#*002. pony express // answered ask.
manteaublanc · 4 months
am i to assume you are the expert? / omg hello !!
lilo and stitch starters
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" MA MIE, THERE is a reason men of my kind die young, but i have not, " he speaks frankly, as he would to anyone in camp, " i know you don't seek advice, especially from bad men, so allow me to plant a seed & leave its watering up to you, madame: leave this place. as soon as you are able. do not build a debt to that man -- in money or bond, keep him at a distance. "
his tone is that of the crackling fire before them -- warm, comforting, but a warning of destruction that was as natural to him as it was to the flame kept only at by by constant vigilance.
" it should strike you as odd, the company he keeps. i don't mean morality, cherie, i mean desperation. look around you: you see orphans. you see women who are barely women, & were not so when they came to us. a single mother, " he gestures to himself, " a single father. people who cannot help their station, no? & the man that is the only one in a station of his own creation is supposed to lead us all to riches? what i am saying is do not trust him. do not owe him. the moment you find the means to leave this dreadful place, take it. many of us have tried, but i believe you have the strength to succeed. "
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manteaublanc · 4 months
“this is the face of romance.”
lilo and stitch starters
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BROWS RAISE AT the sight of his beloved songbird caked in mud as she brings her prize to her nest: a can of strawberries, his favorite.
" truly, ma collombe, " he says, kissing her anyway & taking the strawberries with delight, " i have a gift for you, too! " & from his pocket, he retrieves a small box of chocolates.
" i would have pocketed more, but the little lady was getting overwhelmed by all the people in town today. " the little lady is question had fallen asleep on the bed, her own box of chocolates in a tight grip in her little fist.
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manteaublanc · 4 months
" i'm the one they call when things go wrong … and things have indeed gone wrong . " ( if i don't send at least one thing that is funny it's not me )
lilo and stitch starters
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" IF WE ARE both being sent, mon ami, perhaps it is best to cut our losses, " he says to the younger man, " what sort of job requires your mind & my size? " nothing good, if he were honest. he eyes the camp at the base of the hill through the scope of his rifle before swinging it so arthur could take a look.
" monsuier morgan, i have a bad feeling about this. it's foolish for dangerous, wanted men to camp in the open. why are they? this feels like a trap, no? " or perhaps age has made him paranoid.
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manteaublanc · 4 months
at least a rabbit would behave better than you.
lilo and stitch starters
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" WELL, CHERIE, PERHAPS there may be a reason i am called the bear & not the rabbit, " he does not even look up from the building he's digging under, " now are you going to help me or keep ... how you say ... supervising? "
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manteaublanc · 4 months
“I think the bruise matches my eye color.”
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" THAT'S NOT FUNNY, ma colombe, " he grumbles, washing his bloodied hands in the wash basin, " not now, anyway. maybe in the morning when my hands aren't shaking. " he sighs heavily to get the tension out of his chest before facing her, " are those stitches holding? "
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manteaublanc · 4 months
“Press that against the wound, I’m going to get the med kit.”
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" MERCI, " HE MUTTERS, doing as the lady asks with a small hiss as the rag makes contact with the wound, " i don't suppose you have any whiskey in that kit? "
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manteaublanc · 4 months
“It’s going to hurt for a moment, but I’ll need to clean the wound.”
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HER WORDS ARE met with a snort.
" its not my first stab wound, mademoiselle, " he grumbles, putting one of his suspenders between his teeth to bite down on it, " do your worst. "
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manteaublanc · 4 months
tag dump: general blog things
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