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teltales · 2 years ago
@lcvenderhcze for hope !
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As if online dating weren't humiliating enough, it seemed like Bonnie's first match was standing her up. Bonnie had been waiting for 10 minutes, and she was getting irritated. Really, who did this Madison chick think she was? Bonnie was way too good for her anyway. Seeing someone who looked a little like her match's profile picture, she approached. "Hey, you're not Madison Dunn, are you? Ugh, who am I kidding? You're way too old."
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victoria-grimesss · 2 years ago
Call the Doctor, I'm in Love
->Paring: Johnny ‘Soap’ MacTavish x Medic!Fem!Reader
->Words: 2.9k
->Warning: fluff & angst, mentions of injury/wounds
->Summary: Soap has a big ol crush on you, he’s not sneaky or quiet about it. Here are the many times he’s fantasized about you and the one time you answered his dreams.
->A/N: a little something because I love Foap!
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Johnny ‘Soap’ Mactavish is a pretty guy, a hunk if you will and he knows it. He has no troubles with the ladies and is highly experienced but he always feels like he’s lacking something, someone. Until you came along, pretty new medic. You’re his favorite. He always goes to you for a patch up even waiting for medical help until you come back from break. Johnny is a saint, he is a patient and giving man. 
But he wants you, desperately. He’s got a big fat crush and he’s not quiet about it. The 141 is exhausted hearing about what you did today and that Soap thinks you looked dreamy today, stitching up his arm. He saw you look at him a little extra that means you want to be with him right? They can’t wait until you either reject the poor fool or take him on a bloody date. Here are the times poor Mactavish has swooned over you:
The 1st Time: Your Introduction
Soap has found himself head over heels for you. He first saw you in the medical tent after him and an enemy went headfirst over a steep rockwall, he was fine of course, seems like that guy can bounce back from anything, you had nursed him back to health and he was done for. Your caring words and gentle hands were all he wanted now. And imagine his surprise and excitement when you became the team's new task-force medic.
“Alright team I hope you read over the file, we got a new member to our team. She's going to be our medic but don’t worry she can hold our own on the field. She’s reliable and damn good at her job. We’ve had too many close calls lately and I don’t want anyone dying of something that could have been prevented.”
Price ends his introduction and you greet your way around the room, everyone is nice enough for tuff military men. You find yourself sitting next to John, or Soap, or sometimes Johnny depending on who you ask. He’s a good looking guy, as are the rest in the room but you have a job to do so you don’t plan on messing up your place on the team by intermingling with one of them.
“Aye lass, do you carry one of those stethoscope things around with ya?”
He’s leaning on one arm, checking out the equipment you had brought with you.
“I usually keep it in the office, why is something wrong?”
You’re looking him over for anything obvious but nothing sounds any alarm.
“Ah no, it’s just my heart… it’s acting funny, beats a little faster when you come around.”
He’s smiling and you laugh not expecting a bad pick-up line but seems like he’s that kind of guy.
“I see. Well might want to try working on your cardio then that’ll improve that heart rate of yours.”
He pauses, thinking of what to say next to lure you in.
“You like bars doctor?”
“Not particularly..”
“Would ya mind joining me, I hate drinking alone.”
You smile, amused.
“Why not one of the other boys, someone you’re more familiar with.”
You’re looking into your bag and he drops his head lower so you’ll look him in the eyes.
“I’d like to be more familiar with you bonnie.”
You stop and put your hands on your hips pretending to think.
“Well I’m not so interesting, just a doctor after all. I’m sure Gaz would love to join you, you two seem the best of friends.”
He seems a little discouraged when you don’t play into his game but he looks at the small smile that plays on your lips and knows he’s just gotta keep trying. You won’t shake him off that easily.
The 2nd Time: The Flu Incident
Flu season. Your favorite time of the year, your inner monologue drips with sarcasm as you scrub your hands raw for the sixth time today. It’s late afternoon and the sun dips over the horizon as the rooms are casted with a honey soaked orange glow. The murmurs from the outside hallway peak your interest and you dry your hands and exit to the hall.
“I told you MacTavish I can help you just as easily as any other nurse or doctor, just come into my office and we’ll get you fixed up.” 
An older more seasoned nurse has her hands on her hips, gaze pointed at Soap with a motherly disapproved look at her face. You step out of the room tossing the paper towel into the bin.
“Troubled patient?” 
Soap lifts his head at your voice and he smiles, voice nasally and strained.
“Ah there ya are bonnie, been waiting for you. Think you can fix me?” 
“You’d be in better hands with her you know? Unlike me she knows what she’s doing.” 
Your tone is playful and Johnny stands weakly, hand on the wall.
“Yea but you’re my favorite, can’t feel better unless it’s you.”
The other nurse is called away shooting you a good luck look with her eyes, no doubt happy to not have to deal with the sickly man.
“Alright Johnny whatever you say. Let’s get you to a bed.”
“You’re a real saint hen.”
You place a steady hand on his back leading him to the bed in your office, away from the overflow so he can hopefully get some rest.
“Alright Johnny go ahead and lay down I’ll get your temp and let’s see if we can break that fever alright?”
He groans as he lays down obviously dealing with joint pain from the flu, it’s a nasty one that’s hit the base this time.
You run a washcloth under cool water, grab your thermometer, and sit next to him making sure he’s comfortable. You take his temp and frown, 
“Give it to me straight doctor, am I going to make it?”
He grips your hand dramatically and you laugh while patting his hand.
“I think you’ll just scrape by, it’ll be close though.”
“Oh thank heavens. Guess you’ll just have to take extra close care of me right?”
He’s giving you those stupid puppy dog eyes again as you place the washcloth on his forehead and place the back of your hand on his cheek to feel the temp there as well.
“I guess since I’m part of your team now I’ll have to make sure you live, so yes. I will take extra good care of you.”
You smile at him softly, you don’t like seeing anyone sick but sick Soap reminds you of a kicked puppy.
You miss the way his eyes shine up at you as you chart his info. How the thoughts in his head are those of you and him on dates, what ring he will propose to you with, where you’ll honeymoon and various other daydreams he has swirling around. He would do anything for you to be his, he would capture the stars for you.
You get up from your chair to put his info into the computer and he looks at the sad flowers on the side table, shriveled and needing to be tossed.
“These flowers aren't lookin so good.”
You glance over and frown.
“Oh yeah, it’s been so busy lately I haven't had a chance to replace them yet.”
He hums and you walk back over to him and give him some painkillers and electrolyte drink mix.
“Take these and get some rest please, it’ll do you good.”
He sits up, eyes on you as he takes the pills, handing you the little cup back.
“I’ll get you some new flowers, take you out too.”
You’re facing away from him, a smile gracing your features.
“Johnny, I-”
“You don’t have to say yes now lass, just please, for the sake of my well-being think on it.”
You move over to him and dab the cloth onto his cheeks and cool down his pulse points, heart growing slightly as you reply.
“Sure Johnny, I’ll think about it. Now sleep, doctor's orders.”
He sleeps quietly next to you as you finish your charting. The sight of him so calm warms your heart and it scares you a little bit, you wouldn't want to throw off the balance of the team or make any weird power dynamics by falling for him but he makes it harder and harder. 
The next week fresh flowers are left on the side table.
The 3rd Time: Award Ceremony Ball
Dressed to the nines each of you are. A very successful mission rewarded the whole team with a variety of medals and everyone was looking very nice all cleaned up.
Your dress was a floor gown with a slip up the leg and your back was exposed, the dress felt so silky and it was nice to not be covered in blood for once. Although you did manage to spill some kind of fancy jam on it and you were frantically dabbing at it with water when you were interrupted with Soap meeting up with you.
“Well don’t you look nice.” 
He’s lively tonight, eyes bright with optimism after the job and sporting brand new chest candy to show off.
Your eyes drift up from the new stain on your dress to him and he, well he looks damn good. A new pink scar graces his jawline but it looks good on him, he can wear scars well.
“Thank you, you clean up well yourself too.”
“Ah bonnie don’t make me blush now.” 
The rest of the team is chatting at a nearby table, Price is nursing a short glass of something dark, Gaz is going to town on the amazing food, and Ghost is engaged in conversation with the two of them.
“You wanna head back to the table?”
You offer, he shakes his head and offers his hand.
“I ask the fine lady to a dance.”
You blush, never asked to dance before, the ballroom floor filled with experts, couples swirling to the melody in the air.
You stew on it for a moment, and put your hand in his.
“Ok but if I fall you fall with me okay?”
Your hands are intertwined, one of his is on your waist and yours is on his shoulder. You both try to copy what the others do and the messy dance combined with the flutes of champagne you both consumed makes for quite the site. The mess of bumping feet and unsteady movements.
“For a sergeant you’re rather uncoordinated MacTavish.” Your laugh is light.
“I didn’t go to fuckin dance school, certainly didn’t learn this in the marines that’s for sure. What, did they teach this in medical school?”
“Does it look like they did? I can stitch up a bullet wound but lord help me I can't dance for shit.”
You bump into him again and his grip tightens slightly.
“I got ya bonnie.”
He could be living in a dream right now, you in such a pretty dress adorned in your well deserved medals, him with his. You’re gripping his shoulder and he’s got you in his arms, he can smell your perfume and see the small hairs out of place as the two of you spin but he loves it all the same. He wants it all the same.
“Johnny. Can you hear me?”
He blinks harshly, really sinking back in. You’re not his right now, he can’t take you back to his place after this and kiss each part of you, unzip the dress and let his fingers graze over the skin that's revealed to him. Watch how you move under the moonlight as he touches you just as he imagined. Not yet.
“I said I think Gaz just devoured his fourth bowl of that dip I wanted to try.”
“Must be good then, should we head over before he finishes it all?”
You laugh and agree.
“Thank you for the dance MacTavish, you made me feel less silly for not knowing what I’m doing.”
His eyes sparkle at your admiration.
“I’m always happy to help.”
The 4th Time: Yes
This mission could not have been more fucked up. Shrapnel flies and bullets whiz by. The air is cold but your body is so hot, on fire from the adrenaline. 
The coms are staticy and choppy but you can make out the team. 
An undercover mission with Soap had you outside a pretty nice villa at dusk. It was meant to pose as a couple on a retreat to gain intel from an organization nearby but all hell had broken loose. You're cornered and Soap had been down to three bullets and you at two until you were able to take down someone else and gain the upper hand.
Communication with the team was hard, they had sent for backup now you just had to wait.
And Soap is shot.
He has taken a bullet for you and you’re frantic. 
“Fuck Johnny, shit.”
He grimaces as you rip your bag off of your back to grab for first aid. It’s not enough though, you had to pack light and it’s not enough.
“Stupid ass job, told them to find a way to get more equipment.”
You’re more muttering to yourself, ripping things out of the small bag you were allotted to patch him up.
“You’re cute when you’re frustrated.”
Johnny laughs and it sends him into a coughing fit, the bullet is in his side. You pray it hasn't done permanent damage but the gravel in his cough scares the hell out of you.
“Hold on Johnny, I’m gonna get you fixed up alright, just stay still.”
A bullet nearly misses your head and he shoots back hitting the guy before clutching his side again.
“You think that’s all of them?”
“Fucking hope so, I need- I have to clean it.”
He’s strong, so strong and sweet and kind and nice and charming and you can’t lose him. 
Not when you know you want him now. That you need him now. 
“Gonna lift your shirt ok? Just watch your breathing.”
“Aye, not even going to take me to dinner first.”
Your eyes are blurry as tears slip down, first one the two.
He wipes them away, his blood smearing onto your face and you choke back a sob.
“C’mon bonnie, don't cry. I hate seeing you cry.”
His voice grows weaker the more he speaks and you beg him to stop, but he rambles. 
He talks about how each morning he wakes up to see if you’re up yet. He waits for you at the gym, always goes to you when he feels unwell, gushes to the rest of the team about you when you’re not around. 
He flirts openly with you and what a fool you’ve been to not reciprocate fully, to reel into him.
The needle breaks his skin and his eyes grow heavy, the blood is still flowing freely and you almost feel it rushing out of you as well.
“I’m so sorry Johnny.”
You stitch and wipe and repeat. It’s a gaping wound and it makes you sick seeing it on him. 
You’re so focused on stitching him you don’t notice when his eyes close. His breathing is shallower now. 
Your eyes race around his face, head now slumped to the side.
You wipe the wound, it’s not good but it should be ok. Heavy on should.
Your hand, coated in blood cups his cheek, shaking.
You move his head, it's heavy in your hands and your breathing hurts now.
You get closer, enough to press his forehead to yours and you inhale his smell. 
You hold cloth to his wound to try to stop the bleeding and you whisper promises to him if he will just pull through. 
Your lips are so close to his that when your tears roll down your face they roll off your nose onto his lips.
The hand that cups his cheek feels his pulse on his neck and it’s quiet and slow. It’s so silent here now.
“I’m so sorry Johnny. I love you. Fuck I love you so much I just didn’t want to mess anything up. Please don’t leave yet. 
You lips touch his softly, like if you pressed any harder he would shatter.
“Could have- could have told me all that before I was dying yea?”
He laughs weakly, his smile cracking the corner of his lips. You cup his face fully now, careful to remove your hand from the wound but you applied enough pressure by now the blood has coagulated some. 
“You mean all that?” His eyes are heavy but he still looks at you with that same shining he always did.
“Yes, god yes. I just didn't want to mess up the team dynamic but I don’t care anymore, you just have to pull through alright then let's go out.”
“I like the sound of that.”
Blades of the helicopter sound nearby cutting through the silence.
“Just hold on Johnny we’re gonna get you patched up. Then I want to see you in that suit again.”
“Anything for you bonnie.”
He recovered well with you by his side of course. You dressed his wound properly and gave him a kiss to make it heal faster he would say. Then two weeks later he showed up in a suit with flowers at your office door. The rest is history, but the team is much happier not listening to Soap’s rambling about you but they are happy nonetheless.
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nodramapossible · 4 months ago
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Saturday, November 30 — SWYNRP Character Wishlist
First I'm going to list some characters that I'd like to play.
Joy Hepburn (FC: Lana Condor)
I still have a lot of love for Joy as a character and hopefully one day I might get to tell her story again.
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2. Roxanne Martin (FC: Sadie Stanley)
Another character that I would love to tell her story again.
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3. Professor Milo Thatch (FC: Jonathan Bailey)
I always have ideas for him and never feel like I can get the story right. Maybe one day.
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4. Romeo "Roo" DeRosa (FC: Froy Gutierrez)
I have an idea for him but nothing concrete yet. I just feel like he would be a great addition to Pride University and bring some drama to the dorms.
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5. Grace Tilly (FC: Nicola Coughlan)
Another character I would jump at the chance of telling her story once I figure out what I want to do with her story. She's just an interesting character and the fact that she is "immune" to magic intrigues me even more.
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6. Terrence Sparrowman (FC: Chase Stokes)
I find him interesting as a fairy because he probably does deep down care about the Magick and Fairy politics in Swynlake but he is too busy enjoying himself to actually show he cares. He just wants to have a good time and not get judged for it. Plus, he likes showing off his magic to anyone who will watch.
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7. Sylvia Marpole (FC: Quinta Brunson)
I find her interesting and the fact she has a magical artifact and that's the Pagemaster Bookmark. I used to watch that film when I was younger and I just love the idea of a character having that kind of power especially a librarian.
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8. Prince Naveen Charles of Maldonia (FC: Anirudh Pisharody)
He is a character I would love to tell the story of one day. He is someone that would definitely cause drama in the Pride U circle and he would live for the attention.
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Now, some characters I'd want to be brought in for connections.
Ron Stoppable (FC suggestions: Aidan Gallagher, Alex Wolff or anyone you think would fit)
Kim needs her partner in solving crime and who doesn't love a dynamic duo. Please someone apply for him!
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2. Bonnie Rockwaller (FC suggestions: Camila Mendes, Alisha Boe & Isabela Merced or anyone you think could fit)
Kim needs a good nemesis that isn't Dr Drakken and someone who knows her history from Middleton. Plus, they have the same abilities which would be a very interesting dynamic for the both of them. Also who doesn't love a strong female. Please someone apply for her!
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3. Monique Fox (FC suggestions include: China Anne McClain, Precious Mustapha & Lexi Underwood or anyone you think could fit)
Another strong female from the Kim Possible universe. I could see her and Kim becoming fast friends and gossiping about the hotties in Swynlake plus all the other drama that happens there. Please someone apply for her!
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Next, characters I'd like to see in the RP.
Mindy Di Stefano (FC suggestions: Mimi Keene, Vanessa Morgan & Hannah van der Westhuyse)
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2. Maximillian Goof (FC suggestions: Charlie Gillespie, Jonathan Daviss & Xolo Maridueña)
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3. Ashlé Boulet (FC suggestions: Sarah Jeffrey, Elisha Applebaum & Savannah Lee Smith)
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Finally, some FCs I'd like to see on the dash.
Victoria Justice
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2. Arden Cho
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3. Ncuti Gatwa
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4. Zoe Colletti
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sharperthewriter · 7 months ago
Chapter 31 of Roneo and Kimliet
Chapter 31
(7:58pm, Feb. 15, 2006)
The girls that were present in the Rockwaller house then went to Bonnie's bedroom.
"So before we get to business, mind if I ask why you did up your overall strap?" Bonnie asked to Ashley A's decision to reattach the left strap to her overalls.
"They were about to fall down and I didn't want Possible and Stoppable to laugh at me while I was doing my lines." Ashley A replied.
"Fair enough." Bonnie admitted before getting to the real business of the meeting.
"Now, do you have the footage of Possible and Stoppable's kiss?"
The pairs of eyes then turned to Amanda and her video camera.
"Duh, B. Of course I got the goods!" Amanda slyly replied, patting the camera.
"Well, don't just stand there! Put in the tape!" Bonnie insisted.
Since Bonnie had a 21" TV and VCR/DVD combo player in her room, Amanda took out the tape. She then put it in the VCR part of the player.
"We're going to have to fast-foward until the end." Ashley A said, pressing the FF button.
Since the tape was an hour and a half long, she fast-forwarded the tape to the part where the Kim and Ron kiss happened.
Ashley A paused the VCR at the moment that Kim and Ron kissed on the stage.
"And there is the moment."
"EEEEEEWWWWW!" Bonnie exclaimed. "That is gross on so many levels!"
"I think I'm gonna be sick!" Ashley A grimaced.
"Totally disgusting!" Amanda agreed on both Bonnie's and Ashley A's reaction.
Hope and Ashley B said nothing but closed their eyes in terror over one simple kiss. This did represent a threat to Bonnie's MHS Food Chain system in their eyes.
"Okay, so the good news is that we got the evidence of their kiss." Ashley A said, assessing the sitch that was in front of the mean girls.
"But now comes a tougher question: How are we going to get it through the walls of Middleton High without Possible or Stoppable noticing?"
"You have a point, AA." Bonnie admitted. She hadn't thought that far in her plan. "Let me try and think."
The brunette pondered on her bed for a moment.
"I'm getting an idea in my head...wait a minute...I think it's coming!"
Then Bonnie had that Eureka moment.
"I got it!"
"What?" Ashley B asked, "What is it?"
"AB, you do know we have a rivalry with the Golden Dancers, right?" Bonnie questioned. She was referring to the Middleton High Golden Dancer squad that usually performed with the marching band during the football season.
"We do, yes." Ashley B replied, "But we usually only play minor pranks on them such as TPing their houses or making ugly faces at them at their practices."
"This is next level!" Bonnie snickered, "We are going to plant that video in one of the Golden Girls' backpacks at night."
Ashley A and Ashley B reacted with extreme interest in this with their catchphrase.
"Ooooo...extra scandalous."
However, Amanda and Hope weren't so sure.
"How are we going to sneak in one of their houses without us getting in trouble?" Hope asked.
"Leave that to me!" Bonnie grinned.
And so, she detailed out her plan for getting one of the Golden Dancers in deep trouble.
At Bueno Nacho, Kim, Ron, and the rest of the Possible family ordered their food. Kim and Ron went to their usual booth on one end of the restaurant and the other Possibles chose a booth on the opposite end. Rufus, of course, was waiting on his Naco on the table.
"So, KP, where do you think we should practice Act II?" Ron asked.
"I wish if we could do it at my house, but...you know...the Tweebs." Kim groaned, looking at her brothers.
"Then what about the treehouse in my backyard?" Ron suggested, "It's much quieter there."
"The treehouse will do." Kim replied. "We can practice there alone."
"Yeah, given that only two people can come up there." Ron said as Ned delivered their orders to the table.
Ron then put the Diablo sauce on the Naco. Rufus dug into his.
"I just hope no awk-weird moments happen between us, you know." Kim said, eating her taco salad.
"I know. Just meet up at a time and we can go from there." Ron replied.
(8:00am, Feb. 16, 2006)
Kim came up to her locker. She was in a long green button-down shirt, dark denim baggy CB overalls with both straps hooked, paired both with a patterned blazer and brown heeled boots. She also held the Romeo and Juliet script in her hands.
Monique then came up to her. She was in a long dark denim dress with three gold CB necklaces and black heel boots.
"Girl, have you set up something with Ron for Act 2?" the fashionista asked.
"I did. We managed to set up something for tonight after this go-around for practice." Kim replied. "He suggested the treehouse at his place at 7pm."
"For real, which scenes are you going to do again?" Monique questioned.
"The first three scenes, Monique." Kim said, "It's going to be no big." _
(8 hours later, 4pm)
All of the students of Drama class gathered once again in the main auditorium of Middleton High. This time, everyone, even Ron, was present and on time and with their scripts. They were all backstage along with Barkin.
The Glee Three then assembled before the other participants.
"Everyone, we are going to do the prologue and first three scenes of Act II." Cara insisted.
Vance added, "And I want everything to go smoothly and perfect this time."
"Without any mistakes!" Laramie concluded.
"Can't they try to cut out that finishing sentences thing?" Kim asked to Ron. "It's so annoying."
"Okay, everyone, places!" Barkin exclaimed, "We don't have time for shenanigans!"
Hope, TJ and Gus then came out on the stage as the Chorus to set up the prologue for Act 2.
"Now, Romeo's old feelings of desire of a previous love, Rosaline, is already dying and a new love, Juliet, is going to take its place. Romeo and Rosaline used to be together but she pales nothing in comparison to Juliet's tender beauty. " Hope began.
TJ continued, "Even though they are charmed by each other's looks, Romeo has to take into account that Juliet is a family member of a mortal enemy. Juliet is suffering the same thing as well."
And Gus concluded. "Beacause of this, they both have no means of seeing each other. However, passion gives these two the power and time will grant them an opportunity!"
All three students then exited the stage.
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burningexeter · 2 years ago
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Global Justice
What is it: a reboot or re-imagining of Kim Possible (2002 - 07) that while it still carries over a lot of the signature witty dialogue-driven humor and self-awareness of the original series, will also balance it out with a new, darker espionage feel, genuine high stakes and compelling overarching storylines.
The premise for the series ultimately starts off as one thing intentionally and ends up becoming something entirely different without losing what it was the first time around.
Set in the fictional Middleton, Colorado, we at first follow high school cheerleader Kimberly Ann "Kim" Possible who despite being captain, is too cocky and over-confident for her own good and faces many of the same problems most teenagers go through. Only for literally everything in her life to change for good when on the eve of the school dance that she's in charge of putting together, Kim is kidnapped by both her rival Bonnie Rockwaller and three super-speed robots called the Bebes and is brought to a deadly femme fatale supervillain named Shego who has a special plan in mind for the dance. It's then that Kim is now forced to use all she's got including her skills to make it out of this fantastical scenario alive and stop Shego.
The thing is — she succeeds albeit in an unexpected way and just when everything seems to have ended, all six of them (Kim, Bonnie, the Bebes and Shego) are obtained by a top secret organization that Shego was once one of the best, if not the best agent before called you obviously guessed it, "Global Justice".
In order to make it out of this for their own different reasons, they each are forced to agree to become Global Justice agents, or rather a team as they all share more-than-similar martial arts and fighting skills.
While this puts them at complete odds with each other, they all turn out to be the best agents for all the jobs imaginable and prove to be an effective team while each of them deal with their own problems in their personal lives in having to balance out working for Global Justice.
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• To start things off, Shego will be given an entirely new backstory that fits her this time around:
Her real name is believe it or not, Kim as well - Kim Verrick to be exact. She was once a highly intelligent and equally skilled police detective whose incredible skills out on the field caught the attention of Global Justice who made her an agent, Kim would be a top GJ agent that defeated over 500 villains and brought several criminals to justice.
Unfortunately things would take a turn for the absolute worse, after a mysterious "incident" in upper Middleton that will be left ambigious although specific characters know about it, it left Kim with green-plasma powers and colored-skin which would then lead her to having a face-heel turn and become a new and sinister villain who now goes by the name of Shego. Currently wanted in 11 countries and already has a large kill count, this leads her back to her hometown of Middleton to begin her first evil plot as a villain which would lead her to create or rather resurrect three old friends as the Bebes, make a deal with an obnoxious high school cheerleader who as it turns out will do anything to stay on top and order them to bring her a person that has grabbed her interest as said person is related to an important part of her plan - Kim Possible.
On a fun side note -
It also turns out that not only did she go to Middleton High School when she was a teen but also was the captain of the cheerleaders as well just like the other Kim is now.
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• The Bebes will also be given an entirely new backstory to fit their characters here:
Believe it or not, they were human before with the three of them being other top Global Justice agents of different origins - Nancy Ridley, a U.S. marine that was one of the bravest on the front, Judith Bennett, a U.S. soldier who led her squad into battle and Samantha "Sam" Kane, a firefighter who rescued several civilians and fellow firefighters single-handedly in a roaring building fire. All three of them would catch the attention of GJ who made them agents of theirs and while not quite on the same level as Kim (Shego), they were still some of the best agents even being in the top 10.
Unfortunately Nancy, Judith and Sam - who became close friends and allies - were killed in the same incident that gave Kim (Shego) her powers and once she went over to the other side, brought them back to life this time as identical robots she calls the Bebes and just like her, they've also had their own face-heel turns.
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• As I've said previously, "Global Justice" will have much more of a full-on espionage/super-spy feel to it along with an aesthetic inspired by and similar to Brad Bird's The Incredibles and even to a certain degree Captain America: The Winter Soldier only with way more color to it. Let's actually lean in to the James Bond influence that the original series' creators had when conceiving Kim Possible. It would not only be interesting but have the show actually stand out from the numerous crappy ones that are pumped out like a factory.
• I picture Christy Carlson Romano, Nicole Sullivan, Terry Kinney Silver and Kirsten Storms all reprise their roles as Kim, Shego, the Bebes and Bonnie while for certain flashback scenes will have Karen Strassman, Salli Richardson and Lydia Mackay as Nancy, Judith and Sam.
• As for the show handles its world-building, usually with most media like this - it's always hidden or in secret, they're separate/hidden worlds or they're government cover-ups etc. basically they're all kept in secret a la Harry Potter, Men In Black, Totally Spies, Martin Mystery, Percy Jackson, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, plenty of Disney shows that you can name off the top of your head.
That's not the case at all here with "Global Justice".
In "Global Justice", it's all out in the open for all to see with no hiding whatsoever but it's all happening in these places that the rest of the world pays absolutely no attention to. There's no hiding whatsoever, all the superheroes, supervillains and spies are out there for all to see but again it's in all of these numerous places in modern society where no one cares about in the slightest. All you have to do is just simply look down let's say an average alleyway and boom, you'll see a superhero fight. That's it, that's how it works.
Obviously this will be poked fun of by some of the characters but still.
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• A reoccurring thing is that Kim, Shego, the Bebes and Bonnie will all have their bumbling screw-up moments sprinkled throughout the whole series to show that they're far from perfect and are new to this - with Kim and Bonnie, it's because they're just starting out as agents and get too cocky for their own good and Shego and the Bebes, it's because A). they're just starting out as villains and B). they're just starting out as returning Global Justice agents.
• I picture this show having three seasons with 67 episodes total and on top of that, each season will be a "volume" like either a graphic novel or even the superhero show that fell from grace hard, NBC's Heroes.
Season 1 is Volume One: How To Stop A Green Woman
Season 2 is Volume Two: Operation Hellfire
Season 3 is Volume Three: The Heroes Among Us
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• To help add to the show's universe, a couple of scattered around references and easter eggs that are kinda sorta blink and you'll miss them will be made to the events of other media that heavily imply a shared universe and it would actually make sense in the context of the actual series because Global Justice is a top secret organization that's goal is to protect the world from any threats necessary so of course they'd collect and gather information on past events.
For example, a reference that's rather passing will be made to the 1936 event with the archeologist, the nazis and the Ark of the Covenant.
• Also, to help add to the show's setting, it will be heavily implied that the whole show takes place over the course of a single year and that year is 2025.
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• Lastly, there will be a few call-backs here and there to the original series. For example, this scene where Kim saves Ron.... will happen in "Global Justice" only this time it'll be Shego who saves Kim.
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wondrousmuses · 23 days ago
“Yes. If I dont want to be partnered with the person that you choose, can I switch?”
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The yellow spy asked. The reason why she asked that question was because…well..Bonnie Rockwaller and Alex shared the same class. She would hate to be partnered with the likes of her. Though, Al was a little excited about the baby project.
The Baby Project
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((for @wondrousmuses - Alex specifically XD))
Barkin came in to the classroom door in E-Hall.
"Okay, people. Since Miss Violet will be out for a couple of weeks due to a coconut hitting her foot in Tahiti while on vacation, I will be commandering her class. Now, the main project for today will be parenthood. You will be teaming up with a partner to care for a 'baby' for the next three weeks! Now before I call out your partner, are there any questions?"
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saphirafoxgirlspost1 · 3 years ago
Dbz Rp in,"Journey Tale Of Saphira"
Long Time Ago, Saphira's Father was Furious about Saphira's Boyfriend Name Ronald Stoppable Broke Saphira's heart and Murdered the Children and Loved Only Money..Not only Ron was Doing Such Horrible Things to Saphira But Kim and Bonnie did The Most Humiliated thing to saphira...stole the glory while saphira was in the Hospital suffering a Broken heart and bones...Then He got Stoppable, possible, and Rockwaller family Fired For their heinous crimes on His precious lotus blossom...after saphira's Graduation and exposing the truth about those 3...Saphira Moved into a Nice decent city..until..Saphira saw the pod as it opens it and one one was in it...it seems odd..but when she got in..Saphira sees the pod close fast as it launch into space..until..it made her turn back time..and she began to see a weird planet called Kanassa..She crashed there and began to look around after it opens and said," ok...where am i? umm... *looked around..and then She began to go into the city..but all she sees is the creatures that look like when it came out from the movie "the creature from the black lagoon"..and then suddenly..She Looked at the building as she began to transmission herself and looked around and said* yessh..that i Ughh...I mean ughhh! *She sniffles as she was about to sneeze and she did* aaachooO!! what the? *gasp* I- ahhh! *She turns and raspberry sneeze on the great ape which is she didn't know. She opens her eyes and saw the great ape looking straight at her and she said With a sheepish tone* Excuse me pardon me." Then the great ape roars at her face and saphira Jumped and scream when she flies off fearfully..and she turns and saw about 4 oozarus*
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*She screaming and said* oh Shit oh shit!! I'm allergic To This Thing!! AACHOO! *her Sneeze went shooting to the caves..and then one of them spotted her and she is shaken*
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historyhermann · 2 years ago
"Kim Possible" Is A Fun Comedy and Action-Adventure
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What if an ordinary high school girl saves the world on a daily basis, but is more afraid of her life as a teenager than any villains plotting to take over the world? Kim Possible answers that question in this well-regarded comedy-adventure series.
Reprinted from The Geekiary, my History Hermann WordPress blog, and Wayback Machine. This was the thirty-second article I wrote for The Geekiary. This post was originally published on March 6, 2022.
Kim Possible is an all-ages animated comedy, action, and adventure series created by Bob Schooley and Mark McCorkle. It ran for 87 episodes across four seasons, with episodes ranging in length from 11 to 22 minutes. Even though Kim Possible aired from 2002 to 2007, and many shows have come and gone since then, it shines in its own way.
As a warning, this recommendation discusses some spoilers for Kim Possible.
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Kim faces off against Shego
Kim Possible centers on its titular hero (voiced by Christy Carlson Romano), a high school student who fights crime and saves the world at the same time. In fact, she finds being a teen even tougher than fighting villains like Dr. Drakken (voiced by John DiMaggio) and Shego (voiced by Nicole Sullivan). Kim is helped by her childhood friend, Ron Stoppable (voiced by Will Friedle), his naked mole rat, Rufus (voiced by Nancy Cartwright), and a computer genius named Wade Load (voiced by Tahj Mowry).
The story is mainly told from Kim's perspective, as she tries to balance her life as a crime fighter and a teenager in high school. Major supporting characters include Kim's parents, James (voiced by Gary Cole) and Ann Possible (voiced by Jean Smart), and the "tweebs" as Kim dubs them, Jim (voiced by Shaun Fleming) and Tim (Spencer Fox), who are Kim's younger brothers. Her brothers are a little like Phineas and Ferb, and have a bigger role in helping Kim and her friends in the show's fourth season.
Throughout Kim Possible, Kim faces off against Bonnie Rockwaller (voiced by Kirsten Storms), who is equivalent to Mandy in Totally Spies!. She is a rival classmate that is inconsiderate and is the complete opposite of Kim.
Kim is also helped by one of her best friends, Monique (voiced by Raven-Symoné), who helps her achieve a healthy work-life balance. In the fourth season, Monique designs Kim's new mission suit and even gets Kim a new pirate uniform in one episode. Since she knows a lot about fashion, she is akin to Tomoyo Daidouji, who designed all of Sakura Kinomoto's outfits in Cardcaptor Sakura.
When Kim, Ron, Rufus, and Wade, known collectively as Team Possible, aren't battling Drakken and Shego, they fight a variety of other villains such the half-monkey/half-man Monkey Fist (voiced by Tom Kane), Scottish golfer Duff Killigan (voiced by Brian George), German evil scientist Professor Dementor (voiced by Patton Oswald) and the wealthy father-son team, Señor Senior, Sr. (voiced by Ricardo Montalbán and Earl Boen) and Señor Senior, Jr. (voiced by Néstor Carbonell). The latter two are villains only because they are bored.
Since the show is for all ages, it doesn't have any gratuitous violence nor any mature themes present in series like Human Kind Of, Inside Job, and Disenchantment. Despite this, the show is still strong with funny jokes and situations. Even though it ended 15 years ago, the humor holds up.
The dialogue of Kim Possible is fast-paced and meant to cater to adult viewers, along with some visual jokes. This makes it similar to Phineas & Ferb, which has a spy subplot between a crime-fighting platypus and a evil scientist. Kim Possible is different because Drakken was formerly a classmate of Kim's father, making for intriguing stories throughout the series.
Unlike other Disney productions, the series is not very musical, meaning that there aren't songs in almost every episode as is the case for its more recent shows like Elena of Avalor, Milo Murphy's Law, Mira, Royal Detective, and Sofia the First. Even so, there are occasional songs throughout the series. Furthermore, the theme which opens every episode ("Call Me, Beep Me!," sung by Afro-Cuban actress and singer Christina Milian) gets you in the mood to watch each episode.
The characters, especially Kim and Ron, develop over the course of Kim Possible and realize who they are as people. This makes the viewer more invested in these characters and want to watch more episodes. Each plot, even if a simple one, is fascinating and pulls you in, building the story and making you care about what happens next. The series doesn't take itself too seriously, which makes it even more appealing.
Much of the comedy in Kim Possible comes from Drakken's hair-brained schemes or Ron's antics. Only Kazuda Xiono in Star Wars Resistance and Oscar in The Proud Family rival Ron's goofiness. He matures through the series. In the process, he becomes more romantically attracted to Kim, while she is attracted to him. He remains afraid of monkeys, making Monkey King his main arch-foe, while gaining what is known as the "mystical monkey power."
I have not seen the James Bond films that the series is parodying, nor that many spy films, but that didn't make me less interested in the show. I did see similarities between Kim Possible and the more recent Carmen Sandiego series, which has a similar set-up. I wouldn't be surprised if Kim Possible had somehow influenced that show. Unlike that show, Kim Possible has storylines which criticize celebrity culture, boy bands, consumerism, school popularity, fast food industry, fashion industry, corporate world, and not accepting other people.
Kim Possible is different from other shows in that Kim does not follow any stereotypes about women, which are often ingrained within and manifested by female characters. She can easily serve as a role model for people, just as much Carmen Sandiego in the new series about her, or Rapunzel in Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure. This is because Kim has a loving family and supportive friends. She has a group of people ready to stand by her and help no matter what, even doing missions for her if she is too sick.
Kim is a bit of an optimist, as made clear by her slogan that she can "do anything." This comes to a head in some episodes as she begins to realize that she can't do everything, and she should have others help her if she is in trouble.
Similar to Adora in the award-winning series, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, or Carmen Sandiego, Kim has no secret identity. Instead, everyone knows her name and who she is, which makes her vulnerable at times. Even so, she is still able to travel the world and fight evil wherever, while keeping her social life back in the town of Middleton.
The voice actors of Kim Possible are well-known for other shows, like Futurama, The Simpsons, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The show has an air of authenticity since Romano was only 16 years old when she took the role of voicing Kim, meaning that she was maturing as the show was moving forward, just like Kim herself. This is similar to what Abbi Jacobson, who voices the protagonist in Disenchantment, said about her voice acting for Princess Bean in that series.
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Shego talks to Kim after saving her from Warmonga in Season 4
One character in Kim Possible stands out: Shego. Although she is a villain and a criminal mercenary, some have argued that she is a feminist icon because, like Kim, she is no damsel in distress. She is a powerful woman who often makes sarcastic remarks and can have an abrasive personality at times. She can stand face-to-face with Kim and is her match in more ways than one, as she can be cunning and ruthless. In fact, she is perhaps one of the smartest characters in the series, even able to take over the world in the 2003 film, Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time.
Sullivan, her voice actress, delivers her lines with such precision that it makes you love Shego that much more. Unlike other villains, Shego is never shown killing anyone in the series, even if she views human life in a callous way.
She is clearly a badass and has a moral compass, unlike other villains. Despite the fact that others respect her, she could care less for them. She would rather read villain magazines, file the nails on her gloves, paint her nails, listen to the latest pop music, or go on vacation. She is unique in that she possesses green energy which can be generated from her hands. She is also as agile and fit as Kim. Their fights are just as epic as the sword fights in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels, and Star Wars: Clone Wars.
This has led some fans to ship her with Kim. Kigo has over 400 fanfics on Archive of Our Own. In the show's canon, however, Shego has a romantic relationship with Drakken following the conclusion of the show and is shown crushing on various men throughout the series. In the show itself, Kim and Shego have a mutual respect for each other, even though they are rivals. Kim even worries when Shego becomes "good" in a Season 4 episode and occasionally working with her.
Shego is very popular with fans, garnering thousands of stories, cosplays, and fan art. Even voice actress Amber Romero, who voices Parsley in High Guardian Spice, gave a nod to naming her cat "Shego."
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Ron and Kim talk on the phone at the beginning of Season 4
The show's staying power is a testament to the fans. After the airing of the show's first three seasons and 2005 film, Kim Possible Movie: So the Drama, production on the series was halted by Disney executives. The success of the film convinced executives to renew the series for a fourth and final season, giving the series another 22 episodes, which Schooley called a "bolt out of the blue." The series makes clear that fans have the power to push for a show's continuation and can convince executives to change their minds.
The fourth season has a different tone than the previous seasons, as Kim and Ron are in a romantic relationship, something which started at the conclusion of the 2005 film. Much of the season is focused on that, and the strain it puts on both of them. The theme song is the same, but the opening sequence is different than the one used in the first three seasons.
In the season, Kim wears a battle suit, is more nimble, and is in her last year of high school, as are Ron and Monique. She also deals with the tweebs in school as they are now freshmen in her high school. Wade falls for Monique, Kim gets her own car, tries out a new crime-fighting outfit, and attempts to get Ron to eat a balanced diet.
Other Season 4 episodes focus on raising a young sibling, a shapeshifting villain, pirates, living history, job insecurity, voice-activated technology, social isolation, robots, mentorship, pneumatic tubes, babysitting, mind control, information control, lost pets, nannies, roleplaying games, high school graduation, alien invasion, and genetic mutation.
Beyond that, some of my other favorite characters include Camille Léon (voiced by Ashley Tisdale), Electronique (voiced by Kari Wahlgren), Motor Ed (voiced by DiMaggio), Will Du (voiced by B. D. Wong), Master Sensei (voiced by George Takei), Yori (voiced by Keiko Agena), and Zita Flores (voiced by Nika Futterman).
By Season 4, however, Yori's crushing on Ron has come to end, as Kim and Ron are dating. She is like a strong female character in anime and she respects Ron for who he is and is a skilled fighter. Camille is a terrible slimeball, but her ability to shapeshift into anyone makers her a worthy adversary. Motor Ed is an intriguing, but terrible, character not because of his often use of of the word "seriously" or that he plays air guitar. Rather it is due to the fact that he is a male chauvinist who has an eye out for beautiful women, like Shego, who understandably wants nothing to do with him.
Most reviews of the series are positive, but some are more critical. For instance, Lyn Mikel Brown in Girlfighting was dismayed at Kim for promoting a thin and beautiful heroine as an "average girl," the reliance on Ron, her biggest threat as Bonnie, and Kim set against other girls. This has some truth to it. Kim is a pretty and smart action hero and more cartoons have said that all body types are beautiful, not just those who are thin and athletic. However, Brown is forgetting that one of Kim's closest friends is Monique.
Additionally, there's nothing to say that Kim wouldn't have more female friends, since she has a network of people across the world who owe her favors. Some have argued that Kim is bisexual and have done so in some fanfics. They've even extended the same to Ron or to Shego.
The series has a bit more diversity, even with two White protagonists, than some more recent Disney series like Tangled and Phineas & Ferb. Wade's voice actor, Lowry, is part Afro-Bahamian and Monique's voice actor, Raven-Symoné, is a Black woman. Although both have important roles in the first three seasons, they have even bigger roles in the show's fourth season, with both going directly on missions - more for Wade than Monique. Additionally, Kevin Michael Richardson (as "Slim" Possible) is a Black man, Roz Ryan (as Wade's mother) and Sherri Shepherd (as M.C. Honey) are Black women.
There is other diversity in the cast. Adam Rodriguez (as Burn) is of Puerto Rican descent, Brian George (voice of Professor Acari) is of Indian descent, Gedde Watanabe (as Professor Robert Chen) is of Japanese descent. Clyde Kusatsu (as Nakasumi), Lauren Tom (as Miss Kyoko), and John Cho (as Hirotaka) are Japanese, while the late Montalbán was Mexican, and Carbonell is of Cuban descent.
Despite this, the show does not feature any outward LGBTQ characters even though Raven-Symoné, Wong, and Takei are gay and part of the show's cast. The closest we have are characters cross-dressing: Professor Dementor wearing a dress in an attempt to trick Kim, Ron and Wade dressing up as women in one episode, or Mr. Barkin wearing a dress on multiple occasions. If the show was to get a fifth season or was rebooted, hopefully this would improve, with complex and captivating LGBTQ characters, more diversity in the cast, and having protagonists in college like the later seasons of Totally Spies!. Some additional racial diversity in the series would also be a plus.
Kim Possible continues to remain popular, garnering a crossover episode in Lilo & Stitch: The Series in August 2005, and a live-action film entitled "Kim Possible" in 2019. Even so, it is very unlikely that it will return, regardless of the recent revival of The Proud Family. This is because the series ended on a declarative note, similar to the final episode of Futurama, except that in this case Kim and Ron graduate from high school, and the story is not starting over. However, some have pushed for another season.
Is it any surprise that Kim Possible was nominated for Annie Awards, Primetime Emmy Awards, Kids' Choice Awards, and Daytime Emmy Awards? In 2005, the series won a Daytime Emmy for "Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing," specifically for live action and animation. Of course, awards aren't everything, but the fact it was nominated for 15 awards between 2002 and 2008 says something about the series.
Even though Kim Possible ended over 14 years ago, it has staying power now and in the years to come. It can currently be watched on Disney+, where it is not in chronological order, or through DVDs of all four seasons which can be checked out from your local library.
© 2022-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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bcbdrums · 3 years ago
My Drakken/Shego Fanfics Masterpost
It has come to my attention that I have written...a lot of Drakgo fics.  So I thought I'd make this post to try to help.
Fics are listed alphabetically in the categories I've given them, with sequels below them for ease.
I’ve tried to give a small description and category for each fic.
Links given to each fic are the FanFiction.net link.  However, if you prefer to read on ArchiveOfOurOwn.org, you can click the following to find my KP/Drakgo fics there.  
I feel I am terrible at describing my own fics without giving anything away, so do click links and read the actual summaries and author’s notes on the site to give you better context.
Be aware, many fics may have adult themes or mentions of adult themes.  I would describe my NSFW content as similar to modern sitcoms or TV dramas.  If you’ve seen Titanic, I’d say it’s slightly more than that.
Some of these fics are headcanon, many are not, and some I’m going to later retcon to become headcanon...  That said, don’t hurt yourself looking for any continuity.  I apologize... My thoughts are one big jumble and I want to explore every possibility within Drakgo~  Someday I will go through and mark which fics are headcanon... Today is not that day.
***If you are reading this post from a reblog, check my page to see if the post has been updated, as I intend to continue publishing more and more Drakgo fics!  I’ll list dates updated as I go along.
ORIGINAL POST:  5/21/2022 UPDATED: 6/11/2022 - new fic, and added word counts and a few headcanon indications. UPDATED: 7/22/2022 - four new fics! Updated: 7/24/2022 - new fic! Updated:  6/16/2023 - new fic!  oh snap it’s been way too long... Updated 9/18/2023 - new fic, a WIP this time!
Multi-Chapter Fics:
Drakgo in December! - a series of mini one-shots that are all part of one continuing holiday-themed slow burn.  (romance/fluff) 29,100 words.
Five Kisses Under the Mistletoe - a Christmas kiss for each year Drakken and Shego have known each other, pre-canon to post-canon.  (romance/humor) 6,901 words.
Forget the Days Gone By - Shego's backstory, with some post-grad developing relationship Drakgo mixed in. (family/drama/headcanon) 42,080 words.
Mad Angry, Mad Crazy - just what happened in between "Mad Dogs and Aliens" and "Clothes Minded" that got Drakken and Shego reconciled...? (angst/suspense) 52,784 words.
Pandemic - an AU set pre-So the Drama paralleling our real world pandemic; Drakken and Shego going through that situation and a tumultuous romance.  (romance/angst/drama/tragedy/nsfw) 86,631 words.
There's Christmas—and Christmas - post-canon domestic chaos, in which Mama Lipsky visits the lair for the holiday and Drakken gets a unique early gift that torments Shego... Surprise twists abound.  (humor/romance/nsfw/headcanon) 67,352 words.
Things Change - a short post-grad “how they got together,” my first of very many in that area of Drakgo fic! (slight angst/romance) 6,722 words.
The Little Ones - very short one-shots that I'm posting in a collection so I don't have dozens of fics that are less than 2,000 words.  A few over 2K have snuck in, which is my error, but I’m not migrating them out.  Most of these shorts are unrelated, but there are some that became part of a continuing story, and others that are mini-sequels to other longer fics and part of my headcanon.  A little bit of something for everyone in this collection!  Masterpost of just these fics is here!
The Watermelon Saga - a small series of fics contained in this collection, which I’ve made a separate post about for ease.  (fluff/romance/nsfw/humor/family/headcanon)
Drakgo in October! - WIP; unrelated one-shots based on prompts for the month of October.  Autumn-flavored fics. 24,574 words so far.
Long narratives that should be multi-chapter:
A Day in the Life of Bonnie Rockwaller - there's more to the snobby cheerleader than meets the eye...  Set just before the episode "Homecoming Upset." (gen/introspective) 13,597 words.
Adrift - Drakken and Shego are lost at sea... (angst/romance) 25,420 words.
Lost World - a hover-car crash takes Drakken and Shego to a place with terrifying unknowns. (adventure) 17,700 words.
Passing Storms - Drakken and Shego learn more about each other while trapped in a cabin during a thunderstorm, with some unexpected revelations throughout. (angst/romance/introspective) 23,562 words.
One-Shots (with sequels indicated beneath):
A Knotty Situation - in which personalized lasers, awkward flirting, and tangled hair lead Drakgo into deeper and deeper ridiculousness.  (humor) 5,457 words.
A Sock or Two of Bother - what has been happening to Drakken’s lost socks and what happens when Shego goes looking for them? (humor/mystery) 2,678 words.
Actions - another post-Grad get-together fic; a horrible misunderstanding gets Shego questioning her feelings. (angst/romance) 3,583 words.
Angels There With You Tonight - in which Drakken has a secret, and the henchmen worry. (angst/tragedy) 3,817 words.
As the Images Unwind - movie night at the lair is rife with arguments, pranks, confrontation, and the teasing of unspoken feelings. (humor/slice of life/friendship) 4,962 words.
Beautiful - a brief look at how Drakken views himself, and how Shego views him. (introspective/romance/nsfw) 1,459 words.
Still Beautiful - a brief look at how Shego views herself, and how Drakken sees her. (introspective/romance/nsfw) 5,713 words. Learning Beautiful - another look at how Drakken views himself, and how he might need to change that view. (introspective) 2,516 words.
Because the Night - another post-grad get-together fic; Shego makes a decision and forces Drakken to confront the the unspoken feelings between them. (light angst/romance/nsfw) 3,975 words.
Bedtime Story - tiny future fic; Drakgo putting their children to sleep. (slice of life/fluff) 977 words.
Brighter Than the Moon - post-canon, a moonlight picnic, and an unexpected question~ (romance) 5,947 words.
Check out my prison tats, Yo! - Shego comes back to the lair after "Mad Dogs and Aliens." (introspective) 3,427 words.
Choose Your Side - another post-grad get-together fic; Drakken reveals some feelings at karaoke night and forces a conversation about the future. (angst/romance/songfic) 4,438 words.
Depths - post-canon, Drakgo are on the run...but why? (suspense/romance/nsfw/headcanon) 3,195 words.
Empty Embrace - takes place during Graduation; Shego finds herself focusing on wanting Drakken’s arms around her... (introspective) 1,629 words.
Moments - after the invasion, Shego and Drakken suddenly find themselves afraid to be alone... (friendship/introspective) 4,202 words.
Equilibrium - post-grad semi-established relationship; during a storm and power outage at the lair, Drakken wonders and worries about his future with Shego. (humor/angst/romance/nsfw) 4,866 words.
Eye of the Storm - post-Grad pre-UN, Shego can’t sleep after what’s happened. (introspective/friendship) 2,151 words.
Fallen - post-canon possible future, in which Shego leads Drakken into a darker form of villainy... (suspense/action/romance/angst/nsfw) 3,348 words.
Feeling - there are physical feelings, and there are emotional... Drakken breaks down the walls and helps Shego feel at least one. (introspective/friendship/romance) 4,850 words.
Finally, Fair Weather - everything is finally going Drakken’s way... will he be victorious? (gen/romance) 2,032 words.
Forfeit - Drakken has everything he ever wanted...or does he?  (heavy angst/tragedy) 7,436 words.
Heat Wave - Drakgo are moving lairs, and the high heat forces some focus on certain feelings... (romance) 2,719 words.
How to Begin, or the Beginning of Forever - post-grad, Shego isn’t used to being in a relationship, but she’s willing to try to figure it out.  (sickfic/romance) 3,461 words.
Ice Escape - missing scene from “The Truth Hurts,” after Kim flips Shego and Drakken under ice into freezing waters. (action/humor/gen) 4, 698 words.
Jailbirds - Drakken and Shego make a daring escape. (action/gen) 3,420 words.
Just Hold Me - post-canon possible future, an attack leaves Shego hurt in more ways than one.  Can Drakken help?  WARNING: sensitive subject matter. (angst/hurt-comfort/nsfw) 7,524 words.
Just Love Me - direct sequel, deals with one of the traumas that Shego endured at the hands of Sangerson...  Can Drakken help?  WARNING:  sensitive subject matter.  (angst/hunt-comfort/nsfw) 5,377 words
Last Chance - post-canon, Shego isn’t herself and Drakken fears he will lose her... A caper gone wrong forces conversations. (action/angst/romance/nsfw) 8,486 words.
Lonely Forever - my first Drakgo fic, as I was figuring out the characters.  Someone doesn’t want to confess to their feelings... (romance/angst/nsfw) 6,471 words.
The Nightmare and the Dream - the aftermath of certain *cough* choices in the prior fic...but is any of it real?  WARNING:  sensitive subject matter. (angst) 8,405 words.
Meltdown - the Lorwardians have returned for revenge against an unexpected target... (action/suspense) 9,169 words.
Mistake - all he’s ever wanted is a friend, but Drew Lipsky has never felt wanted by anyone his entire life... (angst) 2,817 words.
New Heights - evil date nights with Drakken and Shego are...interesting. (romance) 2,036 words.
Past, Present, Forever - a dinner date, a massage, reminiscing, and some talk of the future... (slice of life/romance/nsfw) 3,237 words.
Priorities - what happens next in “Emotion Sickness.” (action/suspense) 3,825 words.
What is True - Shego has more processing to do after everything... (introspective/friendship) 1,614 words.
Rekindling - Drakgo decide together to move past a tragedy... (angst/romance/headcanon) 1,085 words.
Sand, Snowmen, and Aloha Conversations - post-canon, a holiday vacation doesn’t go exactly as planned. (humor/romance/nsfw) 6,470 words.
Silent Roar - a betrayal and an accident leaves Drakken in dire, potentially life-changing circumstances. (action/angst) 4,688 words.
Solidarity - in which everyone is naked after a scheme gone awry. (humor/gen/nsfw) 6,980 words.
Something More Evil - a freak accident ends up being the most evil thing Drakken could possibly do... (tragedy) 1,892 words.
Stay - another post-grad get-together; at karaoke night, Shego decides it’s time that she and Drakken act on their feelings. (songfic/angst/romance) 3,465 words.
Stone House, Forest of Oak - an AU in which Drakken is a vampire and finds an unlikely love in Shego, a dryad, amid threats to both of their lives. (adventure/romance/fantasy/nsfw) 13,474 words.
Noble Purpose, Dark Course - one of three sequels so far (the others contained in Drakgo in October!, in which the darker sides of a mythical Drakgo are put on display... (horror/fantasy) 2,659 words.
Sunlight, Paint, Flip-Flops, and Old T-Shirts - post-grad, Drakgo are settling into the new reality they’ve chosen after saving the world. (romance) 3,494 words.
Sweet or Sarcastic - a one-shot anthology about aspects of Drakken and Shego’s relationship; unrelated stories answering monthly OTP prompts.
Ch. 1 - First Kiss (romance/humor) 352 words.
Talk To Me - Drakken is thrilled to be dating Shego, except for one thing... Shego tries to figure out what’s bothering him so their relationship can move forward. (light angst/romance) 4,032 words.
The Cocoro of Rococo - Drakken uses the trans-dimensional vortex inducer again, with unexpected results... (humor/romance/nsfw) 3,634 words.
The List - a young Shego in her first days working for Drakken checking off items on her villain bucket-list... (suspense/romance/nsfw) 6,959 words.
The Spice of Life - Shego’s adventure to steal something for Drakken’s new plot has an unexpected outcome. (friendship/action/slice of life) 2,797 words.
They Sing Your Heart's Desire - a hurricane and a hover-car crash lead Drakgo to meet a very unique adversary... (action/suspense) 9,701 words.
The Voice - a crash landing in a rainforest leads to an encounter with a giant spider, and then Drakken and Shego must deal with the aftermath...  (suspense/hurt/comfort) WIP so no word-count yet; multi-chap.
Torment - post-canon, Drakken is all alone and is tortured by not knowing why. (heavy angst) 2,302 words.
Immolation - Shego is all alone, too... WARNING: sensitive subject matter. (heavy angst/tragedy) 2,413 words. Purification - ALTERNATE sequel; will Drakgo stay alone?  (angst/hurt-comfort) 4,726 words.
Uncomplicated Truth - another post-grad get-together; feelings are confessed and awkwardness ensues... (romance/nsfw) 3,254 words.
Victim - when bad things happen to someone their entire life, eventually they begin to see it as their fault own fault...and a prison from which there is no escape. (introspective/heavy angst/very nsfw) (AO3 only) 8,655 words.
Victory - AU ending to So the Drama (gen/romance) 1,801 words.
Warm From the Inside Out - a caper goes a little awry, leading Drakgo into an awkward situation for survival. (humor/adventure/friendship) 4,376 words.
We Forget the World - post-grad, two confused villains figure out what they really want. (introspection/romance) 2,278 words.
What Happens in Vegas - Drakgo wake up with hangovers and questions... (humor/nsfw) 2,108 words.
What She'll Never Know - Kim has lost a fight against Drakken and Shego and could lose her very life... (action) 3,275 words.
What They Say About Coincidence - AU ending to “Return to Camp Wannaweep” in which Kim listens to Ron. (gen/action) 938 words.
Why Does Anyone Go To A Drive-In? - in which a plan to ruin Kim has very, very different result. (humor/nsfw) 2,294 words.
Wildest Dreams - fic for the live-action movie; thoughts of unrequited love abound as the duo’s greatest creation is unveiled. (introspective) 1,028 words.
Windfall - post-canon, a plane crash leaves Drakgo in dire straits.  (suspense/romance) 3,964 words.
Worth Remembering - Drakgo go on a date and reminisce about their respective pasts (slice of life/romance/nsfw) 2,016 words.
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nahte123456 · 1 year ago
Kim paused and took that in before rolling off Dana, and decided to meet on her level. "There was this girl at school, Bonnie Rockwaller. She was THE picture of 'bratty queen bee' in everything except looks. I mean she was hot, but darker skinned and hair, not the stereotypical blond." Kim hummed in memory. "She was SUCH a pain in my ass, but I'll admit, I wanted her to, you know, be a literal pain in my ass." She made a lewd gesture. "So I'll help you sooth your memories, and you can help me get over my school girl crush. How about it?"
Kim waved it away. "Yes, sure. Although you can always just call me for a repeat." She said. "But if you have a question, ask it." She said, seeing Dana's look. "We need some shop talk but it can wait if you have something to say first."
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brucenorris007 · 2 years ago
I think it was a post @bcbdrums made about Kim’s development or lack thereof throughout the show that put this brainworm in my mind for how that character development might happen.
I imagine that, of all things, it’d be Bonnie who provides Kim a wakeup call to the degree of codependency she has with Ron, probably via some offhand comment meant to be mean. Perhaps her sisters have been all... Rockwaller since graduation and maybe Junior has been occupied or something, leaving her extra catty and she takes it out on Kim, naturally. Something like “Good luck dealing without your crutch, K.” After clarifying that by crutch she means Ron, Kim probably says something cute like “Did you mispronounce crush?” “Crushing only happens before dating.” Cut to Ron doing something Ron-ish. “I assure you, it’s possible to do both at once.” Bonnie calls Kim out on being honestly kind of... pathetic without her dork or her saving-the-world gig. Refer to: the episode where Kim tries to cope with Ron having other plans on a Friday. 
More stunned than hurt by Bonnie’s barbed commentary, Kim wonders and wanders and talks to anyone who isn’t Ron; when she asks Monique or her mother point-blank whether or not her BFBF is really her crutch, she gets a beat of tight smiles that don’t provide much consolation.  “Mon, I need a favor.”  “Talk to me, girl.”  “I need you tell me Bonnie’s wrong about”  “Bonnie’s wrong.”  “I haven’t told you what she said!”  “Girl, you call that a favor? That phrase is basically free catharsis for me.”  “She called Ron my crutch.”  “. . . . .” (Cue awkward breaking of eye contact)  “Mooooooon!”
Maybe her mom talks about how unique Ron and Kim’s situation really is, acknowledging all the good it’s done for Kim throughout her life and how lucky she is to have had a friend as steadfast and constant as Ron; on the other hand, it means Kim has never had to cope without that support before.
Kim gets introspective and that introspection spreads to other aspects of her life and things that’ve just been taken care of and who she is or wants to be outside of a hero and Ron’s girlfriend. She talks to her gran, her dad, then thinks she ought to try figuring it out herself and maybe she starts avoiding Ron, whether or not she means to, and the next time Ron sees Kim she’s laying on the couch, head propped at an uncomfortable angle, hair draped up on the backrest cushions. “Hey, uh, what’s up, KP?” Kim, who’s been without a mission or other excuse to physically vent her frustration and has thus fried her brain, flipping through channels with an aggressive CLICK of her thumb.  “I’m marinating.” She grumbles. “You sure? Cause from here it looks like you wanna snap the remote in half after it gave bad news about Club Banana.”
I dunno. Might be a starting point, might organize the above jumbled mess into something more fic-y and coherent at a later date. Just had to get this worm out of my head.
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Ruby Rani (Villainous Oc Sidekick)
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Name: Rani Kochhar Birthdate: July 30th Family: Idhant Kochhar (father); Ishana Kocchar (mother); Kimaya Kocchar (oldest sister) Residence: Silicon City Sexuality: Straight Headcannon Voice Actor: Azul Bötticher (Spanish); Leela Ladnier (English) Ethnicity: Indian-American Age: Same Age As G-Lo And Pololina Abilities: Has The Ability To Create And Manipulate Rubies Occupation: Superhero; Heiress Personality: She is a very stuck up brat and acts like a spoiled diva. She went into superheroing in order for the fame and glory. She is very social media obsessed and loves taking pictures of herself to show to her followers. She is also very coddled by her parents and they will do what she wants regardless. She also is very shallow and looks down on her fellow sidekicks for not being as connected as her. She only cares about teaming up with heroes if they give her more clout. She's a big attention whore and hates anyone except those she likes getting the spotlight on her. She is also very flirty and loves the boys. She also can be shown to be a bit of an airhead and ignorant about certain topics. Background: Daughter of a major corporate sponsor of PEACE, she got interested in being in the superhero business and whined to her father to finally make her a superheroine which she did. She then was accepted into PEACE and allowed to become a superheroine. She then met Pololina and G-Lo as trainees which soon spun into a rivalry since she saw them as beneath her. She would jump between finding a hero to work under permanently until she got to Siliconnie who accepted her as a sidekick and she started protected Silicon City. * She is jealous of Pololina because she's bustier than her. * She was a fan of Miss Heed and wanted to be her sidekick before she was revealed as a fraud. * She also has a crush on Goldheart. * Her family business is called Kochhar Korp. * Her sister is nicer than her and gets along better with G-Lo and Pololina. * She is a Bollywood fan. * She is inspired by Chloe from Miraculous Ladybug, Princess Morebucks from PPG, and Bonnie Rockwaller from Kim Possible. Created through picrew.me/image_maker/1034366
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sharperthewriter · 1 year ago
Chapter 24 of Roneo and Kimliet
Chapter 24
(Feb. 14, 2006, 4:37pm)
Amanda came up to Vance then whispered in his ear. All of the other students were backstage
"Remember, I want everything to go as planned in order for the 'protection' to remain for your little Drama club!" she said quietly. "And no mistakes!"
Vance nodded his head in fear. He then regained a confident look in order to mask that fear.
"Now...Drama class, come on out!" he commanded.
All of the students, including Kim and Ron, came onto the stage.
"Now, you spoiled little brats! We are going to be here for the next hour and a half." Vance shouted through the megaphone. "The sooner we can get everything perfect, the sooner we can all leave!"
Kim sneered at the trio, and Amanda, that was going to make the next week for her, Ron, Zita and all the others a living hell...or so she thought.
Vance then explained to his fellow classmates about how the practice of Romeo and Juliet was going to work.
"We are going to do the prologue and Act I for this evening's practice. However, we will add a subsequent act for the practice on the 16th, and going from there to the end where the Montagues and Capulets reconcile with each other. You will start out with the assistance of your scripts."
Cara then continued where her partner left off, once again using the megaphone.
"Next week, we are NOT going to use those scripts because you are going to memorize every single one of your lines that are highlighted in yellow! And by the time the performance ends in two weeks..."
Barkin then got off his cell phone.
"Okay, students, that was the MUSD Maintenence Department. Apparently, the date of the play is also the same day they are going to fumigate the stage." he explained to the students, "Looks like we're going to have to take it to the main auditorium starting next week! The District is going to decide to give an extra two weeks."
Kim gulped hard. The main auditorium seated 3,000 people and it was primarily used for Annual Fundraisers, awards ceremonies, and lectures by Barkin. It was not only the same site where Ron managed to win the talent show from last year over Bonnie, but it was also the same place where the infamous PSA skit of the dangers of drinking and driving that the Stoppable parents performed when Ron was in the sixth grade. In that skit, John's pants fell down in front of the crowd. Kim and Ron covered each other's eyes amidst the sea of laughter. Ron was made the laughingstock for the entire school year, even resorting to wearing a paper bag on his head with holes cut out for the eyes, nose, and mouth. Had it not been for Kim, he would've ended up like Drakken.
Cara then continued, noting the date change.
"Very well..." she muttered, "...four weeks. So in that case, for tonight, we will do the first three scenes."
Kim sighed with relief, thanking that delay from having to get to Scene V of the first act.
"I expect to hear thunderous applause and standing ovations from the crowd! If I ever see as much as a single boo or hiss, expect a solid F from Mr. Barkin's pen and it will be all your fault! So I expect perfection from every single one of you! And...Lights, Camera, and ACTION!"
And so, the chorus began with the prologue, led by Hope, TJ and Gus.
"In the beautiful city of Verona, where our story takes place, a long-standing hatred between two families erupts into new violence, and citizens stain their hands with the blood of their fellow citizens. Two unlucky children of these enemy families become lovers and commit suicide. Their unfortunate deaths put an end to their parents' fe..."
However, Cara, once again, interrupted.
"Wait! Cut...cut...CUT!"
"What is it now?" Barkin groaned. He had no time for shenanigans caused by the students, especially those whose last name was Stoppable.
"I still want to do this in Shakespeare's Olde English! The way it was intended to be!" Cara complained.
"You cannot over-ride the MUSD's decision, Van! Whatever Mrs. Rockwaller says goes!" Barkin proclaimed, "Now continue or else you want a date with her paddle!"
"Fine...thou art very much becoming a teen in the behind, Mr. Barkin..." Cara muttered an Olde English phase under her breath.
Cara then yelled to those that are on the stage, primarily on the trio of Hope, TJ and Gus.
"Now...take it from the top...and action!"
The chrous then repeated their lines, this time without interruption.
"In the beautiful city of Verona, where our story takes place, a long-standing hatred between two families erupts into new violence, and citizens stain their hands with the blood of their fellow citizens. Two unlucky children of these enemy families become lovers and commit suicide. Their unfortunate deaths put an end to their parents' feud. For the next two hours, we will watch the story of their doomed love and their parents' anger, which nothing but the children's deaths could stop. If you listen to us patiently, we'll make up for everything we've left out in this prologue onstage."
Kim thought to herself, clenching her script.
I would rather listen to one of Drakken's boring villainous monologues while being chained to a shark pit rather than subjecting myself to two hours of pure stage torture. But...here goes nothing.
Then she realized that Vince and Jamarcus were going to play Gregory and Sampson respectively to being the very first scene of Act I. So she was spared...for now.
Jamarcus explained, while holding his script as a shielf "Gregory, I swear, we can't let them humiliate us. We won't take their garbage."
Vince teased, "No, because then we'd be garbagemen."
Jamarcus added, "What I mean is, if they make us angry we'll pull out our swords."
"Maybe you should focus on pulling yourself out of trouble, Sampson." Vince replied. They skipped over the obvious part about remarks concerning the Montague women due to the MUSD cuts.
"Pull out your tool now. These guys are from the house of Montague!"
Larry Beae, who voiced, Abraham, then appeared on stage. The trio then continued Scene 1 without much incident, acting out their characters.
Then, Benvolio, played by Felix, came onto the stage. Using his high-tech wheelchair, he had two cables that held a styrofoam sword and shield spraypainted gray.
"Break it up, you fools. Put your swords away. You don't know what you're doing!" he exclaimed.
The scene continued where the "fight" was about to begin with Hope and Gus playing as the citizens.
Then, Capulet and Lady Capulet, played by Rob Reeger and Zita respectively, came onto the stage for their first appearance.
"What's this noise?" Rob exclaimed, "Give me my long sword! Come on!"
"A crutch, you need a crutch! Why are you asking for a sword?" Zita replied.
Rob said, "I want my sword. Old Montague is here and he's waving his sword around just to make me mad!"
Montague and Lady Montague, played by Brick and Liz respectively, came on the stage.
However, Brick was reading the script upside down!
The other redhead on the cheer squad sighed and turned his script right-side up.
"Capulet, you villain!" Brick yelled, "Don't stop me! Let me go!"
Liz put her hand in front of Brick's muscular body.
"You're not taking one step toward an enemy!" she yelled.
Cara liked that delivery with a slight smile, She's a natural!
The students continued to deliver their lines for the next five minutes when it came to Ron's first appearance on the stage since the Cowardly Lion incident. Ron, however, was a bit confused. His mind was wandering off to, not surprisingly, Bueno Nacho. Rufus was trying to tug on his shirt for attention.
"Ron?" Kim insisted.
"Earth to Ron!" Kim raised her voice an octave higher while snapping her fingers in front of his face.
"Wha...aww man, KP, I daydreamed that Bueno Nacho had an all-you-can-build Naco buffet." Ron complained.
"Ron, you're up!" Kim insisted, "Mr. Romeo...remember?"
Ron held up his script and said. "Ohhhhh..."
He then entered the stage as Felix was the only one on there when everyone has said their lines.
Barkin though to himself, Oh great...the walking disaster area known as Stoppable appears. Let's see how he screws up this time...
"Good morning, cousin!" Felix explained.
Ron looked through his script, looking at scene 1.
"Ahh...here I am! Is it that early in the day?"
Kim groaned. Ron, please read your highlighted lines...
"It's only just now nine am!" Felix said.
Ron continued to read from his highlighted lines.
"Oh my, time goes by slowly when you're sad. Was that my father who left here in such a hurry?"
As the scene continued to play out between Ron and Felix, Kim noticed that Ron was gaining a bit more confidence. She did not know what it was but he and Felix were making the lines flow.
The redhead gulped even harder, knowing that her first lines were going to come in Scene 3...with Ashley A, no less, as the Nurse.
What is going on here? How is it that Ron is gaining confidence with Felix but I get stuck with the worst of the Ashleys?!
Ron got through Scene 2 with Troy taking on the role as Peter with Felix with almost no issues.
Kim, meanwhile, was sending a text to Monique.
Monique, we so need to do that girl-to-girl talk after tonight's practice.
"I'll go with you. Not because I think you'll show me anything better, but so I can see the woman I love." he said to both Troy and Felix before they exited the stage.
Ron held his script up high.
"I did pretty good on the stage for the first time in months!" the blonde sidekick exclaimed confidently, "And I didn't suffer anything."
As he did so, he was about to sit on a chair...and then heard somethin rip from behind.
A chorus of laughter emitted from almost everyone in the class except for Kim, Monique, Zita, Jessica, Felix and Tara.
Cara exclaimed from the director's chair in Olde English between the laughs.
"Ho, Stoppable, seemeth liketh thee suff'r'd a drop of sorrow in thy gaskins!"
Not surprisingly, he ripped a large tear in his pants, showing off a bit of his Flippies boxers.
"Oh brother..." Rufus squeaked.
"Aww man...why did that happen?" Ron exclaimed.
"I think you should convince your mom to stop buying laundry detergent from Smarty-Mart." Kim said, not laughing out of respect for her best friend.
He sighed, "Aisle 38, right next to the baby items."
Ron sat on the chair, trying to cover the pants hole with his hand.
Now, this was the moment of truth for Kim.
It was now Act 1, Scene 3. And Ashley A was grinning from ear to ear.
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sonotthedrama · 2 years ago
Kim was looking forward to Prom because this year she had been nominated for Prom Queen and even if she didn't win, well it was still nice to be nominated.
Kim was meant to win Homecoming Queen one year at Middleton High before Bonnie Rockwaller cheated and stole it from her. She didn't really care that much about it but it was more the principle of the thing. Ah, well. It clearly wasn't meant to be and Bonnie was back in Middleton where she couldn't cause Kim any problems.
Kim placed the romper in her cart, it was definitely something she'd wear even if she didn't end up wearing it for Prom. "Oh, I do like that but if I was going to get a dress, I kind of what something longer." Kim found a dress that fit more of her vibe, "What about this?"
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Would a Prom Queen Wear That? || Kandy
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burningexeter · 2 years ago
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Here's something that definitely should be fun hopefully....
This is a full-on pitch for a modern Kim Possible reboot that is not only a fresh new take on the OG series but also to top it off is also of actual quality.
Give it a read.
Team Global Justice
The premise is this on the following below —
Set in the fictional Middleton, Colorado, the series follows high school cheerleader captain Kimberly Ann "Kim" Possible who is too cocky and at times full of herself for her own good. Thinking she can do anything with her family saying "Anything is possible for a Possible", she's about to learn that sometimes that is not the case at all when her incredible cheerleading skills including her agility and flexibility brings her to the attention of a recent agent-turned-villain named Shego who has her own vague reasons for going after Kim.
However things ultimately take a drastic and unexpected turn when after being arrested by the secret government organization named Global Justice for different but high stake reasons, Kim and Shego along with the latter's henchwomen, the speedster robot triplets built by her called the Bebes and Kim's rival Bonnie Rockwaller who's been working for Shego for a while, all decide or rather have no choice in the matter to team up with each other and become a team working for GJ in stopping the most deadliest supervillains from taking over the world or anything else in the field.
Their name: Team Global Justice.
Their mission: Stop evil and protect the world at all costs.
• Christy Carlson Romano, Nicole Sullivan, Kerri Kenney Silver and Kirsten Storms will all reprise their roles as Kim, Shego, the Bebes and Bonnie.
• Shego and the Bebes will be given new backstories — Shego was an FBI agent named Kim Verrick (ha) who graduated top of her class and a black belt in martial arts that after an "incident" which gave her her powers, went to the other side while the Bebes were triplet sisters in high ranking positions (one was a Navy SEAL, one was a police officer and one was a U.S. soldier) that all got involved in said "incident" and were left dead, only for Shego to bring them back to life as indestructible robots. Funny enough, their real names aren't even "Bebe".
• To keep things interesting, everything revolving around Shego will be kept ambigious from her motivations for turning evil, why she went after Kim, how she brought the Bebes back to life, how she got Bonnie involved but there will be hints.
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• Also to shake things up, all of the team will have their bumbling, screw-up, boob moments to show that none of them are perfect even on missions but it will actually make sense in the context as they're all starting out.
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• On top of that, the team will be given their own distinct lair or HQ or hideout and that's Shego's lair underground that is a twisted casino funhouse a la Oogie Boogie-esque as Shego says one of her favorite hobbies that always relaxed her was gambling in Las Vegas.
• As for the show itself, it will still retain the witty and self-aware, satirical humor of the OG series since it so obviously wouldn't be Kim Possible without it but it will also have a darker and more intense edge to it to show the actual danger that all of the characters are in and the threats they're facing.
• I picture it running for three seasons with 67 episodes as a whole total and it being done in the same but still HD updated animation style of the OG series.
• The theme song will be a new version of the original with Christina Millan back but this time it's called "Call Us, Beep Us".
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• One last thing that I will say about this is that through little easter eggs and references, it will be heavily implied that Team Global Justice is set in the same albeit retroactive shared universe as others such as Thief (1981), Heat (1995), The Incredibles (2004) and Nobody (2021).
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sxrrandomfanfics · 3 years ago
Name your top five cartoon mean girls excluding Sasha way bright because we all know she's the best mean girl character just because she's awesome
Cartoon specifically... Without Sasha being used... Well, I'm not usually a big fan of cartoon mean girls. But I'll try.
Catra (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) - I like cat girls. I like her heterochromia. I like her story and watch scenes about her arc as well as Entrapta's arc. And she keeps that kind of smugness even as she gets a redemption.
Bonnie Rockwaller (Kim Possible) - an interesting mean girl considering the fact that she and Kim have similar claims to high school popularity with cheerleading and money.
Paulina (Danny Phantom) - if you're looking for a girl that is probably a base that I would use for any mean girl OC, Paulina is one I'd definitely use. "I'm not shallow... then again, I'm not so deep to not go after a guy to steal him from a girl."
Lila Rossi (Miraculous: Ladybug) - OML this is such a good mean girl character. She's the one who is... mean. But also has a point. And a goal. And is actively against the Main character. Good Written Mean Girl in her first season.
Heather (Total Drama) - Every series needs a villain, and she's a good one.
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