letting the weapon drop once more. Beelzebub shook their head desperately, seeming completely beyond words, and pointed insistently at the floor. Az slowly looked down, expecting to see something terrible, and found… a spider. A small one too. All of a sudden, everything clicked into place.
Az looked back at Beelzebub, who had their eyes squeezed shut. “Kill it, oh my god, just KILL IT! What are you waiting for?!”
Az blinked slowly, feeling the previous adrenaline and worry turn into a slight annoyance. “Really?” Beelzebub looked at him, seeming confused, which only heightened Az’s disbelief. “You made me come all the way back here just to kill a fucking spider?!”
“Azzy please just kill it- oh my god it’s getting closer to me, Az!” Beelzebub shut their eyes again, trying to get further away from the spider, which was slowly crawling towards the cabinet that they had taken refuge on. Az sighed. You love them, you love them… He reminded himself, taking a step forward and crushing the spider beneath his foot.
“Honeybee.” Az deadpanned, placing the tip of the weapon on the floor and leaning on it slightly. “I killed it. It’s dead.”
“Do you mean it? Are you sure?” Beelzebub still hadn’t opened their eyes and was clearly getting more determined to just stay on the counter forever.
“Yes, honeybee. It is very much dead, I promise.” The annoyance was giving way to amusement now, although the fact that he had booked it all the way back here for nothing still made him a little miffed.
Beelzebub opened their eyes cautiously, and Az stepped back so they could see the dead spider, which immediately made them a little green. Az sighed again and miracled paper towel to clean up the remains, and whatever annoyance he might have felt about doing so melted away when he saw the grateful look on Beelzebub’s face.
“You’re lucky you’re so adorable, honeybee,” Az stated, a semi-soft smile on his face as he finished cleaning up the spider. He turned to his sibling and held his arms out expectantly. “Come here, Bee.”
Beelzebub scrambled down from the cabinet with no hesitation, practically throwing himself into Az’s arms. They were pale and a little shaky, and Az felt a little guilty for finding their fear of spiders funny. He made up for it by giving them an extra tight hug.
“Sorry for making you come back here,” Beelzebub mumbled into his jacket, seeming mildly embarrassed now- hindsight was 20/20.
“What else am I here for, if not to save my older sibling from the terrors that stalk their room?” Az teased lightly, swaying slightly from side to side so they could both calm down. They had both gotten quite the scare today, for entirely different reasons.
“My hero.” Beelzebub muttered exasperatedly, earning a rather proud chuckle out of Az. It was nice to know that although Beelzebub had definitely been Az’s hero, Az could return the favor every once in a while- even for something as insignificant as killing a spider.
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