#* ✶ ᴘᴀssɪᴏɴᴀᴛᴇ // pa5tel .
vulkan-ent · 3 years
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PA5TEL is the company’s first ever boy group, and first ever group to have debuted under the label. They debuted on July 28th, 2015. They have 5 members: BUNNI, SILVER, JH, HUE and BOLIN. They have steadily built a path for other artists under a label and grew their own fanbase over time. They are widely known across Korea for having bright personalities that attract a lot of people.
FIND THEM AT @colorthewrld
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ELIXIR is the second group to debut under the label. They had debuted on April 14th, 2017 with members AKI, AMARIS, ARION, CALIX, HECATUS, NAIDA, RAVYN, SIREN, SHADOW and WILLOW. Many say that their debuted felt rushed and incomplete, but they have a lot of potential. Some say they are the black sheep of the company, often being put on the back burner by management. However, people have fallen in love with their enchanting visuals and concept.
FIND THEM AT @secretpction
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PROMISE SHIN – 2018-2019
PROMISE SHIN, more famously known as PROMISE, is the company’s first soloist. She had a successful debut, garnering fans with her sweet vocals and soft concept. She debuted on February 18th, 2018 and made 2 very successful comebacks before suddenly terminating her contract with the company. She left on November 14th, 2019, only a year after her debut.
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SOLAR FLARE is the company’s first ever girl group. They debuted on June 28th, 2019 with a girl crush and versatile concept. With their 6 members CLAIRE, CROSS, PAULA, RUELLE, TRIX and PRINCESS, they work on their own music behind the scenes and are growing with each comeback!
FIND THEM AT @brningdestiny
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EVER debuted first as CAELI ET TERRA, a sibling duo under the label. The twins, CAELI and TERRA, made their big break with their debut on February 9th, 2021. They went silent for a bit before the company announced them adding two new members, EMBER AND KHIONE, another sibling pair, to the group only a few months after debut. Fans are excited to see what the group as a whole can do.
FIND THEM AT @chrcnoahead
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vulkan-ent · 4 years
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The live goes on, and the viewers are greeted with JH rocking gently in his chair, wearing a huge grin on his face.
"Oh, they're already spamming hearts," he chuckles. "Yes that's right! It's my birthday! Thank youuu," he chuckles shyly. 
He leans closer to read the comments. "No, I haven't had cake yet. I was busy today, so I wasn't able to buy a cake," he scratches his head.
"How about you guys? How was your day today? I wanna hear from- what was that?" He looks at the door. "That… i think-" His voice cuts off as a scream can be heard getting closer and louder by the second.
JH suppresses his smile as the door swings open.
"Heeyeol-ahh! Happy birthday!" Silver yells as he tackles the birthday boy in a bear hug.
The rest of the members enter with a small pink cake topped with strawberries and whipped cream, and a bunch of small boxes that the viewers could only assume were JH's gifts.
All the members scoot together to fit within the camera's view, then began to sing for Heeyeol.
Bolin was jumping in his seat urging his hyung to open his gifts.
"Open the one from me first!" he insisted. "Please hyung!"
JH chuckles. "Alright let's see what our Bolin got me~" He unwraps the box to find a little puppy plush toy, and grins at the maknae.
"It's cute! Why'd you get me this?"
Bolin giggles. "It looks like you," he says, the members all bursting out in laughter.
JH opens two identical boxes. “Whoa! I got cologne from Bunni and Hue! These look so nice! The bottles are so pretty,” he marvels, holding them up to the light.
“We bought them together ‘cause we thought we already had gifts,” Hue confessed.
Heeyeol smiles. “It’s fine! Both the colognes smell really good too. Let’s open Silver’s gift... where is he? Eunwang hyung!”
Silver walks back into view holding a plate and his mouth full. “Yeah?” he mumbles incoherently. The boys giggle at the hungry member.
“What? We already sang for him, so the cake can be eaten,” he huffs. He gestures at JH to open the present from him.
JH unwraps a tall cylinder. “Ooh, 3 scented candles. Wow, they look so pretty! Thanks hyung!”
“I remember you saying your half of the room felt empty, and that you liked nice smells and stuff, so I got you those candles. You can light them up when you’re stressed or tired, or maybe if you want a little light at night,”
A loud “Aaawh!” comes from the rest of the members.
“You know,” Bolin giggles, “Eunwang hyung was so frantic yesterday trying to figure out how to wrap your present,” he says, smiling at Heeyeol.
"Our fans greeted Heeyeol today right?" Bunni asks. "You better greet him, or I'll be sad," he pouts.
"Why would you be sad, it's not your birthday," Hue reminds him, earning another fit of laughter from the boys.
Bunni feigns shock, dramatically placing his hand over his chest. “How rude Hue! I just love our JH so much,” he exclaims, wiping a fake tear.
“Yeah yeah sure.” Hue chuckles. “I’ll get some cake myself, Silver’s making me hungry,”
JH glances at the clock. "Guys it's already 11 pm, don't you think we should let our fans sleep?" he points out, taking one last look at the comments. 
"What do you mean you don't want us to go yet? Should we stay here all night?" he teases.
Bolin laughs. "They're all saying yes! But we'll end the live here, so you guys can wake up early! Who knows? Maybe we'll have another live in the morning?" He wiggles his eyebrows.
"Don't worry! We'll post pics too!" Hue reminds them.
The boys all wave at the camera.
"Bye for now! We love you guys!" 
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vulkan-ent · 4 years
summary: the artists of vulkan entertainment express their gratitude to their supporters with a surprise v-live!
characters: the artists of vulkan entertainment (pa5tel, solar flare and promise shin)
words: 0.9K
note: a huge thank you to @aeskocnet​ for hosting the kmas! we really had a lot of fun! i wrote this quickly just to express my gratitude because yeah!
As the live broadcast started up, fans spotted the familiar faces of Silver, Bolin and Promise smiling sweetly at the camera. Promise waves slightly welcoming the few who joined the live. While waiting the three discussed among themselves, laughing at a few jokes to try and get rid of that tension.
Later on, a number of booming voices can be heard, laughing and clapping as they drew closer. The three on screen seemed to light up, waving them over. It turned out to be the Solar Flare girls who were on their way to their hotel room to celebrate with their own live.
“Girls!” Silver called for them, getting their attention. They turned, greeting the three as they approached. The six girls noticed the phone set up and waved to the camera. 
“Oh! You guys are doing a live show too?” Claire asked, coming closer to the camera with a big smile. “Hi everyone!” She eyed the comments and grinned at the many responses flooding in.
“Yeah! Why don’t you stay for now?” Bolin suggested. “We’re waiting for the other guys too! Congratulations on your award, by the way!”
“Ah, thank you!” Cross bowed, beaming proudly at their achievement.
“Congrats to PA5TEL too!” Paula chirped in.
Bunni, Hue and JH came in as well cheering and whooping as they entered. “WE WON! AH, I’M SO PROUD OF ALL OF US!” The leader, Bunni, let out an amused laugh.
“Huh? OH! We’re live?!” He came up close to the camera, placing a hand over his mouth as the realization sunk in. The other artists laughed at him as they took their seats around the room. “Hey! Why didn’t any of you tell me we were live?!”
He huffed as he took a seat next to Princess, moving slightly to the right so she has more space than him. “Okay.. how do we introduce ourselves? One by one? By group?”
“I think.. Yeah, by group would be best!” Roxie nodded, resting her head on Trix’s shoulder.
“Color the world! We are Pa5tel!” The 5 boys started, slightly surprising the girls in the room with their loud voices. They all looked to the leader as he started a small speech. “Tonight, all of us attended the KMAs! We are really proud as we were all able to achieve something!”
Hue decided to continue, “We won a daesang for Favorite Boy Group! Thank you for everyone who voted for us! Our fans, we love you so much!”
JH smiled as he said, “Thank you also to our lovely staff who supported us and helped us since day one! And our CEO! We wouldn’t have gotten here without your help, Mr. Bang!” He made a huge heart with his arms as the boys nodded in agreement.
“Always and Forever! I’m Promise- I didn’t really get an award but I was a presenter and the experience was just amazing! Thanks for allowing me this opportunity!”
“Burning Destiny! We are Solar Flare!” Claire enthusiastically greeted the fans, practically shaking in her seat. “Tonight, we won a Bonsang! For Favorite Girl Group Album! Our debut album was able to do that! Guys, thank you so much for this! Our Koronides! Thank you, we love you so much!”
“We were really excited and happy,” Trix commented, slightly squeezing Roxie’s hand. “I’m sure you heard us cheering earlier! We were really proud of ourselves and are very thankful to everyone who’s supported us!”
Princess continued, glancing at the boys. “I heard PA5TEL sunbaenim on the way out too! They were dancing and cheering on the way out! I was shocked and so proud to hear their name being called on stage!” 
Promise giggled, “We all accomplished something great tonight, it seems! Of course, we got to thank the people who arranged everything too! We wouldn’t have been able to achieve this if it weren’t for them!”
“I heard Princess cried backstage, is this true?” Bolin whispered with a mischievous smirk. The girl immediately turned red, eyes growing wide. They all laughed. The comments filled with comforting messages and a lot of encouragement.
“We all cried backstage actually,” JH revealed. “Don’t let Bolin fool you. He cried the moment he stepped down. Eunjung-hyung couldn’t hold it together and it started a chain reaction.” 
Bolin let out a shriek, reaching over to hush the elder from revealing anything more to their fans. “HEY, HEY- SHUSH! THEY DON’T NEED TO KNOW THAT!” Everyone promptly burst out laughing. Once the laughter died down, they all looked at the comment section, a multitude of questions being thrown at them.
“What was your favorite part?” Silver read aloud. “Aside from the Daesang? I enjoyed the performances. Getting to see so many talented people was really cool.” They all discussed their favorite parts and answered a few more questions before realizing how late it was.
“Ah, it’s late now, guys. The managers are telling us that we should go now too,” Cross pouted, seeing all the disappointed comments flood in. “We had fun!”
All 12 idols in the room nodded, once again stating their gratitude for all the love and support they’ve received. A few had tears in their eyes as they waved goodbye to their fans, happily shutting the live off. 
“Congratulations to us! To the KMAs, our supporters and staff! Goodbye!”
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vulkan-ent · 4 years
* ✶ ᴘᴀssɪᴏɴᴀᴛᴇ // caj-skl .
* ✶ ᴘᴀssɪᴏɴᴀᴛᴇ // gab-skl .
* ✶ ᴘᴀssɪᴏɴᴀᴛᴇ // the forge .
* ✶ ᴘᴀssɪᴏɴᴀᴛᴇ // staff .
* ✶ ᴘᴀssɪᴏɴᴀᴛᴇ // etc .
* ✶ ᴘᴀssɪᴏɴᴀᴛᴇ // trainees .
* ✶ ᴘᴀssɪᴏɴᴀᴛᴇ // networks .
* ✶ ᴘᴀssɪᴏɴᴀᴛᴇ // pa5tel .
* ✶ ᴘᴀssɪᴏɴᴀᴛᴇ // elixir .
* ✶ ᴘᴀssɪᴏɴᴀᴛᴇ // promise .
* ✶ ᴘᴀssɪᴏɴᴀᴛᴇ // solar flare .
* ✶ ᴘᴀssɪᴏɴᴀᴛᴇ // caeli et terra .
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