#* ˚ ✦ threads: lorelei .
hcrexcellency · 1 year
@swordsandcrownsxx ( lorelei & sophie ) Location: the gardens
"A poisoning spree and two explosions?" Lorelei asked, a horrified look on her face as her delicate fingers graced her collarbone, "and only two people died?" She scoffed. "Someone really should teach your family the art of finesse. One can get so much more done with half the efforts."
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phoenixkade · 1 year
open to:@impostcrs location: mal's market
"did ya hear my folks are coming into town next week? driving all the way down from portland and everything." after setting a couple cans of chef boyardee into his cart, phoenix's attention finally turned to lorelei, trying to gage her reaction before the favor had even been asked. "any chance you can like... hang with them, during the gig on saturday? they're hella cool, i swear. and i'll totally pay you back in..." he paused, attempting to come up with some sort of payment plan, before inevitably choosing to lift up one of the cans he'd just placed in his shopping cart. "a homemade dinner?"
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howthesleeplesswander · 6 months
“👋 Good; you’re not busy.” And even if the CEO was (which was the more likely scenario for the freakin’ workaholic), he hardly has a choice but to suddenly be distracted, as Timothy’s already halfway across the office in a series of long and eager strides. When he makes it to Rhys, he wastes not a second more: a hand grips that unfairly distracting waist, yanks him forward, and Timmy claims that kiss he’s been craving since . . . well, probably ever since the last time he left Promethea. You know, totally not even slightly pathetic, but what’s a man to do?
// i wasn't kidding with my warning last night 〔´∇`〕
Answered! || @jackdup
((alkdfjskd weeps softly into hands over how cute these two are ;A; 💕))
Except that anyone who knew the Atlas CEO also knew that he was always busy. On this particular day, the last two hours of Rhys' afternoon had been spent on a call with an insufferable requisitions manager who refused to take "no" for an answer no matter how many different ways Rhys shut down his proposal. If he had to listen to one more half-assed argument he was liable to pull his hair out.
Thus the initial swoop of dread in his stomach when the door to his office burst open because ughhh, this clown's rambling would be ten times more excruciating in person. But a glance at the doorway brightened his expression from 'about to commit murder' to a genuine grin for the first time that day. Just seeing Timothy again worked such wonders at easing the weight from his shoulders that, not for the first time, Rhys wondered if he was the biggest sap in the galaxy. (The answer was a pretty solid probably.)
"Oh, hey! I wasn't expecting you! Not that that makes it less great to see you, obviously—lemme just..."
But by the time he hopped up from his chair, Tim had already crossed the vast office, and the intent in his eyes as he closed in short-circuited Rhys' brain. Oh, he knew that look. "Orrr not, ho-kay—" His voice fizzled into a super composed and not at all pathetic sound that he failed to swallow. At least he had the sense to put his line of the call on mute before he was swept into a passionate kiss.
The moment their lips met, it suddenly felt like it had been ages since he'd last had this instead of a few weeks. Equally eager (and fully accepting of his "sappiest bastard in the universe" title at this point), Rhys grasped at Tim's shirt to keep him close and kissed him with a fervor to make up for the time they'd spent apart.
...All while an obnoxious voice squawked from the screen on his desk. If Rhys hadn't cared before, he definitely didn't care now, so...Begrudgingly, one hand relinquished its hold in favor of slapping blindly at the desktop until the call clicked off. "I dunno what I'm more glad for," he murmured amid fleeting snatches of breath, "this, or finally having a reason to hang up on that guy."
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edgecfeden · 1 year
cont'd from here for @cruelangcls !
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"oh, it's not like i'm not getting something out of giving you such a gift," addison chuckled, watching lorelei. the domme didn't hide her own gaze of appreciation raking over lorelei's body, those incredible curves she knew all too well. written between the lines was that no matter how things were starting here, they likely wouldn't be ending without addison's cock getting sheathed in at least one of the submissive brunette's holes, if not both. "c'mere, lorelei," addison purred, wiggling her hips a little just to better position her ass for lorelei to bury her face in. "hungry enough for a feast?"
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businesscasualart · 9 months
New Year’s has never been real exciting for me. Like, I live on a farm with my neighbors being family members so we can fire our own fireworks with all of the open space, and I try to dress my best whether the party calls for it or not, but that’s it. To me, New Year’s has always been family and friends lounging around, half asleep on the couches if not entirely asleep. The children are off somewhere in the far distance yelling and playing with streamers. Some weary attendees who managed to stay awake playing some boring, worn down board game, running solely on the sugar in the sweet tea and leftover Christmas cookies because no one ever thinks to bring coffee when we’re trying to make it till midnight. Me sitting at the dining room table soaking in the quiet ambience and wondering why I came when it’s just…existing in a house of exhausted people.
Then the time comes around. We round everyone up and shamble on out to the front porch, braving the cold to watch the firework shows come up off of the city line in the horizon and fire off a couple of our own. As an “early to bed, early to rise” type of person, my vision is already blurred from the sleep deprivation. I usually can barely see much of the fireworks, and my phone can’t even record them.
I can, however, see those around me. I’ll look back to tired faces those around me as the clock ticks midnight. Without fail, for the first time that night, I feel the holiday’s warmth and smile. I’m glad they made it, I’m glad I got the privilege of knowing them that year, I’m glad they’re with me at least to start 2024.
Now, I don’t have many people with me here, or how long the people here will stick around, or who I’ll meet here in the coming year, or who’s just passing through…but whoever’s reading this, no matter how long you’ve been here, no matter how long you’ll be here, I hope it’s somewhat pleasant for y’all to know y’all give me the same warmth and gratitude.
I hope y’all know, that in a weird across-the-internet sense, I’m looking from the fireworks to y’all, filled with joy. Y’all have made my holiday. The world feels brighter and a touch more hopeful knowing y’all are in it. Thank you for all the love and support you’ve shown me in these few short days. <3 Happy 2024, y’all.
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Scarlett to Lorelei (@antiiromanticx) - Valentine Yacht
It was quiet tonight, it not being a night for a party but just to get together with Lorelei somewhere away. She wasn't really the heart-to-heart kind of person but she knew when Lore needed to get out and vice versa and considering it was one of her parents' lovely little legacy dinner parties, they both needed to escape. "How is it that Ariel and Eli get to skip everything," she questioned, setting down a drink in front of Lore and already taking a sip from hers, "And where was Cece? Why were we stuck with those old crones trying to cling to relevance?"
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antiiromanticx · 1 year
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     (( @xbeautifulmonsters​ :: Cal ))
                            ۞  It has been a while since Lorelei had actually gone out and breathe fresh air. The witch had been consumed in her own things, and had gone MIA for a while. She often detached  herself that way from people as solitude seemed like such a comfortable thing for her. But tonight she was finally out, and it was no surprise that it was her friend and music that got her out.  “Cal... that was I think my favorite set I have seen so far. The progression on the bridge, and that build up was just so clean”  
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stxrmstained-a · 1 year
what if i ask you persuasion from lore instead 🤭
🎲 2 + 💡3 + 💪2 + 🔺1 = 8
It smells good. And, most importantly, alcoholic. Wherever the bard had got that bottle from, Seira surely missed it, or he would have gotten a second drink for himself. He is thirsty, a little, but it's the craving for the sharp taste of cheap wine that has him staring at Lorelei, hoping she would notice him, and offer him some. Regardless of whether she has or not, the truth is that his plan isn't working very well.
The tiefling licks his lips, moves a little closer, and taps her shoulder, pointing to the bottle when he finally gets her attention. "Can I have some?"
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wvrlock · 1 year
❛ working together again, it’s just like old times. ❜ u got muse for bg3 fallahan?? have a lorelei then <3
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"Hardly like old times, dear." It's been but a little longer than a decade, yet it feels like a lot longer. He is a different person, with different motivations — a Harper, a hero, depending on who you ask. A different type of celebrity, a different kind of powerful.
"Rummaging through potentially explosive toys has never been a hobby of mine. It still isn't, but— you know. Baldur's Gate has never been so kind to refugees as it prides itself to be, but this is unpleasantly new."
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xiocuervo · 1 year
open to: @impostcrs location: lori's home
"okay, so like, full disclosure, this might just be the buzz talking, but..." leaning back against the side of lori's bed, xiomara let herself get comfortable, her hand lazily dangling over the bowl of popcorn seated on the floor beside her. "you know the mom from rugrats? the one of the twins? we're in agreement that she's... you know, right?"
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adeadlysong · 2 months
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"Here I was, trying to just mind my own business, and all of a sudden I'm pulled to help rescue someone. Life is funny like that."
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hcrexcellency · 1 year
@frvgcleternty ( lorelei & valencia )
"You certainly look dressed to impress, darling," Lorelei encouraged, taking Valencia's hand and making her do a twirl in front of her. She was one of the more bold amongst them, to say the least, choosing to wear a dress so dark in color that one could assume it was black. She could not resist a good moment to remind people she was a widow, since it seemed to be the only point of conversation anyone cared about when it came to Brunswick, "I know I have my plans set for the evening, but what about yours?"
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starfoam · 1 year
Lorelei being inconvenienced by Luminous. Knowing stuff she shouldn't because somebody told Luminous (above her protests, by the way). Having to explain her insane schedule. Absurd injuries. Just everything that goes into having a double life.
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gcddamnvampire · 1 year
@frcmedcn​ // continued from here
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Micah frowned as he listened to her words, hurt that she was dealing with this. He wasn’t sure what he could possibly do to help, but there was no way he was going to leave her side now. “Hey,” he said softly, moving forward and placing a hand on her shoulder. “You know I’m always here for you. For however long you need,” he vowed. 
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@antiiromanticx​ Niesa to Lorelei Location: Her penthouse / Lilac
“Remember, this isn’t about doing the same thing you’ve done hundreds of times,” she reiterated, “This is about the details of it.” She walked behind the young witch, hands gesturing to the set of candles in front of them, kept several feet apart. “You mustn’t let the flame grow nor die,” she instruct now pointing the one lit candle, “Keep it as it should be by nature’s law and move it to the unlit candle.” It was such a simple task, an exercise. But great power, like that possessed by the girl before her, deserved this attention to detail. Not only must the flame of the candle not change size but she also must maintain that hold on it, maintain that form of it for the time it takes her to move it and light the other candle - which would be determined by how difficult it was for her to keep its size. Very simple and yet, so very important. “And, of course, it of great importance to maintain focus no matter what you may be harboring inside. Once we let our emotions into our magic, we risk losing control. Your power belongs to you, Lorelei, and not the other way around.” She walked over and quietly poured herself a drink as she watched the young witch at work, “It vexes me that your parents care more about the flashiness of your power and not your mastery of it.”
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atvrvxia · 2 years
the reincarnated muses i tag dump !! ( 2 / 2 )
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