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bdrmhymnz 7 months ago
MUSE: im nayul, 19. your local degenerate femcel anonymously running a brutal expos茅聽blog. PLOT: y/m somehow discovered her secret and confronted her about it. much to their surprise, she doesn't seem panicked. CONNECTIONS: stranger, acquaintance, old schoolmate, coworker, just about anyone! go wild
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the whole time they spoke nayul's expression didn't falter from her usual bored, blank look. her thoughts went something along the lines of who would they even tell and what evidence did they have ?? still. if word did spread, no doubt she'd be landed in more than just interpersonal trouble. mulling over her options, the girl picked at the hem of her t-shirt and sighed. " fine. what'll it take to keep your mouth shut ?? what do you want ?? obviously if you know all of this shit then you know what i'm capable of doing for you. name your price. " nayul knew she could be useful. perhaps that's why she didn't seem too afraid yet.
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bdrmhymnz 7 months ago
MUSE: kwon gyeonghui. an impressionable girl who belongs to a religious cult. PLOT: hui saw her pseudo-boyfriend mujin with another girl at one of their parties. y/m saw her retreating outside and decided to follow; they could be another member of the cult or just a friend/acquaintance. OPEN TO: anyone!
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it wasn't often that gyeonghui felt genuine anger. even now while she frowned, dropping her lighter somewhere in the grass, the girl pushed her bubbling jealousy deep down inside her. the both of them regularly slept around ; she shouldn't feel such envy that mujin was sweet-talking someone else when not days ago she was in bed with their boss. that was duty though, right ?? hui didn't even notice the other until a hand settled on her shoulder. " i'm okay !! " she managed to blurt out, an unlit cigarette still quivering between her fingers. only glancing at them, hui offered a restrained smile. " do you have a lighter, though ?? i ... " the lump in her throat made it hard to finish the sentence so she simply decided not to. instead she gazed, forlorn, trying to spot where the damn thing had landed.
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bdrmhymnz 7 months ago
MUSE: urie morgan, 19. a troubled youth with a cocktail of trust and anger issues. PLOT: y/m is a regular customer, probably lives around the area, and they've been trying for a while now to get urie to hold a conversation with them. he finally seems to be warming up to them. CONNECTIONS: acquaintance, old schoolmate, maybe a family friend
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" are you actually gonna buy anything or are you just here to follow me around for my whole shift ?? " despite the teasing words, urie didn't seem to hold much bite in his tone for once. instead, he was actually smiling. the boy wouldn't readily admit it but perhaps the other wasn't that bad. sure, they could be irritating at best but he had to give some kind of credit for their stubbornness. " and how do you always manage to bug me right after my break ?? it's fuckin' cruel- you know i can't escape, huh ?? "
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bdrmhymnz 7 months ago
MUSE: roimata te kahu, 43. a clairvoyant and the owner of a magical creature rescue & rehabilitation centre. PLOT: for whatever reason y/m showed up at her door at midnight. OPEN TO: anyone
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now that they were comfortable in her living room, a steaming mug sitting untouched on the coffee table before them, roimata finally got tired of waiting for an explanation. " look, hun, you know i don't mind being here for you when you need me but you're gonna need to tell me why you're here eventually. " the heady aroma of sandalwood and musk curled through the air, setting a soft haze over the warm lighting in her home. the tv played low in the background, just something to cut through the stiff silence the other had brought in with them. " it's awfully late to just be hanging out. you've got your cuppa so i've done my part, now what is it ?? "
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bdrmhymnz 7 months ago
MUSE: minnie, 21. a fugitive alien, possibly the last of her race. she heals everything. PLOT: y/m is someone prone to trouble or danger. ever since the first time minnie healed them, they've now started coming to her whenever they're hurt. she's getting tired of it but cares about them too much to turn them away. OPEN TO: anyone
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like routine, the knock came on her door as minnie passed into the kitchen. her stomach dropped slightly, knowing yet again who it would be. who else came to visit at these late hours ?? looping back around, she swung it open and fixed them with a disappointed look. no words, the alien ushered them inside and locked up after them. " you have really got to start being more careful. " the girl pursed her lips, arms crossed but ultimately there was no bite behind her quip. instead she bee-lined back to the kitchen and returned with two cups of coffee. another part of their routine. softly did she set it in front of them, placing herself near so she could inspect the damage done. " what happened this time ?? " minnie listened, silent while she studied them.
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bdrmhymnz 7 months ago
MUSE: watson ha. one of the two twins born to a runaway cultist. her and her sister were made vessels for an entity known only as fear itself. PLOT: y/m found watson on the side of the highway. they could be a stranger, someone who's run into her before (whether possessed or not), or even a paranormal investigator; get creative <3 OPEN TO: anyone !! mutuals + non-mutuals
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" i didn't notice. " words spoken plainly. no inflection or emotion behind her words. the vessel's bare feet were near blue from the cold, smattered with mud and something else. something darker. she never even looked down to regard the scrapes and bruises on her legs when the other had asked about it. a placid smile spread slowly over her face and her head tilted gently as she watched them. her demeanor seemed to suggest there wasn't anything wrong with their current predicament. when one spotted a young girl in nothing but a threadbare dress, staring into the distance on the side of a backwoods road one would assume something was very, very wrong. " it doesn't hurt. nothing hurts. " watson's voice pushed through the night fog with hushed tones as if sharing a secret. " are you okay ?? "
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bdrmhymnz 7 months ago
MUSE: kali la croix (hajinda). she's an ancient vampire who conquered her urges a long, long time ago and now dispenses her own form of justice to those giving her kind a bad name. PLOT: y/m is a hunter; maybe they hunt vamps or they hunt monsters in general but they've been running into kali a number of times. maybe they're finally ready to actually listen to her now? OPEN TO: anyone, f/fem-nb only for romance
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" i'm not your enemy and i promise ... you don't want me as one. " fancy seeing them again. what an annoying coincidence. since the last time she'd lost the hunter, kali wasn't exactly thrilled to be running into them again. only this time she had her manicured claws wrapped around someone's throat. she knew it was a rogue vampire, responsible for three murders within the past week, but did they ?? were they tracking her or the beast ?? " give me a minute to finish my business here, would you ?? be a doll and don't interrupt me again. "
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bdrmhymnz 6 months ago
MUSE: wang yuyi, 23. a dancer at the sun & moon. PLOT: loosely based on the elephant room scenes from moulin rouge ( x & x ). basically the christian/satine dynamic. y/m would be a not at all wealthy person who managed to not only see yuyi perform but got a room with him. please note: this is not a smut starter, please don't take it that direction. CONNECTIONS: m/masc nb only as this is inherently romantic. stranger / distant admirer.
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" i've been waiting for you ~ " adorned in satin, the glitter on his skin sparkled under the low lights. yuyi looked like a dream with his silky voice and delicate movements. of course it was all an act. he would rather be anywhere else after such an elaborate performance. though it wasn't obvious at all with the way he held himself, yuyi's body still ached from exertion. " would you like a drink ?? someone like you surely would appreciate a fine champagne ... " stalling perhaps. he gave the other a coy smile, reaching for the bottle sitting on ice. everything about the room was luxurious just like himself. velvet and gold, diamonds and rubies. even the table holding glasses and champagne was set out with flowers and fruits in a matter fit for a king.
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bdrmhymnz 7 months ago
MUSE: kyle moon, 24. a cocky, loud, and surprisingly genuine illegal motorbike racer. PLOT: the classic "hey can you pretend to be my boyfriend? that guy wont leave me alone" CONNECTIONS: strangers, friends, acquaintances, maybe even someone hes met before at a race (m/nb only if you want it to be actually romantic)
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" absolutely. " no hesitation. kyle immediately rose from the bar and tugged the other close. scanning the club, his eyes found the one who matched their description. smug, he held the eye contact and leaned in close to their neck. something told him if it came to it, he could probably give the motherfucker the beat down of his life but for now he seemed just to play along. no use poking the bear if it hadn't shown it's claws yet. one hand came up to gently cup the side of their neck, not firm but enough that it looked intimate to anyone watching. " you okay ?? " the man spoke inches from their ear, only loud enough to be heard just over the noise of their surroundings. " i'll kick his teeth in if you want but he's already looking pretty pissed. "
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bdrmhymnz 7 months ago
MUSE: cronus zatahn an alien mechanic/scrapper laying low on earth. PLOT: y/m and cronus have known each other for a while but only really on a surface level. upon coming to his scrapyard, he's nowhere to be found so y/m decided to explore a little to find him only they've stumbled on something they weren't supposed to see. OPEN TO: anyone, m/nb only for romance
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" woah WOAH- WHAT ARE YOU DOING ?? " marked with grease and soot, a very indignant scrapper came rushing into the ramshackle hangar the other had wandered into. of all the places they could have looked why did it have to be the hangar ?? in hindsight he should have locked up properly but it was too late now. his beat up moondast gruss sat there in all its patchwork glory. it certainly wasn't every day he had to explain to human why he had a literal spaceship sitting on his property. " you could have called me, waited in the shop- anything !! " emotions were changing quickly from anger to anxiety, the switch clear on his face. " fuck man ... look, i'll come up with a grand explanation soon just give me a minute. "
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bdrmhymnz 7 months ago
MUSE: jasper kim, a model who comes from old money. haunted by the sins of his past he has a penchant for parties and over-indulging. PLOT: a semi-acquaintance searching for a taste of the high life, y/m has managed some way or another to end up in the same party only to realise the lives of the rich aren't exactly what they thought it would be. OPEN TO: anyone TWS: drugs && alcohol use
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they looked like a fish out of water, truly. with a glance jasper could tell through the haze that they didn't seem to be doing too well with the situation at hand. he'd really wanted to mind his own business, stay here in the quieter room and drink himself blind. when the other came in, unceremoniously dumped themselves on the couch beside him, he felt his eyes roll of their own accord. " regretting it now ?? " was all he said, regarding them tiredly out of the corner of his bloodshot eyes. dark circles peeked through the concealer that was half-way rubbed off already, jasper looked a hot mess. assuming with the way they already seemed on edge that they wouldn't want to participate, he lit a joint on his own only to chase the burn with another sip of vodka.
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bdrmhymnz 7 months ago
MUSE: ethan go, a world-weary vampire who owns a small apartment building in seoul. rooms are rented for cheap to humans and creatures alike. PLOT: your muse is a human who lives in one of the apartments. they've been curious about the reclusive owner and after calling him down for a repair, they take the opportunity to pry a little. OPEN TO: anyone, m only for romance
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three times in quick succession ethan knocked on their door. he'd only just gotten back from errands when he received their text. he would have liked to maybe change beforehand but ultimately decided it would just be easier to grab his tools and head over. shifting his balance, the vampire leant casually against the doorframe and started scrolling his other messages while he waited. he'd only be half way through his first reply when the door swung open. sheepishly he straightened up and gestured to the toolbox he held in his other hand. " uh- you said something broke ?? i'm free now to have a look at it, can i come in ?? " it wasn't out of character for him to attend quickly but within minutes must have been a new one.
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bdrmhymnz 3 years ago
tw: see muses bio before interacting, general warning for body horror, homelessness open to: anyone, (non)mutuals plot: y/m found pluto skulking around a closed restaurant at night and decided to confront him but wait- are those horns on his head ?? and why is he so covered up when the weather's barely cold yet ??
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pluto noticed the other long before he acknowledged them. by now he was more than used to people staring when he was around, if not just because of his situation but because of his ... unique appearance. that's why he didn't turn around, didn't stop his delicate little search around the street. probably looking for food ... he didn't look happy about it. even less happy when the other actually approached him. immediately the boy shrunk back, eyes finally falling on them and widening with fear. it was like watching a timid cat meet someone new for the first time; one could almost see his tail curling between his legs- was that actually a tail ... " 'm not ... doing bad things. " pluto managed to blurt out. " am i in trouble ?? "
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bdrmhymnz 3 years ago
open to: anyone, (non)mutuals plot: y/m knew nayul in high school or at least saw her around a bit, now they're meeting again at the comic store she works at, y/m thinking she's still the same shy nerdy girl.
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listening to degenerate after degenerate prattle on to her, thinking she had any interest in what they had to say, was getting more boring by the day. nayul was almost ready to put her shit down and just clock out but the prospect of losing her job over one more little blow up kept her from it. oh god ... as if the day couldn't get any worse. her skin was already crawling, catching a glimpse of the other approaching from the corner of her eye. " hi. " short. civil. maybe they'd leave quickly. wishful thinking on her part, they just kept talking. just like every other idiot in here. mentally, the girl scolded herself for almost rolling her eyes after every sentence but how could she be nice now ?? already so tense from a days hard work, she let the silence sit for a bit. they could wait for a reply from her. " why are you being nice to me ?? " there it is. no acknowledgement of anything else they'd spoken about, just confusion and an accusatory tone.
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bdrmhymnz 2 years ago
muse: ingrid, an abrasive but talented young witch plot: based on this open to: anyone, (non)mutuals
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" you've got me all wrong !! i don't think it's funny, love. it's fucking hilarious. " still sniggering to herself, the girl turned more to face them. this was at least the fourth time she'd done this now and hey, she was definitely getting better. besides, she'd done them the service of erasing any memory of what had happened to the victims or at least who had done it to them. " do you really think i'd be doing this to give myself some kind of weird self-righteous jerk off ?? i just love seeing you get so worked up, it truly makes my day. i don't give a shit what or why you've made this your profession of choice. "
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