#(was watching slime asmr to idk try to be sleepy. was failing </3)
hazmatazz · 1 year
you can obvi ignore this ask i don’t mind but i need to get it out somewhere. so idk if you know but i run @ask-byler-tumble and just kinda post polls and questions for byler tumblr right? well i posted a poll for the older teens and b*lly was winning. so i took him out of the poll and someone sent me a hate anon. it said “You’re a coward for taking Billy out of the poll (putting this on anon because you like to send death threats)” like what death threats..??? idk where that came from cause i’m just minding my business and they even called me a coward when they went on anon. like if you’re gonna insult me at least let me know who’s insulting me. not to mention i woke up a couple minutes ago to that so yippee.
i am actually very sorry for bothering you with this haz again you can ignore this i just had to get it out somewhere. thanks for dealing with my nonsense i love you bye :)
hey no worries you can come here whenever for whatever
anyways, it's literally your poll. you can decide who you want to put in the polls or not. you're not wrong for excluding a character you (rightfully) dislike. i would have done the same. they shouldn't have called you a coward and all that. that's bullshit
the asker probably met st fans who didn't take kindly to them going into their ask box to get pissy about disliking billy (and those st fans would be in the right, literally stay in your lane) and expected you to have the same reaction (which is like stupid but whatever)
i've gotten a few biIly hargr.ve anons before and just like...literally leave me alone. i'm not seeking you out, just block me <3 that shouldn't have happened alr :(?
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