estarion · 6 months
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@altaqua / @auburniivenus / @fallesto
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3katanas · 6 months
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@auburniivenus asked: come on. at least pretend that you like me. From: come on. at least pretend that you like me.
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He was off duty for once, given the night to explore the mortal world as he pleased due to the current mission he'd been sent on. Meaning he'd been enjoying some drinks at the bar by himself, relaxing in the silence of being alone until a familiar beauty graced the establishment with her presence. Something he hadn't thought much of since she seemed to be out with college friends. That was until suddenly she was pressed against his side, clearly using him as a shield against a few males that weren't getting the hint that she didn't want their attention.
Gaze sliding to hers for a moment he sighed, knowing there was no point in even trying to deny her request for help, not that he would have. He'd started countless barfights in his academy days due to males not being able to handle a simple no after all.
Shifting in his seat he slid off the bar stool, one arm moving to wrap around her waist and pulling her into his chest as he leaned down. Lips brushing her ear even as he angled her body away from the males, putting himself between them as he offered her his seat. "Why are you assuming I'd have to pretend."
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spiderwarden · 7 months
"May I braid your hair?" A gentle request. ( TACKLES BACK THE SOFTNESS)
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Adorable. Really it was. Minthara tilts her head with the addressing of the inquiry presented by the younger of the two. Red eyes taking all of this Orihime so keen to touch her hair, 'twas unsurprising it not the first time that she has had younger women trying to reach the perfection of which the Baenre House presented themselves. But handing a brush to the girl would be like handing an infant a comb and a cutting blade, one look at her and she is immediately reminded of her own daughter. While most of the memories were shattered with the blast of the Absolute in the towers, the bond remains - even hundreds of miles above the surface cut off from her life forever. Even so, Minthara still remembered a few things. And one of them were of her little hands clinging into her father's head as she chewed his hair happily, much to Minthara's dismay at the time. "Surely you have your own to take care of."
Minthara straightens with the rest of the long braid of her shoulder, only freshly complete from the high bun she often threw up in a hurry, "In Menzobarranzan, intricacy of how one presented her hair was often a sign of their status, their standing, and thus the caretaking of their proverbial crown often times were held in high regard. An honor even among servants to even lace their fingers into the essence of their betters." She continues with the lift of her hand to swiftly, yet playfully, tap the handle of her comb between her eyes. Then twirls the item between her fingers to present it as a gift. The drow could spare one, and one only - they were some of the last items of her home in Qu'ellarz'orl, "You are no servant Child, nor should you act as such. Here, a gift. It is superior to any you will find here on the surface."
@auburniivenus / Orihime being CUTE!!!
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fereldensheroes · 5 months
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@auburniivenus asked:
“Just let me know if you need anything.” Gentle timbre utters, placing a basket of apples upon the table. (Gwen! :3)
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The woman offered a bright smile at the sight of the apples. One was picked up and turned over in her hands. "Y'know... I think we could make somethin' real nice with a few'a these. I don't have anythin' for pie pastry, but I know a nice recipe for fryin' up apples with cinnamon. Tastes like an apple pie without th' pastry." A brow rose as her smile held. "What'd'ya think?"
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geraniumplant · 7 months
“see.. you’re dying so much in this game because you need to dodge the bullets. not run into them. duh.” (grimm :3)
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" If this was a REAL fight those puny pixels would be dead already." He just might blast a cero at the TV again.
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miidama · 1 year
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Send me a character + a number from 1-10!
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Here is Orihime! Thank you for the nice comment @auburniivenus; it's super nice to hear people like my art! Also gosh this palette was kinda troublesome at first, but I ended up liking it at the end lol.
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demonsfate · 8 months
@auburniivenus sent . . . "Teach me how to pole dance!"
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The request ( or demand ? ) knocks the air right from his lungs. His brown irises prominent as his eyes widen while he catches his breath again. He didn't know why, maybe it's round face with those big eyes, but Jin didn't suspect Orihime to be fascinated with the art of pole dancing.
He regains his hardened composure, although face still appears trapped in puzzlement.
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❝ You want to learn ? I'm not really much of an expert . . . but I can teach you what I know, if you'd like. ❞
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astrummorte-m · 9 months
@auburniivenus. starter call.
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"Do you think, perhaps, that it's an easy target to make fun of someone who is different?" a gentle smile curls across the fanged and clawed human ( or something that paraded around as such ) before orihime. "Pardon me, that's not good bedside manners. Nor the best way to introduce myself. Greetings, my name is Aryin Ashland and I'm a swordsman that's gotten myself a touch lost it seems."
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estarion · 5 months
"I need you to pet me."
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He’s perched on a stool, tinkering with the lock on a curious little chest when she strides up. A soft huff escapes his nostrils at her—request? Demand? The absolute cheek of her. “Only good girls receive ‘pets’ from me.” Astarion runs fingers along his jaw, right brow arching significantly as he appraises her, bottom to top.
There’s no evidence that she’s been naughty, but he sees nothing to convince him of the contrary, either. For all he knows, he could be looking at Faerûn’s greatest offender! “Hmm… what is your real purpose in dancing all the way over here?” Suspicion. He glances down at the still-unopened chest nestled between his legs. “Was it this?” He lowers his hand and caresses the iron lid, shooting a wink up at her. “I’ll have it open soon, promise~”
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3katanas · 7 months
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@auburniivenus asked: “if i go on that scary looking roller coaster, would you consider coming on with me?”
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While he'd been in charge of districts before his advancement in rank, he'd never actually spent much time....if any actually, interacting with the living. Thus being assigned as Inoue's guard had come with a vast change in not only in his day-to-day life but his experiences as well. Such as this....and amusement park. He'd spent the day meandering after her and her friends. Attention shifting all around them looking for signs of a threat and finding none while also simply enjoying the environment. How often was his world filled with the laughter of children and screams of thrilling excitement not terrorized fear? The sight of such unbridled joy had brought a small glimmer of a smile to his lips, one that remained as his attention shifted down to her.
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Watching her for a moment before looking up at the ride she'd indicated. "Are you going to scream the entire time we're one it?"
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whcnimdone · 5 months
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sister, ewww.
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orangeshinigami · 7 months
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" --I have a feeling LOLY kinda wants to be a part of our relationship." @auburniivenus
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kiigan · 5 months
"in an hour of need" prompts @auburniivenus requested: [ KISS ]: sender, after being cared for by the receiver, breaks the tension that's been building since they walked through the door, and pulls them in for a kiss.
Am I being dramatic again,
ㅤhe'd asked, body moving of its own accord to catch in arms her slender frame; bring close, care for, protect. As though ingrained in his very genetic code from birth. Her gaze had spoken volumes, then, eyes in the loveliest shade of honey-brown alight with a blend of surprise, amusement, and the tiniest bit of awkwardness. Something she excels at, to never be prepared to acknowledge how wonderful she is, how worthy of everything good this world has to offer, and that he's adamantly taken upon himself to remind her of. With words, actions, and, yes, occasionally with potentially exaggerated reactions. What are Uchihas without their melodrama, after all.
ㅤIn his defense, other than obsessiveness meticulous prudence, there have been tales that lack a happy ending, of health matters apparently too small and too unassuming that evolve into actual tragedy, precisely, due to such lack of care. Ignore a sneeze and next week it'll morph into pneumonia, overlook a cut and next week you'll be amputating an arm ripe with infection. Uchiha dramatics, through and through. So what if he might have overreacted on account of a sprained ankle? If Sasuke shall never truly escape the clutches of an overprotective big brother, so shall Orihime be equal parts blessed and cursed with a lover who'll shake earth and skies alike upon her smallest inconvenience.
As far as Itachi is aware, she very much indulges.
ㅤWith the brief walk through the village behind them, now safely tucked inside the cozy walls of their shared home, that's when he eventually relaxes - as much as such a verb can ever be applied to the ANBU captain. Some further steps and he's tenderly setting her down on the bed, the words unspoken yet the intention so loud in the air around them it might as well be heard all the way over by Sunagakure. That he expects her to rest for the remainder of the day; ideally, the remainder of the week. The remainder of the month, if the hospital directors can so kindly be persuaded; if not, then why else is he blessed with such extreme proficiency in the arts of genjutsu?
ㅤBefore chance comes for him to go fetch her some extra cushions and a comforting cup of tea, however, delicate hands that reach for his face so impossibly gently give him pause. And, again, before chance is allowed to process the movement and much less react to it, their lips meet so eagerly, so hungrily that, by the time his princess allows him to pull back again, Itachi is left visibly breathless. So very much not complaining, despite confusion now written all over his features; previous purpose actually forgotten and drowned in the taste of her left all over his mouth. And it's almost endearing, how effortless it is for her to command his best sense. Like a puppy quietening down, he kneels on the floor beside and rests his head on her lap with a sigh of pure bliss.
«...I may have forgotten what I intended to say next.»
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battleguqin · 7 months
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"Hope you don't find it girly, but I really think it'll look so good on you. Happy Valentine's day!"
He looked it over with a little hum from pressed lips. Though his head rose and lips quirked into a soft smile. "This is so cute." he said to her with laughter in his tone. "I love it." he said as he held it to his chest, and glanced down at the gnomes with their bright clothing. "I think it will fit." he assured her. Sizhui was slender but wide shouldered.
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He undid the simple button up shirt and folded it under his arm. So he was in his black undershirt. Pulling the sweater on over his head and down to have a look. A hand came up to push his fingers through his hair to get out of his eyes. "So what do you think ?" he asked. "It doesn't seem girly to me." he said as he glanced down at himself, adjusting the bottom of the shirt over his jeans. "Thank you." he said as he brought his cell phone up to have a good look at it. "I think it suits just fine." he agreed. "What do you plan to do today ?" he asked finally as he placed his cell into his back pocket "If you would like I would be happy to treat you to lunch." @auburniivenus
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luminescenc1e · 9 months
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The sidewalks were in danger of flooding. It was always like this, as soon as it rained for longer than an hour, streets became unusable. “ We go inside her, wait it out? No need to trudge through rainwater and whatever else. What do you say? ”
@auburniivenus from the starter call / accepting.
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bonescribes · 6 months
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@auburniivenus: ❛  thank you for trusting me with this. it really means a lot to me.  ❜ (kurama or yukito :3 )
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yukito smiles gently , a clear relief invading his countenance . he hadn't even expected her to believe him , let alone to take it as well as she is . honestly , he'd never wanted to tell her -- or anyone -- at all , but there's only so much he can do to hide it when yue's been so active lately . switching places with the moon guardian isn't a taxing ordeal in and of itself , but yukito isn't exactly resting when yue takes over , so too much time spent doing whatever dangerous ( but necessary , of course ) activities takes quite the toll on yukito , even if it isn't technically him doing it .
all this to say , the truth coming out was more or less an inevitability .
" your belief means even more , " he says . " really , hime - chan , i -- i didn't think anyone would ever believe me . so thank you . and , i ... i don't really control when we change places , but i'm sure you could meet my other self , some time . he would really like you . "
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