#)(I am also trying my hand at making google docs to replace the tumblr stuff
Does anyone have suggestions to replace Google Docs, free & no subscription?
I write a *lot* of poems and stories. I'm now at the point where, without a paid subscription, I don’t have enough storage in Google Suite for all of it. It just glitched because it thought my subscription ended (it didn't) and now I can't access any of my newer stories because it's stolen away my editing ability due to “not enough space”. I want my shit back.
I’ve mostly been using Google Docs because it was introduced to me in 2015 when I first began writing, as a place to do class assignments. Now I can’t use it because I write too much I guess. 😓
But every time I search for a new writing place I come up empty handed.
Most cost money, or seem free but everything requires in app purchases to function, or they don't have all the edit abilities I need, or it’s free but super glitchy and full of ads to the point of being unusable. I also get exhausted trying to find anything that meets all the criteria for what I need.
I want to get away from Google, especially after this fuckery. But ¿where can I go?
Lists of what I need / am trying to find:
Biggest problem I can’t find or replace:
- I need it to autosave (or be able to be saved) to the Interwebs so I can use my laptop *and* phone to edit the same story. Sometimes laptop works better for my brain, & sometimes phone does.
Functions I use very frequently:
- bold & italic
- page colour (I need to be able to make it dark/black to read it, ADHD skips lines otherwise)
- text colour (again, need to change to see it, white & black are bad options; I usually use at least 3 colours in one doc)
- comment/suggest function
- share (suggest, edit, view separated) function
- “space after paragraph” (1.15 distance but I need that extra bump to distinguish paragraphs)
- alignment (right and center)
Functions I use semi frequently / would be nice to have:
- checklist
- bulleted list
- ability to see definitions of words
¿Can anyone help me out here? ¿Piracy Tumblr, writer Tumblr, anyone who knows how or where to find options?
I’m open to multiple suggestions, or a list. I just need somewhere to go/take all my stuff away from Google. 🥺
~(a very sad & frustrated) Nico
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)(It’s slow going redoing these but it’s going)(
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x-gotham-rogues · 4 years
If Jonathan was to join the Batfamily, how would that work out?
Suddenly, I can’t stop thinking about this idea.
Also, a few thousand words of this post got deleted when I tried to save but my computer froze and decided to say goodbye to all that work. Hours upon hours, wasted. I feel like shit. Just a teensy bit.
Here’s to always writing on Google Docs before copy and pasting on tumblr from now on.
This stuff happens around Year One, so the Batfam is currently only Bruce, Dick and Alfred
Let’s just assume Jonathan gets kidnapped/forcibly adopted into the family by Bruce right before he got to kill anyone because I cannot recall whatever detailed prequel I had written for this idea
All I do remember is that there was some sort of emotional blackmail going on that kept Jonathan from running away and trying to kill someone again
Month by month, Bruce and Dick try to 1) chip at Jonathan’s walls, 2) make sure Jonathan doesn’t find out about them being Batman and Robin, and 3) make Jonathan healthy again because the man looks like he is going to crumble the second he gets poked
Because of the whole ‘forcing Jonathan to stay at Wayne Manor’, Jonathan’s obsession with fear never really gets developed all that much
Don’t get me wrong, it’s still there, he’s just not a crazy mad scientist anymore
BOOKS, however
Everyone, Jonathan Crane’s got a new drug, and it ain’t fear toxin
Wayne Manor’s library is far larger than Keeny Manor’s library
There are so many more subjects, so many more stories, so much more stuff Keeny Manor didn’t have because of the heavy superstition like Edgar Allan Poe, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Oscar Wilde, Shakespeare, etc.
Jon is 1001% addicted
At times, Alfred would have to act like an annoyed parent because Jonathan is just so reluctant to stop reading
Like, where was all this absolute gold when he was a kid!?
Meals are very awkward because Jonathan doesn’t understand people at all, Dick’s still kind of doubtful of Jonathan, and Bruce is also just a tad bit paranoid
But also, whenever Jonathan eats Alfred’s cooking, his eyes light up because as a kid and teen he was fed slop from his great granny, and even as an adult he was rather poor and hardly ate because of his obsession with fear-based revenge, so he appreciates any bit of good food he gets
One morning when he explains to Dick that he’s never eaten bacon before, Dick laughs, takes a look at Jonathan’s face, realises he was being serious and practically drags Jonathan around the whole day eating junk food
Bruce was a bit disappointed at Dick but lets Jonathan finish his ice cream cone
At some point, Bruce decides that if wants to unlock Jonathan’s backstory, he’s going to have to do more research
With Bruce spending more time down at the Batcave doing research and Jonathan still holing up in the library, Dick’s bored as all Hell
That’s... not a good thing
He tries to rope Jonathan into some chaos, but Jonathan’s never been the type to cause mischief
Plus he’s too busy reading
Dick sees that he’s definitely not going to get anywhere trying to get this fully grown adult who might possibly be even older than Bruce to break some shit with him
So he sits down and plays a popular indie game his friends have been recommending to him; a certain game called ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’
(Yes, I am aware this doesn’t fit into the timeline, let a person have some fun)
Bruce couldn’t hear him down in the Batcave, but Jonathan hears Dick’s scream loud and clear
He runs to wherever Dick was playing the game and sees Dick just staring at the screen
Jonathan raises an eyebrow and asks what happened
Gone was the shocked face, replaced with one of unadulterated rage
“Why is Night 4 so hard?! Can’t you have waited one minute Freddy? ONE!?”
Should he... leave? Was Richard talking to him?? What was he supposed to do???
Eventually, Alfred finds Jonathan awkwardly doing nothing and tells him he could go back to the library, but the game was a horror game and he thinks Jonathan may have an interest in it
Jonathan, worried for the sanity of the boy in front of him, agrees to watch him play
Dick tries to rage quit multiple times, but then Jonathan would try his hand at the game and Dick keeps telling him he’s doing something wrong and takes back the controller
In an unexpected turn of events, Jonathan gets super invested in the plot
Soon enough, both Dick and Jonathan are heatedly discussing FNAF’s possible canon, and Dick mentions that there’s more games
Upon this revelation, Jonathan half demands half pleads to play the others and so they do
Sister Location did have some triggers, but Dick helped Jon get through them
Bruce came up from the Batcave to find Dick and Jonathan shouting about someone named ‘Afton’
When Bruce asked about it, he fully expected it to be either one of Dick’s friends or maybe Jonathan’s old coworkers, boy was he wrong
He’s glad the two are getting along (easier to get Jonathan to open up), but now he has to deal with two horror nerds
Yes, Jonathan has converted Dick into a horror junkie
Yes, Dick has converted Jonathan into a game theorist
(I kind of want to give them a YouTube channel but that might be stretching it a bit)
Eventually, Jonathan tells them his entire tragic backstory, including details they didn’t already know, like great granny Keeny’s abuse other than starvation
When Dick privately asks Bruce why he decided to do this in the first place, Bruce confesses that during the first fight between Scarecrow and Batman + Robin, he felt like he and Jonathan were far too similar for his own liking and that seeing someone so similar to him nearly kill drives him just a bit crazy, so he needed to prove to himself that even if he goes down the wrong path he could reform
Jonathan hears this
He’s really mad at first, but just decides he doesn’t have the energy for it (honestly, mood, but relatable) and lets it go
Then simultaneously realises that these two people are Batman and Robin
And smacks himself mentally because just look at their body sizes, their entire dynamic, of-fucking-course they’re Batman and Robin
He doesn’t confront them for a while
But when he does and they ask him how he knows, he says, “You’re just really loud.”
Bruce gets worried about Jon lashing out and Dick is upset because he considers Jon a friend (aww)
But Jonathan just brushes it off like it’s nothing and explains that he’s glad they stopped him early into his criminal career, otherwise he might’ve gone down a road he couldn’t come back from
And that he was glad he got to stay with them and be considered their friend
Bruce gives this tiny smile, Alfred pats Jon on the back and Dick straight-up tackles him into a bone-crushing hug
So Jonathan is now officially in the Batfamily
Dick convinces Bruce to give Jon a costume and teach him to fight
So Gotham gets a new vigilante named Crow
Though his targets always seem to be those who harm children or those who use their money for corrupt purposes
Ending on a happy note! I don’t know what this is, to be honest, but if you did make it to the end, I hope you liked it!
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kineticallyanywhere · 5 years
Hey, I'm a new fic writer, so I wanted to ask a question, how do you change the color of the text on AO3?
edit: this post ate my html alive but I tried to fix it hopefully I didn’t miss anything
heck yEAH my dude you’re gonna need 3 things: hex codes, css skins, and super super simple html knowledge. Basically you create a “skin” to apply to your fic, and that informs how the site reads the html code you input. Ao3 has it’s own tutorial for making skins which is very useful for getting into details of what you’re doing, but it’s full of other information that’s not color-related. 
( Ao3 has a wizard for creating skins, but I only found out about it while making this tutorial and I don’t know how to use it )
fear not I teach (will write on assumption of no prior knowledge for anyone to use)
Step 1: snag hex codes. Hex codes are computer-speak for colors. [Here is a website with a list of colors and their hex codes which Ao3 should accept.] [And here’s another one.] Find the codes for all the colors you’re gonna want. Fear not: you will not have to type this code a billion times. Fear not part 2: if you need to add more colors later, this is entirely possible. 
Step 1.2: name your color. This is the thing you’re going to have to type and/or copy-paste a bunch of times to get the color you want. For my Mind over Matter skin, I just named the colors after the character speaking. So whoever’s talking I can just type ‘delta’ or ‘theta’ or ‘gamma’ etc. where Ao3 wants to know which color I want. 
Step 2: make a home for the hex code. This is where you make the thing called the “css code.” If you’re paranoid about losing everything like I am, I’d make a word/google doc somewhere to keep this. I’ll tell you where to put the code on Ao3 here in a minute. 
To make your code, copy this:
#workskin .font-beta {  color: #2F4F4F;}
I copied this from my own skin. The bold parts are the parts you’ll want to replace. so replace the 2F4F4F with your own hex code (KEEP THE # SIGN) and replace beta with whatever name you picked in 1.2. Repeat this for however many colors you need! It all goes in the same css code. 
Step 3: make your css code a skin. Now you’re finally hopping over to Ao3. In all your user menus, hop over to skins, and then specifically hop over to my work skins. 
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Then you’ll hop into create work skin
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you should now be here (I just changed my window size to make it not painfully wide for a tumblr post):
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Here you can pick a title for your skin or even a little thumbnail picture. The title is all that’s necessary tho. Scroll on down to that CSS box and copy-slap your shiny new css code into it. Then smack submit at the bottom and you got yourself a skin! Now we get to use it
Step 4: apply your skin to your work. On the page to edit your work (either the creation page, or the page to edit an existing fic), under Associations, there’sa drop down to select work skin. Just pick your skin from the drop-down. For this next part, remember: I believe in you. This is way easier than it might sound. 
Step 5: tell Ao3 to color your stuff. There’s a couple ways to approach getting your work into the HTML box on Ao3. The approach I use is to get my text into a google doc which can automatically apply necessary html codes. [Check out this post to get your hands on how to do that.] It’s really easy, you have my word. It will get all the bolds and itallics for you. What html is going to look like is a bunch of groups of words and letters inside these bad boys: . These are tags. There’ll be an opening tag at the beginning of the text it applies to, and a closing tag at the end. Like brackets around your text that tell the computer to pay attention to it. A pair of tags you may end up seeing a lot of is span(opening tag) and /span(closing tag). These don’t do anything on their own. If they get spontaneously generated somehow, don’t worry about them. Trying to “clean up” the code is a waste of your time. (You may also see tags that say p and /p. These are paragraph breaks, leave them be. em and /em is for italics.)
That was a bit to digest, but if you’re still with me, here’s the short of what we’re doing: we’re going to put 
in front of the text you’d like to color, and 
at the end of it. 
Replace that bolded color with the name for your color you chose for your css code. For example, a line in Chapter 2 of Mind over Matter looks like this in the code: 
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And like this in the fic (I use dark-mode on ao3 all the time and, as you can see, the skin does not interfere. It’s only affecting the color)
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Ta-dah! I hope this makes sense. There are probably way better tutorials out there and probably way faster ways of doing this. I encourage you to have fun, never give up, and experiment! At the very least, every time you see something like this:
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Remember that, somewhere behind it, is a monstrosity hat looks like this
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