#* // do everything short of kill me [ (not) love ] ( blackxsteelxgajeel // Gajeel )
cpirits · 2 years
( @blackxsteelxgajeel​ /// ask )
Hearing that voice again no longer had the same affect on the older male. Gajeel was simply done trying to figure out how to keep E.N.D from making him hurt Natsu's body. The only reason the Iron Dragon hadn't been taken to prison for abuse was likely due to Natsu saying they 'just have really rough sex' or something. He wouldn't know, he never asked. He always felt bad though. Seeing all the bruises and dry blood on his mate's body.
He hated himself for allowing E.N.D to get him to hurt his mate. It was his job to protect Natsu from monsters, not become one himself. Claws would lengthen relatively quickly as his defenses went up. Gajeel was just so fucking tired. He was tired of it all. Tired of E.N.D always seeming to come out and ruin things for him.
"Yer always wantin' me ta choke ya. Guess asphyxiation is one of yer fuckin' kinks, is it, demon?"
A large, gloved hand would quickly grab a hold of the smaller male's throat and squeeze. Not enough to block air from getting in, but enough to show that despite how done Gajeel was with the situation he still had fucking fight in him. Claws would bite into flesh, causing tiny rivulets of blood to begin flowing. He wouldn't press any harder and if E.N.D tried to move to make the blood flow more freely the claws would immediately be dismissed. At least the Iron Dragon had control over his own body and magic.
In fact, the claws would go away and Gajeel would lean forward to lick some of the blood off of the other male. It wouldn't be a surprise to E.N.D that the Iron Slayer seemed to like the taste of blood. The hand on the pink haired demon's throat would tighten once more but the claws would still be gone.
"Let me guess, ya want me to choke ya, tear yer fuckin' clothes off, bind yer hands above  yer head and rail ya, right? Cause we both know that ya like it really, really, fuckin' rough. Don't we? Gihee."
Perhaps all the times he'd been subjected to the demon's taunting and goading had led to the darkness inside him seemingly coming to the surface. Or it could be that he'd marked demon and human at the same time when he'd placed his mating mark onto Natsu's body and as a result the demon inside his mate was slowly causing him to become slightly corrupted. It was one of the two.
The hand not holding E.N.D by the throat would slide up the demon'e side, claws dragging along exposed, tanned flesh, some digging in and leaving trails of blood in their wake. At this point he'd merely bandage Natsu after bathing him once the demon was sated. The two of them often spent a great deal of time away from the guild anyway so no one would worry. Once the second hand got to the demon's face the Iron Dragon would force the demonic eyes to meet his own darkened red ones.
"Gonna tell me what ya want or should I just go about doin' what I said earlier?"
Gajeel would lean forward with a dark chuckle before his fangs would find purchase in the lower lip of the man he had pinned to the wall. He'd bite down and suck once the lip began to bleed. He'd been around E.N.D enough that the sulfuric scent no longer made him want to gag. Hopefully Natsu will return quicker and help the Iron Dragon come back to himself.
〜 多くの魂 ———  Standing before Gajeel, the Demon laughed after he spoke, he only had to be present and SPEAK his wishes for the other to obey just so he could get his idiot back. It was almost worth spilling TEARS over, though E.N.D had none left to cry ( the demon’s tear ducts were seared dry, which was strange since Natsu could very well cry ).
〜 多くの魂 ———  Shaded eyes would narrow and wings flared as skin was grabbed by the claws he craved, the only ones he would even ALLOW to touch him, to DEFILE Natsu’s ( their body ) and cause him to retreat and give the two Dragons but a moments peace. He guess the adorementioned violent act was indeed a KINK for the Demon, and he smirked, long tongue snaking out to lick his jaws as his throat was grabbed. “Oh my, is it? Thanks for noticing~” He spat out, sarcastic as all hell.
〜 多くの魂 ———  The feeling of that COOLER hand ( though gloved ) upon his neck, E.N.D purred in his chest, wings trembling and spasming behind him. Gajeel hadn’t picked him up yet, but a WARM feeling in E.N.D’s chest told him it’d happen... The blood that trailed down his neck made his nostrils flare ( Natsu’s blood had an effect on the demon strangely ) and he cackled, purring again when Gajeel leaned in to use his tongue on the wounds, sending a DEEP shiver down E.N.D’s body, and making him groan softly ( it was all too clear he got off on the violence done to the host body and gave no fucks ).
〜 多くの魂 ———  It wasn’t surprising by now that Gajeel knew that E.N.D had a sick way of what he wanted in satisfying his wants, and his words made the demon crow wickedly, smirking at the thought of it all happeneing, of his body being abused and used in such a way. He did enjoy it rough.
〜 多くの魂 ———  There it went, Gajeel pushed a little and had E.N.D backpedal into the wall, the demon flatening himself into the wood with another smirk. Breathing out black smoke from his nostrils when Gajeel tore into his body even just so, the action was enough to cause E.N.D to groan suggestively, for wings to curl, his own claws to rake into the wall, and for his jaws to open for bits of drool to escape.
〜 多くの魂 ———  “You’re always free to do whatever, you know if you leave me alone your dumbass won’t come home...” When Gajeel leaned in to bite E.N.D’s lip, the Demon growled reflexively and bit back, his oddly long tongue caressing Gajeel’s cheek. The bite really made hm react, and he pushed his body foward, against the hand. ( He wanted to feel the burn... )
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