#*  divinitybreathed  /  reggie.
continued. || @divinitybreathed
          “ awh - what the f-- ” he stops himself as teeth rest upon bottom lip , a hiss of air being released in the first syllables of an otherwise unfriendly word.  he’s been shunned for saying such things before but it’s never seemed to fully stop him , however - to spare himself another smack to wrack his brain , delsin shuts his mouth.  right hand rubs at the area of attack.  he frowns.
          “ you’re the one who thought it would be a good idea to even help , ” that younger sibling attitude , body slouching back in his chair with a bit of a thud.  he sinks into it , long legs nearly pushing the table into reggie’s gut.  “ asshole. ”
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mercyxkilling · 5 years
❝ i need you to stay here, okay? i got this. ❞ / frommmmm reggie how bout :3 @divinitybreathed​
     like hell she’d stay put after some colossal douche bag ran off with her purse! for god’s sake, she never usually carried a bag, and the one frickin’ day she decided to, this had to happen! while there wasn’t really anything important in it--she carried her wallet separately in her back pocket out of habit--principle alone made her want to break off into a run and tackle the idiot who’d dared cross her like this!
     “are you serious right now? i can’t just--i mean... c’mon, you saw that!” 
     mercy glanced over at the man, raising a brow, wondering just what had prompted such a kind and selfless statement. her honey-colored gaze roved over his form until they landed on his badge. ahh, now that made more sense to her. leave it to a cop to act to chivalrous. it was his job to take care of this kind of thing, right?
     she wasn’t sure how to react; on one hand, she hated authority. too many brandished such a badge, waving it about as they pretended it made them important, that it made them somebody. but on the other hand... something about the man’s tone gave her pause. she didn’t even have a snarky response for him, and that was kind of a miracle in its own right. mercy, sassmaster extraordinaire, had no witty retort.
     someone record this day.
     mercy’s posture seemed to relax as she ran her fingers through her hair, though that was a tell itself. she was clearly bothered by the fact that she’d been rattled so deeply, but uncertain of how to truly process it. he seemed genuine. and honestly, something about that brought her back to reality. the bag was worthless. it wasn’t even cute. was it really worth the trouble?
     but she’d been quiet for too long, and she wondered if he was looking at her like she was crazy. something told her, though, judging by the softness of his tone, that he wasn’t.
     “i-i... thank you. but it’s okay. let the guy have it. i bet it’d look ten times better on him anyway. i have my wallet in my pocket, so he’s not getting anything i can’t live without.”
     mercy smiled at the man, and while it was small, it was genuine. she was... grateful that, even if he was a cop, he’d even bothered with her. too often her entanglements with the law were negative.
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icarianrise · 5 years
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                             “  ---  pardon?  ”     she’s half lost in thought,  mind on the case at hand,  only registering that the sheriff was speaking to her when she looks up and catches his gaze.  he’s got a sheepish smile and a finger tapping the underside of his chin,  and it only takes her a moment to put two and two together.  fingers fly to her own chin and come away  ---  sticky and orange.
“  sweet potato,  ”     she explains with a laugh.  no napkin on hand,  so she pops the finger into her mouth.  perhaps unbecoming,  but she doubted the sheriff was the judging type.        “  my son is finally trying solids.  we did mashed peas last week,  what a disaster.  ”
                        *   @divinitybreathed  ------  reggie ! 
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vaultoclock · 5 years
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𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐃𝐒.     →     @divinitybreathed said : you’re going to get arrested. / from reggie !!
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ah     ,     probably  wouldn’t  be  the  first   time      ━━━━━━     or  the  last     ,     for  that  matter.  he  shrugs  off  the  comment     ,     nothing  a  little  adrenaline  couldn’t  pull  off.  especially  because  bravery  really  wasn’t  his  strong  suit.      ❝     you  worry  too  much.  but     ,     uh     ...     here  it  goes     ,     i  guess.     ❞
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