#* ✶ › ❛ light of my life fire of my loins !! — ( q&a. )
sweetspringlavender · 2 years
I was 11 when Born To Die was released. I vividly recall seeing the music video for its title-track and being in awe of this powerful singer bedecked in a flower crown, proudly seated atop a throne, and with a signature crimson pout. Her vocals were strange to me, unlike any I had heard or was used to hearing. From its instantly recognisable opening line (‘Feet don’t fail me now’) to its perfectly penned chorus, ‘Born To Die’ constitutes the ultimate album opener.
I remember buying the CD and listening to it on car journeys – some of the songs were miserable and melancholic, others sultry and sensual.
The stripped-back simplicity of ‘Video Games’, with its fluttering piano notes, flourishing bell chimes, and unmistakeable vocal performance, all hinging on its evocative chorus (‘It’s you, it’s you. It’s all for you.’) It should be no surprise that Q Magazine named ‘Video Games’ the Song of the Decade in 2019.
The overnight success of its viral music video catapulted Elizabeth to stardom. It is a carefully constructed montage of visuals; video clips of skaters and swimmers, young couples and yellow taxi cabs are interspersed between shots of Lana singing directly into the camera, hair coifed into a bouffant, lips pouted.
It is, in some ways, a cinematic odyssey. The expertly executed music video for ‘National Anthem’, has Lana and then-boyfriend rapper A$AP Rocky assuming the roles of Jackie and John F. Kennedy. ‘Blue Jeans’ depicts her embracing a heavily tattooed lover in a pool, through a black and white hued lens.
It all reflects the album’s highly theatrical production. Think the bells on ‘Summertime Sadness’, the striking string arrangements of ‘Lolita’, the woozy Bond-esque ‘Million Dollar Man’, or the static distortion on tracks like ‘Radio’ and ‘This Is What Makes Us Girls.’
Inflections of trip-hop crop up on ‘Diet Mountain Dew’ and ‘Off To The Races’, a realm that will be further explored on subsequent albums like Lust For Life. The latter track with its slow-burning opening soon accelerates into a thrilling sung-spoken verse before its infectious sing-along chorus. ‘Off To The Races’ is also the most obviously indebted to Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita, with the exception of its namesake song. Its pre-chorus refrain is borrowed from the book’s opening line ‘Light of my life, fire of my loins.’ One of the most notorious and controversial novels of the 20th century, Del Rey’s use of its imagery is of course intentional.
My personal favourite track on Born To Die was and remains ‘Radio’. Its crackly distorted beginning creates the impression that the needle has just been dropped onto a beloved old record. ‘Not even they can stop me now’ – her vocal kicks in, deep, hypnotic, determined – ‘Their heavy words can’t bring me down.’ As a teenage girl, I felt inspired, it imbued me with a sense of resilience. ‘Radio’ is a song about old acquaintances and ex-boyfriends coming back into Lana’s life now she is famous, with its sassy refrain ‘How do you like me now?’ figuratively sticking a middle finger up to those who doubted her.
Born To Die, as with other Del Rey records, offers a romanticised America, an idealised country, exuding Hollywood glamour, but also exposing its darker side. Abusive relationships, imbalances of power, and manipulative (often, older) men have been subjects of her songwriting, prompting controversy. The symbolism of location continues to pervade her work – with Ultraviolence’s ‘Brooklyn Baby’ and ‘West Coast’ tracing America’s expanse.
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apricotdelight-blog · 6 years
momentos imaginarios
Hay muchas cosas que quisiera en este momento. Quisiera que el clima sea mas cálido, quisiera que salga el sol, que las vacaciones duren una semana mas. Pero en realidad, la cosa numero uno que quiero en este momento es tener una pija en la boca. Si, no se ni como expresar este sentimiento. Se que una chica escribiendo esto no es de lo mas normal, pero es mi diario intimo, o bueno, no intimo pero anónimo al menos, y con eso me alcanza.
Ultimamente me encuentro soñando con esto: yo con alguno de los chicos que dominan mis fantasías persistentemente, en algún lugar oscuro y secreto, ya sea un auto, una habitación, una casa vacía, etc. Estamos ahí, hablando y riéndonos. 
En el caso del auto, estamos yendo hasta algún lugar, es de noche, hay luces en la autopista, el esta manejando y yo al lado. Estamos escuchando música, no se que exactamente, pero algo tranquilo, algo para relajarnos. 
En la casa estamos los dos sentados en el sillón, recién llegamos y por alguna razón estamos mojados, capaz llovía antes? Pero ya no, ya no se escucha ruido de lluvia. No hay nadie y no prendemos las luces, dejamos que las luces de afuera sean lo único que ilumina el ambiente. El me ofrece algo para tomar, yo solo pido agua. Nos sentamos en el sillón del living (no me imagino el color ni el material del sillón, pero se que es un sillón donde entran dos personas perfectamente cómodas, e incluso acostadas). Estamos ahí hablando, sentados de costado de manera de quedar frente a frente. Nos reímos de algo pero no se bien de que. Capaz que nos estamos riendo para ocultar lo que los dos queremos que pase pero ninguno se anima a pedir.
En la habitación, me imagino todo un poco diferente. Tiene que ser su habitación, sea quien sea. Me imagino parada contra su escritorio, con un vaso de agua o de algo en la mano. La habitación tiene un tinte anaranjado o durazno, o capaz con dejos amarillos o dorados? Como si estuviera prendida fuego. Pero no es fuego claramente, no, son solo los colores que creo desde mi inconsciente expresan la calentura que llevo dentro mio. El esta sentado en la cama, inclinado hacia atrás apoyándose con las manos, con las piernas abiertas asi como se sientan los hombres cuando quieren establecer dominancia, como si fuese un instinto primitivo que dice “acá esta mi pija, acá estoy yo”. Esta justo en frente mio. Yo lo miro, y soy demasiado tímida para acercarme, pero lo que mas quiero hacer es desnudarme y sentarme encima de el. 
El auto sigue andando rapido, la música suena como si la escucharemos desde el baño de una fiesta, se va difuminando en el aire, perdiéndose entre la tensión que hay entre nosotros. Yo no aguanto mas, se me hace agua a la boca de pensarlo. Quiero que frene y saltarle encima. Tengo puesta una pollera, y el lo nota. No hay otros autos en la autopista. Extiende su mano a mis piernas. El calor de su palma prende fuego mi piel. Light of my life, fire of my loins. Sube por mis muslos, de a poco, hasta donde ya todos sabemos. Tarda en llegar, la anticipación me genera una desesperación tal como la de un adicto que sabe que va a consumir su droga favorita. Y en esa anticipación me mojo, me mojo mas de lo que debería. Cuando el llega ya soy un rio, y el lo nota. Se ríe, yo también, pero mi mente esta concentrada en otra cosa. Mi mente esta concentrada en el bulto enorme que se levanta en sus pantalones. Se me hace mas agua, en la boca y en todos lados. Despacio el empieza a tocarme. 
El sillon se siente frio, y yo se lo digo. El me pregunta si quiero que busque una manta o algo, y le digo que si, que estaría bueno. No se bien por que estoy ahí con el, probablemente debería estar yéndome a mi casa, pero me quedo. El se levanta y trae una manta chiquita, tampoco se bien de que color, solo se que es oscura. Me la da y me envuelvo en ella. Seguimos hablando y riéndonos. Estoy desesperada por que me parta la boca con un beso de esos que denotan toda la desesperación de chaparnos. El me mira, yo lo miro, me le quiero acercar pero me da miedo. Me mira un instante mas y al fin se me acerca. Primero se mueve despacio, parece que cada segundo es eterno, y de golpe parece que hace un click y se abalanza sobre mi. Sin darme cuenta me esta comiendo la boca, agarrándome del pelo con una mano, con esa desesperación casi cavernícola que me encanta, corriendo la manta con la otra mano. Sin darme cuenta estoy recostada abajo de el. 
Casi como si supiera lo que estoy pensando, se para y me dice que apoye el vaso en el escritorio. Le hago caso y cuando vuelvo la mirada hacia el, se me acerca y me agarra de la cintura. Yo me tiro un poco para atrás, sorprendida y tímida como soy, apoyando las manos en el escritorio atrás mio. Ahí sin dudarlo el me pega a su cuerpo y se inclina para chaparme. Me doy cuenta de que al fin va a pasar lo que tanto estuve esperando y me le acerco yo también. Nos besamos. Es intenso, no hay ni dos gotas de ternura en ese beso. Sin esperar ya me esta agarrando de todos lados, y yo me dejo. Me encanta cada cosa que hace con sus manos. El gira, poniéndome a mi entre la cama y el. Camina hacia la cama y yo sigo sus movimientos. Me choco la parte de atrás de las piernas con la cama y caigo sentada sobre ella. El sigue parado en frente mío y no puedo evitar notar que quedamos en la medida justa. Sin dudarlo pero de cierta forma también llena de dudas llevo mis manos a su cinturón y empiezo a desabrocharlo. Abro el botón de sus jeans, después el cierre. El se queda quieto, con una sonrisa mirándome mientras hago cada cosa lentamente, dejando que la anticipación se extienda lo mas posible. Hay música, recién lo noto. Esta música si es mas estilo rock, escucho algo de guitarra, algo mas intenso. No hard rock, pero podría ser Jimi Hendrix. Miro para arriba y me rio antes de terminar de deshacer su cierre. No puedo esperar, la ansiedad me consume. Me late todo el cuerpo. Me late ahí abajo. Me retuerzo por dentro. Le bajo el pantalón, le bajo la ropa interior, y ahí esta. Justo en frente de mis ojos, lo que estuve esperando.
Y ahi estoy yo, en el auto, con su mano dirigiendo una orquesta entre mis piernas. Despacio siento como da vueltas por todos lados, y llega a donde quería llegar. Siento como su dedo entra en mi, despacio, casi como si tuviera miedo. Lo saca un poco y lo vuelve a meter, imitando lo que haría si fuese su pija. De golpe siento mas presión, serán 2 dedos ahora? O 3? MAS?
Estoy abajo suyo y de golpe me doy cuenta que me muero de calor. Sus manos llegan por abajo de mi remera hasta mis tetas, y me toca sin pudor, como si fueran suyas completamente. Me saco la remera sola, sin esperar a que el se anime, si se queda mirando. De golpe su boca recorre cada espacio de mi pecho, siento su lengua, sus dientes en mis pezones. Llega ese momento que toda mujer conoce, ese momento en el que parece que ya no podes aguantar mas, que necesitas que te penetren. {wow, no puedo creer que estoy escribiendo esto}. Ahora cambiamos de posición, ahora el esta sentado y yo estoy encima de el, de frente. Mientras seguimos chapando empieza a manosearme toda, llegando al fin hasta mi sexo. Pone su mano moldeandola alrededor, como si la estuviera conteniendo, y después empieza a moverla lento, como si quisiera calentarme en un segundo para pasar a lo que sigue. Otra vez me agarra y me pone en el sillón, casi recostada, con el encima mío. Ahora el se saca la remera y después me desabrocha el pantalón. Lo baja y vuelvo a tener frío pero no me importa. Me baja despacio la bombacha después, mirándome como si quisiera corroborar mi reacción para saber si yo estoy de acuerdo. Yo lo miro y arqueo mi pelvis, permitiendo que me la saque. El ya sabe que no hay duda; lo quiero casi tanto o inclusive mas que el. Y ahí estoy, desnuda en frente suyo, completamente mojada, expectante. El se lanza sobre mi cuerpo, besando mi cuello, después mis tetas, mi abdomen, bajando poco a poco. No pensé que haría eso, pensé que era de los egoístas, pero no. Me agarra las piernas y me las abre de par en par, y ahí estoy. Completamente expuesta y vulnerable hacia el. Estoy tan excitada que ya empieza a dolerme. Mi vagina completamente abierta hacia el, nada que esconder, nada que el no pueda ver. Me da un poco de vergüenza y quiero cerrar las piernas, pero el todavía las sostiene entre sus manos y no me deja, me las abre aun mas, exponiendo mi sexo todavía mas. Me la mira y se moja los labios con la lengua, despues me mira las tetas, me mira a los ojos, vuelve a mirarme la vulva y sonríe. Baja despacio. Empieza besando la cara interna de mis muslos primero, de a poco, casi como queriendo molestarme y excitarme mas. Se va acercando, pero saltea la zona y sigue hacia el otro muslo. Esto lo hace un par de veces, y en cada una mi respiración se acelera un poco mas. Finalmente llega, y empieza a hacer todo lo que siempre quise que me hagan. Siento su lengua rozando mis labios, de a poco, y luego pasando entre ellos hasta arriba. Mientras, me tiene las piernas con sus brazos manejándomelas como el quiere, no me deja cerrarlas y cada vez q amago a hacerlo, sube la mirada hasta mis ojos y con una sonrisa me las abre aun mas. Recorre cada centímetro mío ahí abajo, y después se queda donde se tiene que quedar, tomandose su tiempo. Suelta una de mis piernas para usar esa mano para penetrarme con sus dedos. Yo arqueo mi espalda, con los ojos cerrados, mientras me toco yo misma los senos, y el sigue. No pasa demasiado tiempo hasta que acabo. El se levanta, se limpia la boca con el dorso de la mano de la manera mas sexy posible, y vuelve a tomarme las piernas. Me las abre otra vez, y saca su miembro hacia afuera. Me mira, se inclina sobre mi, y lo siento. Entra. Despacio primero, haciendo su lugar, y después fuerte. Se mueve con violencia, como si quisiera lastimarme casi, y yo ahí abajo, indefensa, me siento en mi lugar. Sigue haciendo movimientos bruscos mientras me agarra la cara, y mete su dedo indice en mi boca. Se lo chupo sin reclamos; tiene un sabor raro. Probablemente es el dedo que estaba adentro mío hace poco. Sigue unos minutos mas, moviéndose fuerte, concentrando toda su fuerza en penetrarme, casi como si me estuviera por quebrar, hasta que sale de mi. Se pone encima mío arrodillado, y me agarra de la nuca tomándome del pelo. Yo sigo sus movimientos, y me lleva hasta su pija. Casi sin darme cuenta de golpe tengo mas de la mitad adentro de mi garganta. El me agarra la cabeza y empieza a cogerme la cara. Despacio. Profundo. Me encanta. Acaba a los pocos minutos, adentro de mi boca un poco, en mis labios otro poco. Me dice que me lama lo que quedo alrededor de mi boca y lo hago. Me pide que lo limpie y también lo hago. Nos sentamos los dos en el sillón. Al fin nos sacamos las ganas.
Le corro la mano de entre mis piernas y le digo que tiene que concentrarse en manejar. Me dice que bueno, pero que le ayude a limpiarse la mano. Agarro su mano y le chupo los dedos, chupando todo lo que quedo de mi en ellos. El me mira de reojo mientras intenta concentrarse en la autopista, riéndose con un tono mezcla de nene emocionado y hombre excitado. Le digo que si quiere yo le puedo devolver el favor, llevando mi mano a su entrepierna, sintiendo el bulto de su ereccion en mi palma. Me dice que no es buena idea mientras esta manejando, y le digo que pare en algún lado. Me mira sorprendido, supongo que preguntándose como puede ser que yo tenga tantas ganas de chupársela. Lo miro fijo, con una sonrisa, pero sin reírme para que sepa que le estoy hablando en serio. En ese momento acelera a fondo para llegar mas rápido a la salida que nos toca bajar, y una vez que esta en una calle donde podemos parar estaciona a un costado y me mira. “En serio queres?” me pregunta, y yo sin decir nada pongo mis dos manos sobre su pantalón para desabrocharle el botón y abrirle el cierre. El me dice que espere un segundo, y corre el asiento mas atrás. Yo cambio de posición para estar mas cómoda, y el tira su respaldo para atrás. El termina de bajarse el cierre, se corre la ropa interior, y ahí lo tengo. Agarro entre mis manos su miembro y acerco mi boca hasta la punta. Escupo un poco primero, un poco mas después, y luego lo meto entre mis labios. Me gusta empezar desde la punta, de a poco, apenas entre los labios, succionando despacio como si fuera un helado muy frío y no quiero que me congele el cerebro, entonces espero para meterlo adentro de mi boca completamente. Mientras, con mis manos acaricio el resto, hasta abajo, corriendo la saliva por todos lados para que este todo mojado. Uso un poco mi lengua en la punta, pero no demasiado. Le doy vueltas a la cabeza con ella, y después vuelvo a metérmelo entre los labios, y de a poco, muy, muy despacio, lo voy metiendo cada vez mas y mas en mi boca llegando hasta mi garganta. Lo meto lo mas que puedo, mientras siento como el me agarra el pelo y me lo corre de la cara para poder ver cada una de las cosas que hago con mi boca. Ya casi no puedo meterlo mas, pero todavía me falta. El me agarra del pelo mas fuerte y me empuja la cabeza hacia abajo; siento como toca la pared de mi garganta y me da arcadas pero me concentro en no sentirlas, y el con sus manos lleva mi cabeza para arriba y para abajo cada vez un poco mas, como si quisiera que entre toda en mi boca. Después para, y la saco de mi boca completamente. Me mira y sonríe casi de forma maléfica, como si le gustara saber que casi me ahogo con su pija. Yo lo miro y me rio también, porque de cierta forma a mi también me gusta. Vuelvo a inclinarme y ahora meto mas de una en mi boca y succiono casi de forma desesperada, mientras con mis manos le sostengo la parte que me falta meterme adentro de la boca y las bolas. Se las sostengo en una mano, sin hacer nada. Solo teniéndolas en el calor de mi palma. Después sigo succionando en su pija, llegando hasta la punta, y ahí vuelvo a meter solo la puntita entre mis labios. No quiero repetir los mismos movimientos, asi que ahora se la lamo con la lengua desde la raíz hasta la punta, pasando por todos lados, como si fuese el mejor cono de crema que comi en mi vida. Sigo lamiéndosela hasta q me canso de eso y vuelvo a meterla en mi boca. Otra vez me agarra el pelo mas firme y me coge la cara fuerte. El para y la saco de mi boca. Me pide que me saque la remera y le hago caso, mientras el empieza a tocarse solo. Se toca un minuto y me dice que esta por acabar, que me quiere acabar en las tetas. Y lo hace. 
Sentada en la cama, completamente vestida, pero con su pija ahí en frente mío, no pude contenerme. La agarre entre mis manos y acerque mi boca. La escupi un poco para lubricar, y la meti despacio, poco a poco, todo lo que pude. Primero la punta, solo entre los labios, después un poco mas y un poco mas hasta llegar a lo máximo que pude. Cuando la tenia lo mas adentro que pude, el me agarra del pelo como si me hiciera una cola de caballo y me corre la cabeza para atrás, para sacármela de la boca. “Desnudate” me dice, y yo un poco dudosa le termino haciendo caso. Me saco la remera, después el pantalón, el corpiño y finalmente la bombacha. “Acostare boca arriba con la cabeza para acá” me dice, y también le hago caso. Una vez que me acuesto el me corre mas hacia la punta, para que la cabeza me quede colgando del borde de la cama, y asi quedo. “Abrí la boca” me ordena, y le hago caso. En el instante en el que abro la boca mete su miembro con violencia en mi garganta, integro, llegando profundo hasta el fondo. En una primera instancia yo siento q me ahogo, tengo arcadas; no estaba preparada para tanto. Pero me calmo, me tranquilizo, y espero. El la saca y se ríe, y mientras me mira me dice “ahí va otra eh”, y otra vez me mete su pija completa en la boca. Esta vez no la saca del todo, sino que la saca apenas para volver a meterla. Fuerte. Violento. Mientras tanto me agarra las tetas con un agarre duro, casi salvaje. Me las aprieta y se agarra de ellas para hacer los movimientos hacia adelante y hacia atrás mientras me coje la cara. Yo sigo ahí, sin poder moverme, tratando de usar toda mi concentración para no ahogarme. Después de varias veces de repetir lo mismo, saca su pija completamente de mi boca y me dice que me de vuelta y me ponga en cuatro. Obedezco sin protestas, sin emitir ninguna palabra. El me toca un poco con sus manos y luego siento su pija acariciando mi vulva. Con la punta de su pija me acaricia ahí y me dice “Te animas?” y no quiero decirle que no. Antes de que le responda me escupe ahí y comienza a introducir su pija, despacio, poco a poco. Me duele, me molesta, pero también me encanta, entonces lo dejo. La mete cada vez un poco mas “Hasta que entre toda” me dice. Sigue, y parece eterno. Finalmente para, y me dice “Ahora si” y empieza a hacer movimientos violentos hacia adentro y afuera de mi. Me duele mas y empiezo a gemir “Si, grita” me dice, y me animo a gemir mas fuerte. A los dos minutos acaba adentro mío y la saca despacio. Yo me acuesto boca abajo en su cama, el se acuesta al lado mío. “Estas bien?” me dice. “Si, perfecta”.
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 7 years
first day of school is always the hardest
Akutagawa: *moves to the center of the room...* *blasts out black tendrils* teacher: woah! shadow entity summoning. very nice. Akutagawa: *knocks down the dummies--one landing in the front row of students* tamaki: fuck! Arthur: o_O Akutagawa: "...Then you should have gotten out of the way." tamaki: *growls and cat tails* Akutagawa: "..." *summons another black tendril* Arthur: *moves away* Chuuya: "!!!" teacher: *blows whistle* now now, everyone settle down! Akutagawa: "...'Kay." tamaki: *pouts* fiiiine. Chuuya: Q~Q tamaki:....oi, shorty, whats you're problem? Chuuya: *starts sobbing* "I'M NOT SHORT! YOU ARE!" tamaki: O-O; Chuuya: *hugs Tamaki* "I won't let him hurt you ever again!" tamaki: G-GET OFF ME! *knees him in the groin* shinra: hey arthur, some stranger is flirting with your girlfriend again. Arthur: "..." *removes Excalibur* "I will slice you where you--" Chuuya: *levitates Arthur* shinra: oh shit. Arthur: o____O "HE'S A WITCH! BURN HIM!" Chuuya: *still clutching his groin* several witch students: RUDE! Chuuya: *tosses Arthur up into the air* Arthur: "Curses!!!!" -they got the baryion punishment later- Chuuya: O___< "My balls ache from this rock..." Arthur: >____> "It's your fault!" tamaki: =3= ow. Akutagawa: "..." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "...The food here is disappointing." atsushi: *nom nom nom nom* =w= Kyoka: "..." *tries to take his slice of pie* -elsewhere- Hawthorne: "What exactly is he planning?" taxidermist: beats me. he said something about looking for a 'book'? dunno what that's about. *glancing at the incubator* Hawthorne: "Hmm. That detail makes sense. What is the incubator for?" taxidermist: growin a baby. it was inside the body. so im growin it cause im bored. Hawthorne: o____O taxidermist: .....do you think the white dress would look better on her or the red one? Hawthorne: "...THIS IS AN ABOMINATION TO ALL THAT GOD HIMSELF DESIRES! A SIN! A RED MARK UPON YOU, YOU DESPICABLE, WICKED, NO-GOOD TINY LITTLE MAN!" taxidermist:.....you do know im a girl, right? Hawthorne: "NONE THE LESS! YOU SHOULD JUST LET IT BE DEAD AND HAVE THAT BE THE END OF IT! YOU CAN’T GO AND PLAY GOD LIKE THIS! HAVE YOU NO SANITY-" taxidermist: *gets out duct tape and tapes his mouth shut* there. better. Hawthorne: *muffled screaming* FD: =___= "Shut up out here..." -elsewhere- Kenji: *pouts, looking through clothing magazine* -elsewhere- Ponera: *looks around...* grimoire: looking for something? Ponera: "!!!" *slaps a hand over his mouth, pulling him with her into a room* grimoire: ?! Ponera: *locks the door* "Shh...I don't want Shaula or Medusa finding my book..." grimoire:...is that it? Ponera: "It's a spell book...my first. And I keep secrets in it. Kind of like a diary..." grimoire: ah. shaula: chill girl. if im gonna pry through anyone's diary, it's gonna be medusa's. Ponera: o_____o "HOW DID YOU GET INTO THIS LOCKED ROOM?!" shaula: scorpion through the vent. Ponera: "Damn it! Well, go back and read your sister's diary--" Medusa: "Read what now?" Ponera: .___.; "I need new locks..." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "What do students do after school?" atsushi: i guess hang out around town? Kyoka: "Very well. Where would you like to go?" Kyoka: *stomach growl* -elsewhere- kouyou: he got into a fight? Chuuya: *pouts* "Not my fault..." kouyou: *grumble* oh son of a bitch. mafioso: you're words! kouyou:.....*realization*. o_o Chuuya: "I don't wanna go back to school...It all reminds me of pain..." hirotsu: *ear tug* you're going. -_-; Chuuya: TT_TT "You can't make me!" Akutagawa: *looking at numbers...phone numbers...* kouyou: make any friends today, akutagawa? Akutagawa: "I don't know. Random girls kept handing their phone numbers to me." kouyou: oh my~ Akutagawa: "...This one has her name dotted with hearts over the eyes." Chuuya: Q~Q *tosses his notebook with numbers in the trash* higuchi: *cracks whiskey glass...her hand bleeding* Mori: "...Please, don't get blood on the floor, Higuchi." higuchi: *through teeth* my...apologies....sir. also. may i have a word with you later? Mori: "??? I have time right now." higuchi: in private. *dark tone* Mori: .w.; "Like I said, I have time..." *opens a door* higuchi: *takes a seat* Mori: *shuts the door...locks it* "Now, then..." *sits* "What did you--" higuchi: you realize rain was pregnant when she died, right? Mori: "..." *smiles* "No." higuchi: more likely than not, she had become the mother of your child....which lead her to make a sacrifice to end her life by breaking her condition. Mori: "These are strong accusations. What proof do you have she was pregnant?" higuchi: i found a pregnancy test in her garbage. it was positive. and i know just what you did to her all that time... Mori: "And what evidence do you have to accuse me of sleeping with Rain?" higuchi: dont give me that! you know how often you sexually abused her! she told me this when we went out together for drinks. Mori: "And you believed her?" higuchi: of course, she's my friend. and she seemed very sincere. Mori: "Then I owe you a sincere response..." higuchi: *listening* Mori: "I take nothing that is not available to me." higuchi:.....? Mori: "If I can take it, it is mine." *stands* higuchi: ..... Mori: *walks by her* "And when it is mine, I do as I wish. This Mafia serves me--as does everyone in it." *a hand rests on Higuchi's shoulder* higuchi: *cold chill* Mori: *small squeeze on her shoulder, as he leans down and whispers* "Just remember that. And please, don't think I am a terrible person. After all...the way Rain screamed?" higuchi: *resisting the urge to punch him* Mori: "Those were screams of pleasure." higuchi: *stands up and walks away* Mori: "Let's talk again soon, Higuchi. Maybe over drinks~" higuchi:....*walking away* Mori: *smirks* -elsewhere- Kyoka: =w= "Tasty..." -elsewhere- Arthur: TT_TT "My aching groin..." maki: tamaki kick you in the loins again? Arthur: "Not directly...Punishment at school because of a fight." maki: oh jeez, what happened? Arthur: "This weird short guy was hugging Tamaki--and I threatened to light him on fire." maki: oh jeez. Arthur: TT~TT "Why did this have to happen today? That stupid shorty brat..." -elsewhere- atsushi: and that's what happened today. Kunikida: "...So...The Mafia?" atsushi: *nods* Kunikida: "That is troublesome. You, then, will keep an eye on them." atsushi: ._. right... i heard he was with some short guy with red..orange hair? *Footsteps heard running quickly* Kyoka: *standing by the door, about to bite into ice cream cone--* *The door slams open, crashing into Kyoka's face* Dazai: "YOU MET CHUUYA?!" atsushi: O-O; not.....in person. o-o; *The door slams open, as Demon Snow appears, cradling Kyoka--and Dazai tumbles down the stairs* Kyoka: *glare* *The door slams shut* kirako: eek! O o O Dazai: "Ow ow ow ow--" *crashes* Kyoka: *holding onto Demon Snow* "We will keep an eye on the small one and the creepy one who is getting way too close to Atsushi for my comfort." -nice catch- kirako: are you....alright? ._.; atsushi: um...thanks.... ^^; Kyoka: "...I don't like doors slammed in my face." =\\\\= "And my ice cream fell on the floor." kirako: mr dazai? Dazai: "..." *thumbs up* -underground, music can be heard over a gramophone- zoey: *dancing quite gracefully* FD: *seated, the small table next to him with a bottle of vodka and two small glasses, watching intently* "..." *smiles* FD: "Elegant." zoey: *smiles as she finishes* FD: *claps* zoey: ah... FD: *holds two glasses of vodka* "You are so graceful, Ballerina." zoey: only for you, master fyodor~ FD: *hands her the glass* "Of course. Thank you, my dear. Cheers." -clink of the glasses- zoey: ^^ FD: *sips* "I had no idea you were a dancer." zoey: i think..i had lessons.....at a young age.... FD: *sits...and pats his lap* "Tell me." zoey: *she does as instructed and sits in his lap, facing him* FD: "What do you remember from your lessons?" *holds her in his lap, letting her sit relaxed* zoey: *whispering into his ear* FD: "Mmm...I wish I could have seen you..." *rests his hand on her hip* zoey: ah...~ FD: "Did you have some fun in your classes...?" *slides his hand up and down lightly* zoey: *shivering* i-i suppose... FD: "Did you get along with the other girls..?" *his hand now goes up under her skirt, just brushing her skin* zoey: i-oh! d-dont recall... FD: "I'm sure you got along well...You were probably the cutest of them all." *his hand slides to her thigh...* zoey: *soft moan* FD: *whispers in her ear* "Is my cute girl wearing her underwear?" zoey: y-yes~ FD: *sits her up, and has her on her feet* "May I see?" zoey: *lifting her skirt up, showing both her undergarments and her branding scar* FD: "..." *gets on his knees...stares at her scar* "...Does it still hurt?" zoey: only if you want for it to hurt.... FD: *smiles* "Always the correct answer..." *he traces a finger along the trim of her panties* zoey: a-ahhh~ FD: *kisses above the waistband, before he starts to pull them down* -elsewhere- Victor: *sipping soda* nozomi: how's everything in here? Victor: *shrug* "Not much more progress. Feel a little stuck." -in another room- karin: ..... Akitaru: *knock knock* karin: door's open! Akitaru: "Hey, Doc. I got the inventory report for you." *hands her a clipboard* karin: thanks. *puts down a photo back on her desk* Akitaru: *spots the photo* "..." -it's a photo of karin, toshiaki, a baby nozomi, and another woman- Akitaru: "...Nozomi was so young there..." karin: yeah....she sure takes after her dad....she's a good kid, and i want the best for her. Akitaru: *nods* "That's all you can do..." *looks at the woman in the photo* -she bears a strong resemblance to karin- karin: that's nozomi's mom...*sad smile* and my sister. Akitaru: "...I had no idea that..." karin: that i'm nozomi's aunt? Akitaru: "Yeah." karin:.....she's got her mom's eyes. kinda. Akitaru: "Y-Yeah...Um...Does Nozomi know?" karin: of course she knows, haha!....i actually became her legal guardian after toshiaki.... Akitaru: *nervous laugh* "Ha ha...I just...I mean, I never hear her call you her aunt...And...Yeah." karin: ah. i guess she is pretty professional with work, just like her old man, haha. Akitaru: *nods* "...I'm sorry for your loss." -elsewhere- Kid: "Zzz..." stocking: ....*tucks him in, kissing his ear* Kid: *slight shift and giggle* stocking:....*gets in with him, being big spoon* Kid: =w= *sighs* stocking: *nuzzles* Kid: "Zzz..." -morning- Arthur: *groans* shinra: *watching, waiting* any second now. *smiles at relan* Relan: *trying not to laugh* Arthur: *moves his hand* -flrp- Arthur: .|||||. "...You...You...You!" Relan: *laughing, as he starts running* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *still asleep in bed* -something smells delicious- Chuuya: *rises out of bed...like, floating, following the smell* rain?: good morning mr nakahara, i made breakfast. ^^ Chuuya: *smiles* "Mmm...That sounds delicious, R--" *eyes break open* "!!!" *he collapses* hirotsu: oh, you're awake. Chuuya: *picks himself up from the floor, looking around* "Wh-What happened?" hirotsu: we're making you breakfast. -hirotsu has a little frilly pink apron that reads 'please refrain from touching the cook'* Chuuya: ._______. "..." *slaps his face* "Wake up. Wake up. Wake up." gin: *pours water on his face*.....better? Chuuya: "...No. But at least that takes care of my shower." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "What is for breakfast?" -elsewhere- higuchi: *SNEEZE* guh.... higuchi's sister: honestly, sis... *Knock knock* higuchi's sister: yes? ???: "I am here to see Higuchi. Is this her residence?" Higuchi’s sister: yeah. hey sis? you have a visitor! ???: *steps inside* higuchi: mmn? Akutagawa: "Good morning." higuchi: O/////O r-ry-ryunosuke! Akutagawa: "Yes. Hello. I was passing by on my way to school. How are you?" higuchi: sick...i think i caught a col- *COUGH COUGH HACK COUGH* guh.... Akutagawa: "..." *holds up a bag* "I was bringing hot soup to lunch...You should have it." higuchi:...*sniff* thanks....*checks calander. it's still august yet.* i thought....school started next month... Akutagawa: "Visiting. Wanted to get the lay of the location." *sits at her bed* higuchi: i-i see... *pulls blanket up to her nose* .////. Akutagawa: "...How bad is your temperature?" higuchi: havent checked... Akutagawa: "..." *puts his hand on her forehead* higuchi: .//////////////////////////. Akutagawa: "Damn. You're burning up. Perhaps get you to a doctor." higuchi:.... =////= *muffled* good idea... Akutagawa: "We can have one visit from the Mafia...We need you to take care of yourself. Can't afford to have you suffering." higuchi: r-right. Akutagawa: "It is a good thing that Mori is a doctor--" higuchi: NO! Akutagawa: *falls back* "Wh-What?" higuchi: ..... 7-7 m-mori and i...are kind of at odds with each other right now. Akutagawa: "...You don't think he will set that aside and perform his doctorly duties?" higuchi: dont we have any other medics? Akutagawa: *nods* "I will see who is available--and I will make sure it is not Mori. I promise." higuchi:...thank you. QuQ Akutagawa: *pulls out his phone, calls, looks at her* "...You'll feel better soon. Now, smile." higuchi: *awkward smile* Akutagawa: "...I would kiss your forehead, given how pathetic you look--but it would get me sick." higuchi:.... *KO* Akutagawa: D: "Oh no! I'm going to need an ambulance!" -elsewhere- FD: "Good morning." taxidermist: mornin. still not sure what dress to give her. also i had to strangle hawthorne into unconscious cause he was being a dick. FD: *looking at the corpse* "Why's it got to be a dress?" taxidermist: ...*shrug* they were the only ones i could scrounge up. FD: "But imagine her in a business suit. Or a swimsuit. Or a maid outfit." taxidermist:....yyeeeeeah mind keeping your fetishes out of my work station? that'd be great. FD: *shrug* "Just offering guidance...Where did you leave Hawthorne's body?" taxidermist: oh he isnt dead. i just locked him in the shower....taped up. FD: *smirks* "And you criticize my fetishes?" taxidermist: he was being a judgmental prick for growing this lil shit here. FD: *sigh* "I'll set him straight..." *walks to the shower* "..." Hawthorne: X_____X FD: "..." *turns on the cold water* *LOUD SCREAM* taxidermist:......*smirks* serves you right, <stupid bastard>. Hawthorne: "GET ME OFF OF THIS! I WILL NOT BE MOCKED IN THIS MANNER--" *rip* FD: "...Huh. I hope ripping off that tape didn't take off too much hair. And skin." Hawthorne: *wails, as he crawls away...* FD: *smirks* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "I am hungry. Let's get food." atsushi: alright then. -elsewhere- Kid: *yawn* stocking: morning~ Kid: *smiles* "Morning, love." *smooch* stocking: mmmm~ Kid: "Sleep well?" stocking: yeah. Kid: "I'm glad..." *stretches* "Ready for today?" stocking: *nods* Kid: *sits up, gets out of bed* "Breakfast?" -elsewhere- Rin: *checking his watch* shura: charter bus should be here soon. Rin: "And then that takes us to Kyoto?" shura: yep. shiemi: ^^ <isnt that exciting?> .....bon and the others have been teaching me. ^^; Rin: "Oh, cool! I'd like to learn some phrases!" Bon: "..." shiemi: well...uhh.. izumo: *rolls eyes* i'll teach you some stuff on the way there......well _someone_ has to!.....weenies. Rin: "Thanks, Izumo! Okay, how do I say, 'Where is the bathroom?'" -elsewhere- Dr. John: "Hello. I was told there is a patient here?" higuchi: *raises hand* Dr. John: *smiles, waves* "Hello. I'm Dr. John. And you have a cold?" higuchi: *nods* Dr. John: "Okay. Let me take your temperature." *offers the thermometer, then takes a clipboard* "Do you have any allergies?" -elsewhere- Takehisa: *sniff* iris: feeling better? Takehisa: "A bit. My hand-eye coordination is still off." -elsewhere- Hibana: "...Do you know anything about this Licht kid?" gabriella: you mean the piano player? Hibana: "No--the tall creepy guy the 8th got assigned." gabriella: oh right!...i've been searching, but nothing's come up. weird. Hibana: "...Maybe check his fingerprints." -elsewhere- Kuro: "Am I going to have to go with you to school again?" mahiru: yep. Kuro: "...You could drop out of school.” mahiru: im not going to do that. -_-; Kuro: "Home schooling?" -elsewhere- Mephisto: "Any word from our traveling troops?" exorcist: they're heading to kyoto today. there was a landslide that kept them from getting there earlier... Mephisto: "How odd...Hm. Can't be helped. Any injuries?" exorcist: thankfully no. Mephisto: "Good. Well, let me know when they arrive in Kyoto." -elsewhere- Dr. John: "I recommend plenty of sleep, but you should recover quickly." *smiles* higuchi: thank you. *John's phone buzzes with a text* Dr. John: ^^; "Well, if you need anything, just call." *waves* higuchi: *nods and rests* Dr. John: *once outside, looks at phone* "..." Text: [how is the patient?] Dr. John: "..." [recovering. recommended rest] Text: [good. keep an eye on her for me~] Dr. John: "..." *shakes, biting her lip* Dr. John: "..." *walks* -elsewhere- Yukio: *points at map* "We'll be checking these locations." seiya: *nods* Yukio: "We have all supplies? Water? Food?" -elsewhere- Rin: "I got the snacks and drinks!" shura: nice. Rin: "Yep. Here's your beer--I was surprised they let me buy it with your ID." -elsewhere- Higan: "You all ready for school soon?" naho: yep! lilac:...*nod* Sakuya: *grunt* naho: i got a new pencil case too! Higan: "That's good." Sakuya: "...Looks cute." naho: ^^ -elsewhere- Shamrock: "..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *shivers* -a stray cat walks up to him- Chuuya: "!!!" *sits back* cat: *rubs against his leg* Chuuya: "..." *tentative pet* cat: ^w^ Chuuya: "...Where did you come from?" *pet pet* -elsewhere- shura: here we are! -they've stopped at a ryokan- izumo: ?? a ryokan? Rin: "...Um...What's a ryokan?" Bon: *shaking nervously* izumo: it's kind of like an inn. same basic concept. -several people have noticed bon- person: ah! it's bon! Rin: "Neat! Who runs the ryokan?" hey! bon's back! Bon: *waves his hands* "Hey! Hey! Back off!" Rin: ._. woman: ??....!! ryuji....you......YOU DYED YOUR HAIR?! ARE YOU TRYING TO BE A ROOSTER WHEN YOU GROW UP?! Bon: "MOM! LET GO OF MY HAIR!" Rin: ._____. Shima: -_-; Rin: "...Okay. That _can't_ be Bon's mama. She looks so...small and nice." bon's mom: hmm? oh! renzou, neko, so good to see you again. konekomaru: likewise, ma'am. izumo: oh i get it, bon's the <young master> here. maybe i should start calling him 'bonbon' *snickers* Bon: "DON'T YOU START, IZUMO!" *his mother mussed his hair until it is a mess...a bigger mess* Rin: "Huh...And your family owns this inn?" bon's mother: yes. the temple was struggling, so we needed a side business for some income. shura: thanks for letting us stay here. bon's mother: oh it's no trouble at all. bon, renzou, neko, it's been so long since you've been home, why not visit your families? Shima: .w.; Bon: "..." Rin: "???" -later- bon's mother: yaozo? you have visitors. Shima: "!!! D-Dad!" *runs to Yaozo* yaozo: renzou? *coughs* bon's mother: you should be careful... Shima: "I'm here, Dad..." yaozo: relax, torako. i'm not dead yet...how is everyone? Bon: "We've been doing our best, sir." bon's mother: they're alright. no one died, thankfully... yaozo:...konekomaru. konekomaru: *gulp* y-yes sir? yaozo: thank you for looking after bon. you've done a great job. konekomaru: w-well....um...i-uh- Shima: "I-I've been looking after Bon, too, Dad--" -CHOP- yaozo: ALL YOU'VE BEEN DOING IS DYING YOUR HAIR AND CHASING SKIRTS! Shima: *holding his head* "I still fit in time to protect friends while still flirting with girls! Sometimes both at the same time!" yaozo: why you little-…. *grumble* bon....you're father.....you're father's fine...he was just a little startled by the whole thing. Bon: "...Where is he?" bon's mother: he goes to the temple every day, but he doesnt have a cellphone.. Bon: "...Oh. That's...pretty far." -in a hallway- ???: hey hey there, mind giving an old man some help? Rin: "??? Um...Sure? They just have me moving trash around..." o___O "Are those watermelons?!" old man: yep. freshly picked, too. they're for the patients, so do you mind cutting them for me? you're welcome to a slice too. Rin: "..." *stares at his sword* "...Yeah, I better use the slice." *sets down his sword* "Surprised you kept these hidden so long. End of summer, you know..." old man: yep. with school just around the corner for you kids...ah, im just ramblin'....so, i heard some people from death city came here. i take it you're with them? Rin: "Y-Yeah...Actually, I'm with True Cross, too." old man: i see. so i guess you're friends with my son, ryuji then? Rin: "...'Friend' is a bit strong. Dumb old rooster head doesn't like me..." Rin: "...!!! YOU'RE BON'S DAD?!" old man: yep. see the resemblance? Rin: "...No? I thought Bon's dad would be 'GAWR! I'M ANGRY AND ON FIRE!' kind of a guy?" ryuji's dad: oh?.... *laughing* you sure have quite an imagination, kid. Rin: "..." *small laugh, remembering his dad* "I guess...Dad always says so." ryuji's dad: ah...by the way, what's your name, kid? Rin: "...Okumura. Rin." ryuji's dad: !!! .... (thinking: oh, so then he's.....) say, you said you and ryuji havent been getting along, right? Rin: "...Since he...Um...Y-You already know what I am, don't you?" ryuji's dad: actually, ryuji and i have been on difficult terms recently as well. Rin: "Really? What's been happening?" -elsewhere- izumo: .....(thinking: jeez, that girl).... ???: I'M SICK OF LISTENING TO YOUR CRAP! izumo: ?! *listening* ???: "Please, calm down--" ???: dont you forget that the deep keep is the hojo jurisdiction! the only reason we're in this mess is because your security is such a farce! ???: "Your face is a farce!" izumo: *peeeeks* Mamushi: "Back off, or you'll be bitten." hojo sister 1: you tell him, sis! juzo: tch- you hojo's have some damn nerve! Mamushi: "We have nerve--that's what you lack." juzo: why you-! *staff smack* izumo: O.O ao hojo: mamushi! nishiki: *grrr* you damn shima's are all the same! izumo: ?!?! (thinking: SHIMA?! so then, these guys are shima's-) Mamushi: "That's it! Naga, attack!" *summons snake, thrusts it at Juzo* -the door slams open- izumo: ?! (thinking: bon!) juzo: bon! Bon: "Stop this arguing!" Mamushi: "!! You have returned?" juzo: ....my apologies, bon. Bon: "...Whatever. Just keep the noise down..." *turns* Mamushi: "..." nishiki: come on sis, lets go. izumo: .....(thinking: so refined....) nishiki:...*smirks* nice eyebrows~ izumo: !!!........*calm but fuming* i dont think i like those girls very much. -elsewhere- torako: do you think you can bring these to the field office's guardhouse? we're a bit short staffed at the moment. Rin: "Sure!" -later, after bon and konekomaru went to do their own thing- Rin: "..." *sighs, opens can of juice* -phone call- Rin: "???" *answers* "H-Hellllos?" kyouko: hey rin, its me, kyouko, how's the trip? Rin: "..." *sets down his juice* "S'Fine...Just...Everyone h-here is all upset..." kyouko: jeez, that bad, huh? Rin: "I guess they're still reeling from...well, what happened when I was born." kyouko:....just try not to let it get to you too much, ok? all you can do is move forwards. Rin: "...I hope. How is everything at home?" kyouko: doing well. uncle shiro's been doing a bit better, thought its not saying much. with school starting soon, me, madoka, and the others went out and bought school supplies. Rin: "You all get all you needed?" kyouko: yep. -elsewhere- ???: ryuji. Bon: "?!" *turns* "...Hey." uwabami hojo: thank you for defusing that fight earlier. i apologize for mamushi's attitude. Bon: "...It was nothing." uwabami hojo:...i actually wanted to talk to you about something. the recent attack, there's a rumor someone in the myoda was responsible. i was hoping to gather everyone together for an internal investigation. Bon: " 'Everyone' meaning not people from True Cross?" uwabami hojo: everyone in the myoda sect. even your father is under suspicion. Bon: "And you come to me, telling me my father might be a suspect--and you trust me to help you on this?" -elsewhere- shura: !!!!!....oh crap...this is the soda....then that means.....aw crapbaskets. -hojo estate- Rin: "...The hell youse staring at?!" Shima: .____. nishiki: GET OFF OUR ROOF YOU SHIT! Rin: "No! You get _on_ the roof! 'Cause we're gonna raise it tonight!" Rin: *dancing* "We gonna party!" Shima: *covers his face* "Mortifying." -elsewhere, on the roads on the death city outskirts- serpent: it's closssse now. Yukio: *shivers* "I just got a chill, too..." ("...Rin, don't screw up...") "Take us to the site." -much later in the evening- hojo girl: *brushing her hair* *A lute being strummed is heard* hojo girl: ?? (thinking: who's playing a shamisen at this our of the night? *opens her window* ?! Shima: *strumming* "Oooooh, my Juliet! I embrace the trembling you!" hojo girl:.... <what the hell?> Shima: "Praaaaaaaaaayers surpass time! Tell me, oh the wind that spreads across the ocean, as I go toward the still unseen you-oooooooo!" hojo girl: ...........*twitch* Shima: "Oh, pret-tay snakey girl! I am Shim-zo--Renzo Shima! And I confess my loves to you!" hojo girl: <s-shima?!> O _ O Shima: *hiccup* "Come on down...or should I come up~?" hojo girl: <WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?! I DONT UNDERSTAND YOU!> Shima: "...Oh!" *clears his throat* <"I want to be with you tonight!"> hojo girl: !!!! <y-yo....you-> Shima: <"Me-Me wants to be the Romeo to your Juliet! Like I was singing, I seek the unseen you!"> hojo girl: *throwing a hairbrush at his face* Shima: *p0wned* *falls off the roof, the shamisen flying upward--then crashing down on his crotch* .\\\\. -windows slammed shut- nishiki: <the hell was that?> hojo girl: <a devil had come for my soul...> Mamushi: >___< <Keep quiet out here...And if it's a devil, then exorcise them, damn it.> hojo girl: <a pink haired devil...> Mamushi: "..." *smirk* <He's not your type?> hojo girl: .... <he's...outside...> nishiki:...!!! YOU! Shima: @~@ "My tiny Renzo is in pain..." -morning- Rin: *snoring* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *asleep...the cat is resting on his belly* hirotsu: oh. i didnt think you were a cat person, chuuya. Chuuya: *sits up* "Huh?" *looks down* "...This cat...found me." hirotsu: ah, i see. cat: =w= Chuuya: "..." *strokes cat's back* "I guess I better start my day...We got any cat food?" hirotsu: .....we'll have to buy some. Chuuya: *nods* "Canned fish then to start..." -elsewhere- Kyoka: *snore* atsushi: *making breakfast* Kyoka: "..." *sniff sniff* *bounces up, quickly walks into the room* "Breakfast." atsushi: morning. Kyoka: "...Morning." *sits down* "What is for breakfast?" atsushi: egg toast. Kyoka: "...Okay. I want a big helping, then the bathroom." -elsewhere- Hawthorne: *groans* yana: oh, you're up. Hawthorne: *glares* "What happened?" yana: .....you slipped on some ice. *putting the finishing touches on rain's corpse* Hawthorne: "I'm sure..." *stares at Rain's corpse* "..." *turns to leave...* yana:....*shrugs* mitchell:........*no reply* Hawthorne: *sits beside her bed...takes her hand* -no response- Hawthorne: "You will come back...Your family will be redeemed. I will help you." -do you promise?- Hawthorne: "??? ...I promise you." -if anyone tries to prevent you.....eliminate them- Hawthorne: "...Always." -....good- Hawthorne: *small squeeze on her hand* FD: *watching* *smirks...* -elsewhere- Belkia: "Only a few days left of summer--time to do something fun!" naho: water park! Sakuya: "Sounds good." Higan: *big smile* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "When's the end-of-summer celebration?" fang-hua: it's on the 31st this month. Tsukiyo: "Yay! Gonna party hard! You figure out your outfit?" -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *knock* higuchi: it's open... Akutagawa: "Hello." higuchi: ./////. g-good morning ryunosuke... Akutagawa: *nods* "You look better. How do you feel?" higuchi:....better... Akutagawa: "Good. I am happy to know you will be back to work soon." *steps closer* "You know what else you need?" higuchi: ?? w-what is i- Akutagawa: "Something...to quench that thirst of yours..." *leans closer* higuchi: .////. w-what do you mea- Akutagawa: *leans closer--then holds up a bottle of sports drink* "You can't afford to dehydrate." higuchi:....*sips* thank you.... -///-; Akutagawa: *nods* "You are covered in sweat, too. I recommend a shower or a bath." -elsewhere- Ranpo: *reviewing papers* -elsewhere- Bakugo: *staring inside a jewelry store* "..." eijiro: looking for something? Bakugo: "!!! ...You never saw me here, and I certainly was not buying a necklace!" eijiro: um...ok? OwO; Bakugo: "And if you tell Itsuka, you'll be pulling your teeth out of your butthole!" eijiro: oh, the girl from class 1-B? Bakugo: "WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT TALKING ABOUT ME BUYING A GIFT FOR ITSUKA?!" eijiro: *shutting up* Bakugo: "..." *holds up a necklace* "How's this one look?" -in the bushes- Monoma: *glare* pony: hey nate? why're we doing this again? Monoma: "Because I do not trust that trigger-happy explodely man being around _my_ Itsuka!" pony: you know, you're being kinda creepy. and its stuff like this that made itsuka dump you in the first place. Monoma: "_I will win her back!_ I just have to show her evidence how awful Bakugo is--then she will realize how concerned I am for her safety." *pulls out camera* pony: ..... *facepalm* Monoma: "Just got to get photographic evidence..." *snaps pics* -elsewhere- Aizawa: "We have a problem." nedzu: oh? Aizawa: "We have lost track of villains, and I anticipate they will try to reach out to other factions in this city." nedzu: perhaps a security sweep? Aizawa: "Agreed. I have recommended some teachers and students for this task." nedzu: we've also gotten reports of some vigilantes in the area. Aizawa: "We'll investigate those as well. Which addresses?" -elsewhere- Rin: *holding ice to his head* shura: learn your lesson? Rin: *pouts* "Yeah. Don't let you hand out drinks..." shura: shaddap. Shima: *collapsed on floor* TT~TT "I didn't even get to first base..." konekomaru: you were really playing baseball so late at night? [<=virgin=] Bon: "..." *snort laugh* Shima: *turns over* "Shut up..." konekomaru: ??? Rin: "??? Um...If it makes you feel better, I don't think she'd be into you. Something about she already has enough snakes in her life." Shima: Q~Q konekomaru: ?????? Bon: *struggling to stifle himself* izumo:...*PUNCH* Rin: D: *knocked back and--* Shima: @~@ "WHY ME?!!!" -elsewhere- Kunikida: *reviewing files* yosano: find anything interesting? Kunikida: "Yes. Dazai's expense reports are obscene, Kenji needs to stop giving the office number to potential suitors--" Kenji: "Only way to get them off my back..." Kunikida: "--and I have a lead on a Guild operation." yosano: ok. one. try using a fake phone number. and two, oh really? Kenji: "...I don't remember fake numbers very easily..." Kunikida: *nods* "A skirmish in town..." *whispers* "...that includes someone who looked like the Guild's leader." yosano: !!! Kunikida: "...Don't tell Atsushi yet. It would unnerve him to know until we confirm." yosano: *nods* Kunikida: "Speaking of which, how has their orientation in school been?" yosano: they've made some new friends. *smiles* Kunikida: "Are they bad influences on them?" yosano: well, i wouldnt say so. kirako: that reminds me, wasnt dazai on a date with one of the teachers a while back? Kunikida: "...Oh no--" *Footsteps heard running* yosano: *steps aside* *The door slams open, revealing--* Dazai: "THE WOMAN WITH THE EYE-PATCH THAT I ASKED TO JOIN ME IN A LOVERS' SUICIDE PACT?!" Kenji: "???" Kunikida: "...Yep." Dazai: "...I WILL USE ATSUSHI TO SCORE ME ANOTHER DATE!" yosano: *facepalm* kirako: O.O (thinking: HOW DOES HE HEAR THIS FROM SO FAR AWAY?!) Kunikida: "If you ruin things for Atsushi and Kyoka, I will make every last moment in your life into hell." Dazai: "Already there!" Kunikida: "And cut your pay." Dazai: D: -elsewhere- FD: "My dear, please pass that book to me." zoey: of course, master fyodor. *hands it to him* FD: "Thank you. Did you finish your other tasks?" zoey: of course. *smiles* FD: "Would you like your reward now?" *opens his desk drawer* zoey: yes~ *already on her knees* FD: *removes a piece of candy, unwrapping and holding it up over her* zoey: *opening her mouth* FD: *drops the candy onto her tongue* zoey: *licking, moaning slightly* FD: "You know what I added to this candy today?" zoey: *squirming* mmn. *slightly panting* FD: "Yes, this will stimulate you...but I have a rule for you to follow." zoey: a-anythiiing~ FD: "You can't touch yourself." *smirks* "Enjoy." zoey: *squirming* mmmmnnn~ *pant pant* FD: "Are you horny, my pet?" zoey: y-yesss... *biting at her thumbs till they bleed as not to touch herself* FD: "Hey. Stop that biting. Do I have to handcuff you?" zoey: *stops, still panting* FD: "...I did have another gift for you..." zoey: ah~? FD: "But I need something in exchange. The dress. Off." zoey: anything...anything for you...*undressing* FD: *hands her a small rectangular box* "You may touch yourself with this..." zoey: *taking it and opening the box* *Inside is a very long vibrator* -elsewhere- Montgomery: *holding up school uniform* "...Blech." dorm lady: is there a problem, hun? Montgomery: "I don't like this uniform. Looks silly." dorm lady: i think it's a lovely color on you. ^^ Montgomery: -\\\\- "F-Fine. I'll try it. But I think this whole plan is goofy." dorm lady: take your time, hun. Montgomery: "...Okay. Thanks. I'll try it on to make sure it fits..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *passed out* reimi: *putting him in a wash basin of cool water* Mr. Tsubaki: *slight shiver before relaxing* =w= reimi: didnt want you to get heat stroke. Mr. Tsubaki: "Th-Thank you...My fur never grows well in this weather." reimi: .....say....how long did you plan on staying here? Mr. Tsubaki: "...Do you want me to leave?" reimi: im not saying that! i was just curious. Mr. Tsubaki: "...I am scared. Those C3 freaks will be after me...and you...and the rest of my family." reimi: ...... Mr. Tsubaki: "...I'm not ready to take the fight to them. Not until we find their weakness." reimi:...*nods* -elsewhere- Meme: "Candy kit!" mio: neat. Meme: *lays out the pieces* "Which one do you want to play with?" -elsewhere- Police Officer: "Rather slow day..." sancha: nyeah. Officer: *checks watch* "Should be off duty in a few minutes..." *points across the street* "What's their story?" sancha: *looks* Fitzgerald: "--so we will need a lot of funds." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- mono: *looking at her school uniform* .... *cuts off one of the sleeves* better! Shotaro: *thumbs up* "Can't wait!" Emine: "..." lin-kimpur: isnt this exciting? Emine: "Yay." Assi: @_@ Zuno: "...What's going on?" -elsewhere- Yukio: "...Those bodies..." gilda: *already making burial preparations* Yukio: *sigh* "What does this have to do with the Impure King's eye? What was being hidden?" seiya: i cant be certain... adrian: it's pretty messed up... Yukio: "Any new leads on their identities?" -elsewhere- FD: "I think you're done..." yana: how does it look? i think i did a pretty nice job. *smiling proudly at the corpse* FD: "Hmmm..." *smiles* "Exquisite." yana: im sure with this, we can convince that petit mafia to help us. FD: *stares into the corpse's face* "Sublime." zoey:..... FD: "...Dearest, you're going to catch a cold." *removes his jacket, puts it over her* "What do you think of her?" *pointing to the corpse* zoey:....alright...i suppose.... FD: "??? Something the matter?" yana: <im assuming she's jealous....> FD: *nods* *whispers in Zoey's ear* "You know that you are far more perfect than this corpse~" zoey: ...ahh~ *blush* FD: *kisses lightly behind her ear, holds her hand* "You are warm, full of life...So vital." zoey: *shivers* master fyodor~ yana: ugh, <get a room, damn you.> FD: <Gladly> *takes his jacket off of Zoey, picks her up bridal style* -elsewhere- Kid: *stretches* stocking: *streeeeetch* ah. Kid: *hug* stocking: *smooch* Kid: *nuzzle* "You know..." stocking: hmm~? Kid: "We won't get this much time to ourselves when we both get back to work." stocking: i know...*smooooooch* Kid: "Mmmm~" *smooch, holds her* "We'll have to make the best of this time...and make time when we can." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *holding up his swimtrunks* naho: ./////. Sakuya: "??? What?" naho: >///w///> n-nothing... Sakuya: "...You want me to put these on?" tsubaki: it may be a good idea. ^^; Sakuya: *shrugs* "Okay." *exits for bedroom* -elsewhere- Triple A: "Marie, I--" marie: yes? christa: TnT Triple A: "I was wondering, if you would consider--" ???: "MARIE!!!!" marie: ?? Triple A: "What the devil--" *Dazai pushes Triple A out of the way* christa: ^u^ marie: O_O; um... Triple A: *knocked down* Dazai: "Long time! Nice to see you again!" *holds Marie's hands* "Have you considered what we had discussed?" marie: um. i have a daughter to raise and a job to do! Dazai: "...How about when she is 18?" *pats Marie's hand* marie:.....*CHOP* no. Dazai: "...Ow." *looks up, smiles* "Then may I invite you for a simple date, just so I may see you smile?" Triple A: *slowly gets up...unsheathes his sword* marie: ^^;;;; Dazai: "???" *turns* "Oh. Nice knife. You use that for spreading butter on toast?" Triple A: "Cursed knave! I, Arthur Auguste Angel, will--" Dazai: *blows raspberries* "Jeez, Marie, you're hanging out with this loser?" marie: O-O; christa: *giggles* Triple A: *swings his sword* "Have at thee!" Dazai: *dodges, moving Marie and Christa out of the path* "Temper, temper, Sir Drools-A-Lot." marie: D8 christa: *laughing* Triple A: "Incompetent fool!" *swing and a miss* "Troll!" *miss* "Bloody reprobate!" Dazai: *steps back* "Ha! Missed me!" *then his pants fall down, showing heart-print boxers* "...Okay, you got my belt. But that's about it." marie: O_O Triple A: *pushes back Dazai, who trips over his pants* "I end this..." *lifts up his sword* Dazai: o___o -DOUBLE SHOCK- Dazai and Triple A: *electrocuted* o____O -KO- marie: now both of you just knock it off! D8< Dazai: "Whatever you wish~" Triple A: "B-But he started it!" -double ear tug- marie: no excuses, mister! Triple A: "Ow!" Dazai: -\\\\\- "...I mean, 'ow'!" christa: *giggles* Triple A: TT~TT "First time I made Christa laugh..." christa:....*glaring at triple A* Triple A: o____O Dazai: *whispers to Marie* "You really want to be with a dude who doesn't get along with your child?" christa: *reaching for dazai* ^u^ marie: well... Dazai: "Hee hee..." *waves at Christa* Triple A: o\\\\o "I-I am a provider!" christa: \(^o^)/ Dazai: "...May I pick her up?" marie: um, well...just be careful. Dazai: "I will." *bends down, carefully picking up Christa* "Hey, buddy." Triple A: *clenching his teeth* -elsewhere- Rin: *holding ice to his head* *groan* izumo: and thats why you dont sleep on the roof. Rin: "I didn't mean to. Who was the one who gave me beer instead of juice?" Q~Q shura: *glaaaaare* Rin: "What you getting mad at me for?! You gave it to me! And to Shima!" Shima: *black eye* "..." nishiki: *glaaaaare* hojo girl:....*looking away, blushing slightly* Shima: .\\\. *looks away--and crashes into a wall* "...Ow." izumo: .....shima....what....did....you...do? Shima: "...I don't remember? But it involved a musical instrument?" -elsewhere- Belkia: "Coming with us to the pool?" lilac:...... Belkia: "Aw, come on! It'll be fun! Get to cool down, put on floaties, have burgers and shakes by the water..." lilac: i'll just....wait here..... Belkia: "...Well, not alone. Someone should stay here." otogiri: i'll stay here with him. Belkia: *nods* "Okay..." *pats Lilac's back* "Hang in there, buddy." -elsewhere- Touma: *looking over files* "Giant whale...Man-Tiger..." mafura: ~? Touma: "These are resources I want to learn more about." *hands off a file* "Find out what you can about their location, names, schedule." mafura: *nods* Touma: "We may find some allies..." *smirks* "Or new playthings." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Yuu! Hold this..." *hands him a heavy engine* yu: um. grk-....*shaking under the weight* Vulcan: *sweeps the dust on his workstation* "Okay. You can drop it back there now." yu: *place it* phew... Vulcan: "Good. Now organize those parts." *thumbs at a pile of supplies rising to the ceiling* -elsewhere- Hibana: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- misora: *relaxing in her room* *Ring ring* misora: *answers* misora speaking~<3 White Hood: "Have you prepared?" misora: yep. i've been working really hard~! so what's up next? White Hood: "How would you like to visit a scrapyard?" misora: a dirty old scrap yard? sounds so laaaame. =3= White Hood: "...They have fluffy animals?" -elsewhere- Takehisa: "Okay...I think I have enough strength to cook something...What do you want?" -elsewhere- Tachihara: "Just saying, you could change up your outfit..." gin: *ignoring him* Tachihara: "At least show your face. Why you hiding it all the time?" gin:.....reasons. Tachihara: "What, afraid I won't keep my eyes off you?" gin:........ -_-; Tachihara: "...Oh, screw this!" *grabs for her mask* -KO- gin: denied. sit down Tachihara: *pool of blood underneath his twitching body* -elsewhere- Poe: "..." *shudder* karl: O^O~? Poe: "J-Just chilly in here, Karl..." *pat pat* -elsewhere- Anya: *staring at Ao* "..." ao: yes~? ^^ Anya: "...What's your game?" ao: oh? Anya: "Ever since you came here, you have always had some weird vibe to me--like you hate me or something." ao: that's quite a strong accusation. Anya: "Really? What do you call standing over my bed all the time with a knife? Or back-handed insults? Or that time you slapped my face?!" ao: oh that? mind refreshing my memory a bit? Anya: *glaring* "February 17, 4:37 PM. You said a mosquito was on my face. There wouldn't be any mosquito in the middle of February!" ao: oh that. perhaps my eyes were playing tricks on me ^^ Anya: "...And what if I slapped you right now...?" ao: well it would hurt. but i would like to avoid a confrontation at the moment. for tsugumis sake. Anya: *frowning* "...You will use that excuse all the time, won't you?" ao:....well, i do because i love her. Anya: o\\\\o "WHAT?!" ao: of course. and i guess....i was jealous of you, for having been so close to her. Anya: o\\\\o "Y-You think I-I am close t-t-to Tsugumi?!" ao: well, you are one of her meisters, are you not? and she often spoke of you and miss tatane when the two of you were away... Anya: o\\\\\\\o *grabs Ao's hands* "What did she say about me?" -elsewhere- Relan: *sits in bed* -elsewhere- Yohei: "Things'll be quieter when so many of them are at school." chie: yeah. Yohei: *picks up Toru* "And you and your cousin will have fewer people to play with while they're in school?" toru: *pout* io: -3- Yohei: "But they'll be home after school. And your parents will be here!" *pats Io's head* io: ^u^ saki: ^^ chie: ^^ Tool: "..." *picks up Io* io: hehe! Tool: *bounce bounce* "Not too long before they'll be in school, too." saki: yeah. nea: ..... Shinoda: *pat pat* "You okay?" nea: yeah. -elsewhere- Chuuya: *petting the cat* "Comfy?" cat: *pleased meow* Chuuya: *smiles, strokes her cat* "I hope so..." *sigh* "...I miss her..." cat: o^o~? Chuuya: "..." *pets the cat* "She didn't deserve this...I just..." *teary-eyed* cat: *nuzzle* ^w^ Chuuya: *hugs the cat* "Don't leave me, too..." cat: *purrs* Chuuya: *strokes cat's back...* "You still okay with your name...Mito?" mito: *mreow* ^w^ Chuuya: QWQ *pets...* "And I'll have to get you a scratching post..." -elsewhere- Arthur: *wearing a crown and cloak, holding a scepter* nozomi: ?? Arthur: "...I am merely guarding these until the King returns." nozomi: the king? Arthur: "Yes! One whose majesty will grace this planet in the light of goodness! My namesake, Arthur himself!" *presses a button on a tape recorder, playing applause* shinra:....*not even shocked* Takehisa: "...Please clean up when you're done. I'm tired of your glitter getting on the carpet." Arthur: *hold up scepter* "BOW TO THE TEMPORARY KING!" Takehisa: "..." iris: never a dull moment, huh? Relan: ^^; "No kidding--" Takehisa: *picks up Arthur by the collar, flinging him across the room* Arthur: ._____. Relan: D: shinra: yikes. Takehisa: "Do not boss around your supervisor, 'King.'" Arthur: "AAAAAH!" *crash* -lets just say arthur....had a soft landing.- tamaki: KYAA! shinra: *digging a grave* -the grave reads 'here lies arthur boyle's dignity. again.'- Arthur: =\\\\\= "At least I landed safely..." Relan: "..." *hides behind Iris* -too violent to show- Relan: Q~Q "Horrifying..." -elsewhere- Higan: "...Tall slide." naho: ......challenge accepted. Sakuya: "Same..." *follows her* -elsewhere- Mori: "Updates?" kouyou: still looking for a replacement for Ace. Mori: "Hmm...Any prospective candidates? Perhaps from other organizations?" kouyou: we did make an offer to hirotsu, however he sadly declined. Mori: "Why? Not enough money?" -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *face-down* Q:...*pokes with a stick* Akutagawa: "Please don't. I want to lie on the floor." Q: are you dying? Akutagawa: "...No? This helps me contemplate my problems. You know, like killing a coworker, tracking that Man-Tiger, figuring out what is wrong with Higuchi." Q: oh. ok. Akutagawa: "...Why does it all hurt and confuse me?" Q: *shrug* Akutagawa: "..." *imagines...being hugged* "..." Q: *walks away, humming* Akutagawa: -\\\\- *muttering to himself* "Hold me in your big strong arms..." -elsewhere- atsushi: did anyone else feel a cold chill or is it just me? OwO; Kyoka: "...Have a hot meal and a bath?" atsushi: good idea. Kyoka: "Good. Make a hot meal for me as well." *returns to reading* -elsewhere- FD: "And what have we learned?" -elsewhere- Emine: *hiding under blankets* lin-kimpur: there you are! Emine: "...Hello." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "...What a rush!" naho: woohoo! Sakuya: "Yeah! Get ready for splashdown!!!" *SPLASH* naho: WHEEEE! Sakuya: *pops up out of the water, underneath Naho* "Woo! That was awesome!" naho: hehe ^^ Sakuya: *lifts her up, like chicken game* "Spot anything from up there to check out?" naho: hmmm *squints* Sakuya: "Oh, right-- your glasses...Need to go get them?" naho: im good. -elsewhere- Patty: "..." liz: hmm? Patty: "I'm bored." -elsewhere- Dazai: "Well, here you are. Have a good afternoon, Marie." marie: you too. 7.7; christa: bye bye! Dazai: *waves* "Bye-bye, Christa!" *smiles* Triple A: "..." -after marie closes the door- Dazai: *smirks at Triple A* "You still got blood on your nose--" Triple A: *picks up Dazai by the collar, shaking him* "Don't you dare come between me and Marie!" Dazai: *smirks* "She didn't let you in. I'd say I don't need to try..." Triple A: *pulls back his fist* "I will not stop until you are a smear on my fist! Then Marie will--" *KICK* Triple A: X____X *high-pitched whimper, as he drops Dazai* Dazai: "...Huh. Your balls are sensitive..." atsushi: there he is! Dazai: "Hi, guys! Meet my new friend, Mr. No-Balls!" Triple A: *fetal position* atsushi:....*looks at kunikida* Kunikida: "...Brat, pick up the injured man. We'll have the doctor take care of his injuries." Triple A: *high-pitched* "Thank you, good sir, for tending to my wounds..." Dazai: "...You won't be happy for long~" -elsewhere- Yumi: [how was the date?] marie: [it didnt go as hoped.] -she explains what all happened- Yumi: [i'm really sorry. on the one hand, good you got away from them. on the other hand--you now have men fighting over you] marie: [whether this is a pro or a con has yet to be seen] Yumi: [marie...how are things with arthur?] -elsewhere- Kid: "Keep them closed..." stocking: ok... *has her eyes closed* Kid: *walks her forward, then to a seat, which he pushes closer to the table* stocking: .... *A plate is heard set down* Kid: "Okay...Open!" stocking: *opens her eyes* ah! *The table is set with black and white desserts* stocking: aw, kid, honey~! Kid: *holds up a spoon and fork* "For you, my sweet~" stocking: ahhhh~<3 Kid: *smiles at her* "I would give you anything, Stocking..." stocking: i know. ^^ Kid: "Well, let's dig in~" -elsewhere- Anya: o\\\\\o ("Just going for a walk...Clear my head...") ???: and did you see what they did to the pool? they flipped the bitch! Anya: "???" *looks* -elsewhere- Higan: "...Think we went too far?" lavender: well, security didnt chase us out, so no. Higan: "Good point. Well, better get our meal before heading out. Where is everyone?" -elsewhere- Victor: *on the phone* "...Yes...Yes...I understand." nozomi: ?? Victor: "Right...Drop it off tomorrow, and I'll get to work. But I wish you had sent it sooner. Feels like it's been months." nozomi: ??? Victor: "Right. Right. Love you too. Goodbye." nozomi: who was that? Victor: "Hmm? Oh, Nozomi! Hello. That was my aunt. She is delivering a pickup truck tomorrow for me to repair." nozomi: oh. i see. *smiles* Victor: "Wanna help? I could use a hand with attaching this--" *picks up a claw device* -elsewhere- Hyde: "I AM GOING TO JUMP OFF THIS ROOF!" licht: good luck. Hyde: "AND LIKE THE VAMPIRE I AM, I WILL FLY TO SAFETY! YOU CAN'T STOP ME, LICHT!" julian: you turn into a hedgehog! not a bat like your brother! or a butterfly for that matter. Hyde: "...Hedgehog's bounce though, right? Like, on those springs, right?" julian:.....*silently weeps* Hyde: owo;;;; "Maybe I should just reconsider all of this and--" *slips* o_____o; "Oh no..." -elsewhere- Yumi: *falls back in bed* lord death: long day? Yumi: *nod nod* "Looking over case files, Shiori ran me tired, Marie has men problems--" lord death: *listening* Yumi: "I just want to lie down..." Yumi: "Mmm...Busy day...Trying to figure out the attack with that whale..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Zzz..." naho: zzzzzz -in the hospital- himiko: ^w^ *holding her newborn son* Kurogiri: "Congratulations. He is precious." Dabi: *hiding in the corner* himiko: =w= baby: zzzz.... Kurogiri: "Have you and the jerk considered a name?" -elsewhere- Dr. John: "Veronica, do you have the hospital records?" veronica: yes, right here. Dr. John: "Hmm...Files missing?" veronica: three actually. two patient files and one staff file. Dr. John: "...Who was the staffer?" veronica: it was zoey's file... Dr. John: "...Oh." *looks down* "Thank you. What do you remember about the two patient files?" veronica: one was comatose, the other had really bad injuries.. Dr. John: *nods* "Remember anything about them?" -elsewhere- Mori: *smiles* "Got the information I needed..." kouyou: oh? Mori: "It helps to have an inside-person. May lead us to what has happened to the remaining Guild members." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Zzz..." *whimper* atsushi:....*puts blanket over her* Kyoka: *pulls it over herself* "M-Mama..." atsushi:....*hugs* ...... Kyoka: *holding on* "...Zzz..." atsushi:....(thinking: her mother.....).....*closes his eyes, remembering being hugged by kirako...the soft warmth.....* -the next morning, he woke up in a sweat....and took a long cold shower- Kyoka: *knock knock* "Are you going to be in there all day?" atsushi: im...f-fine.... .////. (thinking: STUPID PUBERTY!) -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "This is the address. Follow me." higuchi: *nods* Akutagawa: "Here should be the last location of the Guild leader...Search for clues." higuchi: understood. Akutagawa: "Hmm..." *looks in the room* "Looks as if they cleaned up. No fingerprints? And..." *bends down, picks up--* "...Do you recognize this coin?" higuchi: *examines the coin* Akutagawa: "Seems...Foreign? Or old?" *checks front and back* "I don't recognize it..." higuchi: hmmm... Akutagawa: "...Hang on." *checks his phone* "...There. That's what it is..." higuchi: a subway token? Akutagawa: *nods* "Do you have money to buy our subway fare?" higuchi: yes. Akutagawa: "Then let's find the station...We'll be on a lot of subway lines today." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *examining his coat* louisa: how is it? Fitzgerald: "Acceptable. Is it within our budget?" -elsewhere- Arthur: X____X -elsewhere- Nals: "Then we draw out their fire here--" milia: *nod* Nals: "And you'll cover there until we procure the item for Shaula. Ready?" -elsewhere- Dazai: =w= atsushi: good morning. Dazai: *wave* "Howdy. Isn't today just beautiful?" atsushi: i guess. kirako: morning. atsushi:.... .////.;;;; Dazai: *looks back and forth at Atsushi and Kirako...then...smirks* "Yo, Kirako, one of the light bulbs in the ceiling went out. I'll hold the ladder, you put in the bulb." atsushi: i can put the bulb in! Dazai: -3- "Fine...Kirako, keep the ladder steady, too, 'kay?" kirako: right. Dazai: *holds the ladder with Kirako* -objective complete- Dazai: "Great!" *shakes the ladder a bit* "You were so cool, Atsushi!" atsushi: thank you. Dazai: "Wasn't he great, Kirako? Our little boy is doing so good!" *pinches his cheek* atsushi: ^^;; kirako: ^^; Dazai: "Good work, buddy!" *pats--hard--on Atsushi's back* atsushi: oof...thanks. Dazai: "Oh, I have your next task." *holds up paper* atsushi: what is it? Dazai: "You are investigating a series of thefts. Lots of valuable items going missing in one neighborhood..." *points on a map...around Gallows Mansion* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *buying school supplies* "...Still need more pens..." -a couple of the girls from school are giggling- Chuuya: *stares at them* "..." -some of them wave at him- Chuuya: "..." *nods at them...* "Hi." girl: so, you seeing anyone~? Chuuya: "...Sorry. I am not dating." girl: oh. 7-7 Chuuya: "...I'm sorry. I just..." *shakes* girl 2: maybe we should leave him alone... girl 3: i bet its just like dead man evans... Chuuya: "Wh-What? 'Dead man Evans'?" girl 2: yeah, that kid soul? his partner died and it really messed him up. he kind of looked like he was barely alive... Chuuya: "..." *breaks down crying* girl 2: !? girl 3: dude holy shit! Chuuya: "R-Rain...I can't do this..." ????: come on, give the guy some damn space. girl 2: !!! soul: jeez, some people....oi. you ok? Chuuya: *can't speak, just sobbing* soul:...easy there...*pats his back* need something to drink? Chuuya: *nods* -he got him a canned coffee- Chuuya: *sniff* "Th-Thank you..." *sip* "I'm sorry. I'm just a wreck..." soul: yeah, i sure as hell know that feeling. Chuuya: "O-Oh?" *trying to sip more* soul: yeah, it's tough. but i've been getting by. Chuuya: "...I don't know how...I just feel..." soul: like dying? like nothing really matters anymore? Chuuya: "..." *nods* soul: ....but you know...even after they've passed on....they're never really gone. Chuuya: "...How so?" soul: *smiles* a part of them always stays with you. in your heart, your mind....your soul. Chuuya: "..." *puts his hands over his heart* "...I'm worried I'll forget..." soul: that's the thing. you never really do, as long as you keep their memory alive. Chuuya: "..." *nods* "I have to figure out how..." -elsewhere- Victor: "Okay...claw is almost attached..." -elsewhere- Dazai: "How did healing the creepy knight guy go?" yosano: i think he's fine. if a little shook. Triple A: Q~Q Dazai: "Super! I'd hate to see anything bad happen to him...Unless you make something bad happen to him. Then that's okay." -elsewhere- Hyde: *lying in hospital bed* D: licht: have you learned your lesson? Hyde: "That Mother Nature should've made hedgehogs with wings. Or jet packs." licht: *facepalm* Dr. John: "And how is the patient--" Hyde: "And I need more of your blood!" Dr. John: owo;;; licht: doing fine. just give us a moment. -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Who is going with you on the investigation?" atsushi: seems it's going to be dazai. Kyoka: "Oh. Keep an eye on him." atsushi: can and will do. Kyoka: *takes his hand* "And be safe." atsushi: *nods* i will. Kyoka: "Good. Because I need someone to make my meals." Dazai: *overhearing, smirks* atsushi:...right. *sweatdrop* Dazai: *appears, slaps Atsushi's back* "Ready to investigate, partner?" atsushi: y-yes sir! Dazai: "Later, Kyoka!" *waves* "We're going to meet with rich people at their houses!" *puts on a bowtie* atsushi: ok. then. Dazai: "Hmm...But you could stand to look a little fancier, too. Better get you new threads." atsushi: oh, um... ._. -and so- Dazai: *adjusts his own suit* "How you like it?" atsushi: looking good. Dazai: *takes Atsushi's tie, adjusts it* "Yep! Nothing better to impress a client than a sharp-dressed detective!" atsushi: r-right. well, here we a-..... O_O;;; Dazai: "...Day-amn. Big place." atsushi: ARE THOSE GUILLOTINES IN THE FRONT LAWN?! Dazai: owo "I LOVE THIS PLACE ALREADY." *presses the doorbell* ellen: yes? Dazai: "We're with the Armed Detective Agency, here investigating local robberies." ellen: ah, i see. we havent had problems here. gallows mansion has very tight security. Dazai: "I'm sure." *pulls out notepad* "Have you seen any suspicious people hanging around the premises?" atsushi: *looking around* (thinking: this place is really big....and....symmetrical....) *sweatdrop* Kid: "Ellen? Who's there?" ellen: some people from a detective agency. atsushi: ??? Dazai: "Investigating recent thefts and--" Kid: *already nose to nose with Atsushi* *stare* atsushi: um.....hi? OuO;;; Kid: "Your hair...It is not...symmetrical." atsushi: neither is yours. Kid: "HOW DARE YOU!" atsushi: EEP! stocking: easy there, hun. *rubs kid's shoulders* Kid: =\\\\= "Okay...I still think we should give him a haircut..." Dazai: *stares at Stocking* stocking: ....who the heck- Dazai: "Osamu Dazai, Armed Detective Agency, here to investigate reports of thefts in this neighborhood." *hands her his card* stocking: i see.... Dazai: "Have you seen any suspicious persons hanging around the premises? Perhaps ones in gaudy obvious outfits that stand out? Or ones trying to hide their identities?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Th-Thanks again, Soul..." soul: no problem. anyway, i think you're gonna do great, kid. Chuuya: "??? Why's that?" soul: call it instinct, i guess. Chuuya: *nods* "Well...This is me." *points to his apartment* "Later..." soul: later...*exits* Chuuya: *opens the door, heads to his room...enters* "...Mito?" mito: mreow! *nuzzles against his leg* Chuuya: *smiles, pets her* "Hungry?" -elsewhere- ???: *looking over loot* "One heck of a haul..." *picks up a ruby-encrusted tiger statue* "This one is the best...And that just leaves...Gallows Mansion." -one goon pummeling later- Tiger Goon: X___X "Ouchie..." atsushi: i see this solves the catnappings....eh?...eh? anyone? kirika: *holding mocha close to her* Dazai: "Boo." *pats Tiger Goon on the head* "Now, who exactly were you selling these items to?" Tiger Goon: "Hmph. I will say nothing." Dazai: "...Who wants to interrogate her?" stocking: please. allow me~ ^^# -too graphic- Dazai: owo "She is impressive." Kid: "Don't even think about it." Dazai: "THINKING ABOUT IT!" Tiger Goon: *loud screams of pain* "That's his address! Just stop hurting me!" stocking: welp. that settles that incident~ she was even kind enough to reveal the one responsible! Kid: *smiles* "I knew you could, sweetie." *smooch* Dazai: "...Huh. I guess you did more of the work than we did--but we still get to take the credit!" *pats Atsushi's back* -elsewhere- Victor: *holds up the keys* "Ready for a test drive! Who wants to call shotgun?" -elsewhere- Hawthorne: *on his knees, praying* -who do you pray for?- Hawthorne: ("Mitchell...") -do you remember what did this to her?- Hawthorne: ("Yes...That Mafia monster...")) -he did this to her....monsters like that....did this to her.....monsters like that....must be purged...dont you agree?- Hawthorne: ("Yes...Exterminate these monsters...Cleanse the world of these sinners...") FD:....*smirks* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "It seems the mission was completed. Surprised Dazai and the Brat did so well..." atsushi: looks like everything went pretty well. Dazai: *nods* "Yep! We made a good first impression on the rich people in this town! And they are friends with Marie..." -elsewhere- Excalibur: "FOOLS!" -ELSEWHERE- Free: "Call back your folks?" eruka: yeah. they're doing good as usual. *smiles* Free: "...Glad you do that. I..." eruka: hmm? Free: "...never get to do that." eruka:...*pats his back* Free: *nod nod* "Yeah..." *taps his head* "There are times when I remember...then they're gone." eruka:....*hug* Free: "!!! ..." *hug* -elsewhere- Anya: "...Tsugumi? Can we talk?" tsugumi: what is it? Anya: "...Are you happy with your meisters?" tsugumi: of course, you guys are like my best friends. ^^ Anya: "...'Friends,' then?" tsugumi:...is something wrong? Anya: "..." *nods* "...Do you like Ao?" tsugumi: aochi? of course. she's one of our partners, after all. Anya: "...You know I have not always gotten along with her." tsugumi: i've noticed. it's far more tense than when you and meme were my partners. Anya: "...I thought she didn't like me...now...I don't know." tsugumi: oh no, did something happen? Anya: "...I asked her what she thinks about me...and about you. She said she...loves you." tsugumi:......eh? *tsugumi.exe has stopped responding* Anya: *not noticing* "I don't know how she meant it...but it makes me...jealous." tsugumi:....ehh? Anya: *holding hands over her heart* "I don't know how I feel...but I like you...I love you, too. I just...I don't know what it is that I'm feeling." tsugumi:....*she's blue screened* ......*steam is coming off her head* Anya: "And I...I...Tsugumi. Please say something." *finally turns, looks* o\\\\o "TSUGUMI!" *clutches her shoulders* "Wake up!" tsugumi: IM UP! THE ANSWER IS NUMBER 4! Anya: D: "...Maybe you need to rest...Let me get you to your bed..." -elsewhere- Izuku: "And this was the action figure my mom gave me when I was three." -elsewhere- Relan: "Any word from Vulcan?" shinra: nothing yet. Relan: "...You think he's a good guy?" shinra:...i know he is. stubborn, yes. but im know he's a good person at heart. just got to keep trying. Relan: "...I guess a good person would see that." *pats Shinra's hand* shinra: *smiles* iris: ^^ Relan: "How about we have something to eat? I found out where Takehisa is hiding snacks..." -elsewhere- Dazai: "You should have seen the great job Atsushi did back there! Amazing how he knocked that cat-burglar around!" atsushi: .u.; all i did was knock them back at that lady.... Dazai: "Maybe--but we still get to take credit for the attack. Which means..." *holds up a check* "BAM! Payday for returning that loot to those robbed houses!" atsushi:......*JAWDROP* Dazai: "Should keep us funded for a bit...Imagine how many drinks I can get. How many meals you can buy Kyoka. And who knows what else everyone else here wants to buy..." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *hammering at engines like he's playing drums* yu: master vulcan. do you have a moment? Vulcan: "Hmm?" *lifts up his mask* "What's up?" yu: i wanted to show you this prototype i made. Vulcan: "Wow...Yuu, this is amazing!" yu: ^^ lisa: hey guys! dinner's just about ready! -elsewhere- Giovanni: "We are ready." -late in the night- shinra: gah! *waking up in a cold sweat* *Knock knock* shinra: *opening the door* ?? Relan: "..." shinra: rel? you ok? Relan: *stares* "I could ask you the same..." shinra:...bad dream...no...a vision, maybe.... Relan: "..." *takes his hand* "Come on." shinra:....i think vulcan is in trouble. Relan: "...Just a feeling? Or do you need to tell the Commander?" shinra:....think you can get the squad? Relan: *nods* "I already got some tea brewing...Go get some." *forehead kiss* shinra: right. -after that, shinra explains the situation- iris: that sounds scary. Arthur: "...But this was your dream?" shinra: yeah, but it's like what happened in asakusa. Arthur: "Okay...So, what's the plan? We head on over, talk to Vulcan?" tamaki: if this is the case, then i have a plan. shinra, arthur, and iris will go to vulcan's and investigate. while me, relan, and nozomi stay as home base. iris. if anything is wrong, call us and we'll send back up. iris: right. Arthur: "..." *takes Tamaki's hands* tamaki: just be careful you guys. shinra + iris: *hugs relan* Arthur: "I will return, victorious." nozomi:...... Relan: ^\\\^ "Be safe." -and so- -knock knock knock- Vulcan: *grouchy* "Who the hell is knocking at this hour..." *looks through peephole* iris: we've come bearing a fruit basket! OuO Vulcan: "!!!?!" *throws open the door* "I don't like fruit! I like soda!" lisa: vul...*yaaawn* what the fuck? *in an octopus shirt and undies* iris: sorry to disturb you, but we wanted to ask you about something- Arthur: o\\\\\o Vulcan: "Just spit it out, Sister!" iris: we think you guys are in danger! Vulcan: "??? Um, that's nothing new. We know. Giovanni is after us--" *a scream is heard* iris: ?! yu: *running* t-theres....there's crusaders! outside! iris: ?!?!?! Arthur: *reaches for his Excalibur and--* "...Oh. I left it at home." iris: NOW?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Arthur: "It's late at night. How was I supposed to remember?" lisa: shit. everyone get inside, now! Arthur: *pushes Yu inside* "Okay..." -in the wooded area- shinra: no sign of anything yet.... ???: "Kill all in the workshop." shinra: ?!?! *peeeks* !!! (thinking: giovanni! oh no...) Giovanni: "And make it look like an accident. Understood?" shinra: *turns to warn the others* *Two fingers poke his eyes* shinra: OW! jeez!....what the *grabs the hand* aha- *It's a disembodied hand, wriggling in Shinra's hands* shinra: what the heck? creepy- *The hand starts to feel warmer...before it is burning hot* shinra: *lets go* GAH! what the hell?! *The hand moves forward, slamming Shinra in his chest, knocking him back* shinra: OOF! what the-... *looks up* oh fuck. Giovanni: "Hello. You found lefty." *The hand wraps around Shinra's neck, pulling him up the tree* shinra: grk- *puuuulllll* -he managed to break free- shinra: *coughing* what the hell?! Giovanni: "I will be capturing you now." *fires his right hand at Shinra* shinra: OH MOTHER- -back at the workshop- iris: so that's the plan? Arthur: "I need a sword. Forge me one." Vulcan: >_< "IT IS 2:30 IN THE GODDAMN MORNING, AND YOU HAVE FIRE ABILITIES BUT CAN'T JUST GO OUT AND FIGHT--" iris: ok um.... here! take this! Arthur: *holds up a mallet* "Is this a sword? No, it is not. So make me a sword." Vulcan: "...Yuu. Can we use him as a human shield?" yu: how about this? Arthur: "...I don't know what this hand-cranky-wrench thingie is. But it hardly can hold a flame...So make me a sword, engineer." Vulcan: "...Yu, keep him busy. I'll make him a goddamn sword." Arthur: "And make me a horse." Vulcan: *angrish* -and so- shinra: nn....huh? ...!!! *struggling to break free* Giovanni: "Do not make me electrocute you again, Kusakabe." shinra: what do you want from me, giovanni? Giovanni: "Adora..." shinra: !? -back at the workshop- iris: come on arthur! dont give up! Arthur: *slicing at Hoods* "High-ho, Silver! Let us ride into battle against these monstrous Hoods!" lisa: ...... Silver: *annoying donkey noises* yu: do your best! lisa:...vul...*hugs him from behind*.....no hard feelings..... Vulcan: "???" -she then tasers him- Vulcan: "!!!" yu: MASTER VULCAN! lisa wha- lisa: get out of the way, yu. *kicks him into the wall* iris: !!! Vulcan: "Wh-What...?" lisa: *takes a knife and holds it to vulcan's neck* dont come any closer, or i'll kill him. Vulcan: "L-Lisa...Stop..." lisa: it doesnt have to be this way vulcan. just give me the key to the amaterasu. Vulcan: *dazed* "Amaterasu? Key? I don't--" lisa: you do. after all, your family did build the amaterasu, didnt it? Vulcan: *struggling to push her away, but he's too weak* "What are you doing?! Lisa, we're family--" lisa: *slaps him* please...dont make this harder than it needs to be. Vulcan: *holding his hand to his cheek* "...Lisa...No...You're not...You're working with Giovanni?" -she doesnt say a thing- -in the wooded area- Giovanni: "Good...Wrap him up in the fire-proof sheets and take him back to headquarters. I will bring the key and eliminate Vulcan." shinra: dammit!.... Giovanni: "And tape his filthy mouth shut." -halfway out of the woods, several feather bullets attack the hoods- shinra: ?!?! ???: there he is! Hood: "URK!" *collapses* ???: good, we werent too late... shinra: mmmn? ???: *yawn* "Yeah, great..." ryuuko: *takes the tape off his mouth* shinra: ryuuko! mikami! *looks up* um.... Hibana: "What the heck did you get yourself into, Shinra?" shinra: how did you know to find me? mikami: i had a dream that....you were in danger....no..it was more of a vision... shinra: so then....!!! we need to get back to vulcan's workshop! Hibana: "With all these hoods around? I think you'll need cover..." ryuuko: hmmm. Hibana: "Okay. We'll provide backup for Shinra..." shinra: ryuuko, the two of us will be the combat team. hibana and mikami are defense team. mikami: *nods* Hibana: "Okay." *pats Shinra* "Now get running!" shinra: you can count on us! *runs* ryuuko: i shall not fail. *flames surround her arms like wings, as she takes flight* Hibana: "So, Mikami, how are you at beating on Hoods?" mikami: i-i dont know...im not much of a fighter... Hibana: *pats her shoulder* "Hey. When in doubt, aim for their junk." mikami: their garbage? Hibana: "...Their daddy parts." mikami:....eeehhhh? Q-Q -in the workshop, shinra has burst through the window, and knees giovanni in the face- iris: shinra!......*snaps a pic* Giovanni: *muffled yell of pain* ryuuko: *lands, gracefully* honestly kusakabe, you lack tact. Vulcan: "!!!" shinra: well, i now know what its like to be tamaki. Giovanni: *collapsed against the wall, weezing* *muffled* "Mmmrah Krusakmmbbb..." ryuuko: *glares at giovanni* i knew you werent to be trusted, giovanni. Giovanni: "Rymmmko? Mhat rawr ruu booing mhrree?" Vulcan: "PULL YOUR GODDAMN MASK OPEN, YOU BASTARD!" Giovanni: *knocks the back of his head into the wall--pushing open his nose* *inhales* "Ah. Better. Now, then..." *pulls himself up* "Ryuuko. I am surprised you have come. And dare attack your commander." ryuuko: the only person i attacked is a criminal. Giovanni: "I am simply here to fulfill what I was destined to." *points his cane at Lisa* "Has he given up the key?" lisa: he's still being stubborn... shinra: lisa?! -outside- Arthur: *slicing at Hoods, getting only duplicates--then he faces a Hood that looks like him* "...Who's this fool?" -something pierces through a fake white hood, causing it to disperse- Arthur: "?!!!" mikami: l-like that? Hibana: TT_TT "I am so proud. Now, this time, make him _really_ feel the pain..." mikami: u-understood! *kicks arthur in the junk* Arthur: Q~Q "I'm not...the Hood..." *collapses* "Save me Silver..." mikami: m-mr boyle? oh my goodness im so sorry! Q-Q Not!Arthur: *lifts up his sword at Mikami* mikami: !!! x-guard! *her hair ignites and forms an X to deflect the sword* *Not!Arthur dissipates into nothingness* Arthur: "Whyyyyyyy?" Hibana: "Because women do not discern between idiots." -inside- lisa: isaribi! attack! Vulcan: "...What the fuck...?" Giovanni: *chuckles* shinra: GAAH! Vulcan: o~o "..." -fiery tentacles shoot out and attack shinra- Giovanni: "You can't escape her, Kusakabe..." *preparing his fist...* ryuuko: *kicks him in the face, causing him to hit a button* Giovanni: *mask punched in again* "HMPH!" Vulcan: "...Oh, not again--" *BOOM BOOM BOOM* -outside- mikami: EEP! Hibana: *sending flower petals at different Hoods* "Hohohoho! Cower before me, mere worms! I am the Princess Hiban--" *A bear head hits Hibana in the head* Hibana: "...Ho." *collapses* X___X mikami: Q___Q Arthur: "...Iris?! Did you hit the button again?!!!" -inside- Giovanni: *struggling to breathe through his mask* *cough* "I-I'm tired of this...What do I have to do to convince you to surrender Vulcan?" Vulcan: "...Nothing. I will die before you get anything from me." Giovanni: "...So, only death will convince you?" -on a hilltop- ???: it appears the fun started without us. such a pity, wouldnt you agree, lord sho? Sho: "...There. That's where the Adora is...No. _Two_?" arrow: this is unexpected. Sho: "Indeed. I wonder whether Giovanni has succeeded..." Hibana: *pointing up to the sky* "Is that a bunny cloud?" mikami: princess, please pull yourself together! -BOOOOOM- Vulcan: "Crap!" shinra: OH YEAH! HOW DO YOU LIKE US NOW BIRDBRAIN?!....no offense. ryuuko: none take-.....we have company. shinra: wha.........!!!!!!!!!!! Sho: "..." *whispers to Arrow* "Why is that guy staring?" shinra:...sh....sho.... *tears begin to fall* SHO! Vulcan: *looking around...and sees the projector, wrecked...and...* "!!! Yuu!" Sho: "...Who are you?" yu: *coughs* shinra: sho it's me! your older brother shinra! Vulcan: "No...No!" *struggling to crawl, his ribs broken* "Gah!" Sho: "...So, the story is true. Brother?" iris: what...what do i do? shinra: yes! im alive! it's ok sho! we're getting you out of here! then we can be a family again! Vulcan: "Sister...Get Yuu to safety..." mikami:...a family.... Sho: "...But...I have a family." shinra: eh- *Sho has disappeared...and a feather seems to pass by Shinra and Mikami's faces* mikami: eh- *SLICE SLICE BOOM* shinra: !!! mikami: !!! mr kusakabe! Sho: *in front of Mikami* "You will also be valuable." *lays a hand on her arm* ryuuko: !!!! *CHARGES* DONT YOU DARE LAY A HAND ON HER!!! -feather bullets rain down, injuring her- mikami: !!!! RYUUKO!!! -a female figure is in the air, with flames on her back, almost like angel's wings- seraphim: what a pity... Sho: "???" seraphim: as you were saying, lord sho? shinra: lord? sho....are you really.... Sho: "I want these tools collected. We are bringing them with us to begin the conversion." shinra: what are you talking about?! mikami: *paralyzed, tears falling* Giovanni: *coughing* "S-Sir? I have the key..." *holds it up* "We have all we need...I give the Adora to you...Please...take them..." Sho: "...Okay." Vulcan: "Sister...Call for help..." iris: already did.... Sho: *his hand approaches Shinra--* *Low rumbling heard* shinra: ?! nozomi: EEEEEEP!!! Sho: "???" Victor: *honking the horn* "DELIVERY!" *The truck is heading right for Giovanni* Giovanni: "...Oh bother." mikami: !!! *CRASH* *Giovanni is hit, slamming into the junkyard* Victor: O___o "...I'm gonna lose my license, aren't I?" nozomi: *cough cough* is everyone alright? shinra: we need to evacuate! Vulcan: "I-Injured..." Arthur: X___X "My balls..." iris: *grabs the key off of giovanni and runs* Hibana: *getting up* "My head..." Giovanni: "You little...b-b-bitch..." mikami: ryuuko! tamaki: i got her! Sho: "...Seraphim. Kill all but the Adoras." Victor: owo; "..." *taps his phone, causing a poker card to appear* seraphim: understoo- *BOOOOOOM* -smoke bomb- lisa: what the?! ???: "Ha ha ha...Oh, hey, aren't you that octopus girl?" lisa: ?! Joker: *kicks back Lisa in the head* Vulcan: "!!!" lisa: GRK- Sho: "...Who is this fool?" scarlet: this is why i hate fighting up close and persona-.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Playing cards hit Hoods in the head and shoulders* mikami: *eyes wide, pupils small*....a...kami? scarlet: *her heart drops to her stomach* Joker: "...Oh, shit..." Sho: "..." *removes his sword* "Fine. I'll kill them myself." Vulcan: *cradling Yuu* "Lisa!" scarlet: !!! *points to victor* you! get mikami and the others out of here. NOW! lisa: ah...v-vul.... mikami: AKAMI! *trying to reach for her* Vulcan: "..." *reaches to her* Joker: *pats Scarlet's shoulder* "You talk with her. I'll have fun with Shinra's bro." Joker: *rushes at Sho* Sho: "..." *slice* mikami: akami! come with us! Sho: "You block with a mere card?" Joker: "Well, you're so short--" scarlet: i....its not that simple....please...just forget seeing me here. Vulcan: "Please...Lisa..." lisa:....*turns away* im sorry.... mikami: AKAMI! PLEASE! Vulcan: "...N-No..." scarlet: STOP CALLING ME THAT! Victor: "...I don't have time for this." *hits the gas* mikami: *tears falling* ah... scarlet:......*bites her lip* Vulcan: "Lisa!" *The truck drives off, avoiding blasts from Sho and Hoods* Victor: "...Hospital? Hospital." -escape successful...- scarlet:......... Joker: "Now, 'Hero'...Or 'Angel'? Or maybe 'Dem--'" *SLICE* Joker: *cut in two* "...Well, this sucks." Sho: "..." Joker: "Hey, Red! Let's get out of here!" scarlet:....right. seraphim: *watches the truck as it drives away....looking at nozomi in the window* oh....so that's where you are now....my daughter. Joker: *tosses smoke bomb* "Until later..." *Joker and Scarlet disappear. Sho stands on the hill. Giovanni is a mangled mess. Vulcan's workshop is a mess* arrow: damn. the girl took the key.... Sho: "...Then we take the girl." -on the hill- scarlet:...........dammit.....she....she wasnt supposed to be here.... Joker: *checking his chest* "Hmm...No harm done." *looks at Scarlet* "...It could not have been predicted." scarlet: .....hopefully, that so called 'idol' has some information on the hoods we could use..... Joker: *nods* "And I'll have Victor give us a report on what the 8th has learned..." scarlet:....(thinking: mikami....you're going to be ok...i promise...) -the next morning- Arthur: "And then this weirdo appeared with a donkey between his legs--" Relan: Q~Q *hugging Shinra* Hibana: *holding ice to her head* "I hate hospitals..." gabriella: TT~TT Vulcan: *his ribs are bandaged...but he is standing, looking over Yuu* shinra: ...hey vulcan? for the time being, it might be best to stay at the 8th....f-for your safety... Vulcan: "...So, you finally get to own me, huh?" shinra:..... mikami: how've you been, relan? Relan: *sniff* "F-Fine...I really like the 8th more than our old branch...and I think I had good reason to." *weak smile* "...I'm so sorry..." mikami: it's ok....*smiles* ryuuko and i have decided to join the 5th. Hibana: ^^ Relan: "Hey, great! I'm happy for you both..." mikami: they seem to know a lot of stuff, and....maybe i'll understand what this is...the adora burst.... shinra: i think it'll do you both some good. Hibana: "Gabriella and I will mold you into successful, powerful young ladies!" ryuuko:....*faint smile* unfortunately, this puts us in the same brigade as kishiri. but hey...small sacrifices. Hibana: "...I can have him removed." ryuuko: it's fine. we'll manage. Hibana: "...Fluffy hair man..." Victor: "??? Yes, Princess--" Hibana: *wraps her hands around his neck* "IF I FIND OUT YOU WERE INVOLVED WITH ANY OF THIS, I WILL CUT YOUR HEAD OFF AND PUT IT UP ON MY SHELF!" Victor: X____X Vulcan: O____O Relan: *hides behind Shinra* nozomi: ^^;;; if it means anything....i-i think you did a great job, victor. *smiles* Victor: *collapsed on the floor...gives a thumbs up* "Thank you, Nozomi." shinra: *whispers in mikami's ear* good luck. you're gonna need it. mikami: ^^; Akitaru: "I know it's asking a lot, but Takehisa will need to take statements from you." mikami: i understand.....(thinking: akami....) Takehisa: "Mikami, I can start with you first..." mikami:....right. Takehisa: "How did you know to come to the workshop?" -elsewhere- scarlet: *in her bed, staring up at the ceiling fan* {mikami: Big sister!} {akami: hehe! up ya go!} {mikami: Hee hee...Higher!} scarlet: ......... {akami: *aiming*} {servant: did you hear the rumors? i heard ----------.} {akami: ?! *shoots, but it hits mikami in the eye* !!!! MIKAMI!} {mikami: *screaming*} {norio: MIKAMI! akami, what the hell did you do?!} {akami: n..no..it was an accident..i didnt mean to...} scarlet: ..........*sigh* *Knock knock* scarlet: doors open... Joker: *holding up a bottle and two glasses* "..." scarlet:...thanks. Joker: *sets down the glasses, fills up each* "...Next step?" scarlet: soon....just...need to cool off after- *winces*....... Joker: "??? You haven't tended to injuries?" scarlet: physical ones, yeah.....the emotional ones on the other hand.....heh, you know..i honestly cant tell if you're being sincere right now or not... Joker: "...I can't have you being down. That's not productive. So, for now, let's drink..." scarlet: right...bottoms up. Joker: *clinks glasses* scarlet: *downs the glass* ah...much better. Joker: *smiles* "Good." *fills up another one* "I talked with Victor, so that's taken care of...So, let's finish this bottle." scarlet: yep. may have to get out the jack daniels too. long night. Joker: "Then pull that out! Hee hee..." *sips his next glass* -elsewhere- Giovanni: *tied to a chair* "...Sir...I said I was--" Sho: "Silence." Giovanni: "..." Sho: "...Seraphim, take care of him." -elsewhere- karin: vul! good to see you again! Vulcan: -_-; "Hiya, Doc. I'm in pain. How are you?" karin: just handling things here. seems we're gonna be working together now, isnt that great? Vulcan: "..." *ugly tears* karin: *sweatdrop* Vulcan: "Yuu is injured! Lisa was secretly a villain! My workshop is totaled! They smashed my projector!" karin: jeez....its gonna be ok kiddo. -elsewhere- Kishiri: "Welcome back, Boss Lady. How is--" owo ryuuko: *rolls eyes* mikami: um, h-hi.. *holding her suitcase full of her belongings from the 3rd* hanako: mommy! *hugs hibana* Hibana: "Sweetie!" *her head is bandaged, but she picks up Hanako* "I'm so happy to see you!" gabriella: hi honey~ *nuzzles hanako's head* hanako: hehe! ryuuko: oh, so this is your daughter then? mikami: aww, how sweet. Hibana: *smiles* "Our pride and joy. Hanako, this is Ryuuko and Mikami. They're moving into the 5th." Rino: "...Oh. Super. I get to clear more rooms. Darn it." hanako: hiya! mikami: um...h-hi there...im mikami kurai. ryuuko: and im her girlfriend, ryuuko. Rino: "...Hi. My name is Rino. My life is a never-ending H--" *spots Hanako* "...Heck." hanako: rino were you about to say H-E-double hockey sticks? Hibana: *glares at Rino* Rino: o\\\\o "N-No! I wasn't!" *nervous laugh, patting Hanako's head* hanako: ...im calling bull on that. Kishiri: *already picking up Mikami and Ryuuko's suitcases* Hibana: "AND HOW DID SHE LEARN THAT, RINO?!" Rino: o____o -elsewhere- yu: ....*opens eyes* mooom? Dr. John: "??? Um...Hi." yu: oh....!!! master vulcan! lisa! are they- sachiko: easy there, its ok. Dr. John: "You were admitted after injuries sustained at the local junkyard. You were shot...hit with debris." yu: *winces* ah... Dr. John: "Lay back...You will need to heal. Your friend, Mr. Vulcan, will be here later for visiting hours..." yu: oh....b-but lisa- Dr. John: "...I think you should wait for your friend to speak with you. It's complicated." yu: ...... Dr. John: "...I wanted to check on your healing. I know your wounds have to hurt." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "Junkyard! That is where money can be made!" louisa: s-sir? Fitzgerald: "We dumpster dive! Remove the valuable parts and sell them at markup! How are your sculpting skills? We can refashion scrap iron into pricey statues!" -elsewhere- Touma: "--so we have a book, a key, and random people going on fire." yumikage: and before all we had to deal with was vampires. god, fuckin, dammit. Touma: "Your work is cut out for you." *passes a phone number to Yumikage* "I want you to make a phone call." yumikage: who the hell is this? Touma: "A contact I made with one of the Brigades..." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "...You've been quiet." shinra: sorry just....a lot to take in. Akitaru: *nods* "Want to talk about it?" shinra:....well, we managed to save vulcan and yu....lisa's still MIA.... Akitaru: *nods* "We'll find her." shinra:......sho.... Akitaru: "??? 'Sho'?" shinra:.... -he explains what happened last night. all of it- Akitaru: "...Jeez. Your brother..." shinra: yeah....i knew he was alive....but this.... Akitaru: "...We have to investigate this. First the fire at your home...then your brother ends up with the Hoods..." shinra: and how does joker play into all of this? Akitaru: "And whose side is he on?" shinra: i dont know...but that woman with him...with red hair....mikami's sister.....she told victor to get us to safety... Akitaru: "...You think...?" shinra: i heard it myself..... heh, with the adora burst and our siblings....seems mikami and i have a bit in common. Akitaru: "..." *pats his head* "You got such a good attitude!" -elsewhere- Hood: "Come with us, Tako." -elsewhere- Kyoka: *asleep on couch* atsushi: *watching tv* Reporter: "--and the fire was put out. In other news, we have a new restaurant review..." Kyoka: *murmur* atsushi: morning. Kyoka: *opens an eye* "...I had slept here, waiting for you to get back." atsushi: ^^ -elsewhere- Dazai: *picking produce--puts his hand out for an orange and--* "Oh, sorry..." ruby: its cool, man. dia: ... pearl: ah... Dazai: "Oh, hey! Neat uniforms!" ruby: thanks. though dia has the fancier one, being a company commander and all. dia: 7-7; Dazai: *staring at the sleeve on Dia's coat* "Yeah, I see. Fine fabric." *holds up a business card* "You ever need a detective, you know you can call me!" pearl: oh goodness, you're all bandaged up! are you alright? Dazai: QWQ "Of course. I just have to tend to my injuries...physical and emotional." pearl: oh, you poor thing. Dazai: *nod nod* "I just have to power through the next day. That's what I tell the young people whose minds I mold." *sniff* "So proud of them." pearl: i see.... ^^; Dazai: "And what is your name, ma'am?" pearl: i-it's pearl fiamma, sir. Dazai: "Osamu Dazai, with the Armed Detective Agency." *shakes her hand* ruby: im ruby, and the lady with the white hair is dia. dia: ... Dazai: *waves at Dia* "You running errands, too?" dia: yes. that would be correct. Dazai: "Yep, same--got to get them for coworkers, pick up donuts and coffee...'cause I'm generous like that." *winks at them* dia: *unamused* pearl: ^^; Dazai: "I think my Agency is on the way to your branch. Need help with your groceries?" -elsewhere- Kid: "Got the whipped cream..." -elsewhere- Joker: *hungover* @___@ scarlet: it's barely been a day.... -_-; Joker: "The beer hit me harder this time..." *lies on the table* "How do you do it?" scarlet: i didnt have that much, for starters. -_-; Joker: "Zzz..." *fetal position on the table* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *typing on his laptop* elise: *peeeeek* Akutagawa: "And then...I just need to fix this chapter ending...make it more realistic...Hmm...Is that even possible?" *spots Elise* o\\\\o *slams laptop shut* "Wh-What?" elise: noooothing. Akutagawa: "It-It's rude to read over someone's shoulder! Do you do that to Mori?" elise: sometimes. Akutagawa: "?!!!" elise: but to be honest, it wouldnt have been the weirdest thing he asked me to do for him. -ELSEWHERE- Kunikida: "...It's rather quiet here...Okay. Where is Dazai?" -elsewhere- Dazai: *tied up, hanging in an alley* "...At least don't bruise the oranges..." taoka: be silent you. pixie: hehe~ Dazai: "Sorry, I'm not too good on being quiet. I talk all the time. Like, if I start, I just keep going--" taoka: *aims her spear at him* bothersome.... Dazai: ^^ "So I've been told. Tell me, are you an ability user?" taoka: depends on what type of abilities... Dazai: "Hmm? I guess it wouldn't work anyway...So, I'll try a different tactic: would you like to form a suicide pact with me~?" taoka: ......foolish. pixie: nah. i still have stuff i wanna do still~ Dazai: "I could help you finish that bucket list! Maybe make out with a handsome man?" pixie: well~- taoka: do not. Dazai: "Okay, okay...I guess we need another solution...What do you want? Money?" -elsewhere- Vulcan: "...This vehicle...this 'Matchbox'?" karin: yep. Vulcan: "...Looks busted. One smash of a lightpost on it, and the engine is out of commission for a month." karin: guess we're fixin this puppy up then? Vulcan: "..." *takes off his shirt, puts on his mask* "Let's get started." karin: *cracks knuckles* hell yeah! -elsewhere- Izuku: *cleaning up debris* "...This junkyard is really wrecked." ochako: yeah. phew. mei: *putting some stuff in her back* i'll fix you up, lil babies. Izuku: "???" ochako: oh, you're from the UA support department, right? mei: that's right. mei hatsume, at your service! Izuku: *waves* "Izuku Midoriya." mei: nice ta meetcha! ^^ -elsewhere- FD: " 'Seraphim'...Quite an angel..." zoey: ....... FD: *lying in bed, with a book opened, showing a photograph to Zoey* "See? They have such long wings..." zoey: ....i see.... FD: "Have you ever seen an angel?" zoey:......i dont....recall.... FD: "...I have." zoey: really? FD: *looks at her, smiles* zoey: ah.... FD: "And an angel brings people closer to Heaven..." *kiss on her cheek* "Whether through love...or by sending them to meet their maker..." zoey: yes....*blush* FD: *holds her hand* "Your blush...shows you have more life than the angels in this book...and we may find their angels, for our purposes..." -elsewhere- Dazai: "Hi, all! I'm back!" atsushi: WHERE WERE YOU?! Dazai: *his head is poking through the door* "Well, I got groceries, was going to bring donuts and coffee, met some lovely Fire Brigade girls...then I was mugged." *opens the door, revealing he is just in his boxers* atsushi: .... ._.; yosano: dang. Tanizaki: *covers Naomi's eyes* naomi: eh? Kyoka: "..." *thumbs down* Kunikida: "We do have a dress code, Dazai. Change into clothes in the locker room, then report for your next missions." -elsewhere- Hibana: "How are you settling in?" ryuuko: fairly well. mikami: the room is really nice. thank you princess. ^^ Hibana: ^^ "You're welcome. I do have a favor to ask..." mikami: oh? Hibana: "Watch Hanako for a bit?" mikami: ok. ryuuko: a-alright.... hanako: yay! Hibana: "You'll be a good girl for Aunt Mikami and Aunt Ryuuko, right, honey?" hanako: ok mama! Hibana: *smiles, waves to Hanako* -elsewhere- Triple A: TT_TT caliburn: oh cheer up. you'll find someone. if not, you still have me~<3 Triple A: "Thank you, Caliburn...but I don't think Marie is going to speak to me again...and I want love..." caliburn: *pouts* Triple A: *sniffs* "What am I to do...?" *looks at his phone* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...Troubling." kirei: ..... Benimaru: "..." *holds her hand* "I have reached out to the 8th..." kirei: *nods* Benimaru: "We will be participating in some searches for Giovanni and others..." kirei: right. Benimaru: "...Would you like to go with me to a meeting?" kirei: if you wouldnt mind. Benimaru: "I would prefer it." kirei:...*smiles* i'll speak with the shrine head. -elsewhere- Kuro: *asleep* mahiru: *cleaning around the house with the TV as background noise* TV: "--and if you order now, we'll throw in these five vacuum attachments--for free." -elsewhere- Giovanni: *beaten...his mask is ripped off* *wheezing* dahlia: have you recovered as of yet? Giovanni: "M-My mask...My failure...Give me something to breathe..." -elsewhere- misora: is that what happened?! Joker: *groan* "Not so loud...I'm still hungover...But yeah, Scarlet ran into her sis, we just barely got the 8th out of there, and they got the key..." misora: damn. well, things are still uneventful here with squad 0... also im gonna need a new phone since that wretched worm got a hold of my number and keeps sending me stuff to annoy me. Joker: "Right, right, I'll send you a new phone...Wait--what 'worm'?" misora:.....*excalibur face* _that_ worm. Joker: "...Oh. Say no more. But I need a favor..." misora: what is it, mr manager? Joker: "Get close to the 5th. We got an Adora there to keep an eye on." misora: can do~! Joker: *smiles--then winces* "Also, get me a coffee, some ibuprofen...and something nice for Scarlet." misora: i'll send it your way~<3 Joker: "Thank-ee..." -text on her phone- misora: O^O~? Jonah: [oh divine work of art. 'tis been so long since i have seen your face. for your mere smile, i would paint on any surface to remember forever] misora:.... [i hope you choke on your own spit and die <3 ] Jonah: [i'd rather choke on your spit <3 ] misora: *disgusted* *blocks number* *ring ring* misora: hello~ Jonah: "I got multiple phones~" misora: *hangs up* *text alert* misora: *smashes the phone* Jonah: "??? ...Why doesn't she want to talk?" miwa:.... ._. misora: telemarketer. miwa: ah. -elsewhere- Takehisa: *passes plates to Iris, Tamaki, and Maki* -elsewhere- Kyoka: *wearing Dazai's clothes* naomi: the coat's so big on her it's adorable! Dazai: -w- "I'm just glad someone found my clothes--and bought them at the pawn shop!" Kyoka: " 'Would you like to form a suicide pact with me, pretty lady?'" kirako: ^^; *pats her head* Kyoka: *small smile, nods* "Thank you." atsushi: ^^; Kunikida: "We do have work to do...Chibi Dazai included." Kyoka: -_-; -elsewhere- Burns: *on the phone* "...Yes...I understand...We will consider this." dia: who was that, commander? Burns: "A contact with the investigation unit monitoring that attack on Vulcan's junkyard." dia: ah. any reports? Burns: "...The 8th is amassing quite a number of outcasts..." dia: ..... Burns: "Now they just happen to attract Vulcan to their unit? I don't like it...Perhaps it's time someone had a talk with our old friend, Kotatsu." -elsewhere- Arthur: *sigh of relief* tamaki: hey arthur. Arthur: *smiles, waves* "Hi..." *limps towards her* "You don't know how happy I am..." tamaki:........ Arthur: *hug* "I missed you..." tamaki: you....*shaking him* YOU IDIOT! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW SCARED I WAS?! Arthur: @~@ "R-Really, really scared?" tamaki: you could have died, stupid!...*hug* Arthur: "...I know." *hug* "And when I was facing death, there was only one person I was thinking about...You." tamaki:.... *sniff* 7////7 Arthur: *cuddles* "Tamaki...I love you." tamaki: U/////U i love you too, dummy. Arthur: "Hee hee..." *smooch* shinra:...i'll...i'll just give you two sometime to- tamaki: *GLAAAAAARE* Arthur: *GLARE* shinra: leavingnowbye! *exits* Arthur: *sighs* *pats her back* "...I'm happy." -elsewhere- Neuhaus: "..." michelle: *asleep* Neuhaus: *holds her hand* exorcist: she's been sleeping a lot since removing the jorogumo... Neuhaus: "How is her recovery?" exorcist: we arent sure... Neuhaus: "...Then...I only hope sleep helps...Please, Michelle...be well." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *struggling* "Stupid tie..." lavender: need help there, kiddo? Sakuya: *nods* "I wanted to try on the school uniform..." lavender: ah. *helping him out* there we....go! Sakuya: ^^ "Thanks!" *looks in the mirror* "You think the colors look good?" lavender: looks good, kiddo. *thumbs up* Sakuya: "Cool...I guess I'm about ready to go back." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *looking over a file* "Hmm...Subway tokens leading to secret rooms...What on earth was Akutagawa looking at...?" *holds up paper to Mito* "What do you think?" mito: *meow of 'i dunno'* Chuuya: "Same, kitten." *pats Mito's head* "Hungry?" mito: ^w^ Chuuya: *gets up, walks to kitchen and puts out a dish of tuna* "Enjoy." mito: nyan! *nom nom nom* Chuuya: *smiles, watches her eat* "..." ("Please, be in peace, Mito...") -elsewhere- Hyde: *leg in a cast, walking around the hospital* "...Hey, you. Tiny kid. What're you in the hospital for?" yu: i almost died. Hyde: "...That's rough, buddy." *sits* "Seen enough of that...I'm Hyde." yu: im yu. Hyde: "..." *looks back and forth* "You're me?" yu: no no, my _name_ is yu. it says so on my chart. Hyde: "..." *picks it up* "Oh. So it is. And you were--jeez, shot and had debris fall on you? That sucks." yu: im just....glad im alive... Hyde: "...You got family?" yu: well.... -elsewhere- Joker: *knock knock* "Coffee." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "You. Muscle Girl. Come over here." maki: yo. Vulcan: "You look strong. keep pressure on this part of the engine while I replace the valve." maki: alright. Vulcan: "Right, just like that..." *removes the valve* "Keep a hold on it..." *reaches for the new valve* "And now, put this in...Done. Thanks...Um...What's your name again?" maki: its Maki. Vulcan: *nods* "Maki. Vulcan. Good to know." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "...How did Fitzgerald do all of this?" twain: *shrug* i dunno. Steinbeck: "Let's see...We still have this building for surveillance, this one for weapons...Twain, we need recruits. Muscle." twain: *smirks* leave the recruitment to me~!....btw, you still arent shook up over the whole 'toshiko' thing, are ya? Steinbeck: "...Only that he--they?--still aren't interested in working with me. You?" twain: like i said, isnt the first time i've fallen for a guy dressed like a chick. but i've got other things ahead of me now. Steinbeck: "Such as?" twain: scoring a date! ^^ Steinbeck: "NOT BEFORE ME!" -elsewhere- Sho: "...I want our forces gathered." seraphim: understood. dahlia: of course. guruna: okaaay~ Sho: "With the 8th knowing of Giovanni's allegiance to us, what is happening to his Brigade?" -elsewhere- Mephisto: "I am sorry about those thefts in your neighborhood, Death--but at least the culprit was found!" lord death: and so, all is well! the neighboring houses have amped up on security as well. Mephisto: "If they need any help, I can recommend--or loan--some of my security..." *sips tea* "But I came here for something more important to discuss with you..." lord death: oh? Mephisto: *slams a baby catalog down in front of Death* "Why have our precious children not spawned yet?!" stocking: DAD! D8< Mephisto: "Hello, sweetie~ Are you pregnant yet?" -elsewhere- Yohei: *writing out a math equation on the mirror* chie: *smooch* Yohei: "!!! Oh, hey...." *smiles* "Sorry, got distracted when I thought up a way to fix up the speed on the Silver Gun--" chie: ah. Yohei: "...Sorry. Nerding out again." *hug* "How are you?" -elsewhere- Wes: "Ah...How is this?" *in a suit* liz: looking good. *kiss on the cheek* Wes: *smiles* "Thanks...I'm excited. This should be a good performance." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *screams into a pillow* kim: jackie?! what's wrong?! Jacqueline: *muffled* "My new boss is an idiot!" kim: what happened? Jacqueline: *lifts her head* "I work there for so long, they open a position as supervisor--and some mumbling, lanky guy gets the job--with a raccoon!" kim: ......a raccoon you say....? Jacqueline: "...Sorry. I didn't mean anything by that." kim: i-its fine. but jeez, that sucks. Jacqueline: *pouts* "And he's so ineffectual. He just spends the time writing down his 'novels' instead of helping people asking questions. And his raccoon keeps sneaking into the refrigerator." -elsewhere- PlushFix: "..." *loud screaming* hina: whaaaat?! what is it?! saku: ?! PlushFix: "NOTHING IS HAPPENING, AND I EITHER NEED TO KILL, FUCK, DRINK, OR EAT!" hina:...wanna go murder some shit? PlushFix: "Fuck yeah!" PlushFix: *pulls out a newspaper* "Find me the target!" -elsewhere- Kid: -_-; "Our fathers are drunk..." stocking: so unprofessional... Kid: "...So expected. I just can't get over how obsessed they are about kids..." lord death: zzzzzz *asleep....on top of a book case some how* felisia: *carrying mephisto back* nice chatting with you. ^^; Yumi: "Likewise. Say hello to your staff for me, Felisia." -elsewhere- Relan: "...Can I get you anything?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, sitting in the shade* =w= -elsewhere- Hibana: "Was she much trouble?" mikami: not at all. ryuuko: .... 7///7 mikami was....a natural. mikami: aww. ^^ Hibana: "...You two are adorable. Remind me of Gab and me." *picks up Hanako* "Time to put this girl into her bed...I owe you two." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *lies down in bed* "Not happy about sharing a room..." karin: it's temporary for now.. Vulcan: *sigh* "Who's my roommate?" -elsewhere- Meme: "Good night, Mio." mio: night meme... =u= Meme: *pats Mio's hand* "Night, Tsugumi." tsugumi: zzzzz... Meme: "Good night, Anya." Anya: o\\\\\o Meme: "...Um...Night, Ao!" ao: zzzzzz Meme: "..." *shrug, pulls up the covers and turns off the light* "Mmm...Zzz..." Anya: O\\\\\O -early morning- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: morning kiddo~<3 *smooch* Kid: "Mmmm~" *holds her, kissing back* "Good morning, indeed." stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: *smiles* "I think today should be good...Father and I are finishing preparations before new student orientation..." stocking: ah. Kid: "How about you? Any prep work at True Cross?" stocking: yeah. things have been kind of hectic though. Kid: "Since the Impure Eye?" stocking: yeah. Kid: "...Anything we may do to help?" -elsewhere- Vulcan: *muttering* shinra: how's he holding up? Takehisa: -_-; "I couldn't sleep all night with his teeth grinding and sleep-muttering." shinra: jeez.... Arthur: "I think he's visiting his friend in the hospital today." shinra: we should pay him a visit too... Arthur: "Sounds good. What about you, Captain--" Takehisa: *fell asleep in his bowl of cereal* "Zzz..." -elsewhere- gabriella: so how was your first night at the 5th? ryuuko: it went well. mikami: the beds are much more comfortable than at the 3rd. Hibana: "Only the best for my troops~" gabriella: ^^ Rino: -_-;;; *puts down plates of food for breakfast* "Eat your damn food." Hibana: -3- -elsewhere- Kyoka: *snore* atsushi: *yawns and gets breakfast ready* *Inside a cabinet is...Dazai* atsushi: hey dazai....wait dazai?! Dazai: "Funny story. I wanted to see whether being locked in the kitchen cupboard while smelling delicious cooked food could torture me to death...but I'm just stuck." -one dazai removal later- Dazai: owo "Thank you! May I have breakfast?" atsushi: alright then... -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *passed out* higuchi: RYUNOSUKE! Akutagawa: *lifts up his head* "Wha...?" higuchi: are you ok?! Akutagawa: "...Am I dreaming?" *Underneath his head are books on subways* higuchi: no, you're awake... Akutagawa: "...Then why is an angel looking at me...?" higuchi:... ./////////. um...w-well... Akutagawa: *falls back asleep* "Zzz..." higuchi:.... *carrying him to bed* Akutagawa: *holding onto her* *inhales* higuchi:....*blush* Akutagawa: "Higuchi..." higuchi: ?? Akutagawa: "Teach me..." higuchi: ??? Akutagawa: "Teach me...how to be normal..." higuchi: eh? Akutagawa: "I'm...weird." -elsewhere- Black Star: *doing push-ups* "9978, 9979, 9980..." tsubaki: *keeping count* Sakuya: *puts out pancakes with a smiley face made in chocolate chips* -elsewhere- Tachihara: "One Frappuccino." barista: coming right up, sir. gin: .... Tachihara: "...What, you aren't ordering?" gin:....one coffee please. Barista #2: "On it!" Tachihara: "Hmm...Kind of a simple order." gin:....so? Tachihara: *shrug* "Thought you'd want something more extravagant. At least add some whipped topping." -elsewhere- Anya: "...Here's your tea." ao: why thank you. ^^ Anya: "...I wanted to speak with you, about how we can...I can, start getting along." ao: oh? Anya: "As you said, we are both Tsugumi's meisters...and I care about Tsugumi as well." ao: *nods* have you come to term with your feelings on the situation? Anya: "...Not entirely. But I'm trying." *sips* -elsewhere- Giovanni: "You have been quiet, Lisa." lisa:..... Giovanni: "We have work ahead of us. So I need to know that you will serve our leader." -elsewhere- Dr. John: "He's right this way...Yuu? You have visitors." yu: hmm? master vulcan! Vulcan: "...Hey, kid." *walks up to his bed* "How're you doing?" yu: a lot better now. Vulcan: "Heh...Stronger than you look, huh?" yu: yeah, haha. Vulcan: "...Yu...I...am having to get security protection from the 8th." yu: i heard... Vulcan: "D-don't think I trust those guys or anything!" yu: ^^ Vulcan: "And when you get out of here, you'll end up under their protection, too." yu: well, i dont think i'd mind....they seem really nice. Vulcan: "...I wouldn't go that far, but they seem like people who aren't going to...hurt us..." yu: ..... Vulcan: "..." *covers his face* "I'm the real idiot." -elsewhere- Burns: *tosses a file at Dia* "We got our lead." dia: oh? *examining the file* *Inside is a photo of Lisa* dia: hmmm. foien: that's the girl from vulcan's workshop, isnt it? Burns: *nods* "Our task is to find her before the 8th does." dia: *nods* understood. Karim: "Sir? How did you get this profile before the 8th--?" Burns: "Hard work and investigating. Now, get to work." Karim: "..." ("What's with him?") pearl: ... -elsewhere- Mori: "Progress report, now." secretary: i got the files here, sir. Mori: "Thank you...Um...What was your name?" elise: who cares. XP secretary: -_-; Mori: "Excellent point, my dear~" *reviews the files* "Hmm...So, can't find where the last Guild member went...Perhaps he ran to the Agency?" secretary: it's likely. Mori: "Then I think we should send someone to visit the Agency...Black Lizards or Chuuya?" -elsewhere- Kunikida: "...Have you seen these receipts?" kirako: hmm? Kunikida: "$100 for breakfast with a client? That's excessive. Tell Dazai we're keeping meal reimbursements to $10 per person." kirako: understood. Kunikida: "And as for medical supplies...Doctor, you could switch to the cheaper bandages..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *walking to the wine shop* clerk: afternoon, mr nakahara. Chuuya: "Afternoon. I wanted to see which year you had in." -elsewhere- Aizawa: "Ready for a new semester?" nedzu: *nods* how are preperations for the sports festival? Aizawa: "Slow, but should be ready in time." nedzu: good to know! Aizawa: *zipping up sleeping bag and lying in the PE field* "I'm taking my nap now. If you need help, ask my assistant, Sadface Former Villain Guy..." yuuji: i have a name, you know. -__-; Aizawa: =_= "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "We have the baby's room ready." himiko: yay! fang: zzzz Kurogiri: "I put in the baby monitor, so how about you sleep, while Dabi watches--" Dabi: "I don't wanna." twice: who wants to take bets on who's quirk the kid's gonna inherit? Kurogiri: *puts Dabi in a headlock* "I hope not the father's..." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Another slice of watermelon, please!" fang-hua: here you go! Tsukiyo: *smiles* "Thanks for doing this." *nom nom* "You finish reading that report from Beni-Hottie?" fang-hua: *sweatdrop* yeah. giovanni is still MIA. Tsukiyo: "Nuts." *spits out a seed* "Hope they find that guy soon. Always seemed like a creep...Is the Commander meeting with anyone at the 8th?" fang-hua: we'll have to wait and see. -elsewhere- Vulcan: "..." *sitting in hospital hallway* shinra: i got you some soda from the vending machine. Vulcan: "..." *takes one* "Thanks." *pops the top* shinra: ....so i heard yu is going to be starting classes again with us. Vulcan: "Yeah. Felt it better he be around some strong people and learn something." *sips* "His engineering sucks." shinra: still, practice makes perfect. Vulcan: "...Not fast enough...I was blind." shinra:......so, i learned something interesting about miss karin...turns out, she's not only nozomi's mentor, but also nozomi's _aunt_! can you believe that! Vulcan: "...Duh." shinra: ??
0 notes
dxll-hxuse · 4 years
chamomile + lilac for moeka!! <3
Q&A 💌
FROM — @lumenocs !!
chamomile — what is your muse likely to take away from a painful experience?  are they one to be haunted by adversity, or to use what they’ve gone through to become stronger?
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💌 | . . . well it really depends but...i guess i try really hard to take the good things with me out of every situation, especially the bad ones but, sometimes i’m left burdened with some difficult things.
💌 | . . . i don’t know, i’ve never really thought of it...now that i think about it i do think i’ve let certain things get to me a little too much at times. i should stop doing that. i’m gonna try to think of “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” next time something happens! she smiles, this time an actually genuine smile, a rarity in her life recently. i used to smile a lot more. i miss that, she thinks as her smile fades off.
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lilac — what was your muse’s childhood like? how has their upbringing affected them as they’ve aged? 
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💌 | . . . well for the earlier parts of it you could even call it perfect. my parents were wealthy politicians and most of my family was either in law, politics or medicine so they were all very rich. during the later parts of my childhood i was the most popular girl in school, i had guys and girls confessing to me every day and would get gifts from random students on the regular. i had a small group of friends who i felt didnt like me all that much and just hung out with me because of my popularity and my family’s money. even the teacher’s liked me a lot and were very biased when it came to me. some people might hear all that and think i must’ve been so happy living that life but really nothing could be farther from the truth. i was regularly stripped of the things that i loved doing by my family and told to focus on other “more important” things. i had to stifle my own opinions in order to remain unbiased and have people still like me. i had to constantly live up to the expectations that everyone had of me. it was really exhausting, i even developed an eating disorder which i still struggle with to this day...and, oh i’m sorry, i must be oversharing, i’ll stop now.
💌 | . . . well, it’s left me feeling like a burn out, i never feel good enough. it’s also left me with a crippling self esteem and the feeling that everyone around me just wants something from me. it may seem strange as to why i decided to stay in the spotlight as an idol after all of these traumas i’ve acquired but singing and dancing have always been my main sources of happiness and i was never given the opportunity to fully pursue it until now so i just try to ignore all of the hateful comments so i can experience this career im so deeply enamoured with.
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dxll-hxuse · 3 years
yes, me again- nine and twenty for july!!
Q&A 💌
TO — JULY !!
FROM — @spinforcaraval
nine — what’s a smell that reminds you of home?
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💌 | . . . the smell of new york korean food! we lived really close to koreatown when i lived in new york and we used to go and eat at the restaurants once or twice a week and it was absolutely delightful. it’s one of the best parts of my childhood.
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twenty — what’s the sweetest thing someone has done for you?
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💌 | . . . my ex boyfriend let me live with him for a few months while i trained! it might’ve seemed insignificant to him but it meant a lot to me, he was working minimum wage and could barely afford his apartment without me as an extra expense but he still took me in no questions asked! im still friends with him to this day because he’s just the best person!
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dxll-hxuse · 3 years
Hello, dear! You've been visited by the random character question fairy! :D ~☆
Write a paragraph of your character venting. What do they talk about? What's heavy on their mind? What do they complain about?
Q&A 💌
FROM — @random-oc-questions-fairy !!
question — not really a question, just vent. about anything.
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💌 | . . . chaeri took a deep breath, well i think people think i don’t have any problems or anything to talk about cause i’m the one in dollhouse who has her shit together but that’s not true. i mean sure, maybe the other girls have bigger things to worry about, maybe they have more reason to complain. i don’t know, people just don’t check up on me anymore. our company gave us a therapist when we first debuted and she’s stuck with us till this day, but she doesn’t really worry about me anymore. i come to her with a problem and she just tells me that i’m strong and i can get over it quickly. i know she means well but i just feel like she doesn’t think anything affects me, which is certainly not true.
💌 | . . . i mean, i don’t understand. am i supposed to make bad decisions? am i supposed to be a questionable person in order for people to notice me and care about me? this isn’t to diss any of the other members, they’ve all lead very difficult lives and have had to make hard decisions. but so have i, and so why am i treated like i’m wonder woman just because my coping mechanism is to put on a brave face and turn the other cheek? do i need to kick and scream and make a fuss to be known? why can’t i just say i need help and get it without having to throw a tantrum?
💌 | . . . it’s not like i complain much, either. this is really the only opportunity i’ve had to rant like this so i don’t know if i sound crazy or not. anyways, that’s all i have to say. sorry for bothering.
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dxll-hxuse · 3 years
8 for babe and gogo!!
Q&A 💌
FROM — @lumenocs !!
eight — do they consider themselves a friendly person or aloof?
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💌 | . . . definitely consider myself to be aloof. more often than not on purpose. i’m not a trusting person so i don’t like to let people even think that i trust them. even then, if i do trust someone and consider someone a friend, i’m still not the brightest person to be around.
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eight — do they consider themselves a friendly person or aloof?
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💌 | . . . i think i’m naturally aloof. i tried really hard to seem more inviting when i was a teenager but since then i’ve just accepted that i’m never gonna be too friendly at first glance and that’s fine. all that matters is that i’m friendly enough once you get to know me, right?
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dxll-hxuse · 4 years
22 + 37 for moeka!! <33
Q&A 💌
FROM — @lumenocs !!
22 — Who are their friends? Lovers? ‘Type’ or ‘ideal’ partner?
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💌 | . . . well, of course the other members of dollhouse are like my best friends! i spend most of my days with them so i’m naturally really close to them. she shifted a little in her seat as she thought, apart from them i don’t have many friends, i have one good childhood friend that’s always stuck with me and...well i guess i’m also friends with our labelmates! i’m not super close to any of them but i still consider them friends!
💌 | . . . it’s a little embarrassing but i’ve never even had my first kiss yet....a lot of people have been interested in me throughout my life and i’ve been interested in a lot of people too but i just can never bring myself to succumb to my feelings....so yeah, no love for me, at least for now
💌 | . . . mmm, i don’t know, someone pretty?, she laughs at herself, mostly to hide how mad she was at herself for even saying that, what the fuck does that mean you shallow bitch?, she thought to herself as her lips let out the faintest giggle that could lighten up any room it was unleashed in. just kidding, um, probably someone who could take care of me? someone who loves me for me and doesn’t rush anything. she gave a hollow smile that almost seemed genuine.
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37 — How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?
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💌 | . . . i would say i have a very active imagination, especially as a kid. i couldn’t watch anything remotely scary because my mind would scare itself with frightening thoughts and stuff. even now, i can’t watch horror movies because it’s too much for me.
💌 | . . . i would say so, i tend to zone out a lot, even when people are telling me important things i need to remember i’m always in my own little world and need to ask them to repeat themselves. i wasn’t always like this, i used to be very attentive and i was top of my class but once i graduated i guess i just got a little carried away. she laughs shyly as she fiddles with her hands, thinking about the answer to the next question.
💌 | . . . it depends. sometimes i don’t have anything to be worried about at all and that’s always nice but those times when i do have something to be worried about i do tend to over do it.
💌 | . . . she pauses a little to think and laughs awkwardly, a little, yeah. i’ve done some things i’m not proud of in the past and i guess i still carry those memories with me but i try my best not to let it get to me too much.
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dxll-hxuse · 3 years
17, 21, 38 for chaeri & gogo 🐐
Q&A 💌
FROM — @lumenocs !!
seventeen — who are they soft for? do they find being soft easy or difficult?
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💌 | . . . my members! i love all of them and i’d do anything for them! to be honest i’m a soft person in general but i’m also especially soft for all of the txt members, everglow, bora from @wrldwithlcve and somi! many more but i’m closest to those people the most right now!
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💌 | . . . i’m soft for my bestie sora from @starfall-grls and also for my members, especially dottie!
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twenty one — what would be one item that they would hate to lose most?
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💌 | . . . any of my diaries! specifically my current one but losing any one of the three would be horrifying. they all have so many personal thoughts, songs, family recipes, so much stuff that you just can’t replace!
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💌 | . . . my phone! jesus h. christ, if i lost my phone i think i would die on the spot!
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thirty eight — how do you unwind after a long day?
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💌 | . . . after a hectic day i like to take a hot shower and then maybe drink some tea while reading? anything that just makes me feel calm
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💌 | . . . just take a quick shower and sleep. i feel like sleep is what really truly heals me more than other things.
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dxll-hxuse · 3 years
2 and 12 for gogo!
Q&A 💌
TO — GOGO !!
FROM — @spinforcaraval !!
two — what’s your favorite color?
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💌 | . . . my favorite color is red! black comes in at a close second but red has my whole heart. i would marry it if you could marry a color!
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twelve — name a song that makes you feel ethereal
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💌 | . . . out like a light by the honeysticks always makes me feel some type of way for some reason! ricky montgomery has a knack for making me feel like an ethereal being
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dailyofficereadings · 4 years
Daily Office Readings July 15, 2020
Psalm 38
Psalm 38
A Penitent Sufferer’s Plea for Healing
A Psalm of David, for the memorial offering.
1 O Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger, or discipline me in your wrath. 2 For your arrows have sunk into me, and your hand has come down on me.
3 There is no soundness in my flesh because of your indignation; there is no health in my bones because of my sin. 4 For my iniquities have gone over my head; they weigh like a burden too heavy for me.
5 My wounds grow foul and fester because of my foolishness; 6 I am utterly bowed down and prostrate; all day long I go around mourning. 7 For my loins are filled with burning, and there is no soundness in my flesh. 8 I am utterly spent and crushed; I groan because of the tumult of my heart.
9 O Lord, all my longing is known to you; my sighing is not hidden from you. 10 My heart throbs, my strength fails me; as for the light of my eyes—it also has gone from me. 11 My friends and companions stand aloof from my affliction, and my neighbors stand far off.
12 Those who seek my life lay their snares; those who seek to hurt me speak of ruin, and meditate treachery all day long.
13 But I am like the deaf, I do not hear; like the mute, who cannot speak. 14 Truly, I am like one who does not hear, and in whose mouth is no retort.
15 But it is for you, O Lord, that I wait; it is you, O Lord my God, who will answer. 16 For I pray, “Only do not let them rejoice over me, those who boast against me when my foot slips.”
17 For I am ready to fall, and my pain is ever with me. 18 I confess my iniquity; I am sorry for my sin. 19 Those who are my foes without cause[a] are mighty, and many are those who hate me wrongfully. 20 Those who render me evil for good are my adversaries because I follow after good.
21 Do not forsake me, O Lord; O my God, do not be far from me; 22 make haste to help me, O Lord, my salvation.
Psalm 38:19 Q Ms: MT my living foes
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Psalm 119:25-48
25 My soul clings to the dust; revive me according to your word. 26 When I told of my ways, you answered me; teach me your statutes. 27 Make me understand the way of your precepts, and I will meditate on your wondrous works. 28 My soul melts away for sorrow; strengthen me according to your word. 29 Put false ways far from me; and graciously teach me your law. 30 I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I set your ordinances before me. 31 I cling to your decrees, O Lord; let me not be put to shame. 32 I run the way of your commandments, for you enlarge my understanding.
33 Teach me, O Lord, the way of your statutes, and I will observe it to the end. 34 Give me understanding, that I may keep your law and observe it with my whole heart. 35 Lead me in the path of your commandments, for I delight in it. 36 Turn my heart to your decrees, and not to selfish gain. 37 Turn my eyes from looking at vanities; give me life in your ways. 38 Confirm to your servant your promise, which is for those who fear you. 39 Turn away the disgrace that I dread, for your ordinances are good. 40 See, I have longed for your precepts; in your righteousness give me life.
41 Let your steadfast love come to me, O Lord, your salvation according to your promise. 42 Then I shall have an answer for those who taunt me, for I trust in your word. 43 Do not take the word of truth utterly out of my mouth, for my hope is in your ordinances. 44 I will keep your law continually, forever and ever. 45 I shall walk at liberty, for I have sought your precepts. 46 I will also speak of your decrees before kings, and shall not be put to shame; 47 I find my delight in your commandments, because I love them. 48 I revere your commandments, which I love, and I will meditate on your statutes.
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Joshua 3:1-13
Israel Crosses the Jordan
3 Early in the morning Joshua rose and set out from Shittim with all the Israelites, and they came to the Jordan. They camped there before crossing over. 2 At the end of three days the officers went through the camp 3 and commanded the people, “When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God being carried by the levitical priests, then you shall set out from your place. Follow it, 4 so that you may know the way you should go, for you have not passed this way before. Yet there shall be a space between you and it, a distance of about two thousand cubits; do not come any nearer to it.” 5 Then Joshua said to the people, “Sanctify yourselves; for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.” 6 To the priests Joshua said, “Take up the ark of the covenant, and pass on in front of the people.” So they took up the ark of the covenant and went in front of the people.
7 The Lord said to Joshua, “This day I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all Israel, so that they may know that I will be with you as I was with Moses. 8 You are the one who shall command the priests who bear the ark of the covenant, ‘When you come to the edge of the waters of the Jordan, you shall stand still in the Jordan.’” 9 Joshua then said to the Israelites, “Draw near and hear the words of the Lord your God.” 10 Joshua said, “By this you shall know that among you is the living God who without fail will drive out from before you the Canaanites, Hittites, Hivites, Perizzites, Girgashites, Amorites, and Jebusites: 11 the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth is going to pass before you into the Jordan. 12 So now select twelve men from the tribes of Israel, one from each tribe. 13 When the soles of the feet of the priests who bear the ark of the Lord, the Lord of all the earth, rest in the waters of the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan flowing from above shall be cut off; they shall stand in a single heap.”
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Romans 11:25-36
All Israel Will Be Saved
25 So that you may not claim to be wiser than you are, brothers and sisters,[a] I want you to understand this mystery: a hardening has come upon part of Israel, until the full number of the Gentiles has come in. 26 And so all Israel will be saved; as it is written,
“Out of Zion will come the Deliverer; he will banish ungodliness from Jacob.” 27 “And this is my covenant with them, when I take away their sins.”
28 As regards the gospel they are enemies of God[b] for your sake; but as regards election they are beloved, for the sake of their ancestors; 29 for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. 30 Just as you were once disobedient to God but have now received mercy because of their disobedience, 31 so they have now been disobedient in order that, by the mercy shown to you, they too may now[c] receive mercy. 32 For God has imprisoned all in disobedience so that he may be merciful to all.
33 O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!
34 “For who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor?” 35 “Or who has given a gift to him, to receive a gift in return?”
36 For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever. Amen.
Romans 11:25 Gk brothers
Romans 11:28 Gk lacks of God
Romans 11:31 Other ancient authorities lack now
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Matthew 25:31-46
The Judgment of the Nations
31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, 33 and he will put the sheep at his right hand and the goats at the left. 34 Then the king will say to those at his right hand, ‘Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; 35 for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? 38 And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? 39 And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?’ 40 And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family,[a] you did it to me.’ 41 Then he will say to those at his left hand, ‘You that are accursed, depart from me into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels; 42 for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not give me clothing, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ 44 Then they also will answer, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not take care of you?’ 45 Then he will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’ 46 And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”
Matthew 25:40 Gk these my brothers
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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dailyofficereadings · 4 years
Daily Office Readings April 29, 2020
Psalm 38
Psalm 38
A Penitent Sufferer’s Plea for Healing
A Psalm of David, for the memorial offering.
1 O Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger, or discipline me in your wrath. 2 For your arrows have sunk into me, and your hand has come down on me.
3 There is no soundness in my flesh because of your indignation; there is no health in my bones because of my sin. 4 For my iniquities have gone over my head; they weigh like a burden too heavy for me.
5 My wounds grow foul and fester because of my foolishness; 6 I am utterly bowed down and prostrate; all day long I go around mourning. 7 For my loins are filled with burning, and there is no soundness in my flesh. 8 I am utterly spent and crushed; I groan because of the tumult of my heart.
9 O Lord, all my longing is known to you; my sighing is not hidden from you. 10 My heart throbs, my strength fails me; as for the light of my eyes—it also has gone from me. 11 My friends and companions stand aloof from my affliction, and my neighbors stand far off.
12 Those who seek my life lay their snares; those who seek to hurt me speak of ruin, and meditate treachery all day long.
13 But I am like the deaf, I do not hear; like the mute, who cannot speak. 14 Truly, I am like one who does not hear, and in whose mouth is no retort.
15 But it is for you, O Lord, that I wait; it is you, O Lord my God, who will answer. 16 For I pray, “Only do not let them rejoice over me, those who boast against me when my foot slips.”
17 For I am ready to fall, and my pain is ever with me. 18 I confess my iniquity; I am sorry for my sin. 19 Those who are my foes without cause[a] are mighty, and many are those who hate me wrongfully. 20 Those who render me evil for good are my adversaries because I follow after good.
21 Do not forsake me, O Lord; O my God, do not be far from me; 22 make haste to help me, O Lord, my salvation.
Psalm 38:19 Q Ms: MT my living foes
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Psalm 119:25-48
25 My soul clings to the dust; revive me according to your word. 26 When I told of my ways, you answered me; teach me your statutes. 27 Make me understand the way of your precepts, and I will meditate on your wondrous works. 28 My soul melts away for sorrow; strengthen me according to your word. 29 Put false ways far from me; and graciously teach me your law. 30 I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I set your ordinances before me. 31 I cling to your decrees, O Lord; let me not be put to shame. 32 I run the way of your commandments, for you enlarge my understanding.
33 Teach me, O Lord, the way of your statutes, and I will observe it to the end. 34 Give me understanding, that I may keep your law and observe it with my whole heart. 35 Lead me in the path of your commandments, for I delight in it. 36 Turn my heart to your decrees, and not to selfish gain. 37 Turn my eyes from looking at vanities; give me life in your ways. 38 Confirm to your servant your promise, which is for those who fear you. 39 Turn away the disgrace that I dread, for your ordinances are good. 40 See, I have longed for your precepts; in your righteousness give me life.
41 Let your steadfast love come to me, O Lord, your salvation according to your promise. 42 Then I shall have an answer for those who taunt me, for I trust in your word. 43 Do not take the word of truth utterly out of my mouth, for my hope is in your ordinances. 44 I will keep your law continually, forever and ever. 45 I shall walk at liberty, for I have sought your precepts. 46 I will also speak of your decrees before kings, and shall not be put to shame; 47 I find my delight in your commandments, because I love them. 48 I revere your commandments, which I love, and I will meditate on your statutes.
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Exodus 19:16-25
16 On the morning of the third day there was thunder and lightning, as well as a thick cloud on the mountain, and a blast of a trumpet so loud that all the people who were in the camp trembled. 17 Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet God. They took their stand at the foot of the mountain. 18 Now Mount Sinai was wrapped in smoke, because the Lord had descended upon it in fire; the smoke went up like the smoke of a kiln, while the whole mountain shook violently. 19 As the blast of the trumpet grew louder and louder, Moses would speak and God would answer him in thunder. 20 When the Lord descended upon Mount Sinai, to the top of the mountain, the Lord summoned Moses to the top of the mountain, and Moses went up. 21 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go down and warn the people not to break through to the Lord to look; otherwise many of them will perish. 22 Even the priests who approach the Lord must consecrate themselves or the Lord will break out against them.” 23 Moses said to the Lord, “The people are not permitted to come up to Mount Sinai; for you yourself warned us, saying, ‘Set limits around the mountain and keep it holy.’” 24 The Lord said to him, “Go down, and come up bringing Aaron with you; but do not let either the priests or the people break through to come up to the Lord; otherwise he will break out against them.” 25 So Moses went down to the people and told them.
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Colossians 1:15-23
The Supremacy of Christ
15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; 16 for in[a] him all things in heaven and on earth were created, things visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or powers—all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He himself is before all things, and in[b] him all things hold together. 18 He is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything. 19 For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, 20 and through him God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, by making peace through the blood of his cross.
21 And you who were once estranged and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, 22 he has now reconciled[c] in his fleshly body[d] through death, so as to present you holy and blameless and irreproachable before him— 23 provided that you continue securely established and steadfast in the faith, without shifting from the hope promised by the gospel that you heard, which has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven. I, Paul, became a servant of this gospel.
Colossians 1:16 Or by
Colossians 1:17 Or by
Colossians 1:22 Other ancient authorities read you have now been reconciled
Colossians 1:22 Gk in the body of his flesh
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Matthew 3:13-17
The Baptism of Jesus
13 Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan, to be baptized by him. 14 John would have prevented him, saying, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?” 15 But Jesus answered him, “Let it be so now; for it is proper for us in this way to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he consented. 16 And when Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. 17 And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, the Beloved,[a] with whom I am well pleased.”
Matthew 3:17 Or my beloved Son
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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dailyofficereadings · 5 years
Daily Office Readings September 04, 2019
Psalm 38
Psalm 38
A Penitent Sufferer’s Plea for Healing
A Psalm of David, for the memorial offering.
1 O Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger, or discipline me in your wrath. 2 For your arrows have sunk into me, and your hand has come down on me.
3 There is no soundness in my flesh because of your indignation; there is no health in my bones because of my sin. 4 For my iniquities have gone over my head; they weigh like a burden too heavy for me.
5 My wounds grow foul and fester because of my foolishness; 6 I am utterly bowed down and prostrate; all day long I go around mourning. 7 For my loins are filled with burning, and there is no soundness in my flesh. 8 I am utterly spent and crushed; I groan because of the tumult of my heart.
9 O Lord, all my longing is known to you; my sighing is not hidden from you. 10 My heart throbs, my strength fails me; as for the light of my eyes—it also has gone from me. 11 My friends and companions stand aloof from my affliction, and my neighbors stand far off.
12 Those who seek my life lay their snares; those who seek to hurt me speak of ruin, and meditate treachery all day long.
13 But I am like the deaf, I do not hear; like the mute, who cannot speak. 14 Truly, I am like one who does not hear, and in whose mouth is no retort.
15 But it is for you, O Lord, that I wait; it is you, O Lord my God, who will answer. 16 For I pray, “Only do not let them rejoice over me, those who boast against me when my foot slips.”
17 For I am ready to fall, and my pain is ever with me. 18 I confess my iniquity; I am sorry for my sin. 19 Those who are my foes without cause[a] are mighty, and many are those who hate me wrongfully. 20 Those who render me evil for good are my adversaries because I follow after good.
21 Do not forsake me, O Lord; O my God, do not be far from me; 22 make haste to help me, O Lord, my salvation.
Psalm 38:19 Q Ms: MT my living foes
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Psalm 119:25-48
25 My soul clings to the dust; revive me according to your word. 26 When I told of my ways, you answered me; teach me your statutes. 27 Make me understand the way of your precepts, and I will meditate on your wondrous works. 28 My soul melts away for sorrow; strengthen me according to your word. 29 Put false ways far from me; and graciously teach me your law. 30 I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I set your ordinances before me. 31 I cling to your decrees, O Lord; let me not be put to shame. 32 I run the way of your commandments, for you enlarge my understanding.
33 Teach me, O Lord, the way of your statutes, and I will observe it to the end. 34 Give me understanding, that I may keep your law and observe it with my whole heart. 35 Lead me in the path of your commandments, for I delight in it. 36 Turn my heart to your decrees, and not to selfish gain. 37 Turn my eyes from looking at vanities; give me life in your ways. 38 Confirm to your servant your promise, which is for those who fear you. 39 Turn away the disgrace that I dread, for your ordinances are good. 40 See, I have longed for your precepts; in your righteousness give me life.
41 Let your steadfast love come to me, O Lord, your salvation according to your promise. 42 Then I shall have an answer for those who taunt me, for I trust in your word. 43 Do not take the word of truth utterly out of my mouth, for my hope is in your ordinances. 44 I will keep your law continually, forever and ever. 45 I shall walk at liberty, for I have sought your precepts. 46 I will also speak of your decrees before kings, and shall not be put to shame; 47 I find my delight in your commandments, because I love them. 48 I revere your commandments, which I love, and I will meditate on your statutes.
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
1 Kings 9:24-10:13
24 But Pharaoh’s daughter went up from the city of David to her own house that Solomon had built for her; then he built the Millo.
25 Three times a year Solomon used to offer up burnt offerings and sacrifices of well-being on the altar that he built for the Lord, offering incense[a] before the Lord. So he completed the house.
Solomon’s Commercial Activity
26 King Solomon built a fleet of ships at Ezion-geber, which is near Eloth on the shore of the Red Sea,[b] in the land of Edom. 27 Hiram sent his servants with the fleet, sailors who were familiar with the sea, together with the servants of Solomon. 28 They went to Ophir, and imported from there four hundred twenty talents of gold, which they delivered to King Solomon.
Visit of the Queen of Sheba
10 When the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon (fame due to[c] the name of the Lord), she came to test him with hard questions. 2 She came to Jerusalem with a very great retinue, with camels bearing spices, and very much gold, and precious stones; and when she came to Solomon, she told him all that was on her mind. 3 Solomon answered all her questions; there was nothing hidden from the king that he could not explain to her. 4 When the queen of Sheba had observed all the wisdom of Solomon, the house that he had built, 5 the food of his table, the seating of his officials, and the attendance of his servants, their clothing, his valets, and his burnt offerings that he offered at the house of the Lord, there was no more spirit in her.
6 So she said to the king, “The report was true that I heard in my own land of your accomplishments and of your wisdom, 7 but I did not believe the reports until I came and my own eyes had seen it. Not even half had been told me; your wisdom and prosperity far surpass the report that I had heard. 8 Happy are your wives![d] Happy are these your servants, who continually attend you and hear your wisdom! 9 Blessed be the Lord your God, who has delighted in you and set you on the throne of Israel! Because the Lord loved Israel forever, he has made you king to execute justice and righteousness.” 10 Then she gave the king one hundred twenty talents of gold, a great quantity of spices, and precious stones; never again did spices come in such quantity as that which the queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon.
11 Moreover, the fleet of Hiram, which carried gold from Ophir, brought from Ophir a great quantity of almug wood and precious stones. 12 From the almug wood the king made supports for the house of the Lord, and for the king’s house, lyres also and harps for the singers; no such almug wood has come or been seen to this day.
13 Meanwhile King Solomon gave to the queen of Sheba every desire that she expressed, as well as what he gave her out of Solomon’s royal bounty. Then she returned to her own land, with her servants.
1 Kings 9:25 Gk: Heb offering incense with it that was
1 Kings 9:26 Or Sea of Reeds
1 Kings 10:1 Meaning of Heb uncertain
1 Kings 10:8 Gk Syr: Heb men
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
James 3:1-12
Taming the Tongue
3 Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers and sisters,[a] for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness. 2 For all of us make many mistakes. Anyone who makes no mistakes in speaking is perfect, able to keep the whole body in check with a bridle. 3 If we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we guide their whole bodies. 4 Or look at ships: though they are so large that it takes strong winds to drive them, yet they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. 5 So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great exploits.
How great a forest is set ablaze by a small fire! 6 And the tongue is a fire. The tongue is placed among our members as a world of iniquity; it stains the whole body, sets on fire the cycle of nature,[b] and is itself set on fire by hell.[c] 7 For every species of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by the human species, 8 but no one can tame the tongue—a restless evil, full of deadly poison. 9 With it we bless the Lord and Father, and with it we curse those who are made in the likeness of God. 10 From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers and sisters,[d] this ought not to be so. 11 Does a spring pour forth from the same opening both fresh and brackish water? 12 Can a fig tree, my brothers and sisters,[e] yield olives, or a grapevine figs? No more can salt water yield fresh.
James 3:1 Gk brothers
James 3:6 Or wheel of birth
James 3:6 Gk Gehenna
James 3:10 Gk My brothers
James 3:12 Gk my brothers
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Mark 15:1-11
Jesus before Pilate
15 As soon as it was morning, the chief priests held a consultation with the elders and scribes and the whole council. They bound Jesus, led him away, and handed him over to Pilate. 2 Pilate asked him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” He answered him, “You say so.” 3 Then the chief priests accused him of many things. 4 Pilate asked him again, “Have you no answer? See how many charges they bring against you.” 5 But Jesus made no further reply, so that Pilate was amazed.
Pilate Hands Jesus over to Be Crucified
6 Now at the festival he used to release a prisoner for them, anyone for whom they asked. 7 Now a man called Barabbas was in prison with the rebels who had committed murder during the insurrection. 8 So the crowd came and began to ask Pilate to do for them according to his custom. 9 Then he answered them, “Do you want me to release for you the King of the Jews?” 10 For he realized that it was out of jealousy that the chief priests had handed him over. 11 But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have him release Barabbas for them instead.
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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dailyofficereadings · 6 years
Daily Office Readings December 11, 2018 at 11:00PM
Psalm 38
Psalm 38
A Penitent Sufferer’s Plea for Healing
A Psalm of David, for the memorial offering.
1 O Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger, or discipline me in your wrath. 2 For your arrows have sunk into me, and your hand has come down on me.
3 There is no soundness in my flesh because of your indignation; there is no health in my bones because of my sin. 4 For my iniquities have gone over my head; they weigh like a burden too heavy for me.
5 My wounds grow foul and fester because of my foolishness; 6 I am utterly bowed down and prostrate; all day long I go around mourning. 7 For my loins are filled with burning, and there is no soundness in my flesh. 8 I am utterly spent and crushed; I groan because of the tumult of my heart.
9 O Lord, all my longing is known to you; my sighing is not hidden from you. 10 My heart throbs, my strength fails me; as for the light of my eyes—it also has gone from me. 11 My friends and companions stand aloof from my affliction, and my neighbors stand far off.
12 Those who seek my life lay their snares; those who seek to hurt me speak of ruin, and meditate treachery all day long.
13 But I am like the deaf, I do not hear; like the mute, who cannot speak. 14 Truly, I am like one who does not hear, and in whose mouth is no retort.
15 But it is for you, O Lord, that I wait; it is you, O Lord my God, who will answer. 16 For I pray, “Only do not let them rejoice over me, those who boast against me when my foot slips.”
17 For I am ready to fall, and my pain is ever with me. 18 I confess my iniquity; I am sorry for my sin. 19 Those who are my foes without cause[a] are mighty, and many are those who hate me wrongfully. 20 Those who render me evil for good are my adversaries because I follow after good.
21 Do not forsake me, O Lord; O my God, do not be far from me; 22 make haste to help me, O Lord, my salvation.
Psalm 38:19 Q Ms: MT my living foes
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Psalm 119:25-48
25 My soul clings to the dust; revive me according to your word. 26 When I told of my ways, you answered me; teach me your statutes. 27 Make me understand the way of your precepts, and I will meditate on your wondrous works. 28 My soul melts away for sorrow; strengthen me according to your word. 29 Put false ways far from me; and graciously teach me your law. 30 I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I set your ordinances before me. 31 I cling to your decrees, O Lord; let me not be put to shame. 32 I run the way of your commandments, for you enlarge my understanding.
33 Teach me, O Lord, the way of your statutes, and I will observe it to the end. 34 Give me understanding, that I may keep your law and observe it with my whole heart. 35 Lead me in the path of your commandments, for I delight in it. 36 Turn my heart to your decrees, and not to selfish gain. 37 Turn my eyes from looking at vanities; give me life in your ways. 38 Confirm to your servant your promise, which is for those who fear you. 39 Turn away the disgrace that I dread, for your ordinances are good. 40 See, I have longed for your precepts; in your righteousness give me life.
41 Let your steadfast love come to me, O Lord, your salvation according to your promise. 42 Then I shall have an answer for those who taunt me, for I trust in your word. 43 Do not take the word of truth utterly out of my mouth, for my hope is in your ordinances. 44 I will keep your law continually, forever and ever. 45 I shall walk at liberty, for I have sought your precepts. 46 I will also speak of your decrees before kings, and shall not be put to shame; 47 I find my delight in your commandments, because I love them. 48 I revere your commandments, which I love, and I will meditate on your statutes.
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Isaiah 6
A Vision of God in the Temple
6 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lofty; and the hem of his robe filled the temple. 2 Seraphs were in attendance above him; each had six wings: with two they covered their faces, and with two they covered their feet, and with two they flew. 3 And one called to another and said:
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory.”
4 The pivots[a] on the thresholds shook at the voices of those who called, and the house filled with smoke. 5 And I said: “Woe is me! I am lost, for I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips; yet my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!”
6 Then one of the seraphs flew to me, holding a live coal that had been taken from the altar with a pair of tongs. 7 The seraph[b] touched my mouth with it and said: “Now that this has touched your lips, your guilt has departed and your sin is blotted out.” 8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I; send me!” 9 And he said, “Go and say to this people:
‘Keep listening, but do not comprehend; keep looking, but do not understand.’ 10 Make the mind of this people dull, and stop their ears, and shut their eyes, so that they may not look with their eyes, and listen with their ears, and comprehend with their minds, and turn and be healed.” 11 Then I said, “How long, O Lord?” And he said: “Until cities lie waste without inhabitant, and houses without people, and the land is utterly desolate; 12 until the Lord sends everyone far away, and vast is the emptiness in the midst of the land. 13 Even if a tenth part remain in it, it will be burned again, like a terebinth or an oak whose stump remains standing when it is felled.”[c] The holy seed is its stump.
Isaiah 6:4 Meaning of Heb uncertain
Isaiah 6:7 Heb He
Isaiah 6:13 Meaning of Heb uncertain
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
2 Thessalonians 1
1 Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy,
To the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ:
2 Grace to you and peace from God our[a] Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
3 We must always give thanks to God for you, brothers and sisters,[b] as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing. 4 Therefore we ourselves boast of you among the churches of God for your steadfastness and faith during all your persecutions and the afflictions that you are enduring.
The Judgment at Christ’s Coming
5 This is evidence of the righteous judgment of God, and is intended to make you worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are also suffering. 6 For it is indeed just of God to repay with affliction those who afflict you, 7 and to give relief to the afflicted as well as to us, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels 8 in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. 9 These will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, separated from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might, 10 when he comes to be glorified by his saints and to be marveled at on that day among all who have believed, because our testimony to you was believed. 11 To this end we always pray for you, asking that our God will make you worthy of his call and will fulfill by his power every good resolve and work of faith, 12 so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
2 Thessalonians 1:2 Other ancient authorities read the
2 Thessalonians 1:3 Gk brothers
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
John 7:53-8:11
The Woman Caught in Adultery
[[53 Then each of them went home, 8 1 while Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2 Early in the morning he came again to the temple. All the people came to him and he sat down and began to teach them. 3 The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery; and making her stand before all of them, 4 they said to him, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery. 5 Now in the law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” 6 They said this to test him, so that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. 7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 And once again he bent down and wrote on the ground.[a] 9 When they heard it, they went away, one by one, beginning with the elders; and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. 10 Jesus straightened up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” 11 She said, “No one, sir.”[b] And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you. Go your way, and from now on do not sin again.”]][c]
John 8:8 Other ancient authorities add the sins of each of them
John 8:11 Or Lord
John 8:11 The most ancient authorities lack 7.53—8.11; other authorities add the passage here or after 7.36 or after 21.25 or after Luke 21.38, with variations of text; some mark the passage as doubtful.
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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