#* / character / eli wallace
sassycordy · 1 year
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stargate characters as barbie movie posters🫶🏽
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gmanwhore · 1 year
Assigning these things to Half Life characters
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Griggs and Sheckley:
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gordon-furman · 1 year
Got any half life/warriors crossover info u wanna say
Kicks my legs like a school girl
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What I'm thinking is that Black Mesa used to be a Clan (MesaClan) and through a huge natural disaster (The Cascade) a huge population of their clan died and only a few select cats including Gordon, Eli, Barney, Alyx, and some other scientists. The 'aliens' are a nest of diseased rats (they have something akin to rabies and are able to infect cats) that lived under their territory. The Military (haven't decided a name) are another clan who use the advantage of the disaster to try and take over their territory, and when they fail, their leader sends in their top warriors to squash any remaining survivors (they're behaviorally similar to Bloodclan or Tigerclan.)
G-man is a Starclan cat (or some equivalent) and took Gordon and Adrian out of reality for bit before dumping them in the future.
In the future Eli has become leader of the resistance. A small human community (the Combine) who have settled in the area MesaClan used to be in. Eli lost his back leg to when the humans first brought their machines to plow and tear up the land before one of the head humans took sympathy on Breen and adopted him as a pet. Breen is a kittypet who encourages the other cats to surrender to the humans while the humans often do experiments/ medical testing on the wildcats in the area.
This where Gordon meets Alyx, gets introduced to the resistance, and (insert plot of half life 2 here). The vortigaunts are lizards.
As for the characters themselves, I imagine Gordon being a brown tabby who looks really big and tough but that's mostly his fur LOL. Eli and Alyx have similar coat textures to the selkirk rex cat breed and are grey and grey/brown in color.
Their warrior names would be Freeheart (Gordon), Greystar, formerly Greyfur (Eli), and Bravespark (Alyx). Breen would've been leader before the humans and his name would've been Flystar/Flypelt.
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justpinkazure · 8 months
Lighter | Elinor Walker
CW: it's just a sad character backstory with some violence closer to end
The girl with red curls looked at her mother in fear. I watched as she dropped to her knees and tried to contain her own fear, hugging her daughter to her. The woman called her father's name several times so that he would look at them just once and immediately leave the room. Elinor heard him swearing as he searched for his phone while her mother calmed both him and her. And she tried to calm herself down too. However, the girl did not feel anything. For her, this is an ordinary day, like any other. They gave her a bike, and she immediately rode it down the slope. Eli remembers the moment of the collision so clearly. Blurred vision, some discomfort in the hand and blood flowing to the fingers. Hot, it cooled down very quickly, causing unpleasant goosebumps to crawl across the skin. But the most unpleasant thing is how the parents argue at such moments. Like it's her fault. You wouldn't even call her clumsy.
Elinor has suffered from congenital analgesia since childhood. Her brain is unable to receive pain signals. She feels only slight discomfort, constraining her movements. Father's genetics played a cruel joke. His sister and great-grandfather had this disease. Maybe that's why he's so strict with his daughter?
Despite her illness, Eli grew up to be no ordinary child. Yes, in addition to constant health problems, the girl constantly brought a lot of problems with her difficult character. Stubborn and persistent. Eli was unable to make long-term friends. In rare moments of reconciliation with other children, sparks of hope flashed in the eyes of the family, disappearing after the next call from the director. Elinor missed junior school. Not even a month had passed before she was transferred to home schooling. With such a disease and disgusting behavior, the parents did not want to take any risks.
If the child’s brain cannot detect pain, then let him learn to avoid its occurrence and look for the prerequisites for possible injuries. Her older brother helped with this. The years passed, and while Wallace grew closer to his sister, parents moved further and further away from her. This upset her. It happened that she could deliberately crash into a table top or sofa, but no one else came to help. The father never tolerated this, and on top of everything else, he put pressure on the mother, trying to save her from endless empathy and regret. He loved this woman and could not watch her cry. He also hated his sister, Aunt Beatrice, who once took all the attention in the family with the same deviation. This explains why she comes to visit so rarely.
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The family is quite exemplary. Father is a surgeon, mother is a lawyer. The eldest son is going to follow in his father's footsteps. At the same time, both parents are constantly on the road. When the nannies and caregivers were tired of fussing with the capricious Elinor, and it was too early to leave Wallace in charge, Aunt Beatrice came. She was that sweet auntie, so understanding and cheerful. The wrinkles only embellished this woman’s smile. She understood Elinor like no one else. During all those rare visits, the girl learned so many useful things for herself. She was so pleased by Beatrice and so unbearably angry by her father, who looked for every opportunity to avoid getting involved with her, and her aunt, who lived for years with his resentment, understood everything and tried not to interfere with her brother’s family. I can't believe they are of the same blood.
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As for the brother, Wallace Walker, well… He's perfect. Exceptional in almost everything. Studies, appearance, character - he was always the center of attention wherever he found himself. Even at home. This didn't bother Elinor much. Considering how demanding his parents were, she even felt somehow sorry for him.. He is the pride of the family and must achieve everything that is expected of him. Having taught Wallace to be a nurse for Elinor, his father increasingly persuaded his son to become a doctor. In response, as he grew older, the guy began to increasingly curse his choice of life path. He liked helping the girl, but the stress from his parents was pressing more and more on his chest.
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When he became an actor, Eleanor would become the director for all the films in which Wallace would star. They will be inseparable like DiCaprio and Tim Burton. Such a funny fantasy distracted her.
In such a family there is so much time for oneself. Too much. It was too early to wander through abandoned buildings, to smoke and to study for a license, but she was lucky to get acquainted with film distribution. Of all the genres, it was horror that reverberated with fervor in her chest. Feeling no pain, she jumped every time fake blood appeared on the screen or when she saw fake weapons stabbing into actors. A strange emotion struck her every time while watching it. It was impossible to take your eyes off the cruelty on screen. An emotion that is impossible to experience was shown in all colors on the faces of the actors. Is it true that the pain is so unpleasant? Is she really like that? Various questions flashed through her mind so often that they forced her to take more and more discs with interest and follow the release of new slasher films in cinemas. How far can directors go with their cruelty? How she wanted to see more. The thought that in the future she herself could participate in horror filming warmed her soul.
A strong interest in cinema prompted Eleanor to earn extra money. The girl accidentally started buying CDs with her favorite films, gradually collecting a unique collection. Not as expensive as her father's cabinet of designer folding knives, and not as unusual as her mother's constant migraines from working too much. Any job available to a teenager was hers. Pocket money from parents was still only enough for lunch. With her purchases, they would never let her buy it all, let alone spend money on it all. Blu-ray editions of her favorite films took pride of place on the shelves in her room. Informal clothes, with edgy jewelry and creepy chains, took up residence in the darkest corner of Elinor's closet. Mom bought all her clothes. Over time, the closet stopped being so pink, but wearing boring floral blouses and skirts became unbearable. The girl often asked her brother to share his belt or shirts. And this guy definitely had style and a good heart. It was he who, through swearing and quarrels, was able to get his sister her personal, small, pot-bellied television. A gift she had never been able to save up for. This was the only birthday when her parents gave her exactly what Elinor wanted, and not what they thought was necessary. Whatever the thought behind this act, it did not improve the relationship, only inclining the girl towards greater isolation.
At school.. Don’t really want to talk about this part of her life. Elinor tried to get into any sports club, but her parents and teachers categorically prevented this. Teamwork was not for her at all, and her father and mother simply did not want to deal with another set of injuries. Sport is dangerous for Elinor. She only managed to get into an elective in physical education, which was already considered a victory. Anything that prepared him for a zombie attack or an escape from some abandoned place made Eli a little happier and his life simpler. What did the opposite was relationships with peers. Attempts to make friends ended in quarrels and even fights. Her classmates avoided her for many reasons, most often absurd and far-fetched, which is why she had to constantly prove that they were wrong. This did not lead the girl to success, only to the director’s office. Every day it became more and more difficult to be in society, feeling every non-existent gaze on myself and hearing the condemning vile whisper of my own self. She had to become an outcast, smoking outside the school walls from the constant tension pressing on her chest.
Maybe she would have spent her entire school life like this, completely alone, if Samantha had not appeared.
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Oh, Samantha, this is an individual case. She is gentle and playful in character, like a rose. She wasn’t popular, but she didn’t remain completely without views either. One day they crossed paths at a disc rental. The conversation started on its own; Elinor was extremely puzzled to see such a sweet girl in the horror section. Samantha turned out to be no less interested in such films. It's a pity that she liked ghosts much more than maniacs. Meeting after meeting brought them closer together until the two were sitting at the same table at lunch, discussing various nonsense. Eli considered her a gift from above and often asked if her friend was a hallucination, to which she only laughed and played along with her. Here she is, a person who finally understood her. Not literally, of course, but this girl was glad to spend time with her. A little communication on the way home - what more could you ask for?
That's how the days went by. Despite her distant parents, she has a wonderful older brother and an equally wonderful friend, as well as a collection of the best slasher films of the decade. Elinor believed that she didn’t need more; what else could she dream of? Life couldn't get any better.
Until she turned sixteen.
Wallace is graduating this year. Final and entrance exams will be the peak of parental pressure. And while it was gradually growing, as luck would have it, my brother fell ill. A purulent sore throat took the guy by surprise. It was partly his own fault, carelessly drinking ice-cold drinks at the beginning of autumn, but even the guy did not expect such a loud scandal. Elie listened quietly on the steps, clenching her hands into fists with anxiety. In a hoarse voice, Wallace tried to defend himself while the same things that were obvious to everyone were repeated to him. The father cursed louder than usual, saying how the guy was trying to retreat at the very last moment, how he wanted to disgrace himself and destroy his wonderful future… A lot of stupid things were said in his direction, but he still tried to fight back. When his brother finally left the kitchen and went to his room, he immediately noticed Elinor. He tiredly patted her on the head and walked past, knowing that she would follow him.
— Wallace? — I'll spend the night at Max's. He lives on the opposite side when looking from the school. Do you remember? — I remember. — Can you handle it? — Can I handle what? Them? Wallace, you'll be back, won't you? This question sounded unusually frightened. Wallace stopped and turned to his sister. — Of course, — he smiled, — I need a little peace and lie down. A little sleepover won't hurt anyone. His calm and tired appearance begged to be believed. Girl hugged him goodnight as tightly as she could. That night she did not sleep and perfectly heard her brother leaving.
How wrong he was.
Things only got worse. Elinor had no idea what a strong wall her brother was between her and her parents. All the anger and irritation of her family began to be dumped on her. And it wasn’t just a showdown in the kitchen with or without cause. The girl received the attention she dreamed of and was jealous of, but at what cost. The family constantly clung to clothes, to grades, to the lack of friends, to the girl’s hobbies. The habit of defending oneself with aggression played a role here too. No, she couldn't build arguments like Wallace did.
— Why were you rummaging through my room? — Young lady, you shouldn’t have secrets from your parents! — said her mother, while father flipped through the dirty notebook. It fell onto the kitchen table with a slam. — Amazing… Who told you that you would become a director? You can't even imagine how much it takes. — A little imagination and a camera? — Tell me, which of these do you have? Knowledge! Knowledge in various fields is necessary for any person, and even more so for a film director. I can count on one hand the number of school subjects you have no problems with, and even that number of fingers would be too many! — So how useful is damn drawing to you, dad? Are you making beautiful seams now? Or maybe you think that you have the right to call the patterned handles of fucking knives art?
The loud bang and swearing stopped. With a red cheek and rapid breathing, the girl looked at her mother.
— Don’t you dare swear in my house, ungrateful one. And don’t you dare contradict your father!
She didn't even listen. Ears began to ring due to fear. She staggered and immediately ran out of the house. Her legs themselves led her to a crossroads, where Elinor became exhausted, squatted down and began to cry.
The arguing in the house did not stop. Stress and pressure only grew, and Elinor herself once again hung the poster in her room, covering the dent from her fist. She was so easy to piss off. Unfortunately, Samantha also managed to fall under the hot hand. Both girls never talked about personal things, about life. Perhaps it was worth raising this topic at least sometimes. Samantha had always noticed her friend's impulsiveness and temper, but lately Elinor had started to get angry out of nowhere over little things. Any little things. It wasn't good. Every hit of the vending machine, clap, throw, and even a glance from her friend made the girl jump in place and automatically cover herself with her hands. She was so afraid of being next. One day she even dared to ask if Eli could have hurt her? To which the girl said in surprise, «No way! Samantha, why do you ask?» In response, she could only smile awkwardly and change the subject.
— Elinor, — Samantha whispered, standing in the main doors of the school.
She looked guiltily at the floor when Elinor turned to her, and then pressed one button on her mobile phone. The puzzled girl heard the notification and immediately read the incoming SMS. The way she looked at Samantha made her shrink and step back.
— Is this a joke? Samantha, are you joking? — Sorry. I really thought I could fix you, — the gentle voice quickly trembled, — but I can’t do that anymore. — I'm sorry. — Samantha, I would never… Please, just listen. — Don't come near me! Stop! Don't!
Elinor didn't even take a step in her direction. All in tears, the girl ran out of the school. Devouring the back of her ex-friend's head with her eyes, she simply couldn't believe it. Was she friends with her out of pity? Her insides twisted, how unbearably disgusting it was to realize all this. She had nowhere to put all that she was experiencing. The angry voices were so loud that the girl did not remember how she returned home. Collapsed on the bed, she wrote a message to her brother. Another one that he will answer very late. Wallace was at school, calling his parents, he definitely didn't run away, but she didn't really want to go after him in front of her friends. Even though he still had a cold, he looked more alive. Short conversations with him after class gave her hope for the best. He said he would be home by Halloween.
It's mid-October. Elinor's favorite holiday is getting closer every day. But she isolated herself. I stopped attending classes and could barely move around the house. Insomnia was disrupting her sleep patterns. Elinor wandered aimlessly through the forest at night, through abandoned buildings, and during the day she slept for a couple of hours in order to continue wasting time. There were questions about missed lessons, but she had no idea how her parents solved them. Never cared about it. Often, she would go into her brother’s room and sit on various forums at his computer. Users shared new movies, leaked posters, and shared stories, but in her current state, Elinor was flipping through completely different threads. Violent and dark discussions could last for hours. She believed that this was an alternative way to cope with her anger, to release aggression into the text, to pretend that you were writing a script for a new slasher film. And although the flame of hatred for everything and everyone gradually faded away, new lights flared up more and more often, illuminating the path to the darkest corners of Elinor’s consciousness.
Sometimes she wondered what would have happened if they had just run away? Beatrice would gladly accept them, just pack your things and quietly take a bus or taxi at night, or whatever. But parents must somehow react to the escape of their children. Her mother is a lawyer. This is just an iceberg on the way of their Titanic. It would be no problem for her to get her children back for the best benefit of the family, and that was why Elinor hated her so much. She is sure that she has figured out this plan exactly. The minor daughter, for whose custody Beatrice will be suing, is recognized as mentally ill. Someone from the hospital will believe her father's plaintive cry and testify against Elinor, with real papers and all that crap. Sick in the head child will go to a mental hospital, and a kind brother will do everything to ensure that she does not suffer. He will return and become what they wanted him to be. After all, the trial will not affect him, only Elinor, a minor. Such a development of events was not even considered. Wallace has suffered enough, she can't afford to cause him any more trouble.
The long-awaited Halloween has arrived. The day dragged on so unbearably long. Elinor constantly fell asleep for just a few minutes, only to look at the clock and close her eyes again. As the sun approached the treetops, she received a call. It was Wallace. Said he'd be back after Halloween. The girl no longer heard his worried questions about absences and well-being. My head was splitting at the seams. She was so angry about all this. She couldn't believe that he couldn't come back. I didn’t believe in another date change. He definitely ran away. No, it couldn't be that Wallace just ran away. There must be a reason why he can't be here, come home. But there was a reason. Wait, it was true. And it was so obvious and easily solved that I couldn’t even believe it.
Father slept like a rock, but mother always needed sleeping pills. At midnight, the girl gathered her things and went out into the corridor. Taking out her small folding knife from her jacket, the girl crept into her parents' bedroom. She leaned over her mother, looking at her calm face. For the last time, she assessed her actions, and then ran the blade across the woman’s throat. Her chest quickly began to twitch unevenly. Fortunately, the mother did not wake up. It was the most merciful death that her daughter could give her. The girl clutched the knife tighter as she walked around the bed. He’s so kind when he’s not frowning. Father seemed really good as long as people looked at him. It is important for him to be able to behave, he is a doctor after all. Raising the blade, the girl delivered a sharp blow to the man's neck when a heavy hand slammed into his face. She was pushed back by inertia, girl quickly straightened up to see the father rise from the bed, looking at his own child in anger. The heat went from the lip to the cheek. The taste of metal and a slight chill on the chin. He stabbed her with one of his collectible knives.
— Ungrateful monster! He walked toward her with wheezing sounds. Blood was soaking into the collar of his shirt. — How dare you!? The man swung his hand, and she was confused. Blood dripped into the eye from the eyebrow. — Your life is worthless! Do you think this was even worth anything?! Blood filled his mouth. Squeezing her throat with one hand, he wanted to hit Elinor again. The girl moved further and further, covering herself with her hands. — You ruined my family! Destroyed! YOU— She pressed herself against the wall and squeezed her eyes shut when her father raised his hand with a knife above her head. But instead of a blow the body fell face down on the floor. Elinor froze. Breathing heavily, she smiled. Laughter escaped her lips, growing stronger with each passing second as the girl slid to the floor.
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Throwing on her jacket, she felt a pack of cigarettes in her pocket and exhaled. What a nice little thing, it’s definitely worth a smoke break after what happened. Before leaving, Elinor wanted to turn off the computer. She noticed a new message and curiosity took over.
[Hey. Do you want to take a walk through abandoned places now? I recognize the photos from your thread, it’s not far from me] [Sure]
The stairs almost killed her when her vision went dark. It had been a long time since Elinor had lost so much blood. Such simple and stupid thoughts were spinning in her head. Walking out the front door, She froze. Can't be.
— Elinor? Wallace stood on the porch with his duffel bag and backpack. All so sunny. He definitely planned to surprise his sister. — Sorry. Somehow I even… Are you real? — Are you serious now? Elinor did not dare to hug him, but when he came up and pressed her to him, she could not restrain herself. — What a grip! What, are you running off to celebrate? — Yes... Yes! Can you cover me? — No problem. The main thing is to be back before morning. Laughing, Wallace released his sister. As Elinor was leaving, he called out to her one last time.
—Happy Halloween, Elinor.
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Elinor had no idea what a strong wall her brother was between her and her parents.
This was the only way to repay him for all his care.
Now they are free. Now he will find his happiness.
The white light forced her to wake up. Her head was pounding terribly, and her lungs were tingling as she inhaled. Rising somewhere in the forest, the first thing Elinor did was light a cigarette. The black smoke left her body as she exhaled, her skull no longer squeezing her tiny brain in a vice. Last night felt so blurry and unclear. The thick fog around was confusing. Touching the back of her head, she noticed how the darkened hair crunched with dried blood, like a crust on a wound. Cool. It seems like there was a light snowfall last night.
All that remains is to finish smoking and decide where to go first.
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hearteyesmcgarrett · 1 year
Stargate Character Birthdays
Ever wondered what Stargate characters' birthdays were? Or their zodiac signs? I offer you this:
Daniel Jackson - July 8th, 1965 (Cancer)
Major Paul Davis - July 8th, 1969 (Cancer)
Sam Carter - December 29th, 1968 (Capricorn)
Jack O'Neill - October 20th, 1952 (Libra)
Teal'c - no date, 1899, though Chris Judge's birthday is October 13th (Libra)
Jonas Quinn - no date, but Corin Nemec's birthday is November 5th, 1971 (Scorpio)
General Hammond - no date, but Don S. Davis' is August 4th, 1942 (Leo)
Cam Mitchell - no date, but I was told that it was May/June, 1970 (Taurus or Gemini, depending)
Vala Mal Doran - no date, but Claudia Black's is October 11th, 1972 (Libra)
General Landry - October 6, 1945 (Libra)
John Sheppard - June 14th, 1970 (Gemini)
Rodney McKay - April 18th, 1968 (Aries)
Teyla Emmagan - no date, but Rachel Luttrell's is January 19th, 1971 (Capricorn)
Ronon Dex - no date, but Jason Momoa's is August 1st, 1979 (Leo)
Elizabeth Weir - October 14th, 1974 (Libra)
Evan Lorne - July 22nd, 1970 (Cancer)
Radek Zelenka - February 7th, 1967 (Aquarius)
Aiden Ford - no date, 1979, though Rainbow Sun Francks' is December 3rd (Sagittarius)
Richard Woolsey - no date, but Robert Picardo's is October 27th, 1953 (Scorpio)
Carson Beckett - January 5th, 1967 (Capricorn)
Jennifer Keller - no date, but Jewel Staite's is June 2, 1982 (Gemini)
Nicholas Rush - no date, but Robert Carlyle's is April 14, 1961 (Aries)
Everett Young - no date, 1968/1969, but Louis Ferreira's is February 20 (Pisces)
Matthew Scott - no date, 1983, but Brian J. Smith's is October 12 (Libra)
Tamara Johansen - no date, 1983, but Alaina Huffman's is April 17th (Aries)
Eli Wallace - no date, 1984, but David Blue's is January 17th (Capricorn)
Ronald Greer - no date, but Jamil Walker Smith's is August 20th, 1982 (Leo)
Chloe Armstrong - no date, 1986, but Elyse Levesque's is September 10th (Virgo)
Camille Wray - no date, but Ming-Na Wen's is November 20, 1963 (Scorpio)
David Telford - no date, between 1969-1974, but Lou Diamond Phillips is February 17th (Aquarius)
All dates were taken from the SGCommand Wiki!
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stargatesource · 9 months
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electrohazard · 11 months
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jgem87 · 11 months
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pixiedane · 7 months
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Chapters: 2/18 Fandom: Law & Order: SVU, Law & Order: Organized Crime, FBI Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Olivia Benson/Elliot Stabler, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Characters: Olivia Benson, Elliot Stabler, Maureen Stabler, Kathleen Stabler, Richard "Dickie" Stabler, Elizabeth Stabler, Elliot "Eli" Stabler Jr., Noah Porter Benson, Amanda Rollins, Dominick "Sonny" Carisi Jr., Jet Slootmaekers, Jamie Whelan, Carl | Maureen Stabler's Husband, Bernadette Stabler, Ayanna Bell, Odafin "Fin" Tutuola, Stuart Scola, Tiffany Wallace, Additional Characters in Minor Roles Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Living Together, Domestic Fluff, Family Feels, Family Drama, Past Domestic Violence, Past Torture, Past Sexual Assault, Psychological Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Canon-Typical Violence, Crack Treated Seriously, Declarations Of Love, Additional Warnings In Author's Note
Agent Scola stood at the bottom of a sweeping staircase in the foyer of a mansion in Long Island, seized as part of a drug bust five months ago. In front of him stood an SVU captain, three detectives, an ADA, a pregnant adjunct professor, an octogenarian, the four adult Stabler children and Maureen's husband, an angry college kid, a tween doing his best SVU captain impression, four children under ten, a large dog, three cats, a ferret, and a mountain of luggage.
Or, the crew move in.
Inside Out
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lodessa · 1 year
Doing a little season 3 rewatch of Veronica Mars to make sure things line up right in The Backup and oh boy . . .
So many of my lingering complaints immediately resurfaced there's also stuff I had forgotten about (and even some stuff that rewatching is like "oh, they were actually doing a thing") but here's a couple thoughts four episodes in:
The cast is still too jam packed, the years haven't changed my opinion on that, and it makes so many things seem forced or spread thin.
Some of this is things like spending all this time of Dick but (after an initial episode where it seemed like maybe he was going to have some actual character arc following what happened in season 2) just having him be the same old Dick. Some of it is trying so hard to make Piz matter or whatever. Some of it is no one's plotlines actually truly entertwining.
And you can definitely see the fanservicing rounding off of Logan's character happening, but hot damn I forgot I missed him. Like Rose Tyler of Doctor Who, the fannish monomania over the years has made me reflexively flinch from his very name but Logan is so damned compelling. He's so wounded and self loathing, messy, but also somehow still so tender. A victim of so much loss and abuse and he does fucked up shit and Veronica is right not to trust him sometimes, but he's also just such a damned woobie (I have not used that term in so long I almost forgot it) in the way that is so addictive (and destructive because the impulse is always ultimately to lose all the things that actually make that vulnerability interesting in the interests of saccharine perfection.
My boy, Weevil. I weep. I scream. I tear my hair. I dream of Mars, Mars, & Navarro Investigations. He's flawed and he's angry and he makes mistakes, but Eli Navarro is also so smart, dogged, insightful. He hates injustice, drugs, and abuse. He's crazy hyper competent. want someone to figure out the truth, fix the body of your car, get the AC working? He can do any of that with a facility you didn't ask for or expect. (Maybe don't have him take your phone calls though, at least not without some actual training.) And what does he really want? A chance. The opportunity to do something that matters. Someone to look at him and see something of value (because he sure doesn't right now).
Which really should have been the through line of this season and these characters. Logan is terrified of being his dad, of actually trying and failing at college, of being alone. Weevil is trying to keep his head down and get by, but it is humiliating and awful and he wants so much to prove he is more than that. Like both of them, Mac is afraid she's broken, that she can't move past what happened with Cassidy, that she doesn't know how to be close to anyone. Dick should be confronting the fact that what happened with his brother and dad did shake him and he's not impervious. Wallace's half assed plot line about struggling to maintain both school and basketball could have been so much more about the transition from high school and college and worrying that you aren't actually special or good enough. Even Keith is doubting his judgement, as a professional and as a father to a certain extent. And Veronica, Veronica is afraid that she can't move on: can't trust, can't hold on to friendships, can't move past her high school relationship. But I know that the show doesn't actually go there with any of these plotlines, so to speak. It doesn't have time to, nor does it want to.
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sassycordy · 1 year
may i introduce you to eli wallace? genius, dork, and the best man on the destiny?
audio credits: miasaudio
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rubykgrant · 10 months
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I did some touch-ups and adjustments to the drawing of my twin characters, Ian and Eli! I first thought of them when I was about 18, and drew this when I was in my 20s (I was practicing what would eventually become my simplified almost-chibi style). Ian is the one in the hoodie, and Eli is wearing the jacket. They were very much "baby's first on-purpose gay characters" (had some other characters who I was, y'know, subconsciously coding, but that would take a while to figure out~). They're 24 at this point of their lives, share an apartment together, and work in the same shopping center area (Ian at a cafe, Eli at a bookstore). The story with them is deliberately a slice-of-life one, because I always tend to turn everything into some kind of crazy magic/sci-fi/destiny nonsense; this is just them living life, no super powers, no dragons, no ghosts… but is still filled with emotional moments, happy and sad.
I had fun working out what they have in common, and what makes the unique. Ian is more of a cheerful social butterfly, while Eli is an over-thinker who worries too much (also, when they were younger, Eli was the first one to realize he was gay, but Ian was the first to come out and say it). Eventually, they find boyfriends; Ian starts dating Henry (a hunky model/actor, who is also very down-to-earth), while Eli starts dating Paul (somebody who tries hard to seem cool, but is very sensitive)
I won’t be coy; I first came up with them when I was about 18 and had a weird dream that I was hanging out with Wallace Wells from Scott Pilgrim, and he was introducing me to his friends who happened to be twins that were both gay- hey, two siblings can both be straight, and sometimes two siblings can both be gay! When I woke up, I liked those two twins, so I started making a story with them, like a coming-of-age sitcom.
They navigate different struggles with growing up and dealing with various life-problems; work, saving money, friendships, random problems that come up, and dating. All that jazz~
Ian and Henry are the kind of couple who show a ton of PDA, and Henry will basically just carry his boyfriend around while they both act all lovey-dovey. Eli and Paul take a little longer to actually start dating and once they do are more privately passionate. Each of them has their own struggles and joys when it comes to their sexuality and experiences. Ian and Eli were accepted by other students and teachers when they were younger, but their parents didn't react well to learning both their sons were gay. After graduating high school, the boys were basically kicked-out and on their own. Ian doesn't do well feeling rejected and alone, so he tries to be more out-going and have fun! Eli can't stop thinking about the future, and all the things that could go wrong, now that he and his brother are dealing with so many responsibilities on their own.
Henry has pressure on him from his agent to remain "publicly single", since it makes him more popular with fans if they think he's not dating anybody (but he's head-over-heels for Ian, and doesn't like having a fake party-boy persona. because Ian tries to avoid difficult conversations, it's hard for Henry to tell that Ian loves the REAL him, and doesn't just have stars in his eyes). Paul was in a long-term and unhealthy relationship that recently ended... at first he feels like Eli is a safe rebound, but didn't expect to legit catch feelings (it's a whole struggle for Eli to express when he truly feels hurt, because he doesn't want to inconvenience others, so even though Paul is still hurting from past experiences, he learns how to offer comfort to Eli too)
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allthevmff · 1 year
The Pirates of Neptune
by OliveKSmoked / @oliveksmoked
This is part 2 of A Wedding or a Funeral. There are several "interludes" that are in this series that takes place after WoaF and before this story. Some of them tie into the plot of this story, so I recommend reading them too (importantly, there are two "explicit" interludes, those can be skipped if it's not your thing, they don't include any plot). This story is outlined, and about half of it is written, but I make no promises on how quickly it will get done or updated. But I do promise it will get done. Mostly because my particular brand of neuro-divergence makes it impossible for me to leave things unfinished.
Words: 1941, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 10 of Love and Some Verses
Fandoms: Veronica Mars - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Veronica Mars, Logan Echolls, Wallace Fennel, Keith Mars, Duncan Kane, Leo D'Amato, Cindy "Mac" Mackenzie (Veronica Mars), Eli "Weevil" Navarro, Meg Manning, Lilly Kane
Relationships: Logan Echolls/Veronica Mars
Additional Tags: warning! corrupt politicians!, aren't they all corrupt?, trigger warning for buying a house and attempting to renovate it, this is a serious one for anyone who has ever done this, the ptsd is real, this is what I wish season 4 was, nobody is perfect but everyone is awesome, Lilly Kane is very extra and deserves her own warning
Story @ https://ift.tt/7bdk5Oz
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bunny-bopper · 5 months
10 characters!
Lae'zel // Lara Croft // Aloy // Eli Wallace // Senshi // Orin the Red // Astarion // Utena // Teyla // Wyll
Lae'zel - nap with Lae'zel cause she secretly craves softness.
Lara Croft - kiss Lara for my teenage self.
Aloy - rob Aloy cause she'd have cool tech.
Eli Wallace - party with Eli cause he'd look after me once I get crying drunk.
Senshi - drink tea with Senshi. I know it'll be made out of goblin piss or something but he'll make it taste so good!
Orin the Red - push Orin down the stairs. I love her but it would definitely be in self-defence.
Astarion - Marry Astarion because I could fix him.
Utena - slap Utena just cause it makes a change from Anthy getting slapped every episode.
Teyla - invade the dreams of Teyla. This was by process of elimination but I'd advise her to stop being complicit in war crimes.
Wyll - go on a date with Wyll because that would be one romantic date.
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isfjmel-phleg · 2 years
There's a brilliant post about how names of superheroes created decades ago reflect the naming trends of their eras, and what the names would be if given the equivalents in popularity in 2021. (E.g. Bruce would be Eli, Dick would be James/Jimmy, Barbara would be Isla, Stephanie would be Mia, Clark would be Kyler [???], etc. etc.)
I was curious about some other characters but didn't want to derail the original post. So here you go, a list of arbitrarily chosen characters and their name equivalents if they had been created in 2021.
More of the batfam:
Alfred (78th in 1943): Jonathan
Jason (7th in 1983): Benjamin
Tim (Timothy) (28th in 1989): Joseph
Cass (Cassandra) (87th in 1999): Cora
Damian (137th in 2006): Luis
Duke (721st in 2013): Bridger
Jay (139th in 1940): Enzo
Barry (69th in 1956): Waylon
Wally (Wallace) (271st in 1959): Walter--either way he gets to be Wally
Bart (Bartholomew) (did not make the list in 1994!): still did not make the list in 2021, so presumably still Bart OR if he's still named for his grandfather, see above ^
Other Young Justice 1998 members
Conner (153rd in 2003, created in 1993 but didn't use a civilian name until a decade later): Ryker
Cassie (Cassandra) (89th in 1996): Emery
Cissie (Suzanne) (773rd in 1997): Elliot
Greta (did not make the list in 1998): no equivalent, but her name was 825th in 2021
Anita (736th in 2000): Dani
and because Damian's on this list and I didn't want to split this duo:
Jon (Jonathan) (163rd in 1950, the year this name was first used for his grandfather): Maxwell
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featheredcritter · 1 year
sorry if youve already talked about him before but. got any dr breen thoughts ? alternatively perhaps eli vance thoughts . smiles
I think dr breen is a very interesting character. It's unclear if he had a part in the resonance cascade, but the idea of him not knowing, and genuinely having humanity in the best interests when he made a deal with the combine which eventually ended with him caring a lot more about himself feeling comfortable and in his little safe echo chamber, more than ok with turning innocents in brain washed slaves and leaving the rest of mankind to die just to make sure his life stays the way it is is a cool thought. Breen is a coward that pleads loiality to no body and nothing, he doesn't even like the combine seeing how he talks about them in the citadel, calling them "combine" instead of universal union, and he doesn't really belive what he's always saying either, seeing how hesitant he was to get into the host body he constantly said would be the next step in evolution for humanity. He only cares about himself and his own comfort and that makes him a very fascinating villain. Silly Wallace you.
And for Eli, i wonder how the guy adjusted to being seen as the leader of the resistance. Did he himself decide that? I sincerely doubt that, he doesn't seem like the guy and frankly seeing how he still blames himself for Black Mesa i feel like back then he wouldn't have seen himself like the type of guy who could lead a revolutionary movement. Like all of the sudden all these people start looking up to him and listen to what he says, follow the goal he and probably Isaac and some more, very few survivors set, he's building something, he practically has humanity's survival on his shoulders now, his decisions could lead to a disaster or save people. I can imagine having such a responsability was a hard thing to live with, esp because i think early days Eli was not as laid back as he is in hl2. Guy probably had to try so many speeches in the mirror back then.
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