#*         filed   as   :   development       ―      victario  .
encirclet · 1 year
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six moons past . . . character updates , whereabouts and headspaces upon entering arc iv can be found below the cut !
lady cailin mallister : upon their release from sunspear, cailin returned to winterfell with the northern fleet, staying only long enough to ensure its safe arrival before heading to seagard to reunite with helaena and make sure that their younger brothers had settled following the events that occured in dorne. they remained at home for a month before returning to winterfell to resume their duties as mistress of ships on harrion's council. soon thereafter, they attended the wedding of lyanna and sunwoo stark. as the months grew longer and spring approached, cailin once again returned to seagard to prepare for their wedding and ensure that the fox-embroidered gown of fine lilac silk that they had had specially made for their betrothed as a wedding gift was as they had pictured it. a few weeks before sailing to highgarden, they were wed to regent lady helaena mallister née florent at seagard in the presence of the starks, the northern council, the tullys, the florents, and their brothers. they are very content as they arrive in highgarden, happy to be spending time in the home region of their new wife.
prince cregan stark : cregan returned to winterfell alongside his family, where he was reunited with his direwolf, moonface. he spent his time there becoming reacclimated to life as a northern prince in winterfell, but departed for oldtown once again following the wedding of his sister lyanna and sunwoo stark, benjen's first name day, and harry and alexia's joint name day celebration. however, he did not return to the citadel, but spent the remainder of the time before highgarden on battle isle with his friend melina hightower, helping her draw up plans for potentially reopening oldtown's bank. he did not attend the wedding of northern mistress of ships cailin mallister, despite being invited.
lord mace redwyne : upon release from sunspear, mace travelled home to the arbor with guinevere lannister, much to his delight and relief at having not been rejected a second time. though he was technically also hosting ryon martell, he paid little attention to his sister's husband. instead, he spent his time between gwen, his son, and overseeing the vineyards. upon being left alone in the arbor, mace began to make a few small changes to the way the castle is run in order to ensure that he keeps up with his duties as ruling lord — especially now that he is on his own.
princess maery greyjoy : maery first went home to pyke, where she stayed only a few days before departing once more aboard the harbinger to accompany her cousin katerina blacktyde to meet with her bethrothed in winterfell. she spent her days there staring eerily at hugo, imagining herself as queen of the north, and deflowering bran — whom she now knows is a warg. after kat departed from winterfell, maery parted ways with her, sailing back to pyke to spend time with her niece and nephews. prior to the final month of the skip, she once again showed up in oldtown without an invitation, and spent her remaining time there with melina hightower and for some insane reason cregan stark before sailing to highgarden.
lord rickard karstark : rickard returned immediately to karhold with his family and proceeded to spend the first months of the time skip spending time with his wife serena and their daughter. shortly into the break, he hosted aiyla and dilan frey at karhold and enjoyed spending time with both of his daughters. he was then informed by alys that the father of her son torrhen is none other than a rotted stark! conveniently, rickard chose the week of jon's visit to embark with his men on the annual hunt to replenish karhold's stores — they remained close by in the rills on permission of regent liege vika ryswell. following the hunting party's return to karhold a few weeks later, he spent the rest of his time at home being a father and a good husband.
prince ryon martell : ryon, having promised his wife that he would do so, departed from his beloved sunspear for the arbor shortly after the rest of the nobles were released by the crown princess. despite his horrible homesickness and having to deal with mace, he and denyse grew very close over their time spent there. despite denyse's reluctance, they returned home to sunspear a few months later, where he heard of his sister nymeria's involvement in a shipwreck and was likely incensed with rage. upon journeying to highgarden, ryon is very much up denyse's ass in love with her and will be attempting to complain very little about being in the reach once again rather than dorne.
ser victario of lys : victario travelled with pimchanok targaryen both to dragonstone and then king's landing. following the events that took place at sunspear, he has been more reluctant than ever to request time away from his charge — thus spending the majority of the six months alongside them. however, he was visited by tessaria in king's landing. following her departure, he accepted an invitation from calla tarth to celebrate his twenty fifth name day at evenfall hall. he returned to king's landing shortly thereafter, and departed from there to make his way to highgarden
visera waters : upon being released from sunspear , visera was at last reunited with her dragon. she returned to rook's rest with her mother and sister where she celebrated her twenty first name day. following that, she travelled to the vale, where she briefly visited the eyrie with her uncle tharon redsmith before heading with him to the mountains to spend time amongst the clans of the vale — her father's family. around the start of winter, visera returned home to dragonstone where she stayed a month so that the dragon keepers and maesters could prepare her for the longest flight she had taken with darksmoke to date — flying north to winterfell ( albeit , with many stops along the way ) to visit alexia stark . whilst in winterfell, visera flew with darksmoke often to a desolate stretch of the wall so that he could hunt beyond it. she returned home in one piece to dragonstone a few weeks prior to heading to highgarden.
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encirclet · 2 years
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encirclet · 2 years
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𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑡  . . .     character  updates  ,  whereabouts  ,  and  mindsets  upon  entering  arc  iii  can  be  found  below  the  cut  !
𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐘𝐉𝐎𝐘 :  returned  to  pyke  for  a  few  weeks  to  satisfy  her  craving  for  salt  air  before  setting  off  on  a  sort  of  royal  progress  —  wherein  she  showed  up  at  the  doorstep  of  noble  houses  throughout  westeros  in  true  ironborn  fashion  (  i . e .  whether  they  invited  her  or  not  )  ,  seeking  to  establish  extremely  tentative  relationships  between  house  greyjoy  and  the  greenlanders  .  the  list  of  stops  includes  :  house  lannister  in  casterly  rock  ,  the  clans  of  the  vale  ,  house  targaryen  in  summerhall  ,  and  house  hightower  in  oldtown  ,  though  she  probably  stopped  in  on  some  smaller  houses  throughout  the  realm  along  the  way  too  before  sailing  to  sunspear  to  reunite  with  her  family  after  almost  three  months  of  her  absence  .
𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐀 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒  :  visera  travelled  from  winterfell  straight  to  summerhall  with  her  great  uncle  luc  ,  accompanied  by  her  dragon  darksmoke  .  the  choice  to  not  follow  her  mother  and  sister  to  rook’s  rest  was  a  difficult  one  ,  but  the  dense  forest  of  the  stormlands  offered  visera  ample  time  to  strengthen  her  bond  with  her  great  dane  sized  and  growing  dragon  .  the  first  few  weeks  found  her  accompanying  darksmoke  as  he  hunted  ,  visera  herself  on  horseback  .  as  a  result  ,  her  skills  with  a  dagger  as  well  as  a  bow  and  arrow  have  increased  greatly  .  upon  hearing  news  of  the  birth  of  rhaelle  ,  she  and  darksmoke  returned  home  to  dragonstone  where  she  met  her  new  cousin  and  refused  to  speak  to  any  of  her  family  members  (  except  reila  )  in  the  common  tongue  so  that  she  could  finally  get  the  hang  of  speaking  fluent  high  valyrian  before  heading  to  dorne  with  the  dragonstone  party  .
𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑  :  returned  to  their  home  at  seagard  with  their  betrothed  ,  but  their  duty  to  the  north  called  them  back  to  winterfell  upon  the  birth  of  prince  benjen  .  cailin  goes  out  on  a  limb  ,  entrusting  the  rule  of  seagard  to  helaena  in  their  absence  ,  and  is  pleased  to  hear  from  her  frequently  via  letters  throughout  their  absence  .  she  spends  the  majority  of  the  three  months  in  winterfell  ,  but  returns  home  to  seagard  with  a  few  weeks  remaining  before  they  must  depart  for  dorne  .  en  route  to  sunspear  ,  they  visit  brightwater  keep  ,  the  home  of  their  intended  .
𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝐊𝐀𝐑𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐊 :  upon  leaving  winterfelll  ,  rickard  accompanied  both  his  and  his  wife’s  houses  (  house  serrett  )  back  to  karhold  ,  where  he  remained  for  a  few  days  to  ensure  all  were  settled  before  departing  to  join  his  men  on  their  annual  hunt  to  restock  karhold’s  stores  .  he  remained  on  the  hunt  for  only  a  short  while  ,  returning  to  karhold  merely  a  week  later  to  be  nearby  his  pregnant  wife  (  who  didn’t  want  him  to  go  anyway  lol  )  and  properly  host  house  serrett  .  he  would  remain  at  karhold  until  their  departure  for  sunspear  ,  where  upon  their  arrival  it  is  now  quite  obvious  to  all  that  house  karstark  will  be  welcoming  a  baby  in  the  coming  months  .
𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐖𝐘𝐍𝐄  :  mace  returned  to  the  arbor  and  remained  there  throughout  the  three  months  ,  working  alongside  his  sister  lynesse  to  deal  with  the  needs  and  running  of  the  arbor  until  her  early  departure  for  dorne  .  he  extended  an  invitation  to  guinevere  lannister  to  visit  him  in  the  arbor  ,  but  was  #denied  .  as  a  result  ,  he  spent  the  rest  of  his  time  at  home  sulking  ,  continuing  his  correspondence  with  guinevere  ,  debating  whether  or  not  he  should  attend  denyse  and  ryon’s  wedding  celebrations  ,  sampling  the  arbor  gold  ,  and  skipping  rocks  with  his  son  quentyn  .  ultimately  ,  he  sailed  to  dorne  to  attend  the  wedding  celebrations  ,  albeit  against  his  younger  sister’s  wishes  . 
𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐑𝐘𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋  :  ryon  returned  to  sunspear  immediately  as  soon  as  the  snow  in  the  north  lessened  ,  accompanied  by  his  family  and  his  betrothed  .  unlike  denyse’s  first  visit  to  dorne  ,  he  spent  a  rather  generous  amount  of  his  three  months  hosting  her  as  he  should  have  the  first  time  ,  having  grown  far  more  comfortable  in  her  company  throughout  their  time  in  winterfell  .  a  few  days  prior  to  the  arrival  of  the  first  nobles  to  sunspear  ,  he  gifted  denyse  with  a  foal  sired  by  one  of  his  beloved  sand  steeds  as  an  early  wedding  present  .  he  has  barely  endured  the  wedding  preparations  he  was  required  to  participate  in  ,  and  is  on  a  very  short  fuse  now  that  the  nuptials  approach  quickly  .  however  ,  his  irritableness  should  not  be  confused  for  reluctance  ,  as  he  has  grown  used  to  the  lady  redwyne’s  company  and  has  not  taken  off  the  pendants  she  gave  him  once  lol  .
𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐘𝐒  :  victario  remained  with  princess  pimchanok  targaryen  throughout  their  period  of  stalling  their  return  to  the  southern  capital  ,  eventually  ending  up  with  them  in  king’s  landing  for  the  majority  of  the  three  months  .  however  ,  he  did  depart  from  westeros  for  essos  and  the  free  cities  for  a  few  weeks’  time  ,  during  which  he  stocked  up  on  lyseni  perfume  ,  perused  essosi  poisons  and  had  a  brief  fling  with  sarisa  baratheon  in  braavos  before  returning  to  king’s  landing  to  accompany  an  arguing  pim  and  aedar  on  their  travels  to  sunspear  .
𝐒𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐂 𝐋𝐘𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐘  :  as  soon  as  the  snow  cleared  ,  domeric  retrieved  his  approved  recruits  from  the  winterfell  dungeons  and  headed  back  to  castle  black  to  fulfill  his  duties  as  a  brother  of  the  night’s  watch  .   sent  to  eastwatch  by  the  sea  due  to  a  shortage  of  rangers  at  the  watch’s  less  populated   castle  on  the  bay  of  seals  ,  he  makes  a  short  and  uneventful  trip  beyond  the  wall  to  ensure  that  no  wildling  settlements  have  sprung  up  within  a  reasonable  distance  of  the  border  .  upon  his  return  to  castle  black  ,  he  is  informed  that  the  northern  council  and  king  have  requested  a  small  regiment  of  brothers  to  accompany  the  northern  royal  family  to  dorne  for  added  safety  and  security  .  despite  having  his  own  reservations  (  not  wanting  to  force  his  presence  upon  all  those  that  hate  him  by  association  )  ,  domeric  must  follow  all  orders  from  his  lord  commander  ,  and  departs  for  winterfell  with  a  few  of  his  fellow  men  of  the  night’s  watch  to  accompany  the  northern  royals  to  sunspear  .
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