#*   dean w.   ›   script.   ↷   sometimes  it’s  better  to  let  silence  do  the  talking.
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HER  IDEA,  AND  HONESTLY  AFTER  THE  PAST  COUPLE  OF  DAYS,  weeks  he  feels  like  he’s  not  deserving  of  it----  his  fault,   a  mantra  inside  of  his  head   ;    this  is  all  your  fault.     but  then  his  gaze  rests  onto  her,  her  form  underneath  the  covers  from  his  spot  on  the  hotel  room  couch     and  he  feels  only  slightly  less  burdened.   an  exhale  as  he  rises,  pressing  a  kiss  to  her  forehead  perching  himself  on  the  bed.  calloused  hand  comes  up  to  brush  the  hair  from  her  face.   it  feels  better  to  finally,  just  be  around  her  again,  to  be  himself.   //  @carriedatlas
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setaripendragon · 4 years
Trapped in the Amber - 1x01
I promise I’m not dead! I know I haven’t been posting anything lately, but that’s because what I’ve been writing is mostly... well, this. The most ridiculously self-indulgent bullshit I’ve written in a long time, and it’s also the longest thing I’ve ever written, and it’s still not even half way done. I admit, I’m very self-conscious about this, because the nastier side of fandom has infected me with some bullshit prejudices that I haven’t completely managed to exorcise yet, but... I’m tired of being worried it’s not ‘good enough’, and maybe, if people do like it at all, it’ll motivate me to pick it back up. So, here I am, retelling Supernatural right from the start, with a next gen OC tagging along, fixing things here and there. (...Yeah, god, I know how that sounds...) It’s going to start out... sticking pretty close to the Supernatural script, although I tried to limit the amount of times I quoted the show verbatim, it still happens sometimes. The story will diverge from canon more and more as the little changes start piling up and having an effect, but... That’s a long way off, tbh. (For anyone who cares and doesn’t know me well enough to guess, the primary future!ships are Dean/Cas/Gabe and Sam/Mia, but apart from the main character being a Dean/Cas/Gabe baby who loves her parents, there really isn’t that much more focus on romance than there is in the show. For now.)
Blackwater Ridge, Lost Creek, Colorado – Friday 11th November 2005
Landing in the past feels like hitting the emergency stop on a bullet train, like she left her internal organs behind somewhere on the timeline. Meira knows it’s the past because the timeline had felt thick and gooey as she fell. Falling in the other direction would have felt worse, but that doesn’t mean she enjoyed the trip. Add that to the sensation of her grace suddenly retreating to coil up under her skin like a wounded animal, and she thinks it’s no surprise that the first thing she does once there’s solid ground beneath her feet is throw up.
“Oh, son of a bitch.” She groans once her stomach feels like it’s settled mostly back where it’s supposed to be. She braces her shoulder on a tree that’s conveniently nearby, and tries to get her bearings. She’s in a forest, she sees, as she looks around. There are a lot of forests on earth. There are forests elsewhere in the universe too, but she’s… pretty sure this is earth, anyway. And she’s somewhen in the past, although she can’t get any sense of where she actually is on the timeline, and when she tries to reach out with her grace to find out, a sharp, awful pain lances through her soul. She groans and staggers, leaning more of her weight against the tree and forcing her knees to keep her upright out of sheer force of will. She is not trying that again.
The thought that there might be something wrong with her grace is terrifying. She’s stranded, and she can’t get home. She thinks she might be able to manifest her wings, she can still feel them, after all, so they’re not gone, but she wouldn’t be able to fly on them. She can’t fly. She can’t fly.
The panic sits sharp and cloying in the back of her throat, and she swallows hard, as if that might get rid of it. It doesn’t. “Motherfucker.” She swears, and hates that it comes out more reedy than fierce. She has no idea how this happened, either, which doesn’t help. Well, she has some idea, because Heaven, Hell, and everyone in between has been trying to get rid of her for her entire life, and if whatever’s wrong with her grace is why she fell into the past, then she’d say someone finally succeeded. Dad’s going to go ballistic, she thinks, not sure if it makes her want to laugh, or cry.
“Hey, lady.” Someone barks, and Meira flinches so hard she nearly falls over. It’s only a decade of various combat training that saves her from ending up on her ass in the dirt. She has never in her life been unable to sense the people around her before. She’s always felt the shades and shapes of people’s souls. Until now, apparently, with her grace trapped under her skin and unable to reach out to feel the nuances of her environment.
The man standing a little ways off is fairly nondescript, with short-cropped light blonde hair and a touch of stubble, wearing what looked like wilderness gear. Meira has no idea what lies beneath his face, whether she can trust him or not and it makes her uneasy. “What’re you doing out here?” He demands.
“Getting lost?” Meira sasses, because nervousness has never helped shut her up.
And then, another man steps out of the underbrush, but this one, Meira recognises. It’s her dad. Even though he looks so baby-faced and young, she’d know him anywhere. The relief is like a physical blow and she sags against another tree. “And my name’s Meira.” She adds. “Not ‘lady’, thanks.”
Dad quirks a grin, enjoying her sass, and then says, with every ounce of cocky bravado she’s ever seen him use and then some; “Nice to meet you, Meira. I’m Dean.” He glances over at the other guy. “And this is… I’m sorry, what was your name again?” The question is so obviously insincere, and Meira chokes on an incredulous laugh, because she’s seen her dad playful before, even bordering on mean when he’s trying not to admit something’s wrong, but that was something else. It’s macho-posturing, she realises, with a mixture of hilarity and dread. He’s showing off, like a twat, for her.
Oh, god. She’s going to have to nip that right in the bud, or she’s going to throw up again.
“Roy. Roy Roberts.” The other guy replies through gritted teeth, glaring at Dad – at Dean, she’s going to have to get used to that, or she’s going to slip up, and things are going to get awkward real fast – with enough venom to bring down an elephant.
“Hey, mind if I tag along with you guys?” Meira asks, to diffuse some of the angry tension in the air. Absently she wonders if this is before Dean has admitted that he’s into guys, too, because that might explain some of that. Roy is a fairly good looking guy, after all. He reminds Meira of that guy who played Bond in those movies Dad likes from before she was born. That… probably haven’t even been made yet. Damn it. She’s going to have to be careful with things like that. “I have no idea where I am right now.” She adds, because Roy does not look convinced.
“We’re heading further in, not back out.” He warns her.
Meira shrugs. “You’re still a better option than trying to make it by myself.” And she has absolutely no intention of going anywhere without Dad. It’s not really very rational, but he’s her only point of reference right now, and until she can get her feet under herself and figure out what the fuck to do, she could use the illusion of support. So she grins into the face of Roy’s unimpressed glower. “You know I’m just asking as a formality, right? If you say no, I’ll just follow you anyway, because what the hell else am I gonna do?”
Roy’s glower shades towards resigned, and Meira knows she’s won. Her grin sharpens, and he rolls his eyes, but nods his acceptance. “Come on, then, if you’re coming.” He instructs, heading back the way he came without any further ado, leaving Meira alone with her baby-faced father.
There’s a brief moment where they stare at each other, both of them at a loss, and then Dad – Dean – jerks his head towards the bit of forest Roy disappeared into, and Meira takes that as her cue to fall into step with him. “So, before you were getting lost, what were you doing out here?” Dean asks, looking at her with open curiosity. Then his eyes flicker down and up again, and Meira catches herself before an Enochian exorcism can fall out of her mouth on instinct.
Instead, she switches to the first lie she can come up with that might make her dad stop looking at her like that. “I was running away from a dickbag who wouldn’t take no for an answer.” She says without looking at him.
There’s a beat of silence, and a glance shows Meira that Dean is grimacing. “What an asshole.” He comments, just as they catch up with the others again. Roy looks sour, but he’s attentive, scanning the surroundings with a keen eye, which Meira appreciates, and standing nearby is Uncle Sam. Only he’s a squishy-cheeked, smooth-faced, gangly-limbed baby-Uncle now. Meira has to bite back the urge to coo and possibly pinch his cheeks.
The other two in the group are people Meira doesn’t recognise, a teenage boy with close-cropped hair, and a young woman with cute dimples that show when she smiles at Meira in greeting. Meira smiles back with extra warmth. “This is my brother, Sam.” Dean says, taking it upon himself to do introductions. “And this is Haley and Ben Collins. Their brother’s gone missing, which is why we’re here, looking for him.” He explains, gesturing.
“I hope we find him.” Meira says, specifically to Haley. She’s just decided that Haley is her salvation, and she offers her hand to the other woman to shake. “I’m Meira.” Haley takes her hand with just a hint of befuddlement.
“Alright, let’s keep moving.” Roy calls, before Meira can add anything else. She does let her hand linger, though, just a touch, before she retracts it. Their group moves off again, and Meira makes it a point to walk beside Haley.
“Tell me about your brother?” She asks, just to strike up conversation.
Haley glances at her sideways, but obliges. It’s clear she loves her family, just the way she talks about them, and Meira catches herself smiling for real, and not just as a flirtation, although it’s that as well. She does make a point to tell Haley how admirable she thinks it is, that sort of devotion to family, and Haley ducks her head with a rueful smile, bashful.
Behind them, Sam snickers. Meira glances back and catches a disgruntled pout on her dad’s face before he smooths it out into something more neutral once he realises she’s looking. She makes a bit of a show of glancing between Haley and Dean, and then grins, unrepentant, and shrugs in faux-apology. Dean snorts and waves her off, conceding defeat gracefully enough.
When Meira turns back around, Haley is watching her, one eyebrow arched. Meira refuses to feel sheepish at being caught out, and just nudges her with her shoulder, gentle and teasing, and asks her another question about her life. Haley rolls her eyes, but answers.
The conversation carries them on through the afternoon, until they reach a point where Roy stops. It’s almost a clearing, if it wasn’t for the waist-high undergrowth. “This is it.” Roy says, looking about them. “Blackwater Ridge.”
“What coordinates are we at?” Uncle Sam asks at once. Roy answers, and Meira aches a little at just how incomprehensible the numbers are. Before, she would have just known where she was, and she feels a little sick, being made aware of just how little she can tell about the world around her now. She looks around, hating how small she feels, how muffled everything is. She doesn’t dare try to reach out with her grace again, but she wants to, just to make that feeling of wrong go away.
“I’m going to go take a look around.” Roy announces.
Meira whips around to give him an incredulous look. He might not be in the know, might not realise that Sam and Dean are probably on a hunt right now, but even so, it seems reckless for anyone to go off on their own. “You shouldn’t go off by yourself.” Sam points out, so Meira doesn’t have to.
“I’ll go with you.” Meira offers, since no one else seems like they’re about to.
It earns her incredulous looks from all quarters, and a disparaging one from Roy. Meira gives him a hard look in return, the sort of ‘do you really want to try me, bitch?’ look that Pabbi has always told her makes her look like her qaada. And she might not be able to bring her grace to bear along with it like she usually does, but she is still an angel, no matter how constrained, and it would take a tougher man than Roy Roberts to not even blink in the face of heavenly wrath.
“Look,” he says in a carefully reasonable tone, “I know these woods, and I’m just going to have a look around, see if I can find any signs of people. I’ll be fine. You’ll be safer staying here.”
“You’d be safer staying with the group, too.” Dean interjects, making no effort to sound inoffensive. Roy gives him a sour look.
“Why don’t we all go?” Haley suggests, all false brightness and impatience.
Roy raises his hands in frustrated surrender, and heads off into the woods. The rest of them follow along like good little ducklings. They do spread out a little as they go, looking for any signs of other people in the area. Meira is not an expert woodsman, but she’d learned a few things growing up with a hunter family, and she tries to pay attention, to be helpful.
“Haley! Over here!” Roy shouts suddenly. Everyone bolts towards the shout, and they come out in a clearing with three tents lying there in mangled wreckages, blood-splattered and torn. “Oh my god…” Haley breathes, sounding horrified. Meira doesn’t blame her. She feels a little bit sick, too, and it’s not her brother’s campsite. The thought of something like this happening to Jace makes her want to smite something, and her grace roils under her skin, pushing at the boundaries of her physical form and aching every time it brushes against the inside of her skin.
“Looks like a grizzly.” Roy remarks, cool and practical.
Meira thinks not. Not only because if it was, it’s unlikely her dad and her uncle would be here, but also because there would be more blood and less wanton destruction if it had been a normal animal. If a bear had been hungry enough to hunt people, there would be a lot more blood, at least, and if it was pissed at them being on its territory, there would be bodies. But there aren’t. Just a bit of blood splattered about here and there, and a lot of claw marks.
Haley begins shouting for her brother, and Meira grabs her arm before she can walk any further into the camp. “Don’t.” She warns, eyeing the surrounding woods warily.
“What?” Haley demands, eyes a little wild. “Why not?”
“Something might still be out there.” Sam interjects, giving Meira a respectful nod. She tries to smile back, but she’s not too proud to admit that she’s scared. She ought to be able to tell what did this, to feel the spirits and souls around her and know. But she can’t.
“Sam!” Dean calls, and Sam heads off at a brisk clip.
Meira heads after him on instinct. Haley follows her for about three steps before Ben calls out in a voice that wavers despite his best efforts, and she turns back to him without hesitation. Meira catches up to Sam just in time to hear Dean saying “-tell you what, it’s no skin-walker or black dog.” Then Dean turns and stalls at the sight of her. “Uh…” He says, staring at her like a deer in the headlights.
In other circumstances, Meira might glory in making her dad look like that for once, instead of the other way around, but she’s still feeling unnerved enough that it’s hard to wring any humour out of the situation. “Why are we ruling out skin-walkers and black dogs?” She asks, propping her shoulder on a tree and crossing her arms. It looks less pathetic than curling her arms around her sides, but it still serves to make herself feel better. What would be best would be a hug from her dad, but there’s no way she’d ask for that when he’d probably just take it the wrong way.
“You-” Sam begins, realisation dawning in his expression.
“You’re a Hunter?” Dean demands.
“More or less.” Meira agrees. It’s never been a title that sits right on her shoulders. Not when she’s spent her whole life surrounded by people who actually dedicated themselves to the job, while she’s always felt more like a kid mucking about with a hobby. At Dean’s sceptical, bordering on suspicious look, she elaborates. “I was raised to it, but I’ve never… dedicated myself to it.” She hedged. “I just help out here and there when something crosses my path.”
“Right.” Dean acknowledges, and then jerks his head towards something behind him. Meira comes closer to look, and Dean explains the tracks. It’s almost like being a kid again, with Dad schooling her on this or that aspect of hunting.
“A skin-walker or a black dog could drag a person away, but you’re right, the tracks just stopping like that is weird.” Meira acknowledges, wracking her brains for what could do this. “A phantom cat could, too. Or a wendigo or a moonfiend. Or a harpy, maybe. It’s too early for a werewolf.”
“Werewolves don’t tend to drag their victims off, never mind vanish with them.” Dean points out.
“What’s a moonfiend?” Sam asks.
Meira blinks, reminded suddenly that this is not really her uncle. “It’s a… It’s kind of like a mothman, but less aggressive. They’re mostly harmless, actually, really shy, but if they’ve staked out a territory, you don’t want to go wandering into it.” She explains absently. “It’s just that they can fly, which would explain…” She gestures at the vanishing tracks. “Like Harpies. Wendigos are strong and agile enough to lift a human body, and phantom cats are spirits. It’s possible a phantom cats could transport a victim that way, but they don’t tend to drag people off, either.”
“Phantom cat. That’s the animal version of a poltergeist, right?” Dean checks.
Meira nods. “Yeah, pretty much. Although normal poltergeists generally just want to hurt or kill you, but some legends suggest that phantom cats steal souls.”
“The pattern of attacks would suggest it’s hunting, not protecting territory, so I don’t think it’s a moonfiend.” Sam adds with a grimace.
The three of them look at each other, all of them coming to the same conclusion, none of them actually willing to say it out loud. Before someone can muster their courage, the forest air is shattered with a shout.
Meira startles, and then lurches into a run before she’s had time to think. Of course, Dean and Sam are already on the move, too, even as a second, and then a third cry echoes through the forest. They converge with the others, a wordless scream that sounds closer than ever egging them on. Then the forest goes silent, and they slow to a stop, wary and alert, listening hard. “It seemed like it was coming from around here, didn’t it?” Haley asks.
Meira feels painfully vulnerable, and she tests her grace, to see if she can conjure her blade. It’s made from her grace, and it’s still there, so the blade should be there, but when she tries to manifest it, a lance of white-hot pain ricochets through her, and she clutches at her wrist, gritting her teeth against the agony.
“Everybody back to camp.” Sam orders, and Meira obeys on instinct. She’s never felt so vulnerable before in her entire life, and it only gets worse when she realises they’ve fallen for a trap and all their gear is gone. Before, she wouldn’t have worried. She’s an angel, she can survive off the ambient energy of the universe if she needs to. It’s not fun, but it’s possible. But now, she has no idea what she can and can’t do. Her grace is still there, warming her bones, but every time she reaches for it, all she gets is pain.
“Alright, listen up.” Sam says briskly, looking around the camp with a tight expression on his face. “It’s time to go. Things have gotten more complicated.”
“What?” Haley asks, incredulous and irritated.
“Kid, don’t worry. Whatever’s out there, I think I can handle it.” Roy says, and Meira’s tempted to deck him for the condescending arrogance in his voice.
“If you don’t even know what it is, you have no idea whether you can handle it.” She snaps. It seems to startle everyone, but Meira doesn’t care. Yesterday, a wendigo wouldn’t have frightened her. She could move faster than it, could burn it to death with just a touch of the holy light in her soul, but today, she’s as helpless as Roy Roberts, and it pisses her off that he’s not as scared as she is.
“Sweetheart, when you’ve been hunting as long as I have, there isn’t much the woods can throw at you that you can’t handle.” Roy retorts smugly.
Meira scoffs incredulously, suddenly hating him. “Oh, that’s what this is. Did Sam taking charge just now wound your fragile male ego? Are you really going to put everyone here at risk because of your god damned pride?”
“How dare you suggest-”
“Hey, relax.” Dean interjects. Even though it isn’t directed at her, Meira can’t help but subside, too used to Dad mediating arguments between her and Jace, or her and Rob, or her and Pabbi that way.
Apparently, Uncle Sam hasn’t gotten the memo, though. “She’s right.” He says, as if Dad hadn’t said anything at all. “You have no idea what’s out there, what it can do. I’m just trying to protect you.”
“You, protect me?” Roy scoffs. “I was hunting these woods when your mommy was still kissing you goodnight.” He spits, getting into Uncle Sam’s face.
“Isn’t it about time you retired, then?” Meira snarks.
“You shut your mouth.” Roy barks, rounding on her.
“Okay, that’s enough!” Dad snaps, getting between them with both his hands out as if to physically hold them away from each other. “Just chill out, okay?” He prompts, giving Uncle Sam a pointed look. Meira tucks her arms around herself and tries not to freak out any more than she already has. Haley putting a hand on her shoulder makes her jump, but the comforting squeeze she gets helps a little.
“We don’t have time, Dean. We have to get these people out of here before this thing eats them alive.” Uncle Sam protests furiously.
“Look.” Haley speaks up, interrupting whatever Roy had been about to say in answer to that. “Tommy might still be alive.” She states, and Meira knows what’s coming next. She knows, because it’s what she’d say if it was Jace out here, in the claws of a wendigo. It’s what Dad would say if it was Uncle Sam. “And I’m not leaving here without him.”
“Then we’re going to need fire.” Meira says. “Lots and lots of fire.”
Blackwater Ridge, Lost Creek, Colorado – Saturday 12th November 2005
They build up a large campfire, and several smaller fires, too, and Meira helps her dad draw protective symbols around their camp. And then they sit and wait for morning or the wendigo, whichever comes first. The hours draw on interminably, and Meira sits right by the fire, close enough that she feels a little feverish with the heat baking her face, but it’s close enough that she could grab one of the big branches out of the fire if she needed to.
Sitting and waiting isn’t the best plan though, she thinks grimly. For morning, yes. Wendigos don’t really like bright sunlight, so they’ll have that small advantage once the sun rises, but after that? Haley isn’t leaving without her brother, and her brother, if he’s still alive, will be in the wendigo’s lair. Which they’ll need to find, and get into, and get out of, without dying or getting caught themselves.
“What’re you thinking?” Haley asks quietly, nudging her.
Meira glances at her, sees how worried she looks, and musters up a smile. “I’m trying to figure out how we’re going to find Tommy.” Haley blinks, then almost smiles, except not really. Meira knows the feeling, and goes back to staring at the fire. “Even if we kill this thing, we’d still need to find him, and… Shit, that’s a lot of wilderness to comb through.”
“We’ll do it.” Haley insists stubbornly. “I’ll do it.”
Meira smiles, slanting a fond look at her. “I know.” She assures her. “I have a little brother, too. I’d take on a wendigo for him, too.” That wouldn’t really have been saying much before, but now? Like this? She still means it.
“A…” Haley falters, frowning. “I’ve heard of that before. Isn’t that some sort of Native legend or something?”
Meira nodded. “Algonquian peoples, primarily. They tended to live more northward, where the long, lean winters often led to starvation. And starvation sometimes led to people who who looked at their families and friends, and saw not people they loved, but food.” Haley shudders in distaste. “And once they’ve eaten someone, they start craving it, and every time they eat someone else, they turn a little bit more monstrous.”
Haley gives her a sharp look, fear buried under anger. “You mean this thing’s going to eat Tommy?” She demands in a harsh whisper.
“It’s planning to, yeah. But it probably hasn’t yet.” Meira reassures, reaching out to put an arm around Haley’s shoulders. Haley grabs her other wrist in a desperate, unthinking motion, clinging to hope. “Wendigos are born of deprivation, they know what it’s like to go hungry, and they hate it. They tend to hunt in spurts, and hibernate for long stretches of time in between, but they don’t gorge themselves. They’ll take people alive if they can, so they have food for later.”
Haley squeezes her eyes shut. Then she sets her jaw and nods. “How can we kill this thing?” She asks in a hard voice.
Meira looks away. “I’m starting to wonder if we should.” She admits.
“What?” Haley asks, so sharply that Sam and Dean look over at them from where they’re sitting together across the fire, heads bent together and discussing something.
Meira opens her mouth to explain what she’s thinking, what she doesn’t want to be thinking, but before she can, someone out in the woods calls for help. She cringes, even as everyone else leaps to their feet, those with guns aiming them out into the night. She knows that it’s the wendigo, knows that it isn’t some poor bastard getting chowed on, but… well, before, she would have known, would have felt it, would have been able to tell for sure that, no, the only soul out there is the corrupted one of the wendigo. Now, all she has to go on is cold logic. It’s enough to convince her head, but not her soul.
Some part of her still feels the need to go and check, to be sure, because what if she’s just sitting here, listening to someone die when she could have helped them? Then the gunfire starts up. “I hit it!” Roy shouts suddenly, and Meira’s head jerks up just in time to see him dodging around one of their extra fires and rushing out into the woods.
She’s on her feet before she can think about it. Then she hesitates. What is she going to do, without her grace? But she can’t just leave him to his fate, either, no matter how much she doesn’t like him. “Don’t move!” Her dad orders, right before going after Roy himself.
That cinches it, really. Meira’s not leaving her dad out there with a wendigo. She snatches up one of the burning sticks, and bolts after them. “Meira!” Uncle Sam shouts, reaching out to try and grab her, but Meira’s played that game a million times, it’s habit to flex her grace to give herself just a little bit more speed so that she’s not where he expects her to be.
And this time, it works.
It’s such a relief she nearly stumbles, but she doesn’t have time to waste, so she catches her balance and runs on. She’s right behind Dad, and Roy is up ahead, and she can hear the wendigo in the trees. “It’s over here!” The wendigo calls with someone else’s voice, and Meira can see it reaching for Roy. The world blurs as she lunges, practically tackling Roy out of the way just as the wendigo’s hands flash out and the claws sink into her face.
She could retaliate, she has her stick, but she remembers the thoughts that had been plaguing her earlier, and doesn’t.
The wendigo jerks her, hard, but Meira’s grace isn’t gone. It’s just trapped, which means that when her neck snaps, it’s nothing more than a minor inconvenience. Painful, sure, but her grace heals the damage almost as soon as it’s been done. The wendigo gives her another shake, nearly breaking her neck again, and then wrenches the burning stick away from her, tossing it back down to the ground. She lets it, because she doesn’t want to have to heal being eaten, and then plays limp ragdoll as the wendigo darts off through the trees with her. It won’t fool it forever, but it should fool it long enough for it to take her back to its lair.
They drop back to the forest floor eventually, and then further down still, underground, Meira realises. A cave, or an abandoned mine, perhaps. She’s tossed into a larger cavern, lets herself roll limply along the floor, and the wendigo retreats. Meira’s just going to have to hope that her dad and uncle can keep Haley and Ben alive through the night.
“Ugh.” She groans and sits up, rubbing at the back of her neck. She’s human enough that that sort of damage is still unnerving, and leaves her feeling vaguely squeamish for hours afterwards. So worth it just to know her grace still works, though.
“Holy shit!”
Meira stills, looking around. The cavern is not, in fact, pitch black. There’s faint light seeping in from somewhere above her head, moonlight, and it’s just about enough for her to see by. There’s a man strung up from the rafters that looks enough like Haley and Ben that Meira feels pretty safe in guessing “Tommy Collins?”
“Yeah.” Tommy says breathlessly. “I thought you were dead.”
“That’s what I wanted it to think.” Meira tells him with a shrug, clambering to her feet and dusting herself off. “Now, let’s see if we can’t get you down.” She wishes, briefly but intensely, for her blade. It’s right there, sitting inside her soul, and she can’t manifest it. Instead, she casts about for something in the cave that they’re in, and settles on a broken shard of rock from the floor of the cave. It worked for prehistoric people well enough.
“How- how’d you know who I am?” Tommy asks after Meira’s been sawing at the ropes for a few minutes. They’re starting to fray, finally, which is a relief.
“Your brother and sister have come looking for you.” Meira tells him. “Brought me and a couple others along with them.”
“Oh, god.” Tommy groans. “Are they okay?”
“Worried about you, but otherwise, yeah. Last I saw, anyway. And D- Dean and Sam know how to handle a wendigo. They’ll look after them, I promise.” Tommy lets out a shuddering breath, nodding to himself.
“I think this is backwards.” Tommy says in a tone of forced cheer. Meira hums curiously, scowling at the rope as she continues to work at it. “We’ll the beautiful damsel is rescuing the handsome knight from the monster.” He points out.
Meira snorts her way into laughter, and leans back to get a better look at him. “You are cute.” She acknowledges, and in other circumstances, she might have flirted back, because she’s gotten the feeling that both Haley and Tommy are straight. “But your sister’s cuter.” She adds, going back to her work. The rope gives way before Tommy manages to muster up a response to that. He staggers when he drops, having been strung up for so long and deprived of sustenance that his balance is shot to shit. Meira catches him and slings one of his arms over her shoulder. “Do you know if your friends are still alive?” She asks him. There’s no one else in this cave, she doesn’t think, although she can’t be entirely sure of that with her grace locked down like this, but she’s pretty sure this won’t be the only place the wendigo has to stash its snacks.
She feels more than sees Tommy shake his head. “N-no, it-” He stammers out. “Oh god.” He says, and Meira recognises that tone well enough to shift the way she’s supporting him so that when he doubles over and retches, she doesn’t get covered in bile.
“Easy.” Meira soothes, rubbing a hand over his back. He dry heaves a few more times, but manages to regain control of himself after that. “Yeah, I can’t imagine watching something like that was any fun.” She muses, tugging him back upright and setting off. She hopes she can remember the way out. “Let’s get you out of here.”
“What about- about that thing?” Tommy asks her as they stagger along, into the first of several pitch-black tunnels.
“It’s almost certainly out in the woods right now, hunting the others.” Meira tells him, which she is aware is not as comforting as it could be, given that ‘the others’ includes family for both of them. Tommy swears, and Meira grimaces, figuring she can at least help a little bit. “Sam and Dean know how to handle something like this.” She assures him. “And they have plenty of fire. They’ll keep Haley and Ben safe. And I’m going to keep you safe.”
“In normal circumstances, that would sound ridiculous.” Tommy mutters.
“Don’t be sexist.” Meira chides, but she keeps her tone light, and gives him a gentle little jostle with her shoulder to let him know she’s mostly teasing. Then she sobers, because short of actually eating her alive, which admittedly is a possibility, the wendigo can’t kill her, but it could definitely kill Tommy, and if he’s going to play machismo bullshit because she’s a lady, she really does need to nip that in the bud. “But I’m serious. If it does come back, if we run into it, don’t you dare try to play the hero, alright?” She puts a touch of divine command into her tone. “I am not your responsibility, do not wait for me, do not come back for me, do not try to throw yourself into harms way to protect me. Am I clear?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Tommy mumbles, resentful and bewildered.
The rest of the slog out of the mines is made in silence, save for Tommy’s ragged breathing and Meira’s occasional curse when she makes a wrong turn and they have to double back. Finally, though, Meira picks out a hint of light and follows it to the exit. It looks like it might have been boarded up once, but the wendigo has made a neat little opening for itself, and she and Tommy stagger out into in the dim grey-blue light of false dawn.
Tommy chokes back a sob of relief. Meira grins at the sound and shifts him higher on her shoulder. “Come on, we don’t want to get caught here if it comes back.” She points out, and that convinces Tommy to pick up his pace. It’s still slow going, because he’s still pretty unhealthy after two days chained up in a cave with minimal sustenance. The wendigo probably wouldn’t have fed him, but they had been known to give captives water. They also have undergrowth to contend with now, and Meira might heal a broken ankle, but Tommy won’t.
“Where… are the others?” Tommy asks.
Which is a hell of a good question. “I have no idea.” Meira tells him, feigning cheer. “Right now our priorities are water and some way of making fire.” She informs him, and Tommy drags them to a stop.
Tommy clearly knows more about wilderness survival than she does, because within a few minutes of her pointing out a need for it, Tommy has somehow managed to get a small fire going. They’re still too close to the wendigo’s lair for Meira’s comfort, but having a weapon that might actually do something to it is more important than trying to escape something that could outstrip a bullet. They build up a campfire, draw some protective sigils, and Meira fashions them both makeshift torches, wishing bitterly that she wasn’t reduced to such primitive tools all the while.
Meira risks leaving Tommy alone with the sigils to protect him just long enough to see if she can find any hint of running water nearby. She does, so they relocate, going through the whole process of warding all over again, this time closer to the water. Tommy looks a lot better for the chance to drink and wash his face, and then they have to figure out what the hell to do next.
“Finding the others ought to be priority over killing the wendigo.” Meira muses. “There’s just the problem of how to actually go about that.”
Tommy nods grimly. “If it wasn’t for the monster out there that wants to eat us, I’d say set up a base camp, search outwards, leave signs.” He summarises. Meira is about to suggest that they should do exactly that, then, when a furious snarl echoes through the woods. Tommy flinches so hard he falls over where he’s sitting, only barely catching himself with one hand in the dirt.
“Think it noticed we’re missing?” Meira asks rhetorically.
They sit, tense and wary, in the ensuing silence, waiting for something to happen. It doesn’t for long enough that Meira begins to wonder if she should do something. Then the yelling starts. “Help! Help me!” Meira clenches her hands into fists, heart squeezing.
“You know that’s not going to work, right?” She calls, standing slowly and bringing two of their burning sticks with her, one in each hand. Tommy hisses at her, grabbing at the hem of her coat as if that might make her sit and stop baiting the monster. A snarl answers her words, echoing oddly as the wendigo moves mid-sound and the doppler effect turns it multi-toned. “What? Pissed because you couldn’t kill me? We’re pretty tough prey, I bet you’ve figured by now. All this exertion must be making you kinda hungry.”
The roar that follows shakes the forest, full of fury and malice, and Meira nearly giggles hysterically. She only has the barest idea of what she’s doing, and her hands are shaking with the terror of having a predator that’s bigger than her focused solely on her, but she knows, she knows from painful, bitter experience that making someone angry makes them sloppy in the short term. And any advantage she can wring out of this situation, she needs.
Tauntingly, she steps a little closer to the edge of the protective sigils. And there it is, sprinting too fast for the mortal eye to catch, close enough to make the underbrush rustle right next to where Meira is standing, but not quite close enough for her to hit with one of her torches. Meira doesn’t want to start a forest fire, but oh, boy, is she tempted right now. “Is that supposed to scare me?” She mocks.
The wendigo rushes by again, and then- stops. In plain view. Not even looking at her. Tommy makes a choked noise of horror, and the wendigo doesn’t even twitch. Meira is so tempted to lunge out of the sigils at it, but it’s too easy, and she hesitates. She hesitates like an idiot until it’s suddenly gone, bounding off into the forest, and she realises what must have happened.
It heard something she couldn’t. Something that was easier prey.
“For fuck’s sake!” She explodes, and goes after it, even though it’s probably going to get her eaten.
“Hey! Hey, wait!” Tommy calls.
“Stay in the circle!” Meira calls over her shoulder. “If it comes back, set it on fire!”
The wendigo appears in front of her in an instant. Meira swings on instinct, a little too slow because she’s so off her game right now, but a little too slow is still something, because the flames pass by the wendigo’s emaciated flesh with inches to spare, and it must feel the heat, because it shrieks, an awful, too human sound of pain. A huge clawed hand strikes out, and tears right through the sleeve of her leather coat and into the flesh beneath. “Shit!” She curses, pained and indignant in equal measure, because if she’s guessing right about the limits on her abilities, she’s not going to be able to fix that.
“Meira?!” Uncle Sam’s voice shouts.
The wendigo ignores him, which means Meira succeeded in pissing it off. She ducks the second set of claws aiming for her throat, and then swings both torches up and in. They crash into either side of the wendigo’s head, and the smell of scorched flesh fills the forest just as Sam skids into view. The wendigo screams, rearing back and disappointingly not dead. Meira gears up for another swing, and the wendigo bolts. It’s gone in a flash, and Meira is about to go after it, to press her advantage, but then Uncle Sam is right in front of her, eyes wide. “Are you alright?” He demands, looking between her face and her arm.
“I’ll be fine.” Meira assures him, lowering her arms and hissing when the wound pulls. “My jacket on the other hand…” She bitches, tugging at the shoulder to get a better look at the tears. She whines when she gets a proper look at the damage.
“You bitch-slapped a wendigo in the face with a medieval torch, and you’re just upset about your jacket?” Sam asks incredulously.
Meira considers that. “I… huh. That was pretty cool, wasn’t it?” Sam snorts, shaking his head like he genuinely can’t believe her. Meira grins, before the situation catches up with her, and she jerks her head back the way she came. “We should get behind the wards I set up if we’re going to catch up.”
Sam, though, shakes his head. “I’ve gotta-” He gestures after the wendigo. Meira is just about to point out that running off half-cocked is going to get him dead, despite the disorientation of having to tell her Uncle that, when he goes on. “It took Dean and Haley.”
Meira stares at him for a long moment, then tips her head back. “Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me!” She whines at the sky. “I just got Tommy out!”
“You got Tommy?” Sam echoes, brightening.
Meira nods, and realises there’s really only one thing for her to do. “I’ll wait with him while you go help the others?” She offers, and Sam nods once, sharp and decisive. Meira thrusts one of the torches at him. “Here. Take that.” Sam does, muttering a quick thanks before he’s rushing off again, and Meira goes back to sit with Tommy.
It’s not even half an hour later when she hears footsteps, people moving through the woods, and then the others appear through the trees, all of them in a straggly exhausted group. Haley and Ben both let out cries of relief when they see their brother, and stumble into a sort of run while Tommy clambers to his feet in order to embrace them.
“Wendigo’s dead?” Meira checks.
“Yeah.” Dean confirms. “Shot it point blank with a flaregun.” He adds proudly. Meira whistles, impressed. Dean grins back at her. “Heard you hit it in the face with a torch?” He asks, jerking his head at Sam to indicate just where he heard that. “Pretty awesome.”
Meira shrugs, grinning bashfully. “I did what I could.”
Then she realises that Roy is watching her very intently. He looks more than a little worse for wear, something a bit wild around his eyes that suggests he’s not taking the existence of the supernatural very well at all. “You’re alive.” He says when Meira catches his eye.
“Yeah.” Meira confirms.
Roy swallows. “Coulda sworn that thing broke your neck.” He says, all of a sudden not quite able to look at her and instead staring somewhere over her shoulder.
“Oh, man, it tried.” She replied, grinning in a strange, giddy relief at the memory of how easily her grace had healed her. “Shook me like a ragdoll. But I’m fine.” She adds to reassure him, because he still looks a bit haunted.
Roy nods. There’s a long pause, and then he clears his throat. “You saved my life. When I was being an idiot.” He adds briskly, grimacing at himself. “Thank you.”
Meira shrugs, smiling ruefully. “Just because you’re an asshole, doesn’t mean you deserve to die.”
Dean snorts in amusement at that, and interrupts before Roy can say anything else. It doesn’t look like he knows what to say in any case. “Come on, let’s get back to civilisation. I don’t know about any of you lot, but I’m getting a little sick of these woods.”
No one’s going to object to that, so they get themselves organised, and follow Roy’s recovered GPS out of the forest. Along the way they discuss what, exactly, to tell the authorities, getting their stories straight. Meira’s mostly quiet as they hike, trying to figure out what she’s going to do now. Ideally, she wants to stick with Dean and Sam, but she isn’t entirely sure how to go about inviting herself along. She knows from her dad’s stories that he and Uncle Sam had been kind of codependent when they were younger, and trying to insert herself into such a close-knit dynamic is going to difficult.
She still hasn’t come up with any good ideas when they get back to a road and call the paramedics. Then it’s all chaos as everyone asks questions and gets medical attention. Sam tries to point the paramedics at Meira, but Meira dodges them with the excuse that it was just a scratch, she’ll be fine. “Hey.” Someone says behind her, and she turns to find Haley standing there, looking exhausted and overwhelmed.
“Hey, you alright?” Meira checks, touching her lightly on the arm.
Haley nods. “Thanks to you.” Meira shakes her head, but Haley presses the point. “You saved Tommy. You saved my brother.”
Meira relents with a smile, and shifts her hand up to brush her knuckles lightly over Haley’s cheek. “I’m glad I could help.” She says sincerely. Haley huffs, smiling incredulously.
“You never let up, do you?” She asks.
Meira shrugs and retreats. “I do mean it.” She points out.
Haley considers her for a long moment, then nods. “Yeah, I got that.” She acknowledges. Then she glances over to where Dean is finally escaping the paramedics himself. “I should go and say thank you to them, too.” She says, and Meira nods, watching her go. She watches them talk for a moment, before an idea occurs to her, and she hurries off to pickpocket a ranger, talk to Roy, and then circle back around to Haley. She gets there just in time to hear her say “Must you cheapen the moment?”
“Yeah.” Dean replies, as if it should be obvious.
Haley shakes her head, catches sight of Meira, and rolls her eyes. “The pair of you, I swear.” She huffs, and Meira grins. She’s heard it before, mostly from Qaada. Dad always protested that she’s way more like Pabbi, but given that the pair of them are the same flavour of irreverent flirt, she figures that’s one and the same.
Meira flips her stolen pen over in her fingers and proffers it to Haley. Haley takes it with a quizzical expression, while Meira shoves up her sleeve and presents her arm to her. “Gimme your number, and once I can get my hands on a new phone, I’ll text you.”
Haley narrows her eyes playfully. “And why should I?”
For once, Meira doesn’t rise to the bait. “Because then if you get into any other trouble, or if you see anything else weird, you can call me.” She explains. Haley’s eyes widen a little, and then she nods and scribbles a phone number onto Meira’s arm.
“Smooth.” Dean comments, half complimentary, half resentful, and Meira elbows him in retaliation. He elbows her back.
Haley shakes her head at both of them again, and then, surprising the hell out of Meira, she leans in and kisses them each on the cheek, Meira, and then Dean. “I hope you find your father.” She says to Dean, who sobers at that, and then Sam and Ben amble over and Haley guides Ben off to go to the hospital with their brother.
“You going to be alright getting home?” Dean asks, startling Meira out of watching the little family leave in the ambulance.
Meira winces, trying not to think too hard about exactly how far away from home she really is. Dean catches it and raises his eyebrows at her. Over his shoulder, Sam is frowning in concern. “Don’t really have one of those anymore.” She admits quietly, since it’s mostly true. She’s just muddling her tenses a little bit. She swallows and glances sideways at Dean. “Mind if I hitch a ride with you guys?”
Dean glances back at Sam, who shrugs. “Sure.” Dean says, a little uncertainly. “I guess.”
Relief makes Meira’s shoulders slump. “Thanks.”
“You really don’t have anywhere to go, huh?” Sam asks, sounding sympathetic.
Meira gives a slightly bitter laugh at that. “No, I don’t. It’s… it’s all gone.” She raises her arms a little in indication. “This is everything I have right now.”
“Shit.” Dean breathes. “What happened?”
“What always happens to hunters.” Meira hedges, tucking her hands into her pockets and hunching into her coat uncomfortably. It’s not even entirely a lie. “They missed one, and it came back to bite them.”
“Well, you can stick with us for a while.” Sam offers.
“Thanks. I don’t mind helping you look for your dad for a while as repayment.” Meira replies, and they both nod their acceptance. Then Dean tips his head towards the Impala, and Meira goes, aware of the pair of them following along behind her.
She’s pretty sure she’s not really meant to hear it when Dean says, in an undertone. “Sam, you know we’re going to find Dad, right?”
“Yeah, I know.” Sam agrees heavily. “But in the meantime… I’m driving.”
There’s a long pause, long enough for Meira to reach the back door of the Impala and turn to look at them. She’s just in time to see Dean flip the keys across to Sam, and she ducks her head on a smile. As long as she’s stuck here in the past, this is exactly where she wants to be; with her family.
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DROWNING,   THERE’S  NO  AIR,  DROWNING,  AND  YET  HE  TRIES.    suffocating,    there  is  no  air,   nothing  but  the  blue  of  the  ocean.     and  that’s  what  his  nightmares  are  made  of  now----  what’s  more  trauma?  whats  one  more  NIGHTMARE?        he’s  lying  awake,    because  a  full  thirty  minutes  is  all  he  really  wants  to  SUFFER  through  now.  his  hand  is  over  across  his  chest,  solemnly  brushing  up  and  down  the  scar.   there  is  a  distant  bustle    &    he’s  already  been  back  again,   already  hates  the  noise,   it’s  too  much,  too  OVERWHELMING.  he  grunts  and  flips  to  his  side,  just  blinking  at  the  crimson  light  from  the  numbers  on  the  clock.   a  solitary  five  minutes  pass  before  he  decides  he’s  had  enough.   kicking  the  sheet  from  his  body  he  pushes  himself  up,  doing  his  best  to  avoid  the  entire  crowd    ;   people  in  the  kitchen  swivel  their  heads  to  look,  he  ignores  them,   just  get  a  beer  and  split  dean,  he  tells  himself,  don’t  say  anything,    as  much  as  he  wants  to,   “  don’t  you  have  work  t’fuckin’  do?   “  he  has  to  admit,  it’s  a  nice  little  operation,  but  again  it’s  too  much  and  he  wants  it  all  GONE,  or  maybe  he  should  just  be  gone.
he  opens  his  beer  before  just  scooting  his  way  out,  no  a  spot  in  the  bunker  unturned,  he  still  ignores  everyone  and  marches  his  way  up  the  stairs.  the  door  creaks  when  he  pushes  it  open    &     now  he  can  breath  again.  it’s  the  familiar  figure  that  graces  him  with  some  peace  of  mind    -----------   more  alike,  every  day,        «    you  too  huh?   »    //  @burnedtm​
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@burnedtm  :     send me DARKNESS! for a starter where all the electricity goes out in the middle of the night.
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THEY’RE  HAVING  A  GOOD  TIME,  OR  AT  LEAST  HE  HOPES  SHE  IS,  he knows  he  is,   that  is  until  the  LIGHTS  &  the  television  go  out.  a  long  drawn out  sigh  is  given,  his  hand  leaves  the  popcorn  bowl  he’d  reached  into-----  then  rises  from  the  bed,     “   ow  !   “     expressing  it  aloud,  as  his  socked  foot  catches  at  the  bed  leg,   but  feels  around  in  the  darkness     ;    malachite  hues  only  slightly  adjusting  as  he  reached  a  dresser,   calloused  hand  feels  around  for  the  top  drawer  and  he  pulls  a  few  candles  out.    dean  is  a  dumb,  stupid  HOPELESS  ROMANTIC,  there  is  no  other  proper  explanation  as  to  why  they  are  there  within  his  bedroom.   he  places  only  one  on  the  nightstand  before  adjusting  himself  back  on  the  bed,  fingertips  lacing,   «     so,  looks  like  we  have  t’find  somethin’  else  t’do.   »
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A  DRAGGING  EXHALE,  AND  HE  HAD  SUCH  HIGH  HOPES  FOR  THE  LAST  ONE  TO  FALL  IN  THE  PIT----  he  tries  not  to,     to  never  root  for  anyone,     they  were  sangeda,    and  despite  not  feeling  like  he  belonged  there,   it  still  felt  like  a  dagger  to  his  heart  when  they  fell.     but  notions  don’t  last  long    ;     YOU  ARE  WONKRU  OR  YOU  ARE  THE  ENEMY  OF  WONKRU.     gaze  is  cast,  from  the  pit   down  along  his  arm  which  rested  in  the  usual  space,  upon  the  top  of  blodreina’s  throne,  to  way  she  moves  her  arm  up,  then  to  nathan,     blinking  gently  at  him. 
her  ruling  is  sound,  and   he  nods  in  the  others  direction.  before  he  steps  down,   patting  nathans  shoulder,   «      not  to  be  the  bearer  of  bad  news,   but  we  have  another  problem.    »     //  @commandsecond
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DON’T  LOOK  AT  ME  LIKE  THAT,    he  thinks,   he’s  tired  of  them  looking  at  him  like  a  timebomb,   like  at  any  moment   he’ll  just  SNAP.  it  wasn’t  like  that-------  not  really,  despite  how  it  seemed  from  the  outside  looking  it.   it  was  pressure,   SEDUCTION     ;   he  had  control  over  it,  mostly.  a  decision   to  be  alone,   at  least  for  a  little  while.   calloused  digits  pluck  and  choose  individual  fries,   he’s  really  not  all  that  hungry  so  as  much  as  he’s  worried  when  the  blonde  situates  herself  across  from  him  at  the booth,         «    look  if  y’er  here  t’tell  me  how  out  of  control  I  am,   please  don’t.    I’m  not  really  in  the  mood  t’be  lectured  right  now.   »     he  fucked  up,  he  knows  he  did,    he  just  hates  being  reminded  at  every  turn,  every  conversation,  every  look  shot  at  him.   //  @burnedtm
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SHE  ISN’T  AFRAID  OF  HIM,  AND  WITHIN  HIS  MINDS  EYE,  SHE  SHOULD  BE,   but  she’s  not,   she’s  here    -----  she’s  still  here  believing  in  him.  vaguely  he  wonders  if  she’d  actually  been  there   ;    that  maybe  she’d  view  in  some  kind  of  opposing  light.   the  mark  is  sated,  at  least  for  now,    voice  quieted  within  his  mind.   dean  is  thankful  when  she  is,  when  she  is  no  longer  accompanying  confines.   lips  purse  and  he  places  his  calloused  hand  atop  brookes,       «     y’don’t  have  t’stay  ya  know    »   indentation  pressing  into  the  corner  of  his  forehead,  signs  of  a  scuffle.   //  @assembletm
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@sacrifieres  :     send me JACK O’LANTERN! for a starter where our characters are carving pumpkins.            meme.
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RAVEN  IS  LUCKY  THAT  HE  LOVES  HER,   BECAUSE  THIS,  THIS  IS  DISGUSTING  ---   the  poor  pumpkin,    one  hand  holds  each  one,  while  the  other,  his  right  digs  inside  with  a  scoop.   one  part  of  pumkin  carving  he’d  rather  do  without  but  an  important  step  none  the  less.  why  this  ever  became  a  tradition.       yuck.     REPULSED  face  is  made,  and  it’s  when  he  takes  the  ring  on  his  finger  off,   sets  it  on  the  table,      «     .....okay....    »       time  to  get  down  to  business,    opposing  to  simply  rolling  up  the  sleeves  of  his  flannel,  it’s  simply  taken  off  hung  onto  the  back  of  the  chair.     chair  is  pushed  aside,  feet  mount  on  the  floor  apart  as  his  hand  sinks  into  the innards    ----  sneer  crosses  his  freckled  features,    she  reappears   and  he’s  got  a  handful,  depositing  it  onto  the  newspaper.   «     y’know  what’s  gross?    »    there  is  a  smile,   an  idea    ;   it’s  the  second  pumpkin  that  he  decides  to  PLAYFULLY  chuck  a  piece  of  the  innards  at  her
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THIRTY  MINUTES  TO  AN  HOUR,  ITS  THE  EXACT  MOMENT  HE  KNOWS  that  he’s  spiraling ----   he’s  usually  able  to  force  his  body  down  for  at  least  four     ;     the  average  amount   of  hours  he  took  to  for  the  past  eight  years.    some  spot  on  the  floor  of  the  bunkers  library  is  found,   bowlegs  outstretched  before  him,   socks  cover  his  feet,  steel-toed  boots  are  somewhere  nearby  just  in  case  he  does  happen  to  find  a  new  lead.   but  a  primordial  evil  taking  up  refuge  in  the  etched  MARK  OF  CAIN  into  his  arm,   the  amount  of  information  taken  would  be  slim  to  none.   no  matter  how  many  times  he  read  the  same  online  articles  or  the  same  fucking  pages  of  the  books     :    nothing,   nothing,   nothing.    that  was  always  like  him,   impulsive,   diving  into  things  before  all  the  facts  were  presented.    a    set    back,   he  was  doing  better   ;   as  if  he  could  LOATHE  himself  anymore,     new  heights   &   surprises  were  brought  to  him.
eyelids  blink  gently  and  he  has  to  shove  the  laptop  away,   back  of  calloused  hand  presses  to  his  eye  socket,  drowsily.  what  he  thinks  is  that  the  bunker  has  settled -----   but  nightmares  presented  tonight,  just  like  any  other  night      ;       badly,   badly  presented,  coupled  with  thrashing    &     screaming.    however,  the  conclusion  that  the  others  remained  undisturbed  was  a  fable  he  lied  to  himself  about.  whether  it’s  sam   or    allison  lingering  there  above  him,  his  words  would  remain.     «     I  have  t’find  somethin’.    »     //  @carriedatlas
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‘  I’M  FINE,   I’M  FINE,   I’M  FINE  ‘   A  MANTRA  REPEATED,  that  maybe  if  he  says  it  enough----  he’ll  actually  be  fine   or   at  least  believe  it   ;   but  he’s  fooling  himself,  hardly  worth  believing  that  he’s  ever  been  anywhere  in  the  vicinity  of  FINE.   not  completely  anyways,  so  much  buried  down,  so  much  that  the  mark  is  bringing  to  light  within  the  struggling  confines  of  his  mind.   she’s  not  going  to  believe  it,  on  the  off  chance  she  does,  it’ll  ring  a  surprise.  sometimes  he’s  not  so  sure  how  he  convinces  others  that  he  is.  sometimes  though,  sometimes  perhaps  they  don’t  but  accept   &    respect  the  fact  that  he’ll  talk  about  it  when  he’s  ready  to.      «     m’fine  katie  really.  y’don’t  need  t’mother  hen  me.   »    //  @accidentprcne
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THE  BABY  BLUE  STARE  OF  HERS  WAS  ALWAYS  WORSE  just  after  a  supply  run  gone  wrong,   the  end  result  with  him  shooting  someone.   it  was  to  protect  the  camp  afterall -----   or  maybe  just  as  she  believes,  a  valiant  effort  to  shove  everyone  away,   prove  that  the  FEARLESS  LEADER  was  not  to  be  trifled  with,  not  to  be  bothered.   but  the  opposite  was  true  if  one  looked,  one  truly  looked.   the  way  his  eyes  pleaded,   someone  save  me,    help  me.      she  saw  through  him  or  at  least  someone  beyond  castiel  who  saw  right  through  that  facade,  those  sturdy  prickly  walls  he  built,         «    will  y’just  fuckin’  say  somethin’  already,    I  hate  when  y’do  that  shit.   »     //  @saviorbuilt   
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TONGUE  CLICKS  AGAINST  PEARLY  WHITES   :   bellamy  approaches,  this  should  be  good,  no  other  reason  would  bellamy  have  been  speaking  with  gaia. his  calloused  hand  taps  against  the  rubbled  concrete  of  the  once  tall  polis  building  overlooking  the  various  tents.  his  gaze  isn’t  taken  from  the  various  fires  burning  below.       «      let  me  guess,    »   after  another  blinking,  body  pivots  faces  towards  the  other,    «      the  flame,    »   there’d  been  a  choice,  he’d  had  to  make  entombed  beneath  the  other  ----   it’d  been  risky  for  him  to  have  even  uttered,  the  word  ‘  natblida  ‘   blodreina  got  them  through,  and  while  he  admits  to  even  himself  that  he’d  been  a  COWARD,   that  he  was  even  now,  a  COWARD.     «      you  want  me  to  take  it,    »   malachite  hues  flicking  back  out  into  the  space,     «      to  overthrow  blodreina.    »    clarke  of  synthetic  ebony  blood,  must’ve  refused  it  for  madi.   he’s  heard  things,  a  scavenger  not  for  nothing.      he  may  be  wonkru  now,  but  there  was  still  the  sangeda  within  him.
more  soft  clicking,  as  boots  carry  him  forward,  eyes  almost  narrowing,   «      Yu don a secret.    »   he  stands  toe  to  toe  with  him   ;   this  would  be  breaching  beyond  treason,  all  those  years,  poised  next  to  miller.  YOU  ARE  WONKRU  OR  YOU  ARE  THE  ENEMY  OF  WONKRU.      he  should  turn  him  away,  but  things  are  different,  this  wasn’t  the  bunker,  this  wasn’t  black  &  white  anymore,  this  was  survival.   «      en  Yu  have  terms.    »     they’re  desperate   ;   everyone  is  desperate,  survivability  stronger  in  surrender,  and  it’s  probable  that  it  is  a  surrender  included  in  the  terms.   «      tell  me  everything.    »     //  @atonedhero​
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CONFORMING  TO  SOCIAL  NORMS  HADN’T  EXACTLY  BEEN  DEAN’S  THING,   certainly  not  now ----  if  only  his  father  could  see  him  now,  not  that  he  particularly  wants  that    ;    he’s  settled  into  a  ROUTINE  with  her  and  while  his  previous  living  situation  was  not  even  close  to  being  ideal  to  go  from  that    to   almost  the  lap  of  luxury.   he  felt  like  one  of  those  HOUSE  HUSBANDS,  which  honestly  made  him  feel  more  useful  than  anything  he  probably  could’ve  done  in  society,   catering  to  her  didn’t  really  feel  like  a  job  or  a  chore,  despite  him  getting  paid  for  it,  it  felt  like  a  duty,    a  PURPOSE  given,  instead  of  sent  a  drift  without  a  rudder  or  a  paddle.    the  lock  clicks  and  the  door  opens,    gaze  moves  to  his  watch  as  wrist  is  turned ----  spoon  within  the  frying  pan  is  stirred,                  «     y’er  home  early  !     »    his  voice  ringing  out,  dinner  wasn’t  exactly  ready  but  he’d  be  lying  if  he  said  he  wasn’t  glad  she  was  home,      «     how  was  y’er  day?     »    dean  questions  when  she  finally  appears  through  the  threshold  into  the  kitchen.   //  @saviorbuilt
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@vigilawyer  :     send me HAUNT! for a starter where my character thinks the house is haunted.
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GRUMPY  DOESN’T  EVEN  BEGIN  TO  COVER  IT,    it  was  actually  a  nice  slumber  he’d  been  shot  awake  from-----   the  toaster.......  popped  and  immediately,    the  reaction  almost  instant,  he’s  up,    .45   aimed  in  the  direction  of  the  sound.    it  lowers  when  he  realizes  a  common  household  appliance   was  the  culprit,     the  third  time.  the  third  times  the  charm,  maybe     ;   but  knowing  his  ROTTEN  LUCK,  this  wouldn’t  be  the  last  of  the    toast  ghost,   heh  toast  ghost.     «     matt,  y’er  toaster  is  on  the  FRITZ  again ----  I  mean  it’s   doin’  that  bizarre  thing  again.   »
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@savieur    :     send me NIGHTMARE!  for a starter where my character suddenly wakes up from a bad dream.              meme.
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THE  FORM  NEXT  TO  HIM  IS  NOT  WHAT  CRADLES  HIM,   no  the  pull  of  his  trauma---    but  it  wasn’t  the  action  that  brought  about  peaceful  or  restful  sleep,   no  quite  the  opposite,    the  kind  of  sleep  that  paralyzes   locks  you  into  the  nightmare  state   ;   where  reality  blurs,   time  is  not  a  concept.   when  he’s  awake  it’s  easier  to  hold  them  back,  to  bury  them,  pretend  they  don’t  exist  because  when  he’s  awake,  as  far  as  he’s  concerned  they  don’t.     the  subconscious  makes  everything  REAL  again,   there  was  no  hiding  no  matter  how  hard  he  had  tried.   trauma  follows  you,  a  parasite  ever  growing  as  more  things  tack  onto  it.   could  be  something  to  do  with  the  FULL  MOON,   or  that  the  crimson  lights  of  the  clock   read,        𝟹:𝟶𝟼 𝙰𝙼    :    a  whole  two  hours  of  sleep,  hellish  sleep,   pun  not  intended.  
soundly,  or  as  he  interprets  from  watching  her  a  moment,  romeo  slumbers  next  to  him,  ‘  at  least  one  of  us  is  getting  sleep,  ‘   thoughts  peek  as  he  removes  his  arm  from  her  grasp.   dean  isn’t  sure  if  that  will  initially  wake  her,    but  he  needs  to  pee    &  probably  to  change  his  sweat  soaked  shirt,   or  to  leave  himself  bare-chested.   however,  he  hasn’t  even  made  a  motion  to  move  from  the  edge  of  the  bed  he’s  found  himself  perched  on.   bare  feet  dangle,  run  gently  across  the  cheap  carpet.   the  neon  sign  outside  the  motel,  a  faint  hum  ----   all  of  this  too  familiar,    difference  in  obscurity  being  the  magnitude  of  his  nightmares.
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@atyped    :     send me DARKNESS!  for a starter where all the electricity goes out in the middle of the night              meme.
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A  FLASH  OF  LIGHTNING,   A   BOOM  OF  THUNDER,  THE  LIGHTS  &  TELEVISION  GO  OUT,    dean  jumps,   the  popcorn  flies  everywhere ----  he  did  not  let  out  a  MAN  SHRIEK,     no  he  did  not.   if  there  was  anything  to  really  get  his  adrenaline  pumping  would  be  the  cheapest  of  scares    ;      JUMP  SCARES.    his  first  reflex  was  to  shoot  out  his  fist  in  the  direction  of  the  object,    but  since  there  was  no  objection,  the  snack  bowl  just  so  happened  to  be  it  at  the  time.   head  swivels  towards  her,     «      now  what?    »       a   rather  angry  grumble,  the  movie  was  just  bad  enough  to  be  good,     and  now   all  that  was  heard  was   the  patter  of  rain.
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