#(thank you for requesting!!)
ranpoesgirl · 7 months
ft; chuuya, nikolai, jouno ( i, ii )
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You were currently out roaming around town with Chuuya after your guy’s mission, when passing by a cafe, you heard a voice call out for Chuuya by his name.
He turned around annoyed but that face continued to turned into discomfort, you looked to see a young boy, maybe 14? He wore a farmer boys clothing and now that you think about it, he might be the boy Chuuya talked about.
The young boy was a ball of sunshine and invited you two to join him around the market, Chuuya was quick to shut him down so the both of you began convincing the ginger.
“Come on, Chuuya! You weren’t this difficult in bed!”, the words from your mouth came so fluidly that you couldn’t stop it.
“NAME ! THERE IS A CHILD PRESENT!”, his voice cracked while his face was redder than when he was usually drunk.
“You both sleep together in the same bed? That’s very intimate, only the married slept together in the same bed back where I’m from,”
Chuuya wasn’t joking when he said there is no one as pure as him…
You were losing your sanity simply being in the same room as this man but it’s the price for the favor you were obliged to help with.
Sigma and Nikolai were going back and forth with Sigma mostly arguing with common sense and Nikolai being who he is, a clown.
“Ugh, how long have you been assisting this man?! I thought you’d at least lose your sanity and be like him not sit there filing your nails!”, Sigma yelled close to pulling his hair out.
“don’t bring me into this, how am I supposed to know that a man putting my pleasure first completely before his is not the same out of bed?”
This one came out accidentally but it’s not like you cared about the two toned man about knowing such information.
“You did WHAT?! And you’re still sane!?”
“Hey, I’m sane, but my standards in men? That’s my therapist’s problem.”
The mall was a fun and practical, you had all sorts of things in one place from clothing stores to Dior, but to go with Jouno? You were regretting every second that you ignored Tachihara’s warning…
“Those shoes are cute,” “they don’t make sizes for big foot.”
“I wonder if they sell refills for my favorite perfume?” “have you tried taking a shower?”
“let’s go to the food court, I’m hungry!” “We got food at home— also, didn’t you say you weren’t hungry minutes before we left the house?”
A pain in the ass, and not in a good way either. What you wanted to be a fun trip and where you threw all your money, is now a sad walk in silence because you’d either get judged or insulted. On the way, you spotted Teruko walking your way with her sly smile but it slowly dropped when she reached you.
“I thought you said you wanted to splurge on yourself after your paycheck?”, the red head questioned.
Jouno looked a bit taken aback before glancing at you and quickly looking away because you were slightly glaring at him. He began walking away quietly while Teruko waited for your reply even though you hinted that he was the reason.
“Honestly, what did I expect from a man who took complete control bed even while being blind?”, you whispered quietly to the girl who simply chuckled at your comment in surprise.
You swore you saw the man’s head whip so fast and began glaring at you till there were holes in your head, not like you were going to turn to look at him to confirm…
bonus; Jouno proceeded to buy you everything you needed along with your wants and was currently standing next to you with shopping bags stacked on his arm as you were forced to swipe his card to buy those shoes you found cute…
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ninesposting · 2 months
Could I request Mist? I've got her on the brain today (no pressure of course!)
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Mist is like a shark creature to me…love her…. I’ve struggled a lot with her design because I had no idea what I wanted her to look like BUT I THINK THIS IS IT !! official Nines Mist DesignTM
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spikezonebby · 10 months
hi !! saw requests for song fics are open, may I request something angsty with fem!human!reader x megatron (idw) to ‘young and beautiful’ by lana del rey ? 🥹 <3 thank you in advancee
Young and Beautiful (IDW Megatron x Fem!Human!reader)
Word count: 1,070
Eighty years. Humans lived for a measly eighty years.
You change right before Megatron’s optics. Your hair grays, your skin sags, your bones grow thinner. Like the very universe was sapping you away from him. Vector Prime alone could grant him all the time he needed to write a poem about all of the moments he lived with you.
But how could he begin to write when every time he picked up his stylus, you were that much further from him? He longed to capture the feeling of you and immortalize it in a data pad, but then you’d touch your tiny, soft servo along his gray bottom lip plate and take him away. Remind him that you were his moment. Here for a second, gone in a blink.
You flare, you flicker, you fade.
You asked him once, if he’d love you even after you weren’t so soft. You weren’t so pretty. And your mind wasn’t as intact as it once was.
Megatron’s answer was immediate.
“Even once the spark of your life extinguishes, and I won’t stop even for a klik after.”
You may have lamented the way time and age changed you, but Megatron learns to see unique beauty in it. There was something beautiful in a life lived so long that you COULD age, it was a promise of peace and resilience. You lived, you fought, you came back again and again. A force so strong that it took time itself to put you down.
Megatron thought that was romantic. Not in the way of kisses in summer or dancing in the moonlight, but the cosmic way. In the way that atoms and space dust collect together and become new stars, or how he realizes, in the grand scheme of things, so, so many tiny and nearly impossible things had to happen for you to be his.
As you grew older, you grew more rapt by his poetry. You blamed it on growing old and sentimental, he argued you were always sentimental. You had always found it fascinating, but Megatron believed that perhaps you took some comfort in it.
“Do you think, because I love you… I’ll be there in the Afterspark waiting for you?”
You were resting against his neck cables, curled up between his shoulder armor and helm vents like a tiny glitch mouse. The ardent heat of energon pulsing up the lines of his throat felt good and helped soothe some of the arthritis in your hands. He had to rest his chin on his servo, propping his helm up at an angle to keep from squishing you, but he hadn’t the spark to stop you.
It’s a question that he’d pondered many times. For he who often pondered the nature of all things grand, the question of life after death was a philosophist’s energon and mineral tablets. 
“You do not have a spark,” He points out, shifting his helm minutely to a position slightly more comfortable for you to tuck yourself under, “So I would not expect you to be held to the same rules and expectations of Primus.”
“But, your God is real.” You raise as a counterpoint, “Any proof that various human gods are real could be considered dubious at best.”
“That is a point for the high queries of gods, but what of your lack-there-of spark?”
“What is a spark but life?” You offer, gesturing with your hands and making the round shape of a spark before your breast. Megatron loathed to move you from your warm perch, so instead he tips the data pad in his servo so he can see your tiny reflection. You look comfortable, hidden securely in his collar fairings. “Perhaps I DO have a spark, but it’s simply just a different form. After all, energy cannot be destroyed. It merely changes form.”
You chuckle, knocking your knuckles against his neck cables. “Julius Robert Mayer.”
“A human philosopher?” Megatron asks, setting his datapad aside to instead settle for reaching up and touching his digit to your lap. You take the hint immediately, and hold his huge digit between your two itty bitty hands. 
“Founder of the laws of energy conservation. Suppose most of us are philosophers in some way, though.”
You have to be, with lives so short and bright. Megatron keeps that thought private to himself, gently rubbing his thumb against the back of your hand. You were feeling thinner and thinner these days. He hoped you ate well enough.
“So, what have we come to the conclusion of in this conversation?” You prompt, bringing back your point, “That there is no true way to say I do not have a spark, and that it’s ultimately far more likely that Primus and his Afterspark wait for me than say… The Christian or Hebrew concept of God.”
“For there are too many to count.”
“For there are too many to count.” You agree, “But it is the most commonly applicable and the most similar to Primus.”
“But,” Megatron clicks his glossa, a smile coming to his face. He loved it so  when he could have these in-depth conversations with you. “That is also dismissing that humanity is a much younger culture than Cybertron was. Perhaps you will find proof that these things are indeed true, or perhaps something you had not even considered. Perhaps in the afterlife, you will have a veritable plethora of ‘heavens’ to choose from.”
“Then I’d choose to wait for you.” You say, “Or I’d choose some religion where I’d be reborn and I could fall in love with you again.”
“You could live again, redo all of the things you had missed. Unmake all of your mistakes.”
“You talk as if I considered you a mistake.”
He feels your tiny, cool lips press to the pulsing line of energon that is connected directly to his spark chamber. You laugh, giddy and sounding just as young as you were when he first met you. There’s a well of emotion there in his chest and, if not for millions of years of carefully cultivated control, he might have sobbed.
Instead, he settles for curling the whole of his huge, warm servo against your body, and recording this moment for all of time. The moment he writes on his spark that you wanted to be his in any life.
“I suppose it is not a mistake then, if you do not regret it.”
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crheativity · 10 months
is it okay to request platonic angst of leaving twisted wonderland and saying goodbye to the adeuce duo and Grim? I didn't see if you had a character limit, but if you do, feel free to ignore this or just do it with grim
SUMMARY: The time has come for you to depart from Twisted Wonderland. But surely Ace, Deuce and Grim will hear from you soon, right…?
WARNINGS: This is sad I nearly cried
COMMENTS: oh my GOSH writing angst is hard ahahaha. I seriously teared up writing this. I’m not sure if this is exactly what you wanted, but this is the first thing my mind came up with. Sorry this took so long, and I hope you enjoy it!!
(also, because this made me sad, I wrote a part two that can be found here. I hope you don’t mind!)
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“Are you sure this’ll work?” Deuce fretted, wringing his shirt so hard you thought it was going to rip. He’d finally stopped pacing, at least. Moving to face you, his eyes locked on to yours, searching for any hint of doubt.
“Seriously dude, that’s the seventh time you’ve asked that in the past twenty minutes.” Ace complained loudly from his position propped against the wall. “Can you stop acting like a mother hen for five minutes? You’re starting to make me anxious,” he added, muttering under his breath.
The three of you and Grim were standing in the Mirror Hall as you double and triple checked your luggage, which Grim was perched on top of. He’d been strangely quiet ever since Crowley had summoned the both of you to his office.
Crowley had calmly explained that he (in his generosity) had finally found a way for you to return home. Grim had congratulated you and helped you pack, just as the others had, but most times he just remained quiet. You figured this was him trying to be strong for you. The thought brought the sting of tears to your eyes. You hastily blinked them back. Now was not the time.
“It’ll be alright, don’t worry.” You looked up and gave your friends the most reassuring smile you could muster, despite the lump in your throat and the niggling doubts in the back of your mind. “Crowley gave me his word that this’d work.”
Three sets of mouths immediately fell open as Ace, Deuce and Grim stared at you in horror. Your grin widened as you enjoyed the moment, before deciding to put them out of their misery. “Relax you guys. I also checked with Malleus, Lilia, Idia and Ortho. All of them said that there is no reason they could think of that my phone should not still work in my world, as long as I can charge it. And I can.”
A collective sigh of relief flooded the room. Ace walked over and punched you lightly in the arm.
“Not funny, Prefect. That’s Deuce’s last clean shirt and you scared him so bad he almost ripped it in half just now.”
“Ah- hey! This isn’t my last clean shirt!” Deuce protested, rolling his eyes.
“Oh yeah?” Ace retorted. He crossed his arms and stared at Deuce, his eyes narrowing. “That’s weird. If that’s the case then why are there so many random clothes strewn across the floor of our dorm?”
“Those are yours!”
“Enough, guys.” You sighed, tired of their bickering. “This might be the last time we see each other face to face for a while. Do you really wanna spend it bickering about clothes?”
Both boys shared a glance and then sighed.
“You’re right. I’m sorry, Prefect. Sorry, Ace.” Deuce mumbled. He looked away, fidgeting with his jacket sleeve.
“It’s not your fault,” Ace sighed, “I’m the one who started it. My bad, you guys.”
“Ah, how nice to see three - ah, forgive me, two and a half - of my freshmen getting along so well! Surely this must have something to do with my excellent guidance as headmage, hm?” Crowley spoke suddenly, making the four of you jump. None of you had noticed him come in. The sight of him made your hopes soar and your heart sink.
It was time to go.
Ace opened his mouth and grumbled something that made Deuce stand on his foot. You had to repress a slight giggle as Ace glared at Deuce.
“Well then, shall we get cracking?” Crowley strode towards the Dark Mirror, evidently ignoring Ace and Deuce’s exchange.
Sharing a worried glance with your friends, the four of you made your way towards the Dark Mirror. Ace gently scooped Grim into his arms as Deuce grabbed your bag - you’d only needed one - and carried it to the mirror, which had begun to glow.
“If you’d like to say any last goodbyes, now would be the time. My, aren’t I generous for allowing you all a second last goodbye?” Crowley exclaimed as he got to work with the Mirror, which glowed ever brighter by the second.
You turned to face the others and Deuce immediately pulled you into a bone crushing hug. You readily accepted, wrapping your arms around him and giving him a tight squeeze.
“Come on guys, really?” Ace complained. Deuce immediately grabbed him and pulled him into the hug. He - and Grim, still sitting in his arms - didn’t resist.
“It- it’ll be okay.” You managed, hating how nervous you sounded. “Crowley and the others have said they’ll look for a way for me to come and visit. And- and I’ll be looking too, alright? So we’ll probably see each other soon.”
You pulled away from the hug just in time to see Ace and Deuce exchange worried glances. Then, looking back to you, they both nodded in sync.
Just as Grim burst into tears.
Scooping the cat from Ace’s arms you hugged him tight. Forcing hot tears away, you held him as long as you could, but all too soon a hand landed on your shoulder.
“It’s time.” Crowley spoke softly and gently - almost kindly.
“Don’t forget to text us as soon as you get through.” Deuce said. His eyes were red and his voice was full of emotion.
“Yeah, or else we’ll have to come looking for you.” Ace said with a smirk, gesturing to himself, Deuce and Grim, who was still sniffling. You could tell he was trying to be the strong one, as the other two were in tears.
You smiled at him - at all of them.
“Thank you guys. For everything.”
Ace’s smile faltered.
Turning around so you wouldn’t have to see them cry, you picked up your bags and stared at the mirror.
You didn’t want to leave.
Everyone had been so kind to you here. There had been ups and downs, but everything had seemed worth it. You were with people who’d walk to the ends of the land for you, and you would do the same for them.
You felt your resolve breaking. You couldn’t leave, you just couldn’t.
Digging deep for some scrap of resolve, you forced one foot in front of the other.
You didn’t look back.
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♥Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed it!!♥
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ruershrimo · 10 months
so I saw your Christmas event thingy and wanted to request a #13 with lyney x reader, preferably fluff but not like overly fluff so it becomes cringe (I sound bitchy I'm sorry😭)
Anyways congrats on 2 years on the blog,don't forget to eat and drink, mwah mwah(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
the christmas mix | #13- baby it’s cold outside | lyney x reader
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event masterlist
features lyney
notes: hiii<33!! thank you so much for requesting (and for being the first one too!!) aaaa!! anw I’m so sorry this came so late but I wanted to write something a bit longer (to be honest, I still feel like this one’s pretty incomplete, so I may write a part 2 for it!! I just didn’t want to take too much time so I just want to give this to you first.) and I really wanted it to be good because you seem so sweet aaaa <333. but ANYWAY thank you so much and have a merry christmas, mwah!! lmk if you need a rewrite of this and my apologies if there’s not enough (?) fluff (??) or if it's too short!!
warnings: none, except for the fact that it's fem reader, really (I hope that's okay!!)
summary: (set before the current events of the game) it's in the winter of his first show at the opera epiclese that he meets you. you think you may be falling for this stranger, this all-too-busy magician. it's alright if either of you have to go, though, the two of you can stay together-- it's too cold outside, after all.
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The first time you meet him, the both of you are young and he’s a nameless stranger you meet at a friend’s party. You hit it off with him and glass bottles clink against each other before you bring the rim of yours to your lips and sip your fonta. 
“So, what brings you here?” you ask the stranger before you. He’s a new, unheard-of magician, you’ve been told. You think he’s the epitome of what magic should be in a world of surging elemental powers and mythical beings— a perfect mix of misdirection and secrets— with all his charm and mystery, and that little bit of dramatic flair he uses to present himself. 
“My sister and I were invited to perform, it seems,” he explains, taking his own sips in, “And you?” 
“Invited? Why, I just waltzed my way in like most of the others. Do you think I’ll be seeing you up there later, then, Mister…” 
“Lyney. Mister Lyney.” 
“…Mister Lyney.” 
“And you won’t be seeing me, anyway. I’ve told the host that my sister and I must attend to some urgent business concerning our first show at the Opera Epiclese tomorrow.” 
“Hm,” you hum, “The Opera Epiclese, huh? Glad to know I’m speaking to a future big shot. Remember me when your tickets are worth every gem and mora in Fontaine, won’t you? I don’t think I’ll be able to steal each and every one to see you again.” 
“Of course,” he grins, “And you won’t have to steal anything, I promise. Nothing would be worth as much as you.” 
“You’ve a penchant for words, I see. And here I thought budding magicians were often shyer than this…” 
“Our introduction to being in the limelight would not change my occasional sharing of the truth. Then he lays his bottle down on the table, and it’s silent and so very unlike how you thought he would based off your initial impressions of him, and so very different from how anyone else would after drinking fonta. He sets it down quietly, stealthily, as if if he were to clash any louder against the wooden table’s surface he would dart out of the host’s house while the liquid in the bottle barely moves, appearing like creases on a red velvety tablecloth. “But!” he exclaims, “Now I really must get going—” 
His voice is like a twinkle out of a music box, its melody even better than the one bursting out of your friend’s gramophone; his eyes are like a velvet coat that pair well with his cheshire cat-like smile; his hair is silky as it is silvery and you want to run your fingers through it. 
So you don’t want him to go. 
“Leaving so soon?” 
“Well, the magician’s life just so happens to be a busy one, dear [name]—“
“Oh? Mr Lyney, I don’t recall having ever told you my name,” you remark, quirking up a brow and holding him by the wrist as he begins to get up. 
The mister giggles, “I’ve heard of you before, of course. Our host informed me of who you were— and so did everybody else at this lovely soirée. Why, who hasn’t heard of the eccentric, renowned [name]? But I really should get going.” 
“Oh, but won’t you stay? It’s just so dreadfully cold out and it would be a shame if you and your sister were to get sick from the winter winds right before your grand show. Goodness, I’ve heard of the severity of all the snow and hail these days, and even some of my acquaintances have nearly succumbed to hypothermia due to it all!” 
He feigns a sigh, his voice like velvet wrapping around your eyes and ears and engulfing your senses, as he sits down again as you keep a firm grip on his wrist, “Well I hope they’re well into a good recovery, [name], but Lynette and I have the thickest coats and a great tolerance for the cold due to our brief time in Snezhnaya a few years ago—”
You pry a little further. “What got you into Snezhnaya, Mister?” 
“Oh, please, that’s certainly a story for another day—” he starts again, taking hold of his hat. 
“Well even if you wouldn’t like to tell me, Mr Lyney, I must know everything I can about you— everything you’d like me to know— in these few minutes you still have. So, please stay?” 
He sighs again, freeing his hat and his coat. “Alright, since you’ve been such lovely company, perhaps I’ll just stay for one more sip.” 
“Perhaps you could stay for one more bottle?” you cheekily suggest. 
“Five more sips.” 
“Please, just one more bottle…” you suggest again, “And come rain or shine I’ll be sure to come for all your future shows, whether they be in the Epiclese or not. Your first one’s tomorrow, right?” 
“…you, my dear friend, have a deal.” 
You laugh, “That took more convincing than I thought it would.” 
“Well you’re definitely persistent as you are eccentric,” he comments, digging into his pocket to reveal a deck of cards, “Now, allow me to show you a magic trick as we chat through our next bottle…” 
“Didn’t think you’d be the Casanova type,” Lynette jabs as he finally exits the building, “So you just left [name] there as she kept talking to you?” 
“Well, you know how things are,” he says. 
He already knows he can’t afford this. He’d been honing his magic for years from the streets to the halls of nobles’ houses to their rooms in the House of the Hearth for the sake of Father’s cause. If he were to let just anyone in, if he were to fall back from that tower of deception and secrecy and let it topple, then— 
“I’m sure that Father would be alright,” she states, a knowing, teasing lilt in her voice, “We won’t even be that late.” 
There are a handful of things you know about him by the second time you meet. That he used to perform solely on the streets and was then offered the chance to have a show at the Opera Epiclese after gradually gaining renown over the years; that like the cats he adores, he likes fish dishes; that he and his sister have a younger brother. 
The hall itself seems empty, the hues of each chair blurring together to form a sea of gold and red. 
“Why, it seems we meet again!” a voice echoes from behind you, then softer, it goes, “You’re earlier than I thought you’d be, though. And in the front seat.” 
“I know,” you smile, torso twisted, “I wanted to be extra early. And don’t ask how I got to the front seat, would you?” 
(In truth, you’d purchased it from someone who wouldn’t be available and was selling their front seat ticket at a much lower price than it should have been. No theft had occurred.) 
He moves in front of you. “To talk to me once more, I assume?” 
You pause and hum, tilting your head in an acted-out thought process. “Of course.” 
“Well,” he starts, “I still have more things to get ready backstage, and more props and tricks to prepare, so I don’t think I’ll be able to.” 
“Oh, I don’t mind, go ahead—”
He panics. “—But it’s you, so I’ll make some time. About five minutes, possibly— in truth, I do have a trick for you, dear [name],” he says, the words pouring out of him like a magician’s trick of pulling out an infinite number of differently coloured silks sewn together from his pocket. 
You lean forward in interest, and you try not to notice the barely audible gasp threat’s pulled from his lungs as he almost unwillingly backs away, then schools himself again. Maybe you were leaning in too much? “Show me, then,” you say. 
“Alright, then,” he begins, “I have a flower in my hands, and—oh? It’s disappeared!” he narrates, the sun-coloured flower vanishing with a flick of his hand. 
You raise a brow. 
“Now, have you noticed anything near your ear?” 
“My ear—?” Then to your surprise, you feel something tickling at the skin between your scalp and your ear, finding a whole stem tucked behind it. You pluck the flower away, bringing it to your nose and inhaling its scent. “Well, wouldn’t you know.” 
He giggles, “Do you like it?” 
“I do,” you reply, “I just thought you would’ve used a rainbow rose instead. But I love marcottes, too— they have such a sweet, light scent. Marcottes symbolise purity and sincere care,” you recite from a book you’d read, “And rainbow roses… well.” 
“Why, I’ve never learned of the language of flowers before,” he remarks, “…but I can start.” 
“Oh, really? Well, I don’t want you to take up too much of your time— a magician’s life is a busy one, no?”
“I suppose we all have to trade the time we have for something we care about no matter how little of it we have.” 
“Hm, I suppose so. Now, go—! Ten minutes have passed, mister!” 
“Oh—? But I’ve one more thing I need to say, dear [name],” he hurries, taking your hand and lightly pecking it, then letting his lips go and keeping your hands together, “You should stay later. It’s too cold outside for anyone to leave, but… if you need it, once everyone has left, you’re always welcome to stay and bask in the heating the Epiclese provides. Lynette and I will have to stay here for a while after, anyway.” 
You grin at his invitation— or his request, maybe. “I will.” 
“And, Lyney?” you call right as he turns back to face you again. “You’re always welcome to visit me in my own home.” 
You scribble your address on a piece of paper as people start to trickle in. It’s as if there are half as many people as there should be. It’s a sour thought, and, hopefully, in his next show, there’ll be more people.
The marcotte is tucked tightly between your index finger and thumb for the whole show. You bring its petals to your lips when the show is over. 
You hand the paper to Lyney after and you praise his show as you bid him farewell. You leave only a second earlier than he does with Lynette in tow. 
In the frigid winter weather, Lyney heads out, shivering, and buys a bouquet of rainbow roses as well as a book on the floral language of Fontaine. 
The show actually turns out to be a smashing success among the people who had watched it. The names Lyney and Lynette appear on the Steambird three days after the show, and you have the pleasure of reading an article about it, with details on a trick involving water and fireworks, written by one journalist Charlotte. 
The same day you read it, you open your door to see a bouquet of rainbow roses near your doorstep, hoisted and kept upright by the edge of the door and the wall. 
You wonder how they could have stayed alive without freezing, but you take it in. You already know who it’s from, even though there’s no name, no address— nothing. Nothing besides a note in elegant, cursive handwriting, saying “Thank you for coming.”
A dig through your house finally reveals an old vase of your parents’, a gorgeous, transparent vase of glass with patterns of roses embellishing it near the bottom that you trace with your fingers. You fill it with some tap water, remove the wrapping around the flowers, and place them in the vase. 
They rest near your bed and though the days are getting colder your heart warms at the sight of them every morning. 
So as it gets cold outside you think you’re falling for the all-too-busy magician, with his mystery and his tricks and his beautiful silver hair and violet eyes. 
You ought to invite him sometime during Christmas. And hopefully you can keep him for a while, too, as the fireplace crackles. It’ll be too cold outside, anyway. 
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event taglist (please send an ask if you'd like to be added!):
wishing everyone a merry christmas ♡!
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banditsregina · 1 year
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requested by @biscuitboxpink
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of-apollo · 26 days
heya!! hruuu i saw that youre writting for two of my favourite shows wwdits & good omens which is amazing!! but anywho i was wondering if u could write a platonic fic with child!reader x good omens?
where in the fic the reader takes place as the child of an american diplomat?? ( I FORGOT HIS NAME IM SORRY ) but yeah just the dynamic of nanny crowley raising you and the gardener with the silly teeth teaching u to be good i think that could be a cute fic! even tho the reader is not the antichrist in the end they still cherished the moments they all had together
ofc if u choose to ignore this its totally fine!! have a good day!
Aziraphale and Crowley x Child!Reader - Being raised by the Gardener and the Nanny HC’s
Warnings: Nothing, but one mention of killing a spider.
A/N: Love this idea! Gone for HC’s as I feel they fit the request better. This is the first time I’ve actually written for Good Omens, so I hope it’s not too OOC! Enjoy!
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It is very important to note that above all else, even above their little scheme, Aziraphale and Crowley truly do care about you.
They found it quite amusing that when they were employed by your parents, Aziraphale was the one they were slightly suspicious of.
It had never happened before, because he was an angel above all else, so everyone trusted him. Crowley pinned it down to his stupidly goofy appearance.
But, when your parents saw you toddling after the gardener whenever he was at work, he quickly began to grow on them.
Aziraphale is definitely more of a positive influence in your life. The second you start following him around the garden, he lectures you about being kind to plants and animals.
He would quietly miracle a squirrel or a butterfly to brighten your day, and he would take time to learn some real gardening skills to teach you.
You begin to love the garden, and it ends up being the place you go whenever you’re down. You don’t even question why the gardener seems to constantly be there.
When you start getting homework, when you start experiencing the drama of friendship and relationships, the gardener is always there when your parents can’t be.
I think while Aziraphale would take care of you, making concoctions when you’re sick and giving you kind words when you’re sad, he’d definitely teach you the fine art of self-care as well.
While Aziraphale is dedicated, he technically can’t always be there, even if he mostly is. He makes sure you know how to take a breather, make a perfect cup of tea, and choose the perfect book to cozy up with depending on what’s got you down that day.
Crowley on the other hand…
It’s not that he wants you to be absolutely devious, but it is kind of his job to at least guide you vaguely in that direction.
While Aziraphale teaches you how to gently scoop up a spider and drop it outside, Crowley is the first to crush one when he sees it.
I think that you’d definitely take more to Aziraphale than Crowley with him being a friendly gardener rather than a nasty, strict nanny.
Crowley would be very strict on things like homework and chores. Even if he didn’t really care for them himself, he knew they got on your nerves.
So, he’d nag you about them relentlessly. Initially, you obliged, because you were young and scared of your nanny. But, as you grew up, you rebelled, ignoring him until you could get the gardener’s help to complete tasks.
Aziraphale and Crowley definitely argued a lot over this, because Aziraphale why are you helping the evil Antichrist?
Even though Crowley constantly told Aziraphale that he was too soft on you, he certainly had his moments.
Whenever you fell, Crowley would always be there to miracle away whatever scrape you’d gotten before you’d even notice.
While Aziraphale could deal with your emotional pain, Crowley could only deal with the physical. And he was committed to that, even if Aziraphale constantly told him that scrapes did not need a miracle, just a plaster.
When you grow up and they realise you are in fact not the Antichrist, they feel incredibly silly.
But, when they look at you and see parts of themselves, like a love for gardening and a kindness to yourself from Aziraphale, and a sharp wit from Crowley, they feel like they haven’t wasted a single second. It was all worth it for you.
Assuming (or praying at this rate) that there are calmer years for them beyond the future of the show, they would for sure keep in touch with you.
They drop off a bit in your teen years, half because of their own issues, but half to let you live your life without their influences.
But, they definitely make up for lost time eventually, and you become one of their most treasured humans over all of the years they’ve existed.
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n3onstarss · 2 years
Midnight Dancin'
2012 TMNT Donnie x Chubby, pear shaped reader!
requested by @puunk, TYSM for requesting!!
"2012tmnt! (preferably donnie, and if not you can pick whoever you want from whatever series variation you'd like i don't really mind)x chubby!(200lb+)Gn (preferably pear body shape but idc it's up to you, im trying to imagine myself but it's ofc towards others too) Angsty sappy, yadda-yada.. if not that's okay!!
forgot to add it as a oneshot too.. EHHH YOU GET IT PSHH"
Relationship(s): 2012 Donnie x reader
romantic or platonic?: romantic
type of reader: chubby, pear shaped, human reader
The lair was peaceful, as it usually was when the boys were taking their day off. Leo was watching Space Heros in the living room, Mikey was skating around and Raph was messing with the arcade games. Dee, as per usual, was locked in his lab and working on upgrades to the go karts. And, just like they did every weekend, their human friends were making their way down the sewers.
It was always anxiety inducing, trying to slip through a manhole cover without being noticed, but it was relieving to be inside and worth it to see your boyfriend.
As you walked alongside Casey and April through the cold and damp sewers you could feel the excitement rising in your chest. Their chit chat became background noise as you walked. Earlier this week Donatello had promised a surprise on your next date night. And lucky for you, it was Saturday night.
The lair was less quiet than before upon arrival, a chorus of 'Hello's and Mikey falling off his board trying to run over and hug everyone. Mikey's fall made Raph and Casey cackle, even Mikey was laughing loudly. The sudden noise outside summoned Donnie from the deep depths of hell.
also known as he got lost in his work and hadn't come out of the lab in hours. again.
when he (finally) emerged everyone was already busy talking about their weeks or recent developments in Space Heros (cough, Leo and April, cough.), but his emergence caught the attention of one person in particular.
"Donnie!" You threw your arms up in the air in celebration, and he took that as an invitation to sprint over and hug you. His arms wrapped tight, hugging you like you'd been gone for years instead of less than 24 hours. You couldn't help but laugh as you laid your arms across his shell, instinctively tracing the scutes as your forehead rested against his.
When he finally pulled back he waved to his family before he grabbed your hand and lead you to the lab, ready to get date night started.
"okay, okay jeez!" you tried your best to sound exasperated but could barely talk between laughter. "I'll see y'all later, have fun!" you hollered over your shoulder. This only led to calling attention to yourselves and earning a chorus of 'ooooooooooooo's all the way back to the lab. Donnie was blushing heavily at the teasing, walking a little faster than before.
"Have fuuuuuun!" Mikey called and waved with the hand that wasn't amplifying his voice, only serving to embarrass Donnie even more. You waved back as Dee pressed the button that closed the doors.
Once the door was closed Donnie turned around to face you. Simply staring at you for a moment. He pecked you on the cheek before abruptly scampering off to the other side of the room.
"ooooookay?" you whisper to yourself before following. When you round the Shellraiser, parked in the middle of the garage and lab, you catch sight of him again. He stands fiddling with his computer, only turning to face you again once music starts to play.
Normally you'd assume Donnie would listen to techno or classic or even Nightcore music, which he usually did in your defense, but as "Please Don't Stop The Music" by Rhianna started to play you were pleasantly surprised by the change of pace.
You opened your mouth to ask about the change, but before you could get a word out Donnie held out his hands with a nervous smile.
"Care to dance?"
Oh, this was new!
he was illuminated in the purple and pink LEDs he had above his desk, making him look beautiful under the lights. The glow of the lights and the flow of the music drew you forward a few steps and made you breathless. You curtsey'd playfully, taking one of his hands once you stand upright and kissing the knuckles.
"The pleasure would be mine, my dear" He blushed even darker, if that was possible, not having anticipated that. 'Predict that, Dee!' you thought to yourself, reminded of his meticulous planning for every outcome.
the unexpected response elicited a nervous giggle from him before he gently tugged you closer, bringing a hand to rest on your hip as your arms looped around his neck. you both swayed and spun slowly for a bit, but as the music got faster, he got bolder. Beginning to twirl and dip you in time with the beats. at certain points you were afraid you would fall, after all you didn't think you'd be the easiest person to dip, bas if you'd forgotten your boyfriend is mutated and fights villains on the daily. Well toned arms held you tight and kept you from falling. eventually all the anxiety and nervousness between the two of you melted away as you both continued to dance to whatever upbeat song he had queued.
by the time the final fast song ends your hearts are pounding and the both of you are out of breath. Luckily, the next song is slower. And what is good with slow songs? slow dances.
Once again you hold each other close as you sway from side to side in circles, not really dancing but not really not dancing.
Eventually he speaks up, "you know i love you, right?" he sounds so small in that moment, as if he's afraid that the words would scare you away.
A smile crack across your face. you're really love struck, huh?
"I love you more, Dee."
"mmmmm.. that's not mathematically possible." he plants a quick peck on the tip of your nose, reassured in his actions now that he knows they're reciprocatdled, (as if you weren't dating, what an idiot (affectionate)) before resting his forehead on yours.
The evening continued on after Thale intermission, full of dancing and kisses and laughter and love.
By the time the sun was rising the two of you were completely tired out and lounging on the stolen couch he'd dragged into the lab for the two of you. You laid back to the armrest, and he laid between your legs on his stomach, using yours as a pillow of sorts. the music had died down to quiet background noise and both of you were browsing your phones. your hands absentmindedly rubbing at his shell.
after an hour or two both of you were completely knocked out, oblivious to the fact that everyone else was up and moving. Donnie had forgotten to lock the door, apparently, which only became evident when Mikey burst in to wake y'all up. Somehow you both slept through the loud intrusion, and the following yell for the others to "come quick!" panicked turtles and humans alike rushed into the room, worried they'd have to fight villains at 9 in the morning. but after seeing the scene before them their nerves were calmed. A minute or two passed before everyone filtered back out to snag some breakfast from a local fast food place, opting to let the two of you sleep.
The lair was silent and empty once again during a peaceful Sunday morning.
Many, many blackmail pictures were taken and shared. Just so you know.
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phoxphenex · 7 months
temporarily closing requests cause i’ve got like 80 in my queue 😭😭
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jamjjamm · 17 days
Sam winchester boards please
absolutely!!! i'm not one to deny sammy!! you're moodboard is added to my queue and should be posted in a few days!!
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simleez · 10 months
so this youtube video: watch?v=1_pWd0ex-ps . at around 0:18 when Jake is smiling. if you want to make a set instead of just one gif, you can pair it with the part at 2:01 when he's looking at something. they have similar lighting and angles. but it's up to you, whatever you think looks good :) thank you
here you go <3 i hope you like it
— tris
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twst-beam · 1 year
May I request Etoile giving Everiu a high five?
most certainly
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that is.. if everiu knew how..
textless version because i like how it turned out:
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acenestuff · 2 years
Hi May I request Sprigatito eating macarons with Pawmi(Pokémon)?
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!! they are friends
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spikezonebby · 10 months
Hi again, sorry i mess it i hope it is right now ^^, a request for song fics could you with tfp optimus prime with the song Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello - Señorita with a fem!human!reader, genre to Romance?
Senorita - TFP!Optimus Prime/Fem!Human!Reader
Word count: 1,672
Your first meeting had actually been entirely an accident. Optimus knew some humans had an affinity for vehicles, and you were one of them. Even a Prime can only take so much fawning over his grill, rims, or decals before he gets flustered and ends up blowing his cover.
That set the tone pretty well for how your entire relationship with Optimus was going to go. The other Autobots treated their leader with all the grace and dignity deserved of a Prime, but you never let the great title dictate how you treated Optimus. You weren’t ever afraid to speak your mind or ask questions. You questioned his commands, not to undermine him but to genuinely understand and clarify. 
You seemed to find everything Optimus said fascinating, and when he’d watch you he could see the inner gears of your mind chugging along. Picking apart his words and always seeming to know exactly what was on his mind, even when he himself wasn’t entirely sure. You were the probing sort, someone Ratchet often found meddlesome and too-like Miko, but there was a grace to your inquiries. 
Optimus was, perhaps, somewhat shy to admit that he liked it when you asked about his past. Especially when you would ask about the moments that weren’t so great or grave, like his walk home in the evenings from the Hall of Records or his favorite small pleasures. There was something warm, familiar, even humbling to the idea that your two lives weren’t too different.
You used to work at a bookstore and did its inventory, spending hours organizing piles upon piles of books. He would spend cycles listening and sorting through videos and audio files to archive them in their appropriate places. You’d stop on your way home and get a donut and coffee. He’d occasionally indulge and get himself a slice of chrome-alloy cake.
Optimus did not consider himself a poet, nor any other kind of lyrical savant, but he would describe the closeness he felt to you as… magnetic. He found his gaze drawn to you in the room, your laugh made his spark skip in his chassis, and even the persistent hum of the matrix seemed more at ease around you. 
He wondered if, maybe, you knew what you did to him. It certainly seemed like you knew when you’d come close to him and lay on the lower portion of his chassis, just beneath his windshield. It seemed like you knee when you’d find a quiet moment to rest with him in his seldom-used quarters, your whole tiny body level with his face. For someone who could fit in the palm of his servo, you liked to make your physical presence known and tangible. 
He couldn’t say he minded. In fact, that was a thing that brought quite a bit of distress to the poor Prime’s mind in the moments that should be peaceful. The longer he knew you, the more enthralling the pull became. He found himself wondering if you’d hate it if he curled his servo around you, cupping you between his digits like a treasure. He thinks about the scent of your skin and the warmth of your body, should you finally close the distance between them.
You were human. You were fragile. Leaders weren’t built to have fragile things, but protect them regardless.
But he still wanted you. Enough to forgo the logical sense he had to distance himself and instead, let you keep invading his space and his mind. He couldn’t bring himself to stop this.
Not when you invited yourself into his quarters, shimmied your way up to the space on his berth right beside his neck cables and jaw, and built your own little nest of blankets and pillows there. Not when you had so much faith in him, and talked to him about all of the soft things he thought they’d killed in this war.
“That’s Neocybex, right?” You ask, snuggled up beside his audial as he laid on his back, both of you looking on up at the data pad he had in his servos. He pauses in his scrolling through, balancing the stylus in his grip as he tilts the data pad further for you to read.
“Some of it is. Other parts, like here,” He scrolls down, “Are Primal Vernacular.”
“A different dialect or a different language wholly?”
“Neither. Primal Vernacular was the predecessor of the Neocybex all Cybertronians came to speak in modern times. When I was given the Matrix of Leadership and all of its knowledge, I was also gifted the ability to speak and read this ancient Cybertronian language. I find it easier, sometimes, to take notes in.”
You sit up a little, bracing yourself with a hand on his cheek vent. “So you’re the only one that knows how to speak it?”
“Most likely.” Optimus admits, somewhat sullen, “Even before the war, it was considered a dead language on Cybertron. Transcriptions existed of people speaking the language but as Neocybex became more common, it simply was lost to time.”
You hum, and leaning this close to them, he can feel the way the small sound rumbles up through your chest.
“Teach me. At least a word or two. Something I can remember.”
“You wish to learn Neocybex? I do not know if your organic vocalizer can reproduce the sound.”
“No, no! Primal Vernacular! The letters almost remind me of… Arabic. That’s a human language so, surely I can wrap my head around some of that.”
His spark warms at that, your enthusiasm contagious. It couldn’t hurt to attempt it, it would be a good excuse to brush up on his own pronunciation.
“Ṣdyq,” He begins. “It means ‘friend.’ And if you begin it with Rjl, it becomes ‘brother.’”
“Oh so it has different rules than Earth’s version of Arabic.”
“Yes. It is fascinating, is it not? That humans have taken such an old language and made it their own?”
“Yeah, it’s kind of nice in a way. Makes things feel less…” You fish around in your thoughts for the proper word, then hum. “Lonely. Yeah. So… Rjl… Ṣdyq… means ‘brother.’ How do you say ‘sister,’ then?”
Optimus’ lip plates quirk into the shallow shape of a smile, spark warmed by your botched attempt to match his pronunciation. 
“The translations of the words are different based on their cultural meanings. Cybertronians are very rarely forged with siblings, so ‘brother’ means something closer to ‘ally.’ A feminine version of the word didn’t appear until very late, when femmes started to become more prominent. It was very rarely used though, mostly due to the… intimate implications of the word. I once listened to an interview with a linguist on the matter and he theorized that it was coined initially by Megatronus Prime of the Thirteen, as a term of endearment Solus Prime. It’s ‘Ạmrạ̉ẗ Ṣdyq.’”
Now that has you fascinated.  Optimus often chose his words carefully, using them as a tool for peace and command just as often as he used his own two servos. With you, conversation came easier. Optimus only had a select few people whom he knew and trusted to allow him to talk so easily.
You stood up, keeping one hand against his jaw as you walked around him. He could feel you use him to steady your steps as you hoisted yourself up onto his neck cables. You were so light he hardly felt the pressure at all. Instinctively his servo came down to gently cup behind your back, fearing you might fall off.
“What are you doing?” He asks, but he doesn’t sound irritated. Worried maybe, curious mostly.
“I want to see the way your mouth moves when you say those words.”
It’s an innocent goal, he insists it is. A request to turn on his first level of cooling fans pops up on his HUD view. He almost denies it, then worries that he might grow too warm for you to touch. In the end he does allow them to kick on and wholly misses the way it makes you smirk.
“Come on, boss. Say ‘em.” You coax, resting your folded arms against his chin, “Please?”
Optimus looks down past his nose, examining your face as his fans cycle a little faster. Right, it would be rude to refuse you whatever small teaching aid he could offer. Even if it was unorthodox.
“Ṣdyq.” He says. You lean forward a bit, watching the way his lips move with every sound. “‘Friend.’”
“Rjl Ṣdyq.” You reach out and trail your tiny fingers across his bottom lip. Optimus loses his train of thought.
“Which means?” You prompt him, feigning forgetfulness.
“Ah, ‘ally.’” He can see the way you bounce a little when he swallows the thick lump forming in the back of his intake.
“Cool, cool.” When had you gotten so close to him? And it didn’t seem like you minded at all as you even used his servo balancing you from behind to boost yourself up and lay across the flat plane of his chin. 
He says your name softly. His data pad is forgotten in favor of clutching onto the tarp and padding on the berth beneath him.
“And what’s the last one?”
“Ạmrạ̉ẗ Ṣdyq,” When had he started to feel so breathless? Like his fans weren’t cycling enough air.
“Mmmhm… I like that one. There’s something about the way you say it. Say it again, please?”
“Ạmrạ̉ẗ Ṣdyq,” He says again, just so he can hear the joy on your voice when you giggle, “Ạmrạ̉ẗ Ṣdyq. And it means– mhm?”
Before he can even finish his statement, your small, warm lips press to his bottom lip, silencing him quicker and easier than even the sound of blaster fire. His servo cups closer behind you and he knows he should stop this, he knows he doesn’t deserve this, but you make it so, so clear you want to give it to him.
And in the end… who was he to deny his Ạmrạ̉ẗ Ṣdyq?
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gotchibam · 8 months
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Espeon and Umbreon ko-fi doodle for Yama!
I’m accepting pokemon ko-fi doodle requests here! ✨
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todaysbird · 16 days
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the oilbird, also known as the guácharo, is a member of the nightjar family found in northern portions of south america. they are named for the unfortunate fact that previously, chicks were boiled down to create oil. oilbirds are unique in that they are the only nocturnal, flighted fruit-eating bird (the kākāpō is fruit eating and nocturnal, but flightless). they are skilled in flight, with tiny feet useless for anything other than clinging to vertical surfaces. they are one of the only birds capable of echolocation.
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