#*ੈ🪦 ( eden munson ; verse) ‧₊˚
autopsified · 1 month
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a moment of appreciation for the J's Munson Clan Cinematic Universe and how unfairly pretty they are <3
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autopsified · 1 month
·:¨༺ ♱ ༻¨:· | | @chrissyfied's last words ; “why are you freezing me out all of a sudden? I thought you were happy I was dating again, and now you act like it pains you to hear about it.”
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In hindsight yeah, maybe Eden shouldn't have said that. Especially since it was a big fat fucking lie from the very beginning. In her defense she didn't think Chirssy would go and pick such a goddamn loser to wear as her arm candy when she said yeah girl, get back out there!
"Freezing people out is all I do. Thought you would have gotten the memo by now," Eden says. Arms crossed over her chest and her brows pulled together enough to crease her foundation on her forehead, this is very clearly more than her natural bitch face. She is officially pissed off. "Actually, hearing anything about Dylan's existence is excruciating for me. The fact that I'm getting daily updates about him now? Honestly, I think I'd rather volunteer for the Russian Sleep Experiment. Maybe I'd actually get something out of that if I survived."
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"He's a braindead manchild still drooling and dragging his knuckles on the ground. And you want him?!" Her normally eerily even voice cracks a little bit with a small shriek at the end. "You're Chrissy fucking Cunningham- you can have anyone at Hawkins High you want! And you chose him? That's embarrassing." She sniffles a little bit. Surely her nose is only running cause her face is so hot it's melting whatever mucus was already in her nasal passage and not because she's about to cry. Talk about embarrassing. "It's social suicide enough being my friend. And when your mom's about to pass a fucking kidney stone over this, who do you think she's gonna make you drop? An idiotic asshole, or the white trash Satan worshiper?"
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autopsified · 15 days
·:¨༺ ♱ ༻¨:· | | @sophiaharrington's last words ; [ hurt ] sender hurts receiver with words
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"I'm not gay."
It's a knee-jerk reaction, and Eden knows that the truth is a lot more nuanced than this simple statement. But it's the near disgust Sophia says it with that rubs her the wrong way.
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Eden looks over at her, black clad eyes squinting a little bit at her while eyebrows perk up. "Right, you're not," she says. Her usual casual deadpan is now laced with poison. "You're straight as a fuckin' arrow. And the fact that you love my tongue down your throat so much is completely irrelevant."
She looks forward again, pressing her fingers into her temples and then running them through her hair. "You know; sometimes you're such a bitch. You know how bad you have to be for me to think that?"
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autopsified · 29 days
·:¨༺ ♱ ༻¨:· | | @jestersandbrokencrowns's last words ; "Could you stop pacing? You're making me dizzy."
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Eden whirls around to face him, eyes glaring daggers at him from across the room. While she does stop pacing, she instead grabs an empty soup can off the coffee table and chucks it at him as hard as she can.
"Then stop looking," she spits at him. Eden is already temperamental enough without everything going on with her cousin. But being worried sick about him and keeping him away from the police, showing up at Reefer Rick's only to find it Eddie-less, is just about the worst thing that could happen.
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They're just waiting for the others to show up so they can all figure out where to start looking for him. But in the meantime Eden is just about losing her fucking mind.
She doesn't go back to pacing, but she does cross her arms tightly around her and start picking off what's left of her nail polish from last week. Saturdays morning is when she does her nails. But Saturday morning was when the police were knocking on her door to ask where Eddie was. "... it would've been on the news if they found him, right?" she asks. She can't ask for any kind of reassurance or emotional comfort. It would be too big of a blow to her ego. But fuck, she kind of really needs it.
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autopsified · 29 days
·:¨༺ ♱ ༻¨:· | | @jestersandbrokencrowns's last words ; [ comfort ] sender tries to comfort receiver
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Eden isn't a crier. She hardly ever cries. But it's not every day she wakes up to the Hawkins PD questioning her about the brutal murder of a classmate and her cousin, one of her best friends, who's the number one suspect and now missing person.
They kept her and her brother separated throughout the whole process. Eden was already home when it happened, and Jonas came home near the timeline they're working with. Nearly the moment they're together once more and go over the madness they've learned they're running out the door to Wayne and Eddie's trailer only a few minutes away.
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It's awful. There's as many police outside as there usually are stray cats, and she can see them carrying things from Eddie's room outside to take in for evidence. There's people with cameras. Which makes sense, they said it was a cheerleader.
Still in her pajamas and slippers, Eden sprints across the neighbors lawns when she spots Wayne. They hadn't mentioned anything about him, and she's so relieved to see he's okay she's sobbing at the sight of him. He probably even doesn't have much time to see her coming before she's throwing her arms around him and crying into his flannel shirt, like she had so many times when she was a lot younger.
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autopsified · 6 months
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Eden's tag dump
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