#* ⁎     NEAR OR FAR ; I AM ALWAYS YOURS — rakan & xayah.
feycharm · 5 years
"Rakan, how do you know you love me..?" Xayah asked timidly.
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     “ How could I not? ”Rakan is wearing a smile—a wide and foolish grin. “ Because my name feels half-formed on anyone’s lips but yours. Because all I can see when I look at the stars is how they pale next to you… ”
     His expression softens a bit, from boldness to sincerity, and he goes on, “… and I know that I love you because I chose to, that’s important. I felt it, but to me, it’s an active thing. You give me plenty of reason to choose to; so much of what you do makes me happy! Makes me want to make you happy. Even the flaws and the little things, through good times and bad. You know, the first time I woke up next to you, all I could think about when I looked at you was how I could see myself still waking up next to you in the next fifty years, or a hundred, or five-hundred. ”
     He leans down, brushes her hair out of her face with one hand. Then, he touches his forehead to hers, and adds, “ I’ve never had any doubts, miella. ” 
    🟄          @violetrxven   /    unprompted  /   always accepting.
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feycharm · 5 years
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