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@fyrewalks sent [text] I puked all over the Uber driver's backseat. // mickey
[ MSG: sunshine ☀️💘 ] baby no we're gonna have to pay extra for that [ MSG: sunshine ☀️💘 ] how much fun did you have tonight? [ MSG: sunshine ☀️💘 ] was it worth it? tell me everything
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heartsbreaking · 1 month
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@fyrewalks sent if you snore, i'm booting you to the couch. / from bob
it had been a long time, maybe even years, since gracie and bob had to share a room. they had been assured that their vacation rental would have three bedrooms. by the time they got there there were two bedrooms and one of the rooms had two twin beds. it was fine. they could make it work, gracie was sure.
now, much later, gracie was scrolling on her phone with one airpod in. she looked up over her phone across the room at her brother, eyebrows raised. "okay, first of all, when have i ever snored? second, in the event that you snore, i will accept the couch graciously because i'm a good sister that recognizes your mattress back on base is probably awful." they only had to tolerate sharing a room again for four days, it would be fine.
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askbohemiancompany · 8 months
It has been a wild few weeks for Gwen. Between meeting gods, following a royal like the world’s worst groupy and getting a prank shot down, the psychic needs a way to relax.
Too bad Gwen is not able to take a break right now. She is standing before a small house, overlooking the beautiful water that can be seen from Driftveil City.
The merc pushes the button on the doorbell. The sound of multiple locks being unlocked can be heard, which puts Gwen at ease. On the other end of the door a bisharp wearing a light green peplum approaches.
There are many striking details for this steel type. For starters, where parts of the bisharp ‘armor’ and rib blades should be, there is thick black fur on her entire torso and arms close to her shoulder. Speaking of the upper arms, the shoulder pads that gave bisharps their soldiering look are non-existent. On the sides of her head are tall pointed yellow ears, matching the skin tone on her face. Finally her canines are far more pronounced, remaining visible even when she closed her mouth
Upon seeing the gothitelle, her mouth would not stay closed very long, as she stares in awe at the psychic before her. “G-Gwen? You look so…”
“Different? Yeah I caved and decided to evolve. It has been a long couple weeks and I want to at least see two mons that can help me unwind. Sorry for the short notice Lingua.”
Shaking her head, the bisharp almost jumps forward, giving Gwen a hug. Which would be a surprise to anyone who knew Gwen, as she is known for not being an affectionate person.
“No, it's great! I haven’t seen you in a while and I’m sure they would be happy to see you,” turning behind her, “Hey Posy look who is here.”
A child approaches the gothitelle. This child is a gothita, but the natural bows the gothitelle line usually have, resemble pink fairy wings. The young psychic stares at the merc for a good few seconds before finally saying something.
“Aunty Gwen!” The child then hugs the gothitelle leg. “You got so big.”
Giving a sensible chuckle, Gwen returned the hug. “Hey there Posy! I have grown lately. Shows that can happen, even when you get older. How have you been? School has been going good for you?”
As soon as that is asked, the child runs off to grab something and present her a paper with a big 94% in red lettering. “I was one of 6 people who passed this test! I get to draw and color during the retake!”
“Well well well! Look at you. The smarty in a sea of dummies!” Gwen is keeping her language clean around this little bean of a child.
“Mommy got me ice cream after!”
Gwen bends down and pats her head.
“Aunty Gwen. Why did you get so big?”
With that brief bit of eye contact, Lingua knows there is more to the story. Something that is not appropriate for Posy to hear.
“Say. Posy, why don’t you go play in your room for a little bit. Gwen and I need to talk about boring adult stuff.” Lingua says in a gentle tone.
The childs gives a confused glance. Gwen, noticing this, decides to step in. “Once boring adult talk is done, we can do some coloring, alright? Besides, the reason I evolved was simple, I got sick of being called a kid.”
This lit the child’s face up. “Ok great!” With that, the munchkin ran off. Leaving the two women alone.
Now is the time for some difficult discussions.
“Gwen. I’m sorry to hear about Floyd. The few times I have met him he was a good man.” The bisharp put her hand on her shoulder to comfort her. Gwen, while clearly not happy, gently grasped the bisharp’s hand.
“Floyd and I are in a line of work where this kind of thing happens. We knew one of us was going to die early,” a twinge of rage creeps into the psychic as she clenches her fist. “I know who did it, and they are one of those freaks that attacked Arcadium. She also has a hand in the death of one of my friend’s entire family. We both have been making plans to track down and kill her.”
A brief appearance of dark energy forms in her eyes. Lingua notices this as well, but does not know how to change the topic, so she just allows the gothitelle to continue with what has happened with them. Gwen, after realizing she is emitting energy, calms herself down.
“Tying into that, we also have to guard Nigel for a job. None of us are happy about it.”
“You are guarding Nigel!?” Lingua’s voice briefly got loud before stopping herself. “Why are you and your team guarding that bastard?” A hint of venom comes out as she describes the clefable. Her fangs are bared and the heckles on her visible fur raised. She even gives a low growl.
“He took a plea deal about ratting his whole network out. Basically it is the second biggest bust of a pokemon trafficking operation.” The psychic sounds matter of fact in this tough situation.
“I’m. I don’t know what to say.” Someone who Lingua intensely despised is finally being held to face the weight of his incalculable crimes. Some of which are inflicted on her and warped her life as a child. “Is there any sort of punishment for him?”
Gwen shakes her head no. “After this, it is witness protection then he has to live off the radar.”
Now it is Lingua’s turn to get angry, the rare moment of her trembling, fangs still out to see. Gwen knows it is about as intimidating as a stuffed animal, but still this is not healthy for her to do.
“If it makes you feel better I know some inside information not connected to the case,” Lingua’s brow is raised. “The money he got from killing that one centaur thing ran out, he dumped a lot of it into a club that never opened, he bought a car that was frozen over and the little bit he has left he cannot even spend on what he wants due to not wanting to attract attention.”
This is little comfort for the hybrid. “I’m glad Nigel is facing some justice. Better too late than never.” The bisharp gives a seething, bitter hiss. It did not make her laugh like Gwen hoped it would.
“There is one more thing I need to make sure you are aware of.”
There is more? What Gwen had advised is already bad enough. Lingua prepares for the worst.
“We severed ties with our former financier. She and my boss did not exactly end on good terms,” Gwen grabs both of the hybrid’s shoulders and stares her dead in the eyes. “Please stay away from Arcadium and Black City. If anyone starts following you or you see anyone you do not know outside your door, call me immediately okay?”
After this impassioned warning, the psychic pulls the dark type close to her in a hug. Gwen’s tense breathing and heart beating can be felt by Lingua. This hug takes the hybrid’s breath away.
“I just…I have made your life more difficult. You deserve better than all of this. I’m a parasite, not a friend.”
Shaking her head, the hybrid pulls Gwen into her own embrace. “Gwen. If it wasn’t for you I would not be alive. I wouldn’t be reunited with my family. Most importantly, I would have never met Posy. You will always be one of the best things to happen to me.”
Gwen smiles and allows the hug to continue. The hybrid’s gentle heartbeat matched in rhythm of her own After all, Lingua always had a calming effect on her.
“I will be careful as I always have been. Let’s go back inside. I think Posy will want to do coloring with you.”
The gothitelle nods, a seldom sweet smile is plastered on Gwen’s face. While it is not entirely happy, Gwen is going to enjoy the downtime she can get.
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cooledtured · 6 months
The Disappointing Gundam Reconguista in G
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Mobile Suit Gundam is one of the most well known anime series in the world. Even non-anime watchers are familiar with it or at the very least have heard of it. A combination of amazing anime and products has contributed to its iconic nature. It is so iconic in fact that it is the very first thing that people think of when they talk about mecha in general. However, like any long running franchise, Gundam has its fair share of duds.
Gundam Reconguista in G is a season released in 2014 that is considered to be one of the worst. I am inclined to agree, as I could only make it halfway through before I had to stop. To put it simply, this is a show that could possibly be good if it were the usual 50 episode length, but it suffers a lot due to only having 26 episodes. What makes it worse is the fact that other Gundam seasons have managed to make a 24-26 structure work, meaning that the excuse of Gundam needing to be 50 episodes doesn’t work.
For starters, the story of the show is either incredibly confusing or very boring. As I mentioned before, it feels like a show that should be 50 episodes. Reconguista throws a lot of information at you all at once, making it so that if you aren’t paying attention you will be very lost. And what story you are able to follow isn’t very engaging. I can’t say that I remember any incredible action scenes or amazing character interactions as they are nonexistent.
In regards to characters, I can’t really remember them either. A big mistake that Reconguista makes is introducing a lot of characters. Because of this there is hardly any time to flesh them out. This makes it so when a character does die you feel absolutely nothing. And the characters that do get attention aren’t fleshed out that much either. In the 13 episodes that I watched, not a single character received any form of significant growth. They were exactly the same as when you first met them with the only possible difference being their clothes.
Now this isn’t to say that Reconguista is outright horrible. For one thing, the animation and mechs are beautiful. And the music has me coming back to listen to it whenever I can. Sadly, this isn’t enough to make a good show. Gundam Reconguista in G is a series that had great potential but, in the end, couldn't use it to its fullest. If you are a die-hard Gundam fan then you might enjoy it. However, if you are someone who’s just looking for a new mecha anime to watch, then I recommend you look somewhere else.
Logan Floyd-Mcgee | Writer POP-COOLEDTURED SPECIALIST cooledtured.com |  GROW YOUR COLLECTION
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hotchshands · 2 years
Tatw HC for an MC whos a total jock? G/N is fine but id like to see a femme boxer or something cuz that shits cool
What would be nickys reaction to when MC slugs a fucker lol
Take your time and thanks!
one fem!boxer coming up...
For starters, Nicky would be shook like, holy shit, she's so buff and strong!!!
Honestly, picturing that this fem!boxer is tall but like not as tall as Nicky so maybe like 5'8" or like 5'10" ??
Definately picturing the New York ending for this mc
Mc has and will punch Ralph and Floyd in the face again.
Obviously besties with Chris.
Chris and mc would challenge each other to an arm wresting contest all the time and mc would win each time.
No one in Nicky's crew would dare cross mc cause they're lowkey scare of her as they should.
Also mc would be Nicky's second in command (lol sorry Chris).
Nicky and mc would have a boxer for a dog (or multiple boxers).
They'd live in his mansion rather than that apartment that fictif showed in the New York ending.
Imagine that "he asked for no pickles" meme with this mc and Nicky.
Basically just 🥺Nicky and 😠mc.
that’s all folks!
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kyukiss · 3 years
A day in: Octavinelle
And we're back! Apologies for the hiatus everyone!
It's time for best sketchy trio~!
My second/third favorite dorm can't decide between Octa and Pomefiore tbh
Context for new readers: the "a day in:" series is which consists of doing an activity with said dorm.
Reader is g/n per usual!
Relationship status with reader: Platonic/Crushing
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Trying out new food for Mostro Lounge with Azul!
Or rather you do most of the taste testing and he brings the food out-
There were different varieties of food and drinks that were planning to be added in the Mostro Lounge menu.
As much as he would let Jade and Floyd do it, well for starters Jade is cooking the meals and Floyd wasn't feeling it. Besides he'd judge the food base on how he was feeling at that moment.
Being the one other person Azul trusts besides the Leech Twins, he decided to call you for the job!
The first thing that greeted you inside the Mostro Lounge was a jazzy tune playing in the background with the owner greeting you.
Once the food came out you inhaled that shit
Azul refuses to eat the deep fried ones.
Unless of course after you did some convincing and reassured that he will be fine. A bite or two wouldn't hurt.
Fine he'll have a piece or two, but don't tease him about it! Azul would get flustered and embarrassed later on.
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Mystery Mushroom taste testing with Jade!
I wish you luck soldier I feel like this eel man could kill you and will not regret it.
It was after school in the botanical garden.
You and Jade were testing out the mushrooms he had gathered for the past couple of days.
Whether it'd be eating them, burning them, experimenting them or even mixing a potion.
Fortunately nothing weird happened to the both of you or anything yet.
Jade then took out a much more colourful mushrooms decorated with orange poka dots.
He got the the mushroom during one of his mountain hikings.
Once you plop the mushroom into your mouth, nothing happened at first.
However a few moments passed and your stomach soon began to rumble. Until poof!
You turned into a tiny shrimp-
Jade at first looked rather surprised but kept his composure before chuckling in amusement.
“Oh my, if Floyd finds you he'd most likely eat you. I better brew a potion before he does.”
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Bullying people with Floyd-
Well not entirely but it's the both of you just bothering people non-stop.
Oh my god you two are like two peas in a pod when it comes to it.
Currently you and Floyd were disturbing Professor Trein's classes without trying to get caught wheeze.
Floyd would disturb the class by throwing a paper aeroplane you'd made onto another student.
At first he would probably be annoyed but once he noticed that Floyd was the one who threw it..
Let's just say he didn't spew out any remarks.
“Class is so boringggg~ hey Shrimpy let's go bounce~”
Of course you thought about it for a moment, on one hand you could escape classes. On the other you'll get in trouble in doing so.
Luckily class ended not so long afterwards, the two of you were the first ones who leave.
His expression when both of you spotted a specific goldfish passing by.
“Little Goldfishyyy~!!”
Floyd called in glee causing Riddle to flinch and turn back reminding Floyd to stop calling him that.
Alas the teasing from the two of you continued until you realize the Heartslabyul's dorm leader's face was ablazed.
What triggered the both of you to run next was when Floyd called him tiny.
Both of you continued to run while laughing aloud as the red head kept scolding in the distance.
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Oneshot about how Sirius obtained his motorcycle. Prompt by @daylily-evans.
I should add, to all my non-UK readers, I use the word f*g in this as a slang word for cigarette, which is what it’s commonly used for over here, especially at the time the oneshot was set. I tried not to use it, but eventually it was impossible, and unrealistic, for the characters to not use it, so I apologise for the use of the word and I promise in this context it is not a slur word, and is only a slang word for cigarette. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Request a oneshot here!
When Sirius graduated Hogwarts, he really had no idea what he wanted to do. Short-term wise, he wanted to go on missions for the Order, help out in any way he could and take down the death eaters one by one until only You-Know-Who remained. He couldn’t wait.
But long-term, after the war had ended, he was clueless. Truth was, he hadn’t planned that far ahead, just in case he didn’t survive to see it. But he was beginning to see that having a job now would be beneficial in a number of ways. Maybe as a cover-up, or a hiding place, or at least an opportunity to earn some well-needed money.
Dumbledore wanted him to get a job at the Ministry, to try and collect any inside information. But this suggestion made Sirius angry enough to ignore it completely. For starters, he didn’t care about what Dumbledore wanted. He tried to hide this of course, as he didn’t think the others would approve. But he’d lost his taste for obeying the old man ever since Dumbledore had forced Remus to live among the werewolves. And while Sirius could vaguely understand why it was useful, he couldn’t forgive Dumbledore for placing Remus in such a horrible situation, away from his friends, and possibly making Remus feel like the monster that Sirius knew he wasn’t. When Dumbledore had first suggested it, Sirius had been absolutely livid, and it was only Remus himself who managed to stop Sirius from marching down to Dumbledore’s office and giving the guy a piece of his mind. Remus had calmed Sirius down, but Sirius knew that he’d never shake off the resentment he had for the headmaster.
The other reason that he was angry at Dumbledore’s suggestion, was because he hated the Ministry. It was full of people like his parents, making rules to oppress anyone who wasn’t a pureblood wizard. And after having grown up with Remus, watching as the boy had to work for a future he didn’t have because of the Ministry, the last thing Sirius wanted to do was work for the bastards.
But what other jobs were there in the Wizarding World besides a ministry job? Hogwarts teacher? There wasn’t anything he could teach, and he certainly didn’t have the patience to deal with a bunch of teenagers, and nor did he want to give Dumbledore an opportunity to keep a close eye on him. Healer? He couldn’t think of anything less suited to him, though maybe Moony wouldn’t mind seeing him in a healer’s skirt and cap.
No, the problem was, wizarding jobs didn’t suit Sirius. So perhaps he needed to look outside the Wizarding World for a job.
Sirius wasn’t exactly familiar with muggle jobs, at least not first-hand. He’d seen plenty of them before. He, James, Remus and Peter had been to a few muggle clubs and bars together, and Sirius had spent all night chatting up the male bartenders, until he was quite knowledgeable on the job itself.
Sirius thought he’d be a great bartender. All he had to do was serve drinks, listen to music and chat up hot guys. And okay, so there was probably a little more to it than that, but he had the people skills, and he could easily learn about all the different muggle drinks.
Yes, he decided. I can be a bartender. I’ll be safe in the muggle world, I can still go on missions, and I can earn some money for the Order, or at least to support myself and Remus.
Sirius even knew about a bar that had an opening, since he’d been there so many times. He had to walk there, since he couldn’t apparatus, or floo there, and he still didn’t know how to use the muggle bus. But it wasn’t too long a walk, and it was a nice day at least. Sirius liked muggle towns, especially the underground-type, diverse, grunge places such as the one where the bar was situated. The streets were lined with music shops, pubs and all things that screamed rock n roll in the 70s. Sirius loved it.
When he was almost at the bar, he suddenly got distracted by a shop he hadn’t noticed before. He noticed it this time because Queen was blasting out of the speakers of some tinny radio from inside.
Sirius looked at the exterior: Lomax Motorcycles said the sign at the front. Another, smaller sign, stuck onto the window said: job vacancies with some smaller writing underneath that Sirius couldn’t read. But he was intrigued enough to go inside.
The interior- Sirius was quick to notice- was incredibly cool. There were two adjoining rooms, all filled with motorbikes. Sirius had seen motorbikes before, mainly in the films that he watched with James, Remus and Peter, but he hadn’t realised how much he liked them until he looked at them up close. These ones were all slick and shiny, some with patterns of fire along the side. They were like broomsticks, but with a muggle twist, and from Sirius’s limited experience, they were always ridden by punks in leather jackets. Sirius could definitely see himself riding one.
The shop itself was dimly lit, but he could see a number of framed posters lining the walls, of muggle bands that he loved: Pink Floyd, Ramones, Blondie, Joy Division. Not to mention all the cool-looking accessories that hung above the motorcycles.
Just then, the owner of the shop walked out.
“Alright, mate?” Greeted the man. Sirius nodded, taking the guy in. He looked around his late thirties, with a dark brown mullet, a badge-covered sleeveless jacket, leather gloves, at least twenty different piercings and full sleeves of tattoos. Sirius looked like Sandy from Grease compared to this guy.
“Yeah, hi.” Sirius replied, immediately intimidated.
“Looking for a bike?” The man walked behind a counter against the wall opposite to Sirius and started restocking a container of different locks.
“Nah, I’m just looking. I’ve never actually driven a motorbike before.” The man looked him up and down.
“Really?” Sirius nodded, awfully self-conscious. The man took out a cigarette pack and lit one up. The shop was quite smoky, but Sirius actually enjoyed that about it.
“I saw you had a job vacancy sign in your window,” Sirius plucked up the courage to mention.
“You looking for a job?”
“Yeah.” Sirius of course hadn’t intended to try for a job here, but since he had the opportunity he thought he might as well. See how far he could take it before the man asked him to leave. The man exhaled smoke out of his nose.
“You haven’t even driven a motorcycle.”
“I can learn. I pick things up quickly.” He realised that he sounded inexplicably uncool. It was typical. Around his friends he was effortlessly punk. Laid-back and relaxed, cigarette balanced between his lips, fluent in witty remarks and sarcasm. But here, in front of an almost carbon-copy of his cool persona, Sirius was sounding like someone who’d only recently entered the punk scene and had no clue on how to act.
“How old are you?” The man asked.
“Pretty young, you even out of uni yet?”
“Oh, uh... I’m not going to uni.” Uni. University. Remus said that muggles went there to learn even more. Sirius didn’t see the point of it.
“I didn’t go either,” replied the man. He seemed very friendly, which certainly didn’t match with his overall appearance. “Didn’t interest me. Started working here instead. It was my dad’s.”
“Oh.” Sirius wasn’t sure how to respond.
“I’m Darren by the way. Darren Lomax.”
“Oh right, like the name on the shop. I’m Sirius.”
“Sirius? Never heard that name before. It’s cool.”
“Thanks?” He’d never thought of his name as being cool before. It was run-of-the-mill in the Wizarding World. In fact there were already two other Siriuses in his family. He was Sirius the Third.  “If you’re interested in motorbikes, I can take you on as an apprentice if you want. Give you a bit of money. Teach you how to fix up these babies.” Sirius blinked.
“Really?” He hadn’t expected any kind of offer. His resume wasn’t exactly impressive, especially not to a muggle. An inexperienced eighteen year old with no muggle qualifications and less knowledge of motorcycles that literally anyone else who could’ve walked through that door. Sirius wouldn’t hire himself.
“Yeah why not? If you’re shit I’ll get rid of you. We’re not a professional garage. Really we just piss about fixing engines, listening to music and smoking. That your style?”
“Yeah, blimey.”
“Great. You can start tomorrow. Fag?” Darren offered him his cigarette pack, and Sirius took one. Darren lit it for him.
Dumbledore wasn’t happy with his choice of job.
“How are you planning on gathering information for the Order if you’re spending your days working in a muggle shop?” The man asked. Sirius had no intention of being guilted by him.
“Isn’t the information that Remus is gathering enough for you? I should hope so, considering everything he’s going through to get it.”
“Mr. Black, in case you haven’t noticed, there is a war going on. You can’t spend your life thinking about yourself and Mr. Lupin and no one else.”
“I am thinking of everyone else! And what everyone needs is money. And I can get them that money, as well as staying safe in the muggle world. I’m not exactly useful if I’m dead am I?” Dumbledore sighed as if he was talking to a child. The old man was pleasant with everyone, but with Sirius there was a slight curt undertone to everything he said. Dumbledore knew that Sirius wasn’t happy with him at all, and it showed. Sirius didn’t care. Dumbledore hadn’t done shit for him. He didn’t owe him anything.
Sirius was taking that job.
~ His first day went well, in the sense that he got along with Darren and he enjoyed the environment of the shop very much.
Because of his very limited knowledge of how to fix a motorbike, Sirius’s main job was at the front desk, talking to customers. He really did have great people skills, as he quickly discovered, and he put this to his advantage, bagging more sales in a day than Darren achieved in a week. So even if Sirius was shit at the mechanical side of things, he certainly wasn’t going to be fired any time soon.
At the end of the day, when the shop closed, Darren asked if Sirius would like to stay late and learn his way around the motorbikes. Sirius, who hadn’t been assigned any missions, and therefore didn’t have much going on, agreed immediately.
Darren showed him the engines of one particular motorbike that was in rather a lot of disrepair.
“Completely useless she is,” explained Darren. “Not likely to get her running any time soon, probably won’t even be able to fix her. Engine’s blown, parts are missing, tyres are a wreck.” Sirius knew that she’d easily be fixed with magic, but obviously this wasn’t an option. So he was sad that she’d never be ridden. But even if she was little more than a shell, she was a good example for Darren to use as an introduction to the inner workings of motorcycles.
Sirius listened intently to everything Darren had to say, learning how to change the oil, how to change a tyre, how to know when a motorbike needed new spark plugs (and learning what spark plugs were in the first place).
Outside of the workshop, Sirius tried to research more on the motorbikes he was working with. When he wasn’t spending time with the Order, or talking to customers in the shop, or following Darren around like a puppy, he was at the library reading up on all the different motorbike types, how they worked and how they were made.
Whenever Remus was permitted a break from staying with the werewolves, breaks that usually only lasted a few days maximum to avoid any suspicion, Sirius proudly took him down to the shop and showed him all the motorbikes that he helped to fix.
Darren greeted Remus happily, commenting on his name too. “The weird name couple” he called them. Darren, being the punk anarchist that he was, that was so prevalent in the late 70s, didn’t give a shit about Sirius and Remus’s relationship. Sirius didn’t need to hide it for very long, especially since he hadn’t tried to hide his sexuality in the first place.
Remus was very interested in the shop, and as soon as he stepped foot in it his first response was “Shit, Pads, this place was made for you.”
Sirius showed him the motorbike that was “unfixable”, but that Sirius had still been determined to work on as much as possible. The engine was still a bust, but he’d at least changed the tyres, and given it a new paint job (red and black). Sirius felt very close to the bike, especially once Darren had struck up a deal with him, saying that if he could fix the bike he could have it: “even if it’s fixed, it’s a shit model. No one’ll want it, believe me. Besides, I’m already paying you fuck all, so consider it a raise.” Darren was paying Sirius, but it was apparently much less than the usual muggle wage, since Sirius was still technically an apprentice. However, the current muggle to wizarding exchange rate meant that Sirius got a lot of galleons for his pounds. So, he was perfectly able to support himself, and if he ended up with a free motorbike in the process? Well, he almost couldn’t believe his luck.
Sirius fixed up the engine as much as he possibly could, until it was simply a case of the engine just not working. It had been months now since he’d first started, and the engine was the only thing left. The motorbike looked good as new, and despite Darren claiming it to be a shit model, Sirius had fallen in love with it. He’d even named it Rizzo, after Betty Rizzo from Grease.
Sirius was absolutely determined to have Rizzo, and deciding that the engine simply needed a boost, he risked using magic out of sight of Darren. Darren would never know, and Rizzo would have a new lease of life.
“Fucking hell, you actually got her working!” Exclaimed Darren the next day, as Sirius showed off the brand new humming engine of his prized motorbike. “How the fuck did you do that?”
“She just needed a boost, that was all. Good as new.” A boost with a little bit of magic, thought Sirius. Darren was shaking his head in disbelief.
“Well, shit. I guess a deal’s a deal. She’s all yours, mate.” Sirius couldn’t refrain himself from grinning. He patted Rizzo’s paintwork proudly. She was all his. He couldn’t wait to show her off to Remus and James and Peter and all the others. James was dying to get a glimpse of her: Sirius had been bragging about his motorbike for weeks now, annoying the hell out of the others.
“This motorcycle better be fit for Merlin himself, Pads, or I’m gonna be pissed,” James had semi-joked. Sirius assured that she was even better than Merlin. “She was made for me,” he claimed.
When James did finally see Rizzo, he was very impressed, but then again, he was as knowledgeable about motorbikes as Sirius was when he first started at the shop. Sirius probably could have put a mound of metal in front of him, moulded into the vague shape of a motorbike and James would still have been impressed.
“Can’t believe you named her Rizzo,” James laughed. “You’re such a fucking nerd.”
“Yeah, well. I have a motorcycle and you don’t, so jokes on you.” James put his hands up in surrender.
“You’re right. I’m just jealous.”
~ Sirius had a lot of fun with Rizzo. He rode her everywhere, through muggle and wizarding towns alike. It felt even more freeing than a broomstick. He could weave in and out of traffic, the wind in his hair and the roar of the engine blocking out everything.
There was also room for two. Or at least, two was the legal amount. But Sirius could be rather lax with the law sometimes, especially muggle law. So it wasn’t uncommon for all four of the marauders to squeeze onto the back of Rizzo and go driving off into the night.
Eventually though, Sirius decided that four people on one seat could damage Rizzo, which was the last thing he wanted (and he supposed it could be dangerous as well). So he splashed out some of the money he’d saved on a sidecar. James was particularly keen on it.
Remus on the other hand nearly always opted to sit on the back with Sirius. Sirius loved these journeys the most. Just he and Remus, the man holding tightly onto him as they zoomed down roads, ending up in country lanes. He could feel Remus’s arms around his waist, and Remus’s head on his shoulder, and after everything Remus was going through, as well as the risk of sudden death around every corner for both of them, when the two were pressed together on the little black and red motorbike, roaring through the countryside without a care in the world, it felt like the most precious moment of their lives.
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hiredassault · 3 years
  @chaoticblondes​            meets   retired  Floyd.   (Starter)
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        Even their ninja silent techniques are worthless to a dog’s sensory neurons. Dogshot got up excitedly from his usual lazy nap, STARING at the just open window------------- a couple of BARKS to notify her owner who was watching some reality TV crap.
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          Floyd turned his head to find the intruder who was CAUGHT red handed, while still lazily rested on the couch the retired marksman narrowed his eyes while his left HAND sneaked under the pillow to fish && ultimately grab the GLOCK.
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           B   A   N   G     !                                  ----------------------- the gun was fired at the shadow in the next second while the man took cover behind the couch && dogshot being clever enough to hide herself near him while SNIFFING at the direction of the intruder.
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medialists · 5 years
Mamma Mia
Atomic Blonde 
El círculo 
Beauty and the Beast 
Victor Frankenstein 
Starter for 10 
Becoming Jane 
The Conspirator
The Last King of Scotland 
The Last Station 
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 
Big Fish 
La desaparición de Eleanor Rigby 
The Avengers 
Las ventajas de ser invisible 
Harry Potter.
At eternity's gate 
Catch me if you can 
Pulp Fiction 
Xavier Dolan 
Memorias de una Geisha 
Ready player one 
Battle angel 
Taxi Driver 
El doble 
Shutter island 
My week with Marilyn 
Ballet shoes 
El diablo viste a la moda 
Les miserables 
Lady Bird 
The Truman Show 
Irene, yo y mi otro yo 
Call me by your name 
The Favorite 
La la land 
La chica del tren 
Winter's war 
Tomb Raider 
Ex machina 
El código Da Vinci 
Ángeles y demonios 
Mean Girls 
Mujer Bonita 
Crimson Peak. 
Las de Marvel que faltan 
The Room 
A quiet place 
Blade Runner 
Animales Nocturnos 
Animales Fantásticos  
La Propuesta 
A star is born 
Begin again 
From Russia with Love
You Only Live Twice
On Her Majesty's Secret Service
Diamonds Are Forever
The Man with the Golden Gun
For Your Eyes Only
Never Say Never Again
A View to a Kill
The Living Daylights
Tomorrow Never Dies
The World is not Enough
Die Other Day
Casino Royale
Quantum of Solace
Dawn of the Dead
Blade II
The Dark Knight Rises
Kick-Ass 2
Die Hard
From Dusk till Dawn
No Escape
Death Race 2
Les Quatre Cents Coups
The Wolf of Wall Street
The Murder of Princess Diana
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
Fight Club
My Sister's Keeper
Gran Torino
All About Eve
The Nun's Story
The Sunset Limited
A Clockwork Orange
Batman: Under the Red Hood
Lords of Dogtown
Ip Man
Million Dollar Baby
The Great Gatsby
The Theory of Everything
War and Peace
Collateral Beauty
The Children's Hours
Moulin Rouge!
The Bridges of Madison County
As Good as It Gets
Me Before You
Before Sunrise
Before Midnight
The Reader
Like Crazy
New York, I Love You
Anna Karenina
Pride & Prejudice
Bridget Jones's Diary
How to Marry a Millionaire
Bus Stop
The Prince and the Showgirl
Ladies of the Chorus
Roman Holiday
Prendimi l'Anima
The Young Victoria
Ed Wood
My Life Without Me
A Woman of Paris
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Fantasia 2000
Punisher: War Zone
Robin and Marian
The Unforgiven
Green Mansions
Live and Let Die
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
To the Bone
T2 Trainspotting
La Grande Bellezza
Men, Women & Children
Lost in Translation
Ghost World
Before Sunset
Evil Dead
Army of Darkness
After Earth
Get Smart
Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Dark Crystal
Mononoke Hime
Edge of Tomorrow
Death Race 2050
L'Écume des Jours
Paris When It Sizzles
The Seven Year Itch
Down with Love
Monkey Business
Dead Alive
Monty Python's Life of Brian
They All Laughed
Love Among Thieves
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Let's Make Love
Funny Face
On the Town
The Sky's the Limit
A Damsel in Distress
Shall We Dance
There's No Business Like Show Business
It's Always Fair Weather
My Fair Lady
Don't Bother to Knock
Monte Carlo Baby
Las Dos Caras de la Verdad
Ciudad en Tinieblas
El Bebé de Rose Mary
The Chuck Net Atrapado Sin Salida
El Experimento
Holy Motors
Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me
Bottom of the Worlds
High Rise
Southland Tales
Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy
Inherent Vice
The Lobster
The Number 23
They Look Like People
Upstream Color
Twelve Monkeys
Minority Report
Los Cromocrímenes
About time
Blue Velvet
Pi: Faith in Chaos
The Box
The Life of David Gale
The Gift
Miss Sloane
The Meyerowitz Stories
The Big Sick
Efectos Secundarios
The Notebook
The Odd Life of Timothy Green
The Little Mermaid
Manchester By the Sea
Hunt for the Wilderpeople
Star Trek Beyond
Moonrise Kingdom
No Country for Old Men
The Exorcist
The Darjeeling Limited
House of Sand and Fog
Napoleon Dynamite
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
Armores Perros
La Dictadura Perfecta
El Crimen del Padre Amado
El Estudiante
Cilantro y Perejil
Perfume de Violetas
Arráncame la Vida
Como Agua para Chocolate
Solo Con tu Pareja
El Callejón de los Milagros
Rojo Amanecer
La Ley de Herodes
Un Monstruo de Mil Cabezas
Las Horas Contigo
Maquinaria Paramericana
Ella es Ramona
El Jeremias
Sopladora de Hojas
Los Insólitos Peces Gatos
Guten Tag, Ramon
El Infierno
Mientras el Lobo No Está
Sexo, Pudor y Lágrimas
Miss Bala
Después de Lucía
Qué Culpa Tiene el Niño
Nosotros los Nobles
La Jaula de Oro
Y tu Mamá También
Amar te Duele
Toki Wo Kakeru Shoujo
Harry Potter
Old Yeller
Legally Blonde
Miller's Crossing
Faustrecht der Freiheit
It's Called Murder, Baby
The Love Witch
Southside With You
Pink Flamingos
Hr's Just Not That Into You
What's Your Number?
There's Something About Mary
When Harry Met Sally
Forgettin Sarah Marshall
Say Anything
Pretty Woman
Not Another Teen Movie
Kate & Leopold
Sleepless in Seattle
Pretty in Pink
Four Weddings And A Funeral
50 First Dates
Bridget Jones' Diary
Something's Gotta Give
Pánico Antes del Amanecer
Cumpleaños Mortal
Viernes 13
La Quema
The Slumber Party Massacre
Campamento Sangriento
Siete Mujeres Atrapadas
The House On Sorority Row
Detrás de la Máscara
April Fool's Day
Bubba Ho-Tep
Thor Ragnarok
Lo Que Hacemos en las Sombras
Zombies Party
La Noche de los Muertos Vivientes
El Regreso de los Muertos Vivientes
Army of Darkness
Pasion Infernal
Terroríficamente muertos
El Baile de los Vampiros
El Jovencito Frankeinstein
Un Hombre Lobo Americano en Londres
The Edge Of Seventeen
Murder of Cats
The Book of Love
Atomic Falafel
Tiempos felices
Nise: El Corazón de la Locura
Kill Command
The Blind Side
The Fundamentals of Caring
The Danish Girl
Miss You Already
Fantastic Beasts the Crimes of Grindelwald
Side Effects
Requiem for a Dream
The Island
The Box
The Tall Man
Gods of Egypt
Twilight Zone
Dusk Dawn
Jeepers Creepers
The Descent
30 Days of Night
The Midnight Meat Train
Minority Report
Midnight Sun
The Book of Henry
Lady Bird
Truth or Dare
Every Day
A Nightmire on Elm Street
American Mary
The Witches
Let Me In
Let the Right One In
Insidious 4: The Last Key
Night of the Living Dead
Life of Brian
Blade Runner
Lord of the Rings
Ben - Hur
Tin tan
Pedro Infante
Gone With the Wind
Indiana Jones
Salon Kitty
The Wild Bunch
Harold and Maude
The Warriors
The Long Goodbye
Deep End
The Bestia in Calore
La Cage aux Folles
The Brood
The Sound of Music
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Enemy Mine
Cannibal Holocaust
The Evil Dead
Lola Montes
King Kong
Rock and Roll High School
Blood In Blood Out
Easy Rider
Heavy Metal
Pink Floyd The Wall
Wicker Park
Lars and the Real Girl
The Cable Guy
Sophie's Choice
Brokeback Mountain
A Wrinkle in Time
Titanes del pacífico
Clint Eastwood
Dirty Harry
The Greatest Showman
Safe Heaven
Across the Universe
Perfect Sense
A Life Less Ordinary
Shallow Grave
No Reservations
The Holiday
Ali G in da House
The Reader
The Dressmaker
Brigsby Bear
Cast Away
Romeo + Juliet
What's Eating Gilberte Grape?
Body of Lies
Little Nemo Adventures in Slumberland
Apt Pupil
Stand by Me
Shawshank Redemption
Hearts Beat Loud
Velvet Buzzsaw
Chungking Express
Twin Peaks
Throne of Blood
Tokyo Story
F for Fake
Lost in Translation
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
Rear Window
West Side Story
David Lynch Cooking Quinoa
Midnight Cowboy
Bonnie and Clyde
The Straight Story
Annie Hall
The Great Dictator
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Y tu Mamá También
Paddington 2
Autumn Sonata
To Kill a Mockingbird
Barry Lyndon
It's a Wonderful Life
The Wrestler
The Florida Project
It's Such a Beautiful Day
Paths of Glory
Kung Fury
Boogie Nights
Gone with the Wind
The Prestige
Shaun of the Dead
The World's End
In the Mood for Love
El Bola
Celda 211
El Olivo
Las 13 Rosas
Blue Valentine
Like Crazy
(500) Days of Summer
Le Mépris
Match Point
Ruby Sparks
Revolutionary Road
Happy Together
Sleepy Hollow
Black Sunday
The Hunger
The Haunting
Crimson Peak
The Crow
Pan's Labyrinth
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
A Cure for Wellness
Horror of Dracula
The Bride
La Novia
Flavors of Youth
Dead Poet's Society
Mary and Max
Dear Zachary: a Letter to a Son about His Father
Big Fish & Begonia
20th Century Women
The Villainess
Touch of Evil
Zero Dark Thirty
The Stranger
El Autor
Short Term 12
Grave of the Fireflies
Cinema Paradiso
My Girl
A Ghost Story
Hasta el viento tiene miedo
El libro de piedra
Veneno para hadas
Pearl Harbor
Infierno azul
Guerra de Novias
El Bar Coyote
Needful Things
Sense & Sensibility
El Diario de Carlota
Batman vs Superman
Black Panther
Camino hacia el terror
Sé lo que hicieron el verano pasado
Joy Ride
Jeepers Creepers
La reunión del diablo
Viernes 13
Another Earth
A Quiet Place
Mississippi en llamas
The breakfast club
The revenant
sing street *
catch me if you can
dead poets society
the age of adaline
good will hunting
artificial intelligence
to the bone
the danish girl
90 minutes in heaven
while you were sleeping
james and the giant peach
Crimson peak
pretty woman
summer days with coo
the breadwinner
summer wars
the gift
julie & julia
8 mile
schindler's list
blue valentine
the hateful eight
the untouchables
old boy
ghost in the shell
sophie's choice
ip man 2
frances ha
the tree of life
amanda knox
hail, caesar!
Janis: little girl blue
my beautiful broken brain
the badadook
origin: spirits of the past
project almanac
the thing
bird box
death note
death note ii
death note: light up the new world
american gangster
the nightmare
pasión por las letras
le dîner de cons
la grande vadrouille
la traversée de paris
le fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain
El secreto de Adeline
La boda de mi mejor amigo
Loco por ella
Quédate a mi lado
The mexican
A él no le gustas tanto
El regalo
Lo imposible
Con derecho a roce
Mi segunda vez
El examen
El número 23
The game
Clown house
Once upon a time in Mexico
Wes Creaven's New Nightmare
Don't look now
Eyes without a face
Como si fuera la primera vez
El diario de Biridget Jones
500 días con ella
El descanso
Virgen a los 40
Eterno resplandor de una mente sin recuerdos
Realmente amor
Ligeramente embarazada
¿Cómo sobrevivir a un ex?
Mensajero del futuro
El imperio del fuego
El libro de Emo
Oblivion: el tiempo del olvido
La última esperanza
Escape de NY
El expresó del miedo
Soy leyenda
El último camino
Cuando el destino nos alcance
Sunset boulevard
North by northwest
The artist
The good the bad and the ugly
The Maltese falcon
The road
Independence day
28 dias después
Hijos de los hombres
La guerra de los mundos
Stake land
Take shelter
American Pie
Rumores y mentiras
Todo en un día
Chicas malas
El club de los cinco
El exorcista
El descenso
The babadook
La matanza de Texas
La cosa
Rec 2
El conjuro 2
Evil dead
Voice from the stone
Dig two graves
Black butterfly
Grey Lady
Dans la maison
Memories of a murder
The prestige
Gone baby gone
El secreto de sus ojos
Mystic River
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dxadshot · 6 years
@wandajr liked for a starter!!
Now that he was a NOVA agent, it was his job to go after people out after dark, which was probably the stupidest thing that they could have put him on. Thankfully, when they usually tapped Rick and Floyd for something, it was a special operation, one that required agents of their caliber, not something as stupid as making patrols and catching kids walking home from their shitty jobs or people trying to sneak out after a one night stand. 
He especially didn’t like catching kids, and that was what had happened right then. “Stop right there.” He hated being a fucking g-man. His face was covered by his helmet, which was what distinguished him from other NOVA agents—the rest wore standard riot gear face shields, but Floyd wore his Deadshot mask. He held his gun up in front of him. “ID?”
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@fyrewalks sent [text] god is real and he likes to make me suffer in new and mundane ways // mickey
[ MSG: sunshine ☀️💘 ] we're bringing god into this, must be serious [ MSG: sunshine ☀️💘 ] what's up, babe?
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heartsbreaking · 1 month
gracie stood tall on the podium, shoulders back with the weight of her first olympic medal on her neck. the cheers for all three women standing there were almost as loud a the roar of a jet. her cheeks hurt from smiling. as soon as they could, her teammates rushed from the sidelines and surrounded her. congratulations echoed in her ears. they jumped up and down as they hugged her. she almost couldn't be happier.
as soon as she got some air, gracie walked up to the sidelines and climbed onto one of the benches as as soon as she found where andrei was watching a short distance from her family. standing on the bench she could just poke her head up over the barrier. she reached up to him and as soon as he was within the right distance pulled him down for a kiss.
STARTER for @razorfst / andrei lupei *
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respect-the-wind · 7 years
Minnesota Vikings Offseason Blueprint Part I : In-House Moves
What can be said about our Minnesota Vikings’ 2017-2018 season that hasn’t already been spoken? Not much more, considering all you need to know is that most fans likely will develop heart trouble sooner in life now. I’m not writing this to reminisce about the great season our Vikes had, or the massive letdown that ended our dreams one game too early. I’m writing this to say that it’s time to pick ourselves up, brush the dust off, and look onward to what promises to be one of the most important offseasons in Minnesota Vikings history.
Tradition has it that this will be divided into two pieces, the first covering decisions involving coaching staff and in-house player decisions. The second piece will cover what the Vikings should do in free agency and the draft to finally push this team over the proverbial hump. Mix in some of my legendary humor and an interesting assortment of GIFs, and I promise you will only mildly regret reading this. Awwwwwwwww HERE’ GOES!
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1.) Sign Philadelphia Eagles QB Coach John DeFilippo as Offensive Coordinator
This one was easy, considering it….already happened. However, just because Rick Spielman and co. were able to make the hire happen faster than I can type won’t deter me. DeFilippo was my first choice among the interviewees that included Kevin Stefanski, Sean Ryan, Darrell Bevell, and Dan Campbell. Why?
He brings along a new offensive scheme, likely some from the phenomenal Philadelphia Eagles’ 2017 offense
He helped turn Carson Wentz into an MVP candidate in 2 years, and prepped his injury replacement Nick Foles well enough to defeat Tom Brady in the Super Bowl
He’s a young, fresh mind in a sea of coaching retreads
Stefanski was my second choice, due to his experience at several offensive coaching positions and long tenure in the Vikings organization (it appears as though he will still remain with the team, as interviews with other teams have been blocked.)
It’s also important to note how intent the Vikings were on bringing aboard DeFilippo. They waited until the Super Bowl was over to interview him, which ended up being a few weeks into their search. The interview itself almost seemed a formality, as he was hired that same night. Spielman and Zimmer must have really seen something they liked in his résumé. Alas, bravo, Slick Rick, you made the right move here.
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1.) RB Latavius Murray
     This move isn’t going to make a lot of sense to you right away, but I’ll get there. Murray had a very slow start to the season, including after starter Dalvin Cook went down with a knee injury. However, he really picked it up in the second half of the schedule, forming a fantastic duo with Jerick McKinnon. However, Murray’s contract was designed to basically be a 1 year deal with 2 more additional team option years. His $5.15 million for 2018 in guaranteed money only becomes official on the 3rd day of the new league year. Murray can likely land a nice deal somewhere else, and the Vikings can use all the extra cash they can get their hands on.
2.) DT Sharrif Floyd
     This one is sad. Floyd showed real promise when he was on the field. Unfortunately, he suffered some sort of nerve damage in his knee during a relatively normal operation. The damage has been bad enough that he has not seen time since the 2016 season opener. This is a seriously cruel fate for a young player to meet. The Vikings have no choice but to move on. The cap savings from this would near $6.8 million and no dead cap hit.
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IN-HOUSE FREE AGENTS (Sign or Decline)
1.) RB Jerick McKinnon
     McKinnon is the reason why Murray must be cut. Out of the two, McKinnon shows more athleticism, elusiveness, and speed on the field. His explosive screen plays were a highlight of the season, and the Vikings need his speed in the backfield. However, McKinnon has publicly stated his intention to explore the market in search of a more prominent role. It’s hard to see him landing a starting role somewhere, but he would certainly land a primary backup role somewhere. If the Vikes ditch Murray and give McKinnon that role, he may be inclined to accept it. SIGN
And so we meet again.
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2.) CB Terence Newman
     NEWMAN. The ageless wonder followed up a rough ending to 2016-17 with a decent 2018. It’s truly stunning to see a player of that age (39) still playing corner in the NFL. The problem is Newman has become a defensive liability. Wide receivers simply are much faster than him at this juncture, and why wouldn’t players 10 years younger be? The Vikings cannot continue to use Newman as a band-aid, they must improve this position. That all being said, I know deep within my soul that Zimmer is going to bring him back anyway, and I hope it’s as the team’s 4th CB instead of 3rd. SIGN (only because it’s gonna happen anyway)
3.) DT Tom Johnson
Johnson continues to be a beast against the run. It’s unfortunate that he isn’t more helpful against the pass though. The Vikings desperately need some QB pressure from the interior line, and right now there isn’t enough coming from Johnson to help out star nose tackle Linval Joseph. There are a few intriguing options on the free agent market that could have an immediate impact. Decline
4.) G Joe Berger    
     This really isn’t a choice for the team to make. Berger has made his intentions relatively clear that he intended to retire after the 2017-2018 season. The Vikings are going to have to fill this void, which will be somewhat difficult considering Berger has done a very good job during his time. Decline (Retirement)
5.) K Kai Forbath
     Ah, the Kai Conundrum. Forbath missed a plethora of extra points throughout the season, and a few long-distance field goals. I would have banished him to the Chokey if I based his performance in the first half of the season alone. However, it simply cannot be ignored that Forbath was clutch when they needed him most, including in the Divisional playoff game against the Saints. Forbath hit 2 long distance field goals to keep the Vikings in the game just enough for the Minneapolis Miracle to be relevant. Perhaps they bring in some competition, but ultimately he’s earned his spot. SIGN
And that wraps up Part 1 of the Minnesota…..just kidding. Turns out there might be a few more “notable” in-house decisions to cover. By notable, I mean franchise-altering quarterback decisions that will make or break this franchise’s best shot at the Lombardi trophy in decades. No big deal or anything.
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 6.) QB Sam Bradford
     The Bradford Experiment was a huge success in the first game of the season, brilliantly mastering the Saints defense for a great victory. The End. That’s how the Story of Sam ends for Minnesota. Undeniably the most talented QB of the three the Vikings had this year, he cannot shake the injury bug. In short, his knee simply cannot be trusted to lead the franchise going forward and the team cannot afford to pin their hopes on him. Decline
7.) QB Case Keenum
     By now you are likely aware of the Curious Case of….Case. The guy did some unbelievable things for the Vikings this year. Keenum has incredible pocket presence, masking most flaws the o-line had. His ability to extend plays was crucial, and he showed undeniable energy and composure as the offense leader. The problem is, it wasn’t enough. Keenum never displayed great arm strength and struggled mightily with deep throws. The offense was incapable of playing from behind, which was a very glaring problem in the NFC Championship game. I’m not blaming Keenum for his shortcomings, because he does the best with what he’s got. I would absolutely love to sign him back as the primary backup, but that will not only NOT happen, it wouldn’t be fair to him. He will likely land a starting gig for a rebuilding franchise with a contract around $20 - $22 million. As thankful as I am for his services this year, it’s a hard but necessary pass. Decline
8.) QB Teddy Bridgewater
     I’m going to dive into the Teddy topic heavy in the next article, so I will keep this short. Teddy completed a miraculous comeback from a gruesome knee injury late this year, making a short and emotional appearance against the Cincinnati Bengals. Drafted as the QB of the future for the Vikings, Bridgewater found himself on the outside looking in while Keenum led the team to a 13-3 record. Simply put (and believe me, it gets much more complicated than this so stay tuned) how do you entrust a franchise in full win-now mode to a QB who has missed nearly 2 years of game action, and was not fully developed prior to the injury? The answer is, you can’t. Decline
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Bear with me fellow fans; this will all make sense eventually. This (officially) concludes Part I of the Minnesota Vikings Offseason Blueprint. Part II will be a real doozy, so please stay tuned, and thanks for reading.
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mementomorphosis · 7 years
[Starter] ~ The Big Combo
@sugardollcrash liked for a starter!
“So I can’t leave the room?” 
“N... No, you can’t.” August said, continuing to probe at the rusted lock on the grimy window. Outside, he could see the various residents of Goodneighbor mill about, savouring the last few hours of gentle, warm orange daylight before hitting the hay. Or The Third Rail. Or possibly each other. Such options weren’t necessarily mutually exclusive. 
“What if I’ve gotta use the can?” asked Floyd.
“T... You... Y-Yes, you can leave the room then. But you’ve got to come right back without talking to anyone.” He considered this strategy with a little more foresight. “Or... A-Actually, just... don’t make eye contact, alright? The people here probably see it as a challenge.”
Floyd, lying upon the bed (or, rather more accurately, lying upon his coat upon said bed; August was very adamant about him not coming into contact with the suspiciously stained mattress), didn’t look entirely satisfied with the negotiation, but nevertheless flicked to a new page of Invasion of the Zetans and continued reading. 
“If you don’t want me bugging you, just say. Could’ve just dropped me off with Deb again.”
“S-She said she’s busy.” Meaning, August added inwardly as he gave the lock a final, dejected poke, she’s not exactly peachy about playing babysitter for some ghoul scavver’s kid day after day and getting little in the way of payment. It wouldn’t be wise to take advantage of her straining hospitality. Floyd coming with him and staying at a room in the Rexford seemed like the only other sensible option available, and as far as sensible options went, it was a complete dumbass of one. “But you wouldn’t be bugging me if you tagged along. It’s... I just... I... I don’t really like the idea of...”
He sighed, and turned around to face the boy with tired, bloodshot eyes. 
“Look, sorry kiddo, I... I should probably get going with this package. I’ll only be about half an hour.”
“Yup.” Floyd said. A certain glumness had crept into his voice. 
“Um... okay. There’s some trail mix and a few bottles of water in the bag if you want them. I mean... um... t-the stuff from the taps here probably isn’t all that... healthy. Actually, I-I think I packed your math homework, too, i-if you want to--”
“I know.” 
August pursed his lips. He picked up the parcel on the sideboard. “... Right. W-Well, uh...  Just... just... be safe, alright? I won’t be long. I-I promise.”
Gordon. Gordon Dell. House on the left side of the street next to... to the one with the blue-- no, not blue, it said... fucking hell, what did it say? August squinted at the rushed script upon the scrap of paper. God, he was sure his handwriting was getting worse. It was like drunken sine waves. Wait. Was that a R? An R. And a G before that. It said... big... big red... big red door. Big red door. 
He saw, several feet in front of him after a brief, slightly nervous meander down the broken sidewalk, a door that was - at one point in its tumultuous life - likely red, but decades of glares by an uncaring sun had left it bleached a sickly pink . He entered the building next to it. 
Admittedly, he wasn’t quite sure what he was expecting. Gangsters, maybe. Large men in pinstripe suits chomping on cigars insistently calling him “Pal.”.Or a huddle of people splayed on a sofa huffing ultrajet. Or an unlicensed brothel. It wasn’t as if he had any other frame of reference for who inhabited these leaning, ramshackle houses. 
Relatively low on the mental list was a pink-haired woman and a tense man looking increasingly like he wanted to be somewhere several thousand miles away. He turned to August, sweat beading on his brow. August stared back. A terrible silence had fallen upon the room like a sackful of bricks. 
“S... Should I come back later?” the ghoul ventured. 
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iscariotsdeputy · 5 years
dawn — tidesofwcr
Send In A Word, And I’ll Write A Drabble Or Starter Based On It @tidesofwcr​—
    A brand new day in their home. A new morning that came after a night without nightmares. Something wonderful they could all enjoy together. Staci, Floyd, and Staci’s service dog, Thor. They were a fantastic trio. This morning, however, the duo of Staci and Thor were up early in an attempt to make some breakfast for Floyd. When Staci’s fiance was awake and walked into the kitchen, Staci perked up and grinned from ear to ear. On the table were pancakes, eggs, and bacon. And yes. The eggs and bacon were arranged in the form of a smiley face.
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    “G-G-G-G’m-G’mornin’ sunshine!” And with those words, the familiar black lab known as Thor trotted over to Floyd and nudged his hand with his nose. “Th-Tho-Thought I should let you s-s-sl-slee-sleep in a few extra m-mi-minutes so I could su-sur-surprise you with breakfast!”
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chorddebtor0-blog · 5 years
Projecting all the offseason moves for the Chicago Bears
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Brace Hemmelgarn-USA TODAY Sports
The Chicago Bears offseason is upon us and because of that, it’s time to let the imagination fly. Even so, this is a team that is currently tight against the cap and will still have more movement before they can spend with any sort of impact, if that is indeed the plan.
There’s plenty that can happen in an offseason, so I’m going to do my best to project a combination of what I think general manager Ryan Pace would do and what I would do as well.
Without further ado, let’s jump into this head first.
Current Cap Space: $18.146 million
This includes every currently announced cut and I also projected Cody Parkey’s cut in here as well, since there will be no additional cap penalties in 2019 because of the June 1st designation. This also includes the $2.5 million cap credit from Mike Glennon’s 2018 offset language.
Cap Savers: (+$12.751 million)
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Mike DiNovo-USA TODAY Sports
Restructure Khalil Mack. (+$8.396 million)
By converting Mack’s $11.3 million base salary into a signing bonus, it would allow the Bears to save a maximum of $8.3 million. That would include a sixth year minimum salary and spreading the remaining dead cap over a five-year period, which would start this year.
Extend Chase Daniel (+$2.33 million)
By giving Daniel a two year extension (two years, $8 million), the team could also turn around and convert his $4 million base salary into a signing bonus. After a minimum salary benefit and the proration of the bonus, it would allow them to save around $2.33 million in 2019.
Trade Jordan Howard (+$1.535 million after rule of 51)
This is a move the Bears should only make after finding his replacement(s). I’m projecting that the Bears will trade Howard and a 2020 sixth-round pick to the Buffalo Bills for their fourth round comp pick (#132). This saves money and makes the most sense for both sides if Pace feels comfortable with the return.
Notes: Converting Mack’s base salary into a bonus is somewhat of a risk, but even an extra $2 million in dead space over the next five years isn’t going to cripple them, especially when the cap has continued to rise by $10-$12 million each year.
Total Cap Space: $30.38 million
Internal Free Agents (8)
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Mike DiNovo-USA TODAY Sports
CB Bryce Callahan (Four years, $26 million with $12 million guaranteed) $4.75 million hit (Comp: Bobby McCain)
WR Josh Bellamy (Two years, $3.5 million with $1.1M guaranteed) $1.5 million hit (Comp: Sherrick McManis)
G Bryan Witzmann (Two years, $3 million with $600,000 guaranteed) $1.25 million hit (Comp: Eric Kush)
LS Patrick Scales (Three years, $3.5 million with $1.25M guaranteed) $1 million hit (Comp: Mike Windt)
TE Ben Braunecker (One year, $900,00 with $150,000 guaranteed) $900,000 hit (Comp: Daniel Brown)
S DeAndre Houston-Carson (One year, $700,000) $700,000 hit
DL Roy Robertson-Harris (one year, $650,000 (ERFA) $650,000 hit
RT Rashaad Coward (one year, $650,000) (ERFA) $650,000 hit
Notes: This is going to be an interesting group to follow. It’s quite possible that the Bears could end up retaining both Adrian Amos and Callahan after hitting the market, especially with how packed both markets are at their respective positions. The Bears have been vocal about wanting to retain both, and judging by the lack of reported buzz from both players at the combine, this seems more and more realistic. Even so, I’m still going to make this a safer projection and assume that just one of the two comes back.
Total Spent (after the rule of 51): (-$6.87 million)
Current Cap Space: $23.567 million
Primary Outside Free Agents (6)
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Tommy Gilligan-USA TODAY Sports
OLB Terrell Suggs (Two years, $12 million with $5.5 million guaranteed) $5.5 million hit (Comp: Cam Wake)
RB T.J. Yeldon (Three years, $12 million with $6 million guaranteed) $3 million hit (Comp: Isaiah Crowell)
DB Brian Poole (Three years, $10.5 million with $4 million guaranteed) $2.5 million hit (Comp: Terrance Mitchell)
CB P.J. Williams (One year, $1.5 million with $500,000 guaranteed) $1.5 million hit (Comp: Marcus Cooper)
K Kai Forbath (One year, $1 million with $200K guaranteed) $1 million hit
WR De’Anthony Thomas (One year, $900,000 $150,000 guaranteed) $900,000 million hit
Notes: This isn’t going to be some extravagant offseason for the team like in previous years. They don’t have the resources to go out and sign multiple contracts in the $8-$10 million range, but that’s alright. Their holes will be minimal and the focus should be more about finding missing pieces in the short-term that can help push them team closer to a Super Bowl. It’s possible the Bears could do better at safety than Poole, but I have a feeling Pagano will want versatility, which the former Falcon brings. There’s also “better” options than Yeldon at running back, but stylistically, he fits like a glove. Maybe they’ll shell out $7 million per year for someone like Tevin Coleman, but I’ll keep my projection more conservative for the time being.
Total Spent (After rule of 51): (-$10.98 million)
Current Cap Space: $12.587 million
Extensions: (-$3 million)
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Kyle Terada-USA TODAY Sports
Notes: At this point, a Whitehair extension has not only been widely speculation by names like Adam Jahns and Biggs, but it seems like a foregone conclusion this summer. It’s a no-brainer and speaks to Pace’s ability to land talent out of the first round.
Current Cap Space: $9.587 million
Draft Class (-$2.5 million)
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Reinhold Matay-USA TODAY Sports
3rd (#87): RB Miles Sanders (Penn St)
This is a running back class that simply didn’t test very well as a whole, but even so, there’s not a lot of first round talent, if any in this class. This should be a good thing for the Bears. Sanders is someone who didn’t originally pop to me on film, but the more and more I watched him, the more attractive he was. He’s a one-year starter with minimal miles. He doesn’t have a ton of long speed and may dance too much behind the line, but he has all the physical makings of a primary back in Nagy’s offense.
4th (#126): DB Amani Hooker (Iowa)
Much like the Poole signing, I expect the Bears to look for versatile options in the defensive backfield. Hooker can play in the nickel, either boundary spot or at strong safety. He’s someone that was used in multiple ways at Iowa and if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s to trust a good friend of mine who covers that team. He raves about Hooker and it’s easy to see why. Could be a plug and play starter from day one, but the Bears won’t need him to be.
4th (#132): TE Foster Moreau (LSU) Projected Trade with Buffalo
I’ve kicked a few different tight ends around at this pick. My other choice would have been Texas A&M product Jace Sternberger, but I find it hard to believe he’ll be sitting there in the late fourth, so enter Moreau. He’s not a crazy athletic kid, but he’s big, has steady hands and is an outstanding blocker. The Bears have invested heavy at the position, but this may be a needed addition.
5th (#162): WR Penny Hart (Georgia St)
Depending on who you talk to, receiver is either a bigger need than meets the eye or receiver is not a worry at all. I’m more in the middle. I don’t think they need to go out and spent big money or use a high pick, but finding Taylor Gabriel’s eventual replacement in the fifth-round wouldn’t be bad. Hart is smaller, but he’s very quick and could be used perfectly in Nagy’s offense.
7th (#222): K Matt Gay (Utah)
The Bears are likely to draft a kicker, seeing as how they have a pair of seventh round picks. Right now, the two kickers on the roster are Redford Jones and Chris Blewitt. Neither have NFL experience. Enter Gay, who has one hell of a leg.
7th (#238): OG Alex Bars (Notre Dame)
This pick is all about value and development. Kyle Long restructured his deal to help the team for a year, but has over a $9 million cap hit in 2020. Bars has experience with Harry Hiestand and could be a nice developmental pick or depth at worst.
Total Remaining Cap Space: $7.087 million
Offensive Depth Chart
QB Trubisky/Daniel
RB Yeldon/Sanders/Cohen/Mizzell
WR1 Robinson/Bellamy
WR2 Gabriel/Wims
WR3 Miller/Thomas/Hart
TE Burton/Shaheen/Moreau/Braunecker
RT Massie/Coward
RG Long/Witzmann
C Whitehair
LG Daniels/Bars
LT Leno/Sowell
Defensive Depth Chart
DE Hicks/Bullard
NT Goldman
DE Nichols/Robertson-Harris
OLB Mack/Suggs/Fitts
ILB Smith/Kwiatkoski
ILB Trevathan/Iggy
OLB Floyd/Irving
CB1 Fuller/Hooker/Williams
CB2 Amukamara/Toliver
SS Poole/Bush/Hooker
FS Jackson/Houston-Carson
NCB Callahan/McManis
Special Teams Depth Chart
K Gay/Jones/Forbath
KR Thomas/Cohen
PR Cohen/Thomas
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Source: https://www.windycitygridiron.com/2019/3/7/18252545/projecting-chicago-bears-mock-draft-free-agency-callahan-amos-suggs-mack-yeldon-bellamy-whitehair
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