#(they still actively call him shortest while echo is only up to their hips)
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OK YAY 🥰 @the-bi-space-ace @gentle-hero-blog
SO we all know the thing about echo like attaching a whisk to his scomp or something and just messing around with his prosthetics but!! i think the Chaotic Domino energy is just too strong with him and we’ve been neglecting so many opportunities for him to be silly with his prosthetics, for example:
Someone (Wrecker) is snoring super loud so Echo just chucks his legs at him
Echo gets fed up with his brothers being annoying so he adjusts his neural brace until he can’t hear them (he is so old man™️)
Crosshair says something bitchy? Echo pulls his leg off to smack him with it. Tech not going to bed? Get leg smacked! Hunter trying to get him to stop smacking people? Too bad!! You should duck!!!!! (he is so younger brother™️)
Messing with Omega and twisting his scomp 180 degrees backwards like OMG YOU BROKE IT
Getting bored and just swinging his scomp arm all the way back and forth like a pendulum
Echo in the mess hall “accidentally” getting stabbed in the leg and screaming GUYS MY LEG just to freak people out
And my personal favorite(s)
Him not bothering to put his prosthetics on some days and just walking around on his stumps, which leads to a) a bunch of double takes where the batch hear his voice and then have to look down at where he actually is now, b) him using this to his advantage and scuttling around to scare people like ECHO WHAT THE FUCK— and c) getting called a gremlin, space crab, or otherwise small impish creature and cackling every time they come up with a new name to call him (crosshair jumps out of his skin every single time echo scuttles by and the names are NOT stopping him)
#homework wasn’t loading so i’m totally not procrastinating btw totally#i had a sudden vision of echo walking by crosshair at half his usual height and crosshair just doing a double take#eventually it becomes entirely normal but every once in a while he can still scare him#also then they have to grab stuff for him and hunter isn’t the shortest for once#(nobody lets hunter have the win)#(they still actively call him shortest while echo is only up to their hips)#tbb echo#saturn starts yappin#saturn sends thoughts#yes hero the last one is based on me lol
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*Depeche Mode's Personal Jesus plays ominously as I waltz into your inbox* Isaiah gets stuck in a vent trying to grab an opossum that's been rustling around in there for weeks. the outcome if for YOU to decide.
[This was kinda long but it was so much fun?? Also I entirely didn’t mean for it to end like it did but goddamnit, Izzy needs something to vent to. Get it? Vent to? VENT? I’ll stop. Also, I listened to Marilyn Manson AND Depeche Mode’s Personal Jesus because of you, thank you so much, I love them both.]
“It’ll be fine, he said. It’s just a dumb animal, he said.” Isaiah mocked in a high pitched voice, squirming in the vent he was stuck in with his plot to murder The Herald still fresh in his mind.
There had been an opossum stuck in the vents of Titans Tower for a while now, and everyone had finally gotten sick of it. Who did they send to crawl through the vents and catch the mangly creature? Not Jericho, not the shortest person on their team who could easily manage to actually fit into the vents. Not Herald, the person who suggested the idea that was doomed from the start. No, everyone took a vote and Isaiah was sent into the vents.
Needless to say, the boy who was already boiling with anger was half tempted to power up and set the vents aflame.
Isaiah, being Isaiah, was much too large to actually fit into the vents and managed to get himself stuck just far enough to be out of reach for anyone to pull him through. Scratch that - Mal fucking Duncan managed to get Isaiah stuck, there was no way in hell Isaiah was going to take blame for his current position when he’d have been just fine with the opossum staying in the vents and dying by itself.
Meanwhile, while Hot Spot was busy squirming uselessly and conjuring up just how he was going to enact his revenge on his idiot leader, Herald was just below where the vent was and attempting to find a way to get Isaiah out of it.
‘Attempting’ - he was really holding a hand over his mouth and nearly passing out from the force it took him not to burst into annoying laughter.
From the corner of Mal’s eye, he could just see Jericho standing with his arms crossed and with his hip angled, giving Mal ‘the look’.
“Oh- C’mon! Look I’m trying to get him out alright? I’ve got the blueprints for the vent system pulled up on the computer and I’m giving him directions!” Herald defended weakly, failing to faze Jericho’s glare in the slightest.
A loud bumping sound as if Hot Spot had jerkily banged his head on the top of the vent sounded through the tower, amplified by the echo that came with being in a vent, and Herald burst into cackles.
“That’s what you get for eating all the cereal this morning you-!” Herald began loudly, cupping a hand over his mouth to amplify his volume before he froze and stared in fear at Jericho’s ever darkening glare.
His glare that was darkening both in the sense that he was angry, and in the sense that his eyes were slowly fading to black as his powers activated.
Herald suddenly turned around to face Jericho and held his hands up like a mime, halting Jericho’s near attempt to literally knock some sense into his friend with a quick ‘allow me’. Herald hit himself over the side of his head with a loud smack and gave a weak, pleading smile and jazz hands to Jericho, hoping his self inflicted punishment would stop Jericho from playing the parent and possessing Herald again. Herald let out a deep sigh of relief as Jericho was seemingly sated with this action.
“What on Earth is all of this noise?” Red Star said through his thick accent as he came through the door to their living room and look bewilderingly at the sight of Herald still posing and Jericho slowly turning his black eyes back to white.
“Izzy McGuire here managed to get himself stuck in the vents.” Mal answered, jabbing a finger toward the vents themselves.
“The vents that you got me stuck in!” Hot Spot reminded with a muffled yell through the ventilation system.
“Ugh, geez Spotty- could you at least have the courtesy to suffer in silence? It’s too early to be woken up by tweedle dum and tweedle dumber.” Kole whined in a baby voice as she tiredly jabbed a finger at both the vent and Mal.
“Um, rude?” Mal interjected before he went right back to analyzing the blueprints laid out on the computer.
‘Kole, it’s three in the afternoon, you should have already been awake anyway.’ Jericho signed to his sleepy pink haired friend, who was already yawning and trudging toward the couch where she would inevitably fall asleep again.
“Don’t care.” Kole yawned, flopping onto the couch and ignoring the scene going on behind her.
“Will one of you bozos please just go get Toni? She’s the only person with any common sense around here!” Hot Spot yelled from his uncomfortable position that he knew would leave his joints aching painfully later. The flaming boy could feel Jericho’s indignant glare toward his place in the vents.
“The only person with common sense and the power to actually reach me in the vents.” Hot Spot corrected, not actually seeing it but knowing Jericho sighed and shrugged helplessly, knowing his stunted height wasn’t going to help their situation in the least.
“Your queen has arrived!” Argent called suddenly as she came through the doors of the living room, appearing out of nowhere like a fairy godmother.
Argent stared saucer eyed at the scene set before her, accompanied by the obvious notion that the banging coming from the vents was probably caused by Jericho, Herald, and Hot Spot. As were most of their shenanigans.
“Sweet Jesus, you two are like the three stooges without any of the comedy.” Argent said flatly with a roll of her eyes as she approached the vent closest to Herald where Hot Spot had presumably been stuck and already reaching out her red plasma energy to get him out.
“Wait!” Hot Spot yelled as if he were Spartan, stopping Toni in her tracks.
Inside the vents, Hot Spot was having a glaring showdown with the opossum that got him into this mess. The black and white mongrel had a coat of silky fur, nothing befitting a trash eating monster, and in his grubby hands, the animal was holding Hot Spot’s missing ring that he’d brought from India.
“Get back here you little snot!” Isaiah cried, using the force of his frustration and anger to finally free his arms and uselessly stretch out all of his limbs to reach the opossum.
The opossum was just barely out of his straining reach, and the animal stuck its tongue out and blew a raspberry with an evil glint in it’s eye, waving around the ring in front of Isaiah’s face before it disappeared further into the vents.
With a few more minutes of loud struggling and grunts of anger, the opossum came to realize that Isaiah was indeed, stuck. The opossum them decided to scurry its way back to Hot Spot, and wave the ring in his face some more, sticking its tongue out and making cartoonish sounding cackling sounds that were almost infuriating enough to rival Herald’s.
With one last grunt of effort, Hot Spot squirmed around uselessly a little more before his elbow knocked the wrong screw, and the entire system seemed to groan in agony.
Both Isaiah and the opossum looked at each other wide eyed, gritting their teeth at what was going to happen next.
“Oh no.” They both seemed to mouth in unison before the ventilation shaft came tumbling down from the ceiling, leaving Isaiah laying painfully in a heap of broken metal, but above all, free from his steel prison.
Despite all the pain surging through his nerves, he still managed to reach out from the rubble and wrap his hand around the opossum’s pink tail.
“Gotcha!” Hot Spot yelled breathlessly, his face covered in dust and his joints screaming at him as the opossum hung helplessly by his tail and didn’t even attempt struggling, opting instead to hide his eyes with his grubby little pink hands.
“Amazing. You are the paragon of a hero, Isaiah.” Argent muttered with another roll of her eyes. Isaiah didn’t care, he was proud of himself, he’d caught Titans North most at large thief.
As Hot Spot panted with the effort it took to slow down his still adrenaline pumped heartbeat from falling from such a height, the opossum took one hand off of its eye so that it could pull the ring out from out of nowhere and slip it back onto one of Isaiah’s dark fingers with a shy smile.
“Uh…thanks?” Isaiah said lamely. Suddenly, the opossum slipped right out of Hot Spot’s grip and was scurrying up and down his shirt and around his waist and under his arm and everywhere else, faster than a flash, before it finally settled in the crook of Isaiah’s neck and started nuzzling into his cheek.
“UM- what?” Isaiah said startled as he froze from the surprise of four grabby feet scurrying all over his body and then halting in the matter of two seconds.
“Aw, I think he likes you Izzy!” Kole called teasingly from her place on the couch.
Suddenly Jericho nearly teleported to where Hot Spot was, already scratching the dirty animal under its chin.
“Oh no- No way! We are not- we can’t- THIS THING IS A VILLAIN! Jericho! Stop scratching it!” Hot Spot cried helplessly, his voice raising nearly an entire octave in an attempt to get Jericho away from the mangy animal.
Suddenly, the opossum scurried around again, stopping when it was right in Hot Spot’s face, holding on by the front of his shirt with big, pleading puppy dog eyes.
It took nearly an entire five minutes, but inevitably Isaiah sighed dramatically and leant his head back in defeat.
“You are not sleeping in my bed.” He said forcefully.
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You’re a genius, this is genius. I now so desperately want a fic where they convince Crosshair the Marauder is haunted but it’s just Echo trying to scare the fuck out of him by grabbing his ankles when he walks by.
Echo is for sure the type to throw things - his legs, his scomp, hell even his headpiece once (but he got yelled at Tech for that one so no more throwing his headpiece to make a point) at the rest of the batch when they are annoying him (he is so little brother you’re correct). I’m reminded of that post where Echo had a very convenient spatula attachment for the exact use of slapping the shit out of people and I love him for it. Let that man slap.
Echo pretending to get stabbed in the leg and freaking everyone out!!! This man would do that! He’d laugh the whole way out of the mess afterwards too! He is a menace we need to give him more credit for that.
ALSO I need to incorporate Echo turning down his headpiece so he can’t hear anything in a fic at some point. He would totally do that. Complaining? Uh oh looks like the volume went waaaaay down. Telling him what to do? Sorry can’t hear you too busy gotta go! He’s ridiculous I love him.

OK YAY 🥰 @the-bi-space-ace @gentle-hero-blog
SO we all know the thing about echo like attaching a whisk to his scomp or something and just messing around with his prosthetics but!! i think the Chaotic Domino energy is just too strong with him and we’ve been neglecting so many opportunities for him to be silly with his prosthetics, for example:
Someone (Wrecker) is snoring super loud so Echo just chucks his legs at him
Echo gets fed up with his brothers being annoying so he adjusts his neural brace until he can’t hear them (he is so old man™️)
Crosshair says something bitchy? Echo pulls his leg off to smack him with it. Tech not going to bed? Get leg smacked! Hunter trying to get him to stop smacking people? Too bad!! You should duck!!!!! (he is so younger brother™️)
Messing with Omega and twisting his scomp 180 degrees backwards like OMG YOU BROKE IT
Getting bored and just swinging his scomp arm all the way back and forth like a pendulum
Echo in the mess hall “accidentally” getting stabbed in the leg and screaming GUYS MY LEG just to freak people out
And my personal favorite(s)
Him not bothering to put his prosthetics on some days and just walking around on his stumps, which leads to a) a bunch of double takes where the batch hear his voice and then have to look down at where he actually is now, b) him using this to his advantage and scuttling around to scare people like ECHO WHAT THE FUCK— and c) getting called a gremlin, space crab, or otherwise small impish creature and cackling every time they come up with a new name to call him (crosshair jumps out of his skin every single time echo scuttles by and the names are NOT stopping him)
#i had a sudden vision of echo walking by crosshair at half his usual height and crosshair just doing a double take#also then they have to grab stuff for him and hunter isn’t the shortest for once#(nobody lets hunter have the win)#(they still actively call him shortest while echo is only up to their hips)#< don’t hide this in the tags this is hilarious#I love exasperated Hunter and silly batch shenanigans
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