#(while squeak too saw it as a necessity grew to love it on his own)
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If a person told eight-year-old Bouvard 'Pip' Bellerophon and five-year-old Pecuchet 'Squeak' Bellerophon they’ll become librarians at young ages before the events of The Thistle of the Valley, they’re be asking the person if they want a taxi ride or not. The two brothers assumed that they’ll be driving around as a profession. Squeak more so, since he’s the one working the pedals and thinks himself as being the brother who knows vehicles more.
Upon taking the roles of librarians, Pip and Squeak realize they have no freaking idea what to do. They’re smart and knowledgeable on how a library works, but it’s limited. The interest of Stain’d-by-the-Sea rising after The Thistle of the Valley train wreck brought outsiders though, and the Bellerophon brothers got help from one outsider. The outsider was a teenager who works at an inn, and he came with his uncle and two triplet brothers. Unlike the uncle and other two triplets who toured the city, the teenager spent his time with the Bellerophons, teaching them all he knows of a library and the Dewey Decimal system (and helped revamp the library).
Pip and Squeak thought him as a wonderful teacher. Pip more so, for he’s more interested in books, being the one to read Squeak stories before bedtime (something that their father did, before falling ill and eventually dying, a fact known to two other people in Stain’d-by-the-Sea). When the teenager and his family left, Pip and Squeak ran the library with more ease and proficiency. By the (post) ASOUE period, both brothers are still librarians, and run the Bellerophon Taxi and Mobile Library. Pip is usually the one taking care of the Stain’d-by-the-Sea library, while Squeak drives the taxi and mobile library.
#atwq#all the wrong questions#pip bellerophon#squeak bellerophon#headcanons#moodboard edit#moodboard aesthetic#(shout out to the confusion of these two)#(and their first names)#(anyway. i feel pip is more comfortable running the library proper while squeak is more comfortable driving around)#(pip i feel drove because to him it was necessity for he and pip to survive)#(while squeak too saw it as a necessity grew to love it on his own)
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Everyone Needs A Sam - Chapter 4
Series Masterlist
Summary: Two Sam’s in the Winchester family is better than one.
Reader is Named Sam, or sometimes called Red, a nicknamed given by Dean.
Warnings: Language. Some fluff. Some Angst. Mentions of Menstruation (you know because some people get grossed out).
A/N: Sam Winchester is often now referred to as Sammy, it was just easier. While the confusion in two Sam’s is funny, it can be tough to write. There is a lot here, but it is leading up to some interesting development to say the least. Obviously women aren't typically this psycho when about to hit their period but when you live with the Winchesters and kill monsters for a living your rational is bound to be a little messed up. Also Charlie is in the mix because I love and miss her. Killing her off was one of the biggest mistake the writers ever did! Ends in Dean’s POV.
As always comments and feedback are welcomed (GIVE ME LOVE). Any errors are completely my own because I am human. If you want a tag in this or anything pop into the ASK box. Thank you for reading! Enjoy!
“Hey Sam it’s time to…whoa,” Sammy stumbled on his words as he pushed your slightly ajar door open.
Laying there in a spooning position while soundly sleeping was his brother with his long legs and arms wrapped around you tightly like he was a dog with his favorite playmate. He chuckled to himself as he took out his phone to take a picture of the sight, possible blackmail for later. Whatever had happened last night between the two of you was interesting to say the least, but not of importance at this moment. Daylight was burning and there was a job to do.
Sammy pulled the door slowly into a closed position, waiting a few seconds from the moment he had heard the soft click of the lock meet the frame before pounding on the door hard to pretend like he had just gotten there.
“Rise and shine Sam,” he yelled while listening to an audible groan from the other side. “Time to hit the road. I’m packing the car, you go wake up Dean.”
Hearing Sammy’s beaming voice at 5:30 in the morning was not your favorite thing. If you didn’t like him as a person so much, you might have shot him after the first time he did it. He knew that you would reluctantly wake up though because in a few moments if there was no trace of you slowly becoming a functional human for the day, he would be back to it again often growing only louder and more persistent.
Something heavy weighing you down where you laid as you tried to focus your vision to your surroundings. You shifted under whatever it was only to meet something hard pressing itself agianst the lower half of your backside. Your eyes shot open, your vision now clear as you looked to see that it was Dean wrapped around you, holding you down in your place. You swiftly glanced down at yourself and sighed in relief that you were still clothed since you couldn’t even remember anything past the second sex scene in the movie. All you could really remember was laying your head down on Dean’s shoulder while he laid his arm around your shoulder, the simplest touch that made you feel relaxed and at home after feeling pretty crappy all day yesterday.
You tried to shift yourself slowly from his sleeping grasp, not wanting to wake him and have the awkward conversation that would be bound to happen. Almost to the edge of the bed was when you felt him unconsciously shift forward, making you feel the hard press in your backside once again. Was that his…shit. The shock of what was happening while you steadied yourself on the edge was enough to push you fully over, tumbling hard onto the floor.
“Ow. Shit!”
Dean popped up immediately from his slumber to the sounds of your body hitting the floor and your cries, both wide-eyed and ready for an attack. He looked down to you now rubbing your butt, wincing in pain caused by the hard fall.
“What’cha doin down there Red?” he smirked while wagging his eyebrows.
“Yoga,” you hissed while turning up your nose in annoyance. “What does it look like?”
He laughed at your sarcasm while looking over to the clock that sat on the small table by your bed.
“Why are we up this damn early?” he moaned while flopping himself down on your bed again.
“Because your brother is ready to go and I sure as hell am not going to let him walk in here on us…”
“On us what? Sleeping?” Dean interrupted with a raised eyebrow.
“I just…,” you mumbled while pushing yourself up to your feet. “I just don’t want him thinking something is going on.”
You watched his face turn into a scowl like you had been talking about a crazily impossible concept. It wasn’t though, you were both human with functioning parts. Well, his you could only assume were by what you had just felt when you woke up. You bite your lip trying not to think about how strong it had felt against you. If your hormones hadn’t already been out of whack, they sure as hell were now.
Dean shifted up from the bed and stretched out his arms above his head, making his shirt rise up just enough for you to catch a glimpse of his strong muscular torso, which was surprisingly tanned although you never saw him out in the sun without at least one layer of clothing on. Along the bottom on his sides where the top of his jeans began, his hips had a strong ‘V’ pattern that was created by the bulging muscles in his abdomen leading your eyes down directly to where it pointed to…
“Ahem,” you heard him clear his throat aloud. You turned quickly on your heels as you could feel your face becoming flushed from being caught in the act of looking a little…too hard. A low chuckle behind you came from him as you could hear the bed squeak as he lifted his weight from it. “I’m going to go take a quick shower.”
When he left the room you fell down on your back hard against your bed while staring at the ceiling. Why on earth did you have to look there? Why did you have to feel it pressed against you? Why the hell couldn’t you stop yourself now from thinking about it? Was this just Mother Nature playing a cruel joke on you, getting you all hot and bothered by the feeling and the glimpse? Were you actually allowing yourself to think of Dean in that way? He was unbelievably mesmerizing in every way but honestly…so was his brother. They both had something different and unique about them that you absolutely loved to be around. You would never want to risk what you had by becoming a “girlfriend” to one and straining a relationship with the other Winchester.
Pretending that they were unavailable and untouchable to you was the only way you found yourself able to push down any thoughts that would often come through your mind. It was definitely not easy with the random winks and suggestive comments that would come out of their mouths… especially from Dean’s. He was the worst, but after a while you just assumed that it was his own coping mechanism with dealing with the perpetual loneliness that the job entailed. Sam on the other hand was just more…sweet, for lack of a better word. Letting you play with his hair and carefully listening to you when you would complain about whatever was bothering you. Last night though, you remembered how Dean showed his sweet side which was not very often. He actually went out of his way to bring you your favorites and some necessities that you were definitely going to need in a couple days when Aunt Flow would stroll into town. Jesus, why did they both have to be so damn handsome and loving?
“Sam! Come on! It’s time to get your stubborn ass out of bed!” Sammy yelled loudly through your door.
You got up while groaning again, hating that you couldn’t just go back to sleep and forget your ‘wake-up’ call from Dean, however going on a hunt was just what you needed to distract yourself. Moving to the door, you swung it open wide to Sammy still standing there with a shit eating grin sprawled on his face.
“I’m up,” you scowled giving him a stern look while rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“Didn’t know if you were too tired out from last night,” he smirked.
“Excuse me?” you snapped back, wondering if he had known if something had happened between you and Dean.
“You were fuming mad last night,” he stated calmly with a little shrug. “I figured you were hiding out in here awake all night probably thinking of 100 ways that you could kill us in our sleep.”
“Yeah,” you snorted. “More like 104 Sammy.”
“Dean is getting done in the shower,” his voice trailing off as he started to move away from your door towards his own. “Be ready in 10?”
“Yeah, yeah,” you waved him off. “You are making coffee though!”
“Already done!” he boomed back while still making his way down the long hall to double check if he had forgotten anything that they might need. He stopped in front of Dean’s door that was slightly ajar. His brother was already dressed and moving the clothing he would need into his green duffel, nodding his head rhythmically to a tune that was playing in his head.
“You seem chipper this morning,” Sammy commented with a sly smirk. “Have a good nights sleep?”
“One of the best I’ve had in a long time,” he replied while tossing his red flannel shirt on top of the others. “Why?”
The sly smirk grew wider across Sammy’s face as he gave a little shrug and replied innocently “nothing.”
It was kind of obvious to Sammy that Dean had started to become attracted to you, but there was no way that he was your type. No, you probably liked guys that didn’t hide away their emotions who listened to you whole heartedly and allowed you to live your life fully, not stepping in the way of it. Sam only had assumed that what you had meant by being tired of pretending was about how you had to act like what his brother was doing didn’t bother you. He knew it was. Hell, it bothered him every time Dean would step up to the older brother role and tell him what to do. Dean was almost as bad if not worse than his father sometimes.
No, the guy for you was not his brother. He agree that the two of you barely had anything in common other than bad T.V. shows and movies melting their brains. He had more in common with you than that, besides the obvious of being both Sam’s. You were incredibly intelligent, almost completely fluent in Latin and Enochian. You also had this light inside of you, often making him feel that no matter what things were going to be okay. And damn did he think you were beautiful. All the scars from previous jobs, the little way you would crinkled your nose up when something was off, and how your eyes held so much passion in them.
Sammy long ago had already realized how drawn to you he was, finding blissful pleasure in in their late nights together, even when you were surrounded by books in complete silence. He didn’t exactly have the best track record with relationships though. Something always happened to them that was out of his control, so he himself pretended not to notice your loving stare and full body smile that lit up the room. It was better that way for everyone.
He had almost told you the other night as you cuddled into his arms, nestling yourself into his grip while tearful. You were way too drunk though. Nothing you said would have been real and honestly he wasn’t sure if you would even remember it at that point as he had noticed the once filled to the brim decanter now more than halfway gone. Letting you fall asleep in his arms while watching your face as you dreamt was a memory that he was going to hold onto for long time.
“Who drank all my creamer?” you shouted while burying your face in the fridge in search of the sweet cream that was explicitly yours, but somehow would suspiciously deplete a little more than usual everyday.
“Definitely not me, Red,” Dean commented while pouring the straight black coffee into his thermos, leaving just enough for you. “Maybe we have a ghost around.”
“Maybe it’s the moose,” you pondered out loud while opting to just go ahead and drink it black, maybe the bitterness of the beans would help to wake you up more.
“So are we good from yesterday?” Dean coaxed nervously, hoping that the bipolarness of your hormones had finally calmed down.
“Yeah, we are good,” you laughed while pouring the remnants of the coffee into your cup. “You still owe me a new bra though.”
Dean chuckled out loud and nodded in agreement while you scrunched up your nose to the bitterness of the black coffee you had just tasted.
“Ready to go?” Sammy questioned as he entered the room.
You both nodded your heads to answer him, moving towards the garage where Baby slept comfortably. For the next 4 hours you laid sprawled out in her backseat, while the boys and you came up with a game plan as soon as you got to the town. After checking in two rooms at a tiny motel, you all separated to cover more ground. Sam was taking the preacher, Dean was taking the women’s clinic (of course) and you got the sheriff’s department about the missing people.
Honestly, you had the easier job because you had become so used to flirting your way with the donut loving bunch, that they often didn’t even question your fraudulent credentials. Thank goodness Dean wasn’t there because he would have probably punched the poor deputy that was drooling all over himself and made the sexist comment about how a pretty girl like you shouldn’t be working a case alone, which he was more than happy offer his services to. Giving him your best bitch face you gently reminded him you were a federal agent, a complete lie but he didn’t know that.
The missing people you had come to find out all had two things in common. One, they were complete assholes. Imagine the worst people to have at a BBQ, and that would be them. Racist, narcissistic, sexist, disgusting, greedy pigs. Almost the complete box set for Dante’s seven deadly sins. Second, they all disappeared without any trace while leaving valuable possessions and people behind.
Walking out of the station you wanted to scream as the heels pinched deep into your feet, making walking easily almost impossible as you limped a little to ease the pain.
“Hey bitch! Need a ride?”
You turned your head quickly to see who the hell would have called you a bitch only to be met with the smiling firecracker that you had come to know and love through the Winchesters.
“Charlie, I almost shot you,” you smiled as you approached her little yellow car’s driver window. “What are you doing here?”
“Checking out a case,” she retorted. “Guessing you are doing the same.”
“Yeah, so far not a lot to go on,” you rolled your eyes to the sheriff’s department.
“Well get on in. We can share what we know so far!”
Inviting Charlie to bunk down with you only made sense in your mind, it was nice having another girl around that understood somewhat how much of a pain in the ass boys could be. Dean and Sam had been surprised but thrilled at her appearance when she was the one to open up the door and let them in as you changed out of the tight pencil skirt and opting for your worn out jeans and t-shirt to relax in for the rest of the day.
“So you are going to join us then,” Dean stated while not allowing for any room for argument to the decision.
“Yeah, I have to hang out with my favorite Sam,” she smirked while giving a side eye to Sammy that was proudly smiling. “Not you, ya big lug. The other Sam. Us girls have to stick together around you two.”
You giggled to yourself in appreciation of the loving but silly nature of Charlie, she was a breath of fresh air when you started to feel like things were going crazy with no way out. Both boys gave a growl as they pretended to be hurt by her words, but they knew she was right. Dean had suggested that you all that you hit up the little tavern down the road for food and drinks since it was already now past a normal persons dinner time and the most that any of you had eaten was a power bar with lots of coffee to drink. Catching up together over a drink with something fattening that would most likely clog your arties sounded like the perfect plan.
It was rather busy when you all arrived but you found a small booth in the back. Dean and Charlie sat on one side, while you and Sammy sat on the other. After about a 20 minute wait for someone to come by and take your order, you were starting to get more than hungry, you were now hangry. Excusing yourself to find someone capable of taking your orders, you left the three of them to talk amongst themselves.
“I think Red is going to murder someone soon if she doesn’t get fed,” Charlie observed as she watched you scowling at the gossiping staff by the bar.
“Yeah, this is the wrong time of month to piss her off,” Dean snickered. Charlie raised her eyebrow to him, while mouthing ‘what’.
“Female thing,” Sammy chimed in. Charlie pushed up her lips and nodded her head, knowing very well what that all entailed. She quietly watched the two boys that she has come to love like brothers watch you to ensure that you had a handle on what was going on, and didn’t need back up. Both of their eyes followed your every move and gesture as you tried so hard not to make the young waitress cry out of nervousness towards your obvious annoyance.
“So…” Charlie popped her tongue off the roof of her mouth. “Which one of you has tried sleeping with her yet?”
Dean and Sammy shot their heads directly towards her, wide-eyed and frozen like they were deer spotted by headlights. Caught unexpectedly without knowing what to say or do.
“That’s what I thought,” she snickered.
You were now walking back with the terrified waitress trailing behind you, right on your heels. She promptly asked everyone what they wanted to eat and drink before running with haste towards the kitchen.
“I guess there is one benefit to the whole monthly visitor thing, you are scary as hell,” Dean chuckled.
Sammy tilted his head at his brother mouthing “really dude.” Dean just shrugged it off and leaned back into his seat seeing you clearing looking annoyed with Charlie giving him a disapproving look on his side.
“So what do you have on the case so far Charlie?” he spoke up trying to shift the attention away from him.
Charlie had about the same as all of you, basically everything just occurred overnight with no rhyme, reason, or connection to each other. The boys had checked for sulfur, EMF, and even hex bags at the locations they visited but came up with nothing. It was a perplexing case and you were now more than glad to have the extra pair of eyes on board.
“Maybe a trickster?” you suggested while finishing off your burger that had come out in a rush. Guess Dean was right, being scary did have its benefits.
“Does fit the ‘just desserts’ scheme,” Charlie agreed.
“If it was him, he would have already been messing with us by now…and not in any type of fun way,” Sammy commented nervously while flashbacks of being turned into a car, having his balls crushed, and campaigning an ad for genital herpes ran through his mind. The whole ordeal still haunting him nightly.
“Yeah,” Dean smirked. “By now I’m sure that Red here would be turned into an animated princess with one of us coming to save the day.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” you snapped, giving him a stern look.
“You know the typical damsel in distress,” he shrugged.
“Is…is that how you see me?” you stammered.
Ever since the boys had found you knocked out by the Demon you had felt like you had to prove to them that you weren’t helpless. That you could take care of yourself. So many times you had noticed that when things started to get real, they would put themselves in between you and the danger like you couldn’t handle it. You could. You weren’t one of those helpless women that they had to save. You were a hunter just like them. You had pretended that you didn’t notice that they had been treating you definitely than anyone else and you were getting tired of pretending that it didn’t bother you. Now Dean’s words proved what you had suspected, they thought you were just another girl who they needed to saved.
Dean looked at you in confusion as he noticed that your eyes began to welt up. He looked to his brother and Charlie that were equally as perplexed to your reaction.
“No, Red, not at all. It’s just that he likes to... mess with people’s... weaknesses,” he suggested, which only made the tears you were holding back now come flowing down your face.
“So because I’m a girl I’m weak? I can’t take care of myself?” you snapped while getting up from your seat, making all the patrons now turn towards the four of you. “You know what Dean, I can take care of myself and I will.”
You walked right out of the tavern before even giving him a chance to say anything else, the cool night air hitting your hot skin felt wonderful as you took it all in. As you made your way through the parking lot you heard a female voice speak up amongst the parked cars.
“Men can be such pigs huh? Wouldn’t you love it if they could only see what it was like for once?”
You let out a little laugh and said “yeah” before continuing to the hotel alone. Hopefully a good night’s sleep would calm you down. Maybe even tomorrow you would actually allow yourself to have a real conversation with them about why you had basically acted like a child throwing a tantrum in public. They really didn’t deserve that, but it had been growing on you for so long it was bound to snap out at some point. You now felt guilty for your actions as you slid into the musty bed sheets of the dark hotel room all alone while pondering what on earth you were going to do in the morning.
“What the hell was that?” Dean stammered as he watched Samantha leave in a hurry with tears falling down her eyes. Charlie punched him in the arm hard.
“Dude! Super insensitive!” she replied giving him a hard look.
“Seriously? Do you two not get it?” she probed while shifting her eyes between them. “Oh my… Okay, let me break this down for you. Sam is a hunter. Sam is also a girl. Girls for fucking ever have been told that they are weak and have to be saved by a big strong man and what do you do? Basically just tell her that her being a girl is a weakness!”
“Charlie has a point Dean,” Sammy chimed in.
“You are fucking right I do!”
“It’s not like we exactly… treat her equally sometimes,” Sam offered in embarrassment as he realized that more often than not there would be arguments on who would be taking point, them usually against her.
“Yeah but she likes all that girl stuff too,” Dean added.
“You can want to be a Queen, kick some ass, and save the day too Dean,” Charlie commented.
Dean and Sam both sat quietly back knowing she was right.
“Whatever, I need a stronger drink,” Dean grumbled.
He walked up to the bar and leaned on it while rubbing the scruff on his face in frustration over how the hell he was going to fix everything with Samantha now. A young girl moved next to him while flashing him a flirtatious smile. She was cute, but he wasn’t interested. She moved her face now closer to his, making him raise his eyebrow to her.
“Hey, there sexy. I’m Sam.”
He tried to hold back the laughter but failed as he turned to walk away. “Sorry darling. Two Sam’s are enough.”
The next morning Dean woke up from his restless night’s sleep before the sun had fully risen. He could hear snores in the bed next to him as he stumbled towards the bathroom to get dressed so he could go and grab coffee, along with Samantha’s favorite creamer. He rubbed his unusually smooth face while he yawned and entered into the ceramic tiled room. His bladder was ready to explode so he positioned himself in front of the toilet to pee while reaching and felt the unexpected. Instead of finding his penis, his hand reached into the slick wet folds of a vagina. In a quick motion he moved to the mirror in front of the sink and his stare met the eyes looking back at him. They were Samantha’s eyes. Holy shit, he was in Samantha’s body! How did this happen? Where was she? He reached up and felt his chest, realizing that it was her soft, yet firm bosom. They were just like he had imagined, but he never imagined that he would be feeling them on himself like this! Crap! He heard movement of a bed in the other room like someone was waking up, he ran to the doorway, using the frame to steady his balance while staring wide-eyed at a waking up Charlie.
“Charlie! I have tits!”
Bitch, Gimmie (You asked for it): @waywardbaby @snffbeebee @curly-haired-disaster @waywardnerd67 @dean-winchesters-bacon @jaylarkson @ladywinchester1967 @hobby27
#everyone needs a sam#supernatural#sam winchester#dean winchester#dean x reader x sam#charlie bradbury#spn series#spn fanfic#supernatural fanfiction
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Maybe the Government did something Right

3.3k words
Stars appear in so many stories. Peter Pan, Princess and The Frog, and even Pinocchio. They all seem to have something in common. They hold hope and wishes and love. I never understood the phenomena of wishing on a star, until I did.
I was desperate and alone. Unsure of my future life, let alone if I’d see tomorrow. It’s a constant worry when you live in this world and a supposed blessing to see the light again. Sometimes I wanted to die, sometimes I wanted to disappear. Other times I wanted to live a normal life, or just survive another day. Tonight I decided to want better.
This world isn’t safe, especially not during the day. Things roam and move. Things we aren’t sure what they are. Large grotesque beings and small crawling creatures. No one’s sure how they came to be, they just appeared one day and haven’t left since. They can’t be captured. They die when locked away, like they know we want to test them. And in death they turn to dust, leaving no corpse to study.
People can kill them and they can be destroyed but it’s difficult and dangerous. So people have adapted to nightlife. For some unknown reason the creatures never are out when the moon is high in the sky. They only wander in the day. Those seeking thrill may move in the day but those who wish to live stay hidden.
I was 10 when the creatures appeared. I used to love the sunlight, I could lay for hours in the light soaking up the sun and wasting the day away. But then those...things popped up, killing people and destroying things and the light was no longer safe.
I was horribly afraid of the dark when I was younger and now I fear the light. The light means death, the light means destruction, and the light means doom. Even though the light is dangerous, I still long to feel the warm rays on my skin and see the world alight with a bright blue sky.
I was on the tallest building I could find in this forsaken city, staring at the stars and the moon. Everything covered in the milky glow. A few glowing lights of active homes alight below.
I decided to make a wish. Probably the first time I wished for anything since the world had gone dark. I found the brightest star in the sky and wished to see the sun again, to be safe in the day and never have to worry about being attacked by those things. I knew it wouldn’t come true but a wish is a nice thing to make. It gives you hope.
I went to bed that morning thinking of the sun and awoke to a full moon and a knock on the door. It was interesting to have someone come here, most of my friends are gone and live in the country, it’s supposed to be safer. It was early in the night anyways, I should have been getting up.
I rose from my bed and went to the door. Expecting some kind of delivery man or a random person wandering and looking for a place to rest. Even a hunter seeking help. What I was not expecting was a young man, close to my age, in a suit with a suitcase wanting to come in. Of course I obliged and let him enter.
“Would you like something to drink…?” I questioned the strange man, hoping to receive a name.
“Wonwoo, and thank you Y/N. A water would be nice.” He sat down as he spoke, his bag kept close to his feet. I was in the kitchen with a glass in hand before I realized I never told him my name. I squeaked and dropped the glass, breaking it in the process. Letting out a muffled cuss, I started cleaning it up. I had cut my hand when the man rushed into the kitchen, a gun in hand.
“Are you alright?” He rushed over to me. I cowered from his hand, while clutching my own. He looked from me to the gun and understood, putting it into his pants. “It’s incase something or someone tried to hurt you. I would never use it on you.” He reached out for my hand and I pulled farther away. “It’s ok. I just want to see how bad it is. I can help. It’s what I was trained for.” I nodded and gave him my hand. He looked it over before pulling me to the living room. He doctored my hand while I stared at him in silence.
He left the room and returned with water for me and himself. He sat in the chair across from me and we sat in silence for who knows how long. I examined his looks. Scruffy black hair, dark golden brown eyes, but the most stoic of faces. He looks like he never smiles. I broke from my trance when he spoke.
“I’m sure you have a lot of questions. I will answer whatever I can.”
“How did you know my name? Who or what are you? I don’t understand what’s happening.” I blurted out. He sighed before answering.
“I’m sorry to pop out of the blue but I’m here to grant your wish.” I looked at him like he was crazy.
“What wish?” I asked him, clutching my wrapped hand to my chest.
“The one you made the other night. Wanting to see the sun without worrying about danger.” He stood and walked to sit on the couch with me. I stared at him, waiting for more information. He seemed to understand. “I work for the government. We have a branch designed to grant wishes. You didn’t wish on a star, you wished on a satellite. They record the world’s wishes and send people like me in to grant them. I was trained to work in the sun, to work against the monsters. I’m going to take you into the light whenever you want and protect you.”
He’s going to what. I made that wish on a whim. No way was it supposed to happen, let alone have a man assigned to protect me. I don’t understand but I don’t think I want to.
“So why do you have a bag?” It was the only thing I knew to ask.
“I’m assigned to stay here until you feel your wish is complete. I know it’s inconvenient but it is my job. If you’d like, from the look on your face, I can find somewhere else to stay.” He immediately answered my question. I shook my head.
“It’s ok. You can stay here, I just don’t have an extra room for you, only the couch.” I trailed off as I realized it wouldn’t be suitable for someone of his stature. “You could always take the bed.” I suggested.
“The bed is yours. The couch will work fine. I’ve slept on much worse. It’ll be nice to have something at least semi-comfortable. Thank you.” He moved to stand again and said he would return tomorrow with a few more things for me and himself. I was to spend that night wrapping my head around what actually is happening.
I walked him to the door and watched as he walked into the darkness, with confidence I knew only a survivor could have. I spent the rest of the night going about my normal routine, showering, restocking the kitchen for his return, and even collecting some abandoned books I found; though I was a bit distracted through the processes. Can’t count how many times I ran into people without apologizing.
The day was spent in a restless sleep, still so confused about Wonwoo. I was in the living room with my book and tea when I heard his knock again, early in the night. I let him in and watched as he carried in bag after bag. Mostly suitcases of his clothing, necessities, and weapons. But he brought food with him too and drinks, even candy I hadn’t seen in years. I was surprised to say the least.
“Why did you bring so much food?” I questioned him, “You didn’t need to.”
“I did need to. You are allowing me to stay here, it is my payment. My thanks.” he spoke as he continued playing food in the kitchen pantry and cabinets. “Your wish is my job, allowing me to stay is your kindness.” I just nodded my head and went to sit in the living room again. I was staring blankly at the window when he sat a small distance away from me. “You seem tired. If we both sleep now, I can take you into the sun tomorrow. If you’d like.” I turned and smiled at him. I bid him goodnight and went to my room to grab blankets and pillows for him.
I would like to believe we both slept peacefully that night but before I slept, I know I could hear him cleaning his guns and sharpening his knives.
We spent the next two weeks together. I was unsure of wanting to leave the house. Yes I wanted to feel the sun again but my fears kept the want at bay. I learned some small skills from Wonwoo and watched him as he trained.
We grew closer. I told him of my childhood before the monsters and he told me how his family was lost to the creatures. It being the reasoning behind him wanting to grant wishes. We would read together or watch tv.
The third week was when I decided I wanted the sun again. I told him of my wishes and he kept me awake through the day to train me. Making sure I would sleep the night away.
I was shaken awake hours later to a man in all black standing above me. Different from the suit he constantly wore and the clothes contrasting the night he first showed. It was a simple black sweater with a black leather jacket. Dark pants and combat boots. Even something to cover his face. I’ll admit he looked nice without the suit. He spoke softly with his deep voice telling me to dress for mobility and always be ready to run. I wore a sweater and jeans like him, along with sneakers to run.
I walked into the kitchen to see food placed out and a hunting knife in its sheath next to my plate.
“Eat up and attach the knife to your belt. You won’t need it but it’s better to be cautious.” I heard him call from the stairs. He walked in with a gun strapped to his leg and back, a knife on each thigh. More attractive than I’d like to admit. I ate as he spoke.
“You will need to stick close to me. I already saw some roaming. I have a place picked for us but it will take a days travel, being it is in the country. Your home will be safe and your body will be safe with me. I have our bags packed and our supplies prepared. We leave when you are ready.” I choked when he mentioned the travel but understood, country being the safest place to experience the sun. “We’ll need to keep moving but will take frequent short breaks.” I nodded along and stood to put the dishes in the sink when I finished.
It was early when he awoke me and still early as we left. It had been years since stepping through my door into the sun. That would, hopefully, be the hardest part of the trip. I knew as soon as I felt the heat on my face that I wouldn’t regret this.
We traversed the empty streets and back alleys, avoiding herds easily and making it out of the city and to the farmlands long before the sun started setting. I did as Wonwoo said and stuck close as we reached an empty field. I stared into the sky and watched the clouds move by.
“Y/N.” I heard a murmur beside me. I turned to Wonwoo as he motioned behind me. A blanket was set out with food and drinks. His jacket and shoes had been removed along with his weapons. I knew it was safe.
I wandered over to the blanket, removing my own shoes. I sat down and stared back into the sky. A rustling of leaves brought my sight to Wonwoo by the tree with a book. The light peaking through the trees lighting his features. I realized I was lucky that one silly wish could bring so much happiness. But why me?
I went and joined Wonwoo under the tree, him glancing up as I sat down. I listened to his deep breaths and the wind rustle the trees before nudging him. He raised an eyebrow but didn’t look from his book. I nudged him another two times before he looked up, semi-annoyed
“Sorry but I have a question.” I smiled sheepishly. He nodded his head and closed his book. “Why me?”
“What…?” he inquired.
“Why was my wish granted? I know so many other wish every night. So why me?” I know I may have been asking too much but I wanted to know why I was worthy.
He sighed before speaking, “Because you deserve it.” He glanced into the tree. “So many people wish for money or love. So many people wish constantly, except you. You hadn’t made one wish since the world went dark. And maybe when I heard your wish and looked at you, I knew I could help, I knew you deserved to be happy, even for a limited time.” he finished with a look in my eyes.
I knew I shouldn’t have, he really didn’t seem the type, but I jumped to hug him. I thanked him the only way I knew how anymore. With the smallest affection I could offer. And I swear I felt him smile.
We spent the rest of the day in peace, small conversation and getting to know each other, he even taught me some first aid. I ended back up on the blanket while he set up a tent. Dinner was eaten and sleeping bags were set close to each other. I slept in the night peacefully for the first time in years.
The next morning I made breakfast as he packed up and suited back up, ready for the trek home. We were ready to leave soon after eating and made it to the edge of the city before we needed to rest. Breaking into a bookstore I didn’t know existed. We sat for a little while glancing through the store, even taking some with us, before leaving.
We were so close, not even a block from my house. Almost safe. But they found us anyways. I didn’t know how to fight so Wonwoo told me to hide. I didn’t want to leave him but I didn’t know what else to do. I hid and watched as he fight.
He was surrounded, the guns doing their job and taking down all but one before the bullets ran out. He took the knife from his hip before getting in a stance to attack. The thing was quick on its legs and was in constant movement around Wonwoo. But Wonwoo was quick too, following the things movements. A slash. A stab. He was so close to the weak point, but was slowing down and the thing took advantage. It slashed Wonwoo’s arm and from the scream, it seemed deep.
I moved before I thought, I raced from my hiding spot to see the thing pining Wonwoo. But even in pain, Wonwoo is still a fighter. He stabbed up into what may have been a heart and the thing released a dying screech. I moved to Wonwoo’s side as he rolled the creature off him. He wouldn’t sit up and was losing blood fast. I couldn’t do much where we were.
“Wonwoo...Woo I need you to get up. Please. I can fix you, I just need you to help me get you home.” I murmured as I got him to his feet. We shuffled along, a bit wobbly, to the house. He collapsed onto the couch and I ran to grab his and my first aid.
I shoved a cloth in his mouth to stop the scream as I ripped the jacket and shirt off him. After tying a tourniquet above the wound I ran to get clean water. I cleaned the wound watching as his breathing stabilized and his face relaxed. He had passed out from pain, exhaustion, blood loss, or all three I didn’t know, I just knew to work fast.
I finished cleaning the wound and sutured it before wrapping it in gauze. I placed a blanket over him and took the cloth from his mouth. I cleaned up and placed a glass of water and painkillers by his head on the table before resting in a chair next to the couch. Holding his hand, I made another wish, to myself and the fates. To let Wonwoo live, to let him heal. I fell asleep draped over his legs.
I awoke hours later and saw his water empty and the painkillers gone but him asleep, more peacefully than before. I rose and fixed the blanket on his body before going into the kitchen to unpack our supplies, something to keep my mind active.
I ran when I heard his groan. Quickly moving into the living room.
“Ugh...well that was interesting.” Wonwoo sat up slowly and pulled the blanket up to his chest when he saw me staring. Scars. I shook my head and sat next to him.
“How’s your arm? I need to rewrap it.” I ran to grab more gauze before returning to his side. I heard him chuckle as I unwrapped it.
“It’s fine.” he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. “I’m fine. I’ve had worse, just another scar for the collection.” He released my chin and lowered the blanket. Lean and scarred. I reached a hand out and felt him shiver when I touched the longest scar. “Training and fighting can be a bitch.” he chuckled to, as I believe, cover his blush. I just nodded and finished wrapping his arm. He grabbed the things from my hands before I could walk away and forced me onto the couch with him. “Seriously, I’m fine. Though I wouldn’t have been if you hadn’t been there. So thank you. Looks like I owe you more now.”
“You don’t owe me anything. You got hurt because of my stupid wish.” I shook my head and moved away from him but he pulled me back.
“It wasn’t a stupid wish. It was a perfect one.” He pulled me into his side and covered us both with the blanket. “Besides I think I know how to make us both happy. Make us even.” I didn’t understand what he was saying until his lips pressed to mine. It took me a few seconds but my hand moved to his chest and my eyes closed. Kissing him felt like the sun. Warm and bright. And it felt like the moon. Calm and safe.
We pulled away to watch the sunlight fade outside. We were safe again.
“Thank you Y/N for taking care of me.” he whispered...with a smile.
“Thank you Wonwoo, for taking car of me.” I responded with a smile.
“Maybe, now we can take care of each other. I only leave when your wish is fulfilled.” He spoke into my hair, putting his arm around me.
“I don’t think my wish will finish anytime soon. So we’ll take care of each other.” I hummed into his neck.
“I’ll always take care of you. Job or no job.” Wonwoo spoke with sincerity in his voice and surprisingly his eyes. I knew I would be safe in the night, and now I’m assured of being safe in the day. Thank you.
I used to think wishing on a star was useless….and I was right. They were never stars, they were always satellites. They grant your wishes and more.
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