#(weird little fun fact: my baby blanket is genderfluid for some reason?)
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kirby-the-gorb · 11 months ago
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formerprincess · 7 years ago
A tale written with fangs and claws || Chapter 21
Chapters: 21/? Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken Characters: Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken Additional Tags: Alpha Liam Dunbar, Slow Build, Friends to Lovers, Dunbar Pack, Bisexual Liam Dunbar, Werewolf Theo Raeken, Alpha Theo Raeken, Canon-Typical Violence, Smut, Mates, Liam and Theo are mates Series: Part 1 of Morning Dew Pack
Liam confesses why he's really afraid to tell Scott about his new status, the pack talks about the possibilities their lives could take, there's mythology involved, Ever is messing around with her magic, the usual stuff for the core pack.
The core pack had gathered in the garden of the pack house, around the fire pit on the patio and they just talked. They all appreciated times like that and even if it was Winter, the fire gave enough warmth and they were wrapped in warm blankets, so it was quite cozy. In addition to the blankets, they all had hot chocolate as a drink which gave the whole thing an additional tasty note.  “Liam, how did you feel when you got asked to become an Alpha. It’s a big step but how did you experience it?” Tim asked and the other Betas made questioning sounds, indicating they were also interested in hearing this. 
Liam swallowed the sip he had taken from his chocolate and made a humming sound. “I was shocked, no lie. I didn’t see that coming. We just wanted to spend a weekend at the lake, relax, have a good time. And then we meet a werewolf couple and their pack and Byron taught me the philosophy of the Morning Dew pack of working with your wolf instead of against him and yes, they mentioned that Byron didn’t have a successor but never would I have thought about Byron asking me.” He then admitted.
Theo chuckled. “Liam was completely overwhelmed and even refused at first.”  He told the Betas, while he played with the hair in the back of Liam’s neck. Liam purred at the soft contact but sighed and nodded. “I did.” “Because you were scared?” Ever asked in her usual empathic way. Liam nodded and leaned into Theo’s touch. “I didn’t plan on becoming an Alpha around that time, I didn’t see myself as an Alpha and I didn’t think I was good enough to actually be an Alpha.” “But you are awesome as Alpha!” Tim said and the others agreed. Liam blushed softly. “I didn’t know that back then, Timmy. I was scared I would fuck up and people would die because of me. Don’t forget, I was just a Beta and okay with it. And then Byron comes and asks if I want to take over such a large pack. That was way too much for the moment. I really was sure I would be a bad Alpha.”
“What made you change your mind?” Maya asked.  Liam looked over at Theo, smiled, and kissed his boyfriend’s cheek. “My chimera here for one and then my own inner wolf as well.” He said. “Your inner wolf?” Sadie asked.  “Yeah, I had this weird dream where I woke up to a movement in the bedroom and when I followed it, it led me to the meeting point on top of the hill. When I finally got there, my wolf stood in front of me and even if he didn’t talk, I got what he tried to tell me.” “So our inner wolves can contact us in our dreams?” Mike asked and raised an eyebrow.  “I had no idea they could do it until it happened to me, Mikey.”   “Huh. Okay.” Mike made a thoughtful face. 
“The wolf on your tattoo, is that your inner wolf?” Nolan inquired and Liam looked down at his arms even though the tattoo was currently hidden by his sleeve.  “You have to ask Theo that, he drew it. I always thought of it as my wolf, yeah.” “I...Yeah. Your dream about your wolf actually inspired me to draw this.” Theo confirmed and Liam beamed at him. Theo smiled back and they kissed again. Liam snuggled closer to Theo and into the blanket and grinned.
“Fun fact, I didn’t even think about adding more wolves to my pack or even establish a core pack but suddenly Maya showed up and asked for help. That’s basically what set it into motion.” “I came because even though you were a stranger, you cared about me when I almost fainted. And when I knew who you were, I thought you could really help me. I was right. As usual.” Maya said and chuckled at the end.  “Why did you almost faint?” Sadie asked. Maya ducked her head.  “I had certain ways to make sure my wolf would not break through during full moons. That included starving myself and just drinking kale juice. Only that way my wolf was weak enough and I could keep it in check.” “She also broke every possible bone in her body to make sure she didn’t shift. Until Liam forced her wolf out.” Theo added and they all stared at Maya in shock.  Maya shrugged.  “I was afraid of my wolf. Who knew what it could do if I allowed it again. I broke my aunt’s arm once, I didn’t want it to hurt more people.”
“She.” Tim said softly. Maya cocked an eyebrow. “Huh?” “It’s something I noticed for a while now. When Liam talks about his wolf, he either says his wolf or he. When we talk about them, it’s either it or our wolf. Like it is some sort of undefined thing. I didn’t want to insult you or your wolf, Maya, course not. If you feel like you wolf is male or genderfluid, I’m sorry for assuming. But I just noticed those pronouns.” “Are you seriously gendering our werewolf side right now?” Mike asked flabbergasted and Tim turned beet red. He awkwardly scratched his cheek. “Yeah?” “Tim isn’t that wrong. It’s stated in the Alpha journal that it was common for a while to give your wolf a name in order to see them as a friend and work with them. The tradition mostly died down after a while, but some werewolves still do it to this day.” Liam shared his knowledge with his pack. 
“Yeah, speaking off working with the wolf, how exactly does this work?” Sadie asked. Her logical side was very curious about that one. “Because I finally got control over the wolf and I am determined to keep it under control.” “I thought so too until Byron showed me how the pack does it. It’s simply by focusing on nature around you, paying some kind of tribute to your animalistic side, and in return, the wolf doesn’t overpower you but actually works with you. It’s mutual respect.  I followed his instructions and I can tell you, I became faster, I smelt better, I heard better.” “You sound like the wolf from Red Riding Hood.” Ever teased and Liam grinned.  “It really worked!” “It even worked for me and I’m just a chimera.” Theo chimed in. “It is an experience different than anything else I ever had. Overwhelming but also pretty impressive.” 
“Since I got turned I had been afraid of my wolf and saw him as a monster, something I needed to lock away and keep on a leash, but since Byron showed me their technique I feel like I have a better grip on my wolf. I can stay better in control because I am an Alpha now and this is needed. Doesn’t mean the wolf stays under control all the time, but it’s easier with mutual respect. He can actually help me and this is probably the greatest discovery I made this year.” Liam spoke. 
He sipped his hot chocolate and considered it. “This year is one of those years were the most happened to me. If you don’t count the constant threats in Beacon Hills, the last time my life changed so drastically was when we graduated and moved to Seattle. And even that was not as radical as this year.” “But you’re happy, right? This year ends on a good note for you?!” Maya asked her Alpha and Liam nodded. “Yeah, I am happy. Though I can’t lie I would feel even better when I finally talked to Scott but for now, I am happy.” “You don’t think you will have time to talk to him this year and end it on a really good note?” Theo inquired and stroke through Liam’s hair. Liam shook his head. “No. December will be stressful with preparations for Christmas and since I invited mom and dad here, I don’t think Scott and I will meet before next year. It’s okay. Have to work with it.”
Liam continued drinking his hot chocolate and for a little while they group fell silent, everybody lost in their thoughts.
“Liam, why are you so afraid to tell Scott you became an Alpha? Do you really think he would not understand? When he left Beacon Hills, you basically took over and became the Alpha of the puppy pack and he was cool with it.” Nolan suddenly asked and everybody looked up again and stared at Liam.
The young Alpha finished his hot chocolate and swallowed slowly before he set his cup on the table next to his chair. “That’s different, I didn’t really take over, I just represented Scott and he always came back.” Liam tilted his head softly and looked into the flames. “Scott is a great person and he has always been like an older brother to me so a part of me knows there is a chance he will be proud of me for becoming an Alpha, finding and founding my own pack, and will help with words and deeds. But another part of me remembers when it was the first lacrosse game against Devenford Prep after my transfer and I walked over to Brett and my other former teammates and I really tried to apologize and be a good sportsman but Brett shot me down, claiming they didn’t forget what I did to my coach’s car and they would destroy me on the field. I was already stressed enough, I just had been bitten shortly before, and I got angry. My claws dug into my palm and I felt the blood drip and then Scott and Stiles pulled me away, right into the shower. It was when I came clean about my IED and I sat there, clothes completely drenched, and I will always remember Stiles’ words. He told Scott: You gave powers to a walking time bomb. When Theo met me and Stiles properly for the first time, he said ‘Why do I get the feeling this kid’s tougher than he looks?’ to which Stiles replied with ‘Only if we let him off his leash.’. The whole time the pack protected me and treated me like their little brother, their Baby Beta. And I loved them for caring about me but at the same time, it also felt trammeling, restraining. It was one of the reasons I decided for Seattle because it meant I could get away and finally be my own person. Just Liam and not Liam, the Baby Beta.” Liam blinked and then he continued with a shaky breath. “It’s not really Scott’s reaction or the pack’s reaction I’m afraid of but what this reaction would proof. That they only see me as a time bomb, somebody who needs to be restained. A time bomb who now has Alpha powers. And I’m not sure I could handle that.”
This had been one of the most real things he ever said and the pack stayed silent after he finished. Nobody really knew how to answer to this at first but then Ever tried. “I don’t know Scott or your old pack personally, but if they really still only see you as the Baby Beta, they are dumb. From what I heard about them, they don’t seem dumb, so I think everything will turn out fine.” She smiled optimistically.  “And if they do we kick their asses. Nobody is mean to our Alpha!” Sadie explained and Maya nodded along with that while Liam laughed. “Thank you, guys.” “No, thank you for being so honest with us. That takes a lot of bravery to be so open. One of the things that make you a good Alpha.” Nolan praised. Liam blushed. “Guys, I’m not as great as you always make it sound.” “No, but you’re working on yourself and you admit when you’re wrong or struggling. Exactly what a good Alpha should do.” Maya said. “Especially given you didn’t plan on becoming an Alpha, you’re really good at this stuff. I couldn’t do that.” Tim backed Maya up.
 Liam smiled to himself. “I’m pretty sure all of you could be great Alphas one day.” He told his Betas. “Really?” Tim looked doubtful and Liam nodded. “Really. It may take some time but you have good hearts and you care about your pack. Two very perfect requirements for being a good Alpha.” “But wouldn’t that mean we have to leave the pack?” Tim frowned. “Not necessarily. There was once an Alpha pack, a pack just consisting of Alphas, lead by the strongest of them, Deucalion. So, a pack can hold several Alphas if the Alpha allows it and the other Alphas submit.” Theo put in his own two cents. 
Mike leaned back in his chair and watched the night sky. “Imagine all of us being Alphas. The new Alpha pack. Wouldn’t that be nifty?” “You did not say nifty.” Sadie mocked him and he rolled his eyes. Maya grabbed her neck and softly shook her. “Stop that, blondie!” She jokingly scolded Sadie. “Yeah, Athena, listen to Artemis.” Liam said with a chuckle.  Ever and Nolan raised her heads. “What was that?” They asked at the same time and now everybody stared at Liam again. Liam had not expected this reaction and looked like a deer caught in the headlights for a moment before he frowned. “Why are you looking at me like that?” “You just called them Athena and Artemis, didn’t you notice?” Theo asked with a soft laugh. “Where did that came from?”
“Oh.” Liam shrugged. “Well, you know I love history and mythology, especially the Greek one, and sometimes I tend to assign nicknames to people when they show a strong resemblance to some characters from the myths. Over the time I got names for anybody. Sadie is clearly Athena. She is beautiful and graceful but she also is the goddess of wisdom, intelligence, courage, mathematics, and strength; and at the same time, she’s the goddess of military strategy. She’s a fighter and a brilliant woman, just like Sadie who’s the strongest Beta and at the same time has an IQ from...how many was it?” “169.” Sadie said with a shrug as if it was nothing. It probably was to her. 
“And Maya is obviously Artemis, the wild, untamed goddess who does as she pleases even if people tell her she’s dressing not ladylike enough or should not voice her opinion so loudly. Who doesn’t see any use in jumping through hoops for anybody and that’s what makes her so authentical. Artemis is also the goddess of the hunt, and you, Maya, you’re a predator, wolf or not. Sharp reflexes and nobody should mess with you.”
“That is so incredibly sweet and so fitting.” Ever stated. Her eyes gleamed with excitement. “Do you have one for all of us?” Liam nodded. “Uhm, yeah, actually.” When he saw his Betas curious looks, he was pretty sure they would not let him go without hearing their nicknames and so he stretched his legs. “Tim’s nickname is Minos. Minos was a king of Crete and is said to be famous for his laws and the success of said laws. All citizens were treated the same way and he was so fair, he later became one of the three judges of the dead in the underworld. I actually read this story lately and he immediately reminded me of you, Tim, because you are goofy and shy but you’re also the fairest person I ever met.” Tim smiled shyly. “Thanks, Lee.” “Just the truth, Timmy.” Liam said with a laugh. 
“What’s mine?” Mike wanted to know and Liam didn’t even need to stop and think. “Kratos. There are several stories about his heritage so depending on which you rather want to believe he’s either the god of strength and power or he’s one of Zeus’ primary enforcers. You’re the strongest Beta after Sadie and you would always protect your pack.” He explained and Mike obviously was immensely proud of how his Alpha saw him because he smiled happily.
“Mason’ is Coeus because Coeus is the Titan of inquisitive minds and intellect- Mason knows about that nickname, by the way. So does Corey who shares quite some traits with Hermes. Both can cross borders and move swiftly between the worlds, are cunning and quick acting. I’m pretty sure Corey cried when I called him that the first time.” Liam hummed. “Anyway, maybe it’s strange but it brings two things I love together. History/mythology and my family.”
“Mine! Tell me mine!” Nolan excitedly called out, going so far to jump in his chair. His pack laughed but Nolan didn’t care. “This is so cool. What’s mine?” “Simple. Ever heard of Lelantos?”  Nolan shook his head. “Lelantos was one of the younger titans and is said to be the god of air. He could move unseen and they assign him hunter’s skill at stalking prey. After you learned how to use the crossbow your aim is always accurate and you may be human but it is impressive how quiet you can move. I only hear you because of my enhanced hearing most of the time.” “God, yes!” Sadie said. “You gave me almost a heart attack yesterday when you suddenly stood next to me in the kitchen. You need a bell around your neck or whatever to alert someone to your presence.” Nolan snickered. “I like that I can surprise you.” “Surprising and giving people heart attacks are two very different things.” Sadie scolded softly and he just gave her a shit-eating grin. She flipped him off and laughed. 
“Can I guess mine?” Ever asked and when Liam nodded, she scrunched her nose in deep thought. “Persephone? Because I like nature?” Liam shook his head. “Hecate. And not because she was the goddess of witchcraft. She was also the goddess of the night, magic, the moon. She appears in quite some myths and always had a leading part or helped the leading hero or heroin. What I like the most about her is that she is sometimes featured in hunting boots and a short skirt, just like Artemis, showing she is not only beautiful, but she has power on her own and is not afraid to go for a hunt herself. Cause you, my favorite witch, are exactly that. A fierce huntress with magic powers.”
“Isn’t he the sweetest?” Ever cooed and Liam blushed. “Those were just my thoughts.” “They are awesome, Liam, really. I never had a nickname like that before and I love it.” Maya said happily.  The other Betas agreed and then latched in yet another topic to discuss. They sat there for a while longer until they finally called it a night and ventured into their bedrooms. 
“That was a nice evening, don’t you agree?” Liam asked while he changed into his pajama pants and his plain dark blue longsleeve shirt. It was cold, freezing, especially during the night, and even a werewolf could not sleep in a t-shirt anymore. Not even one who had the pleasure of sharing a bed with Theo Raeken.  “Hm.” Theo said while he changed into his own pajama pants and white longsleeve. He didn’t add anything else and Liam frowned slightly and decided to try again.  “I think evenings like these are important for the pack bond. Having nice times together.” Theo only made a vague sound this time, back still facing Liam, and Liam stepped closer. “Hey, you okay?” He inquired and put a hand on Theo’s waist while pressing against his mate’s back. Theo stiffened and then he suddenly turned around and looked at Liam. 
“Why didn’t I get a nickname?” He asked and even though his voice was quiet he sounded pissed and irritated. His eyes had this stormy look inside them, a dead giveaway he was hurt and angry. Liam’s heart clenched painfully. “You said you had one for anybody but you didn’t tell me mine. I’m your Beta too, just because we’re mated doesn’t mean you can forget me.” 
Theo pushed himself away from Liam and walked in the middle of the room, right in front of the bed. “Or do you simply don’t care enough to assign one to me?” He asked and now he sounded less angry but more hurt. It broke Liam’s heart.  “Hey, no!” He stepped to Theo and gripped the front of his shirt. “I have one for you too, of course. You just didn’t ask and I assumed you didn’t want to know in front of the others.”  “Oh really? What is it?” Theo seemed to not buy Liam’s words which stung a bit but Liam decided to swallow his hurt pride and feelings this time.  He smiled softly instead. “Yours was the first one I thought of. It’s Hades.”
But if Liam had thought this would mollify Theo, he had been sorely mistaken. The chimera’s lips pursed and he nodded slowly. “Hades.” He repeated flatly. “Because I crawled back from the underground or because I’m evil?” In hindsight, Liam should have thought about that. He should have thought about the possibilities that Theo made those kinds of association but truth is, Liam didn’t even think about said associations. It had been so clear to him that Theo was Hades for the reasons Liam had in his mind, he didn’t even think about the negative connotations. 
His grip on Theo’s shirt fell and he grabbed Theo’s elbows instead. “No! Not because of those things!” He yelped and his grip tightened. Theo raised an eyebrow and got an impatient look on his face. Liam internally insulted himself for being such an inconsiderate asshole!
“The myth of Hades and Persephone has always been my favorite myth. Because it is so much more than you think it is at first sight and the older I get the more I can appreciate it. Persephone was a beautiful wood nymph but Hades fell in love with her because he saw so much more than just the pretty little nymph. He saw a woman who would not accept anything thrown her way when it wasn’t what she wanted and Persephone went with him to the underworld because she knew there was more to Hades than the evil god of the underworld. She went willingly with him and she became the queen of the underworld, just like Hades imagined her to be. And while all the other gods fucked up, he stayed faithful to his wife and she assigned the punishments for the souls. You are my Hades because you always saw more of me than just the Beta with anger issues. And I know there was something more and something entirely else than the image everyone has of you. None of the reasons you mentioned were crucial for my choice but I should have thought how wrong you could understand it. I am sorry.”
He had talked without taking a breath and when he ended Liam actually gasped for air. His heart was thundering in his chest while he looked at Theo and hoped his mate would forgive him. Theo looked completely shocked by the revelation but then he closed his eyes and groaned.  “I’m an idiot.” He muttered while scrubbing both hands over his face.  Liam chuckled. “But you’re my idiot.” Theo opened his eyes again and leaned his forehead against Liam’s. “I’m sorry.” “Don’t be. I wasn’t as innocent either.” Liam replied with a smile and Theo kissed him, slow and loving. Liam wrapped both arms around Theo’s waist and just kissed him back. He was happy they sorted it out and Theo was happy again. 
Liam tugged at Theo’s sleeve. “Come on, bed, baby.” He said softly and Theo kissed him one last time before he let go of Liam in favor of climbing into bed. Liam did the same and when he pulled Theo into his arms, Theo followed willingly. They curled under the blankets and Theo stretched to press a soft kiss on Liam’s jaw. “I love you. Good night, Lee. And thank you.”
Liam smiled and cuddled closer to Theo. “I love you too. I just told you what I felt.” He closed his eyes and hid his face against Theo’s neck, inhaled his boyfriend’s rich scent. Theo stroke over his arm and then kept his hand there.Thus they fell asleep.
******  Liam walked down the stairs to the kitchen the next morning and yawned softly. In the kitchen, Ever and Maya were already at the table, preparing everything for breakfast. “We thought a pack breakfast would be nice.” Maya explained when she spotted Liam and he smiled. “I planned on surprising Theo with breakfast in bed but that’s also a great idea. Is anybody else still asleep?”  “Mike is awake or rather he’s walking around, out of bed. He didn’t have coffee yet.”
“Who didn’t have coffee yet?” Theo asked when he walked into the kitchen. He yawned and went straight to the coffee maker. Only when he had filled a mug with coffee and sipped on it, he was able to kiss Liam lovingly. Liam chuckled. Theo without coffee was simply not possible.  “Good Morning to you too, Hades.” He greeted cheerfully and Theo smirked.  “Hades?” Ever and Maya asked at the same time and Theo took one more sip before he explained why Liam decided on that name for him. Just when he did the rest of the pack stepped into the kitchen and at the end, everyone cooed which caused Liam to snort into the orange juice he had poured himself.
“You know, this would make you Persephone, Liam, which is actually pretty fitting, now that I think about it.” Sadie said while they all sat down at the table.  “Liam? As Persephone?” Nolan asked and looked at the young Alpha. “I don’t see that. Ares, yes, but Persephone? Nah!” “Yes. Persephone was beautiful and Liam is beautiful too. Just look at the icy blue eyes and the cute smile he has. Don’t blush, honey, we’re just observing! And if you see Liam you immediately think of puppy but then bam! he gets totally into fighting mode and kicks your ass and takes names, just like Persephone did. And their mates just smile and watch proudly before joining the fight as well.” The blonde Beta explained her theory and if Liam had blushed before he was now beet red. Theo looked at his mate, then he threw his head back and laughed loudly. “She is not wrong.” He said after he finally got a grip on himself after a while. Liam only blushed harder. He really was out of his comfort zone when people complimented him like that and he had no idea what to answer or how to react.
In desperate need of a distraction, he drank his orange juice and then spotted the mail next to Mike. “Oh, anything interesting in there?” Mike shrugged and put his toast on the plate before he grabbed the mail and sorted through it. “Flyers, ads, I’m pretty sure this is a very early Christmas card but I’m not sure, and...” He groaned.  “What?” Sadie asked and Mike held out a white square envelope with a red frame and his name and address in golden letters printed on it. “My parents and I have this deal that I go to one stupid gala to show the society I’m not in prison yet or whatever. The annual Christmas Gala held by Mrs. Edwards in New York City. A night full of disgusting food, people I don’t like - including my parents - and boring music. But my parents insist I participate.” He groaned again and stuffed his face with his toast. “When is it?” “December 18th.” Mike mumbled through his mouth full of food. “Can’t you take someone with you?” Theo suggested and Mike looked at him like Theo just solved all mysteries in the world. He wanted to say something but Tim stopped him. “Swallow first, talk then!”
 Mike followed his best friend’s command and chewed his food before swallowing. “That’s a great idea. Who wants to come with me?” “Tim!” Ever, Liam, Nolan, Sadie, and Maya said at the same time which made Theo laugh again and Tim squeak. “No! I’m not made for galas. I don’t know how to behave or which cutlery to use when it comes to dinner! Take Sadie, she loves ball gowns!” “But I don’t like Mike’s parents or their opinions. You should go with him because you’re calmer and you can keep him from doing something he will regret.” Mike twisted the invitation between his fingers. “I’m only allowed to take one person with me, so Tim, please.” “Can’t you take Theo?” Tim whined. “Hah, not a chance!” The second Alpha called out. “That’s a best friend’s duty, Tim-Tim.” Tim groaned. “Okay, fine. But you have to tell me if I’m acting stupid or do something silly, okay?”
Mike smiled. “Deal.” The best friends high-fived and Mike put the envelope aside. “But seriously, though, I’m only allowed to take one person with me to the gala but all of you are coming with us to New York, right?” “I always wanted to go to New York!” Maya all but screamed and she tugged at Liam’s sleeve. “Say yes! Please, say yes!” Theo joined her from the other side. “New York, I have never been to New York before. Let us go!” “You’re scaring me!” Liam muttered and gently freed himself from her. “Why do I always have to decide such things?” “You’re the Alpha!” The whole pack chorused and laughed. Liam jumped in his seat. “Okay, fine. A weekend in New York? Count me in.” “YES!” Maya cheered and spread both arms in victory. She knocked over Liam’s juice but right now she was too happy to care. Liam watched his juice drip to the floor, watched her, and then he started laughing. 
****** Liam, Maya, and Tim were in the living room, playing video games, or rather Maya commented on what Liam and Tim played when the door opened and Sadie sashayed in. She stepped next to the couch, crossed the arms in front of her chest and the look on her face waved between gleeful and amused. The Alpha glanced at her. “Do I want to know why you’re smiling like that?” “Timmy!” She said in a honeyed voice. “The gala is very elegant. Do you have a suit to wear?” Tim stopped dead in his tracks and Liam was afraid he even stopped breathing for a second. Then he slowly looked at Sadie. “I have a suit my mom once brought me for my graduation. That should fit.” “Oh no! You’re not attending this gala in a crappy suit! No pack mate of mine will go into public like that. But that's what I thought. So come on, we’re going shopping.” She grabbed Tim by his arm and dragged him out of the room. Maya took his place. “Guess I’ll play with you then, Liam.” “Oh no, you two are coming with us. It’s always good to have other opinions!" Sadie called out and Liam and Maya shared a look. Both sighed but arguing with Sadie was a losing battle, they both were aware of that, and so they got up and followed.
The drive to the store Sadie had picked out was filled with Sadie talking about the newest trends. She was in her element and already in full shopping mode. Liam himself wasn’t the biggest shopper so he felt out of place, especially when they entered the first boutique. The interior was completely white, with crystal chandeliers on the ceiling, and suits and dresses neatly on hangers all around the clothes racks. Maya next to him tensed just like Liam, especially when a saleswoman strode towards them and Liam wondered if there was a size lower than size zero, because this woman way skinnier than a size zero. Sadie and her launched into a talk and Sadie explained what they were looking for. “I can pretend to suffer from a ruptured appendix to get us out here.” Maya whispered and Liam chuckled.  “Let’”s stay for a while. See how happy Sadie looks. She really enjoys that.” Liam didn’t know at this point, he would soon regret those words. 
Because Liam had severely underestimated Sadie’s persistence when it came to shopping. Liam and Maya sat on two white chairs and watched Tim try on suit after suit after suit. Tim himself had completely given up arguing with Sadie and just let her bring suits to him. Sadie herself was darting through the whole store, chatting with the saleswoman and picking all kinds of suits from the racks.
“Two and a half hours! We’re already here for two and a half hours.” Maya muttered after she checked her watch. “And no end in sight. Poor Timmy.” “Don’t say this too loudly, otherwise she decides to get you some new dresses.” Liam joked. “I’m not wearing dresses, especially not those dresses. Look how big they are, I would look like a fluffy pompom. I’m not a woman for this.” Liam looked at his first female Beta, how Maya looked around and had this lost look on her face. “You know you are beautiful, right? Even if you rarely wear makeup and never dresses. You are one of the most beautiful women I know.” “Not as beautiful as Ever or Sadie.” “Bullshit. All three of you have your own unique style but you all are beautiful. They are not more beautiful than you, you are not less beautiful than them.” She tugged a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled weakly. “Thank you, Liam.” “Anytime.” The nineteen-year-old told her with a smile of his own. 
Tim emerged from the dressing room once more, this time in a navy blue suit and Sadie squealed with delight. “You look amazing!” She said happily and clapped her hands. This time, Liam had to agree. Tim looked good, not disguised.  “How do you feel, Tim?” He asked and the Beta looked at his reflection. “Good.” He finally set. “This feels better than the others. I’d like that one.” “I knew I was that good.” Sadie was immensely proud of herself. Maya grinned but rolled her eyes.  “Don’t let it go to your head.”
“I could pick out a dress for you too.” The blonde Beta offered the black haired one and Maya grimaced. The saleswoman gave Maya a once-over. “I don’t think we have dresses for somebody like her.” She said disparagingly. Maya wasn’t their usual client.
Sadie raised both eyebrows and glanced at the saleswoman, gave her a judging once over.  “You mean for one of the most beautiful women ever?” Her glance wandered through the boutique. “You’re right, those dresses really don’t do her justice. We should go somewhere else. But we take the suit for Timothy. Unless you feel too aloof to ring our purchase.” She made a dismissive gesture with her hand and the saleswoman clicked her tongue but marched towards the cash register. followed by Sadie, and Tim left to dress in his clothes again and emerge the dressing room for good a few minutes later. Maya blinked.  
“What just happened?”
“The saleswoman insulted you and Sadie called you beautiful and insulted her right back for you.” Liam summed it up while he and his two Betas followed Sadie to the cash register. Maya blinked again. 
“Uhm. I’m not used to people defending me like this. I’m used to defending myself.”
“In this pack, we defend each other.” Sadie had been in hearing range and now answered instead of Liam. She looked over her shoulder. “And I just told the truth.” She grabbed the shopping bag holding Tim’s new suit and spun around on her heel. She marched out of the boutique like the queen she was and the others followed. Liam grinned. Having his Betas defend each other made him as Alpha incredibly proud. 
****** "Wake up, wake up, wake up! Everybody wake up!” Ever was pounding on every single bedroom door and woke up the whole pack. Slowly everyone left their rooms and gathered in the hallway to see what this ruckus was about. “When I went to bed it was November, did I sleep that long that it’s already Christmas morning?” Maya asked and stifled her yawn.  “It’s December 1st!” Ever exclaimed. “What are you? The automatical announcement of time?” Mike asked.  “Guys, we can finally open the first doors to the Advent calendars Liam made us!” Ever didn’t let her pack mates grumpiness stop her excitement. “It is seven o’clock on a Saturday.” Theo stated. “We can open them the whole day, no need to wake us!” “You don’t have to open the calendars all together.” Liam said. It was touching Ever felt the need to wake everyone up but they all deserved sleep as well. “You made all this for us, this is the least we can do!” Ever said and then stormed down the stairs. “I’m going to kill her.” Mike said. “Who is with me?” “I’ll hold her.” Sadie offered. “And I’ll help you hide the body.” Theo joined before turning around and padding back into his bedroom to crawl back into bed. The others did the same and Liam intended to go back to bed too but then he decided against it and followed Ever into the kitchen. 
Ever hovered in front of her calendar and had already searched out the first “door”. “Go ahead, open it.” Liam said and stepped closer. He had tried to fill every box or sack with something related to the Beta the calendar belonged to and he hoped they all would like what they got in their doors every day. Ever opened the little sack slowly and fished out the little golden charm of a howling wolf.  “I know you’re having this charm bracelet but you were missing a wolf.” Liam explained and Ever hugged him tightly. “This is beautiful, thank you so much. I’ll put it on my bracelet right now.” And she stormed up the stairs to get her bracelet.
When she returned, she sat at the kitchen island and added the wolf to her bracelet before slipping the bracelet on. “It is truly beautiful.Thank you again.” She happily played with the little wolf and Liam sat next to her. He was happy she loved her first gift so much.He looked at the general Advent calendar on the wall. “We’ll open that when everyone’s awake.” “I can wake them.” Ever offered with a laugh. “Nah, no need to. I like having you in my pack and don’t want the rest of the Betas to murder you. You got pretty excited about those calendars, huh?”
“The last time I had a calendar was when I was a kid and I love the idea. You put so much thought into everything pack related.” “I’m just trying to make sure you all feel loved and welcome. Sometimes I worry I focus too much on one of you and neglect the others.” “You don’t neglect anybody, but even if you do we are all young adults, Liam, we all can say: Hey, Alpha, you could pay a little more attention to me or I need your help with something.” Liam knew she was right but he would probably always worry about things like this. It was how he was. He cared.
Her sleeve had ridden up and when Liam glanced at it, he saw a bruise on her arm. With a frown, he gently took hold of her arm. “Hey, what happened?” The bruise was already fading, colors being yellow and light green, but he was still worried. Ever rubbed her arm. “I tried a new potion and it blew up in my face. I fell back and hit my arm on the table, nothing bad.” “You need to be careful.” Liam knew she had a tendency to blow things up when she was mixing herbs. More than once they had heard explosions coming from Ever’s room and Nolan had even gone so far to leave a small fire extinguisher next to her desk for particularly bad cases. “I know but I really thought I had it down this time. Then I got frustrated and tried something else than potions. That didn’t work either but hey, I’m trying.”
“What were you trying to do?” Liam inquired. He had no idea about magic but maybe he could help a bit, even if it was just bringing her the ingredients she needed. “I’m working with mountain ash.” Ever explained. “Theo and Corey actually brought me onto this. They can pass a mountain ash barrier and since mountain ash is a magical loaded material, I’m using it for a way to discharge and recharge it how I want it. Basically, make it a barrier we all can cross but others can’t or completely unloading it so you can pass it too without having to break the barrier. That would be useful in a fight when the enemy thinks they have this barrier none of you can cross.”
“Okay, wait a moment and let me repeat that. You’re trying to change the attribute of mountain ash in a way that when a mountain ash barrier is there, you either completely discharge it and just make it some ash on the ground so we can walk over it without a problem.” Ever nodded. “And in the next step, you want to recharge the mountain ash to protect the pack but not let other supernaturals pass it.” Ever nodded again. Liam whistled. “That is a lot, Ever. I’m sure you will succeed if it is possible, but it’s still a big ass project.” “I know but I’m making some progress I think. Want to help me? I need a supernatural to test if you can cross the barrier.”  Liam nodded. He had said he wanted to help her so he would stand by his word. And so Ever went to grab her mountain ash while Liam waited for her in the living room. 
Ever walked back in, the jar with the ash cradled in her arm. “Okay, just stand there, okay? I will put a circle of mountain ash around you and then try to enchant the ash. I’ll make the circle big enough so you don’t feel too caged.” Liam nodded, even though his wolf grew anxious. Mountain ash wasn’t fun to be around but he trusted Ever. Now she grabbed the ash and threw it in the air. It formed a perfect circle around Liam and he immediately felt caged. The circle was big enough for him to move but he still knew he couldn’t go anywhere. “You okay?” Ever inquired and Liam smiled weakly. “Can’t say being surrounded by mountain ash is my favorite past time but I trust you.”
The young witch nodded and raised both hands. Narrowing her eyes on the mountain ash surrounding Liam, she concentrated and waved her hands slowly. Liam held his breath and watched the ash close. Nothing happened for several minutes and he smelled her frustration but then a dim blue light made the ash glow for a second. Ever looked at him. “Think it worked?” “Only one way to find out.” Liam said and reached out to try and pass the barrier. Ever did the same but right before they almost touched, something like a flash went off and both were pushed away by the force, flying to the ground. Liam hissed when his back painfully collided with the floor and then he raised his head to check on Ever. 
Nolan stood in the doorframe and sipped tea. “That looked funny. What are you doing?” He asked and Ever glanced at him from where she landed on the floor as well.  “I tried to discharge the mountain ash. It obviously didn’t work.” She complained and bobbed up.  “Something happened, we both saw the glim and something also pushed ou away so there was energy there. You’re just starting this, if you continue to work on it you will manage it in the future.” Liam gave her a pep talk and she smiled softly. “Uhm, could you break the barrier? I’d like to go out.” The young Alpha then asked and she hurried to break the barrier. Liam had to admit, this felt better.
“You didn’t hurt yourself, did you?” He asked Ever and she shook her head. “I’m fine, Alpha. Thanks for helping.” “Good. And now I need a coffee.” Liam squeezed her shoulder in a supportive manner and then brushed past her to walk into the kitchen. He grabbed his favorite mug and filled it with the freshly brewed liquid (thanks to Nolan). While he sipped on it, he checked the fridge, only to realize they needed grocery shopping. A pack full of wolves ate a lot! He made a list which things he needed.
After a while, h wandered back into the living room. “You need to come grocery shopping with me.” He stated but got no reply. Ever was curled in one of the settles, Nolan on the couch, and both were asleep again. Liam chuckled. It was still early and he decided to let them sleep, just like the rest of the pack. He could do the shopping alone. So he sneaked upstairs and into his and Theo’s bedroom. The twenty-two-year-old was on his side of the bed but facing Liam’s side and one arm outstretched as if he wanted to wrap his arm around Liam. It was the same arm he wore his bracelet on and the early morning sun was casting shadows on the leather. The blanket was barely covering Theo’ hips and Liam pulled it higher so Theo would not run cold. Theo didn’t even move and Liam knew it testified how safe Theo felt. He usually was very cautious and reacted to the slightest movement, but here in the pack house, he felt so safe he could sleep without a hitch. Liam let him sleep and quickly got dressed before leaving the room again. He took the car keys and then he got into Theo’s truck and drove towards the store.
Liam had always liked early morning shopping. The stores weren’t crowded and you could take your time without feeling rushed. He grabbed a shopping cart and pushed it through the aisles, loading them with various items. Which suddenly reminded him, he needed to do his Christmas shopping as well. With a whole pack, he really pondered how they should go the whole gift thing. Maybe a Secret Santa? Otherwise, it would be quite massive to buy gifts for everyone. He needed to discuss this with his pack.
Liam yawned a bit while he pushed his cart further through the store. It was quiet in the store, something Liam enjoyed immensely and he was able to get everything quite fast. He had just gathered some milk cartons and pushed his cart further down the aisles of fridges when he caught a movement in his reflection of the fridge glass doors. It almost had looked as if a large dog walked right next to Liam and he stopped abruptly. No, not a large dog, a wolf. His brain automatically corrected. Liam took a few steps back and turned towards the glass but now it was only him, his normal human reflection. His heart was still thrumming wildly in his chest from the shock he had gotten. “I’m getting paranoid.” Liam muttered and ran a hand through his hair before he turned around and pushed his cart further. He resolutely ignored his reflection even though he didn’t saw the wolf or whatever the hell that had been again. Maybe it had been just bad lightning or he was too tired but he wasn’t keen on finding out what exactly that had been. No, now he just paid for his groceries and then loaded the truck before he drove home again.
When he came back the house was silent and Liam tried not to make too much noise while he carried the bags inside and stowed the groceries away. When he was done, he made his way upstairs and into their bedroom. Theo was still asleep and Liam grabbed the Alpha journal and sat down in one of the window seats. The early Winter sun was slowly warming up the place and Liam liked sitting and reading there, so he flipped the journal open and started reading.
“Scott will never trust me again...I ruined everything....” Liam heard the murmurs and spun around. He stood in a dark and empty room. Nothing was there except him and he heard those voices. The first one had been his and he knew he had uttered those words after he tried to kill Scott in the library, “I can’t be a monster...” Liam spun around again when his broken voice came from another corner but nobody was there.  “Hello?” He called out, trying to make sense of all this.  “Scott will think I’m a monster...” Sounded up again and Liam looked around. It was his voice but it sounded distorted and like an echo.  “You’re a werewolf. Like me.“ “He doesn’t have to pretend. Unlike us who everyone hates.”  The voices were coming faster and from various directions now. “We never give up, especially if it’s someone innocent.” “Scott, I’m sorry...” Liam spun around again and again, trying to make sense of anything. But he still stayed alone with the voices around him. “But it still hurts, though.” “We lost everything.”
Liam gasped when she woke up, awoken by a soft shake of his shoulder. “Hey, it’s okay.” Theo stood in front of Liam and worriedly looked at his boyfriend. Seemed like Liam had fallen asleep in the window seat andTheo had slowly woken up from this very strange dream of his. “What’s wrong, Liam? Did you had a nightmare?” Liam frowned and rubbed his eyes. “No. More like a very strange dream.” Theo kneeled down. “Want to talk about it?” Liam shook his head. “No. It didn’t make sense at all. Don’t worry.” He looked around. The room was a bit brighter than before. “How long have I been out?” “Don’t know. When I woke up, you were already sleeping. Could have come to bed, you know? I missed cuddling with you.” Theo smiled softly and Liam smiled back and kissed him. “Breakfast?” He mumbled then. “The Betas are already preparing it.” Theo replied and pulled Liam to his feet. “You’re really okay? You know, you can talk to me if you’re not.” Liam took Theo’s face in his hands and smiled. “Hey, look at me. I am fine. If that changes, you will be the first to know. We’re bonded, Theo, you will feel it and I will tell you. Okay?”  Theo nodded. “Okay.” He said and pulled Liam into yet another kiss. Liam wrapped his arms around his mate. he was really lucky to have such an awesome and caring mate. And he had an amazing pack, so the thing this morning was probably just an optical illusion and his dream meant simply that he was anxious about his talk with Scott or whatever. Liam simply decided on this interpretation now and followed Theo downstairs.
Their Betas were mingling in the kitchen and Sadie was currently praising the nail polish she had been received in her first box of her Advent calendar. Tim, who Liam had learned sometimes helped at the retirement home and had this very sweet elderly man who loved to play pairs, enjoyed the new game of Pelmanism. Nolan was happily munching the Belgian chocolate Liam had filled his first sack with. Maya smelled the tea Liam had given her. “Smells delicious.” She praised when Liam walked past her. The Alpha smiled, happy that his Betas enjoyed their gifts so much. 
Mike had laughed loudly when he received a USB flash drive in form of a hamburger. “This is great. And looks yummy. Thank you, Liam.”
A chorus of thanks yous echoed through the room and Theo kissed Liam’s cheek and then stepped to his advent calendar to look for the first door to open. When he found it he slowly untied the little black sack and fished inside. He pulled out a travel-sized cologne. “It’s the one you saw in the store the other day but you weren’t so sure if you really liked the scent for a long time so I thought you could try this.” Liam explained and Theo beamed at him. “Great, thank you, Lee.” And to underline his gratitude, he kissed Liam lovingly.
“And who opens the first door of the general Advent Calendar now?” Nolan inquired behind them. Liam leaned against Theo. “Ever. She was so excited, so why not her.” “Me, really?” Ever looked surprised but happy and when everyone nodded, she got up and walked over to grab the first sack. Upon opening it, she brought a bag of filled chocolates to light. “Those are my favorites!” She explained. “Thanks, big brother!” “Anytime.” Liam said with a soft smile and leaned against Theo.  
I still can't believe this story already has 21 chapters. I know I already said this but I am beyond thrilled. This is so great :D <3 Liam has nicknames for his Betas, yes. It's one of the strongest headcanons I have and I really did some research to find the ones I found the perfect fit. Christmas is coming closer but before that, we have New York which will great for the pack and for us to watch^^
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