#*   zachary popwell   )   writings.
pantherbound · 2 years
being invited to the cooper household was like being invited into the presidents house. at least, that’s how shannon would describe it. okay, so - maybe zac hadn’t technically been invited. sunny had been, but sunny was still getting her license and had begged zac to drop her off, but the moment he got whiff on where she was going? he knew he had to tag along. shannon didn’t seem to mind, her lashes fluttering and her finger twirling her hair at the sight of him, even. though, it seemed her blonde roommate had more of an issue, practically giving him the cold shoulder. didn’t know if it was because she was trying to hang out with sunny and shannon, have a girls day by the large pool before them - or because zac’s first comment upon arriving was something along the lines of how’s it goin malibu barbie? hows the weather up there? either way, zac’s sat on the sun lounger, smearing sunscreen across his chest while sunny helps shannon make some lemonade he’s really hoping is spiked for his sake
then, all the sudden - a heavy dose of water is sprayed in his direction, drowning him from the back. “what the fu-” he helps, quickly standing up and spinning around, using his large hands to shield his face from becoming a target. after it finally turns down, he shakes his brown hair, that was now wet, out of his face. oops! sprayed you with the hose! just thought you needed cooling off. @madisns roberts declares, hose gripped between her hands. swiping his tongue across his lips, zac lets out a breathy chuckle, advancing himself around the lounge chair. “funny.” he nods, shrugging his shoulder. “you’re gonna regret doing that, though, barbie.” and then? he lunges. 
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popwells · 3 years
“ what are you doing here? it’s the middle of the night. ” ( for zac ) @cuoristellati
zac’s been standing here for a minute now, his hands shoved into the pocket of his worn out jeans, kicking at the dust on auggies porch. didn’t really attend to find his way here tonight, but once he started walking, he found himself stood in front of the house he’s been at so many times, it’s practically considered a second home to him at this point. he’s gonna knock, he will, it’s just taking him a second trying to figure out what the fuck he wants to say exactly without bringing extra drama in auggies already spectacle life. the door opens just as he’s bringing out his phone to shoot her a text, not doubting that she’s awake, but curious if she was alone. lids blink slow for a second before he tips his chin up, glances at the sky. “ so it is. “ zac agrees sardonically, jerking his head back forward. “ i wanted to talk to you. you got company? “
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popwells · 3 years
❛   skinny dipping .   go  skinny  dipping  with  my  muse . ( FOR ZAC LOL ) @cuoristellati
the sound of crickets and the distant breeze of the wind surrounds the night they’re settling in. they sit in silence, but their mutual presences speaks louder than words they could ever describe out loud. it’s relaxing, and zac could bask in this peaceful moment for a century, but zac’s growing jaded and mischievous with each passing moment. “ i’m bored. “ he finally groans, his head lifting up and resting on the back of the couch the two were sitting on, a brief moment of thought as he rattles his brain for any ideas. zac hums, turning his head sideways to glance at auggie as an idea sparks in his head. “ you got a hot tub, don’t you? “ he asks, biting into the growing smirk beginning to spread across his face. tipping his chin down, he wiggles his brows, nudges her shoulder with his own. “ let’s go take a dip. “
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popwells · 3 years
wrap .   wrap  an  arm  around  my  muse’s  waist . ( for zac !! ) @cuoristellati
red cup half filled with beer is tipped into his mouth as he leans against the wall. he’s currently babysitting his little sister while his usual crowd is probably out back causing havoc, eyes every so often glancing towards sunny, who was currently bouncing around making conversation, and he’s making sure she’s alright, making sure she doesn’t have her own cup in hand. hypocritical at best, zac is, but whatever. after a moment, his eyes switch over to peter, blond haired jackass that zac really wanted to introduce his fist too, but he’s made an unspoken promise to sunny not to ruin the evening. he’s approaching, and zacs brows are furrowed together wondering where the hell he was going. until.. the feeling of auggie clinging to his side causes zac to drop his gaze downwards. now, he’s even more confused. “ uh, hello? “ he chuckles, lifting his arms up briefly.
and when he looks up and realizes peter was approaching auggie, not him, something clicks in zacs head and he shakes his head, stifling out a laugh. slinging an arm around auggies neck, protectively, he reels her into his side. ignoring wannabe eminem, zac uses his free hand to reach around and pinch auggies cheek, tilting his head to look at her face. “  there you are. you enjoying yourself, bunny? “ and really, zac’s trying to play it all chill and nice, but there’s still that sharp teasing hinted in his voice as the corner of his lip twitches, daring to smirk. 
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popwells · 3 years
i don’t feel so good. ( for zac, and im prematurely sorry ) @cuoristellati
“ if you throw up on me, bunny, i swear.. “ zac groans, arm snaking around the curve of her frame before he’s turning her back against his chest. “ c’mon, let’s get you outside for some air. “ his chin rests on her shoulder, hands holding her hips steady as he leads her towards the back door of whatever house party they were enjoying that night. as soon as they hit the fresh air, zac takes a sharp exhale out before he sits on nearby lawn chair, pulling auggie onto his lap. “ are you okay? how much did you have to drink? “ he wonders, only roughly amused as his hands drag her hair over her shoulder, pushes the strands out of her way in case she really does hurl all over the ground. 
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popwells · 3 years
“ if you refuse to make a move, i will. “ ( from mj to zac ) @adelstensogon
school spirit wasn’t exactly in zacs vocabulary, but when your little sister is literally on the spirit squad, sometimes you just have to suck it up and show up in support. though, he never had any issue ditching before, knows sunny would probably prefer zac didn’t come to the pep rally. but auggie was there and... he just felt like he had to come, especially when she had been keen enough to invite him, too. so he sits on the bleaches, forearms rested on his parted knees and his eyes watching the girls do their little cheer in oversized jerseys that zac definitely appreciated on auggie, though the weird feeling of knowing it’s someone else's resides in his stomach, even if it didn’t mean anything. 
he didn’t even think he was staring for that long, until the familiar pitch of mj’s voice comes from beside him, causes zac to glance over with a raised brow. “ what are you talking about? “ zac plays dumb for a minute before he chocks his head back over to auggie. eyes roll and zac uses his shoulder to shove into mj’s side. “ she’s so outta your league, you’re playing two different sports. “ he chuckles, shaking his head. then he tilts his head, glances at auggie once more before he looks back over at mj, reaching over to pat his back, clearly now amused at the idea. “ you know what, bud? go for it. “
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popwells · 3 years
"whatever you're going to ask, the answer is no." / for zac @michalchvk​
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“ paige michalchuk  ... has anyone told you how hot you look today? “ zac hums as he comes swinging around the hallways corner, leaning against the locker beside the blonde as mischief fills his eyes. and of course, before his pitch is even started, he’s shut down. causes him to groan, head dramatically banging against the locker before he tilts his chin down, blue eyes still lifted to glance at paige. “ oh, c’mon blondie... at least let me ask first. “ he deadpans, tilting his chin back up as he lets out a heavy sigh. “ it’s sunny 16th next weekend and i need.. “ his hand waves, tongue struggles to find the word help. ugh, fuck it. “ look, i don’t fucking know how to throw chick birthday parties. “ his idea of parties involve beer and pizza, but this was his sister he was talking about. this was important, at least to her. “ it’ll be at our house, but i need someone to decorate and invite some of the girls from spirit squad. preferably the hot ones. “ he states, dimples extending out with his smirk. right, this was about sunny. he shakes his head, crossing his arms lazily. “ so if it’s a no for me, at least make it a yes for sunny. “
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popwells · 3 years
"it's very rude to stare." / to zac. @madisns​
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her sudden voice causes his eyes to trail, slowly, longingly, up her legs, her frame, and stopping when they meet hers. dimples deepen as his head cocks to the side, shoulder lifting in a lazy shrug. “ you know what’s very rude? “ he asks, head leaning forward, elbows propped against bench. “ showing off those beautiful, long legs of yours and telling people not to stare. it’s torture, even. “
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pantherbound · 2 years
the putter of raindrops is loud against the roof of his car as the rain advances. zac flickers his gaze outside his misty window, glancing up at the cloudy sky as he tries to estimate just how long this storm would last. luckily for him, he’s safe and dry while he waits for sunny to finish spirit squad practice. it was a usual for him, giving his sister a ride while she works on getting her own license, because zac would rather drive her than her getting into a car with anyone else at this school, at least until he could figure out whose not trying to get with his sister. right on cue, the bouncing blonde makes her way out the school doors and towards the passenger side of the car, sliding in and dropping her bag she was using as a temporary umbrella, onto her lap. “don’t get my car wet.” zac warns with a point of his finger while his other hand turns his ignition. he’s pulling out of his parking spot before he’s going down the street, fingers tapping against his steering wheel to the beat of the stereo blasting red hot chili peppers. “wait!” sunny squeals, hand raising to smack against zacs. has him nearly slamming on his breaks, fingers tightening around the wheel. sucking in a breath, zac glares over at his sister. “don’t fucking do that, sunny.” curling her lips down, sunny gives a small shrug as an apology before manicured finger points out his window. “there’s @kosmiskmysterium!” she says, causing him  to following her direction and flickering his gaze towards the sidewalk. there stands augustine mars. girl whose been apart of his life for as long as he could remember, in the midst of the rain pouring down. then, a hand is on his shoulder, and he can hear sunny before she even opens her mouth, and his eyes roll. “fine, yeah, lets say hi. not like you didn’t see her ten minutes ago.” it’s a mumble, but zac obliges, putting his car in motion again, this time, slowing down as he pulls up beside auggie, rolling down his window. nearly squishing zac, sunny leans over, her hand waving. “auggie! what are you doing out here in the rain, silly? come on, we’ll give you a ride.” zac opens his mouth to argue, but sunny’s elbow hits him directly in between his ribs, has him letting out a wince before his head shakes, glances over towards auggie. “yeah, sure, whatever.”
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popwells · 3 years
“ can we please keep the flirting with other people to a minimum? you’re going to blow our cover! “ from jeanie to zac @rockthistown​
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“ oh, come on. “ zac groans, throwing his head dramatically back before it rolls on his neck. “ you can’t take me to a party that’s crawling with milfs and their even hotter daughters and expect me not to flirt. “ he states, motioning his hand lowly around the area. he agreed to play pretend boyfriend with jeanie, because he thought it would be easy. acting all affectionate and touchy wouldn’t be too far fetched from their usual friendship. however, stepping into her fathers work party with her on his arm and being told to put his charming demeaner on hold, has him second guessing his choices. rolling his eyes playfully, zac relents with a sharp nod of his head. “ fine, i’ll control myself. but when we break up, i’m expecting you to tell all these ladies that you lost the best guy ever, y’know? really talk me up so they really start fighting over being the shoulder i cry on. “
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popwells · 3 years
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and just like that, just when jeanette needed him, zac appeared. though, she’d never admit this to anyone, let alone him. she’s sure his ego would burst and she’d never hear the end of it. “yeah,” jeanette huffs and shoots a glare to the annoyance in front of her. some people couldn’t accept no as an answer—their parent’s probably spoiled this fuck rotten and now he thinks he can force anyone to go to the dance with them. “well, actually, i’d say he’s more of a pest. like a cockroach that won’t die.” she pauses for a moment, and then says to the pest, “cockroaches look terrible in suits.”
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as soon as he spotted jeanette and the familiar scowl on her face, zac made his way over to swing his arm around her neck in order to pull her into his side. his chin jerks sideways, enough for him to glower at the said pest in front of them. “ yeah? i’m sure even cockroaches know when they’re pushing their luck. “ he states with a sharp nod, ridiculed smirk twitching at the corner of his lips. sniffling, zac unwraps his arm around jeanette and takes a step forward, scratching his own jaw. “ look, man. i’m gonna try and help you out here and just tell you you aren’t going anywhere with that. so i’m gonna just suggest you scurry off, “ his fingers making a little walking motion. “ and jerk it in the bathroom or something. otherwise i’m gonna have to go all alpha male on you and i'll be pissed if you ruin my high right now. “  
his warning prevails  as the cockroach slithers off, and as soon as he does, zac swinging his foot to turn and face jeanette again. “ and what about me? “ he raises a brow, extending a hand as he tips his chin down. “ do i get a dance? c’mon. i’m bored. “
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popwells · 3 years
[ CHALLENGE ] : after the receiver teasingly suggests that the sender is a terrible kisser, sender immediately and fervently proves them wrong with a long, passionate kiss that leaves the receiver taking back what they said. / jeanette  @rockthistown​​
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this kiss is hot, has zac wrapping a hand around the curve of jeanetttes waist while the other cups the back of her neck. he’s failing to stop the corners of his lips to curve into a smirk as he leans into her kiss, tugging her just close enough for him to tilt her head back and deepen the kiss to his desire. he allows himself to linger for more than a quick beat before he’s pulling back, sliding his hand from behind her neck in order to brush her hair away from her face. “ well then, “ he chuckles, cocks his head to the side. “ if i tell you you’re terrible at cleaning, will you clean my room for me? “
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popwells · 3 years
“i’m not looking at you funny! this is just how i look at someone i hate.” ( for zac ) @cuoristellati
he’s tipping his beer bottle to his lip as his back presses against tree the two seemingly keep meeting against a few steps away from the party in the ravine. amusement spreads across his face, brow quirking up as he watches her talk. shaking his head, he swallows as he pulls his bottle away from him. “ you hate me? “ free hand reaches to place on his chest, patting in a feigned sense of hurt. “ and here i thought we were really starting to bond. “ zac tsks out, forcing his lips to purse into a pout. sniffling, he finally chuckles, one of the fingers wrapped around his bottle pointing at her. “ you don’t hate me, augustine mars. you adore me, you just won’t admit it yet. “ 
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popwells · 3 years
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“for you, yeah.” jeanette quips, eyes probe the typical party scene in front of them. the usual mix of degrassi and lakehurst ( or, as of monday—just degrassi ), and no one’s lost a limb yet. “you reek of b.o and testosterone, there’s no way she’s into that.” she says, scrunching her nose to prove her point.
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“ oh, it’s so on. “ and it’s followed by a chuckle, head shaking as he shifts his gaze to the pretty girl he’s been eyeing for a few minutes now. didn’t really plan to go searching for some arm candy, but zachary popwell never refuses a challenge. raising a brow, he rolls his head to the side until he’s eyeing jeanette. “ some girls like b.o and testosterone. “ his tongue, vaguely suggestive as the corner of his mouth rises. sniffling, he looks forward again. “ ten bucks says i get her number in five minutes. “
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popwells · 3 years
[ 📲 • sms ] —— guess what emoji is next to your name in my phone? (to zac from jeanie) @rockthistown
( zac. ): is it the heart emoji ( zac. ): wait no i bet its a kissy face. aw. ( zac. ): PLEASE tell me it’s the eggplant emoji
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