#*. luca001
iscavalcante-blog · 7 years
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It’s such a shame to not spend some time outside, when the sun is finally coming out. Although she didn’t have much time before the air gets colder. So, when she woke up earlier this morning, she went out to find a perfect spot to sit down and finished the book she had been carrying around since last week. Apparently, it took her a little bit longer than she used to finish her essay. It hadn’t been a good ten minutes since she gets fully invested in her reading, when she felt someone’s gaze at her. She stares back at the other and pursed her lips, annoyed at the fact that she’s not able to read through his expression.
“--Is there anything I can help you with?”
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alliroe · 4 years
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐎𝐑: @jmestm​
          alli HATES bars — well not always, but she’s really hating them now. there’s a reason she doesn’t come to these places without a friend in tow ( seriously, if she wanted to drink ALONE she’d do it in the nice comfort of her own apartment, thank you very much ). she hadn’t originally come alone tonight, but her friend has been in the bathroom like fifteen minutes now which is making her doubt exactly what’s going on in the bathroom. not really wanting to go find out personally, she makes her way back to the bar, hand up to flag the bartender who places a drink down on the bar in front of her before she can even get her order out. she picks up the glass, question OBVIOUS in her eyes before the woman jerks her thumb over her shoulder. the picture makes itself clear once she leans to the side to spot him, eyes rolling as she raises the glass in his direction in mock toast. but a quick survey of the room confirms that the other guy who’s been bothering her all night is still staring her direction in a way that feels a lot less friendly than her perpetual flirt. with LUCA, at least, she knows exactly what she’s getting into and that is enough to send her in his direction.     “ so what’s the occasion, sport ?? ”     she asks cheerfully, squeezing into the minimal space next to where he’s sitting, a perfectly shaped brow rising ( courtesy of des, certainly not her work ). red lips take a pull from her drink,     “ having trouble picking up ?? ”     somehow, she finds that unlikely.
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delphinewinter · 5 years
The First Rule Of Fight Club
WHO: Delphine Winter & @lucachristensen WHEN: Sunday Afternoon {Past} WHERE: AU Campus WHAT: Del comes up with a brilliant idea to help both of them with their “boredom” problems.
Delphine was bored, she had thought that school starting up again would make things better. Summer had been a complete waste. Staying with people she'd rather murder then converse with. Sadly, the new school year wasn't offering much either. She needed to find something to hold her attention. Before she started creating chaos for fun. Scrolling through her phone she glanced up from her spot every so often. Fate intervened and one of her favorite sources of entertainment just happened to walk by. Getting up quickly she shoved her phone in her back. "Luca," she caught up to him a mischievous grin on her lips. "Just the person I was looking for." She knew poking Luca was like poking an angry bear most of the time. Though his time on the mainland seemed to calm him a little. Much to her dismay. She missed the days of bloody fistfights and building fires. "I was just thinking, I wonder what Luca has been up too. I've missed our chats."
He found it strange that once he made it passed the food and the amazing about of pillows he could collect in a good condition. Luca was pretty sure the best thing about the mainland was their various music options. heavy beats always seemed to stream through his earbud on the daily. even when fellow villain children slide up next to him. taking a drag of his cigarette, he pulled one bud out when he saw who it was. hearing her speak made him scoff out loud. “bullshit.” was offered gruffly as he pulled his phone out, the cracked screen had a deep red in between the shards. his fingers were well calloused since. “you’re probably just randomly fucking bored and i am the poor fucker that happened to be walking by.” he eyed her as breathed the cancerous smoke from his lips. they weren’t really friends. Delphine wasn’t the type of fucking person that hung around with his sort of disenfranchised royal blood. or that’s what people would think anyway. she probably enjoyed violence nearly as much as he did. taking another drag he breathed out before cracking his knuckles. “so, what do you want?” he didn’t really feel like dragging a conversation out.
A normal person probably would have taken offense to Luca's harsh tone. Del on the other hand just chuckled lightly. "And here I thought you didn't take the time to know anything about people." She kept up with his pace as she sighed. "But you're not completely wrong. I was just thinking that this place was far to quiet." There was a pout to her lips. Shifting so she was in front of him. She walked backward as she spoke. "Then  I realized its been forever since I saw a good brawl. Or even a one-sided one-hit knockout. Which you know are my favorite forms of entertainment." She slowed to a stop. Her eyes dropping to glance at his hands. "But your knuckles are looking rather healthy these days. Does that mean that my favorite fighter has turned over a new leaf??"
a shrug was all he offered at her unsaid insinuation. that maybe Luca cared more than he ever said. more like he observed. knew enough to discern a threat. consciously he flexed his hands in reaction to her question. it had been. a long time. sighing he took the last drag of his cigarette before tossing it. it helped mask the phantom taste of blood on his tongue. yeah. he got that. "we all make sacrifices not to go back there." was the only reply he had to offer. running a hand through his hair, just to give one of them something to do... other than clenching so tightly he could feel the blunt edge of his nails dig in. he couldn't put into words what he had stirring in his chest. how it crawled up his spine and reached for his throat. it was the same thing that urged for something to burn. someone to bleed. move the focus. swallowing the snarl deep in his throat, he cleared it as he focused on her face. "are you going to start getting your hands fucking dirty?"
She knew that he wasn't wrong. they all had to hide parts of themselves to fit in. It was like one big game of pretending. Only you weren't really allowed to relax. She chuckled a little as she shook her head. "Oh Darling, we both know I do not get my hands dirty." she crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm far too pretty for that kind of work. I am a much better spectator." Her head tilted, her words giving her an idea. A gleam of excitement flashed in her eyes as she spoke up again. "What if I told you that we could work together to fix both our problem." she grinned a little. "You get to release some of the "tension" I know you are trying really hard to strangle down. And I get to watch a little bloodshed." she was practically buzzing. If only she would have thought of this sooner, she wouldn't have been so fucking bored.
every one of his instincts wanted to tell her to fuck off. he didn't want to a fucking thing to please anyone. but there was another part of Luca. one that he could easily recognize as desperate for something. anything. quietly he paused for a moment. the vk in front of him was bloodthirsty in her own right. she always had something to say about the shit he had done on the isle. usually something along the lines of praise. which had been fucking weird then. despite his usual urge to brush it off, he eyed her shrewdly before cracking his knuckles just by clenching his fists. "what did you have in mind?"
the smile that grew a crossed Del's lips was almost devilish as she let her arms drop. "Well, you remember the fights back on the isle. The ones that Manu ran." she'd spent countless evening watching them. To be fair there was only so much in the way of entertainment on the isle. Plus the ragging hormones and testosterone of most of the male occupants lent itself nicely for the event. "What if we put together our own little fight night. Here on the mainland." She chewed at her lips for a moment as she thought. She took a step closer, "You would get to knock out a few teeth and bust a couple heads. And I get entertainment. We would both profit. Take bets, serve drinks, make it a big show." Her eyes twinkled with a kind of ambition that was usually dangerous in Del's hands. "Not that you care about the show. That's my ends of things."
yeah he remembered them. didn't usually participate in the fight ring. it had a semblance of rules. at that time he preferred no rules and the chance that the opponent didn't get back up. it was more fun that way. but the more Delphine spoke on it. the more he had a feeling it would be perfect for him now. Luca needed to have a few rules to follow but also fucking needed blood on his hands. he watched her as she took a step closer to him. a twinkle in her eyes he knew could be dangerous. fucking thrilling. "you're right I don't fucking care." he started as he moved to walk around her but not allowing his long legs to carry him away too quickly. "but I'm listening."
She practically bounced in her spot as he shifted to start walking again. "I'll take care of everything. All you have to do is bring your beautiful self and that unbridled rage you've corner the market on." She followed along next to him. Her mind working at a million miles a while as she started to piece things together in her head. "We need a location and fighters. I'm sure I can get both just give me a couple days. And I'll have everything worked out. I'll keep you  posted." She pulled out her phone instantly firing off a text as she paused her steps. "I don't think I've been this excited for something in ages..." she caught back up to him.
Despite himself, he smirked at her behavior. Luca could obviously tell she was excited. it was an odd occurrence in his mind he couldn't judge her for it. there was a thrill of excitement rolling up his spine. it could be worth it. "I'll leave all that shit to you. probably can get more than a few idiots to go for it." his legs continued to carry him along but for the first time that day, he was looking forward to something. shit it had been a few months. "just don't get too fucking excited until you can actually find a place and shit." maybe he was tempering his own excitement with all of the appointments he's dealt with in life. "but it would be fun to break a few bones." a smirk pulled at his lips in thought. his or someone else's.
She rolled her eyes a little. "I'll find a place don't you worry." She knew just who to ask too. I just had to figure out how to win them over. "Okay, I have a lot of planning to do," glanced up at him as she spoke. "And I'm sure I've overstayed my welcome in your presence. So I'll leave you to it." She shifted as she changed directions allowing Luca to continue on his own path. Pausing for a moment she turned back to him. "I'll be in touch soon." Was slipped from her lips as she offered a little wave.
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