never-be-tamed · 5 months
Alexander zupfte an seinem Bart herum und blickte nachdenklich in Richtung der Menschenmenge. Während die Leute vor ihm lachten, tanzten und sich dem Genuss des Alkohols hingaben, blickte der Russe geradewegs durch sie hindurch. Seine Gedanken kreisten umher, zogen ihn in einen tranceähnlichen Zustand. Vor seinen Augen spielte sich das Spektakel der vorherigen Nacht ab. Immer wieder blitzten die grausamen Bilder vor ihm auf, wie er den Verräter gnadenlos gefoltert und ihm anschließend die Kehle durchgeschnitten hatte. Das ganze Blut. Die abgetrennten Finger. Der Mann hatte eine Familie. Frau und Kinder. Ein Leben. Schuldgefühle bahnten sich ihren Weg an die Oberfläche. Dieses Gefühl kannte er. Nur allzu gut. Wenn man es genau nahm, verspürte Alexander dieses Gefühl dauer und ständig. Es war sein Begleiter. Jeden Tag erlebte er Dinge, für die er sich hinterher schuldig fühlen konnte. Doch immer wieder der Gegensatz: Ich habe eine Verantwortung. Der Mafia gegenüber und meiner Familie, was leider Gottes ein und dasselbe war. Alexander schnaubte. Doch der nächste Gedanke schlich sich ein: Doch wo ist die Verantwortung zu ihm selbst? Zu seinem Gewissen? Zu seinen Wünschen und Sehnsüchten? Hatte er es nicht verdient, friedvoll und ohne das ständige Gefühl von Schuld zu leben? Schnell verwarf er sein Gedankenspiel der Vernunft. Er hatte keine andere Wahl. — Man hat immer eine Wahl, hallte es in ihm nach. Es war ein hin und her - Spiel zweier Gegensätze. Oft fühlte es sich wie das klassische Engel und Teufel Klischee an, die jeweils auf einer seiner Schultern saßen und ihn von ihrer jeweiligen Ansicht überzeugen wollten. Doch wo war Alexander in diesem Spiel? Wahrscheinlich war er bloß der stille Beobachter dahinter, der letztendlich in 9 von 10 Fällen die Stimme des Teufels bevorzugte und dessen Ideen umsetzte. Einfach, weil es ja seine Verantwortung war ein beispielloses Vorbild für diese ganze Sippschaft zu sein. Doch warum? 90% des Gesindels waren ihm völlig egal. Er gab nichts auf sie. Die bittere Wahrheit waren jedoch die restlichen 10%. Menschen, die er liebte und beschützen wollte und musste. Für sie würde er alles riskieren. Ihre Sicherheit musste gewahrt werden, selbst wenn er sich dadurch Stück für Stück immer mehr selbst verlieren würde. Sich selbst, seine Wünsche, seine Träume und seine Chance auf ein einfaches Leben. (...)
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Alexander Buran Wolkow, complex individual of 34 years, 11.01. Moscow, born and raised, dog dad of Luba, Jabber, Karma and (more like wolf lover) Buran, owner of a fight- and night-club — has a passion for piano plays and motorcycles and secretly: drawing, owner of two estates, in Moscow and in Noordwijk, 𝐁𝐨𝐬𝐬 of the russian mafia — Wolkowskaja. Proud father of Ewa. In a relationship with @chaoticmvse
random fact: he is someone who has always looked too deep into something or someone, by a very young age he realised that there is always more than what meets the eye.
Faceclaim: Jensen Ackles Alternative: Jake Gyllenhaal
Pinterest: neverbetamed
Wire: never-be-tamed
Kik: theWolkow
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fireburial · 5 months
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"I GO BY DABI THESE DAYS " ... the scarred arsonist with black-dyed hair and icy-blue eyes runs a life shrouded in mystery. . . Rude, merciless and apathetic, the 25-year-old is hell-bent on a path of r e v e n g e — working actively together with a group of supernatural outcasts that terrorises the world.
But when people start to question their F A I T H in you, it will finally SHAKE SOCIETY TO ITS VERY CORE ... We don't need a large number of thugs to achieve our g o a l ... all we really need is a small group of experienced elites . . . [ & ] SOON YOU WILL REALIZE ... that your precious PEACE is resting in OUR hands.
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# FIREBURIAL ; selective. mutuals only. indie rp. manga based portrayal of the villain "DABI" from "Boku no Hero Academia" by Kōhei Horikoshi. & stuck with @kettensaege.
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turian · 2 months
to anyone visiting my blog who needs help with a fundraiser - I'm having trouble keeping up with asks and messages, but if you send me a fundraiser that is verified I will do my best to reblog when I'm able! I just may not directly respond to all asks and messages.
I'm closing instant messages to those who aren't mutuals because I've had difficulty keeping up with them, but will try to reopen them if and when I've sorted through everything that's come my way so far.
to everyone else reading this: please take a moment to donate to or share Siraj's fundraiser, Ahed's fundraiser, Mohammed's fundraiser, Hazem's fundraiser, and Abdallah's fundraiser!
also, if you have the money and a moment, please spare it for my mutual Sera, who is in need of funds for treatment! anything helps.
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lxvvie · 11 months
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A more free-form writing blog for @wxnheart which is now request-only (note: it's not been abandoned; I lost the login info and will begin the recovery process over the summer after I finish up school). The same rules there apply here as well. I might take some requests depending but for the most part, the content is inspired by my ideas and the conversations/thirsts that you lovely people share with me. ❤️
The content posted can and does revolve around 18+/adult/NSFW themes. You've been forewarned! Browse at your own discretion and for your, mine, and everyone else's safety, DO NOT INTERACT if you're a minor.
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wingstobetorn · 6 months
Tyrone | He/She/They | I'm multifandom, but my main obsession right now are my ocs. I don't fuck with bigotry or exclusionists, so I block every single one I see. I'm autistic, and tend to miss cues, so I highly appreciate tone indicators! They're not an absolute need though.
By the way, pirate paramount+
All of my artwork and writing are completely self-indulgent. If I don't care for canon or popular fanon, I won't pay any attention to it and just do my own thing.
As of right now, art trades are open to mutuals!
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redemn · 8 months
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* 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐄𝐌 / 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐍 . * independent , selective , private . ː 𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐧 from rockstar's 𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 ➁ . penned by kat , she/her , 28. a study in ː the reclamation of the self , preservation of the moral code in sedition , and the perpetuation of circumstantial change .
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i  always  knew  you  had  to  be  willin'  to  die  to  even  do  this  job  .      but  ,      i  don't  want  to  push  my  chips  forward  and  go  out  and  meet  somethin'  i  don't  understand  .      a  man  would  have  to  put  his  soul  at  hazard  .      he'd  have  to  say  :      '  o.k.,      i'll  be  part  of  this  world  .  '
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⁰¹⋆ carrd. ⁰²⋆ pinterest. ⁰³⋆ spotify. ⁰⁴⋆ prompts. ⁰⁵⋆ hcs. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⁰⁶⋆ tyler owens. ( if i'm not here , i'm there )
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤtruncated rules under the cut.
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⁰¹⋆   on followers + following .   no minors please .   in fact ,   i'd be more comfortable with people over the age of 21 due to my own age .   i am not interested in keeping a large following of people i do not interact with ,   or who do not at least like my posts every once in a while .   whenever i'm on the dash ,   i try to do the same courtesy .   also ,   sometimes i don't keep up with developments in the rpc ,   so if you ever see me interacting with anyone who has been proven to be problematic in the past or even recently ,   please let me know so that i can cut it off .
⁰²⋆   on shipping .   like everyone ,   i love shipping ,   but i'm not someone wants to jump into it without proper development beforehand .   i prioritise and often populate my blogs with primarily platonic or non-ship-oriented threads .   i practice ship exclusivity ,   which means i will only ship with one version of a character ,   and i expect the same courtesy .   if your muse ships with another arthur ,   unless you are a very very close friend ,   i will not ship him with that muse ,   period .   [ … ]   on a related note ,   please don't ask to write smut if we barely know each other and / or haven't written any "regular" threads together .   i do write smut with those i ship with ,   mostly on discord ,   but pwp doesn't interest me at all ,   so save us both time and don't ask .   i'd write 10 fluff threads over a smut thread any day . my thoughts on the matter . i am also not open to shipping if we don't at least write threads on here . again , i am not interested in immediately shipping if we don't have something built up first , and it makes me feel like people don't appreciate it if they don't at least try to answer asks that i send or write some form of thread on here .
⁰³⋆   IMPORTANT .   i understand that arthur is a canon character and everyone's interpretations of him are different . but please do not impose what you think arthur would do or how he would react on my interpretation . please also do not try to ship without first plotting out a thorough friendship between them , because both i and arthur need chemistry in order for that to work . otherwise i personally will not be invested . arthur is demisexual and won't form any sexual attraction for anyone until he has a strong connection with them , and no , just saying "they've been friends" is not good enough for me .
⁰⁴⋆   on content .   triggering content will be present on this blog ,   due to the nature of the game and my own writing .   i tag all my triggers with "trigger //" for reference . most importantly , there will be mentions of terminal illness // here .
⁰⁵⋆   on activity .   i work a full time job ,   monday-friday .   please respect that in regards to my activity .   my other blog is penddraig .   hi .    :)
⁰⁶⋆   if you could like this post after reading my rules ,   i would appreciate it .   this is not mandatory ,   for those of you who are anxious about it .   i just like knowing and i like a little interaction .   i hope my rules don't sound too harsh to all of you .   i promise i'm not mean !!   i'm just old ,   i've been in the rpc for a long time ,   and want to nip issues i've encountered in the bud before they start .
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5ueckers · 8 months
current wips
i know you — paige bueckers x reader ( fluff, parent!au )
past lives — paige buckers x reader ( angst, first love )
hold on, we're going home — kk arnold x reader ( angst, fluff, unrequited love )
sunday morning — kate martin x reader ( fluff, drabble )
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brawlligator · 2 months
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Private, selective Brok from Brok the InvestiGator. Punched by Phantom. — ( 21+, cis-female, poc, Timezone: EST )
Rules can be found below here, they're mobile-friendly (at least they should be, if you have any trouble finding them, IM me and I'll link them to you). 🐊
  ● .carrd. .rules. .about. .verses. 
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iamvercnika · 4 months
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#𝒱 : ( they left without you, putting you out of sight and, therefore, out of mind. you sing every morning like nothing's changed, talk to the walls to keep yourself company—just you, the darkness, and your own denial that you are completely alone. nurse your wounds, get yourself some water. )
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intro. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ dossier. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ disc. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ aes. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ study. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ tag dump.
#𝒴 : a study in : oppression, rebellion, finding your place in the world, struggling with your scars, dealing with past parental abuse, self-discovery, trying to fix what's broken, and empowerment! interactions come from /glasshcvse; dni if you’re an rp / blank blog, use minors as fcs or ethnobend in any way! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ adored by aine.
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fireburial · 1 year
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𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐋: single muse, semi-selective, indie.
boku no hero academia: dabi (villain alias)# todoroki 𝐭͟𝐨͟𝐮͟𝐲͟𝐚. mid 20s. sociopathic & suicidal tendencies. severe burn scars. body horror. self-harm. past child abuse. identity crisis. mania. emotional regression. patricide. frankenstein's monster. rude & snarky demeanor. wild card. driven by vengeance.
neglected, abandoned, forgotten: the tragedy of the oldest child of the todorokis. born with enormous fire power, TOUYA can generate and control highly destructive flames from his body, much like his infamous father, ENJI. the hero made it his task to train his son as his successor who would one day surpass him. but touya's body couldn't withstand the flames too long, the fire so hot that it turned blue, burning and eating away at his body in the process. and as such, enji decided to abandon the training and with that, touya too. presumed dead by his family after a certain incident, touya began to embrace a dark path, surviving in the underground. touya was dead and DABI was born. being part of a terrorist group called "the paranormal liberation front" also known as "the league of villains", dabi's goal is to get revenge on his father— and to burn down the society that failed him.
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— stuck with @kettensaege
(manga-canon portrayal with some creative freedom. this blog/character is not affiliated with anyone and operates independently. feel free to write in english or german. i prefer writing novels on sideblogs, but i am always open for other options. alternative verses of this character tba.)
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gingrmaniac · 4 months
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#GINGRMANIAC    ⎯⎯⎯    𝑪𝑼𝑹𝑺𝑬   𝑼𝑷𝑶𝑵   𝑮𝑶𝑻𝑯𝑨𝑴      ...   an    independent    and    private    portrayal    of    jerome    valeska    ,    originating    from    gotham    .    minors    do    not    interact    !    rules    and    trigger    warnings below    the    cut    . 
(possible) TRIGGER WARNINGS ; bullying, sexism & misogyny, abandonment, child abuse, domestic abuse & violence, emotional abuse, bipolar disorder, adhd, narcissistic personalty disorder, schizophrenia, blood & gore depiction, death, dead bodies & body parts, asphyxia, strangulation & suffocation, blackmail, captivity & confinement, cults, explosions, fire & arson, gun violence, home invasion, hostage situation, imprisonment & incarceration, kidnapping, knife violence, murder & attempted murder, organized crime, physical assault, stalking, torture
𝐈.          ACTIVITY.          this  blog  is  highly  selective  and  semi  active. please  be  patient  with  my  replies  both  in  character  and  out  of  character.
𝐈𝐈.        FOLLOWING  PROCEDURES.        please only follow if you're actually interested in interacting. i do plan on writing with everyone i follow. if i text you and won't hear anything in return for a month, i will soft block you.
𝐈𝐈𝐈.        HOW  TO  WRITE  WITH  ME.        of course i'm always open for in character smalltalk. when it comes to writing: the  best  way  to  interact  with  me  is  to  send  in  an  ask  from  prompt  lists.  you're  welcome  to  send  in  as  many  as  you  like.  once  i  answer,  if  it's  something  you  feel  like  you  want  to  continue,  please  do  so!
𝐈𝐕.        SHIPPING.        single ship with no current partner, BUT jerome is not very interested in a relationship. he's not capable of loving someone the proper way or at all. it'd be more of a toxic obsession. once he get's bored, he'll drop whoever he's playing with. i do write jerome as rather flirty. that does not mean he's got any deeper feelings. if you feel uncomfortable in any way, please tell me!
𝐕.        DO  NOT  INTERACT.        if  you  spread any kind of  hate  on  my  dash. jerome isn't a harmless character, but i do not support racism, homophobia or any other kind of hate.  if  i  do  i'll  be  hard  blocking  everyone  that  is  involved.  if  you  see  that  i  am  interacting  with  a  harmful  person,  please  let  me  know.
𝐕𝐈.        HARMFUL  CONTENT  WARNING.        trigger warnings will be  tagged  accordingly.
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lovemikage · 2 months
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♡ — bambi ! 21 ! manshine city's #1 fan ! (prev. novvabeam, snowflakeicicles & lovewheeler) ♡ — latest work: :p ♡ — carrd. rules + dni. masterlist. recs blog.
affiliated w/ @interstellar-inn + bofurin summer camp + @houseofsolisoccasum 🩷
♪ — status update: this barbie is thinking of reo mikage & tsukishima kei .ᐟ
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Welcome to danielleroserusselldaily! Your source for all things Danielle Rose Russell!
What you'll find: Photoshoots, Appearances, Interviews, Behind The Scenes, Film, Television, Carpets, and more!
Tracking: #danielleroserusselldaily Tag us in your creations if you want to ensure you're featured!
Looking to be affiliates? Apply here! Interested in joining the team? Apply here!
Note: We are not Danielle herself.
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trellia · 9 months
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୭ 🧷 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🪼 TRELLIA . old 🦉. Wine mom. Artist. Writer. 42. I draw and write things I love! I DON'T DO COMMISSIONS, SORRY. 🚫AI. 🚫NFTs. Current obsessions: battlestar galactica, doctor who, mortal kombat, silent hill, analog horror, liminal spaces, weirdcore, liminalcore...
💾 I use clip studio paint pro for ipad. Feel free to IM or send an Ask!
PREVIOUSLY #vortexqueen
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★ art only gallery: instagram ★ my tumblr: trellia ★ my tumblr tag: #trellia-art ★ cara: trelliaart ★ FREE patreon: trellia's bay ★ youtube: tba soon
★ donate: eSims for Gaza ★
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blqstar · 4 months
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݁˖ ꩜ miara . ݁⊹ | seventeen ・ blk-native american ・ she/her ・ multifandom blog ・ beginner writer ・ contains nsfw content = 17+
𓂂 𓈒 ౨ৎ thinkin about my trick daddies ⋆。˚ ꒰ bakugo’s pretty princess ꒱ ꒰ choso’s baby mama ꒱ ꒰ todoroki’s snowflake ꒱ ..in satoru's bed rn
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꒰ ⁰¹ bnha masterlist ・ ⁰² jjk masterlist ꒱
⤷ ꒰꒰ guidelines ・ my mooties! ・ taglist ꒱꒱
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© 𝐁𝐋𝐐𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 2024.
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pinkscaped · 6 months
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#PINKSCAPED is a hub for all things within THE PINKSCAPE, such as NPCS, COMPANIES, and MORE. 
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