#**disclaimer** this is a dream interpretation meaning its fun and fascinating but holds no weight other than being another theory
pop-punklouis · 5 years
Two Ghosts Dream Theory:
@somethingpoppy wanted me to do this even though we didn’t get the full video. So, I’m doing it <3 The visuals we did get is enough, and with how whimsical and dream-like the entire sequence is, my skin has been itching to at least pick it apart in a dream interpretative style—
The barren wasteland of the landscape has two very fascinating meanings tied to it in dreams:
To have your subconscious dream of a barren, almost apocalyptic, landscape may represent the feeling of emptiness in your waking life. This could be tied to experiencing a situation where you feel excluded, no one knows you, or perhaps (the most important one) you’ve made changes in your lifestyle that have deemed you unrecognizable: This could symbolize the fight of the closet in Harry’s reality- especially when he sat down to write this song. Maybe, he felt excluded or unrecognizable since he couldn’t express who he really was or who he really loved. On a more positive note, it could also symbolize a more recent interpretation of his song once he recorded it, him making steps to express himself as an LGBTQ+ person which has deemed him unrecognizable to a large portion of his fans/general audience.
To dream of a barren wasteland could be interpreted as feelings about a lack of opportunity or fun. An empty social life. A feeling that nobody around you really wants to help you. A serious situation where you’ve felt on your own in this battle. Feeling that it might take a long time to restore the love or happiness of your life that was around, either with a person, or on your own that was ripped away from you: This can obviously be tied, again, to Harry’s closet. This could’ve been him struggling with the fact that he’s missed out on opportunities and events tied to his community or tied to being free with his sexuality. His social circle, at the time, being plagued with loads of people who were more than happy to perpetuate the straight agenda that was set out for him. Feeling helpless, like no one in arm's length of him can physically help him escape those chains. A very melancholic sensation of being pushed and prodded back into the closet so many times alongside his partner, that he knows it will take a long time for him to feel as restored in his happiness and the purity of his love for himself and this person (Louis) that was suddenly taken away from him (also represented by the first snipped being a very lush and healthy growing scene of nature that could reflect how he felt before the iron closet locked its door).
 Whimsical Landscape:
To dream of a landscape that is more apparent in a dreamlike-haze with unusual or odd features, representing something you might connect with an unpredictable curiosity... could represent the limbo state between wakefulness and sleep. There is a brief period of time between waking and sleep when reality begins to warp. Your subconscious dives deep into early waters of your dream, and the world becomes a bit more whimsical and hallucinatory. To remember dreams with this environment symbolizes the early REM sleep cycle where you’re existing somewhere between sleep and awake— otherwise known as the twilight period. Where reality and fantasy fold into one another: To have a very Dr. Seuss aesthetic that is found in the Two Ghosts music video could mean that the visuals represent a blurring of Harry’s real-life versus his desired life. A FINE LINE if you will. This could represent him being stuck in a sense of limbo where he doesn’t know how to express himself or how it would be perceived due to the stunting his reality has put him through. He, as a person, exists somewhere between sleep and awake, and he’s battling how to break through and live comfortably in that space which could also tie into his identity.
 Rainbow Substance:
Seeing a rainbow either in form or tone in a dream is very similar as how it is when you see it in waking life. It represents a universal symbol of hope, luck, fortune, and wishes. They also are connected to bridges, bridging you from one place to another. This bridge can indicate a turning point for your life. If there are issues around your relationship either inside or by outside forces, these will come to an end. The message behind rainbows in dreams is ALWAYS “keep on keeping on” since they are the light after a storm: This could represent Harry keeping the faith and not losing sight of what he’s been striving towards as he goes through these hardships that can sometimes turn into barren wastelands. The rainbow oozing out of the ground and encapsulating the environment could indicate that bridge of change that is on the horizon, only brighter skies and more life that is left to be lived in his future with his identity and his partner.
When RAINBOW COLORS are seen in a dream, it’s incredibly important to pay attention to the more prominent colors in the rainbow. If the rainbow seems to have a distinctive color pattern there might be an indication that there’s hidden meaning between those tones. In Harry’s rainbow, the colors that are highlighted the most are blue, pink, and yellow.
BLUE: The color blue in a dream symbolizes trustworthiness, devotion, and healing. It also represents karma and natural energy: With Harry’s partner, Louis, being associated with everything blue, the blue tone of the rainbow could indicate him above all else. How Louis keeps him believing in trust and devotion. How Louis has always radiated a healing power to his energy, and of course, the karma that will rise as their relationship stands strong and flourishes.
PINK: Hues of pink in a dream usually represent love, joy, happiness, and kindness. In hotter tones it can represent lust and passion: With Harry wading in the rainbow river, this color could symbolize giving into and trying to submerge himself into the mindset of giving back love and happiness and kindness to the world even though he hasn’t always been shown it in return. It can also represent how bathing himself in that rainbow could give him all those feelings, genuinely.
YELLOW: The color yellow is symbolic of integrity, intelligence, sunny disposition, and harmony: Again, having yellow feature heavily in the rainbow could indicate how wading in this rainbow river and bathing in its colors could finally give Harry peace of mind. He could finally live freely if he was able to completely soak himself in the colors of the rainbow.
 Texture of the Rainbow:
To dream of a substance being sticky or thick in texture that you are wading through can indicate hardships in life that are difficult to get out of. It can represent a situation or idea that you’re slowly being consumed by whether you’re in control of it or not: It’s evident from the clips presented in the two ghosts music video that the rainbow sludge is a very gloopy texture by the way that it hangs and drips from the trees. With the still of Harry standing in the substance it could represent a more wicked symbolism of the rainbow color mixed with its texture. Perhaps it might’ve been easier to play the part of suppressing his sexuality and performing heterosexually to the public and in his personal life. But, the rainbow could’ve been indicative of quicksand. A very complicated and hazardous substance to pull yourself out of. With Harry being stuck in the middle of it, he could’ve tried to steer himself clear of that part of him, but with every move he took the quicksand just further clung to his legs and solidified his place in it, slowly sinking him deeper within. This could mean no matter what he couldn’t get away from the rainbow in his life, and it began consuming every part of him. To the point where he realized that this is who he’s meant to be and the only way to get through the gloop is to work with it instead of against it. (Representative of him picking up pieces of the rainbow in his hand and him bathed in rainbow light in the tour visuals).
 White Button Up Shirt:
To dream of wearing nothing but an oversized white shirt, blouse or button-up, is a very common dream visual. It is a very reassuring symbol, beautiful even. In the modern world, white clothing indicates clarity but not externally. No, the clarity is internal: an internal clarity. When awareness and doing are merged with one another. With this shirt being oversized, it could represent an overwhelming clarity that is almost drowning you as your life is enlightened by its purpose. It’s important to note that the color white is the SUM OF ALL COLORS, reflecting white when the sun hits it which also symbolizes a sense of purity: The most fascinating part of the music video, in my opinion, is Harry’s clothing choice. With him wearing this large white button-up looking down with a mixed expression of curiosity and pensiveness of the rainbow colors soaking his legs, it very well could symbolize how wading in this rainbow river could’ve given him all the inner clarity he needs. Seeing the colors... Indulging in the colors... Knowing that everything regarding who he is and who he wants to become is only possible by being submerged in that rainbow. By willingly touching and accepting the rainbow, all the colors have merged, into one, inside of him creating the white light (sum of all colors) that has given him that clarity and purity he’s been seeking all this time.
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