#* the queen of delusion is speaking. || ooc
ashedrose · 5 months
i'm gonna play sims for a bit but i have the app im & disco on mobile! feel free to reach out & we can chat and plot and fangirl away <3
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vilhelios · 2 months
(no matter how much time passes, zayne's voice remains unchanging with you — low, pleasing to the ear, and always heartbreakingly gentle.) ; to kick off the follower event ! for c, 🐈‍⬛️🎬, my beloved cat lady, who has always fed my delusions : ZAYNE + 💌 13. "they have never raised their voice around you, always talks softly.”
cw: small text + all lowercase + not beta read ; fluff fluff fluff ; slight angst at the very end ; may be slightly ooc (it's my first time writing for zayne) ; caleb makes a very brief appearance ; slight foreseer!zayne spoilers
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you and ZAYNE are ten.
he's been your best friend for as long as you can remember, always at your side. he gives you candies whenever you feel lightheaded, and fishes out a bandaid from his bag whenever you fall and scrape off the skin of your knee on concrete, and walks you home in the evenings whenever caleb had after-school basketball club. when grandma gives you pocket money to buy new crayons, or a new drawing book, she leaves just enough extra to buy those candies he loves so much from the roadside stall; and when zayne's mother gives him money intended for school materials, he can't help but spend it on the popsicles you said you liked.
zayne is your dearest best friend, just as you are his. he's never said it, but you know; you know it because he sits on the table nearest to yours, and doesn't care when your other classmates tease him for holding your hand during recess, and follows in your little footsteps as you drag him through the school's playground.
("i'm gonna be a hunter when i'm older!" you grin, limbs tangled in the bars of the climbing dome-tower. your hands smell slightly of metal, there's paint peeling off the bars and sticking to your skin, and you are young and fearless.
zayne stares up at you, from where he sits in the eye of the tower, eyes peeling away from the book he's reading: the snow queen. "why?" he asks, voice as soft as always. you're upside down on the top of the dome when you look back to answer him, and a young zayne doesn't know if his heart is beating so fast because he's scared you'll fall, or because of something else.
"because," the sound of your hand against the metal bar as you swing around reverberates in the cage, in your chest, and in zayne's mind. you hoist yourself out of the grid spaces, sitting on the bars now, "i want to take care of everyone!")
zayne is your sweetest friend. he knows when you're tired and hungry, even when you insist you're aren't, and proceeds to hand you a little sweet. he knows when the sun gets far too bright and the day far too hot, and places his little hands over your forehead to cool you down, evol swirling at his fingertips. he muffles the sound of the school bell with his palms over your ears, just as he does when your classmates get too rowdy, or when caleb yells for you from across the room.
("don't be so loud." he says, voice even and face as calm as ever, and you watch him gently whack caleb on the shoulder. "it's not nice." zayne does not say that it's because your ears are more sensitive than most.)
(the years pass, and not much changes between the two of you from the days of your childhood, besides the cavity fillings and growth spurts and skills with your evols. zayne still offers you those little candies, still dreams odd dreams, and still talks in the softest voice he can muster when he speaks to you. but eventually, zayne moves away, and your family in bloomshore district becomes you, caleb, and grandma once again.)
ZAYNE is a sweet, gentle lover.
as sweet as the macarons and cakes and pastries he lets you buy, and the extra ones he buys to leave on your wanting plate. as gentle as the way he says your name, or the way he calls you darling, or my love, or the less common my snowflake when he spots you plodding over to the kitchen in the early morning. he’s already dressed as smart as always, with hands stained with the juice of the fruit he skillfully cuts. unbreaking strands of crimson apple skin twine around his fingers—neat, perfect, and then finally cut away by a decisive flick of the knife.
“good morning, my love.” zayne looks up from the peeled apple. his voice is a soft, low hum in your ears—it always is, always has been for as long as you could remember. “eat up. you need your energy for today.”
( not like today is anything different, or anything special… but he just wants you hale and healthy everyday. )
lucky mornings go like this, when zayne does not have to rush to akso: he gently slides the plate of breakfast he’d prepared over in front of you (always with a bowl of cut up fruit). then, he takes his own plate, and sits beside you at the kitchen island, shoulders brushing against each other’s as he settles on the barstool. the early morning sunlight bathes his apartment in rose-gold hues, slowly warming you from the chill of the night.
“did you sleep well?” zayne asks—as he always does, monitoring your health in these small ways too—and his voice mixes with the faraway sound of linkon city rousing from slumber. telltale sounds of traffic buzzes in the streets of the concrete and beton jungle below. birdsong flits through the air, church sparrows flying past the window. conversation too, bounces from topic to topic—today’s duties, an invitation for lunch at a cafe near akso, predicted times that you two will return home.
it’s a string of little murmurs, on these mornings with zayne. and this thread of domesticity ends at the doorway, with a final soft, “i love you. take care of yourself today,” as he presses a lingering kiss to your lips and another peck to your forehead. then, the click of the door closing as he pulls away.
( it’s the hardest part of his day. the easiest is the return — an always a too-warm embrace that seeps into his very bones, a peppering of kisses to your cheeks, and a sweet “i missed you, my snowflake. how was your day?” )
who are you?
the FORESEER does not feel. he cannot afford to. he is not allowed to. the foreseer is as cold as the ice that he is both ruler and slave to, unrelenting, unforgiving. merciless. a tool for astra—a cruel god, crafting an even crueler tool. a hand meant to be made, tormented, and dealt.
and yet, when he sees you, a poor thief masquerading as an envoy... well, he cannot, for whatever reason, find it in himself to be a weapon. not when he sees visions of lives he has and hasn’t lived flicker into view like distorted deja vu, all centering around this false messenger he has ensnared in ice.
“you forget yourself, testing the limits of my benevolence.”
and even though the words are harsh (oh, and a small part of his inner self recoils at his words), the foreseer's voice is a gentle murmur. soft yet stern, a hint of confounding warmth in his cold tone; second nature.
( “don’t cry.” zayne says, at the end of it all. the jasmine flowers bloom, a gentle, silent symphony. )
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cross posted on ao3 -- read it here!
creative notes: the iron dome in the playground represents the tower of thorns (?) in foreseer myth! zayne sits at the bottom (foreseer is always trapped) and reads h. c. anderson's "the snow queen" (which i think is quite fitting for astra-foreseer-mc), while mc/you is actively trying to escape the tower/defy fate.
a/n: went on hiatus for a bit due to uni work, but am back! will be working on the requests i got 🫶💕 i hope everyone enjoyed the new update for l&ds!!! i personally love sylus already, so he might make an appearance on my page eventually.... anyway, thank you as always for reading my stuff!!! i've never been this invested in an otome's lore until l&ds, so i'm just!!! i want to write more for them!!!
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diejager · 2 years
Can i request fatui hcs with Shoko from Jjk reader
This is very ooc in my opinion- there isn't much known about the Fatui Harbingers TvT
Pierro (Pierrot)
He prides himself with recruiting fatui soldiers, agents, or workers for the Tsaritsa. Being the oldest of the group, he acted as a protector, a proud watcher of the people he personally recruited in the past.
Similarly to Childe, who he pinned the Delusion on him, he catered lightly as an uncle would to his nephew like Pulcinella did to him, he cared for you for a variety of reasons. Some are more personal than professional.
Pierrot likes your professionalism while on duty, to do well meant the goodness of Snezhnaya. You do what's asked and do it well, the castle's sole doctor. A practitioner of medicine and keeping men and women from dying. They needed you, especially the new recruits and rowdy fatui agents (he lost count of how many times he's seen Tartaglia sitting on one of the many cots in your infirmary that juxtaposes the morgue - yours). If he were ever wounded, either small or big, he wouldn't think twice before going to see you, he trusts your inquiries and abilities in your profession - more so than he would with Dottore.
He often remarks on your carelessness - as he calls it - is more so your cool personality, easygoing enough to make him and others feel comfortable enough to share information; not that you'd gossip or tattletale on them, you gave your vows to their Queen a few months back. Perhaps it's the perks that came with your title, the carefulness with your patience but an open-minded and laid-back character with coworkers and friends.
You're blunt, unafraid of the consequences of your actions like most Harbingers were. He appreciates that. Although infuriating at times, he knows he could come to you with words, seeking your advice from a medical perspective, to receive truthfulness, unlike some agents that would submit to his ideas, going with it and against their morals because he's Perrio, the 1st Fatui Harbinger. He likes that about you. You'd stop at his office, dark and eerie for others (it didn't bother you, you liked it, you said, eyes adjusting to the darkness while you took in every detail of his office.), and sit on the chair facing his, tired eyes meeting his glowing ones and speak freely. He might've felt insulted if he were Scaramouche with his petty anger, but he values your insights.
Outside of work, anything related to the Fatui, you're just a regular doctor, tired and knowledgable in the human anatomy, able to tell where to hit without necessarily wanting to lift a hand and do it yourself. Even protection, you declined any. He fears you'd end up hurt by something or someone, you ingrained yourself too deeply into his life to simply vanish.
He knows you have a hidden dagger, he watched as Pantalone gave it to you with a kiss on your hand. He remembers feeling a seething pang in his chest, he was far too old for this, far older than you to have a moral relationship - though it wouldn't stop him if you wanted one with him.
Hopefully, you'd want that, want him as he wants you. However, being able to see you every day, talk with you and shake hands are enough for now. He's satisfied with that much at the moment.
Il Dottore
The second Fatui Harbinger to meet you when you crossed the doors. A doctor he calls himself, a self-made genius with a pompous air - he has nothing to hide because his prowess made up for his asshole-like personality. He likes to refer to himself as the only doctor in the compound - used to before you came along - mirthful of his scientific novelties and every speck of magic he could make without a vision.
He's a little jarring on the first meetings, snide and envious. The amount of shoving and shoulder bumps he gave you was innumerable, Pierrot found it useless and glared at him, but you didn't bother. He often stayed in his laboratory than wander the place for wounded people.
He's passed the point of rivalry after a few months, coming and going to see whether you have time to assist him when he saw the plethora of anatomy books and science-related subjects he saw in your office - you remember his approving nod the first time he visited (plus Pantalone's praises about you).
Dottore regularly stops by to initiate a scientific debate - as he calls it - and asks for your insights, sometimes taking a corpse or two with him to test his discoveries. He likes to know he could walk up to you and incite a morbid, but anatomical hypothesis without disgusting you with his derogative terms of the dead and every little, ghoulish detail of his experiments. You even acknowledge his findings and help as much as you could, small details he kissed about it on paper or on his live subjects.
He can and will talk shit about others in your presence and you'd laugh, maybe add a bit to his insults. He admires your ability to differentiate your personal relationships with your work, calm and calculating, near cunning when you're wearing your coat and gloves, but a sweet-talker with a cool countenance when you shed your shell.
He brags if he can, you'd listen to him drone away, bobbing and humming, perhaps criticize him here and there. He finds it entertaining, it's fun seeing Signora or Scaramouche scoff at him when he's talking so brutally about them; or when Sandrone's usual calmness morphs into a glare his way; or even Columbina's forced smile.
If he could, Dottore probably wouldn't want to spend a second away from your infirmary, maybe ask to have his lab moved near yours. He can already Invision the chaos you'd both create! How fun.
The aura she gives off is... weird and inexplicably unease, even for you, though you try to see past the character they build for themselves. She's aware of that; she, along with Dottore and Pierrot, hold much - too much - power on their own and she appreciates your efforts.
She sings, and she likes to, it gives her an air of a damsel and fits to her moniker and her appearance, but she likes singing and wants to have people listen to her. You do, she could walk through your door and chirp as long as she wants in your office while you work, you don't shoo her away, or push her out, but back and sneer at her. You let her sit on your duvet sofa against your wall and sing to you while you deal with paperwork.
Columbina shows - at least she tries her best to - all her to you, her true self, and her Damselette, the sickeningly sweet and petite girl people know her for. She learned to trust you with her secrets, having witnessed your pledge to the Tsaritsa. She saw the honesty and loyalty in your eyes - perhaps it was towards the Tsaritsa alone but she hoped she counted - and how you bowed low for her.
She'd try to coerce you to disclose some private knowledge on a few faceless agents within the castle, for they were little secrets, but you stared at her with this deadpanned look that she hadn't received in a long while - not since she became a Harbinger. Many times you declined her, saying that you were a doctor before a fatui, and that information about every patient was private matters shared only to close relatives or the patient itself.
Then, she knew she could trust you, and she does now. She pops in more often, hair flowing behind her with a gentle smile, not like her usual one, it's more genuine, honest like she's with you.
It was a rocky start, but now and then, she slipped up, and Damselette cracked lightly, telling you her fears, her pains, her sorrows. She was glad and still is that you support her unconditionally. If she's in your office and someone knocks, you ask them to come back later, if it's an emergency, you deal with it and come back to see her afterward.
You're a loyal and caring person, sarcastic at times but bluntly truthful in a way that makes people believe in you, and it's often that she finds herself wondering if you'd have those characteristics towards a lover - if you have one. If not, she wants to know if you'd take her, and welcome her as a lover as you do with your patients: warm and reassuring arms.
Il Capitano
He upholds a strong unit and responsibility within the fatui, strong-willed and powerful in his ranks. He oversees most recruits but never you, you're any soldier or fighter, you don't hold - nor would you, as you once told him - any weapon except your scalpel and knowledge. He acknowledges that and respects you for it.
Your sense of justice isn't far from what he has, similar to his. He finds that respectable too. You stand for what you believe and do as you're told spectacularly. There are many things about you he can, and will, respect.
He doesn't talk much, only barking orders and growling at others, questioning them and grunting. Though he doesn't shy from others, you don't either, that's a sight he finds himself looking at often.
He takes reports from you on his soldiers, if they're overworked if they're sick if they're dying if anything happens to them. It's his duty to ensure that his soldiers are in top condition to work and fight; the better the health, the better the soldier. Your handwritten reports are neat, clean, and straight to a fault that he might envy you for it. Oral reports are less common but do occur, your voice is unwavering, back straight and you're blunt, forwarding information without a stutter or mistake.
He sees that you take your job seriously, with care and finesse. Your office and infirmary are sterile and orderly, same for his own office and home.
Perhaps he doesn't speak to you often outside of work, he tries to have a few casual conversations without seeming inappropriate - although he wants to be able to drone about things he witnessed in his time, wants to speak freely, and share things with you.
He hears from some agents that you're a good listener, that you keep everything private, under wrap, and contained inside your memory. He wants to have a try at it, but he's skittish about opening up.
He plans and calculates the risks, overseeing whether anything might hurt him, and he comes up with one too many what ifs in his mind. Maybe it's fear that makes him hesitate, stop and think instead of act. In the end, however, like everyone else, he enjoys your presence, and he respects you as others admire you.
He knows he's uptight, too serious with a stick up his ass, but you've told him many times that it doesn't matter, you like him for who he is. He feels pride swells in his chest whenever he's reminded of that sentence.
He never shows his face, you've never seen it, though you publically show your liking for his hair. He hides beneath his armor and mask, cloaked for protection, and you accept him for that.
He can't help but wonder if you'd take him, taking him in and letting him lead as he's used to doing. Cary you with him, move alongside you, let you take charge as much as he wants to.
This old coot has an eye for treasures and a knack for finding valuable assets and predicting where they'd go. He hadn't found you first, but he could see that you'd be useful when he caught sight of you walking down the hall, clip in hand with Capitano in tow.
The cold and calculative side of him urges him to exploit you and find what he can do to help advance the process he has in mind. To make you better faster. You were nothing but a valuable asset that rivaled Dottore's intelligence.
Approaching you was the best option, converse and learn from you so that could learn from him, but you were perfectly capable of doing whatever he had in mind; you did them better than he first assumed, dare he say.
You were curt, unabashed with your words towards him that made his brows lift and pointed nose twitch with surprise. You are good at this.
He started seeing Dottore appear more often at your door, Columbina as well as Signora, the captain at times, and a scowling Scaramouche that glares at him. Pantalone's a sight he sees more outside your office, in halls, and library/archives. You can make people open up, something he hadn't expected, he could work with that but reminded himself that he needed to be aware of his actions.
Whatever words he told himself are now forgotten, and he finds himself buying more treats than Childe's siblings needs, saving some to drop off at yours after his visit. The casual glances he sends your way with warmth in his golden irises multiply by the day.
He even, unknowingly, ushers you onto a cot when he sees the dark - darker - circles under your eyes, worry making him take care of you as you do with others.
He tries to take care of whatever he finds useless that you have, if he walks into your office and sees a mass of paperwork to stamp, one that anyone can do, he takes care of it; if he sees agents bothering you about medical supplies, he leads them to Dottore for him to mark everything missing or nearly finished; and if he sees you still at your desk past 10 pm, he walks you home.
He waddles after you like a penguin, it's almost adorable. Pulcinella dots on you like a caring father, he "hovers" over your shoulder with worried glances and warning glares towards the Harbingers vying for your attention.
Anger incarnated in a midget, that's what he was and still is, grouchy and leering towards everyone, spitting and glaring whenever the moment arises because they "annoy" him - or so he says.
His disagreeable personality made people steer clear of him as he did with others unless he needs them. He's aware that no one likes him and he doesn't care; nor does he care how they think of him, or you.
Like every other human on Teyvat, you're an insignificant being that's been blessed enough to be near him. He sees you walking in the halls, the main lobby, or the library, you're like an annoying bug that keeps appearing where he is in the first weeks of your employment.
Unlike the others though, you keep to yourself, you don't tremble in his presence and you don't even bother glancing his way. Somehow, that irks him more than you being afraid of him or trying to appeal to him for his favor. You don't speak to him once at all.
Until he needed to speak to you about something, he never made a move to approach you, cranky and venom-spitting every word that goes through his mind. You stared at him with such a bored and tired expression that it almost made him flinch back when he gazed at you. No one ever gave him that look after he screamed at them. You answered back with a cold monotone voice that made him doubt if you were human or not.
You surprise him at every turn, and he comes out fuming and angrier than he went in, but you always did as you were told- without mistakes. He's pleasingly satisfied by that aspect of you.
Through all the anger and pain, he learns that you can be trusted, that you're someone that keeps their word and worked well alone or with others. He's surprised to know that you pledged to the Tsaritsa, he thought you were just a doctor employed by Pierrot, not someone who'd met the Archon and works directly under her like the Harbingers. He's seen how the soldiers and agents treat you, like one of the Harbingers.
Given months to adapt to you and your work, he glances at you from time to time with bothered eyes. You fought back, yet you submissively did as you were told, with perfection. You listened well, worked well, and didn't bow down in fear like all soldiers.
He learns to accept you, let you work for and with him, little cracks through his shell to protect the pain and betrayal of the past. He's not perfect, nor are you, but he likes that, helps make sense of his abandonment.
He's a bit shy, skittish and awkward with his emotions, but surely, he'll work on that if it means a better understanding between the 2 of you. He's jumpy when he fully opens up, flinches, and backs away if he shows too much, or shakes and turns red when he's in physical contact with you for longer than necessary.
He reminds you of a cat, loves you, but has this weird way of showing it, by hissing, swiping, and scratching you. All with love. He's a tsundere, honestly. That's why he doesn't try his luck by going for something bigger than he currently has. Scared of losing what he has while achieving something greater.
A mechanical genius in the mids of prodigies, Sandrone works with automatons and anything robotic she can get her hands on. She's smart and has created - built from scratch - weapons that have proved useful to the fatui.
She's sassy, sometimes snappy, and spites people because they've angered or annoyed her, which is almost everyone in her mind. You're part of the small exceptions, you don't outwardly engage her or bother her if you don't need to, you keep to yourself and never approached her. She's usually the one to go see you for a small wound by scraps and metal from her forge.
You treat her delicately, with gentle hands and nimble fingers that make her wonder how you'd do as a mechanic. Meticulous with your tools, you work wonders, miracles that Dottore would never be able to. She likes to compare you to the deluded scientist, and paints you as the better one, deserving of the title of The Doctor.
She's intrigued by you, your intricacies, your interests, your quirks, and the things that make you - you. She, like Dottore, finds interest in your intellect, your knowledge of the subject.
When she has time, she'll bring a manual to your office, have you read it, and tell her your thoughts. You tell her if you don't understand something, you don't play coy and act as if you understood or shrug your shoulders because you don't care.
You tell her your mind as she does with you, and she finds comfort that you don't hide, don't fake, and don't take advantage of her, you take her for her. You let her spew her smilingly insane plans and ideas for the use of her automatons, she shares everything she has with you before bringing it to life. Your inputs are useful, it's a different and clear-minded point of view.
She wants to take it off, take you by the hand and pull you out of your little office, away from the prying eyes of the rest of the Harbingers and the late nights that give you dark circles. Sandrone wants to make your dreams come true, bring comfort, and shower you with care.
La Signora
Proud and graceful in nature, Signora first sneers at you, wary and unconvinced of your abilities. She stands high and nightly like her title says: a lady.
She's rarely home, often traveling to other regions for business and building relationships with the leading figures. This puts her at a disadvantage in seeing your work in person or regularly.
Through word of mouth, she learns of your accomplishments within the Fatui and the Harbingers, catching their hearts so easily that she almost scoffs at the news - no, actually, she did scoff to squirming agents.
Back from Mondstadt, she struts through the halls, deciding to stay home for a few weeks, 3 months at most. She's able to see your magic at work, fixing and mending broken bones, wrapping and stitching wounds, and manages to do all that every day, nearly 12 hours a day, and still have a clean work habit and working area. You don't snap at her when she sneers at you, you nod and fire back bluntly without any emotions about her ways and what she could do to better herself.
Shock, unyielding shock at your character, though it was refreshing from the shivering agents and the hateful Harbingers around her.
Given a few weeks, she sees the best of you, and slowly, finds herself on the sofa across your office, ranting about something that's been burdening her the past days, a sad frown on her face and clenched fists.
She stops by regularly, to rant or talk, discuss something she found interesting during her business voyage outside Snezhnaya.
She even lets you call her by her namesake, her given name: Rosalyne. She likes to hear it leave your mouth, sounding perfect when it hits her ears. She feels more grateful for the Tsaritsa's grace for letting her meet you, one of the goodness in the cold world she lives in.
Her heart burns as fiery as the fire in her soul, maybe brighter than the flames of the Crimson Witch when she holds your hands, when she speaks to you or when she tentatively smiles at you. Her heart taps at her ribs, pumping loudly in her ears, tipping them red.
She wants to take you, have you, and feel you in her arms as she takes care of your aches. Cold, she is to others; hot and caring, she is to you, a romantic and dedicating lover she'd be for you- if you'd take her.
He's an ambitious man with big plans, somewhat likable compared to some Harbingers, nicer and more compliment-giving than the rest.
He's rich and smart, the richest of all Harbingers with the economic power of the nation, he deals with trade and banking; a poor child turned a rich man.
You're someone he likes, easy on the eyes, and not too difficult to deal with. He can smile and you'll tilt your head in acknowledgment. You send clean lists of medicine and tools you need for the infirmary, easy to read and understand, unlike Dottore's chicken scribbles on his financial reports.
He took these moments to get to know you, try and find out a bit of your history, to know your likes and dislikes with mutual friendship in mind. He sponsors you with your ideas for medical upgrades, he says that they're good ideas. Pantalone decides to add surprises to your orders too.
A pretty necklace on the second month, made of sharp and cool blues that matches his clothes. Earings with the same shades as the first the next month, gifted by his hands in a velvet box.
He spoke highly of you to Dottore, someone he started liking and wanted to spoil rotten. As someone who he works with, he found it rational to ensure that you both became closer - enough that Dottore stays a friend and him your lover - to make things easier.
He sends you invites to his luxurious house when he can, or to eat out at a nice restaurant in Snezhnaya, on his account, always. Anything you want, he buys; if you hint or he feels that you might need, you'll find it on your desk the next day with a romantic letter accompanying it.
Pantalone's the type that'll spoil you with material goods without wanting anything but your devotion to him, your love, and help - if he even get wounded (as a banker and without vision, he doesn't do anything on the frontlines like Signora or Tartaglia, he sits at the farthest back and finances anything they'll need for their work).
He is a materialistic lover who gives and gives; he bathes you in luxuries wherever and whenever he can, and he likes doting on you. Unlike the rest, he's gentler than them, almost more human than the others since he calls himself a banker and not a fighter.
She has this dark side to her, one that's mentioned by a few Harbingers, her hunger for power over others; not unlike Pantalone's hunger for equality between humans and archons.
Although her face stays passive most - if not all - times, her voice portrays a different story. She speaks with disdain about businessmen and dignitaries, people with money who don't see the world outside of the comforts of their homes. Arlecchino hates them for that, detests them.
You're neither rich nor do you see the world outside the castle, but your work of line involves those that do, you mend the wounds of soldiers that go farther than their region's limits, across the sea and into foreign lands.
You don't feel, but you see and sympathize with them and those that risk their lives on strange lands, in a way, you could understand where she stands - she wants you to.
She sees you walk past her in hallways, nose deep into your notepad; names and conditions with the cures and remedies needed when she glanced sideways, some recognize, others are strangers. The pinch of your brows shows the frustration you feel about the situation, you told her so when she walked into the infirmary with you whispering under your breath about how everyone keeps getting wounded.
Your voice is monotone when you talk to her, she almost scoffs at the similarities between you and her. She would hug you if it was her thing.
She's seen your work, when she's not busy, she leans against a wall near the entrance and watches you work with careful and delicate hands on the pained and suffering fatui. The dedication you have for the weaker makes her heart thrum, and beat with the sympathy you show - though she empathizes, you sympathize.
It's a snail-like process, she's slow but steady, and Arlecchino moves only with certain steps and ensures that she would have what she wants.
She wants to slowly insert herself into your life, and make you adjust to her and her cold appearance. There's so much of herself that you might not know about, but she wants you to know her, not the one people tell you about.
You're a few years older than him, maybe 2 or 3, it's not that high of a difference in his mind. Though he's known you far longer than that, he still remembers the smile you gave when you treated his wounds.
He goes to you with any aches he gets, from minor headaches to bloody lacerations, and you'd get him patched up and a sugary treat. Who in their right mind would reject the possibility of getting treated and a reward for his fights? Definitely not him.
He tried his best to follow you or stay near you when he could before his ascension, using the thrill and adrenaline in his body to battle without regard to his body, collecting scars each time for you to fix. Being shirtless in his shorts as you fixed him up, by his back towards you while he kicked his legs and talked about his family.
He's overjoyed that you ask about his family when you meet, he hadn't found time to invite you over until he formally became a Harbinger. He invites you to dinner once a week if you're available, you're surprisingly good with children even though you shrink back from the overly excited moments you witness. Like Pulcinella, you bring some treats along you, yours healthier than the old coot.
He talks to you as if you've known him his whole life - at least his fatui life. Freedom of speech he lets himself have in your presence that he wouldn't be able to have with the other Harbingers or the Tsaritsa. He'll sling his arm around your shoulder, pushing against you, and cackle at whatever you said that he finds funny.
He has a cocky and loud charisma around strangers, friendly even; stone cold and mean with other Harbingers, he hates some as much as they hate them. Although changing, he shows you all the facades he puts along his real one, caring and warm.
He's the youngest, he knows, his eyes lack the warmth others hold and his smiles can seem uncannily inhuman at times, but he hopes you'll give him a chance. He knows the highs and lows of human beings, his too, you'd always be there for him and he wants to be there for you too.
His parents like you, and his siblings too. Everyone feels like you have a place in their household. His dad encouraged him to act on his feelings, to tell you (but he fears rejection, a contrast to his usual arrogance, he might stutter or his cheeks might burn too brightly if he ever confesses) and his mom subtlety winks at him whenever she invites you over for diner and drinks the next night.
He could take you ice fishing, hunting, or seeing the world and the different techniques physicians and doctors use in other regions. He's sure you'd like it if you accepted his offer.
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@kitto-lover @stygianoir @emperatris-rinaka
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bohemian-nights · 11 months
People don't understand that Rhaenyra used to be “different matter” to Daemon when she was younger. Speaking about book, after they married when the Dance happens, he mostly ignored her cause he wasn't even there with her, so where is this love they're talking about? Whatever fan fiction they've read it's not Fire and Blood. No kidding, he treated her like shit. Never respected her orders but doing what he please (🩸🧀) Sounds familiar? The same thing that happened with Viserys. Cheated on her, and in the end betraying and abandoning her for a young girl. They still push the narrative Daemon would never hurt Rhaenyra saying the choking is OOC. No, cause he would, he can, he's dangerous, he has no limits, violent, impulsive...Those shippers need to wake up! They live in a bubble of delusion where Daemon is the faithful caring husband extremely loyal, it's literally made up cause this shit is not even in the book.
😬People take advantage of the fact that there is a 10-year gap between the Dance and when Dumbnyra got married in the books to say whatever.
I get that we all have our headcanons, Fire & Blood isn’t written like a normal novel, but the problem is when you try to present those headcanons like they happened when that’s not the case.
We don’t know much about Daemon and Rhaenyra’s relationship after they get married. There is a line in the Princess and the Queen that Daemon is at her side while she gives birth(not all the time just while she’s giving birth), but that got thrown away in Fire & Blood so it reads like this instead:
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Her popping out silver-haired babies(mind you there is like a 7-year gap between Visery's birth and lizard, whose birth Daemon wasn’t even there for, so they can’t even say that they were so in love they had babies every year) and Daemon chopping off Ser Vaemond’s under her orders is the extent of our knowledge on their relationship pre-Dance (if someone thinks I’m lying go read Fire & Blood for yourself 🤷🏽‍♀️).
Again it’s fine to imagine what their marriage is like. It’s fine to be upset about the choking, but Daemon did groom Rhaenyra and he eventually cheats on her so it’s not exactly like he’s husband of the year.
You can imagine him being the most loving spouse to Rhaenyra and writing fanfics about it and how this is how Fire & Blood should've gone, but remember those are just headcanons. Don’t say they are book canon cause that's a lie(not even Mushroom or the singers are going on about Dumbnyra’s marital bliss).
We do however know what happens to their marriage during the Dance(cough Daemon inviting Mysaria back into his bed after they’ve taken Kings Landing cough cough Daemon falling in love with Nettles at Maidenpool to the point where he abandoned Rhaenyra for her when she called for her head) 😏
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westeroslive · 3 months
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when  the  sun  rises  in  the  west,   the  gods  eyes  are  drawn.  may  the  seven  have  mercy  upon  you  as  we  welcome  you  to  court,   lady rhaelora manderly nee targaryen, lord harlo zalyne, lady serena stark !   now  a  victim  of  the  court,  the  bards  compare  your  beauty  to  elsa hosk, jesse williams, millie brady as  you  play  the  game  in  the  midst  of  seasoned  nobles.
behave  and  follow  the  queen's  word  written  in  our  checklist  and  submit  your  account  within  24  hours.  
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࣪𓏲ּ  ֶָ  𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗  ⁝         elsa hosk,  36,  cisgender woman,  she/her/hers.    announcing  the  arrival  of  RHAELORA  of  house  MANDERLY (NÉE TARGARYEN),  the  RULING LADY  of  WHITE HARBOUR.  whispers  among  the  court  name  them  to  be  both  ADAPTABLE  and  DELUSIVE  in  disposition,  and  those  closest  to  them  speak  to  their  interests  in  games of risk, observance, and reward.  if  we  bards  could  compose  a  song  for  them,  it  might  tell  stories of beauty and terror as both favorite paradox and pastime; the constant moving of a spider’s delicate legs as it spins threads of silver; bitter chocolate, unsweet and dark enough to be reminiscent of something charred.  the  seven  whisper  to  their  most  devout  queen  as  she  sleeps,  making  her  question  where  their  loyalties  truly  lie.  are  they  right  to  whisper?  for  their  loyalties  truly  lie  with  HERSELF / THE TARGARYENS .          (  ooc  :  daisy,  28,  she/her,  est  )
࣪𓏲ּ  ֶָ  𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗  ⁝         jesse williams,  40,  cisgender man,  he/him/his.    announcing  the  arrival  of  HARLO  of  house  ZALYNE,  the  LORD  of  BRAAVOS.  whispers  among  the  court  name  them  to  be  both  GREGARIOUS  and  IRRESPONSIBLE  in  disposition,  and  those  closest  to  them  speak  to  their  interests  in  intoxication of all kinds.  if  we  bards  could  compose  a  song  for  them,  it  might  tell  stories  of  the warmth of liquor as it slips all too easy down the throat, too familiar a burn to effectively numb; a curious commonality of spills of deep red lining the memory — wine or worse, one inevitably leads to the other; the bright sparkle of laughter and precious gems, catching the ears and eyes of all around; the glow of the summer sun skimming the waves of a wild sea — fragmented in reflection, yet uninterrupted in beauty.  the  seven  whisper  to  their  most  devout  queen  as  she  sleeps,  making  her  question  where  their  loyalties  truly  lie.  are  they  right  to  whisper?  for  their  loyalties  truly  lie  with  THE  EMPEROR  OF  ESSOS  .          (  ooc  :  daisy,  28,  she/her,  est  ) ** filling arianne velaryon's former betrothed wc
࣪𓏲ּ  ֶָ  𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗  ⁝         millie brady,  thirty,  cis - woman,  she & her.    announcing  the  arrival  of  SERENA  of  house  STARK,  the  LADY  of  WINTERFELL.  whispers  among  the  court  name  them  to  be  both  PERCEPTIVE and  VOLATILE  in  disposition,  and  those  closest  to  them  speak  to  their  interests  in  HORSEBACK RIDING.  if  we  bards  could  compose  a  song  for  them,  it  might  tell  stories  of  DISTORTED  REFLECTIONS  UPON  MIRRORS  OF  SILVER  :  HALF  GIRL ,  HALF  WOLF .  RAVEN  BLACK  HAIR  TUMBLING  DOWN  SNOW  WHITE  SHOULDERS  ,  ABANDONED  NEEDLEWORK  IN  A  CHAIR  OF  SHEEPSKIN  ,  EYES  OF  A  WINTER  GREY  SKY  ,  THE  GENTLE  SOUND  OF  THE  HIGH  HARP  IN  CONTRAST  TO  DISTANT  HOWLING  IN  THE  WOLFSWOOD .  the  seven  whisper  to  their  most  devout  queen  as  she  sleeps,  making  her  question  where  their  loyalties  truly  lie.  are  they  right  to  whisper?  for  their  loyalties  truly  lie  with  HOUSE  STARK.
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ooc: All available muses/characters with bio pages!
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Midori Mihata (A clumsy, scared ninja girl who one  would possibly say is the worst ninja ever. Wants to make her clan proud and tries hard to be the best she can be. Also gets rather flustered and shy around boys.)    
Nier Automata:
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10B/Decima (A Battle Unit Android of YorHa who shows more emotion than most.  Flirtatious and protective of those she cares about, almost overly protective and will gladly kill for them. When fighting machines, she  can almost come off as psychotic.)
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Chiyumi Muzai (A Pokemon trainer from Hearthome with an Empoleon named Pippin as her starter and a friendly Altaria by the name of Peeps and many more Pokemon. Shy and  slightly clumsy and tends to attract Pokemon when she doesn’t want to)
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Blair Mahou (Braixen Gijinka who thinks she is a magical girl. Flirty and mischievous sometimes but mainly likes to help  people with her ‘powers’. Likes to put on a show in order to gain  reputation and hopes to get her own tv show)
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Piper/Peeps (An Altaira Gijinka girl who can’t speak human very well and tends to just say Peep or chirp or hum. Very innocent and naive and loves to give hugs to people and can be a tad air-headed.)
Fairy Tail:
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Emilia Clarimond (Emilia is a Celestial Wizard  with the Jade Zodiac Keys, Mouse, Monkey, Tiger and Sheep! She is  clever, stubborn, hard headed but can become friendly when she gets close to someone. To her, her Zodiac summons are like family. Has a Fate series Master verse!)
Genshin Impact:
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Kyana Aeira (A Pyro Vision user from Mondstadt who dreams of becoming a Knight of Favonius one day. She works hard taking on random tasks from the people to prove herself capable. She is  determined and optimistic and tends to  listen more to her emotions than think with logic. Has a One Piece AU!)
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Iyumi Akuma (A bratty, whiny, wannabe queen with high delusions. She can be a major  pain, demanding attention or demanding  servants but deep down wants a  king to serve and be submissive towards. Can change to be better with  time. Has a Genshin Impact verse, a Pokemon verse, a Demon verse and a Dark Goddess verse!) 
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Miyuki Tenshi (A sweet, kind-hearted girl with a deck of angelic creatures revolving around Sanctuary in the Sky. She has the duel spirit of Happy Lover and is convinced she is the only one who has one as she has yet to meet anyone else who can see her. Has multiple AU verses including a fairy au, angel au and Light Goddess verse that goes with Iyumi!)
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Aku Yazoi (A wannabe punk boy who is hot tempered and  tries to act cool but is a sucker for cute girls. Is kind of a dweeb. Is from 5Ds. Also has fandomless verse for non-Yugioh threads)
Monster Hunter:
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Sonafuwa (A Paolumu who gained the ability to turn human. Sonafuwa is shy and tends to stay in the trees and away  from hunters so she won’t get hunted. When she meets someone friendly,  she becomes more calm and is happy to make a new friend.)
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Sakura (A Pink Rathian that gained the ability to turn human. Territorial at  first but can become friendly if she sees the other means no harm.  Prissy and doesn’t mind Hunters so long as she isn’t their target.)
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Ourania Thanos (A dragon that can turn into a human. Cocky, egotistical, and  loves to show off to others. Loves to fight people just to fight strong opponents  and also loves to eat lots of meat and drinks lots of ale. Has a Monster Hunter verse where she is a Zinogre gijinka)  
Kingdom Hearts:
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Xia Malificia (A Nobody who is flirtatious, mischievous, and a bit manipulative. She wants to become a part of Organization XIII and use them for her own  ends. A trouble maker. Has multiple AUs including a One Piece AU.)
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Diana Fotieni (A keyblade wielder with a keyblade that is supposed to represent a  balance of light and darkness. But Diana believes all darkness should be  eradicated to protect the people. Acts rather knight like. Has a Pokemon verse, Final Fantasy 15 verse and a Fire Emblem Three Houses verse!)
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Zalira Deona (A succubus who doesn’t really do succubus things. Her mom and dad are  a powerful incubus and succubus pair who wanted her to follow in their  footsteps. But all Zalira wanted was to laze around and eat human snacks and indulge in their culture (like manga!). Before they could send her to a demon academy, she ran away from home and ended up among humans.)
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Chloe Thaleia (Mischievous thief from a family of  thieves looking for her older  brother who left home when she was a  child. Will steal from you playfully then give it back once she’s caught. Has a magical greatsword she stole that can use the four  elements but she has no idea how to  use it.)
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Aiolos Thaleia (Older brother of Chloe. After witnessing his uncle (who had taught them all they know about being a thief) break the family code by  murdering someone, he decided to go on a different path and leave the family. He strives to be a knight or a guard, something he sees as more honorable.)
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ruar-tel-quessir · 4 years
Spoilers for R.A SALVATORE’S RELENTLESS  Pretty big (confusing) spoilers if you haven’t finished the book.  If you have finished the book, please help me understand Sorry, that this is ramble-y. I just finished the book and I had a lot of questions. 
Am I just not getting this “infection” angle the book is going for? 
Lolth was a goddess, perhaps, but also perhaps, a demon, and a being with a physical form. But she was also much more than all that. A bit of Lolth was inside every reasoning being, usually dormant, but like a disease or infection, it could awaken. ((p317)) 
I’m sorry but what?? Inside every reasoning being yet, predominantly, only the Drow are suffering from said “infection”? I don’t understand how that could make any sort of sense. As if the Drow are the only people living in conditions in which the infection could awaken? Am I not understanding or am I missing something?? 
UH and the “revelations” that Yvonnel and (especially) Quenthel have are actually kind of frustrating? Why does the Matron Mother of Menzoberranzan  so readily turn on her goddess? Because the original Yvonnel wasn’t a monster from day one? Supposedly, original Yvonnel’s memories stretch back to the founding/beginning of Menzoberranzan in which, her earliest memories she experienced hope,freedom, and joy. ((p400)) But, in the current canon, the city was founded in -3917 DR and Yvonnel was born -685 DR. That doesn’t strike me as the being as her being present for the city’s founding… On page 430 new Yvonnel monologues about how bonded all the Drow were, treating each other like family, and the Conclave (now called the Ruling Council) was there to talk about/address the concerns of all Drow. 
 “And it was Lady Lolth who led us there, before she was called the Spider Queen.” ((p400))
So, are the Crown Wars and the Dark Seldarine getting retconned??
Also it would have been better, in my opinion, if OTHER deities were given to the Drow as an option? Like using Eilistraee or Vhaeraun or hell, adding in something new. The whole scene with new Yvonnel and Quenthel restoring the driders would have been much better if it was handled differently, ie the aid of another God/Goddess. Give the Drow some options? Gods are an established thing in the Realms so them denouncing Lolth and casting a spell to cure all of the driders is so confusing to me? How does that work? Why?? I get Drizzt not adhering to any deity but not EVERY DROW needs to be like him? In the context of the world it doesn’t make sense to me. It’s divine magic. It has to be granted by something. It feels cheap and gimmicky. ~~Oooh the veil has been lifted~~ Lolth is just an infection~~ The truth has set you free and given you magically powers~~ (Bleh)
Also, if Lolth doesn’t care then why the hell was it such a big deal that Drizzt didn’t kill that elven child?? He can literally denounce Lolth to her face but sparing a life? INEXCUSABLE. The whole house is in Lolth’s disfavour, a thing confirmed by multiple sources in this book. It wasn’t retconned to be a paranoid delusion of Malice or anything. Why is the infection mad????? Because lolz chaos xD?? Plot armour only involvement??
AND on pages 288-291, the yochlols are discussing the possibility that Lolth is going to be mad at them for their antics. Why is an infection that is primarily concerned with spreading itself going to be pressed about any of this? The way they speak about Lolth is way more akin to a lore traditional Goddess than some infection. It’s not adding up for me. 
Jarlaxle at the end makes a point about the only people 100% buying into this are Kimmuriel (who felt really OOC towards the end), new Yvonnel, and Quenthel . All people that have had their minds messed with by the Illithid. More specifically he brings up Gromph, who brought Methil El Viddenvelp back into the fold, hinting that he believes Gromph could have been led to by Lolth to do so as he is often in the company of handmaidens and demons. ((p432)) Honestly this theory is more believable to me? Unless there is a lot of retcon I don’t see how this infection angle works. There is literally no reason for ONLY the Drow(mostly) to be worshipping Lolth if this “infection” lies dormant in every reasoning being. This doesn’t make the Drow nuanced or give them an interesting alternative path, in my opinion. The idea that there are these 3 megamind, enlightened people that are going to overthrow systematic oppression because they remembered some feelings from a “long” time ago is ridiculous to me. 
I don’t know. If someone read the Lolth is a disease/infection thing and liked it or thought that it would be a good direction to go with the Drow, please explain it to me. I am genuinely interested in hearing what you have to say. I do agree that the Drow need more than Lolth and the sexist/evil trope. I guess I was hoping for more inclusions of alternative gods/goddesses/cities? Or atleast some sort of genuine movement in which the common, average Drow starts to rethink the way they live and change happens from there? NOT LITERALLY THE MOST POWERFUL CHARACTERS GOING, “LOLTH IS CANCELLED”  
(again, sorry for the ramble but if anyone could help me make sense of this I would appreciate it)
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regnumrp · 4 years
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Shannon/20/She/Her/British Summer Time ( GMT + 1 )
I’d give myself a seven or eight, because I’m in a handful of RPs, but I’ve almost got too much time on my hands at the moment, so it’s helping me balance things.
Introducing Blythe Briarcliff, the 32 year old Pirate Captain. She is a Witch and bears a striking resemblance to Keira Knightley.
It is said that the sea is a perilous place for women; that their presence upon boats ignites forces of bad luck & dooms the ships they travel on to languish at the bottom of the sea.
And yet there is one alone whose name men dare not speak, lest she be called forth to steal their bounty, their hearts, and their lives; a fact of dear amusement to the captain herself, for she would not be remotely interested in their hearts. Their bounty and their bloodshed, however: definitely to the former, perhaps to the latter, dependent upon the mood of the day. 
Because to have a reputation for being in and out like a thief by night, and a counterpart known for her thrills in ruthlessness and destruction, is a luxurious advantage Blythe enjoys in the most cunning of ways if only to spite her opponent — for spiteful, truly, she was — by setting up her own operations and deeds to seem like her rival’s, and adding to the long list of condemnations to her name. 
So where did this woman come from? From where did she hail? A former noble family, many years ago, and yet why does history not remember the Briarcliff name? They spoke ill of the wrong witch, and as punishment she cursed the family to be forgotten to the noble circles which they had valued so highly.
Well — most of them valued so highly, but not Blythe; the eldest daughter ( child of that very witch; her father, speaking ill of his mistress, when they had produced Blythe, a witch herself ) and the one with the ferocity greatest of all and a skill with playing at swords, on the rare occasions she was allowed to.
The curse, in fact, offered to her the perfect opportunity: which her mother knew well, just as well as she knew of her natural-born abilities which she had done her best to hone as she could, but she would have to ( as Blythe often did, with most things ) learn quick upon her feet for herself.
The teenager’s interests lay not in the hearts of men, but rather in the hearts of women instead. Such a thing was not accepted amidst the noble circles, or particularly anywhere, no matter how ludicrous she thought it was to try and manage the force of love; she could only conclude they did not believe in it, given their proclivity to tie women down in arranged marriages and fight against ‘love’ matches.
The teenager’s interests, too, lay in stories of seafaring, and getting as far away from the life that they had lost as possible. Over time, she learnt how to succeed: how to become one of the most renowned pirates the Kingdom had ever seen, a family legacy hers only to carry on, as those who were members of the family and were not excluded slowly began to lose memory of that life likewise, so they could not even hold onto their delusions of grandeur, their memories of a life once real.
But Blythe doesn’t need delusions. She’s got a grand life of her own.
It’d be neat to have a future partner, or even Blythe’s mother around, or past relatives that no longer remember her? Really, I’m down for anything.
In Character Questions
What are your thoughts on being brought to the castle?
“I can hardly say I understand it.” A haughty aura radiated from her and dripped from her words — not poisonous, she’d been given no reason to be just yet — where she stood, arms crossed loosely over her chest and hand near her sword just in case. “It would’ve been easier before, certainly, but—” her demeanor cracks into a sly grin, a cynical little thing, almost a ray of infernal firelight, “— I always liked a challenge.”
Are you interested in winning the crown? Why or why not?
“A chance to remedy the kingdom's ideas? Of course I’m interested in that, who do you think I am? Do I seem like the sort of person who refuses power to you?” Blythe’s head shook in a way that could only be interpreted as disappointment, “I’m not Captain Briarcliff the Rogue for no reason at all.”
Do you think the magical beings should stay hidden or join the humans in the open?
“Well, I’d be all kinds of stupid if I endorsed hiding, wouldn’t I? Can’t stop being busy, interfering, getting all the thrills life could offer me. I’ve been here this whole time, haven’t I?”
Writing Sample (Optional)
This isn’t of this character but hopefully it should be alright to let you get a feel for my writing?
memory (noun.)
a human, a handmaiden, but you call her ‘the doe’ because her eyes — when you look at her — are always bright, wet, and quivering. you call her that because she is soft, and easily frightened, and you wonder what it is to live a life so fragile.
all the lessers’ prettiest serve in the palace.for a moment, it looks as though she is about to sin, to reach out and touch you, with those sore hands turned calloused by service. but they twitch away and she clears her throat, those eyes flicking away to re-focus on her work. 
you are alone, so you bid her speak.
“pardon me, your royal highness, i was intrigued… you have a pianist’s hands.”
Limber fingers cease in their fluid movement over the ( imported, and nowt but a folly indulgence, truly )  instrument, but the thin veil of silence is frayed away before it is allowed to fall and settle. Too fragile, in spite of the careful measure of her tone and words, shorn by even the slightest breath. And though she knows her presence, feels its weight, its wavering warmth and chill, she neither stands from the stool nor turns her body to face her; the music’s halt itself is recognition enough of the woman watching from the doorway.
“I told you then — when I met her.” She retracts her hands from the keys, and folds them dormant in her lap. “I told you that I didn’t like her. If you had listened to me then, you could have spared yourself.”
The voice is, at first, a breath not meant for her. “Thérèse.”
( Formerly entranced by the lost melody but now snapping to attention, their little girl scrambles to her feet, curtseys to her mother, and runs from the room. )
“Look at me.” With that innocence lost, the queen’s eyes narrow, and her voice changes ( a sky, clouding over ) in accordance to the present, lilting mood; the last word almost spat out. “Spare myself what?”
“Do you take me for a fool, darling?” A smirk forms upon her lips, and twists. “We both know that’s not why you didn’t like her.” 
Anything Else?
Uh. I’m terrible at fun facts about myself, but… I have a Therese Raquin playbill signed by Keira? 
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diguerra-moved · 5 years
Meta ask to Thalyssra (OOC input welcome): During the peak of the Kaldorei Empire, did the future ever trouble you? Were you ever worried about your personal life, love, children, etc when it seemed like you would live forever? Did you actually believe you would live forever? Would you want to now?
META ASKS // always accepting.
“When you have eternity to look forward to, the future seldom seems like a troublesome thing.” It had been part of their downfall, she thinks: so complacent had they grown, sovereign in the world as her people had been, that some begun to think too highly of themselves. When even time does not provide a barrier, when death seems unable to touch you, it wasn’t all too difficult to get lost in such delusions. They thought there were no limits to their kind; in the end, they themselves had caused their empire to collapse. 
“There were worries, surely — but we had time on our side.” Even the Kal’dorei worried about their futures upon reaching adulthood; there were careers to pursue, and surely enough the idea of building a family or in the least picking a mate. Those who still did not know which path to follow upon the time they were considered adults likely had it worse, feeling the pressure of not having a calling. Thalyssra hadn’t had to deal with it. Magic had been her calling beyond doubt;  before becoming a teacher, she had been a student in the Nighthold, and one of the most gifted. To her, it had always been clear that was the path she intended to follow — to study magic, to learn what there was to be learned about the arcane, to research it and uncover what her predecessors hadn’t yet found. 
First Arcanist had always seemed to her a rather ideal position to aim for. It would allow her to do precisely that, continuing on her academic path, all the while giving her more than enough prestige, and a say on the matters of Suramar. Thalyssra had never aimed for it purely out of a thirst for power, nevertheless she had known being close to power was where she would be able to do most for her city (and Suramar had always been most beloved by her; nothing, not even the chance of working directly under the queen, had been tempting enough to make her part from the city). And upon achieving her goal, she had been glad enough to remain in her position instead of seeking to ascend to other more important posts.If she ever did change her mind, there would have been time — or at least so she had believed. 
So they all had believed, before the Well collapsed.
Thalyssra had been content with the life she led. Unlike others of her kind, she had never been concerned with establishing a family to herself. Although for some time there was love, her concerns had been too many to indulge in the thought of children; even her lover had to wrestle her attention from work, a struggle she not always won. Once again, they had never been too concerned with what there was to be of their relationship, what they meant to build together. There would be time, they had thought; until there wasn’t.
“We all believed in our immortality. How could we not? There were those amidst my people who were thousands of years old, and yet look not a day older than they had been upon reaching their prime.” Not a dismissive answer, merely an explanatory one; there had been no evidence to doubt their everlasting lives then. “I was no exception.”
“Yet as to would I want to — I have made such a choice when I chose the fate of the Nightwell, have I not?” The First Arcanist replies with a half smile; indeed, the loss of their immortality had come once again with the destruction of the Nightwell, but she in nothing regretted it. Better the freedom from their dependencies than everlasting life, better to have time against them than fall to indolence or arrogance. That life was not eternal only made it all the more precious, and all the more treasured. “No, I am content enough with how we are, now.”
I think yeah, she would have worried about the future even though she was immortal. Not nearly as much as mortals, and surely in a different way; but there were still ambitions and hopes and expectations to meet, and immortality didn’t make Thalyssra immune to all of that.
I don’t think she was too concerned about having a family not because of her immortality, but because it wasn’t one of her priorities, and because Thalyssra thought it best not to have one because if she ever did have a family she would want to properly dedicate to it, and being First Arcanist, advising Elisande and tutoring students she didn’t feel like she would have enough time to dedicate to a family – and her career was her priority. 
My headcanon is that as far as partners go though, she had a steady girlfriend, but here the immortality aspect played a part bc they had forever and were both mainly focused on their jobs even though they were together, and they never worried about actually planning their future, or making it serious as in marriage, because they thought they had time. (I also headcanon her girlfriend died in the wota because I delight in tragedy as you well know)
And as far as having immortality goes Thalyssra thinks it’s overrated asdfnkjasdnfk She really has no interest whatsoever in being immortal again. I’m pretty sure it isn’t a feeling all of her people share, but like I said in the IC part, I think she would see it as part of what led them to the path they followed, and that almost had her kind extinct. It’s all too easy to both grow too powerful and too greedy when you’re immortal. Idk, Thalyssra just thinks it is important not to be above the reach of time, don’t mess with time in any way let it flow naturally and for everyone (it may be a little of Elisande trauma speaking but it is how she feels aksdnfkjasdnf)
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ashedrose · 5 months
consider this a plotting call !! mutuals, give this a like and i'll be sending you a dm to discuss some plots together! if you're a multi and already know what muse(s) you wanna plot about, reply w them !! if not, we'll figure that out as we go c:
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ashedrose · 5 months
there is a WHORE ( @ovtsidrs's gendry ) in my inbox !!!!!!!!!
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ashedrose · 5 months
added my cersei blog's link to my pinned post :')
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ashedrose · 5 months
i................. might go back to using natalie as my main fc lmfao
bear with me if you see me going back and forth trynna figure it out
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ashedrose · 5 months
i was on such a cersei blog edit roll and my boss came in to talk shit like ?? sir shhhhhh i'm busy i'm still on lunch !!!!
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ashedrose · 5 months
margaery and myrcella would've been the best of gal pals and that would've driven cersei straight to insanity no rest stops or pee breaks
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ashedrose · 5 months
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guys look at my dragons i put on my jeep today :’)
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