#* s: i hear your empire down
deadsetobsessions · 5 months
Danny always knew tax evasion ran in his veins. His parents hadn’t been the most… morally sound of people, and less so as ecto-scientists.
He just didn’t think their lessons would ever result in a criminal empire that spanned the entire city and then some. Danny hadn’t seen it coming. His parents definitely wouldn’t have.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Wayne. Mr. Fox.”
Danny ‘the Phantom’ Fenton sat down across from a rather tense looking (to Danny’s enhanced senses, anyways) Brucie Wayne and his right hand, Lucius Fox. He smiled pleasantly, matching Brucie’s vacant smile with that touch of Midwest suburban mother smile.
With his acquisition of multiple Gotham companies, his rather newly established Fentom Co. became one of the largest holding companies in Gotham, the first being Wayne Enterprises and the second being Drake Industries. After months of constantly working his butt off while fending off assassins, reforming Gotham’s slums and cleaning up some of the streets, and taking care of his nest of street kids, Danny garnered enough power to even stand close to Wayne Enterprises in terms of financial powers.
The topic of this meeting was, of course, the proposed merger of Wayne Enterprises’ Medical R&D division with Fentom Co.’s pharmaceutical department. Usually, Wayne Enterprises wouldn’t even consider such an offer, as their Medical R&D division was the most well funded and least likely to be part of a Rogue’s scheme- and therefore most beloved- department of the same nature in Gotham. However, Danny had something the other offers didn’t.
His overly polite smile widened as Bruce’s mask twitched. His eyes slid over to Lucius Fox.
“It’s an honor to meet you, sir. I’ve heard much about your genius in… research and development.”
By that, Danny meant that he knew Lucius Fox helped develop Batman’s tech.
He did a lot of stalking that week. It felt rather… invasive, even if he did get a bunch of juicy secrets.
You know what they say: dead men tell no tales… but halfas are generally blabbermouths.
“Is that so? It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Mr. Fenton.” The man quickly glanced between the youngsters, accurately predicting that this might have something to do with Bruce’s active nightlife.
“Yes, it is such a pleasure to meet you.”
Wow, Danny didn’t think he’d ever heard anyone sound both so perky and dead inside at the same time, except for Susan at Gotham High’s bake sale.
Bruce wishes he could be a Susan. He’s at best a Becky.
“Will you be staying, Mr. Fox? You’re the head of the R&D department, correct?”
“Ah, yes-”
“Oh, Lucius! I think you had an appointment with the finance department right now! I heard Sally talk about it, you know!”
Lucius Fox sent an unreadable look at Bruce before rallying.
“Oh, it must have slipped my mind. My apologies, Mr. Fenton, it seems as though I can not skip this appointment.”
“That’s alright. I suppose it gives you… plausible deniability… should things go wrong, haha!” Danny allowed his smile to widen a little further than natural. Bruce tensed but Lucius Fox simply politely smiled and left the room.
Ignorance is bliss and all that, Danny amusedly thought.
As the door shut with a click, Bruce dropped the vacant Brucie smile and sighed.
“What do you want,” he gritted out. Danny wasn’t about to let that slide, not after he spent the better part of this month wrangling Bruce’s problem children.
“Ah, it must be because I’m from the Midwest, Brucie, but where I come from, we value these things called manners.”
You uneducated jerk, he doesn’t say.
Danny leaned back in his chair, loosening his smile into something relaxed and sharp.
“…” Oh, boy, Danny could just hear the other man’s blood pressure rising. “What is the purpose of your visit, Mr. Fenton?”
“Relax, Brucie,” Danny sing-songed in a non-relaxing way. “I’m just here to discuss a possible merger that I’m sure you’ll agree to, and give you a couple of updates on your… wayward bird.”
He heard Bruce take a slow, controlled breath. “Very well. Where. Would. You. Like. To. Start.”
Danny ignored the gritted out sentence. He passed a contract to Bruce, who took it like he was handling a live bomb.
“Here’s the proposal, Mr. Wayne. Please, look it over.”
He watched as Bruce looked over the contract with an eagle eye before lowering it, scrutinizing Danny.
“This is… very fair.”
Danny raised an eyebrow. Of course it was fair. Danny wasn’t interested in exploiting the Waynes, despite them being very able to afford it.
He’d brought fifty manufacturing sites for pharmaceuticals, and offered up a building where both companies could send their workers. He provided top notch security- that definitely didn’t have any talons on staff, what were they talking about?- that came from his own security division. Granted, most of them were reformed and trained goons, but hey, creating jobs can only help Gotham’s economy and help break the cycle of poverty, right? Guaranteed by the Wayne name and, most importantly, uncompromised medicine that was accessible to everyone would be a damn good start. He’d also have Penguin’s empire to distribute it to those who couldn’t make it to a clinic or a store, and there were plans in there to work with and establish contracts with Gotham’s welfare department. Well… once Danny finished replacing them with people who wouldn’t try to take a cut of the funds and actually cared about the people. He was thinking… the multitudes of poor grad students and parents that need income. He’s in the process of building childcare centers and…
It’s a good thing he managed to save money from the taxes (thank you, Gotham’s morally ambiguous tax experts that were in desperate need for clients! He could do it himself but having a team of accountants at the ready was seriously so helpful.) because ancients knows the government weren’t about to step into Gotham and help the people here. He needs so much money to pull all of this shit off and a lot of it has to be clean.
Danny inwardly sighed and marked another thing onto his to do list.
Make money laundering fronts.
“Of course, Mr. Wayne. You didn’t think I’d come in here demanding money, did you?”
“I considered it.”
“I am, in fact, trying to help Gotham. You might not agree with my methods, but I’d rather not damage Wayne Enterprises when it’s doing so much to help the people.”
Ugh, he was doing too much work. Danny just wanted to- hah- chill at home and read bed time stories to his kids.
Bruce Wayne, the specific blend between Brucie and Batman, regarded him silently. Danny felt like he went up a few notches in the respect ladder.
“You’re a criminal.”
“Says the man in the bat-suit breaking into places and assaulting people.”
Bruce’s hands spasmed around the contract. Danny smiled at him, taking a sip of the coffee they’d prepared. Oo, nice!
“Ah, I heard you’re adopting- pardon, fostering- Tim Drake. Getting empty nest syndrome, Brucie?” He slipped back into using Bruce’s first name. The proposal was formal. This… was very much not.
“What about it?”
“That’s very kind of you. Speaking of which, well, of your birds, I was wondering if you remembered what I asked you to do.” Danny continued, not giving Bruce a chance to reply. “Didn’t I ask for you to keep your birds in line, Brucie?”
The CEO straightened even further, form filling out to be Batman’s imposing figure. “I did.”
“No, you didn’t. Do you know where your charge is, right now? No, not the formerly dead one,” Danny tilted his head, smile shrinking.
“Don’t you dare do anything to Tim. I swear, if you even lay a hand on a strand of his hair, I’ll-”
“Sit your Armani clad ass down, Bruce.” Danny snapped. “Your son’s in your office. I don’t harm children, and your assumptions are deeply insulting. Threaten me again, Bruce, and I’ll make sure you know exactly how much I know about your birds, your cousin, and the commissioner’s daughter.”
Bruce snarled but leashed his anger just enough to sit back down. He itched to go check on Tim, but leaving a threat like Phantom unwatched felt inherently wrong.
“Your other son,” Danny continued. “Is doing quite well. He’s learning that he has hobbies again. He’s actually working under me, you know.”
“He’s what.”
Oh, yeah, that tracks. It figured that Jason wouldn’t tell Bruce about anything. He’s still conflicted about his death. Danny got it.
“Ah, that’s precious information. You’ll have to offer something of equal value if you want to know. There is, on the other hand, a piece of information I’ll give you for free.”
Danny paused for the dramatic effect. It was lost on Bruce, the ultimate drama queen of this world.
“The League of Assassins are hanging around Hotham lately. It’s getting tedious, getting rid of them. I suggest talking to your old flame, you know, with words and what little communication skill you’ve got rattling around in your noggin to get them to pull back. Her interest is… unnaturally focused on Jason.”
Danny read the dark agreement swimming about Bruce’s face and inclined his head. “Should negotiations fail, rest assured that Jason will be protected.”
“…Thank you.”
“You are most welcome. Go ahead and discuss the contract with Mr. Fox, I am sure you’ll find little problems with it. Ah,” Danny stood up, fixing his suit jacket. “And you should probably check up on Timothy. He’s probably having a great time in your office, Mr. Wayne.”
“I’ll see you out.”
“Of course.”
Having Batman escorting him out should probably be more intimidating.
Danny stood in the elevator, waiting for Bruce’s contemplative silence to put itself into words.
Sure enough, “What… what kind of hobbies does Jason have now?”
“I’d tell you to ask him, but you two aren’t on speaking terms, are you? He likes books, of course, but recently, he’s found an interest in glass blowing. He made quite a bit of progress on his attempts at sun catchers.”
“I see.”
Well, Danny’s not about to step on that landmine any more than he has to.
“Oh, hey, Jason. Sit down, we were about to have dinner.”
Jason clambered into the window. Danny sighed. He had a door, but by the way Jason never used it, it was like the door didn’t exist.
“Mind telling me why the old bastard showed up on my rooftops with a bunch of glass and glassblowing tools?”
Danny smiled. “No idea.”
“Uh huh.”
Danny placed a hand on his chest and put on his best woe-is-me expression. The teen’s face twitched in annoyance. “Doubt? At me? Why, I never!”
A bread roll thwacked him in the face.
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I keep rewatching that epilogue scene and, the way Hunter and Omega talk about her joining the Rebellion... You can tell this is not the first time they're having this conversation. And I just can't help but wonder what the previous one(s) must have looked like.
Because something tells me it wasn't peaceful.
I just can't imagine Hunter having any other reaction than an immediate, definitive "absolutely not" the first time he hears about Omega wanting to join the Rebellion. Just like I can't imagine Omega being okay with that reaction.
Were they arguing about it? Were they butting heads and not backing down from their respective points? Because they would. Absolutely, they would.
Did their brothers have conversations with both of them separately? Did Wrecker tell Omega to give Hunter a break because he's old and worried? Did Crosshair convince Hunter that he can't keep a grown woman grounded just because he's scared about her? Did Echo tell him that if this is Omega's calling, he has to let her do her thing?
She tried to sneak off. As if she didn't want to go through this again. As if she thought leaving without a goodbye would be easier on everyone and this way no one can stop her. After all, she made up her mind. She's going. But when she turns the light on and spots Hunter sitting there, she's not even surprised. She nods to herself like of course. Of course he's here.
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This literally sounds like they've been over this before. But this time the conversation is surely more peaceful. They both have the other's perspective in their minds now.
This is my choice and I know it scares you but I need you to understand.
I know I won't change your mind but I don't want you to go, I want you to be safe.
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This must have been said before as well. Maybe in anger. Maybe in pleading. Or desperation. I wouldn't be surprised if Omega got very frustrated with Hunter for treating her like she's still a kid. Nor would I be shocked if Hunter had trouble articulating his point of view in all his worry and panic. But here, it's a confession. It's very vulnerable. It's the truth Hunter doesn't want to hear and gives a reason why.
Omega is a grown woman now. Skilled, capable, brave. Hunter doesn't doubt that. But to him, she's always going to be his little girl no matter how old she is and I am still speechless at the fact that we actually see him not only struggling with it but also admitting to it.
Back on Pabu, after they escaped Tantiss, Hunter told her: "We've all fought enough battles for one lifetime." And now, years later, Omega echoes this back to him. "You've all fought enough." Almost like she's reading Hunter's mind and knows that if he can't stop her, he's going to want to join her.
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The way he wants to reach after her here when she gets up. Like he wants to say wait, no, don't go yet!
But this is her fight, just like she says. She's never been able to sit still, we know that, we've seen that. Just like Echo back in season 2, she can't stand the thought of staying down and doing nothing when there are people out there fighting for freedom. People she can help. She's a skilled pilot now (I can bet she'll become most famous in the Rebellion for her flawless Tech-Turn), she has absorbed everything her brothers have taught her over the years like a sponge and now she wants to use that. After years of living away from the fight, she's finally ready to get back out there and make a difference in the galaxy. Fight for peace because that is her calling.
She's ready, but Hunter is not.
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You can tell it's literally tearing him apart to watch her go. That's his baby, the whole reason he's living the life he has now. He gave his blood, sweat and tears so she could grow up safe and happy and away from the Empire's clutches. And now she's going back right into them, willingly.
But she's all grown up. And he has no choice but to let her go do her thing. So he holds her close and I don't doubt sends out a prayer that she comes back to him safe and in one piece. He closes his eyes and commits the feeling to memory because who knows when will be the next time he gets to do this?
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And it might be destroying him inside but he's so damn proud. And he knows she's got this. She doesn't need her old man to watch her back anymore.
And yet still this old man, with gray in his hair and beard, this old man whose posture is hunched and who is moving slowly and having difficulty standing up because of his accelerated age, is telling his very grown up and very capable daughter that if she needs him, he's going to pick up his blaster, don the armor and join her in the fight.
Because that's what fathers do.
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ahhhwomen · 7 months
Mom, I'm tired.
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Vampire Empire
Part 2
Pairing: DarkVamp!Wanda Maximoff x DarkVamp!Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
A/N: Alright, so this writing style is not what I am used to, so feedback is definitely welcome. Due to me being unsure of this style I wanted to take a little longer to write part 2, but since yall liked part 1 so much I decided a shorter chapter was in order, I am already working on part 3, but yall gotta tell me how you feel about this one. Oh... and don't hate me for what i am about to do...
Disclaimer: English is not my first language. All mistakes are my own.
AU Warnings: Human pets, abuse, violence, possessiveness, probably incorrect vampire lore, angst, panic attacks, hurt/comfort, kitten play (?), also this is not a Carol positive fic (I have nothing against her, but I needed a villain), death Minors DNI 18+
Summary: You just want to rest.
Word Count: 1.4k
You don’t know what is happening, why- you try to pull in a desperate breath, but still, nothing. Why- why was this happening? What is happening?
Why can’t you move?!
The lesser scary of the two redheads secures herself tighter against you, now supporting your full weight. She has to shift from a crouched-down position to sitting completely in your little enclosure. Her ankle awkwardly bends beneath her thigh. The rough ground fraying her expensive dress pants.
There is a sensation like concrete pouring through your veins, you can hear your heartbeat slow, and immense pressure start building behind your eyes, but you are desperate for control over something, anything. So, as much as it pains you, you tiredly let your eyes roam around the room while trying to avoid the blank stare from the taller redhead.
Your vision takes in the scenery that has unfolded in your space, you drape your eyes over the walls, the horror of your evening with Master painted like a masterpiece, you then take a risk and slowly run your eyes over the lower half of the woman in front of you.
Wanda is standing like a woman in power, her feet spaced apart hip to hip, spreading her weight perfectly between the pair of high, amber, heels. There was a slight scuff to one of them, a chip in the plastic, whatever fell earlier must have fallen on that heel, you doubt she would walk around with an imperfect pair if not. You swirl your eyes to the ground beside her, a tusk of brown hair having caught your attention.
That’s when you see it. Staring right back at you are the lifeless eyes of the seller. Or at least that is the only name you have for him.
It’s at that moment that the reality of the situation finally sets in.
You go to let out a high-pitched whine, but no sound is made, and for the first time in a long time, you have this desperate need to cry.
You can’t even do that.
You don’t want to die.
Not like this.
You want to smell the fresh air in the cold mornings, you want to feel the sand beneath your toes, you want to taste the richness of vanilla inside a simple frozen dish, and you want to live. If only for a moment longer.
There is nothing you can do.
Your body loses all will to fight, and you give up.
Wanda keeps track of your vitals while under her control, she doesn't want to hurt you, but you are out of line, and frankly, your behavior unsettles the redhead.
When she can see the fight drain from your eyes, she releases you.
She sighs as the strain in her muscles loosens, and she moves her neck from left to right, removing the remaining tenseness. A prickle in her spine begs her to stretch out her entire body, but this was neither the time nor place, though she does put a pin in it, maybe she should order a massage sometime soon.
As for you, there is no sign that you are back in control except for the desperate gasping for air.
You don’t know what to do with this newfound freedom, Romanoff´s hands are keeping you close to her, her heartbeat steady beneath your ear, but suddenly it’s all too much. The only thing you can do is let your ribcage expand and contract at a rapid pace, the pain grounds you as your bruised ribs sting you.
You no longer fight against Natasha’s grip, and there is no chance that you will either.
You are scared, they can both feel it, but it’s not like it was a moment ago. A moment ago you were fighting to stay alive, fighting because it is your instinct to do so, now, you have given up on even that.
Now, you are just scared, plain and simple.
Natasha rubs her hands up and down your back slowly, the fabric of her silken shirt bunches up with her elbows, and the roll of textile slides against your skin rhythmically. Your body tenses and relaxes at strange intervals, there is a mistrust between her motive and your tender flesh, yet you still crave comfort.
That is until you see Wanda shift from one foot to the other and Natasha’s hands move too close to your collar, you strain your body away from her palms.
Natasha huffs in slight annoyance and shifts her attention to her wife, “What was that?”.
She tries to keep her voice quiet enough to not startle you, but it’s a futile attempt and shortly after she has opened her mouth you are crawling out of her arms and back into your corner.
She can tell it pains you to move, the bruises along your arms and legs making it difficult to crawl in a fluid motion, and she sees you struggle your way under the lamp, but you manage. In the end, you swiftly slump back into the position you laid in when they first got here, the only difference being that you are too tired to move the rag back over your body.
Wanda merely shrugs, her perfectly fitted suit ruffling with the movement, “She was becoming aggressive.” To be truthful, your sudden outburst had taken Wanda by surprise, she didn’t even know what she was saying until it was too late.
Natasha sighs before standing and walking up to her wife, her pants now scuffed and dirtied. She brushed herself down, but the filth of this place wasn’t one easily removed. She gets a hold of her bearings and stands straight before she bothers with a disappointed reply.
“She was just scared, “ she shakes her head disapprovingly. They have lived long enough to see all types of people. And Natasha knows you're type, scared, abused, and skittish. A dog in the fighting ring, or a cat in this case.
Anything can make you snap and bare your teeth.
However, she also knows that taking your right to do so away, will only worsen your behavior in the long run. It never helps to use fear against someone who is already terrified.
Again, Wanda does nothing but shrugs and lifts her jacket to glance at her watch.
Playtime is over, they have places to be, and it saddens Wanda, but she knows they won’t be leaving here with a pretty girl like she had hoped.
It´s best for Natasha that she rips the band-aid off fast.
Wanda points over at your shaking body, “It’s clear Carol has her eyes on her. You know we can’t keep her.”
Wanda slumps in on herself while saying it, her shoulders lower and her back bows unnaturally, the seams of her suit stretching and pulling against the tight movement. After the words have been put out there, Natasha's face shifts and morphs until she settles for a relatively neutral, but rather grim expression. The right side of her lip lifted into a slight sneer; this was an unfortunate situation.
Natasha looks down at her hands, hands she had just held you in, there are specs of dried blood and dirt covering the expanse of her palms, she tightens her fist and takes a slow breath.
Carol is already enough of a handful. Taking her punching bag away from her will only make matters worse.
Leased pet or not, Carol owns you.
So, Natasha nods curtly, the back of her shirt rubbing uneasily against the nape of her neck.
“Well, let’s go then.” With no regard to the body at her heels she steps over the man and continues to strut down the hall with her wife following shortly behind. Someone will be by to clean him up and replace him with another pawn, it’s the way these places work.
And if she took a moment to listen in on your heartbeat one last time before they left, it wouldn’t hurt anyone that she kept that to herself.
It sounded wrong.
Whatever sympathy Natasha felt for you was quickly squashed down and ignored as she and Wanda returned to business as usual.
It’s for the best, a pet would only make them weak.
After the two mysterious women leave, you curl into yourself and a sob breaks through you before you can stop it.
Mom, I'm tired.
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scruus · 1 year
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★̶̲ [𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞]
✎ sub afab howl + dom gn amab reader notes: edging, vibrator, rope binding and blindfold, begging, rough sex, degradation, tummy bulge, mean reader, howl is possessive; part 2 of this fic.
lıllılı.ıllı.ılılıı ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ you put a spell on me - austin giorgio
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Howl’s legs thrashed against the mattress, body writhing against the covers and desperate sobs turned to screams as you snatched away another orgasm from reaching him.
The pink vibrator which was covered with his dripping slick and fluids was pulled inches away from his trembling hole. Clit so red and puffy, so neglected and almost numb because of the repeated orgasm denials. Nerves on fire as his thighs quaked from the rejection.
“Oh god! please let me cum”, he cried, hands clenching into fists which rattled against the headboard, trying to overpower the ropes binding him. He couldn’t. You had laid a spell on them and they wouldn’t untie unless you said so.
Howl knew that, obviously. He was the greatest wizard of the empire! He knew all your tricks. But there was an unspoken rule between the two of you in situations like these. He will submit or you shall make him.
“You s-said you would let me!!”, needy wails so loud everyone could hear it within a few metres of your apartment. Surely, the couple next door won’t come knocking the next morning.
Your fingers trailed down his chest, dancing in rhythm and humming along to his pleas. Such heavenly music.
Slowly, they would circle around his puffy nipples and flick it. However you weren’t entirely mean! Oh no no! You would brush out the hair stuck to his sweaty forehead, or just lean over and press kisses on his quivering lips that were covered in saliva. An act of mercy maybe?
The blindfold was only preventing howl from seeing your face but every touch lingering on his body was enough to tell him of the expression. Grinning, eyes laced with a sadism only he could ever be a witness to. Something playful yet sinister. And fuck did that make his already aching clit throb!
“Aww look howl, the cloth is all wet!”, you mumbled, tracing a line along the blindfold, brows furrowing up.
“Its soaked with your pretty tears”, pouting you wiped the few droplets that were still trickling down his cheeks, a result of the consequent edging that was slowly pushing him to the tip, “-that won’t do”, you shake your head.
With shuddering breaths, “p-please i want your cock please~”, he pleaded, trying to get you to finally give in. To let him feel you buried in his warm walls after being such a good boy. Its been so long now, his entire body was furious. His insides burning with a frustrated desire you just wont allow.
“hmmm…”, you nodded, slipping your hands behind his luscious head of hair and untied the fabric with the spell, ignoring the drowsy smile tugging on his lips. Howl’s eyelashes fluttered, looking up to you seated in between his wet thighs. Shirt discarded on the floor so you could feel his stare run down your abs.
Ocean eyes trying to study smiling lips and that cocked eyebrow of yours.
His unfocused gaze lingered down to your crotch and he licked his lips, salivating. Your pants were hardly able to conceal how fucking hard you were. It looked like your shaft would rip out into the open any minute now. As if you were under the restraint of that fabric.
Chuckling softly, you unbuckled your belt and zipped down your pants. Look at how he eyes it, you squint, so eager. Reaching inside your briefs, you took your hard cock out and hissed feeling your warm hand enclosing around it.
Breathing in a whiny moan, howl’s legs closed in on one another, maybe in an attempt to rub himself. The heat was spreading under his skin and prickly bumps adorned his limbs. You didn’t even touch him yet he could feel it all. All of you. Deep in his bones.
Your leaking dick looked the prettiest in howl’s manicured, prim and proper hands but right now it was getting catered by your own. Throbbing and pulsing so much, howl could count each vein popping out along the length. His heart pounds against his chest, yearning hole clamping on nothingness.
Did you get huge suddenly? because for some reason your cock looked a bit more bigger than usual. Was it a spell? Or was howl just way beyond horny, in a realm of pure lust?
“ohhh…”, howl whined, as the thought of you stretching his cunt out, burned into his marvellous mind. All those times when you were trying to just accommodate your thick tip in at first, gently, afraid of hurting him. And then slowly pushing it all the way in until his blurry vision could see stars.
“shhh…you’ll get it if you’re a good boy”, you moaned. stroking your length up and down as pearls of pre cum dripped down on howl’s thighs. Your eyes run over his pussy lips, peeking at you and the swollen pink nub begging for attention.
Well as much as howl wanted to drool all over that fat fucking cock and take it all down his throat until he chokes on it, it was a plan for another day. For now, he just wants that hot thing ramming inside of his empty dripping cunt and his hands clinging on to you until your chest and back were decorated with pretty marks. A practice of showing everybody who (y/n) belongs to.
“daddy…untie - please”, he asked, sniffling his whimpers in and biting his bottom lip. Ah! The signature puppy look. The hidden ace up his sleeve which you can never turn away from. Come on now, he is your baby. Your perfect boyfriend. The love of your life. Doe eyes which were covered with a glassy sheen, trying to pull you in a hypnotic maze. Naive and innocent.
You will listen to him right?
You laughed, hands coming down to grip his thighs and harshly pushing them wide apart, “oh no no love, you’re not getting to touch me”, his folds being parted by your fingers while your thumb dragged across slit.
His eyes widened, lips parting in surprise, what?, a shaky breath leaving them.
“no…no no no why? whyyy??”, he cried. His arms trying to move and flail around, reaching out for you through the tied ropes, but failing to do more so than just a few jerks. He wants to touch you so bad. He wants to have your body rubbing against his. His hands scratch down your back while you kiss his lips.
“fuck wh-“, you smacked your palm across his cunt, sending jolts of pain. Howl choked out a garbled moan at the impact, head jerking back.
Did you just spank his cunt?! You never did that before!
“Shut the fuck up bitch”, you spat as your palm slapped his clit again, the other pushing his leg down and refusing to let them close in on reflex to the stinging pain. “You think I would listen to you after you were fingering yourself out in the living room like some slut?”, another smack. Howl’s cries upped a pitch as his hips stuttered, tingles firing up in his poor bud.
Fuck it felt so good when you degraded him and roughed up his dripping pussy like the dirty whore he was. His face was a flaring red, eyes all hazy and prickling with a new set of ready-to-spill tears.
“What if my friends had come in with me? huh?”, you scowled, getting annoyed at the thought, “but lets be real, you would have actually liked that wouldn’t you howl?”
Howl nods in response, those glassy tears streaming down his rosy cheeks while his chest heaves up and down. His pulsing hole getting wetter with each passing second and his mind, a foggy mess.
“Would have liked to be fucked by your daddy in front of everyone and bred like a greedy cockwhore? wouldn’t you?”. Oh shit. Shit shit shit. You were breaking his mind now.
You slipped the tip of your cock against his pretty folds, sliding it up and down between his pussy lips and wincing in pleasure. Howl lets out a relieved moan, drawn out and debauched, when he finally can feel your dick flat against his hungry cunt. His hips were trying to buck up but your arm was keeping them down. Whimpers getting more desperate and excited.
“in..in..in…put it in”, he babbled, wriggling against the ropes trying to get further friction on his swollen bud with the help of your dick. He whimpered in pain, eyes shutting close when you slapped his thigh, “again? didn’t i tell you to shut up?”.
Nodding and muttering sobbing sorrys, he pleads. His voice now a hushed purr. Blood thumping in his ears because of the drawn out denial. At the verge of losing his mind. Why were you being so mean?!
A depraved shriek escaped his lips the moment you went inside him. In one single thrust. No warning, no gentleness and no care. Just a straight up merciless enter. His tight pussy lips struggling to ease around your thick shaft, the burn of his ripping cunt tipping over the bucket of arousal in his stomach. And so he came.
Hips jerking up and his hot insides clenching down on your cock so hard, you thought it would break. Choked moans from his throat while his entire body twitched, his head tilting back. A spray of water covered your abs, your eyes widening. He had squirted the moment you pushed inside him.
“holy fuck…”, you panted looking down at the mess. This was so hot. Shivers running up your body. Your fingers digging into his supple marked up thighs. But you were far from done.
Lifting his legs on your shoulders, you began hammering your dick inside his sopping warm cunt. You smelled your favourite scent on his ankles. Lavender. Did he put perfume on his ankles?
Did he know you would fuck him like this?
You grinned and flicked his nub with your fingers, intensifying the stimulation. A look of pornographic bliss on his face. His cute little cunt swallowed your dick all up from the tip to base like some cheap whore. There were sounds of filthy squelching paired with hips smacking against each other, hard and rough.
Howl shook his head, legs kicking up in the air but your gripping hold kept them in place. Staining red marks on the blank canvas of his beautiful lower limbs.
The bed creaked with each merciless pump inside, not slowing down for a second. Not even letting him adjust around your hard, throbbing length. Just splitting him open brutally, working him wide and full. His hands scratched at the headboard, trying to support himself.
Howl was brainless at this point. Just a flesh-light for you to pound in. Eyes watering and rolling back so hard, he could see nothing but a dark looming vision. Hiccuping moans accompanied with loud sobs to ‘slow down’, he was gonna cum again.
“so big, bigggg~”, his cunt was burning, you were stretching him out so much, it was ungodly. Sinful. Absolutely lewd. Your dick was forcing his walls to shape around you. It felt so full. Forcing him to fit you like a glove, because you belong in there. Its your own. “Take. It. All”, your demands bending his soul over.
Howl is for you to own. He belongs to you. His filthy tender hole, his round ass, his adorable perky nipples, his plush and soft lips, they all belong to you. And you belong to him.
He could feel you all in him, marking your claim. The outline of your dick making its bold show every time you pounded inside and it took every ounce of your moral will to press your weight down on it because if you did, you knew howl would come almost immediately.
Rutting into him like someone in heat, driven by a maniac lust, ignoring his screams. “oughhh g-god shhtop”, he slurred, choking on his saliva. He was hardly able to make out his own voice. Body all hot, like someone had pushed him into a vault of fire with you.
But everything was so damn addictive. Every thrust, every vein rubbing along his walls, every twitch of your tip and your rough palms rubbing his clit. It was so deliriously perfect that it made howl break out into a crazed smile.
Thats it, fuck me like am your cocksleeve. Your cumdump. Fill me, mark me up, break every part of me. I am yours, you are mine.
He was loving that hint of pain in his loins. It was mixed with pleasure. And a lot of love hidden beneath lust. It was a recipe of a drug only you two knew of.
“oh fuck…am close”, you moaned, leaning forward to place your lips on howl’s. Bending his knees till they were right beside his head. You lapped up his drool, pushing your tongue in him while howl continued to whine inside your mouth. He adores you so much.
Your tip was kissing his cervix, in so deep its like you were all up in his head. Plaguing his mind. You were definitely fucking a baby into his womb at this rate. Which, surprisingly, made howl jittery.
“ouhh ha-harder!!”, his wails riled you up. The coil in his stomach tightened again as his release felt near. And you understood from the way his voice increased in decibel. Girlish, high pitched moans spilling from his mouth. So obscene.
You swing an arm under his back and he moved into you, his back arching. Your gut felt heavy and close, clenching inside. “B-Breed me~”, he begged and that’s all it took.
You spilled into him. Emptying every inch of your cum deep inside him, till his tummy was swelling up and he could feel it all moving inside. Some of it trickled down, leaking out, and pooling in the already wet patch of the bed.
A strangled moan left his mouth the moment you came undone and his legs jerked on your shoulders. Toes curling because of the shattering sensation. His milky white body trembling in your arms, soft to touch but ruined from the inside. Falling apart in front of you. But that was fine. You would always be there to catch him.
Your head felt dizzy. A known indicator that you came alot. It happens rarely but it wasn’t something too weird.
Within a few seconds you could feel his breaths relax, returning to the easy and lazy routine he always has. Your dick was still sheathed inside him because you knew all your sticky cum would gush out of his gaping hole and then you would have to rush him to the bathroom. As all good lovers should.
But this moment felt too intimate. You wanted it to last for a bit longer. Eyes gazing at his swollen bruised lips and then running back to his eyes. A bit red and still tearful. But they were sparkling. His blue eyes were whispering praises to you.
You muttered a spell and his hands came untied. Landing on your shoulders.
Sweeping a strand of hair behind his ears, you rub his cheek. “Am sorry, i went too rough”, you pout, a feeling of remorse building up in you before you hear his chuckles. Raspy but still adorable.
“I can barely talk right now but-”, he sighed, “-I need to tell you that I loved it”.
“I love you darling”, he pressed a kiss on your lips, bringing his forehead down on yours. “My lovely darling”, mumbling with affection, he pulled you into a warm embrace.
“I love you sweetheart”, you smiled against his lips before taking him in a deep kiss again.
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storms-path · 3 months
Dawntrail and Conquerors
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Dawntrail has given me thoughts. So many thoughts. This is only one of 'em, be prepared for more! But also, SPOILERS FOR BASICALLY ALL OF DAWNTRAIL AHEAD! Read on at your own risk!
There’s something of a running theme throughout FF14 that I think Dawntrail has really honed in on, and it’s something that resonated with me the more I thought about it. Time and time again we’re confronted with men who claim that they are worthy of rule through the strength they bring to bear, and time and time again they’re laid low by our own. We see it with Gaius, with the Heavensward, with the entirety of the Garlean empire (but in particular Yotsuyu and Emet-Selch), and now in Dawntrail with… Well, you know. The theme is clear: Conquerors do not keep their thrones.
So when we heard stories at the end of Endwalker about how the mighty Dawnservant united the people of Tural, a famously divided people by both land and people, my thought was this: We have another conqueror who we’ll inevitably have to topple. With the Garlean empire fresh in my mind, it was the obvious conclusion to reach towards. And Wuk Lamat was already shown to be sheltered and naive from her introduction, which made me wary of trusting her word on her own father’s supposed goodness.
Suffice to say I was pleasantly surprised that Gulool Ja Ja was not a conqueror, but a uniter instead. For all that he’s hyped up as an incredibly strong combatant, and a force to be reckoned with on and off the battlefield, all the stories we hear of Tural’s founding are of him… Making peace. Liberating through non-violence. Saving people from terrible beasts. Forcing a generations-old war to end through a cook off to end all cook-offs! He could have quite easily conquered the people of Tural, forced them together through violence, but he knew how short-sighted that would be. He was raised in warfare, called upon to be a saviour of his forsaken people and lead them out of the canopy… and he did, in a way. But he did so without casting down everyone around him.
Is he a perfect ruler? Oh, absolutely not. His people still have problems, especially the Mamool Ja who chose to remain. But he has succeeded in bringing together a prosperous, peaceful nation in a time of upheaval and crisis. And despite everything, he is successful in… well, being succeeded. His trials do exactly what they should, but teaching Wuk Lamat and Koana how to properly rule through respecting their people instead of using them for their own gain.
Which bring me neatly to Vergil Zarool Ja.
Zarool Ja is everything Gulool Ja Ja isn’t. Ruthless, cold, unable to see the people around him as anything but tools. He claims he wants to bring war for the sake of peace, but he simply wishes to escape his father’s shadow and truly surpass him. And he cares not a whit for his siblings or fellow competitors. At every turn he is given the choice to do better, and at every turn he chooses to walk further down the path of blood and violence. So it came as little surprise when he positioned himself as head of a conquering army, intent to overturn everything his father worked to build.
Zarool Ja is the clearest and finest-pointed reminder of FF14’s core lessons. He is the epitome of unearned strength, literally leaching it from the souls of his people. And it consumes him in the end, turning him into a pale mockery of his father, complete with a stump where his second head should be. Resolve without reason, hellbent on conquest at any cost. And so, of course, we put him down. Just another marker on our list of conquerors conquered.
And then Sphene fully unmasks.
Sphene is… very interesting. In a lot of ways, she entirely rejects the idea of conquest. She only wants to keep her people safe from harm forevermore. She actively joins us against Zarool Ja when he turns on them! But therein lies the problem. She can’t keep her people around without taking from others. And so, regretfully, with utmost sorrow… She enacts her plan to keep her hollow world alive. Invading other reflections and robbing them of their aether to keep her people forever sated and able to live beyond death. It doesn’t matter to her that they’re only shades. After all, she is one herself. If that’s what it will take to protect and safeguard her people, so be it. No sacrifice too great, no sin unforgivable. So she does what so many have done before her.
She attempts conquest. And we put her down.
Conquerors do not keep their thrones, after all.
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beenbaanbuun · 8 months
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im writing something big rn but for the time being, i can’t get the fact that mingi is a certified! emo off of my mind… like ever….
it’s all i think about and as an emo/metal girlie myself, i can’t help but think about mingi fucking you to his personal horny emo/metal playlist.
bc i can guarantee he has one. like the man said one of his favourite songs was dance dance by fall out boy??? like i can just imagine him taking the lyrics to that song a little too personally, stripping you bare on his mattress, putting you on your front and kissing down your naked spine. pete wentz was sooo right when he wrote that song… mingi does want sympathy in the form of you crawling into bed with him…
and i’m sorry, if that man ever listens to death of peace of mind by bad omens??? oh that man would be DONE. FINISHED!! because how is he supposed to hear that song without you popping into his head. memories of him folding you in half as he fucks into you, mascara tears streaming down your face as you cry out for him. chanting his name over and over again like a mantra… it’s like that song was written about you.
and that man has eaten you out one too many times to K.M.B by nova twins… he gets so pussy drunk and just goes dumb between your legs while the music degrades him and calls him out for what he really is. there really isn’t much going on between his eyes once he gets even a hint of your pussy juices. literally turns into a pretty puppy that exists solely for your pleasure, and you’re okay with that…
and i just know that this man goes fucking i n s a n e when he hears the first note of a deftones song. imagine him listening to my own summer (shove it) and just ramming into you. he’d have you pinned down as he almost completely loses himself, thrusting hard and sensual, trying so desperately to hold on to his last thread of sanity. trying so hard not to snap completely and let himself go absolutely feral on you. he wants to, so bad actually, but for the sake of you being able to walk the next day, he holds back… barely.
but like, we also know this man is a giggly baby half the time. like he’s such a princess and i refuse to believe that every single time you have sex with him, he’s completely serious. like imagine he’s trying to be but then the playlist switches songs and it’s a fucking limp bizkit song or something. like it just switches the mood entirely because how is he supposed to fuck you when fred durst is singing rollin’ directly in his ear. like you’re not telling me this man won’t collapse on top of you in a fit of giggles, rigid dick still pressed inside of you as he tries to contain his laughter in your ear. and you just slap his shoulder or something because what the fuck is LIMP BIZKIT doing in his sex playlist?!?!?!?
i’m so sorry, but emo mingi DOES THINGS TO ME!!!!! like it’s all i can think about at any given point in time and i need people to understand that this is my roman empire!!!
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How about this? Headcanons for Loona and Octavia (separate) with a nerdy!male!reader??
Idk, but when I was thinking of this I thought of him just being Milo thatch from Atlantis: The Lost Empire if he was an imp (and maybe looking like him with a human disguise).
"My Geek" ; Loona, Octavia Ars Goetia
AN: I have never seen ATLA, so I hope I did this okay for you!!
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Loona would tease you. Brutally, in fact. But she does it all out of love. She just doesn't really know how to show people that she cares about them, so she resorts to teasing to hide the fact that she does. She doesn't want to seem vulnerable, after all. Look where that's gotten her in the past.
With that said, that doesn't mean she lets anybody else makes fun of you. No, only SHE'S allowed to do that. Girlfriend privileges, she calls them. Even before you're actually dating.
But the second someone else tries? Ohhhh dear, be prepared for tears. And not hers (or yours).
"Don't be such a prick when he manages to pull hot bitches with his nerdiness, and you're going to die a loser virgin."
She'd of course comfort you afterwards, in her own Loona way. Telling you how that person was a loser, anyway. How they didn't understand your "weird, shitty hobbies", but that that only made them a little bitch.
Loona will act like she doesn't care about what you're suggesting to her, but in reality... well, her Mammazon cart is full of her gift ideas for you for special occasions. Comic books, manga, movies, costumes, you name it.
And y'know what? She'll never tell you that she actually paid attention to what you told her.
"Here. A random shut-up gift."
That's code for "I've been listening a lot, actually, and I know these are things you like, so I wanted to get you something that lets you know I paid attention", by the way.
Honestly, I feel like she'd prefer a nerdy S/O for a guy, though?? Someone she can be playful and fun with without having to maintain her stone-cold persona.
Now your human disguise... oh boy.
You saw how she was with Vortex? Yeah, well, with you, you can basically amplify that by ten.
Basically heart eyes lmao.
Don't worry, she eventually starts acting more normal around you in that form once she begins associating it back to you, her loving boyfriend.
She'd still have those momentary slip-ups where she says something she normally wouldn't, though, although they're much more welcome when you're actually her boyfriend.
"Uh... Loona? You okay?"
"You're hot... I mean, uh- Y'know, literally. Cuz it's... a hot day out."
Girl is down bad.
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Honestly? Octavia seems pretty nerdy, too. Probably has a secret comic book hobby. So she doesn't see anything wrong with your hobbies. She even finds them endearing.
Likes to hear your little hot takes, whether or not she really agrees with them. It opens the floor for some productive discussion and banter.
"Oh yeah? And what happens if I do something like this?"
And she proceeds to either do it, if it's a physical thing she can do, or explain the idea, eager to hear your take on it or if it's something you'd suggest in that scenario.
Due to that, she really isn't hard to make conversation with at all, since she can relate pretty well to your more geeky interests, and even be persuaded to get into the same fandoms. Or have fandom battles, like Marvel vs. D.C..
She'll always side with D.C., though.
And of course, she'll happily come with you to those types of movies, since she usually really enjoys them, herself.
She's more of a music nerd, though, and she'll definitely try to get you to listen to some of her favorite artists. The music is pretty angsty, but it's not bad, either. And you love her, so you bear with it for her.
Definitely the type to take you to one of those geek stores for your birthday and just let you pick whatever you want.
Girl comes from money, and she knows how to spend it. :)
"S/O? What about this one? It's got that thing you like on it."
As she's proudly showing you a T-shirt of a character you mentioned liking, excitedly looking around for her own things, as well.
Always a fun couple experience.
Oh, also, Stella HATES you, but that's probably to be expected. Not that Octavia really cares for her absentee mother's approval.
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utilitycaster · 6 hours
if you're up to elaborating, i would love to hear more about your complicated feelings on Taliesin's reads of this campaign, because that's something that's been itching my brain but I'd been having a hard time pinpointing why and I'm interested to hear your thoughts!
So I think it's best summarized in part as a combination of what was said in this post I just reblogged and these tags from @kerosene-in-a-blender on this post:
#yeeeaaaahhhh#ngl it seems like the characters and parts of the cast got so caught up in the potential moral dilemma of interventionist gods#that they forgot the gods of exandria aren't particularly interventionist#critical role#critical role spoilers#cr spoilers
Ashton feels like they learned something about their own arrogance and assumptions with Shardgate...and then it just vanished. And the fact that Taliesin genuinely read that as what was supposed to happen when like 3-4 authority figures, some of whom (Allura) have existed since Campaign 1 as People To Listen To had said "This is a bad idea" in plain language does give me pause because like...with all due respect, I get why Ashton would do this anyway! But come on, man, how do you hear that and not go "oh maybe it's a bad idea."
I don't want to read in too much to cooldown and 4SD either but I really do just feel that like...some of the cast, and Taliesin isn't alone in this but definitely seems to be using it the most in-game, have come under the impression that the purpose of this campaign is specifically to upend everything we knew...but that idea is just an assumption that is not supported, and as I've said repeatedly, there is no situation in which the world is not drastically changed - there's going to be either a hostile alien invasion, or a friendly alien migration, but either one will be monumental within Exandrian history, and that's not counting the establishment of the Accord/the collapse of local institutions in both the Dwendalian Empire and Bassuras/ If one cannot see any possibility for vast change within the world other than killing/driving out the gods, I don't know how to address this nicely. This is an uncreative and stupid position that I can't engage with because it's so stupid. It's like saying World War II didn't change anything in our world because at the end of it the US and USSR both still existed largely intact. So the over-focus on only one means of change in a way that feels based on an interpretation of this campaign's purpose that isn't even stated anywhere is telling and deeply frustrating.
As the second post indicates, it feels like some of the cast, Taliesin especially, got caught up in a theological argument of divine intervention that personally I had a great time debating in Hebrew school when I was 13, but is not ultimately true in Exandria (or reality, for that matter). On some level it's like maybe read some Harold Kushner and you'll calm down; it feels like you're arguing against like, some very real religious tenets (that are not exclusively Christian for once) but in a story where that's not actually a problem.
I'd throw in that Bells Hells sit in this awkward place of not being nobodies (or Nobodies) anymore but many are still acting like it and Ashton is at the forefront. Indeed, look at the name "the Nobodies." The problem is that Ashton is a Somebody now. He's not like, the ruler of a city, or an ancient dragon, or a god. But they're someone who has the personal raw power and the connections to survive an ill-considered second shard absorption. They're someone who is easily going to survive a fall out of a window, and who can't be bound into service. They are someone who has been entrusted by the world to assist in saving it, and they're too fixated on the gods not personally saving them to consider the vast potential harm to others, and I think it's not inherently out of callousness but rather that they've rather abruptly risen from "orphan criminal who expected to be dead by 30" to "guy tasked to save the world" but they have no option but to rise to the occasion, as the Raven Queen said. To change the world, he must change himself, and I feel like Taliesin, who often enjoys the idea of characters who don't change, is perhaps too wed to that concept for this particular narrative. And, for what it's worth: I've said it before that my personal preference is to keep the gods in place...but I would genuinely be MILES happier with a party that decisively had decided to kill the gods. I would not agree with their decision, but anything is better than this indecision. And since Ashton is pretty staunchly in favor of killing the gods and the rest of the party is varying degrees of strongly against (Orym, Braius), weakly against (Chetney, Fearne, Imogen, increasingly Laudna) and unsure but worried specifically about the mortal impact (Dorian) at some point it's like. Either say "I don't like this, but this is the party's plan" or leave. The decisiveness matters on an individual level too; because Bells Hells does not have good internal methods of resolving conflict for reasons stated above and below, at some point it's like. You have to give it up because no one will make you. If Ashton genuinely cannot or will not yield on this, either commit to betraying the party (totally valid, could be a great story) or have them leave; if Ashton does trust the party, have them reluctantly give in. A party-wide choice must be made and fast. The party is aimless because they are all pulling in different directions and it all cancels out, but Ashton is definitely contributing extensively to that agonizing stasis.
I suppose I should wrap up with what I've been saying a lot but should probably go on this post which is that a lot of the flaws in this campaign are not any singular person's fault. I really do feel like they began with the fact that Matt was clearly building to this specific story, and Bells Hells were not a party terribly suited to it in the first place and then were given an earlier narrative that, because it was heavily on rails to get them to the solstice setpiece, failed to give them the tools to become people who would be prepared for this endgame. I think Matt really wanted the cast to make the decisions here, and did not have a specific decision in mind, and now they're all finding that they're playing characters who can't make that decision. It's a culmination of a lot of smaller out-of-game choices that have failed to gel into a coherent whole. When I say the Raven Queen was right, and if they are not ready for this, to go home, I don't think the party should be tpk-ed or anything, but yeah, if they can't decide what to do when they are essentially tasked with killing the BBEG and diffusing the universe-shattering bomb, they should abdicate. I don't think a story in which the heroes fail is a bad one. I know Call of the Netherdeep has been a touchstone in the fandom throughout this campaign and there's one possible ending to that that's sort of unsatisfying, but the unsatisfying nature itself makes it an interesting story to me. I think this campaign ending with the party saying "we can't do this" is vanishingly unlikely, and complaints aside I think they will probably make a decision now but it all feels exceedingly doylist - Bells Hells are the characters the cast happens to be playing for this climactic final moment so I guess they will play those characters, and those characters will have to make a choice so that the final moment happens, but it doesn't feel terribly organic.
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thedensworld · 8 months
Everything | C.Sc
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Pairing: Mafia!Seungcheol x reader
Genre: Angst, Thrill, One-sided love
Summary: You come to him in the middle of the night, plan to end him immediately. However everything change.
Seungcheol entered his dark penthouse after three days of neglect, a testament to the demanding nature of his busy life. The weight of his responsibilities prevented him from finding solace in sleep, as thoughts of safeguarding his business from government scrutiny plagued his restless nights. The events of the week had left him drained and fatigued.
If Seungcheol allowed himself to be honest, he grappled with the stark reality of having to navigate this tumultuous journey alone. The absence of his right-hand man, Kim Mingyu, brutally murdered three years ago, lingered as a painful reminder. Deep down, he yearned for a partner to share the burden of running his empire. Mingyu had been more than an assistant; he was a trusted ally, quick-witted, intelligent, and always ready to respond—a perfect companion to nurture the business that had its humble beginnings in a studio apartment.
As Seungcheol entered his dressing room, seeking respite in a change of clothes for sleep, a sudden chill gripped the air. The routine act of shedding his formal suit was disrupted when he felt the unsettling touch of cold metal against his back. A smaller figure swiftly pushed him against the wall, pressing the presumed gun more firmly against his spine.
"You killed him, didn't you?" The voice, a near whisper, pierced the silence, and Seungcheol's breath hitched as he recognized the owner. The weight of accusation hung in the air.
"Answer me!" the demand echoed, leaving Seungcheol grappling with the intensity of the inquiry and the realization of whose voice had just accused him.
Seungcheol shifted his head, disbelief clouding his features as he faced the unexpected presence of the woman behind him. It was far from an ideal moment for a heartwarming reunion. The pressing threat of a gun against his back indicated a situation demanding his immediate attention.
"Y/n..." Seungcheol breathed out your name, a name he hadn't uttered in years, a name that had lingered in his thoughts from the past.
"You're the one who killed my child, right?" Your accusation cut through the air, and Seungcheol was left grappling with the weight of the accusation and the painful memories that surged forth.
Shivers coursed down Seungcheol's spine, not solely due to the gun pressed against his back but also the devastating news he had just heard about Kim Ian, your three-year-old son. A profound sense of bewilderment gripped him.
"What do you mean, Y/n? What happened to Ian?" Seungcheol seized the gun from your hand, swiftly reversing your positions against the wall. Now facing you, he locked eyes, discarded the gun, and tenderly held both of your hands. "What do you mean I killed Ian? He—"
"If it's not you, then who else has a reason to kill Mingyu's child?" your voice echoed, cutting through his attempts to understand.
Seungcheol strained to hear your words, his focus drawn to the tears streaming down your face. The sight of your anguish pained him deeply, a feeling exacerbated by the hatred emanating from your eyes. Was this how you had perceived him all along? He swore he never harbored animosity towards Mingyu, let alone Ian. The emotional turmoil mirrored in your eyes left him grappling with a reality he never anticipated.
"Tell me, Y/n!" Seungcheol pleaded, his voice filled with desperation. "What happened to Ian?" The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on him as he sought answers from you.
Your body crumpled to the floor, your cries intensifying. Seungcheol, moved by the depth of your grief, immediately caught you, aligning his height with yours in a display of empathy.
"He was murdered, Seungcheol... He was murdered tragically," you confessed amidst sobs, and the revelation hung in the air, casting a dark shadow over the room. The pain in your words echoed through Seungcheol, leaving him grappling with the harsh reality of the tragedy that had befallen Kim Ian.
Seungcheol took a deep breath, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry," he uttered, the weight of those words laden with sincerity. "I'm so sorry to hear that," he expressed, his arms enveloping your grieving figure in a tender embrace. In that shared moment of sorrow, a connection forged by tragedy, Seungcheol sought solace for both himself and you in the silent comfort of his embrace.
Ten years ago, in Seungcheol's office, Mingyu ushered you in as Seungcheol's new assistant. Your hair was neatly tied in a ponytail, and you exuded professionalism in your office attire, complemented by glasses that accentuated your serious demeanor. Seungcheol, who had experienced a revolving door of assistants, looked at you skeptically.
As you entered, a hush fell over the room, and Seungcheol couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and skepticism. The previous year had seen almost four different assistants, each departing as quickly as they arrived. Mingyu's introduction held a hopeful tone, but Seungcheol couldn't shake the lingering doubt.
Your appearance, with the pulled-back ponytail and glasses, presented an air of competence. Seungcheol couldn't deny the initial appeal of your professional demeanor, but the past turnover in assistants had left him cautious. The atmosphere in the room held a subtle tension as Mingyu's introduction hung in the air.
Seungcheol's memory etched the moment when he first laid eyes on you, a newcomer to his office dynamic. The passage of a decade hadn't erased the vivid recollection of that day – a day that marked the beginning of a journey with an assistant who, against the odds, would prove to be a lasting fixture in his professional life.
"Are you sure?" Seungcheol raised his brow at Mingyu, skepticism etched across his face as he questioned your appearance—too upright, it seemed, to fit the mold of his usual assistant. As a mafia figure dealing in drugs and firearms, Seungcheol needed someone not only adept at scheduling but also capable of providing protection.
Mingyu, undeterred, handed Seungcheol your profile. His eyes scanned the document, revealing that you had graduated from the police academy. Intrigued, Seungcheol stole glances at you while absorbing the details. A subtle challenge lingered in his words as he remarked, "Let's see how long you're gonna survive here." The air in the room thickened with an unspoken expectation, as you stepped into a role that demanded more than just administrative skills.
As days seamlessly transitioned into weeks and weeks into months, your performance as Seungcheol's assistant garnered not a hint of disappointment from him. On the contrary, satisfaction emanated from Seungcheol, impressed by how adeptly you managed the intricacies of your role in his unconventional world of dealings in drugs and firearms. A year into your tenure, Seungcheol, prompted by Kim Mingyu, deviated from his usual routine and organized a celebration to mark your first anniversary as his assistant.
The atmosphere during the celebration held an air of unexpected camaraderie, a stark contrast to the usual tense environment. Mingyu, the orchestrator of this event, made sure the agenda was subtly pushed. For the first time, Seungcheol found himself acknowledging the significance of your presence in his professional life.
Amidst the festivities, a moment unfolded that broke the routine. Seungcheol, witnessing you succumb to the effects of alcohol, observed a side of you he hadn't encountered before. The veil of professionalism lifted as the alcohol took its toll, revealing a vulnerability that surprised Seungcheol. It marked a departure from the composed and controlled demeanor you consistently maintained in the chaotic world you both navigated. As the celebration unfolded, the unanticipated sight of you in this new light left an indelible impression on Seungcheol, adding a layer of complexity to your dynamic.
"To be honest, boss is such an annoying person!" you blurted out, your words escaping your lips in a moment of sobriety, catching Mingyu off guard. Seungcheol, rolling his eyes in mock exasperation, played along, "Really?"
You nodded, the alcohol-induced honesty flowing, "But..." you paused, "boss is an amazing person as well, and I really admire how into he is to his work. He's cool."
Seungcheol's lips curled into a satisfied smile. "You know how to play your words, Y/n."
Unaware of the person you were referring to being right in front of you, you leaned in closer to Seungcheol and whispered, "Just don't tell him, okay? I'm shy to say that to him." The irony of your words hung in the air, a drunken confession meant to be hidden, but fate had other plans as Seungcheol stood there, amused by the revelation.
What began as a professional connection evolved into a genuine friendship between you and Seungcheol. Unbeknownst to him, this companionship carried an undercurrent of deepening feelings and affection. Seungcheol found himself smiling at your every expression, sharing laughter in sync with yours, and experiencing a flutter inside whenever your eyes met during conversations.
As these emotions intensified, Seungcheol grappled with the realization that he was falling for you, deeply and unexpectedly. The transformation from colleagues to friends had quietly paved the way for something more profound.
However, amidst the emotional revelation, Seungcheol faced a stark and unwelcome reality. His trusted subordinate, Mingyu, approached him with unsettling news. Refusing to accept the possibility of betrayal, Seungcheol dismissed the reports of a coalition forming against him. Almost a decade of running their business together had seen its fair share of disagreements, but the recent tensions with Mingyu had taken an alarming turn. The situation escalated when Mingyu sought authority to lead their operations in the South, a request that deepened the fractures in their partnership.
Seungcheol, burdened by the initial assumption of betrayal, sought solace in you one night, drowning his sorrows in alcohol. However, the emotional turmoil within him led to an unexpected confession of his one-sided love for you over the past seven years. In his drunken vulnerability, Seungcheol bared his feelings, fully aware that his sober self would have been too shy to reveal this side.
"I—" you began to respond, but Seungcheol gently raised a finger to your lips, silencing you. "You don't have to answer. I'll wait for you, Y/n," he declared with a mix of determination and vulnerability.
As you gasped for air, attempting to convey a different message, Seungcheol chuckled, lowering his head. "If you're going to say it's because I'm your boss and we can't be together, I'm firing you," he declared, his gaze fixed on your eyes, awaiting your response.
Your pupils shook, and your breath hitched as you struggled to find the right words. "Seungcheol, I'm sorry," you finally uttered, causing his heart to quicken. "But Mingyu and I..." The mention of Mingyu's name heightened the tension in the room. "We've been together for a year," you continued, delivering the unexpected blow. "And we're expecting." Seungcheol's world seemed to momentarily freeze as the weight of the revelation settled in, leaving him to grapple with the complexities of his emotions and the shattered assumptions about the people closest to him.
Two months after Mingyu's murder, Seungcheol found himself navigating the aftermath of a relationship that transcended the boundaries of business. The trust he had once placed in his closest ally lay shattered, creating a complex web of unresolved conflicts and unanswered questions. Amidst the chaos, Seungcheol carried the weight of emotions, including the buried love he held for you. This affection, deeply concealed within a guarded corner of his heart, remained untouched until this very day, a silent testament to the complexities of his journey through betrayal and loss.
As you stumbled, Seungcheol's touch revealed an unexpected warmth in your arms, a feverish heat that made him worry. Reacting swiftly, he caught you from falling, a palpable concern etched on his face as he sensed your fading consciousness.
Realizing the gravity of the situation, Seungcheol urgently dialed his doctor. The diagnosis confirmed stress and exhaustion as the culprits behind your weakened state. Anxiety gripped Seungcheol as he absorbed the news, his thoughts racing with concern for your well-being.
In an attempt to unravel the tangled threads of your life post-Mingyu's departure, Seungcheol enlisted Myungho, his steadfast assistant. Myungho embarked on a mission to investigate the intricacies surrounding Ian's case, delving into the shadows of your experiences with a determination mirrored in Seungcheol's furrowed brow.
Silence gripped Seungcheol as he discovered the chilling truth: the toddler brutally murdered last week, as reported on the news, was none other than Ian. The rage simmered within him as he recalled reading the article – a 3-year-old boy slain tragically in front of his mother. The weight of the tragedy pressed heavily on his chest, and he couldn't fathom the depth of your anguish.
In that moment, Seungcheol's anger burned, directed not just at the perpetrator but also at the implication that someone within their own circle could commit such a heinous act. His commitment to principles stood firm – a line drawn at harming children and women, particularly you and your child.
The phoenix tattoo, a symbol you saw on their arms, a symbol tightly woven into their group's identity, became a haunting revelation. Seungcheol, Mingyu, and every member bore this mark. The connection was undeniable, casting a shadow of suspicion over their camaraderie.
Haunted by the possibility that you, in your grief, had mistaken him for Ian's assailant, Seungcheol grappled with a tangled mix of emotions. The weight of the truth hung heavy in the air, weaving a complex web of sorrow, anger, and an unwavering commitment to unravel the mystery that now intertwined with his own life.
"Myungho, find our men who were there or around there that night. Someone might pretending to be one of us."
Seungcheol found himself abandoned in his office, the emptiness echoing the void within. In the adjacent room, you lay weak and fragile, the love of his life slipping away. With a heavy sigh, he reached for the solace of cigarettes, the bitter-sweet smoke momentarily distracting him from the turmoil.
Leaning back, eyes fixed on the ceiling, the past three years unfolded like a melancholic film. Your life without Mingyu and him, a narrative of pain and solitude, played vividly before him. It was a movie he never wished to watch, a bitter reminder of his least favorite reality.
As the smoke curled around him, Seungcheol questioned his actions. Was he too childish, neglecting your presence even after Mingyu's departure? No, he reasoned, he was merely guarding his heart, wounded by past betrayals. The scars ran deep, a testament to the pain inflicted by a partner's betrayal and the heartbreak of seeing you stand with a betrayer.
The narrative of his selfishness unfolded, a defensive stance born out of justified hurt. In his eyes, he deserved the right to be selfish during these three years. The emotional battlefield within him justified his actions, or so he believed.
In the silence that followed, Seungcheol grappled with the conflicting emotions, a complex dance of regret, defiance, and the haunting specter of vulnerability.
"Fuck!" Cursing under his breath, Seungcheol inhaled deeply from his cigarette, the smoke swirling around him like a veil of frustration. The creak of the opening door drew his attention, and he watched as you, still pallid, entered and closed it behind you.
Seungcheol, propelled by urgency, abandoned his stool, closing the distance between you. Desperation etched on his face, he began explaining, eager to convey that he and his associates weren't the ones targeting you and Ian that fateful night. Yet, as he spoke, your eyes, once vibrant with passion during the old times, now bore a lifelessness that sent shivers down his spine. The absence of emotion in your gaze struck him, leaving Seungcheol haunted by the stark contrast from the fervor that once ignited those eyes.
"Ian... was the only reason I survived after everything happened three years ago," you confessed in a hushed tone, the weight of your words hanging in the air.
"I lost Mingyu, I lost my job, I lost..." Pausing, you glanced down at your toes, and then, with a heavy sigh, you continued, "you."
Seungcheol's brows furrowed, his anticipation mixed with a hint of confusion as he absorbed your revelations. He watched you take a deep breath, the tension in the room palpable.
"Mingyu would never betray you, Seungcheol," you started to explain, your words carrying a sincerity that echoed through the solemn atmosphere.
"Mingyu was trying to protect you," your gaze locked onto Seungcheol's, tears welling up, clinging to your lashes that he had always admired.
"He was trying to protect you because..." Your words faltered as a sob escaped your trembling lips. Swiftly, you covered your mouth, head shaking, fighting the overwhelming urge to unleash the torrent of tears and reveal the truth that Seungcheol had never heard.
Seungcheol, his breath caught in a silent gasp, stared at you with a mixture of confusion and growing realization. The weight of your earlier words echoed in his mind, leaving him bewildered. "What do you mean? What do you mean Mingyu was protecting me?" he questioned, desperate for the elusive truth that lingered in the unsaid.
Between your sobs, Seungcheol caught fragments of your words, the shocking revelation unfolding before him. "South Operation was a trap. Mingyu found that Jeonghan was part of the NIS. He was trying to trap you and catch you on the south operation."
Seungcheol froze, his breath held captive by the gravity of the revelation. A missing puzzle piece fell into place; the failed South Operation, Mingyu's capture by the NIS, and his subsequent murder. A shiver ran down his spine as the harsh reality sank in. He grabbed your arms, shaking you in disbelief.
"Why didn't you tell me?" he demanded, desperation lacing his words.
You looked up at him, eyes filled with sorrow, and countered, "Did you ever listen to me?" The silence that followed spoke volumes, a painful acknowledgment of the communication breakdown that had led to this heart-wrenching revelation.
You exhaled a long breath, the weight of your revelation lingering in the air, "He was trying to stop you from getting killed in the South operation. Because... He knew you were going to protect me."
"I liked you, Seungcheol. A lot..." The vulnerability in your voice echoed through the confession, laying bare emotions that had long been concealed.
"But you never saw me. You always set strict boundaries," you continued, your words carrying the pain of unrequited feelings. "Mingyu was always there to comfort me. And he even sacrificed himself for someone who didn't love him."
Seungcheol stood there, frozen, grappling with the weight of your words. The reality of Mingyu's sacrifice and your unspoken feelings pierced through the defenses he had built. The room seemed to close in as he struggled to comprehend the depth of the situation.
He couldn't believe what he had just heard from you. Mingyu, a friend he had misunderstood, had laid down his life for the very love Seungcheol had been blind to. The revelation shook the foundation of his convictions, leaving him questioning the choices he had made and the feelings he had overlooked.
Seungcheol's eyes widened in disbelief, torn between the knife in his hand and the gravity of your accusations. The room pulsated with tension as he struggled to comprehend the tangled emotions that surged within him.
As the truth settled in, Seungcheol found himself caught in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions—regret, guilt, and a burgeoning realization of the love that had remained unseen. The room echoed with the weight of unspoken words, the air heavy with the consequences of choices made and paths untaken.
"You hate me, right, Seungcheol? You hate me because Mingyu and I were together, right?" With a heavy heart, you revealed a concealed knife from your pocket and handed it to him.
"You told me to leave everything so I could be with Mingyu. And yes, I left because I realized Mingyu cared so much about me than you, who was too blinded by this business" The bitterness in your words painted a picture of unspoken resentment and hurt.
Seungcheol attempted to pull his hand away, but you gripped harder, forcefully making him hold the knife. The air in the room thickened with tension as your emotions spilled over.
"You killed Ian because you hate me, right? Then kill me too, Seungcheol! Kill me too!" The desperation in your plea cut through the air, leaving a haunting silence in its wake. The room seemed to shrink, suffocating under the weight of unresolved pain and the specter of consequences.
"I don't hate you," he whispered, the words escaping with a heaviness that mirrored the burden on his shoulders. "I never wanted things to end up like this."
Your grip on his hand remained firm, the blade a chilling reminder of the entangled web of pain and miscommunication. Seungcheol's mind raced, wrestling with the conflicting currents of guilt, regret, and a flicker of realization.
"I didn't kill Ian and I don't hate you," he finally confessed, his voice carrying a raw vulnerability. "I never meant for any of this to happen. I just..." His words trailed off, a tortured expression etched across his face as he grappled with the complexity of his emotions.
In that charged moment, the room held its breath, entangled in a web of unspoken truths and the weight of decisions that had irrevocably altered the course of all involved.
"Why? You couldn't reach him?" Mingyu inquired, the clink of glasses resonating as you both shared a drink on your birthday.
"He promised he will come!" you scoffed, frustration evident as you expressed your discontent with Seungcheol's habitual disappearances, leaving both you and Mingyu in the dark.
"I warned you," Mingyu casually remarked, but his eyes underwent a subtle transformation, shifting from casual to pity. In an instant, he enveloped you in a comforting embrace. "I know it's upsetting! He's a jerk, right?" Mingyu's attempt to console you carried a mix of camaraderie and understanding, a bond formed in the face of shared disappointment and frustration with Seungcheol's elusive behavior.
As Mingyu held you in that comforting embrace, a knowing smile played on his lips. "You know, Y/N, you've been crushing on Seungcheol for a while now," he teased gently, his tone laced with camaraderie.
Your eyes widened in surprise, a blush creeping up on your cheeks. Mingyu's perceptive gaze locked with yours, and he continued, "It's not that hard to see. The way you light up when he's around, even if he drives you crazy with his disappearing acts."
You tried to shrug off Mingyu's observation, but the playful glint in his eyes exposed your unspoken feelings. "I've known for a while, you know. You're not as subtle as you think," he added, a reassuring smile breaking through.
As the evening unfolded, Mingyu became both a confidant and a source of comfort, navigating the intricacies of your unrequited feelings for Seungcheol. The shared laughter and empathy formed a unique bond, one that extended beyond the complexities of workplace dynamics.As the night wore on and the glasses emptied, a warmth spread between you and Mingyu. The alcohol served as a liberator, unlocking the gates to unspoken confessions. Amidst the laughter and shared stories, you found yourself pouring out your heart to Mingyu.
"I really love Seungcheol," you confessed, the words slipping out like a secret you had kept hidden for too long. "But he's such a jerk for not noticing, for making me feel like this."
Mingyu listened attentively, his gaze understanding as you bared the depths of your emotions. The camaraderie forged through shared frustrations with Seungcheol became a bridge for vulnerability.
"He's clueless sometimes, Y/N," Mingyu replied, his own words tinged with a mix of sympathy and amusement. "Maybe he just needs a push in the right direction."
The alcohol-fueled honesty brought forth a unique connection between you and Mingyu, a shared understanding of the complexities of love and the challenges that came with navigating feelings within the confines of the workplace.As the night progressed, the alcohol-induced haze blurred the lines of awareness. Laughter echoed, and the atmosphere became charged with an unexpected tension, a subtle shift that neither you nor Mingyu fully grasped.
In the midst of shared confessions and the warmth of inebriation, glances lingered a fraction longer, touches became lingering, and the air pulsated with an unspoken energy. The boundaries between camaraderie and something more became elusive, lost in the intoxication of the moment.
As the night reached its peak, a table-turning moment occurred. The laughter turned into a shared gaze, and before you both realized, the subtle tension erupted into a one-night stand – an unplanned collision of emotions and desires that blurred the lines between friendship and something deeper.
The morning after brought with it a mixture of realization and confusion, as you and Mingyu woke up to a reality that had shifted overnight. The unspoken had been spoken, and the dynamics between you two had forever changed, leaving you to navigate the aftermath of a night fueled by both alcohol and an undeniable undercurrent of attraction.
Months later, you came to Mingyu and said, "fuck, Mingyu! I'm pregnant!"
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
hiiiiii can u pls make a tommy x fem!reader where they go on a fake date for a vlog (but its actually a secret plot by tommy or yn (u choose) to go on a date w the other bc theyve had a secret crush on thr other for a long time🤭🤭)
and then like,,,, in the middle of the date the other realizes that oh,,,, i like them
omg yes of COURSEEEE ; also I do only do gn readers but I can 100% do the rest of this 💪💪 hope you enjoy 🫶 ; also djo is mentioned (I've been a fan since like 2020) do not start gatekeeping on me LMAO ; listening to my tommyinnit playlist while making this and 🙏🙏🙏🙏 (link can be found on my masterlist -> playlists 👍 it's a banger
TOMMYINNIT ; real date ❌️ fake date ✅️
summary ; you go on a fake date for a vlog and decide to go on a real one because the romantic tension got you both positively nauseated
warnings ; language
genre ; fluff
word count ; 1.5k
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"Y/n, you wanna go stop for food?" The blonde asks, dropping the vlog camera a bit as he hears his stomach grumble in hunger. "We can make it a date for the vlog" He suggests, praying you'd say yes.
You nod, agreeing to the bit and the food considering you were also beginning to starve. Meanwhile, he feels his intestines flip around in his torso, trying to hide a giggle of approval as you agree.
You stop at a little lunch place and dine in with some sandwiches and soup. You and Tommy sit at one of the half-booth-half-chair tables, and put the camera in front of you as you sit next to each other. You talk about and eat at the same time, basically doing a mini storytime for the vlog, considering he was trying to do a vlog challenge to upload every week and have his videos reach at least twenty minutes and you were down to help him.
Tommy tries to push off the weight off his shoulders, love pulling him down as he looks over at you, talking to the camera about a story from earlier. He feels his stomach fill with butterflies as you laugh and smile, your eyes twinkling like sun reflecting off of water.
He quickly looks back down at his food, trying to hide his longing eyes for you. His ears dust a little red, feeling flustered as you joke around with him, making little date conversation to play up the bit.
You eventually get into the joke as a whole, making fake flirty conversation, making both of you silently panic inside. It's obvious to everyone but you, his ears and cheeks dusted pink, you trying to hide your smile as your face warms up past the heat of the oven when you bake out-the-box cakes together. You have to walk out of the building because you were getting too loud with laughter and didn't want to disturb the other patrons.
You walk down the sidewalk together, talking on and on and opening up more than usual about a lot of things. Tommy shows off all the scenery as you walk, later to be edited with Empire State Of Mind in the background, considering you'd been traveling around New York together while Freddie and Jack did their own things around the city.
You take the camera after a few minutes, wanting to have some fun with it. From silly angles and .5's of your foreheads to the Empire State Building and the flashy lights and screens everywhere like Times Square, you got it all. You found it so fucking enjoyable, catching all the beauties of city life you'd never experienced before. The bustling streets and the sound of music coming from just about everywhere, it weirdly comforted you.
You hold the camera up high, zoomed all the way out to capture you and the blonde, singing along to End Of Beginning by Djo, the song playing in the earbuds you were sharing. I mean, this was the beginning of a new end, in all honesty, the tour, him, your new eras and styles of content, the new way you'd picked yourselves off the floor and made yourselves new people. You were both happy enough to be on the hectic rollercoaster of life with each other in the seat next to the other.
Tommy can't help but find your funny control over the camera and your jokes amusing, to say the least. He couldn't help but fall more head over heels than he already was. He didn't know how he didn't notice it already, but when you touched the concrete in New York City, he felt it. Something in him awakened, like he realized how amazing it was to have this tour going on, for one, two, you were there. You were always there. You were always right in fucking front of his eyes.
You lay face up on the bed in your hotel room, staring at the ceiling. The room is freezing considering the heater doesn't work, and you needed the window open to get some fresh air. You're wrapped in a blanket you'd brought from home for comfort, and hidden under the thick bedsheets you'd been given for the night.
The show went well as per usual, at least.
What wasn't going well was the fact you couldn't sleep.
All because of a certain blonde haired boy who was currently obsessed with sweatshirts and jeans.
His laugh was contagious, his smile shining a thousand sun's, his eyes flowing as deep as the sea you longed for back in Europe, which you frequently walked with MotherInnit. You could stare at him all day, you'd never realized how you felt about him, or the fact the way you thought about him was romantic.
You stare up at the ceiling, a boob light hanging above your feet. It was times like these where you wished you could afford a nicer hotel. The mattress itched of dirty sheets and crumbs, which were not caused by you, or maybe that was the fear of sleeping in a bed that wasn't yours... one of the two.
You wanted to stomp up to Tommy's room, a floor above you and down the hall some, to just rant about taking him on a proper date tomorrow considering how much you'd enjoyed your "date" earlier. But you didn't have the heart, you lay with your stomach twisting and turning, heart aching and burning for him by your side to warm you up.
The bustling city night life soothes you to sleep, the vehicles below on the streets all headed home or to work or around the city. The people shoulder to shoulder on the street, enjoying a peaceful walk to wherever their feet were taking them, the homeless girl you'd given a couple hundred dollars to earlier as she played her flute. A boy about her age had joined her since then, wielded with a guitar, possibly becoming friends through bonding with their interests and the fact they were both struggling.
You could hear their music even from four floors up and through the city traffic, it was beautiful. They fit together perfectly, like two neighboring pieces of a puzzle. You wished you felt that way with Tommy. You wished you could come clean to him about your feelings and how you really thought of him. Yet, tonight was not that night.
The panic had set in from last night now.
You were barely awake when you stared up at the ceiling, swooning over your best friend, but now you were wide awake and in total realization of your thoughts. You internally cringe every time you think about it, wanting to vanish off the face of the Earth.
Through the last day in New York, you found yourself avoiding Tommy at all costs. From wandering off with Freddie to eating by your lonesome and spending time in your hotel room to "edit videos," you'd probably only spent a half hour around him.
He was growing concerned while Jack and Freddie shared a knowing look, knowing exactly what was happening. They'd both known of his crush on you, which spanned past the past four or so months. You finally realized you liked him back and wanted to deny it.
The two wanted to intervene but decide to let fate run its course, trusting that your natural human instincts would bring you together again. You bump into the blonde in the hallway, needing to go get ice to sit in it for an hour in the bathtub as some sort of therapy, which Tommy highly always made fun of you for. You apologize, the empty bin for ice in your hands.
"Ice?" He asks, then groans with a smile, "You seriously gonna sit in ice til we have to leave for the airport tomorrow morning?"
You shrug with a light smile, feeling your heart racing. You hear your own heartbeat pounding in your ears, drowning out his beautiful voice.
"Y/n? You okay?" He speaks, snapping you back to reality.
Without any thought behind it, you shoot your shot. "Do you wanna go on an actual date sometime?" You quickly speak, stumbling over your words.
His face quickly shifts to a smile, his smile lines showing themselves off. "Yeah! Wait, no, I mean like, "Yeah, sure," not like, "I'm so desperate, yeah-"
"Cool!" You quickly rush past him, your hands sweaty, your face flushing as you dart towards the ice machine.
He turns and watches you quickly speed walk away, his cheeks burning bright as he smiles, watching you walk away.
TommyInnit ; fake and real dates with Y/n <3 ; 20:49 ; Posted 4 hours ago
Y/U/N left a comment!
Y/U/N ; youre actually a dork
TommyInnit replied to your comment!
TommyInnit ; well you couldn't pick between a fake and a real date, apparently. we had to do both
Y/U/N ; fake date ✅️ real date ❌️
TommyInnit ; people.
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lvrdrafts · 1 year
Rescued by Love Part 4
★ Summary: Your brother Steve always hated you after your mother's death and when he finally gets the family's empire he is ready to sell you off to some toxic marriage but will the knight and shining armor save you or make it worse?
★ Pairing: Bucky x f!Reader
★ Warnings: Arranged Marriage
★ Genre: Angst/ Fluff
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The living room was bathed in the soft glow of the television as you settled onto the couch, trying to find some distraction from the world outside. The sound of a show's opening theme filled the air, but it was interrupted by the ringing of your phone. You picked it up, seeing Sam's name on the caller ID. Curious and a bit surprised, you answered, your voice a mix of confusion and warmth. "Hey, Sam."
"Hey, I... I just wanted to call and say I'm sorry for your loss," Sam's voice carried a gentle tone, as if he was choosing his words carefully.
Your brows furrowed in puzzlement. "Loss? Sam, what are you talking about?"
There was a moment of hesitation on the other end of the line, and then Sam spoke softly. "Your father's passing. I know it might be overwhelming, and I wanted to reach out."
Your heart seemed to skip a beat, the words not quite sinking in. "Wait, my father... passed away?"
There was a pause, and then Sam replied, his voice understanding. "Yeah, the funeral is tomorrow. I can't tell if your messing with me right now or not"
The shock and disbelief coursed through you as you tried to process what Sam was saying. Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring your vision. "I... I didn't know."
Sam's voice held empathy, and he responded gently, "Wait- actually?"
You swallowed hard, your voice catching in your throat. "No, Sam, I had no idea. Bucky, he went on a business trip for a month, and I've been... I haven't been allowed to leave the house."
There was a somber pause on the other end, and then Sam said "What-what do you mean Bucky's not with you? He's here right now, with Steve, making arrangements for the funeral."
The weight of the situation bore down on you, the reality of your isolation and the secrets that had been kept from you leaving you feeling even more adrift. Your tears began to flow freely, and you managed to stammer, "I... I have to go, Sam."
"Take care," Sam's voice was soft, filled with understanding.
As you ended the call, your heart felt heavy, and the weight of the situation seemed almost suffocating. Alone in the dimly lit room, you leaned forward, your face in your hands, allowing your tears to flow. The television's flickering light seemed distant and inconsequential compared to the storm of emotions that raged within you.
After a few moments of collecting yourself, you reached for your phone again. There was one person who might be able to guide you through this tumultuous time – Matt Murdock.
"Hello?" Matt's voice came through the line, a calm and steady presence on the other end.
"Hey, Matt. It's me," you greeted, your voice carrying a mix of weariness and determination.
"Ah, I was wondering when you'd call. How can I help you?" Matt's tone was empathetic, as if he could sense the weight of your burdens.
Your heart felt heavy, the desire for liberation clashing with the reality of your circumstances. "I... I need your help with something big. My father passed away, and I've been isolated at home. Bucky hired bodyguards who won't let me leave. And now I want to divorce him."
A thoughtful silence hung in the air for a moment before Matt spoke, his voice filled with understanding. "I'm sorry to hear about your father. And as for the divorce, that's a significant step. I can definitely assist you. We'll need to navigate the legal aspects, especially given your current situation."
Relief washed over you as you realized you weren't alone in this daunting journey. "Thank you, Matt. I really appreciate it. I... I want to regain control over my life."
Two days passed in a mix of tension and anticipation. The weight of your impending actions sat heavy on your shoulders as you waited for Bucky's return from his supposed business trip. The isolation that had cloaked you seemed to grow even more suffocating, the silence of the empty house echoing your thoughts.
Then, the door finally swung open, and Bucky stepped inside, his presence a blend of weariness and something you couldn't quite place. Steve trailed behind him, his features etched with a mix of determination and cold detachment. The air seemed charged with unspoken words as they both entered the room, their gazes meeting yours.
"Bucky," you greeted him, your voice carrying a mix of emotions – frustration, sadness, and something else that had been building within you.
He looked at you, a hint of surprise flashing in his eyes before being replaced by a guarded expression. "Hey."
Steve's gaze remained fixed on you, a coldness that seemed to permeate the air between you all. It was as if the unspoken truths that had been kept hidden for far too long were about to surface, ready to shatter the fragile semblance of family.
"You're back," you stated, your tone tinged with an edge that betrayed the turmoil within you.
Bucky's jaw clenched, his eyes briefly meeting yours before flicking away. "Yeah. Business trip was... intense."
You took a deep breath, a surge of courage propelling you forward. "Bucky, I know."
His gaze snapped back to yours, a flicker of surprise mingling with caution. "What do you mean?"
"The funeral. I know about it," you stated firmly, refusing to back down.
Bucky's expression shifted, his eyes narrowing as if calculating his next move. "How...?"
"Sam called," you said, your voice steady. "He told me about Dad's passing. And about the funeral that both of you conveniently forgot to inform me about."
A heavy silence settled in the room, the tension palpable. Steve's cold demeanor remained unbroken, his gaze like ice as he observed the exchange.
"I didn't want you to have to deal with it," Bucky finally spoke, his voice tinged with sympathy.
You scoffed, a bitter chuckle escaping you. "So, you decided I didn't deserve to know, right? Just like everything else?"
Bucky's brows furrowed, his expression a mixture of frustration and guilt. "It's not like that. Please I don't want to see your hurt, its fucked up but you mean-"
"Isn't it ironic you don't wanna see me hurt yet you hurt me all the time?" you shot back, your voice rising with each word. "You've controlled my life, kept me isolated, and now you're making decisions about my own family without even telling me."
Steve's cold voice cut through the tension like a blade. "You're better off not knowing, Y/N."
His words ignited a fire within you, fueled by years of resentment and the determination to reclaim your agency. "No, Steve. I'm done being kept in the dark. I'm done being treated like a pawn in your twisted game. I'm getting a divorce you piece of shit"
"You better not," he hissed, his voice a venomous whisper as he took a step toward you, his fingers reaching for your arms with an intent that sent shivers down your spine.
Fear clamped its icy grip around your heart for a moment, paralyzing you. The shadow of past trauma loomed, threatening to engulf you once again. The room felt smaller, the walls closing in as Steve's fingers tightened on your arms, his grip threatening to crush your spirit as it had for years.
Before the fear could completely consume you, a flash of movement caught your attention. Bucky, faster than you could anticipate, stepped between you and Steve, his stance protective. His strong arm shot out, intercepting Steve's grasp, and with a force that surprised you, he pushed Steve back making him hit the wall and fall on the floor.
"Steve, go this is between my wife and I not you" Bucky says coldly and Steve walks away with blood dripping down his nose. "Lets talk" Bucky says with a cold expression but past that you see a flicker of pain.
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
You Little Traitor (Aegon x Reader)
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Look I do not think this is some of my best word but it has so much potential to be a interesting story and if you think so as well please let me know cause I would love to write a part two for this
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The Yi Ti empire could put Kings Landing to shame, one of the most ancient civilizations, maesters would kill to be able to be accepted there and learn for the YiTish healers, the land of gold was what it was known not only for the actual riches but for its excellency in any aspect.
A century had passed since the long night and now ruled the Quartz emperor, the king ruled with the best interest at heart, to keep the peace among his subjects and do the very best for them.
The selenite princess, his second-born child, (y/n) was his way to reach further than any other emperor, to unite his kingdom with the seven kingdoms and his daughter to be a princess of not only his empire but to bless her with a legacy beyond his borders.
“Thank you, Father, I hope the ancestors bless me with a fruitful marriage”
She had simply said with a ghost of a smile when the news was announced of her long travel to the red keep, to meet the Targaryen family to marry Prince Aegon, her mother responded by placing a kiss on her forehead, her mother was the most endearing amongst (y/n)s parents, still not even her mother could protect her from the fate of wedlock, she had been prepared to face her future of being born a female with a stiff lip and kind eyes.
It wasn’t just a declaration of peace that her father was sending his daughter off to marriage for, the Yi Ti empire had kept an ear close to the seven kingdoms and Rhaenyra Targaryen was the first queen of her nation that stood a breath away from her throne, Aegon was a son, the second born child, her father wanted to prevent a nation from experiencing “the long night”.
“The Selenite Naishinno of the Yi Ti Empire, second-born child of the Quartz emperor”
Naishinno was what they called “princess”, it was a nice sensation to hear that the Targaryens respected her family enough to learn their version of lineage, even if it was out of fear and dare (y/n) say, desperation.
Aegon stood by his mother's side while (y/n) entered the throne room, he had to admit she was certainly captivating, she wore an astonishing attire from her homeland in the intense colour of red, and some of her hair was pulled up in a delicate style with intricate accessories, her face was emotionless, like a knight that went to battle, though Aegon found her to be intriguing, he had never met a YiTish lady before, “at least the bedding ceremony will have some interest” he cheekily thought.
“Princess, it is an honor to welcome you into my family”
“You are very kind King Viserys, my father wanted me to inform you that he apologizes for not being here, he sends his greetings and regards”
“We understand your empire needed its emperor, I surely do hope that we will see him at the wedding feast”
“Of course, along with most of the people from our palace, it will be a big celebration, may I ask, where is Princess Rhaenyra”
“That would be me, Naishinno”
“Princess, you may approach”
(Y/n) did not mean for it to sound like a command, she was just used to having to allow people to come closer, although the sentence left a sour taste in Daemon's mouth since this was their kingdom, Aegon only smirked, no one had spoken down to his sister, even if it was with such elegance.
Rhaenyra walked towards the young girl, intrigued by the sudden interest in her, when she stood before her (y/n) appeared to be... smiling one would say although small still a bit evident.
“We have heard of you, the first queen to ever be, my father wanted me to let you know that the Yi Ti empire stands with you, I pray that the Targaryen house will not know the monstrosity that is a brother and a sister going to war”
(Y/n) curtsied before Rhaenyra who felt more pride than ever, if she had the YiTish with her then she did not need anyone else, with them alone she could stand against anybody.
Out of pure excitement, Rhaenyra reached for the girl's hand to firmly grasp it and kissed her cheeks gently, (y/n) nodded in approval of their sacred oath, no blood should be spilled after the union of two strong Kingdoms.
“Will you be so kind as to show me your brother, the prince”
Rhaenyra called for him without even turning her head away from the princess, she did not care for her brother or anything regarding him she was saddened that she could not have a further conversation with (y/n).
Aegon took only one step to stand out from his other siblings and mother, (y/n)s eyes found him almost immediately and she took a step forward as well, a small curtsy also occurred by her before she smiled brightly, somehow even when the princess was being perfectly polite and respectful Aegon could not help but shift from one feet to the other, it was like she was sizing him up, he had to put all his might into not taking a step back from her since the it would seem disrespectful when the only thing she was doing was smile.
“It is an honor to meet you, if it is not too much to ask, I would like to spend some time alone with the prince”
“Of course, let us leave them to get to know each other, just call for the guards and they will escort you to your chamber”
“Thank you, queen Alicent”
(Y/n) could barely call them by their titles, she did not recognize their authority, let alone say “my” before them, she resided in them considering it as just a translation mistake from her side, thought (y/n) spoke their language since she was a toddler.
Once everyone left the room the aura suddenly changed, two strangers stood staring at one another, not knowing what to say or do on this occasion.
“I have to say-“
“I do not care what lie you have been tutored to throw at me, my trip was days long so I will make this short, I am sure you agreed on this betrothal for the same reason I did, duty. I shall marry you and play my part as a bestowing wife, I ask of you to do the same while in public, you may do as you wish in private”
“As I wish?”
“I am not an idiot, Prince Aegon, I have asked about you and your habits of scattering bastards around Kings Landing, you can continue to do so on only one condition”
“Which is?”
“Leave me be, do not search for my chamber whole drunk, do not bother me, we will communicate only when necessary, how does that sound?”
The selenite princess was wed to Prince Aegon in front of the masses, a celebration that would have the maesters of the future run back to it with fascination, her golden dress was custom-made by the people of the Yi Ti, she had only stayed for a few days and yet the luxurious habits of hers had queen Alicent baffled, the princess was spoiled and she seemed to not have in mind of stopping any time soon, her chamber smelled of incense that she brought, she only accepted to be tended to by her chamber maids, she refused to wear anything else other than the dresses she had brought, it was the first time in a while that Alicent felt backed in a corner by merely a presence of someone.
The night had already spread its beautiful cloak of stars along with its magnificent full moon, (y/n) had always been in tune with the majestic presence of the night hence her name, she struggled to fall asleep every time the moon was full, it seemed she was not alone this time, a dragon kept roaring and screaming in the distance, a part of hers was shaking with curiosity, like an instinct that the dragon was summoning her.
“Take me to the dragon pit”
“Princess, it is forbidden?”
“I do not recognize that word, not because of the foreign language but because you do not have the authority to utter it to me, I want to go to the dragon pit now”
The guards were nothing but mere subjects at the board game that she had set, how could they object to the empress's daughter? The prince's wife? The selenite princess stood before them and they must obey.
The guards could swear that all reality lost its meaning when the princess stepped foot in the dragon pit, Sunfyre had slowly emerged from the darkness and roared loud enough to shake the walls, whilst everyone ducked from fear (y/n) was perfectly still, she was her ever defiant self and did not even bat an eye.
“Hello there, you have caused quite a stir dear”
“Princess, may I suggest you step back? Sunfire does not take well with strangers”
“I am fine, sunfyre won’t hurt me, will you? My little pet?”
The dragon responded by coming closer to the princess and sniffing her around, after a few deep huffs the dragon laid down by the princess's side nudging her hand so she can caress him.
(Y/n) felt completely comfortable with the creature, she was always fascinated when she saw them fly up in the sky, her culture is defined by dragons, so it wasn’t a surprise that the actual creature took a liking to her.
“He is a sweet little boy, your skin is a little dry, we need to take care of that you are not getting any younger, sweetling”
(Y/n) spend most of her time in the dragon pit after that encounter, she would have her tea with Sunfyre and throw a few raw stakes at the beast to enjoy while she blabbered about whatever was occupying her mind that day, the dragon keepers did not know what to make of it, Sunfyre had only bonded with prince Aegon, now the fearsome beast was seen almost purring like a cat while (y/n) laid on his back and let her hand pet him with endearment, she would often drift to sleep while on dragon back.
“I do not know Sunfyre, mayhaps it was a mistake, telling him to keep on with his business, if I tried a bit harder things might end up different, he is not a bad guy he is just… sad, I see sadness in him. What do you think?”
Sunfyre only made a few sounds after (y/n) spoke to him in her YiTish dialect, the dragon keepers stood on the side in awe at the scene that unfolded, usually the dragons only understood Valyrian, albeit to sunfyre YiTish seemed to cast a spell of slumber, a lullaby only for the beast to enjoy.
“Of course, you would say that he is your rider after all”
“Where is the princess? Oh Gods, get the princess down from there!”
Sunfyre lifted its head from the ground when Queen Alicent commanded the guards to take her away, the ear-splitting sound that Sunfyre pushed out was enough to bring the queen a generous amount of steps back while (y/n) only brought her arms out to hug him to reassure the dragon.
“It is alright Sunfyre, the queen meant no harm”
She placed a kiss on the dragon's skin before Sunfyre relaxed back down for the princess to slide to the ground like she had done this a thousand times, (y/n) landed perfectly on her feet and fixed her dress in preparation for a dress the queen.
“What seems to be so important that you had to interrupt my time with my companion queen Alicent?”
Queen Alicent was at a loss of words, baffled by the princess being so casual about her bonding with none other than Sunfyre, dragons never seemed to obey or even tolerate anyone other than the person that has claimed it, how did (y/n) achieve this?
“Where are you going?”
“Well, that is surprising, for a walk, in what do I owe the interest my dearest love?”
“Drop the act alright and the lies, a little birdie told me you have been getting… cozy with something that belongs to me”
“Does that birdie wear a crown, has long red hair, and favors the color green? I know it must come to you as a shock but yes, Sunfyre has been a better husband than you as of late”
Aegon and (y/n) had an odd dynamic, she did not despise him but she did find his way of life distasteful, to say the least.
of course (y/n) was the one that nudged him to continue as of nothing had happened, however, a side of her had longed for Aegon to pay attention to her instead of spreading his seed on ever whore house, making it harder for (y/n) to keep track of all his bastards that she secretly took great care of, making sure they were all fed and clothed, how could she turn a blind eye to a child that was created by Aegon? Maybe they would be something better than their father if they were shown some kindness.
“So it is true, you dared to approach my dragon?”
“Sunfyre was in much need of my companion as I required his, seemed to me like you have neglected the poor little thing”
“Little thing? Never mind, well then, I would like to see it, Mother said she found you hugging it”
“Are you jealous Aegon? If you crave a hug I would gladly give you one, come here sweet boy”
“Stop that and walk”
He commanded making her giggle at how uncomfortable he had gotten, Aegon wasn’t the affectionate type, well if you do not count the time he came to her chambers after a quarrel with his mother, he was shaking like a leaf and stumbling over his words, he had laid on her chest while she ran her fingers through his hair until he drifted off, tears of his hand stained her nightgown while his hand held her for dear life.
Thats the night (y/n) started to soften, to take into consideration a life of love and offspring even, Aegon had been a skilled lover, he had the moves but the emotion wasn’t there when they laid together those few times, (y/n) scattered her brain for an idea to approach him though it led nowhere, they had zero common interests.
“Good evening to you my precious love”
(Y/n) responded to Sunfyres sounds as he flapped his wings and moved its head, (y/n) left Aegons side to walk faster to approach the dragon first, Sunfyre leaned its head for (y/n) to place a kiss at the very top of his nose, Aegon halted at the sight, somewhat betrayed by Sunfyre acting like a little puppy for the princess.
“How are you today? Have you been a good boy? Of course, you have”
(Y/n) reached as far as she could scratch the side of Sunfyres's head and the dragons' response was intricate sounds that someone could mistake for a purring of a cat or any other pet, not a giant killing beast that could swallow her for dinner.
(Y/n) laughed carelessly as she had almost forgotten Aegon had escorted her here, her attention was fully on the beautiful Sunfyre that was in desperate need of petting and babying.
“You little traitor”
Aegon whispered in Valyrian as he was still lost in a trance over his wife who did not correlate dragons had made a kitten out of Sunfyre, the only thing missing was a pretty little collar over his neck with a bell to be an obedient house cat of hers.
“I do not understand why everyone is so shocked, my family did not need to ride dragons, we simply are dragons, Sunfyre recognizes that”
“Is that so? Does that mean we have to chain you up and teach you how to obey as well?”
“You can try”
Aegon loved his wife, it might sound like a lie but he did, she was kind in her way, generous in a way, and adorable in her way, everything he loved about her was because she did it her way, howbeit he did not know how to love her in any way, he grew up around a father that wanted him until he got him and a mother that did everything she was taught to do even though she did not want it, even a rose needs proper soil to grow.
Yet, at that moment that Aegon gazed upon (y/n) who was coping at his dragon and bopping its nose he started to ponder, mayhaps she can be the soul of their rose.
“Sunfyre is a dragon, he does not need a kiss on its nose that’s the size of your head nor does he need head scratches”
“He does since he favors me even though you are standing right here, perhaps instead of putting me in chains I can teach you a thing or two”
It was the first time in a while that Aegon and (y/n) laughed together, Sunfyre had probably sensed the aura switching to a bit more intimate so he chose to nudge (y/n) from the back closer to Aegon making her yelp and glare back at the dragon who only turned away from her, Aegon smiled at her as they awkwardly stood ahead of one and the other.
“How about a ride? I must be honest that I haven’t taken Sunfyre out of the dragon pit for a good chunk of time”
“A ride sounds lovely, how about it sweet pie?”
“Must I call my striking dragon sweet-pie or does he still listen to Sunfyre?”
“I believe it is a privilege you haven’t earned to call him Sweetpie, you and he are still on proper name terms”
“Ouch I must admit I am wounded”
“You will get over it, now can you still recall how to get up on my dear friend or should I go first”
“You know my mother taught me to never take advantage of a situation just so I can admire a woman’s beauty from another angle… thankfully I never listened to her so off you go”
Requests are open!
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ahhhwomen · 7 months
I don’t know why I bite.
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Vampire Empire
Part 1
Pairing: DarkVamp!Wanda Maximoff x DarkVamp!Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
A/N: We are going to ignore how long I disappeared, okay thank you. Also, y/n will not be in a proper relationship with the girls, she will very much be viewed and treated like a pet not a partner, but she will obvi still get the love.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language. All mistakes are my own.
AU Warnings: Human pets, abuse, violence, possessiveness, probably incorrect vampire lore, angst, panic attacks, hurt/comfort, kitten play (?), also this is not a Carol positive fic (I have nothing against her, but I needed a villain), death (later on)Minors DNI 18+
Summary: Your Master is a cruel woman, but you would never stand a chance against her, but what if they can?
Word Count: 3.5k
The keys jingle in a pattern.
With each step, the clash of metal calls out. It changes tune, depending on the day. If she’s tired, she drags her feet, it’s a slower melody. When she’s angry, there is a harshness to the smashing of the chain against her belt and a thud to her heavy boots.
You don’t know what her happy steps are, you think the sound would be smooth. Maybe, like she´s floating?
You wonder if you are ever going to hear it? If you are being honest with yourself, you don’t really know if you want to. At least her other behaviors are predictable, you can handle predictable, uncertainty however, that is an entirely different game. Not one you are very keen on playing.
Today, her steps boom like thunder, and her keys shriek like lighting.
Chills run down your spine; you press against the cold concrete wall. It scratches your skin. You press harder and cower closer.
You are shaking as she sweeps around the corner of your prison; she’s frowning today.
It hurts.
From yesterday. It still hurts.
She always gives you a day.
It still hurts.
You need a day.
It doesn't matter. You know you can’t stop it.
You close your eyes and submerge yourself in the void. You don’t like the dark, but she doesn't like it when you see.
Your cage opens with a shriek. You flinch as she touches your face, she is breathing down your neck and you feel yourself panic as she struggles with your collar.
It's never good when she takes away your collar.
Before you do something stupid, like fight back, a soothing voice guides you. It’s a whisper, that only you can hear. Drag in slow breaths, in for four, hold for seven, out for eight. Rinse and repeat. You do as they tell you.
You're in a sunflower field.
The heavy feeling in your stomach is from the big dinner you had, half an hour earlier.
The sun is setting, and you are smiling and laughing as you run through the field of flowers. They're ginormous, almost bigger than you. There is a weight to them as you push past. They scratch and irritate, but it's only temporary, so you keep laughing to yourself.
There is a whip to the wind, the sound loud and frightening. The flowers are louder, so you pretend not to hear. They rustle and dance in the harsh wind.
It's dark, but the yellow glow of plant life guides you. You don’t know where you are running to, maybe home, maybe the ocean. It matters not. You are happy, just you and the flowers.
When the wind calms and the sun peaks over the horizon you know it’s time to leave.
You trek through the soil and ignore the sharp stones that prick your pale skin, you wish you could stay, but it’s time to return.
You open your eyes when she leaves. She almost killed you today.
It's okay.
You deserved it.
Tomorrow, you rest.
Natasha smirks over the rim of her whisky glass. One would think the blonde would be professional after almost a century of doing business, yet she still stomps around like a child throwing a tantrum when she doesn't get it her way. The redhead almost feels bad for the poor pet that was going to be at the end of Carol's rath tonight, almost.
“Knock, knock.” Wanda stands in the doorway, her knuckles lightly tapping against the dark oak.
She’s dressed modern today. Her suit is fitted to perfection, it hugs her waist and expands her hips. She also went for a smokey makeup look, her eyeshadow a mix of dark brown and black, her lips a deep amber, just like her suit.
If attraction could kill Natasha would be one dead woman.
She smiles at her wife before signaling her in with a wave. She’s surprised to see Wanda, her wife comes by occasionally, and she has always dressed nicely, but this is new. Due to her desk stealing her view, Natasha can't see, but she can hear her wife's high heels as she passes through the threshold. Same color as the suit she imagines.  
“What brings you here?” Natasha questions as she pours her wife a drink.
Wanda settles herself in the plush chair in front of her wife before bothering to answer. “Do I need a reason lovely? Maybe I just want to see my beautiful wife in her place of work.” Wanda grins while the other redhead hands her a glass of whiskey. Neat, just how she likes it.
Natasha scans her wife with suspicion, she wants something. She can tell by the way Wanda leans her body slightly to the left while her lips lift into a flirtatious half-smirk.
The shorter redhead lifts her eyebrow. “As nice as that may be, why are you really here?”
Wanda deflates slightly at her wife’s accusatory tone. She is right, of course, but Wanda was hoping she could butter her up a little before getting to that. Wanda will have to ask her out on a date soon and make herself a little less predictable.
She is ashamed to say it's been a while since their last dinner date, or movie night for that matter. However, it's hard to find the time when you have been married since the eighteen hundreds, and you both work more than any human would be capable of.
Which brings her to her point.
Wanda pulls in a breath, “I want a pet.”
Before Natasha can get a word in Wanda continues to ramble all in the same breath, “And I know, I know, we have already gone over this. But I'm lonely. The business has been slow since the Stark clan agreed to our peace offering. And while you are busy here, I want someone to come home too.” Wanda keeps her tone open and light.
She wasn’t here to accuse her wife of not giving her enough attention, they both knew that their different work would keep them apart, but while Wanda would spend long nights in her home office, Natasha would spend them in her company office on the other side of the city.
Natasha drums her fingers sharply against her desk, she wants to shut the idea down immediately.
Having a frail human pet would mean having a weakness. Natasha knows her wife well. She knows her wife will get attached, and she knows it will never end well for either of them.
On the other hand, she understands her wife's needs. Natasha spends most of her days in the office, working to uphold their cover, while Wanda spends her days all over the city settling their other business. Their schedules never align either, Natasha works days, Wanda nights. She has to admit, it doesn't sound half bad to have someone to come home to the few nights she can afford it.
Wanda is waiting with bated breath as her wife concludes.
“You have already set up the meet, haven’t you?”
Wanda gapes slightly but conceals it before her wife sees. She knows her too well indeed.
She slumps into her chair, “Yes.” She lifts her finger to stop Natasha from commenting, “In my defense, I was coming here to get your approval.” Natasha chuckles to herself.
“And if you didn’t get it your way?”
Wanda smiles bashfully, “Then I would go without you.” Natasha has to blink away tears from how hard she laughs, she is gripping her stomach, wheezing while answering, “I would expect nothing less my love.” She rights her posture and wipes a tear from the corner of her eye. She glances at her wife hiding her blush behind luscious red locks.
She can never say no to her.
Clapping her hands together, she responds. “Fine, you win.”
Wanda practically shines with mirth and joy, “But,” her companion eyes her carefully, nodding to confirm she´s listening. “I get to pick the name that goes on her collar.”
The other redhead huffs, “Fine, but it better not be something stupid.”
Natasha shrugs and her wife leans over the table to slap her shoulder in warning. Natasha smiles all the same and shakes her head, “Yeah, yeah, nothing dumb.” As much fun as she is having with this, she is a busy woman.
She runs her hands down her black suit, thinks of what paperwork to finish, and mumbles a question about when they need to leave while sorting through the latest update about their progress on Project X. Wanda, without missing a beat, states a simple, “Now.”
Nat drops her pen and pinches the skin between her eyebrows. Wanda shrugs half apologetically as Natasha fixes her with a hard glare.
Rolling her eyes, Natasha grumbles a short, “Right, we better get going then.”
It's been almost a decade since she has set foot in one of these shitholes. Nothing has changed, the cages are just as small, and the odor stinks the same, alcohol, blood, and fear.
Wanda shifts uncomfortably as they wait for the salesman to get his spreadsheet, Natasha silently watches from the sideline as he sorts through a mess of paper and fast-food containers to find what he is looking for. She chastises Wanda for not finding a better establishment. Back in their time, this was the usual, but nowadays they have far better alternatives.
Wanda leans against Natasha to whisper, “It was the only place by a few miles Tash, and it’s the only place we have time for.” Natasha stays unimpressed. Wanda smirks at her wife and tucks a strand of loose hair behind the other redhead's ear before discreetly licking the shell of it and whispering sweetly, “I will make it up to you.” Natasha shivers under the attention and the salesman grunts a weak, “found it” before leading them into the main hall.
The ocean swishes in the background as you lie on your blue, shark-themed blanket in your modern bikini. The sun gleams over your head. Your skin stings and you shift onto your stomach, you must have forgotten sunscreen again.
Nonetheless, you purr under the shine of good weather; you wish you had taken a book with you. Maybe next time. For now, you stretch out and lay your bare arms against the warm sand. It will be stuck in every crevice, but it's nice.
A light breeze passes you.
You suck in a big breath, it burns, but you ignore it. It smells of salt and….. salt… and….?
It smells of salt and ice cream.
You think you may stay for a while today. You might visit tomorrow, but you would rather not.
If it doesn't burn too much, you hope to sleep tomorrow through. After all, if you are really lucky, you may not wake up again.
This place is even more depressing than Wanda had anticipated.
She and the other redhead had been to a similar place a few decades ago, but this was just sad. Not even the potent scent of blood can get her to ignore the uncomfortable sound of churning, empty, stomachs.
If they lived in a different city she would have taken her wife to a more humane operation, but with limited time comes limited opportunity.
The male and female sections are separate, in the left hall she can smell the odor of young men eager to please, while in this hall she can see the curious and smell the fearful. The gruff man showing them around had introduced them to a few pets by now, but she had to admit they were not what she was hoping for.
There had been one pet she took a slight liking to; a young woman, in her mid-twenties, she was in the puppy section, an enthusiastic little thing. But in the end, she was a little too pushy for Wanda’s liking, Natasha hadn’t seemed too keen either, so they left it there.
The kitten section wasn’t too bad, but every time she thought she was building a connection, Natasha would step into the pet's line of sight and they would cower away one by one. She knows her wife is putting on a stern face to test the poor little things, but it was starting to piss her off big time.
Wanda rolls her eyes as the feeble man struggles with yet another lock, she lifts her suit jacket and checks the expensive gold watch ticking away, fifteen more minutes or they will have to come back another time. Given that this was the only available time she and Nat had had in a few weeks the dire truth of not getting a pet today was settling in.
“Here she is, now she's not much to look at, but since you wanted to see them all,” the man shrugs and Wanda has half the mind to bite his head off. Before she can do anything of the sort Natasha takes her by surprise by stepping into the cage before her.
Nat ignores her wife as she steps into your cage, she has seen you before.
You were Carol's pet, or at least she thought you were. But it seems you were a less permanent part of the blonde’s life. Your cage was different, it was slightly bigger, the poorly dressed man had said something earlier about you being a leased pet.
You look horrible. She is studying you from a few feet away and she can still see the horrors you must have been through.
She knows Carol is violent, it's why she has spent so long trying to negotiate with blondie. Their clans were never on the same page and yes, threats were constantly made, but this was something else. Natasha would never think the pathetic woman would do this just because she could.
She hears Wanda step in and gasp at the sight of you.
You are lying on the hard floor with your back turned to them, a rag the size of a hand towel barely covering your bottom. Your hands are stretched out under the lamp, the only heat source you have, you have been beaten to a pulp. There are deep lacerations covering you, your entire body is one big bruise, and dried blood covers every crevice of both your skin and even part of the walls. But that was not what caught either of their attention, no, it was the lack of life they could sense from you.
Natasha kneels a few feet away from you and studies you carefully.  Her hand rests against her cheek as she tries to focus on your heartbeat. It beats, but there was something off about it. It's slow like you are asleep, but she can hear in your breathing that you are still conscious.
She tilts her head and talks off-handedly at the man behind her.
“Is she sick?” She hears him scoff but ignores it in favor of closing her eyes and trying to feel you.
“Of course not-“ He waves his hand, “all that,” he gestures at your body, “was her own fault.”
Before Natasha has time to reprimand the pig, she hears a crunch behind her followed by a heavy thud.
She huffs and raises herself slowly before opening her eyes and looking at her wife with her peripheral vision. “I thought we agreed to not kill anyone today.”
Wanda stares at her with empty eyes. “No. We agreed on not killing any innocent people tonight. As far as I am concerned, I am just following his logic, after all this was all his fault.” Wanda gestures at the dead man's body.
Natasha turns to her wife while rolling her eyes.
Wanda ignores her wife's sass and looks past her to take you in once more. “Who is she?”
Natasha shrugs and gazes at you over her shoulder. “She was Carol´s plaything, but I guess Carol never owned her like I thought.” Wanda raised her eyebrows in surprise and stared at Nat, “That’s y/n?”. Her eyes move down to you again, “last time I saw her she sure as hell didn’t look like that.”
Natasha nods and crosses her arms in thought, “well it seems Carol is an even worse owner than she is a negotiator.”
The last time Wanda had seen you was when she joined one of Natasha’s meetings a few months ago, you were a new thing back then. You had scars, but they were pink and healed, you were a skittish little thing, but you ate, you had some color to you, and you sure as hell didn’t feel like this.
You could feel their eyes all over your body. You hated it, you never liked it when people looked too hard or thought too long, it always meant the same thing. They were assessing whether or not you are a feasible option as a pet. You know you aren’t, you know they will scoff and turn their backs to you as if you disgust them, like you don’t deserve to breathe the same air as them.
You get it though, they are probably right.
Usually, such a thing wouldn’t bother you, you are used to it by now, but there was something about their scents that put you off, you felt out of place even more than usual, and you hated it.  
You were too focused on pretending to be asleep to assess what the heavy thud against the concrete could have been.
Whatever it was, must have had something breakable inside of it as you could hear a clear crack as something bounced off the floor. You decided you didn’t care, you only cared about the sudden voice that took over all the space of your enclosure. Powerful enough to command any and every room, you know this voice. It belongs to one Natasha Romanoff, and suddenly the voice behind her made sense too. You had only seen the redhead once, but you would remember her anywhere, just as commanding as her wife, and even more scary, Wanda Maximoff.
If you weren’t scared before, you were positively shitting your nonexistent pants now.
You try to keep your breathing even so as to not show any hint of awareness, you have no idea what they could be doing here. Had Master sent them? Were these the last moments you would have, were you going to die in this tiny, claustrophobic hellhole?
You were panicking, and you know they can sense it. Feel it. No matter how many times Master called you such, you weren’t an idiot. You know what they are, you know what they can do, what they will do.
As you hear one of them take a step closer you turn into a stiff board. You stay completely still as you feel your lungs start resisting the air you desperately try to force into them, you have this sudden need to flee or to bear your neck and beg for them to finish it quickly. Right after the thought passes your mind you shrink in shame, Master will kill you for ever thinking of bearing your neck to another.
You can hear them pause for a moment as you feel their eyes on you again. You have been made.
You don’t know what comes over you, you don’t know where you suddenly find the strength, but before you even know what you are doing you are leaping towards the women, your hands ready to claw out their eyes if need be.
You know they are stronger, faster, and smarter than you could ever wish to be, but this is a survival instinct, nothing makes sense, nothing matters. And as you collide into a warm body and start ripping into it, to the best of your ability, you realize, you have no idea what you are doing.
Natasha knew what you were about to do, possibly before you, and as you crashed into her and started scratching and ripping at anything you could get your hands on, she realized that maybe you still have a chance at this life. For the first time during their little visit, she can feel something in you, it’s small, scared, abused, but there is a will there, a will to live, a will to fight. That is more than most in this bleak city.
She holds you gently as you rip apart her coat, tear at her skin, and bite her hands. She hears Wanda take an uncertain step toward the both of you, unsure of what to do. But Natasha waves her hands nonchalantly and asks Wanda with a calm voice to stay back.
Natasha understands that to her wife you must look positively rabid. You were in the kitten class, but you were fighting Natasha as if you were a fighter dog. All teeth and claws. However, compared to Natasha, you might as well have been a mite.
No matter how hard you try, you can’t pierce her skin, can’t topple her balance, you can’t win.
Your fingers dig into the soft skin, your nails gripping and tearing, but nothing happens. There is no skin underneath your nails, no blood, no sight of damage against pale skin. You bite the hands that hold you, and you can hear your jaw creek as you strain your weak body, but the skin doesn't break, the only blood you taste is your own.
You are scared, you don’t know what to do, there is no sunflower field to hide behind, no sea to drown in, you feel powerless, even more so than she makes you feel.
You don’t know what they want, you don’t want to die like this.
Even after all your effort goes to waste you can’t give up, you have to keep trying, you have to-
Wanda looks at you with an unreadable expression, you look up in terror as you realize you can’t move your body. One simple word, in one simple tone, has made you paralyzed.
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charliemwrites · 11 months
Ahajskskskdjdj I just binge read all of Feral x Simon and OMG it's my new Roman empire
WHAT IF someone finds out about Feral?? Either someone who just hears Simon giving Johnny a couple of tips on how to handle Feral or just answering some of Johnny's questions about Feral, and is deeply concerned or is to nosey about the elusive Ghost to pass up the chance to know more. OR AN ENEMY finds out about Ghost's little pet.
Either way someone tries to break out Feral while Simon is out on deployment. BUT Feral doesn't want that and Simon comes home, after getting an alert that the security system is down, to a wrecked house and no Feral :((((
How would Simon react??? First to of course find Feral but afterwards?? Poor Feral all traumatized and trust broken because Simon is supposed to protect them and where was he??
Ooooooh I like this concept a lot.
Say it’s someone from another team, hearing him and Johnny chat out in the training grounds. The guy gets it in his head this is a huge conspiracy - obviously ghost’s captain is in on it. Hell, it could even go further up the chain. Who’s gonna tell an asset like ghost that he can’t have one measly civilian in exchange for all the work he does? Well this guy has morals, he has integrity. He’s drawing the line in the sand.
He does some covert investigating, figures out where ghost is keeping his hostage. Then he just waits. The whole 141 is away on a big mission. By the time the bastards get back, Rando will be long gone with his rescue.
He shows up just before the sun is meant to set and breaks through the heavily locked and reinforced door. It looks… like a normal house. He shivers - how diabolical. He dreads what the bedrooms must be like.
When he walks into the living room, there’s still no signs of life or even noise.
“It’s okay ma’am, I’m here to rescue you,” he calls.
A face pops out from behind a doorway, scowling.
“The hell are you talking about? Get out!”
“No, really it’s okay,” he insists, hurrying closer. “I’m not with him. It’s not a trick. I’ll get you to safety.”
“I’m fine-“ the poor thing must be so traumatized. He’ll have to get her out for her own good. She’ll thank him later. “Hey!”
She starts kicking and squirming as he grabs her arm, trying to usher her to the door.
“I’m going to save you, ma’am. You won’t ever have to see that terrible man again.”
She’s putting up too much resistance, he’ll have to scoop her up and take her out.
And that’s when her expression changes.
Simon bursts through the door to a dark house. There’s blood all over the floors. Tracking from the living room into the kitchen. His heart drops into his stomach.
He follows her voice to his bedroom, where she’s just slinking out from under the bed. Her eyes are huge and blood is dried all over her face and neck and hands.
He hurries to her side, thinking she’s been badly injured and has been bleeding out beneath his bed this whole time. But she stutters out that it’s not hers. That there’s a body in the laundry room.
She’s practically trying to crawl beneath his skin, sobbing and shuddering.
“You promised,” she wails, “you promised.”
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mooonjin · 11 months
Imagination - Pt. 2
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Notes: heres part twooooo, i see a lot of you in my inbox AND the comments ectioln in part one that really like shy clones so hehe here it is THANKS COR PREVIOUS SUPPORT THO OMGGGG <3333
Pairing: Tech x gn!reader
Summary: What happens when Tech has nothing to do, has your voice stuck in his head, and has free time to himself?
Warnings/Tags: 18+ work!! minors shoo flyyyyy -  kinda sub!Tech, m masturbation, minor dirty talk, fantasy thoughts ⁠—tell me if I've missed anything!
< Part One
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"What's left on the list?" Echo peered over Hunter's shoulder, not needing much effort  considering he's slightly taller.
"Rations, but most of the stalls have upped their price because of the Empire," Hunter sighed, his thumb rubbing over the little datapad precariously as his eyes scanned over the list.
As you handed Omega the little toy Hunter purchased for her, your wrist comm went off. Your eyes squinted for a millisecond, wondering why it was Tech that had only activated your channel and not the Batchers.
Initially, you heard nothing, just some static coming through due to the silence, "Tech? Hello?" The others began wandering off to the first stall to bargain the price for food. You followed them at a safe distance, still keeping them in your peripheral.
"Hey, Tech? Is everything okay?" Techs hand slid over his cock, completely oblivious about your worried voice coming through his wrist comm while he was... taking care of something.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you stared into the dull, green button on your wrist. Nothing had come through for a good two minutes and you genuinely began to worry immensely for Tech. In a small fit of panic, you walked towards the rest of the guys, about to alert them before you heard a muffled whimper.
Was he hurt? Was he being held hostage? Was someone imprisoning him? All of your questions  were answered by the next noises you heard. A modulated, satisfied sigh followed by a needy moan which you assumed was Tech.
You immediately stopped in your tracks, only a few meters way from the Batchers. You quickly covered your wrist, doing your best to muffle the not-so-friendly noises. Unfortunately, you caught Hunters attention.
"Everything okay?" Hunters eyebrows furrowed, raising one slightly in confusion at your very awkward pose whilst covering your wrist. You mentally cursed yourself. Hiding this situation from him would be nearly impossible.
"All good! Uh, comm broke a bit so I'm trying to—y'know, fix it up! Yeah."
"Alright then." He did not look too convinced. As Echo waved off the marketeer, you sneakily fled into an empty alleyway. You'll catch up to them eventually, you just had some... business to take care of.
You gently uncovered your wrist comm, being met with the noises of what was definitely Tech moaning.
"Kriff..." Tech whimpered, his thumb swiping over his sensitive tip. His slick hand pumped his cock with the images of you, wearing his helmet, as he pounded you into his mattress. Oh, how your voice would sound, all modulated and muffled as his cock drilled into your warm cunt.
His hand sped up slightly, the other gently caressing his balls to give himself more stimuli. He lets out a hearty groan, the image of you pumping his cock spurs his mind. Wilder and more explicit scenarios fill his head.
You lean closer into your comm, trying to hear better.
"Not quite, not— ah... mmph, not yet..."
His whimpers drove you insane, your cunt clenching under your blacks. This was a public place so getting caught would either get you fined, judged by, commented at or even killed. Your ears were in heaven, the sound of Tech desperately getting himself off was music you've never heard before and you almost had front row seats to it.
"Need to slow down, ha, mhm..." His hand was slowly moving up the length of his cock, restraining himself from cumming to early. He was eager to draw this out considering the time he had before the rest of you came back. Tech was in a state of ecstasy, the pleasure shooting throughout his whole body, causing his abs to clench every once and a while.
After he felt his orgasm drop down a little, he continued his previous pace. A small pearl of precum sat on his tip. It looked enticing.
Tech was so sensitive. He hadn't gotten himself off in several rotations so edging was his worst enemy right now. A high-pitched whimper came through your wrist comm, the tone of the noise he usually used when he'd go on rambles.
You rubbed your thighs together. These civilian clothing's were constricting you, like you were boiling alive as you listened in.
"Ah! Gaah, mmm... ha, please," Tech didn't know what he was begging for. His breathing sped up, his gasps becoming more consistent as he felt his orgasm creep up on him again.
You had to bite your knuckles, trying to be silence yourself. Tech's moans fueled the fire burning in your core, your arousal building as well. You closed your eyes, now letting your imagination run wild.
Tech was playing with his sensitive tip, the overstimulation bringing him closer and closer to cumming. He groaned as his other hand slid up his chest to try out a new feeling he saw whilst watching a holofilm.
"Please touch my nipples, ah—mm! Kriff..." You almost opened your eyes, shocked to hear the filthy words come out of Tech's mouth.
The image of Tech twisting and pinching his nipple gave you butterflies. His light-brown, pink tipped nipples sitting on his chest that could be covered in multiple bite marks if you were there with him.
Techs hard cock was longing to cum. His hand pumping furiously under his tip, the spot which seemed to bring him to his climax. He was missing something, he continuously brought himself to the edge but he couldn't cum.
He bit his lip, frustrated and desperate.
That's when he finally traced back to your modulated voice coming through his wrist comm earlier.
"Mmm, gonna cum—!" His whimpers climbed in decibels, the comm picking up his climax, white spurts painting his lower abdomen and parts of his hand.
You clenched your fist your wrist comm sat on. You would do anything to see what you just heard. Techs short-breath gasps was all you heard before you opened your eyes. Your ears filled with the bustling noise of the town, realising you're sat in an alley.
You slowly stood up, your knees almost quivering as you peered behind the wall to see if you could spot the Batchers. By the time you began walking around to find them, Tech had cleaned himself up, changing into his blacks again and buckling back his cod pieces.
You heard the muddling noise of what was probably him picking up his abandoned wrist comm. You heard the click of the comm before a terrified gasp came through.
"Hello? Is this transmitting?" Your eyes widened. You had to play this off somehow.
"Tech, hey! What's up?" Your had to shove down any sort of stammer so your response wasn't suspicious.
"Oh, I was only curious if my comm device had broke, never mind then."
You panned your eyes, finally catching the Batchers at a food stall, "All good then, we'll be back soon." You immediately ended the transmission, saving yourself from further embarrassment.
You caught up with Hunter who had his arms crossed as he carefully observed Echo bargaining with the marketeer, Wrecker using his physique to intimidate him. Poor marketeer.
"And where have you been?" Hunters voice was low, his eyes staring you down.
"Got sidetracked, lucky I found you, huh?" You chuckled, covering up your ordeal in the alleyway a few meters back town. The littlest drops of sweat on your forehead caught Hunters eye, his expression hadn't changed, still not looking convinced.
That's until he gave you a shit-eating grin as if telling you, 'I know what you did'.
Curse the heightened sensed Sergeant.
Post-Notes: tyty for reading! hope you enjoyed a bunch!! im also aware that there r some ppl int his tag that didnt really register the @ so pls send me smth whether its my form or my ask telling me your exact user!!
~ ~ ~
@elsastoes @nekotaetae @lokigirlszendaya @imalovernotahater @backyard-bear @namesmox @littlecrowtime @urfriendlyneighbornightfury @thebomb-diggity @gt13tbbart @therealnekomari @dangraccoon @yourusername1
my taglist form!
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bi-ss · 10 months
~ Ties that bind ~
Bucky x reader- arranged marriage.
Summary: You agreed to arrange marriage when you were little, after seeing who you are to marry. You wish you could go back.
Part 1
⚠️Warnings- Sharon being a bitch, yelling, swearing. (Yes, ik not everyone hates sharon, but if you dont, that's ok :) sharon personality isn't my cup of tea. I also made this a little shorter just so I can't make part 3 a little longer and more drama filled)
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He sits with a grunt, then fixs his hair and jeans before his mum slaps his hand away and down, tutting as she does so. His dad, gorgeous Barnes, starts chatting with your dad about the empire he's built and what it's become and how's he's changed for the best. This was rudely interrupted by James clear his icky throat.
"Now, mister Ziegler, that's German, isn't it? You don't sound German.." He gets looks from his parent in confusion as they wonder what he's doing. "I know my father didn't drag me down here for nothing." he sounds so cocky... how that will all change.
"My parents are German, moved to Newyork in the 1960's when they were teenagers. And you already know why you're here. Stop trying to act childish to get your way.." silents as he just stares at James before his wife giggles while whispering something in his ear before relaxing. More talking goes on and you honestly zoned out, nodding once in a while to seem to be paying attention, then you hear your name and see the papers you made at 16, then updated at 19. Your father flips the front page and starts reading out the rules, wants, and needs you require.
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"Rule 1, I don't care if you really love me, just don't cheat." You sit there, already over James attitude and just him all together. He's been interrupting yours and his parents all night. It's clear he does want this, which makes you want this more. You're now sitting closer to James as his parents wanted to sit together, fair, I wouldn't want to volunteer to sit next to James either. As your dad reads the rules and requirements, his parents nod and seem to agree they are either responsible or able to be done. "Rule 6, adding to Rule 1, all partners must to broken off with -" in the corner of your eye, he's getting more annoyed. It looks like he wanted to talk the whole time but didn't, for some reason, probably self-respect. You were quick to realise he didn't have any self-respect.
You were pushed back to reality when your phone beeped and everyone looked at you, feeling embarrassed you quickly took it out about to silence it but a text reading "ma'am this lady to being quite a cunt" from kerry, kerry never swore, you looked up to your mother, clearing your throat you spoke. "I'm so very sorry, me and my mother must see to something" your mother was about to interjected "urgently" you added so she just nodded and you both quickly but calming went to the office doors and made it down the hall while hearing a screaming woman in the lobby.
"He's my boyfriend. Why should some rich slag have him?!" She roared "hes dating me, I should marry him. " She yelled, "She doesn't deserve him, I DO!!" She sounded pathetic. it's even giving you second-hand embarrassment. Your mother was about to shout, but James beat her to it, shouting her name just for her to look at him, then you. Surprised he yelled, you walked out the white marble grand staircase, your expensive heels clacking on the floor, holding back your dark green floor length delicate dress with diamonds covering your fingers and hands as rings and bracelets. When you're at the bottom, you kick the dress and sigh, "must be so hard being a spoiled brat." she spat at you.
You turn slowly and hum before walking to the kitchen "your boyfriend chose this spoiled brat" you giggled and pointed at your self has you enter the archway out of sight but still in ear shot of the fight that has begun, you stop when you see a sort off familiar face. "I know you, but where." You were behind the counter pouring yourself some Dr. pepper looking at ginger woman on a laptop.
"Natasha, I went to one of your charity events - for cancer," she explained to you and just nodding trying to remember, sitting next to her, "well natasha I'm.." she interrupted and stated she knew who you were. "How are you finding, Sharon?" Nat look at you with fake joy "that's her name" like the dots are connecting "she's a real bitch" she scoff while taking a sip of Dr pepper, Nat laughs a little before trying to conpose herself "she is, she thinks that as she dating James she's the boss of him and everyone else - like in the mob storys" it's your turn to giggle as you remember reading a story about romance in the mob and how they have it all wrong, most the time the big bosses never get in fights or gundowns. "I'm guess you work for James." She starts nodding, smiling. "For 4 years now, ask me anything." She seems to be too happy asking you that. "That's a test, so I won't answer." You shrugged, and she just hums and continued working on her laptop.
"What was her first question?" You look over slightly sipping your Dr. Pepper.
"She didn't get the memo and asked 2.. how big it was and if we ever dated. " She made a silly voice, acting out the quotes. You laughed as Nat roles her eyes, "And before goldy locks trys anything, yes we did for like 5 months." You shrugged and explained you didn't care and the past. Then the screaming from golden over there stopped, and the front door slammed.
James strut in like he own the place, and announce that they were leaving and the wedding would be in 5 days then left. The last part made you look at Nat in shock, but she just nodded. "James always has liked you, like a horny teenager. Why do you think he asked for you to marry him?" She let that float in the air before before she left, making sure she was in ear shot. You seemingly said to yourself that everyone loves you with you heard a small giggle, then the door closing again. What you didn't know was James heard all that, and his heart skipped a beat when it sounded as if you didn't hate him as he thought.
@learisa @unaxv @cjand10 @pattiemac1 @coffee-winter-and-silence
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