#* ∫ 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞. ₍ ᐢ..ᐢ ₎
b3wtched · 1 month
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⌜ lola tung, cis woman, she/her ⌟  welcome back to hogwarts, LAVENDER BROWN ! according to your file, you’re a TWENTY THREE year old PUREBLOOD as i’m sure you remember, last spring had its challenges, but i’m confident you’ll take your studies more seriously this year. as a FIFTH year GRYFFINDOR, focusing on DIVINATION, you’ve got a lot on your plate. our records show that you're SOCIABLE and SELFLESS however, they seem to have left off that you're INSECURE and UNRELIABLE. if i’m correct, you’re siding with THE LIGHT, which makes sense considering you’re known around the castle for abundant laughter echoing in an empty corridor, coffee mugs stained with pink lipstick, bejeweled fountain pens used to dot their i's with hearts and making every stranger their best friend. let’s hope you make it through the year in one piece.
B A S I C S .
full name … lavender marie brown nickname(s) … lovey (her friends) dob … october 29th, 1999 age … twenty-three gender … cis woman pronouns … she/her sexuality … bisexual relationship status … single religion … agnostic education … hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry
H E A L T H .
preferred hand ... right blood type ... b+ allergies ... shellfish physical ... surprisingly healthy despite her daily intake of nothing but sweets and carbs mental ... anxiety social ... extremely social, loves to be in the company of others - never really learned the meaning of "stranger danger"
P E R S O N A L I T Y .
scorpio sun, estp (entrepreneur), phlegmatic, gluttony, chaotic good, 7w6 (the entertainer) positive … sociable, selfless, vibrant neutral … perceptive, dramatic negative … insecure, unreliable, impulsive habits … biting her lips when thinking likes … lipgloss, flower scented perfume, butter noodles, shopping, early morning walks, chocolate frogs, stargazing, green tea, and writing. dislikes … people who yell, pineapple, dust, herbology, the cold, the color red, vodka. fears … flying, giants tropes … daddy's girl, the ditz, hopeless romantic inspo … mia colucci (rebelde), cher horowitz (clueless), rachel green (friends)
F A M I L Y.
justine brown … (mother - pureblood, 42, astronomer) anthony brown … (father - pureblood, 42, alchemist)
A P P E A R A N C E .
faceclaim … lola tung face … soft, rounded features, glowing skin, bright expressive eyes hair … long, slightly wavy hair with a natural shine, often left down or styled in soft, loose waves. body … slender and petite, surprising perfect posture style … feminine and casual, with a preference for soft, pastel colors like pinks, whites, and light blues. flowy dresses, crop tops and high waisted pants, often layers dainty accessories. misc ... crystal ball tattoo with her surname and sun sign tattooed on her right bicep, double ear piercing.
W I T C H C R A F T .
house … gryffindor blood status … pureblood boggart … her parents bloodied and calling out for help amortentia … tiny lavender flower, scrap paper torn out of her favorite journal, green tea, sweet pea body spray and vanilla wafers patronus … white rabbit ( surprisingly corporeal ) wand … 12 ½" (length), cedar (wood), phoenix feather (core) ⸻ the cedar wand finds its perfect home where there is perspicacity and perception ⸻ phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, they show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord. major … divination goals … to fall in love and travel across the world. favorites … divination, transfiguration, muggle studies and charms. least favorites … potions, history of magic and ghost studies. extracurriculars ... astrology club ( president )
H E A D C A N O N S .
lavender is a hopeless romantic who believes in fairy-tale love. she enjoys reading romance novels and daydreams about finding her perfect match, often creating elaborate fantasies about her ideal romantic scenarios. her interest in divination extends into a fascination with astrology. lavender often reads horoscopes and enjoys discussing star signs with friends, believing that the stars can offer insights into her and others’ lives. while she appears bubbly and social, lavender has a quieter side that loves curling up with a good book. her room is filled with an eclectic mix of novels, from classic literature to magical theory. has a collection of small, meaningful trinkets from her her pastr travels and relationships. each item holds a special memory or significance, and she keeps them in a decorative box under her bed.
C O N N E C T I O N S .
anything and everything
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