#(team present sweep btw)
splat-details · 9 days
grand fest pics probablyyyy tomorrow or sunday 👍
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t-hal-mothman · 1 year
I have accumulated several references to my irkens that I would like to post! they are all made in the same style for my own convenience, so they are not pretentious and for the most part contain simple quick info
I also just removed the height ruler from here, which I used to compare them but for those who really cares: my irkens are made here the way that if I throw one character into the ref of another, they would be identically correlated by their actual height to each other (I just put a lot of effort into it for some reason :D)
To begin with, there's a lady named Slush! (which is literally not her real name, but for random dudes it's always just "Slush")!
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She is quite chaotic and wild, actually a good girl, but sometimes she is stupid. Also you can address her as you like, with any pronoun, you can say that she is in some sense a genderfluid! :D
Her title is "artificer" and once she was on the staff of the same hardworking bees who are engaged in the Irken heritage in the field unrelated to the art of warfare
She was among those who monitor the preservation of what few people are interested in at the present time and has skills that no one really needs, but she was glad that she had been involved in at least something for many years (btw, she is not so loyal to the Empire in a sense, but you can never tell about her real loyalty, no one knows, not even herself)
But work brought her physical and mental injuries, and life turned into a series of incoherent pictures in the depths of her PAK So escaping against the system and burning days in a box was what eventually led her to a new life (with a slightly unbalanced defective on his own space station)
And the one slightly unbalanced defective mentioned above named Echo!
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He can be a serious grouch and a good-natured person at the same time. In general he is a pretty good listener. You can't tell by him, but he is a smiling guy! :D
This dude is a kind of opponent of the Empire, but silently. His position is not one that he would like to lose. He just doesn't do anything that would put his position in danger. In the days of his active work for the Empire, he and his team was once responsible for the creation of parasite devices, but did not reach the end. For many who worked, the idea remained just an idea :)
In any case, Echo loves nature very much. In fact, at the moment, he has the title of "Ecologist" and he is engaged in research on the restoration and terraforming planets and biomes, to reproduce them after catastrophic events or organic sweeps.
As for Sylvie, they are Echo's favorite pet (Good girl, best friend!) They are a very smart beast and do a lot of work during Echo's off hours. Trained and taught, Sylvie is an integral part of his life.
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coordinatorsunny · 1 year
Hello! My name is Sunny☀️ and I use she/her/they/them pronouns. I am a pokemon trainer and and and up and coming coordinator living in Hoenn. I'll mostly post my stuff about the hoenn league, pokemon contests, pokemon or just some random stuff.
Here's my picture 📷
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(Picrew by me!)
Other stuff
I have been living in Hoenn for my entire life here so if you have any questions about the region you can ask me! The history, culture, pokemon that lives there anything!👍
I was a huge fan of watching pokemon contests on tv and admired the coordinators performing on stage so that's what inspired me to become a coordinator.
I also learning about pokemon on @quillpokebiology blog. You should check them out there really awesome!
I also have a penpal name Callister who owns the @pokeblogingalar. He's awesome so check him out too!
Also please talk to me I'm really lonley🥺
My team
My mom was a pokemon rescuer and she would adopt them when I was little so my childhood was involved with a lot of pokemon and basically loved pokemon ever since I was a little baby :) Some of the pokemon I had were given to me on my birthdays and some of them I caught in the wild when I was 10 thanks to my dad teaching me (he's a pokemon professor btw). Thanks mom and dad!
But anyways here's my team!
Phoenix the Blaziken ♂️
Move set: Flamethrower, Blaze Kick, Stone edge, Thunder punch
I had Phoenix ever since he was a little pokemon egg. My mom rescued the egg from a forest fire and knew when the egg hatched it wouldn't be able to survive because the eviorment got destroyed and couldn't find it's mother so she brought it home and later hatched into a Torchic. Me and Phoenix are really close and he helped me a lot during the gym challenges. He sometimes acts like a older brother figure to the rest of my team and is really nice, patient and smart!
Siren the Milotic ♀️
Moveset: Hydro Pump, Bubble Beam, Disarming Voice, Aqua Ring
I got Siren from a pokemon breeding center after I got my first gym badge. She's quite shy but loves it when I groom her. She also hates it when she get's dirty but is sweet nonetheless.
Cloudy the Altaria ♂️
Moveset: Mist, Dazzling Gleam, Dragon pulse, Draco Meteor
Cloudy was a present I got from my mom when I was 9 years old. He was a swablu at the time. He's really energetic and loves to play so he's really productive. But sometimes he can be gremlin and loves to bother my other pokemon just for fun.
Aurora the Gardevoir ♀️
Moveset: Prismatic Laser, Energy Ball, Physic, Light Screen
I caught Aurora when she was a Kirlia back when I was on my way to the 3rd gym. I managed to complete the gym in one sweep thanks to her. (She's one tough cookie!). Aurora acts like a older sister to my team so she gets along with them very well. But she doesn't tolerate Cloudy's antics and scolds whenever he does something stupid.
Apollo the Absol ♂️
Moveset: Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Ice Beam, Swords Dance
Apollo was another pokemon I got from mom as a present on my 11th birthday. I always gushed about having an absol because I thought they were so cool. I didn't know what to name him so my dad recommended the name Apollo. Apollo also helped me a lot on my gym challenges so I'm really grateful for that. I knew that Absol's dislike fighting so I only used him if my other pokemon had fainted and he was the only one left and mostly use him for contests. Apollo is a bit more reclusive than Siren but still he's nice!
Angel the Sylveon ♀️
Moveset: Fairy Wind, Attract, Swift, Moon Blast
Last but not least Angel! I got Angel when she was an eevee. Poor thing was bullied by a bunch of mightyena so I drove the pack away with Phoenix and Aurora. I guess I got my 'helping pokemon' genes from my mom. Since then she started to follow me everywhere and I didn't wanted to leave the cute thing alone so I decided to catch her! Since then I have been taking of her with proper care, love and attention and then she evolved into sylveon and gotten much stronger. Like her name suggests she is a huge sweetheart and loves to be productive❤
Via the Shiny Beautifly ♀️
Moveset: Shadowball, Pollen Puff, Silver Wind, Morning Sun
This is Via our newest member of the pokemon peforming team! She is sooo beautiful, precious and I caught her last week! She is a bit shy and not much of a battler like Apollo but a kind-hearted darling♡ I am going to take good care of her!
Well that's all! Also I really have to thank the power of friendship for the evolving Angel into a sylveon!!
-I am a minor and this is SFW blog.
-If I see anyone being homophobic, xenophobic(racism), pedophilic I will block you.
-I will not tolerate any kind of bullying or any kind of harrassment.
-No spamming either. I will post here and there so please be patient.
-We all have different opinions about something related to pokemon like 'this pokemon is the best or this pokemon is not the best'. So please respect each other's opinions even if we don't agree.
That's all!
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Btw if yall are wondering... Team Present sweep 🤘
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boinin · 11 months
isagi wanting all players' attention to focus on hiori while slipping in a blind spot to strike
taking inspiration from barou much?
barosagi canon btw
Beyond even that I think.
Isagi needs to shake off Rico and Aryu if he wants to score. They know he's a massive threat, so they're stuck on him. Aiku and Niko are also present. He is going to have a hard time navigating that many defenders unless he can create a distraction.
What kind of distraction? Could be Kaiser getting the ball, or him being lured over to steal it... I mean, it'd be amazing if Isagi uses Kaiser to score this goal. Ditto Barou.
Alternatively, we're the ones being lured... into believing this is Isagi's goal.
What if Hiori and Isagi are over-ambitious? They lose possession, but Kaiser's about to sweep in. Well, shit—but at least BM still wins.
Psyche! From Kaiser's shadow comes Lorenzo. He sweeps the ball up the field, faster than Isagi can keep up... right into Barou's scoring range. He shoots. Gagamaru blocks it, but has to throw himself prone in the process.
Free ball! But look—who's that running in from the corner?
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He shoots—and scores!
GOAL! 📢📢📢
Sendou Shuuto, former ace of the U20 team, claims victory for Ubers!
...there's a reason Kaneshiro is an acclaimed manga writer and I'm not 😎 but the outrage if this happens skskssk
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jjacob · 4 years
all i want for christmas is you
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❝ the school had started to take notice of you. lee juyeon, however, had always noticed. ❞
PAIRING ▸ lee juyeon x fem!reader (ft. best friend!lee minho)
GENRES ▸ fluff, high school au, sports au, best friends to lovers au
WARNINGS ▸ mild profanity but !! lots of !! fluff !! 
SUMMARY ▸ the bet was simple: find a date to the winter ball. the only problem was that juyeon didn’t want just any girl. he wanted you.
PLAYLIST ▸ all i want for christmas is you by mariah carey
WORD COUNT ▸ 5055 words
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ merry christmas! this is a gift for addy @honeyju​ the biggest juyeon simp ik !! ily addy i am excited/scared/not emotionally ready to read the minho one which ! btw y’all should read here bc our stories are loosely connected! also disclaimer: i know jack shit ab football but i tried
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In eighth grade, Juyeon’s sense of humor was largely self-deprecating and consisted of saying he wanted to die at the slightest inconvenience. But, with his spectacular timing, he let the joke slip in front of a teacher once and froze up upon seeing her concerned expression. Juyeon later received a note from the counselor’s office and had to convince them that he was perfectly fine.
In tenth grade, Juyeon had grown past his phase of dark humor and moved onto high school football. He made the cut for the team the previous year, and managed to make it on the varsity team by the time he was a sophomore. In the beginning of the season, they asked who wanted to be captain the next year, and Juyeon boldly declared that he did. Thus, he was ridiculed and sentenced to pick up balls and clean up the gym after every practice from then on.
Now, as a high school junior in the varsity football team, Juyeon had screwed himself over by making a stupid bet with his best friend, Lee Minho.
Lee Minho was, in short, a conniving bastard. Juyeon never should have trusted him and gone along with his antics. The mere thought of what he had gotten himself into was enough to send his heart into overdrive.
The bet sounded simple enough: find a date to the Winter Ball.
Of course, it was easier said than done, but Juyeon was a star athlete and had girls sliding in his DMs left and right. He could easily find a date if he wanted to, and, honestly, Juyeon only needed to send a few texts and he would probably be secured for the dance. The problem was, however, that Juyeon only wanted you.
Minho was well aware of Juyeon’s pitiful, unrequited love towards you. It was probably the reason he suggested the bet; his best friend either wanted to see him miserable or see him score a chance with you. Either way, Juyeon wasn’t sure his heart was ready to shoot his shot.
Juyeon had crushed on you ever since you sat next to him in the seventh grade and let him borrow your pencil. It was such a silly start to his admiration for you, but his feelings grew stronger when the both of you actually became friends. You were so bright when you laughed, so sweet when you spoke, and so adorable when you smiled. Juyeon had never felt this way about anyone else and always got butterflies when he saw you. Juyeon was never one to chase after girls but he would find himself constantly thinking about what you were up to and having several internal dilemmas over whether he should ask you to hang out or not.
Five years later and Juyeon still harbored feelings for you. Now, they had matured into something deeper, but you still racked his brain nevertheless. It didn’t help that you had a major glow-up in high school and were probably the most beautiful person Juyeon had ever seen.
The school started to take notice of you.
Juyeon, on the other hand, had always noticed.
“Are you sure we can finish a medium before practice?” Minho asked Juyeon, setting a box of pizza on the table in front of him. “Also, I saw Y/N by the gym earlier.”
Juyeon perked up. “Y/N?”
“Yeah,” Minho replied, grabbing a slice of pepperoni pizza for himself. “You know what day it is, right?”
Minho took a bite out of his pizza, observing Juyeon with a raised brow. His best friend was on the baseball team but treating themselves to pizza had become a monthly ritual. Despite being on different teams, he was closer to Minho than his football teammates.
“And that means?”
Juyeon had formulated an elaborate plan to ask you out during the football game today, but, of course, it all depended on whether their team won or not. It would have been kind of ridiculous to propose after a loss. On the bright side, he knew he could count on the fact that you’d actually be present considering you were a cheerleader.
But what if you already had a date? You surely hadn’t mentioned it to him or posted about it on social media, so he was riding on an assumption that you haven’t been asked. That was bizarre to Juyeon, though, because you were the prettiest person he had ever seen. However, it was true that you were gradually getting popular, and that made Juyeon a touch nervous.
“I ask her out tomorrow,” Juyeon breathed out. “Am I ready for this?”
Minho scoffed lightly. “Are you ever?”
Juyeon frowned at his best friend, scrunching up his nose at his distasteful comment. “What about you? Have you gotten a date?”
“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”
Juyeon sighed. That was probably all he would get out of Lee Minho today. Once Minho set his mind on something, he carried it out diligently until the end. Juyeon honestly had no idea who he wanted to bring since Minho didn’t like talking about girls he was interested in, but he supposed it wasn’t that big of a deal as long as his best friend was happy.
It wasn’t like Juyeon was never going to hear about his friend’s endeavors. After all, he did pick up on Minho’s slow descent from an apathetic individual to a whipped ball of fluff. If Juyeon mentioned that to his best friend, however, he would probably be ridiculed for consistently being whipped for you since the seventh grade.
Juyeon nearly jumped out of his seat at the sound of his ringer going off. He scrambled to pull his phone out of his pocket, ignoring Minho’s teasing smirk at the sight of his frazzled self.
y/n: hey :) i’m gonna drop off some gingerbread cookies my mom made after practice so lmk when i can come over
Juyeon must have saved a country in a past life for this kind of luck.
juyeon: i love your mom’s cookies. you can come over whenever you’d like
y/n: how about we walk home together after practice?
juyeon: sounds good to me
Now, the pizza was starting to make his mouth water, but if you were walking home with him, Juyeon was ready to drop it and run to see you even though he loved pizza. But Juyeon loved you more than he loved pizza, and he believed that was true love.
“She made me cookies,” Juyeon announced.
“She made you cookies,” Minho repeated, leaning forward in surprise.
“Well, her mom did, but yeah.”
Minho turned his attention back to his pizza. “So this is about your mommy kink again.”
“I don’t have a fucking mommy—why would you say that?” Juyeon cried out, kicking his friend’s shin under the table.
“You don’t? Last time I checked, she was making dinner in the kitchen when I came over yesterday.”
“I’m talking about the kink!”
Yet, even a silly back-and-forth with Minho couldn’t get Juyeon down from his high over you. He was still processing the fact that you were going to walk home with him and, if Juyeon played his cards right, maybe he could get a feel of how comfortable you would be if he asked you out during the game tomorrow.
Minho snickered. “You look happy.”
Juyeon couldn’t even mask his lovesick smile and flushed cheeks. He folded his arms on the table in front of him and buried his face in them, his head spinning at the thought of you.
“Shut up, Minho.”
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The only problem with you being on the cheerleading team was that you were extremely distracting.
Juyeon was the star quarterback and frankly, it was kind of pathetic that the one thing that kicked him in the ass was seeing you in the knee socks and pom-poms. It didn’t help that you were a flyer so Juyeon’s stomach pitted with anxiety whenever he saw you being thrown up and whenever he heard a scream coming from the direction of the cheerleaders.
Today was different, though. Juyeon could care less about the screams and falls from the corner of the field. All he could think about was you and how he was going to ask you out. If his plan was going to work, it was going to draw a lot of attention and be quite embarrassing if it failed.
All of his confidence got knocked down with a single sweep when he saw someone asked you to the dance.
One of the cheerleaders broke into a fit of giggles at the sight, clasping a hand over her mouth. “Oh my god!”
You were frozen stiff, an awkward smile on your face as the guy walked onto the field with a sign and about a dozen roses. Juyeon could feel his heart sinking to the ground with each step the guy took, with each second his smile grew brighter.
“Is he seriously confessing during practice?” Sohn Youngjae asked, brows furrowed as he rested his arm on Juyeon’s shoulder. “That’s real brave.”
“What’s his deal doing it here? He isn’t even on the team,” Juyeon said, coming off more bitter than he had expected.
Younghoon scoffed. “It’s a bold move. He must be confident that Y/N’s going to say yes.”
Juyeon squared his shoulders. He was conflicted with the swell of anger and deflation of you possibly being taken, but nevertheless, all he could do was watch helplessly as you were being asked out. From where they were on the field, Juyeon couldn’t hear much, but he could see your reactions quite well. The wolf-whistles and cheers were pissing him off, but he was fixed on you.
He turned to look towards Minho, who was practicing on the field adjacent to theirs. His best friend met his gaze immediately like they had some form of exclusive telepathic communication. Minho nodded towards you and raised a brow, as if nudging Juyeon to go interrupt them. That, however, was something he was far too cowardly to bring himself to do.
Your voice resounded clearer than Juyeon had expected.
“I’m really sorry,” you apologized sincerely, ducking your head and keeping your hands entwined behind you. “I’m not interested, but I do appreciate the gesture.”
Juyeon felt a weight lift off of his chest. He wasn’t sure if he should’ve felt relieved that you shot him down or nervous that you rejected an attractive, confident guy who clearly liked you. However, he soon had no time to mull over that when the guy’s reaction was getting more aggressive than crestfallen.
“Y/N, I asked you out in front of all these people,” he said with a distasteful laugh. “Are you seriously rejecting me right now?”
“Sorry, I just don’t want to go with you,” you replied firmly, voice dropping as you became more conscious of your surroundings. “I’m sorry it had to be public but you didn’t really give me a choice.”
For a split second, Juyeon wondered how he could still hear you when you were practically muttering at this point, and then he realized that he started walking to you without even realizing. His feet carried him unknowingly, hand balled at his side and eyes stony and trained on the guy.
“You could’ve just accepted it and told me later that you didn’t want to go with me,” he said with a scoff. “It’s like you enjoy humiliating others publicly.”
Your teammates rushed forward to argue and fend him off while you opened your mouth to protest, but Juyeon was faster, moving in front of you so he was head-to-head with the guy.
“She said she’s not interested,” he said with a threatening undertone, wondering where he managed to muster up the courage to be this assertive.
You were visibly shocked by Juyeon’s actions, and he couldn’t even blame you because he was equally just as surprised as you were. Yet, all he could do was glare daggers down at the other guy with steely eyes and frown until he backed off.
“Thanks,” you said softly once the guy had left.
Juyeon was flustered by all the girls giggling behind you but was amazed by how cool and collected you remained despite that. He turned to you, eyes softening and shoulders relaxing. He knew he was getting an earful about this from his teammates after practice and most definitely from Minho as well.
“No problem,” Juyeon replied, cheeks red. “He was bothering you. I couldn’t just ignore it.”
“That was really sweet of you, Juyeon.” You bit back a smile and suggested, “Meet you at the front gates after practice?”
“See you then.”
Even though Juyeon could’ve spent the rest of practice talking to you, he sprinted back as fast as he could because his cheeks were only getting redder as the cheerleaders gushed about what he did for you. He could hear their gossip and whispering even as he was running back to his team. Juyeon was positive he wouldn’t escape the embarrassment, though, because Lee Jaehyun was smirking at him when he got back.
“You’re blushing, dude.”
Juyeon shoved him.
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There was a universal law that was newly decreed. It read: Lee Minho shall never text, call, or speak to Lee Juyeon whenever Y/N was around.
The reason for that being the fact that Juyeon was easily embarrassed and Minho’s texts were not helping his case. He felt it was rude enough to check his phone while he was walking with you, but every time he saw a notification flash, his eyes widened with sheer distress over Minho’s texts.
minho: like three people asked me if you and y/n are fucking bc of what you pulled during practice today
minho: wait are y’all fucking and just not telling me
minho: i knew it was sus that she was coming over to your house
juyeon: fake news!! stop making me feel shy :(
Juyeon decided he had enough Lee Minho for today and turned off his phone.
“That was honestly the coolest thing I’ve ever seen you do,” you gushed to Juyeon as you walked home with him, fingers looped around the straps of your backpack. “Way cooler than you punting footballs.”
“No need to flatter me,” Juyeon replied coolly but his shy smile and red-tipped ears said otherwise. “That guy was being unnecessarily aggressive.”
“His proposal was out of nowhere!” you exclaimed. “I don’t get what he expected me to do.”
Juyeon smiled through the pain. Lord, give me strength, he prayed to whatever divine power was out there.
“Are you not interested in having a date to the dance then?” Juyeon asked, looking down at you curiously.
You paused for a moment and Juyeon thought his heart would stop in anticipation for your answer. Come to think of it, he had never seen you go to a school dance with a date before. You were always with your friend group. It wouldn’t be out of the ordinary to see you stick with them, but Juyeon was hoping he could change that.
“Well,” you started, “if the right person asked me then I wouldn’t be opposed.”
Juyeon couldn’t exactly read your smile but it made him want to faint. The rest of the walk back home was spent talking about school and football, but Juyeon couldn’t get your answer to his question out of his head. He even walked past his house because his head was so full of you, resulting in you needing to stop him and tell him that they had already reached his place.
“Y/N! It’s so good to see you!” Juyeon’s mom chirped with a good-natured smile. “How has your mom been?”
Juyeon’s eyes widened upon the realization that they never stopped by at your place first to get the cookies. He opened his mouth to interject but you went on to answer.
“She’s been great, Mrs. Lee,” you replied, smiling just as big, and pulled out a box of cookies from your bag. “She wanted me to give these to you.”
“That’s so sweet! Give her my thanks,” his mom replied and opened the door wider once she accepted the cookies. “Come in for some tea, will you?”
Juyeon was practically frozen at the doorway while you were taking off your shoes and walking inside. If you had the cookies with you this entire time, then why didn’t you just give them to him to take home himself? Unless you were worried about the courtesy, it was a bit out of your way to take the time to walk home with Juyeon to deliver them.
“Juyeon, what are you doing out there?” his mom asked. “Come inside. It’s cold.”
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Having you over at his house wasn’t exactly the sparkly fantasy that Juyeon thought it would be.
He was getting quite jealous of your mom hogging all of your attention. It wasn’t like you and Juyeon drifted apart during high school, so he wasn’t sure why his mom had to pull you away from him and have her own conversation with you. The worst part was that Juyeon couldn’t even join in on the conversation. He had no idea what they were even talking about.
That is, until his mom brought up the dance.
“Do you have a date, Y/N?” Juyeon’s mom asked.
“I don’t,” she replied. “I usually just go with my friends.”
“You’re so pretty, though,” Mrs. Lee tutted. “I’m sure someone must’ve asked you out.”
“Actually, someone asked me today,” you said. There was a moment of silence as you looked over at Juyeon while his gaze bore into yours. For a moment, you were struggling for what to say, mouthing words that weren’t being processed. Juyeon rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly once you regained your composure. “Juyeon actually helped me out.”
Mrs. Lee straightened up. “My son did?” She looked amused as she turned to Juyeon.
“Yeah,” you answered, grinning. “He was really cool.”
Juyeon blushed darkly once their eyes were on him. “W-what? I couldn’t ignore it. I wasn’t even doing that much. I was just helping out. You know, being a decent person,” he rambled and stood up. “Anyways, isn’t it getting late? Mom, Y/N has to go home soon and it’s gonna be pitch black outside if you keep her here.”
“Oh, you’re right.” Mrs. Lee frowned as she peered out the window. “Juyeon, you walk her home then.”
“What?” he sputtered out, looking between you and his mom before he caved, muttering, “I’ll go get my jacket.”
After an exchange of goodbyes, you had stepped out of the house and waited while Juyeon was slipping his shoes on. There was a moment of struggle where he had tied his laces too tight and couldn’t get the shoe on but he managed to slip it on after a few seconds of internal screaming. Juyeon zipped up his jacket the moment he stepped outside, the brisk coldness making his goosebumps rise.
“You really don’t have to walk me back,” you told Juyeon. “It’s cold outside.”
“It’s really late,” Juyeon replied, rubbing his hands together in hopes that the friction would provide some heat. “You shouldn’t be walking home by yourself, and I really don’t mind.”
“Thanks,” you mumbled, ducking your face. “For this, for what you did during practice—everything.”
Juyeon was glad that you weren’t looking at him because his mouth was opening and closing over and over again like a fish. He was also thankful for the fact that he could blame the dust of pink across his cheeks on the cold winter bite. Unfortunately, you lived close by so Juyeon didn’t have time to come up with a cool response and he didn’t want to leave things like this. There was a good vibe going on and he was upset that he couldn’t act upon it; when it came to you, Lee Juyeon was a coward.
“Um, we’re here so…” Juyeon trailed off when he turned to you, sort of thrown off by how beautiful you looked with your windswept hair and flushed cheeks. Dazed, he reached forward and moved a strand of your hair out of your face. “It’s good I walked you home and you’re not like, lost or… something—I’ll shut up now.”
You laughed, and it was an octave higher as if you were rattled from him touching your hair. “Ah, yes, a few streets down can be a harrowing trek.”
Juyeon laughed with you before his eyes settled on you. Your hands were crossed, rubbing your arms that were prickled with goosebumps. A wave of guilt washed through Juyeon and led him to strip his jacket off immediately. He ignored the piercing chill and put his jacket around your shoulders, making sure they covered your bare arms.
“My house is right here,” you argued. “You’re going to be cold.”
“Keep it on. I have something to tell you after the game,” Juyeon said firmly. It was his second burst of courage for you today and he was a little too amped up for his own good. “If you don’t like it then give me back my jacket tomorrow.”
Before you could respond, Juyeon turned on his heel and bolted home, the biggest grin across his face because he was head-over-heels for you.
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Juyeon had never been so nervous in his life.
The game was underway, Juyeon’s leg bouncing as he eyeballed the scoreboard. His team was strong in the first two quarters, cutting it close by the third, but now they were neck-to-neck. They had ended with a tie and now they decided to go into overtime for the sake of choosing a winner for the game. It was a sudden death round so whoever scored first would win the game. Juyeon, however, found it difficult to concentrate.
Especially with Lee Minho breathing down his back.
“Are you ready?” his best friend asked.
“Yes—well, no, but I don’t really have a choice.”
“That’s true.”
“I already made the sign and told the team and everything,” Juyeon whined. “I really screwed myself over, Minho.”
Minho pushed at the back of his head. “Dude, I’m talking about the game.”
“Oh, that—that’s fine,” Juyeon stammered. “Fifteen minutes—we just have to win, and then I have to ask out the most amazing person I’ve ever met.”
“You could chicken out,” Minho suggested, “but that also comes with me never letting you live it down.”
“You see, I kind of already implied that I’m going to tell her something important.”
“You did?” Minho’s voice was somewhere between shocked and impressed.
“Shit, I gotta go,” Juyeon muttered, pushing himself off the bench. “Keep the poster safe for me!”
“Good luck, champ!”
Juyeon, sweaty and bangs sticking to his forehead, had to ignore every distraction and think about winning the game before his stomach threw itself into a pool of anxiety over asking you out. He got in a huddle with his team in the remaining fifteen seconds they had before they had to get in formation and lowered the facemask of his helmet. It was up to this one last play to determine whether they would win the game or not.
“Just like we practiced, alright?” Juyeon told them. “Double-wing power pass. We get them to bite thinking it’s a run play and then open up a passing lane.”
“Alright, let’s go,” Jaehyun cheered, and the rest of them put in their mouth guards and lowered their facemasks.
Juyeon took a shaky breath as he got in formation at the line of scrimmage. His heart was racing but he wasn’t sure it was about the game. Nevertheless, he steeled his nerves and held his ground. The whistle blew and the crowd was silent, observing the tension on the field carefully.
“Silver-80! Silver-80! Hut! Hut! Hike!” Juyeon yelled, and the center, Sangyeon, snapped the ball to him.
Juyeon faked a handoff to Jaehyun, the fullback, and spun around, rolling to his right. Changmin sped up in front of Juyeon to defend him. A smile tugged at Juyeon’s lips. Their plan was working just as he intended, but there was a problem: they couldn’t open up a passing lane for the running backs like he thought they would. The play was too rushed, so it wasn’t ever a guarantee.
So Juyeon had to do what he would normally deem crazy.
He spun at the sight of the other team coming to tackle him and skirted around the field, belting down the field. He dodged past another linebacker that tried to body him. His primary motivation was that he didn’t want a concussion before he confessed to you, but he assumed it was okay to admit that to himself as long as he didn’t throw the game.
Juyeon felt a hand grab him but he pushed forward, running across the goal line and into the end zone. He threw the ball down and cried out in joy as he scored a touchdown. The whistle blew and the scoreboard flipped. They won.
He did it.
Juyeon’s team ran to him, cheering at the top of their lungs. He was lifted up on Jaehyun and Younghoon’s shoulders, grinning happily before his heart sunk back down. The cheerleaders ran to the field, cheering and tossing their pom poms up. The crowd was roaring. Juyeon was realizing that he had to do the scariest thing that a heterosexual teenage boy ever had to experience.
“Jaehyun, Jaehyun,” Juyeon tapped his shoulder quickly. “We have no time. I have to do it now.”
“Oh shit.”
Jaehyun and Younghoon dropped Juyeon onto the turf. Juyeon winced at the sudden impact, gathering himself back to his feet and hoping you didn’t witness that. Jaehyun gave him a half-assed apology and pushed him forward to run and get his poster and flowers from Minho. Jaehyun then grabbed Changmin by the shoulders, urging him to go to the announcer’s booth.
Juyeon sprinted over to Minho, waving his hands dramatically. “Give, give, give,” he demanded amongst all the cheering.
Minho didn’t waste any time and pushed the poster and bouquet into Juyeon’s hands. “Break a leg, tiger.”
“Trust me, I nearly did.”
Juyeon jogged back onto the field, cheeks hot and head a little dizzy for what was about to come. He didn’t even tell his mom he was going to ask you out and she had to watch her son ask his best friend out to the dance. This was probably going to be a moment of utter humiliation but once Juyeon saw you in your high ponytail with a bright smile on your face, all that fear faded away and it was just you and him.
More importantly, you were wearing his jacket over your uniform and Juyeon felt like he was going to combust from the cuteness.
“Guys, guys,” Jaehyun called to the team. “Surround Juyeon. Make sure Y/N doesn’t see him.”
Juyeon’s heart was beating a hundred miles per second. He was glad he was running on the adrenaline from winning the game because otherwise, he would be cowering in fear and sweating buckets right now.
“Everyone, listen up!” Changmin spoke over the intercom. “First of all, the football team scored a major dub today—ow! Sunwoo, cut it out—alright, I’ll get to it!” Changmin broke from the mic and started bickering with Sunwoo.
There was a pause, and Juyeon was surprised to hear Minho’s voice fill the speakers, “Anyways, my buddy and our star quarterback, Juyeon, has something to say for a special someone.”
The crowd fell silent, a couple cheers and wolf-whistles as it was pretty obvious that a confession was about to happen.
“This is so fucking fluffy,” Sunwoo mumbled.
“Shut up, Sunwoo,” Juyeon replied, nudging him with his elbow.
The football team moved out of the way so that they weren’t huddled around Juyeon anymore. Juyeon’s breath caught in his throat as he walked forward to the middle of the field, holding up his sign, reading: Will you be my sunshine?
“Y/N,” he called out loudly, “honestly this confession is long overdue, but will you go to Winter Ball with me tonight and be my sunshine?”
The crowd started cheering and whistling again, and Juyeon wanted to die. She hadn’t even given him her answer yet and everyone was acting like she had agreed and they eloped. The cheerleaders pushed Y/N forward and she approached Juyeon, looking like a deer in headlights.
Juyeon took another shaky breath and continued, “I’ve been in love with you for so long so it would be an honor if I could take you to the dance,” he said and his voice dropped to a whisper. “I’m sorry if this is uncomfortable for you.”
You bit your lip but that wasn’t enough to contain the happiness that showed on your face. You zipped up Juyeon’s jacket and threw yourself into his arms. Everyone practically exploded but Juyeon was sure his heartbeat was louder. He wrapped his arms around you and buried his face into your shoulder.
Was this what people called a Christmas miracle?
“Oh shit!” Changmin screamed over the intercom. (“Shut up, they’re having a moment,” Minho’s faint voice was picked up in the background).
“Oh my god, you just made me the happiest man alive,” he mumbled.
You pulled back and reached forward to move his damp bangs off of his forehead. “Took you long enough.”
“Wait, did you—did you like me?” Juyeon choked out.
You laughed and cupped his face in your hands. There was a shaky inhale and exhale of breaths when his lips brushed against yours, and Juyeon closed the distance, kissing you like he was starved of your touch. His hold tightened on you as you melted into him, and then you both pulled away, smiling and dazed and lovesick.
You giggled. “Does that answer your question?”
“Yes,” he breathed out, grinning as he brushed his nose against yours.
Juyeon could care less about all the presents and holiday cheer because he had you and you were all he wanted.
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arhvste · 4 years
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❝suna rintarō dating hcs❞
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→ YOU had to approach suna first
→ man is unbothered about relationships fr 🥱
→ but you actually approached him over work cause y’all were paired together for some project
→ listen, suna isn’t superficial nor is he interested but when you came up to him he was like
→ 👀
→ he thought you were ‘a e s t h e t i c a l l y pleasing’
→ refused to admit he was interested lmfao
→ also wasnt about to put effort in to a relationship
→ hes a go with the flow type person
→ and that mf flow ended up with him laying on your lap in the present day
→ you ended up dating after your project was over cause suna lowkey grew to like you
→ “hey you’re pretty hot, should we just date or smth?”
→ “yeah ight 😌👍🏽”
→ thats literally how his confession went 😐
→ that’s okay though cause who tf wants a whole headache of a confession?
→ certainly not you and suna was fucking glad you didn’t think his confession was shitty
→ dates with suna are the best
→ you want food? you’re ordering take out
→ suna will only kinda take you out if you specifically ask him to or it’s late late at night
→ he likes taking you out to climb roofs of buildings and just talk about whatever at 2am
→ theres actually a specific roof the two of you deemed ‘your place’
→ there’s an old farmhouse roof not too far from either of your houses
→ if you’re bored or just wanna see each other at 3am you can bet your ass that’s where your meeting
→ neither of you are allowed to tell anyone about your secret roof though
→ god forbid the twins find out and show up one day and ruin the vibes 👹
→ anyways back to dates
→ you guys just kinda hang at either of your houses
→ suna doesn’t wanna drag you around a crowded place and you don’t want that either
→ that’s why he only takes you out late at night 😼
→ sometimes you come with him to meet his dealer
→ no i was joking ^^
→ but anyways in school your relationship is kinda lowkey too
→ you don’t like hide it but what’s the need to show everyone you’re together you know?
→ suna isn’t gonna sweep you off your feet in front of everyone to make a point
→ but he most certainly will do it in front of the twins
→ why?
→ because they annoy him with their bickering so he sees it’s fair he annoys them with his relationship
→ everyone knows y’all are together because atsumu has the fattest mouth 😤
→ but everyone’s super chill about it and nobody bothers either of you about it 😼
→ suna parents love you too btw
→ he introduced you pretty quickly since you were always at his house
→ oh yeah, this is y/n my girlfriend. 😐👍🏽”
→ thanks for the grand intro suna 😍
→ okay but his parents often invite you over for dinner
→ suna just seems more motivated with you around
→ hes not a bad kid but he does slack off when he gets too comfortable
→ so for exam season youre a life saver
→ “i don’t need to study i’m already good at this subject”
→ “rin study 😐🔪”
→ 😐😑😐
→ “okay y/n you win 😁👍🏽”
→ same goes for volleyball games
→ kita insists youre a life saver
→ man SLACKS off when they’re in the lead 🥱
→ give him that little ‘🤨’ look and suna is like
→ 🏃🏻💨🏐
→ youre the only one he’ll consistently stay somewhat motivated for
→ ya just have to shove him a little to do it
→ clingy asf sometimes
→ will hang onto you when he’s tired
→ not like how he’s normally pretty sleepy but
→ like tired tired
→ “rin get off i need to piss 😡”
→ “we are one, now take us to the bathroom 😔🤚”
→ it’s nice in bed though
→ personal heater suna 😩
→ in the summer hes a pain in the ass though
→ you just don’t use a comforter anymore because suna’s taken it’s place
→ you’re the only one hes clingy too though
→ so if he’s on a training camp he’ll just bring one of your stuffed toys or a t-shirt or smth that smells like you
→ nobody on the team dares bring it up to him
→ i just know this man wouldn’t hold back when it comes to insults
→ atsumu would try to violate him for it
→ suna would just look at him and be like
→ “looks like it’s not just osamu you’re obsessed with but me aswell.”
→ “we’re twins i’m NOT obsessed with him 👁💧👄💧👁”
→ overall you have a pretty good relationship
→ there’s no stress or no arguments
→ you guys kinda just vibe together and go wherever life takes you 😎
→ and in the future, suna lowkey hopes thats down the aisle
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doubleddenden · 4 years
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Just a few more screenshots I took.
I think I'm pretty much done with the DLC. I could go through the dynamax adventures for the rest of the legendaries, grind to 2 million watts for Honey's final scene in IoA, or try and see if I can trigger The Long Haired Woman tm to appear in the graveyard (which I found out is RANDOM), but I think I'm okay putting it back down for a bit.
I did go through the Galarian Star Tournament a bit deeper. I'm actually suprised, it does get difficult at times, maybe tedious but indeed difficult (not too difficult, but I was expecting less tbh). Even Lame-o's like Hop are made better when he's paired with Leon. I also really like the combos convos that can happen, some of which are hilarious and surprising. It's also incredibly easy to level your pokemon to level 100 here.
I even went an extra step and limited myself to 3 pokemon like the other npc's. I got a lot more of a challenge by doing that, and in one case I had to watch my teammate save the battle. Most of the time I was able to pretty much sweep, but I did get a good adrenaline rush the few times I lost two Pokemon.
My team for the majority btw
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Of course, gotta have Raven the Corviknight. Also joining was Katapuldra the Dragapult from Germany, who finally successfully maintained a team spot in a big challenge event. Both of these two were excellent sweepers and a few loops even swept the entire tourney.
Kentucky the Blaziken comes from my White 2 randomizer run. Ngl he got his ass kicked a BUNCH, but the man comes through when I need him. Particularly this mad lad took out Hop's Dubwool and Zamazenta and Leon's Aegislash. Not to mention Milo and Piers are pretty easily handled with him.
I battled in the Galarian Star Tournament 15 times to unlock the two "mystery" trainers. Ngl, was kinda disappointed when I found out who they were, but it was actually kind of fun going through 2 more loops with these two.
But I think I'm good until the next game or I get bored enough to do the rest. I expect an announcement in maybe January at the earliest, maybe Pokemon Day next year. I was thinking there might be 2 more DLCs, but the Sinnoh or Johto remake rumors hold more water at present, especially since next year is the 25th anniversary. Could be wrong though. Tbh if the DLC would be as good as Crown Tundra and add in the rest of the 235 missing mons, I'd be down for another trip. But this may be the last ship I sail in Galar for a bit.
Hope to see you in the next game, Corviknight. You're a real Diamond in the rough.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 years
Was reading your response to the Okumura Ryuji/Morgana fight, and the way the person worded Ryuji's character made me wanna ask... Do you think a bad fanbase is a fair reason to dislike a character? I've heard people say things like "no look at the character too", but... For example, I'm very neutral on Ryuji. When he's good, hes SO GOOD, EXCELLENT BOY, but Ann is my favorite girl. Guess who he pervs on exclusively and is rude to all the time? I've never seen his fans talk about (1/2 sorry)
His rude behavior, or his pervy tendencies, or his more selfish desires regarding the PT. That's fine!! Not everyone wants to constantly talk about bad things their fave has done!!! But people referring to him as a "woman respecting king" so insistently rubs me the wrong way, since he treats Ann Like That. That, and (more personal) i remember making a post/ask thing once about my grievances with Ryuji, esp his perv stuff, and the fans that interacted very aggressively denied his behavior (2/3)
And it even turned into a big discourse on the blog I submitted it to (it was that one confession blog). All the people that responded and just tried moving the arguments to "well Yusuke did this-" or even tried to push blame on Ann "she was asking for it" just kinda cemented my already growing dislike for Ryuji. Super sorry this is so long!!! Final question: is a bad fanbase a fair reason for disliking a character? (3/3)
Don’t say sorry about multiple sent asks, I don’t mind kfdsjla;fja As for the answer, I want to say yes and no, but really it’s just “yes with a side note attached.” Yeah, it’s ok to not like a char because of their fans, but I think it’s as long as you know why you dislike the char beyond the fans (well tbh, imo it’s usually the crazy fans so I think stans is a better word, but even then there’s diff stans). And tbh, I....can’t....think of a character I don’t like that the fandom/fanbase does....but I know nothing about the char all the while (closest and most recent example this....is....I know people dislike that grey haired moe blob on twitter even tho I don’t think they watched the show, and while I’m not a fan of the moeblobness I don’t know anything about the char so I’m personally not upset). I can only name chars I don’t like because of what happens in the text, fandom be damned (but sometimes they don’t help). Which is why it’s a yes with a side note. If you don’t like the char despite not knowing them.....probably get to know the char first even if your impression is clouded by the fandom....at least you gave the char a chance. 
Under cut cause length (first few sentences in the first paragraph under the cut/tldr at the end gives you the answer a bit more in depth, the rest is rants related to that and why I get frustrated in a similar sense too, but yeah sorry if I repeat myself, I kinda jumped all over + my tendency to try to nail a point home I feel like might’ve had me repeat a bit more than usual akslfjdakfjaf):
I say this because.....it’s hard....it’s hard to keep them separated, unless you completely isolate yourself from the fandom (which is basically impossible if you wanna keep up with news, even the comment section is part of the fandom tbh...and you might be looking down their for diff reasons). And then.....well...the big reason....sometimes seeing the fans really highlights the reasons you dislike the char. That’s what happened to me and Makoto, specifically cause of....a certain fan (and buddy if you happen to see this, nothing against you, no bad blood, def won’t mention your name I respect you and the debates we had)....AND TO THE TUMBLR READERS WHO GET NERVOUS: It wasn’t on this website in case anyone is freaking out so if you’re thinking “Oh god it’s me” it is most likely not you (tho I think we do know each other on here cause of usernames/saw each other in passing but we def aren’t mutuals last time I checked), and while I do respect that person.......my god did they highlight the reasons I had issues with P5 and Makoto. Ironically in trying to defend her and show off her good sides, I realized the writing issues more and more and her bad sides became more glaring. It turned my frustrating dislike and attempt to try to work out my issues with her and P5 (ironically “working out” in hindsight would’ve been me....denying and refusing to look at P5′s flaws) into....well......the salt factory you know today. (same thing happens with like......Yukari and Junpei fans too tbh...that’s more recent tho, it feels like they are just downplaying their negatives constantly and I’m not about that). Basically, you probably have issues already, they are just more pronounced now. 
As for “look at the character”....you kinda already are doing that, and that’s probably where your existing issues originated from (tho if someone wants a more in depth reason as to why, while you DON’T OWE them an explanation, it is also hard for someone to understand your feelings and reasons if you don’t try to explain). 
As for Ryu, yea, I getcha, I like the guy, I’m neutral positive on him....was my best bro but he’s 2nd best thanks to post-Kamo writing. I like him because of his positives, but I always keep his negs in mind because. Cause like while I agree with the fans IT MAKES NO SENSE! P5′S WRITING IS BAD! it happened, same as I agree that Anne kicking Ryu’s ass, along with the other girls, is shitty. Hate the scene, and I accept that it happen (low key gonna start some kinda 2nd wave war with this bs cause the fandom be like that, but I’m really surprised no one took Anne smacking Ryu behind the neck cause he was being too loud as super offensive and abuse.......it’s def something a friend might do, not like belting him just a tap, and it’s framed as chill and also as warning him to reign in the volume control, but high key surprised no one has tried to cancel her cause of that). BUT that DOESN’T mean it erases all the creepy stuff he’s done. Is he the goodest boi when he’s being good? The best. Is he always a good boi? No, he def is not. And hearing that he is can be frustrating to people that do see his flaws (cause they are there). And like....you are 100% able to like a character despite and because of their flaws, while also accepting they have those flaws. I do it with Yosuke, Ryuji (for the most part), Teddie, Shinji, Ken, Kanji (when he’s not around Naoto, then he’s in a trash can for me), P1/2 casts, Aigis, Mitsuru, as long as the flaws are within reason and are treated pretty well....then I’m ok with it. (again, Kanji/Ryu have moments when I’m like....NOPE! but when they aren’t doing the bad thing I’m cool with them). As long as the flaws are withing reason (aka they aren’t making a jerk person out to be the person in the right, or the writing is trying to sweep what they did under the rug, or trying to force us into empathizing with them despite what they did while also trying ot sacrifice empathy towards another char.....*cough*Makoto/Yukari/Junpei*cough* if the writing isn’t doing that...... I’m probs neutral to pos on them). 
Like I’m fine if they are criticizing the writing and being like “Him doing this makes no sense cause it conflicts with the good boi we’ve already seen!” That’s a-ok! Not only do you recognize your char has flaws, you also are able to identify issues with the writing. But saying “so I’ll choose to ignore that scene” isn’t....ok. Because sadly it did happen, as contradictory it did happen. AU it all you want, but you have to accept it happened outside of that AU. Like, I don’t like the Mika conflict in Anne’s CoOp, by which I don’t like how it went down (100% fine with Mika, and there being conflict with her). How it the whole thing started doesn’t make sense if you put MainStory!Anne in her CoOp. MS!Anne can read the room and other people’s emotions (only other person capable of that is Haru, or at least with Mona), hell she was so good at it she noticed something was up with Shiho without Shiho telling her about it! The issue was the fact Anne’s not a mind reader and could only assume the issue Shiho was going through that Anne was aware of (and that was her spot on the team). Now MS!Anne is not like Yosuke, she doesn’t put her foot in her mouth. She’s not like Naoto who can’t read the room. She’s not super eloquent, but can empathize and when she can interact with people she can do it pretty well. So why the hell does she basically not think before talking and insult Mika? Sure Anne’s not GREAT at school, but she’s not a moron, she can talk to people. But her CoOp makes her a moron all around, 100% airhead, and that’s how her issues with Mika start, by not thinking before talking and accidentally insulting her via blatantly “not caring” about the job to a full time person......it’s stupid, it makes no sense, I hate it. But it’s there, the flaw might not be present in the main story, but for the all around character (cause CoOps are included) it is now and I just have to deal with it. We can bitch about it all day (and trust me I will) but it happened. Basically never frame it as “it didn’t happen,” but instead “It SHOULDN’T HAVE happened.” One is denial, the other is critiquing the text. 
Anyway my rant aside, yeah I hate it when...well Ren/Ryu/Yusuke (no one’s said Mona yet, cause....well yeah...which is good they haven’t labeled him as it yet tho), are labeled as “drinking respect women juice” and I’m like “I have one to a few women who would disagree.” I know some people will argue Goro is drinking it, and imo he’s not....he’s just eating the “I don’t discriminate sandwich” which is different. And yeah the “But Yusuke-” yeah yeah we’ll get to him, but right now we’re talking about RYUJI. I’m not a fan of derailing a topic *war flashbacks* *shivers* anyway. But yeah I remember that debate, I was probably one who was like “We’ll get to Yusuke but right now we’re talking about Ryuji” and pushing the blame onto Anne is disgusting and Kamo Arc!Ryuji would be very upset. >:( (btw high key I think I was the first one who started the first anti-makoto war wave with me saying “yeah Anne shouldn’t have apologized Makoto started it and blah blah she was an ass” not the exact words but basically just calling her out on her shitty behavior cause the game certainly didn’t......tho as Miley Cyrus would say.....”I didn’t mean to start a waaaaaar~!” I actually wrote my first Persona Problems on that topic.......but it got lost in the drafts....my photo examples kept getting messed up which is bad considering the whole post really relied on them....I should try to dig it up tbh....)
Tldr/short answer: Yeah, you probably already have issues with the char to begin with tbh, and the fanbase can highlight those issues more. It’s also hard to escape the fanbase (I see stuff I don’t wanna see despite trying my hardest to avoid certain circles, it just happens).
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rosymaeflower · 4 years
Idolize Me! CH 1
Summary: Idol!MC whos scummy as hell, follow her as she navigates Devildom from an idols perspective. Lotta plot, fluff and MAYBE smut as we go *wink wink* btw its harem af
I also post of Ao3! 
My manager calls out to me as a team of stylists flutter around me, teasing and pulling on my hair and touching up on my makeup.
"Yeah?" I call out blindly to him as my eyes stay shut to allow a nameless hand to pad on another layer of shimmer atop my eyelid.
"After makeup and wardrobe, u should test the fitting of your mic and in ear piece, you don't want them falling out on you on stage!" He nags. It's so like him to remind me of things I've done thousands of times, but it seems to help him more than me so I tend to just humor him.
“Yes yes I got it!” I call out once again. The stylists around me slowly disappear one by one till it’s just my manager left, letting me know that makeup and hair has now officially completed. He presses the in ear piece into my hands and fiddles with the wires for a while, muttering about how we’re running late as usual.
I stare back into the reflection I see in the mirror. The girl before me has transformed completely from the regular me to a completely polished and idol worthy me. I barely recognize myself, but I don’t need that to do my job.
“Alright, done, get up!” My manager hurries again, signalling for the stylists to check me over once more. Their hands are on me again, pulling and tugging as they go. My eyes stray towards a screen showing a boy group nearing the end of their performance, the chants of fans vibrating through the thin walls doing nothing to soothe my ever present nerves.
“Are you ready?” My manager asks, now finally calm as I’m moving into position behind the curtains.
I chuckle, "Of course, how could I not?” The boy group bows collectively and file off the stage, the emcees of the award show returning to the stage to announce the winner of some other award I can’t remember. How much did I get for pawning off my trophies anyways? Not much if I recall, so the awards are basically worthless to me.
“Remember, make this a blast and you could get a ton of CF opportunities if your stage goes viral, we could even up your asking price!” My manager yaps, clearly off in fantasy land. I’m actually pretty comfortable with my current popularity as a soloist. My albums sell out regularly, I’ve done both local and international tours, I’ve never been in a scandal (except for the chicken wings commercial one but it was clearly the directors fault!) and public opinion of me as a person is a-okay. But of course, earning money is this industry’s driving force, it doesn't hurt to have a few more dollars lying around…
With a thunderous applause, the winner has accepted their award and has given an emotional speech of thanks. And now… It’s time.
I vaguely hear my stage name being announced before the curtains slowly peel apart, revealing a sea of colorful lights and shrill screams. I take a step forward only to fall. Fall through the ground, wind swirling around me and through my hair as the lights bend and shift into something else completely. My eyes squeeze shut and I let out a fearful scream before-
My eyes fly open, I'm now laid sprawled on some cool tiled floorings. The lighting is completely different, the stage and crowd is gone, my backup dancers are gone.
What the-
I whip my head around only for my eyes to lay upon an imposing figure seated atop a majestic golden throne. Tanned skin and fiery red hair, wrapped in deep red clothes that could only be described as royalty, the man smiles warmly down at me. My head is still spinning from the weird vortex I just experienced but I can tell he calls the shots around here. I'm laid right by the steps before him, which makes me feel more vulnerable than ever.
Something about him is off. Otherworldly. Despite his harmless smile, I know I shouldn't trust him right away. Besides, who the hell is he? Where the hell am I?
With my attention initially focused on him, I almost failed to notice the other figures standing in what could only be described as ‘throne room’.
A green haired man with an unreadable expression who stands by the left arm of the throne. A tall black haired man who has his arms folded and is looking at me with…. Uh, polite disinterest? Or is that malice? Honestly I can’t even figure it out. I don’t even know if I should be scared or happy right now!
By the side of Mister Dark Scary Pants, there's a lean blonde guy with striking poison green eyes, his left hand absentmindedly laying on his chest. He looks decently normal, except for the ever present wrinkle between his brows. His eyes seem to flicker in recognition as he stares at me. Beside him, a beautiful peach haired man with an even more beautiful smirk chuckles as he stares right at me, his eyes unashamedly roaming down from my head to my bare legs.
“My my~ What have we here?” He croons in my direction. Well then. Looks like he's a classic pervert.
I’m no stranger to beauty, god knows I meet many extremely attractive people in my line of work, but something about them all seem... off. Just like the Throne Guy. They're all impossibly gorgeous but I feel like I should be running for my life right now, which I would but I am currently busy being plastered to the floor.
My thoughts are then interrupted by Throne Guy, who sweeps open his arms in a shameless welcoming gesture.
“Welcome to Devildom!” He announces, his voice surprisingly friendly. "Sorry if we startled you Miss MC, I'm afraid we couldn't be sure of your whereabouts before summoning you here."
I eye all of them cautiously, unsure if I’ve died or just am in a coma. “Ah yes… Devildom yes…” I say absentmindedly, slowly getting to my feet. Did my manager arrange for me to perform for the devil? First of all, major breach of contract! Secondly, how much am I getting paid? I reckon I could fetch a high price down here...
Finally standing, I realize just how naked I feel in this vast empty room. The dress I'm wearing is an off the shoulder long glittery blue piece, definitely suited for my scheduled stage but NOT for an audience with sketchy handsome men! The green haired man beckons me up the low steps and wraps a coat with strange symbols around my bare shoulders.
"Um…" my soft voice echoes through the loud room, making me cringe but I'm way too confused and worried to care. "So where am I? And who are you people?" I wave my hand at the surrounding men. "Am i… dead?" I asked tentatively, wrapping the coat tighter around me.
If I am, how on earth did I die?? Stage piece fell on me? My manager stabbed me? My backup dancer stabbed me?? A deranged fan?? As my thoughts raced a mile a minute, the Throne Guy’s deep laugh brings me back to the present. While surprisingly warm, I can’t help but feel like I’m some sort of prey here… And the men are all definitely predators.
"No, Miss MC, you're far from it!" He puts his hand to his chest. “My name is Diavolo, I am the crown prince of Devildom,” He then gestures to the man on his left, green haired man. “This is Barbatos, he serves me as both my butler and advisor,”
His hand waves towards the other 3 men on his right. “These are the Avatars of Sin, immediate to my right is Lucifer, then Satan and Asmodeus.
A strained smile finds itself on my face at his words. Is this some sort of prank? I shifted my eyes around, hoping to spot a secret camera, a boom mic, anything that would confirm my suspicions but I found nothing. Those names… I was never religious but everyone knows the name Satan and Lucifer right? The rest of the names sound familiar as well, biblical yet demonic at the same time…
I eye Diavolo, my eyes hoping to catch something that could help me figure all this out. "So Diavolo… If I’m not dead, why am I here?" I ask tentatively, still not believing most of what’s going on.
"Why there's no need to be scared, pretty girl!" Asmodeus purrs at me. "Just look me in the eyes…" His hand reaches out to turn my face towards his before a black gloved hand reaches out to smack it away.
"Control yourself, Asmo," Lucifer says sternly, nearly stepping right in between us.
“Aw you’re no fun Lucifer,” Asmodeus laughs, shooting me one last wink before leaning back. It seems like this Lucifer has some sort of authoritative power over them too?
Diavolo clears his throat, bringing my attention to him once again. “Well to answer your question, you’re here on a student exchange programme!” He says cheerfully. “You will be attending RAD, the Royal Academy right here in Devildom to learn the customs and culture of us demons here.” He explains.
My mouth opens. Then closes. Then opens again. “Uh huh?” I ask, a little in shock.
“Worry not,” Barbatos finally speaks, his voice light and lilting. “Your disappearance back home will be dealt with accordingly and you will be given all the help you need to adjust to your 1 year stay here.” He says, stepping forward to press a mobile like device into my hands. “ This is your D.D.D, it operates similarly to a regular human cellphone where you can contact people, complete your tasks for school and even operate social media.”
My jaw drops. “Wait so… I can contact my friends and family? And even post from hell??” I ask hopefully. “And wait, did you say ONE YEAR??” My brain finally caught up to everything he said.
���Let me correct myself, you can contact residents here only, and you will only be able to access Devilgram for social media purposes, it won’t impact your account back on the human realm.” Barbatos explains patiently. “Also, this place is officially called Devildom but yes there are humans who call it ‘Hell’.” He says, a little amused. “And yes, the exchange programme lasts a year.”
Well then. There goes whatever social standing I have left. People forget stars as quickly as they come, a year without comebacks? Or posting? Or shows? I’m basically jobless for the next whole year! Where am I gonna get my money! Also not seeing my family? Not to mention me never signing up for this anyways!
“But I have a job!” I exclaim, eyes flitting back and forth between Diavolo and Barbatos. “I didn’t sign up for this either, you must have the wrong person-”
Barbatos shakes his head calmly. “We most certainly have the right person Miss MC, you may not have signed up for this but your file was picked out of tens of thousands, you are incredibly lucky to have this opportunity.”
I made a face at him, finally regaining my nerves. I also don't have to worry about cameras here so I don’t have to worry about scandals anytime soon! “Listen, my job-”
“Ah yes, you’re an idol back in the human realm correct?” Diavolo interrupts me now, his teeth glinting under the chandelier light. “Not to worry, we have made it so that you’re taking a hiatus from performing to go back to school, we have made sure your family is aware of that too,”
The beautiful man gasps suddenly. "Oh my god! I knew I recognized you from somewhere!" He grabs my hand, leaning closer into me. "You're (stage name)!" He exclaims, eyes roaming over my face in childlike wonder. Once again, Lucifer moves forward to pull him back, this time with a disapproving glare.
I grin a little shakily. So demons can recognize me after all… "Ah yes but that's just a stage name… My real name is MC," I explain.
Satan, the blonde man, taps his fist into his palm in realization. “No wonder you looked so familiar,” He says. “I’ve heard of you and your songs,”
My eyes widened in surprise. “Demons… know idols?” I ask curiously. This could be a huge plus for me, I could rack up tons of cash down here, maybe even convert whatever demon money I earn into human money!
Barbatos finally smiles at me, his face looking way less mysterious with it now. “Yes Miss MC, you’ll find that you have a bit of a fanclub down here in Devildom as well.” He says.
“Oh!” I must say, in my 4 years of being an active idol, I never expected a portion of my fans to be made up of demons. But a welcomed surprise… I can hold concerts, fansigns, maybe even a high five event? Just thinking about all the money I could get from this is exhilarating!
“During your stay here you will be living with us,” Lucifer interjects through my money driven thoughts. “By us I mean my brothers and I, the Avatars of Sin.”
Asmo snickers, “You and I will have plenty of time to get acquainted with one another then, I’ve never been with an idol before!” He says almost giddily, licking his lips.
“and you never will.” I say firmly, frowning slightly.
“Please excuse my brother, he’s the Avatar of Lust after all,” Satan says, folding his arms. “I’m the Avatar of Wrath and Lucifer over here is Pride but I’m sure you can tell that by the pompous way he speaks and acts-”
“Satan please,” Lucifer grits out, “We have guests and we are in the audience of Lord Diavolo, mind your words,” He narrows his eyes at his brother, who shoots him an equally dirty look back.
I couldn’t help but let out a small laugh which earned a smug smile from Satan and a piercing glare from Lucifer. “Haha yes… So is that all I have to know?” I ask finally, rolling my shoulders back to ease a bit of the tension that’s been building up since I got here.
“Ah since this is an exchange programme, you aren’t the only human here,” Barbatos says. “Solomon, a human sorcerer, will be taking the same course you will be as well at RAD,”
“A sorcerer?” I ask in wonder. Hmm, I definitely should get to know him, I can’t just be with demons all the time can I? And he may be a fan… How much would he pay for a signature hmm?
“Yes but he will be living in the Purgatory Hall with the angels from the Celestial Realm,”
“I’m sorry what now?”
“You’ll be living in the House of Lamentation with the brothers as explained,”
“Why, pray tell?”
Diavolo lets out a laugh. “I assure you this wasn’t on purpose, the Purgatory Hall just doesn’t have enough space for all 4 of you,” He explains. “Now Lucifer, about her caretaker?”
Lucifer clears his throat and steps forward. “We Avatars of Sins are in RADs student council, so we will naturally be looking after you during your stay here in Devildom but I have also assigned one of my brothers to be your primary caretaker for any of your immediate needs,” He pulls out his own D.D.D, taps on the screen a few and then hands it to me. “You may call him down here, his name is Mammon” He said. “Put it on speakerphone,” He adds, his brows knitting together almost in preparation for disapproval.
I gingerly take his D.D.D and tap on Mammons name. Since they’re all assigned to one of the 7 deadly sins, I wonder which is Mammons? The dial tone is steady for a long while and before I wanted to give Lucifer back his phone, someone picked up.
“Whaddaya want?!” A males voice rings through the air.
Out of my peripheral vision, I see Lucifer's hand reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose with a sigh.
“Uh hi?” I ask, a little awkward. I look incredulously at Lucifer who isnt looking at me, why’d he hand me the phone so abruptly?! Asmodeus and Satan look on with little smirks on their faces, Satan probably enjoying Lucifer's despair more than the actual phone call.
“Wait you ain’t Lucifer!” Mammon shouts through the phone. “Whyddaya sound like a gir-” Mammon gasps loudly. “Are ya a gal he’s seein’?!!”
I splutter as Asmo and Satan laugh openly now, clearly enjoying this all too much. Lucifer lurches forward as if to grab his D.D.D. back but Diavolo holds out a hand to stop him, hiding a smile behind his palm with the other.
“Wait why’d I hear Asmo and Satan too?! Are ya with ‘em too? Lucifers gonna be real mad if he finds out ya know?!” Mammon shouts urgently at me, as if giving me holy advice.
“I- What? NO!” I trip over my words trying to get my point across. “No, god no, I’m a human from the exchange program?” I say, glancing up at Barbatos to make sure I’ve said the right thing but his unreadable expression tells me nothing.
The line goes dead silent for a bit. “LUCIFER’S SHAGGIN’ A HUMAN?!?!” Mammon bellows through the phone.
I blush wildly at his words, not knowing what to answer. Satan and Asmo laugh openly now, Satan falling to his knees as he grasps at his stomach. Lucifer hisses, grabbing his phone back now that Diavolo’s too busy laughing to stop him.
“Mammon, I’m giving you 1 MINUTE to come down to the throne room or I’ll have you hung from the ceiling for the rest of the week,” Lucifer says lowly into the phone, his voice dark and uh.. Scary as hell? Remind me not to get on his bad side thank you!
The line goes silent again. We all settle into silence as we hear thuds echoing through the walls, gradually growing louder before the big grand doors burst open to reveal a huffing and puffing figure collapse on the carpeted floor. Tanned skin with snow white hair, Mammon is as attractive as all of his brothers, except for the fact that he seems to be dying right in front of us.
“38 seconds, not bad,” Lucifer tuts, glancing at his watch.
“ARGH,” Mammon groans. “What was that for Lucifer?! I wasn’t gon’ tell nobody!” He complains, getting to his feet and dusting off his pants.
“You dare forget that we are supposed to welcome the new exchange student today, jump to such conclusions and embarrass us in front of Lord Diavolo?” Lucifer seethes, crossing his arms, his eyes glowing redder by the second.
“Relax Lucifer, he’s here now so it doesn’t matter,” Diavolo drawls from his throne. He seems to be enjoying this little show we have unknowingly put on.
Mammon eyes me with distaste. “So ya a transfer student? Why are ya all dressed up like that anyways?” He asks suspiciously.
“MC here is an IDOL,” Asmo claps his hands in glee. “Come on MC, let’s bounce! I can’t wait to show you all the makeup we have down here!” He links his arm with mine, pulling me towards the large doors left ajar by Mammon.
Mammon whips around towards us suddenly. “AN IDOL?! Hang on are ya (stage name)?!” He nearly shrieks, eyes as large as saucepans. A fan maybe?
“Yeah that’s right! And you aren’t getting your scummy hands on her cuz I claimed her first!” Asmo brags, yanking my arm tighter towards him.
“I mean if you want a signature, you can pay me for one,” I offer with a sly smile, shrugging Asmo off. How could I pass up such an opportunity? Maybe I could even inflate what I usually charge at fansigns back on Earth…
Mammon's jaw grows slack as he stares at me. “Are ya… chargin’ me?” He whispers, grasping at his heart.
Satan lets out a sharp laugh, walking towards us. “Turns out she’s as scummy as Mammon,” He comments, eyeing me with newfound interest.
“Ridiculous,” I scoff, “I’m scummier.” With that, I relinked my arms with Asmo and we marched out of the hall with Satan, leaving Mammon standing there stunned.
like/reblog if ya like ^-^
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 165: The Baby-Sitters Club
Previously on BnHA: The kids began their supplementary lesson for the day. Tired Mera (upgraded to his final form from just plain old Mera) introduced Camie from Shiketsu and said she would be joining the lessons moving forward. Gang Orca showed up and flung Bakugou, Todoroki, and Yoarashi around some just for the hell of it before announcing that the three of them plus Camie would have a special assignment for the day. Cue the arrival of about 25 screaming children. They immediately set upon the lot of them and stole Bakugou’s grenade gauntlet and piled onto both Todoroki and Yoarashi and we’ll probably never see either of them again. Present Mic got all hyped up and stole Mera’s mic to start narrating all of the action. Meanwhile, Endeavor quietly asked All Might just how the fuck one goes about being a Symbol of Peace anyway.
Today on BnHA: The babysitting squad struggles to figure out how to “win the hearts” of this vicious group of six-year-olds. Bakugou proposes that they single out the kids’ leader and break their spirit to establish dominance. Inasa tries to bond with them. Todoroki tries to show the kids what kind of person he is by giving a five-hour oral presentation of his entire life story up to this point. Shockingly, none of these approaches is very effective. Meanwhile Endeavor opens up to All Might (I know guys, shit’s crazy) and says he’s obsessed his entire life over trying to be stronger than everyone else, but he knew from the start that he would never be able to top All Might. All Might says that he simply wanted to be a symbol the people could believe in to give them hope and help them not to be afraid. He says that he and Endeavor are different and that Endeavor should try to find his own way of doing things. Meanwhile the babysitting mayhem continues as the kids face off against the young heroes and activate their quirks.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 187 now, so any ETAs will reflect that. I accidentally spoiled myself for something huge related to Deku and I’m so mad lmao. so now I’m going off on a frustrated reading binge and so help me god I will catch up with this manga if it kills me.)
our new squad!
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“win the brats’ hearts” omg
I’m telling you guys, Kacchan has this in the bag. he has so much experience with being a brat. he knows how to reach the hearts and souls of brats. he is a natural leader. like Steve Harrington before him, he is a babysitting legend and doesn’t even know it yet
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that’s it Katsuki. assert your authority. remember, they can smell fear
how did they get both of them??
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this boy fought off six grown villains at once, and yet he has been completely outmaneuvered by four preschoolers in a matter of minutes
and yet, please note how even as he tries to get this under control and also finds the time to yell at Todoroki (who makes an excellent point btw), he effortlessly dodges this one kid who was trying to sweep his legs
Camie is all “I have no idea what to do next” and over in what has now become the announcer booth, Present Mic is all “I can just tell they have no idea what to do next”
he can just tell
now he’s handing the microphone over to the sobbing kindergarten teacher so she can clarify what exactly the hero kids’ task is here
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“basically I want them to do my job for me k thanks byyyyyyyyyyye”
so she wants them to inspire these kids somehow
wow Shouto and Inasa are so moved
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meanwhile Bakugou is just like (╬◣益◢)
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well at least he’s motivated. you really want to go get yourself flung around by Gang Orca some more huh
now he’s ranting about how this is what happens when the teacher fails to carry out their role as the leader of the kids, and that the kids have sensed that weakness and taken advantage of it
and that somewhere out there is an alpha kid “who sets the mood for the rest of the class” and they just have to find them
like you, you little thug? speaking from experience are we?
he knows just how to deal with them once they find them too
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this is all very Lord of the Flies
and now he is demanding that the strongest child come out to fight him lmaooooo
and he’s being called out by the Monoma child
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more like he never mentally matured past the age of six. this right here is the lawless jungle of schoolyard politics. your civilized rules have no place here
the kindergarten teacher is asking Mic if this is really going to be all right lol
and actually, Mic seems to have a surprising amount of faith in Bakugou, stating that he’s “just doing a little side show” that’s all
yep. sure he is
meanwhile Camie is informing Bakugou that delinquents are out of fashion
and he’s all “WELL THEY SHOULDN’T BE”
delinquents in general are, but Delinquents With A Heart Of Gold are still as popular as ever, so you’re good, Kacchan, don’t you worry
now Inasa’s stepping up to the plate!
he says the fast track to becoming best friends is just to get to know each other. I assume he also turned to wink at Todoroki and I just missed it
“who wants to be a hero?! raise your hand!”
ooh, it’s working!
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wow he’s a natural
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okay in all honesty, Inasa would be a great dad. frankly, looking at his performance here just drives it home how absurd it is that he didn’t manage to pass the provisional exam the first time around. he has all of the qualifications and then some. it’s just that he’s Dumb
holy shit
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looks like Team Rocket’s blasting off againnnn nnnn nnnnnn... *ping*
at this point should I be concerned for Todoroki
like, I’m starting to sense a pattern here
so now Inasa’s smashing his head onto the ground in his trademark deep bow from a standing position, and apologizing to the kids and saying he had no right to preach at them from his high horse
Camie is all “wow these kids are pretty fucked up huh”
and Bakugou is all “THAT’S WHAT I’VE BEEN SAYING”
he says sometimes you need violence to “put ‘em in their place” and that’s how he was raised
oh boy. so this is why everyone is all “Mitsuki is abusive”, isn’t it
goddamn you Horikoshi and your throwaway lines. does this mean I’m gonna have to do a Mitsuki meta after all
well for now I’m just gonna say that I don’t believe this line is meant to imply that Bakugou is being seriously abused at home in any way. it’s like... this, to me, is the same as when they had him all chained up on that podium at the end of the sports festival arc. something that was done for comedic effect. like, yes, if this was real life, that would be pretty fucked up and would definitely warrant some looking into. but this is a shounen manga where they had children battle each other to the point of unconsciousness for sport, and everyone was cool with it and cheering them on. when Bakugou says he was raised in a violent household, it’s clearly meant to be comedic sitcom violence where no one actually gets hurt. I’m not saying it’s not something that can’t be interpreted more deeply, because that’s half the fun of reading a manga. but I’m just saying that I myself am choosing to take it in the more zany/cartoonish tone in which I believe it’s intended, because in this case I think reading too deeply into it would lead to projecting issues onto Bakugou’s character that I don’t actually think are there. giving him angst I don’t think he actually has, in other words
I don’t think I’m doing a very good job of explaining this, though, so like I said, I really will end up having to post that meta I think
(ETA: so yeah, I posted that yesterday. thank you for everyone who took the time to read my rambling thoughts on this very touchy subject!)
meanwhile this kid absolutely was abused at home, though, and that’s a certified fact. and this is what he has to say about that
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and immediately Bakugou is thinking back to the conversation he overheard at the sports festival
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oh my god
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this fucking kid omg
just. look at this shit though. he understands immediately that Todoroki is referring to his own violent upbringing, and he’s like oh snap, and then he actually backs down in his own way and doesn’t try to argue the point and is just like, fair enough, why don’t you give it a go then
and yet the way he does it is just. so exquisitely obnoxious. “let’s see... how can I try to be understanding, but like, in the rudest fucking way possible”
just. it’s magnificent. dammit Katsuki why are you like this
oh hey we’re cutting back to Endeavor and All Might
Endeav says he’s entrusted everything to Shouto
he says that he had already climbed to the number two spot when he was only twenty years old, and that he immediately understood that number one would always be out of his reach
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okay, gonna press pause for a second now here. so just a reminder that we know Endeavor is 45 years old. maybe 46 now, idk. anyway though, so this means that he’s been the number two hero for 25 years. and that means that All Might must have been active for at least the same amount of time, and that he was already number one even 25 years ago. not just that, but he was well-established enough that Endeavor already knew he would never be able to beat him
so the question is, how long do we think it took All Might to become that established. could he have done it just two years after graduating U.A.? I think in all likelihood this means he’s probably a little older than Endeavor. I really can’t see him as any older than 50, though, so it’s hard to say. maybe he just ages like Paul Rudd. at any rate, he has obviously been around for quite a while
(ETA: to add onto this, we know from chapter 185 that no one had ever reached the top 10 as a teenager before Hawks did. so at minimum All Might would have had to be at least 20 years old before he became #1. so yeah, I’m gonna go ahead and say he’s definitely older than Endeavor by at least a little bit. honestly would it kill Horikoshi to go ahead and give this man an official age already.)
anyway, Endeav says he didn’t just want the title (which is obvious enough, given how he reacted when it was just handed to him following All Might’s retirement). otherwise he could have just gone around “foolishly smiling at everyone” the way All Might did
okay man, if you’re seriously trying to change your ways though, you might want to start with reconsidering that particular part of your attitude there
(ETA: though it seems his fans don’t like when he does this lol. no one wants a friendly neighborhood Endeavor apparently)
anyway, so yeah, he says he wanted to be the strongest
All Might’s saying this isn’t like Endeavor at all, and Endeavor is all “>:( JUST TELL ME THE ANSWER ALREADY”
All Might says he has no idea what to say to him. but All Might is a fucking liar, because you just know he’s about to go off into inspirational speech mode though
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basically he just tried to be a good, strong hero who could reassure people that everything would be okay. he won their trust. the reason why Endeavor is struggling is because no one trusts him in that same way. he’s just not a reassuring guy. people don’t feel safer just with him being there. he’s strong, yes, but more in a don’t-mess-with-this-guy way than a putting-your-mind-at-ease type of way. he doesn’t comfort people, he puts them on edge
anyway. while I went on my little tangent, All Might was continuing, and he mentioned how he ended up pushing away most of the people around him, and that was the path he chose
and there’s a flashback to Nighteye, and Endeavor is actually picking up on that
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All Might says he know what kind of situation Endeavor is in and what people are saying about him
yeah we just got a nice demonstration of that less than a chapter ago
he says people keep comparing the two of them, but that they’re different
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part of me is like “because he already has another successor in mind lol”
but he’s saying that Endeavor simply needs to find his own way of doing things. “and there’s no need to rush it”
wow, where did this chill, no-worries attitude come from all of a sudden I wonder. I seem to recall the six-years-ago All Might shouting at Nighteye that he had to continue carrying on even as a wounded Symbol of Peace, because even a small interim without that symbol would be disastrous
but now we’re all “it’s cool man, you just do you and you’ll figure it out, no rush.” it’s not like there’s a whole league of villains out there plotting or anything
though on the other hand, All for One is currently behind bars, and as for Tomura, All Might currently thinks of him as “Shimura’s grandson, so he can’t be that bad! I just have to get through to the misguided little tyke.” so maybe we’re not on the same page right now as far as urgency goes
now Mic’s commentary is drawing their attention back to the Baby-sitters Club over here
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this is it, Shouto. all eyes on you my man
I have no idea what’s about to go down, but Endeavor is again aggressively showing his support
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honestly, it’s very possible that even if Endeavor had actually not been a dick this whole time and had actually tried to be a good parent before now, Shouto would have still come out of it traumatized. Endeavor strikes me as the kind of guy who would have signed Shouto up for Little League and worn a shirt with his face on it to every single one of his games. “THAT’S MY SON!!! SHOUTOOOOO! DO YOUR BEST!!”
is that your dad, the other kids ask. in mortification, baby Shouto creates a little igloo with his quirk and ends up just hiding in there and refusing to come out for the rest of the game
you guys
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I feel like. he actually has no clue what to do next
he’s thinking to himself that first he needs to show them what kind of person he is, and until he does that “everything I say will fall on deaf ears”
...please don’t break your arms. felt like I needed to say that. this is not a “what would Midoriya do” type of situation. he would get punched in the nuts is what
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I fucking can’t with this dramatic fucking family
lol what
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this is “showing them what kind of person you are”??
and the kids are not having it omg
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lol he’s apologizing
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lmao Camie is all “it seems like the three of you have been trying to do things the normal way this whole time”
not sure what chapter she’s been reading that she thinks all of this is normal
she’s suggesting that they use their quirks
you know what, I’m on board with that! because WHAT IS YOUR QUIRK, ANYWAY. I want to know omg
Kacchan is all “I WAS JUST ABOUT TO SAY THAT”, but were you. were you really
but wow, though
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who does this nerdy gung-ho take-charge analysis remind you of? because I’ll tell you, it reminds me of a certain gung-ho take-charge green haired nerd
oh my god they got in a huddle
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this really is my new squad. omg. look at them formulating their nerdy gung-ho take-charge plan to take on these two dozen six-year-olds
meanwhile said six-year-olds are gathering their power
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did this one kid really fucking unhinge his jaw and produce a fucking cannon wtf
and then there’s rabid Pacman kid, Akatsuki jacket kid who appears to be sprouting moss, triangle eyes kid who’s producing some sort of hula hoop wave, some kid with antennae who really has no business being all “OUR GENERATION IS BETTER” when all he has is a fucking antennae quirk, and lastly this sixth child who isn’t doing anything at all except hovering above all of the other children in such a way that I can’t tell if it’s just wacky panel design or if that’s actually his quirk
at any rate though, these kids better watch out, because these high schoolers appear fully prepared to Stoop To Their Level
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can anyone tell what Camie’s quirk is from this panel. I can’t make out a damn thing. is this something where when I come back to look at it later it’ll be obvious and I’ll just be like “how the fuck did I miss that”
(ETA: oh man you guys. I can’t fucking wait for tomorrow’s chapter lol)
anyway. we all already know that Bakugou will take virtually any challenger seriously whether it’s Deku, Ochako, All Might, a bunch of villains, or Deku again. so it’s not all that surprising that this would extend even to a bunch of literal grade-schoolers
but what is surprising is that the others are following his lead here. well, maybe not so much surprising as just hilarious
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why don’t you come down here and try your hand at it then if you think you’re so smart, Mic
he’d probably just offer to sign autographs and then wind up devastated when they don’t all fall over starstruck because none of them listens to the radio
will our heroes be able to impress the group of jaded small children?? will they actually end up resorting to violence after all and to hell with Todoroki’s earlier objections?? will we ever find out what the fuck is wrong with these kids’ parents?? STAY TUNED
once again there is no bonus page. there’s only one more of them (since I always skip the staff introduction pages), and it goes with chapter 167 I think. but it doesn’t matter much since this recap is already super fucking long good god
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chainsawbettyloo · 7 years
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Title: Pink Glove 
Pairing: SidLink | Rating: Everyone | Written from prompt above!
Tags: AU - Modern Setting, AU - College, Confessions, Love Confessions, Kissing, First Time Kiss, Fluff
Summary: The night started out as a ghost hunting adventure, and ended at a gas station, chugging down sugary, caffeinated garbage. Link's happy enough to just be spending some quality time with Sidon but when he gets a text from Zelda, who insists he tells Sidon how he feels or she'll do it for him, the night is about to take a turn for the surprising...and better
Cross posted on my AO3!, Prompt requests are still open, btw! 
The pink glove lay on the ground, almost completely covered by dust. Link briefly glanced at it, wondered how it got there then immediately lost interest. Probably belonged to part of a pair of horny teens who thought an abandoned hotel was the sexiest place to swap DNA. Swinging his flashlight upwards towards the ceiling, he took in the cracks, cobwebs, and sighed heavily. A puff of white steam swirled around his face as he exhaled. This was probably the least adventurous adventure he had ever been forced to go on. Well, forced was probably too strong a word: manipulated was probably better.
Come hunt ghosts at a creepy abandoned hotel where like, five people totally died for realsies, and a bunch of people had reported “activity”. He had absolutely no idea what that meant, but the whole thing was just intriguing enough to get him interested enough to actually accompany his friends along this ghost hunting outing. Not that he had expected anything to happen (but, admittedly, a tad bit hopeful), and, not surprisingly, absolutely squat had. There were a few times when Riju, Yunobo and Mipha had sworn up and down that they had seen something or heard something but as for him, there were no paranormal experiences. He was pretty sure everything those other three had, supposedly, seen / heard was because they wanted something to happen.
Go into a creepy hotel at night expecting ghosts and you’re gonna get ghosts. Simple as simple gets. Pretty much, his entire night had been entirely wasted. He could have been at home, cocooned in a mass of blankets on his coach, warm as a bug in a rug, with a video game or movie, and a big bowl of something incredibly unhealthy but nooooo, he let Riju talk him into fucking ghost hunting. Well, least this was something he’d be able to say he did: ‘oh yeah, I went ghost hunting once - oh, nah, lol, it was a total bust. Don’t know what the fuss was all about’. Also, well, there was another reason that made this cold, miserable night pretty alright.
Turning, he raised his flashlight to chest level as Sidon walked in from behind him. Now there was the real reason he had decided to tag along. Sure, the ghosts were cool and all that, but a chance to spend time with Sidon was totally worth it. Course, they already spent a shit ton of time together but he was always up for that being extended indefinitely. Even luckier for him, they had been paired up in a buddy team to explore the upper floors. He had even scored a hand holding moment when Sidon led him to a room where there was some rustling, which wound up being just a raccoon. That alone made this pretty much the best night ever.
“Find anything?” Sidon asked, turning his flashlight towards Link. In the dim light, he could see he was smiling faintly. Golden eyes twinkled with mischievousness underneath a thick shock of vibrant red hair.
Smiling in return, his heart fluttering a bit more than it probably should, he replied, “Nothing of note. You?”
“There’s a nest of rats in the other room. That’s about it.”
“I hope we don’t get sick from being in here.” Link commented, sliding the concentrated beam of light around, looking for hints of black mold or other toxic filth.
“We should be fine. Though, being in all this dust probably isn’t good for us.”
They both fell silent, glancing around, taking in their surroundings then Link casually asked, trying very hard to sound like he didn’t care what the answer was going to be but really hoping it would be in the positive, “You wanna ditch and go get some drinks from the gas station?”
“Uh, yeah, that sounds good.” Sidon replied back just as casually. “Definitely down for that. This was fun at first but honestly getting a little bit bored. Plus, I’ve banged my knees on so much random fucking shit. Getting really tired of that.”
Link laughed sympathetically, “Yeah, I feel you. I’m gonna have bruises all over tomorrow. Lets ditch this dust trap.”
“Right behind you.”
“You’re in front of me, though.” Link teased, pointing the flashlight beam at the doorway.
Sidon turned, saw that he was then chuckled, “You are correct. Then,” he turned back to Link, held out a large hand and flashed a smile that was so lumniscent that Link could clearly see it in the dim light, “allow me to lead you to non-dustdom, where you no longer have to fear assault on your knees and toes.”
“Then, I shall trust the wellbeing of my shins, knees, toes and elbows to you, kind prince.” Link dramatically responded, his cheeks and the tips of his ears tingling with heat. God, he could be so goddamn charming. No, that was incorrect. He was always goddamn charming - there was never a moment when he wasn’t charming. Charming was basically his default state. Even when he was being an annoying shit, he was charming. Sweeping forward with profound, exaggerated grace, he slipped his hand into Sidon’s and let himself be lead out of the dark, musty room. Sidon’s hand was warm, a little rough, and his hand fit perfectly into it. Mental note: find more opportunities to hold hands. It would be difficult, but so totally worth it. They wove through the dark hallways, nimbly darting around various debris, and made it outside far quicker than they had gotten up to the third floor.
Pulling in a deep breath of cold, crisp, clean air into his cobwebbed lungs, Link let it out as a happy sigh. Okay, yeah, he was discovering that he truly did not like wandering around an old, moldy, dark building. Probably was not going to be doing that again in the immediate future...unless Sidon was going to be there, then yeah, he’d go without a second thought. Though, considering Sidon looked much the same as he did - relieved to be out of that dankness - he was pretty sure he wouldn’t be agreeing to anything similar either. Only way he could see them agreeing was if Riju invited them out for ghost hunting at the mall or Food Lion.
On the second floor, he could see a hint of flashlights belonging to the other groups. He briefly considered texting Zelda, but decided against it. If he did, she’d probably want in on going to the gas station since she was probably just as bored with this play of boringness and nothingness, then everyone else would most likely follow. No doubt, it would be fun, and it was probably more than a little selfish of him but right now, he wanted more time with Sidon. Zelda would understand, hopefully, maybe. Anyway, when she figured out a group was missing, he’d get a text, explain himself and promise to buy her a hot chocolate as an apology. That should be enough to get him off the hook.
Still holding onto Sidon’s hand, Link took the lead this time. Above, the moon was bright enough to light their way. Plus, he knew this side of town - cleaned the whole area for a summer as part of his probation for punching a dude in the face. Charges were absolutely shit - it had been self defense but the judge went hard on him because of his asshole father, who had more DUIs than brain cells - but he had, admittedly, enjoyed the punishment. Guys he worked with were excellent, gave him a lot of perspective on things, it was nice to be out of the house during summer break, doing some good, cleaning up the prettier areas of his industrial little town, and really, could have been worse.
Much worse since the judge originally wanted to send him to juvie. Counselor at his high school talked him out of it. Not really sure how she managed it, since that judge was an arrogant old dude who obviously thought the only way to straighten out the “rowdy young”, as he liked to refer to Link, was to scare them shitless, regardless of consequence. Missus Hye came to his rescue, got him probation time to be spent doing community service, and the subject was dropped. Judge had ended the “trial” with a stern warning to Link: get your act together and you might just be Food Lion’s employee of the month at some point.
Joke was on him, though. Four years after the fact, he was a double major junior in the local college, consistently boasted a GPA higher than a 3.5, somehow managed to support himself on two part-time jobs and without a single penny from his parents, and had an advisor who would tear down walls if it meant getting him a job straight out of college. Not to mention, he had an awesome group of friends, amazing teachers and, despite life being fucking hard most of the time, he was enjoying himself immensely. So, basically, fuck that judge. If he ever saw him again, he was going to give him the double bird.
“You okay, Link?” Sidon’s voice floated in from somewhere overtop him, wrenching him back to the present.
“Huh? Oh yeah, just thinking. Sorry.” Link laughed embarrassedly, scratching the back of his head.    
“About what?”
“Just how some piece of shit basically told me to my face that I’d never amount to anything and how I’d rub everything I’ve managed to do in his face if I saw him again.”
“If you ever do, let me know. I’ll hold him down while you shove it down his throat.”
Link flashed a thumbs up, “Of course. We’ll get Zelda involved to. She can film the entire thing.”
“You’d probably have to hold her back from doing it yourself.”
He laughed at that then nodded in agreement, “Yeah, you’re right. We’ll have to invite Mipha too. Zelda can film, Mipha can restrain her.”
“Sounds like a good time, over all.”
“Oh yeah, one for the scrapbooks.”
They both chuckled then fell silent as they closed in on the gas station. Only one in town open 24 hours, and he actually wasn’t too certain as to why. They were downtown, away from the hustle and bustle of the bars, mall, and stores. Most of the stuff around here was industrial buildings, so maybe the workers there stopped by? That was the only thing he could figure. Not that he really cared. It was open, he was thirsty so everything worked out just fine. There were no cars at the pumps, no one idling about, the whole place looked to be deserted. For a moment, he was nervous that he had been mistaken but when they got to the front, he peeked in to see an exhausted looking woman sitting behind the counter, slowly flipping through a magazine. Tugging open the door, a tingling sound ding a linging from above him, he held it open for Sidon to step through then stepped in behind him.
Inside was a gas station. Nothing really spectacular about it. Smelled faintly of bleach, floor was a bit dirty, illuminated by harsh fluorescent lights, it was standard and unextraordinary. Shooting the tired clerk a smile, and not bothered at all when she didn’t return it, Link followed Sidon over to the fridge section, where sugary drink after sugary drink were lined up. Without any hesitation, Sidon picked a cold brewed coffee. Link considered getting the same then, ultimately, picked out an energy drink he really shouldn’t be drinking this late at night but was going to anyway.
“Do you want a snack?” Sidon asked, eyeing the chip aisle.
He would, but the drink was probably all he could afford right now. Shaking his head with a smile, he quickly scurried over to the counter so he could pay before Sidon could offer. Zelda always told him that there was nothing wrong with letting others pay for things. Didn’t change the fact that he couldn’t stand it, and would actively try to avoid it as best he could. He had to take handouts in a lot of different areas so he’d prefer to keep his pride intact in some places.
Without a word, the clerk rang him out, then returned to her magazine. Floating over the door, he popped open his drink, took a huge swig, eyes falling closed in relief as the cold, smooth liquid slid down his parched throat. Future him would probably regret present him’s actions but that was future him’s problem, not his. Gasping hard as he pulled the can away, he wiped access liquid from his top lip and watched as the clerk checked Sidon out. He had grabbed a couple snacks, two small bags of chips, a packet of cookies and a candy bar.
“Do you need a bag?” The clerk asked, sounding like she was going to fall asleep at any moment.
“No, thank you.” Sidon replied, gathering up his items. “Have a nice night.”
The clerk hummed distractedly in response, eyes already back on her magazine. Joining Link over by the door, he flashed a grin, jerked his head to the great big outside, and asked, “Back to the hotel or take momentary possession of the curb?”
“Curb.” He replied, returning the grin. Leaning over, he addressed the clerk, “Is it alright if we sit outside?”
“No smoking. Don’t be loud. If someone complains, you’ll need to leave. Other than that, feel free.” She flipped a page, tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and sighed.
“Thank you.” Holding the door open for Sidon once more, he followed after into the cold night, shivering slightly as the warmth of the inside was shooed away. Walking over to the far edge of the slight elevation surrounding the front of the gas station, he plopped down, took another long sip of his drink then jumped in surprise when Sidon dropped one of the bags of chips and the packet of cookies into his lap. Looking up at him in surprise as he sat down beside him, his only response was a big smile.
Frowning, he said, “You didn’t have to get me anything.”
“I don’t have to do anything.” Sidon said, ripping off the plastic ring around the top of the glass bottle. Unscrewing the top, he paused for a moment to sniff then took a swig, “I wanted to.”  
“Thank you.” He said after a short pause, picking up the bag of chips. Momma didn’t raise no ungrateful shit, after all. Plus, he was hungry, so he couldn’t really complain to much. He would find some way to replay him later. There were still some homemade cookies that he had made earlier in the week left over so those could easily go to Sidon. Seemed like a good trade, and Sidon would be happy, which meant he’d be happy too.
Pulling open the bag, he started to munch down. This was good, he liked this, this was something he was fully content with - enjoying, etc and so on, the point has been gotten. Smooshed up close to Sidon, close enough that he could smell his deodorant (something manly and musky), experiencing a quiet moment of togetherness that he normally wasn’t allowed. Sure, they hung out a lot but it was usually with their group. Private moments like these were hard to catch hold of. Without a doubt, though, he was going to have to make this a more regular thing.
“We should do this more often.” Sidon commented casually, as though he was reading Link’s mind.
“We should!” Link replied, then flinched at how enthusiastic he sounded.
“I’m off from work next weekend. Do you want to come by my place? We can go out, wander around wherever then head back, watch some movies? Just me and you?”
His heart jumped with excitement. With a huge grin on his face, cheeks tingling with heat, he nodded, putting a lot of self control behind the movement so he wouldn’t start flopping around, “Yeah, that sounds like fun.”
Fucking score! Fridays for him were most concentrated in the mornings, while Saturdays were evenings heavy so he had more than enough time to hang out with Sidon. He needed to reign himself in, though. This wasn’t a date. It obviously wasn’t a date, they were just hanging out, as friends, nothing else. And that was okay. It was, regardless of what the uncontrolled, emotion driven child inside of him was wailing otherwise. And he was grateful. Grateful for the chance to spend more time with this awesome guy.
Glancing over, he took in the said awesome guy. There were a good amount of people of an array of genders at their college who would kill their own mother for a chance to spend quality time like this with Sidon. To say he was popular was a goddamn understatement. Handsome to the point that it was actually a bit irritating - muscular, dark skinned, long red hair and those intense golden eyes that were always sparkling with curiosity, warmth and excitement - smart, charming, a leader who could rally people to do just about anything. Course, Link knew the less appealing aspects of his personality (rushing forward without thinking, not taking other options in consideration, not really realizing sometimes that being positive about stuff wasn’t enough sometimes, etc), which he did personally feel honored to know.
Despite being on opposite ends of the academic spectrum with Sidon in Marine Biology and him in Agriculture, and Culinary Studies, they met up in Link’s freshman year in a random elective class, became fast friends and from there on was history. Even after he graduated in Link’s sophomore year, they remained close (helped by Sidon remaining in town, and within walking distance from Link’s dorm) and started to hang out even more after - still not as much as he would like, they were both busy people, after all, but still, good.    
From his pocket, his phone dinged. Zelda’s ringtone, someone had obviously caught onto the fact that one of the groups were missing. Tugging his phone out, he swiped until he got to the screen he wanted.
‘Where are you?’
Brushing his crumbs coated fingers off on his jeans, he typed out a reply, then decided there was a better way to convey his and Sidon’s current location. Pulling up the camera, he switched around to the front facing, leaned over until his back was resting against Sidon’s arm, held the phone up and took a quick joint selfie. Despite the abruptness of the picture taking, it ended up being a really good one. Sidon caught on quickly, and flashed a bright smile that practically twinkled. Oh yeah, that was definitely becoming his home screen wallpaper.
“Will you send me that?” Sidon asked, popping a chip into his mouth.
“Yep, will do.” Link sent it to Zelda first, accompanied with a smiley face, then to Sidon.
Sidon’s phone dinged. Mimicking Link, he brushed his fingers off, got his phone off and laughed, “I love it. Do you mind if I make it my wallpaper?”
“Only if you don’t mind if I do the same.”
“Go for it.” He replied with a laugh.
Link’s phone dinged again with another message from Zelda. He was expecting some serious scolding for running off without telling but instead, the message only contained two words. Those two words immediately made him pause, eyes going huge.
‘Tell him.’
‘No way’ He quickly replied, the pace of his heart picking up considerably. Despite Sidon not being able to see his screen from his hunched over, focused on his own phone position, he shifted away to make extra super sure that there would be no accidental seeing.
‘Tell him.’
‘Link, either you tell him right now or I will call him and tell him myself.’
‘You wouldn’t dare’
The final response didn’t surprise him in the least: ‘Try me.’
He knew better than do that. Once Zelda got her mind set on something, not even the end of the world would stop her. Regardless, what she was asking him to do was impossible. A dictionary definition of a ‘bad fucking idea, do not do’ would be to do what she wanted him to. Tell Sidon...someone he was 99.99% that viewed him as a friend and friend alone, that he was in love with him, had been since they first met during his freshman year. How was he supposed to say something like that? How could he possibly risk their friendship, especially now when they had developed to a point where they were so comfortable with one another?
Not possible. He wouldn’t do it.
As though she was sensing his hesitation, Zelda sent him one more message. It consisted of two, simple words: ‘Trust me.’
His fingers curled tightly around his phone. She might not believe it, but he did trust her. There was probably only three people in the whole wide world he trusted, and she was at the very top of that very short list. Still…..still, could he really say it? Was it really alright for him to say it? There were a lot of challenges he had faced in his life, a lot of uncertain plunges into shady water that could have resulted in a broken neck but came out okay, even good sometimes, in the end. Was he brave enough to plunge into something like this, knowing full well that it could easily wind up being disastrous?
Zelda could say ‘tell him’ and ‘trust me’ all she wants but that didn’t change the fact that he could very well lose Sidon if he told him. Rejection he could take. He could handle Sidon saying he didn’t feel the same, that was just the way of fucking life. It sucked. It definitely sucked. Did that make it unbearable? Hell, no - he’d take the negative, get over it, move on, suck it up, etc etc, point fully gotten. It was Sidon getting grossed out, disgusted, uncomfortable by the thought that a friend being in love with him that he couldn’t stand the thought of. That would drive a wedge between them, they’d drift apart - he didn’t want that. He’d rather stay silent then have that happen!
But...could he really stand to stay quiet? For years, he had been hiding it. Swallowing it down so that Sidon wouldn’t notice how stupid he made him. How much longer? How much longer could he hold it in? How much longer could he deny it? How much longer was he going to keep asking himself those dumb questions? He did love Sidon, he loved him so much, from his charming ways to his obnoxious habits. Could he? Could he do it?”
“Link? You okay?”
“I love you.” The words were out before he could stop them. Realization hit him a split second after, his brain almost on a delay. Every muscle froze, his heart did a dramatic faint inside his chest, swooning over like a traumatized southern belle, cold dripped sickeningly into his stomach and he was pretty sure he might vomit up all the sugar and carbs he just gobbled up. Screwed up, he just screwed up so much. His thoughts had been so preoccupied with telling Sidon that it had just come out, spilled out, like fucking word vomit.  
“I love you, too.”
“...huh?” Link slowly raised his head to look over at Sidon. The words were in his ears, but he couldn’t fully comprehend them. Was he hallucinating in a moment of stress? That did seem possible.
There wasn’t a hint of anything negative on his handsome face. In fact, Link was surprised to find he looked...happy. Incredibly happy, even. There was a pleased glimmer in his golden eyes. Strong lips were pulled into a soft, sweet smile that made his face even more gorgeous. Reaching up, he brushed the backs of his fingers along the curve of Link’s cheek, sending a pleasant tingle over the surface of his skin, then tucked a length of blond hair behind his ear. Okay, yeah, definitely not the reaction he had been expecting but definitely the one he had dreamed of. Not mad, farthest thing away from mad, that was good. No, not good. Amazing. It was amazing.
Breathless glee flooded into his chest, bringing with it a supreme warmth that drove away all hints of cold, “You aren’t mad?”
Sidon gave him a confused look, “Why would I be mad?”
Nervously playing with his fingertips, he said, “I thought you’d be against it or like, disgusted or something…”
Glancing up, he found Sidon’s confused expression had morphed into an odd one. He still looked thoroughly confused, but there was a strangeness along with that. Opening his mouth, he started to say something, thought better of it, clicked it close, knitted his brows together then let out a brief chuckle and said, “Link, we’ve been dating for a month now.”
“...huh?” Now it was Link’s turn to look confused. Dating? Them? They had been dating? Since when? Well, Sidon said a month but he didn’t remember ever agreeing to something like that. Seemed like a kind of hugely important thing that he wouldn’t forget. He was swamped with work and school, but that didn’t mean his brain had stopped working.
A disbelieving smile spread across Sidon’s face, “Did you not realize?”
“No, I thought we were just like two buds, hanging out! We’re dating?!”
“Remember when I asked you out? We went to the movies together? Got dinner?”
Yes, he did remember that, it had been a great time, but, “I thought we were just hanging out as friends! I didn’t know it was a date! Wait, how did you not realize that I didn’t know?!”
Sidon stared at him for a moment then burst out laughing. Clapping a hand over his forehead, he yelped, “I thought you just wanted to take things slow!”
“But, you genuinely thought we were dating?”
“I did!” He chortled, coughed hard then sighed, shaking his head slowly, “Well, this explains a lot.”
“Are you mad?” Link asked again, struggling to comprehend the whole thing. Dating, they had been dating, and he hadn’t even been fucking aware of it. How dense was him?! Then again, he couldn’t recall Sidon ever saying that he liked him - well, no, that was actually incorrect. When thought back, he could remember three times where, very clearly, Sidon had conveyed to him that he did, in fact, like him. But his gay, dumbass hadn’t caught on. He was never going to live this down. Once Zelda found out, he would never hear the end of it.
“I’m not mad. Just surprised, and a little baffled.” Giggling, Sidon tucked a strand of red hair behind his hair, “So, I was thinking we were already established, and I’m guessing you’ve been struggling with trying to confess to me. Is that correct?”
Blushing a bit, Link nodded.
Sidon thought for a moment then continued, “Alright, lets start over.” Clearing his throat, he shifted around until he was fully facing Link. Reaching forward, he took Link’s hands into his own, looked him straight in the eyes, and smiled widely, “Do you want to be my boyfriend?”
Returning the grin with a goofy one of his own, Link nodded enthusiastically, “Yeah, I do.”
“I love you, Link.”
Hearing those words, it was just as amazing as he thought it would be. Letting out a long, shaky breath, he squeezed Sidon’s hands, “I love you, too.”
“Can I kiss you?”
The question startled him since he wasn’t expecting such a quick development but nodded again nonetheless. There were a lot of things he wanted; right at the top was a good ole kiss from Sidon, who was now, officially, his boyfriend! His heart practically sung at the thought. Giddiness whirled around wildly inside his mind, spinning around and around like an out of control merry-go-round. Excitement thundered through his veins as Sidon slowly leaned forward, closing the distance between them. Five inches, four inches, three, two, one then, finally, their lips were pressed together.
Breathing out sharply through his nose, a jolt racing through his body, sending tingles weaving along the lines of his nerves, Link unconsciously pulled his hands away from Sidon’s so he could reach up to settle them on his broad, strong shoulders. Underneath his palms, he could feel the thick, powerful muscles. Against his lips, Sidon’s were a little cold, firm but somehow, remarkably, soft and supple. They felt incredible. Breathing in, he was able to pull in Sidon’s scent: the manly deodorant, a small hint of piney shampoo and a unique tang underneath that he knew was uniquely Sidon. With his hands freed, Sidon wrapped his arms around Link’s waist, tugging him even closer. Warmth soaked into his skin through the fabric of his shirt. Hazily, he wished that Sidon would let his hands roam, to touch him all over, to spread that heat to every inch of his body.  
His first kiss, and it was with someone he absolutely, one hundred percent adored. Two minutes ago, he hadn’t even thought this would be possible. Now, he was fucking kissing Sidon, who was now his boyfriend, who, admittedly, thought they had been dating for a month while he hadn’t been aware of that at all, but still! Boyfriend, together, love, his brain repeated those words continuously as their lips lightly, gently slide over one another. Looked like there was some merit in jumping head first into shady water because, even with the risk of breaking something, the end result could be kissing a person you’ve been in love with for three years, and who loves you back.
“I’ll make a deal with you.” Sidon breathed, moving back just an inch, close enough that their lips were still brushing together.
“What?” Link asked, breathless, a bit dizzy and happier than he could ever remember being.
“Move in with me, and I won’t tell Zelda or Mipha about any of this.”
Link laughed, “Blackmailing, are you?”
“Just using the information I have been given.” Sidon replied with a teasing smile, which sent a jolt of heat racing down Link’s spine.
“Uh, that’s blackmail.”
Sidon shrugged, “Blackmail, persuasion, call it what you like.” Leaning forward, he bumped their foreheads together, never breaking eye contact with him, “Move in with me, okay? I’ve wanted to live together for over a year now.”
“Only if you let me pay half the rent.” Link tried to negotiate but Sidon was immediately shaking his head.
“Nope. However, I will compromise. No paying for rent, but I would like to eat your cooking.”
Okay, yeah, that was a compromise he could get behind. Cooking was fun, cooking for Sidon was even better. Course, if Sidon insists on him not paying rent, then he was going to insist that he did more around the apartment then just cook. He’d be a goddamn maid if need be. Regardless, that was an offer he was most definitely going to take. Pushing back against his now boyfriend, he heaved an overly suffering sigh, slumped his shoulders in mock defeat and said mournfully, unable to keep the smile off his face, which didn’t really help the atmosphere he was trying to get across, “I suppose that’d work.”
“Good.” Sidon planted a quick kiss on his forehead then leaned back with a bright grin, “So, just so we’re clear: we are dating?”
“And you’re moving in with me?”
“And you love me?”
“I do.” The tips of his ears were burning now, but he could hardly feel it over the happiness flowing through him.
“Good.” Sidon leaned forward for another quick kiss, “I love you, too. Spend the night at my place, okay?”
Without waiting for a response, Sidon stood, held out his hands for Link to take then tugged him up when he did so. Feeling like he was walking on sunshine, like the world beneath him had turned into clouds, Link held onto enough rationality to pick up his trash, not wanting anyone to have to clean after him. Halfway convinced he was in a dream, he let Sidon lead him just as he had before, tossing their garbage away in a local trash can as they head back towards the hotel. Boyfriends, they were now boyfriends, love fulfilled, no rejection. At the moment, he couldn’t quite believe it. However, the next morning, when he woke up next Sidon, wrapped up in his warmth and scent, then, he was sure it would finally hit and he might do something embarrassing. In fact, he knew he was going to something embarrassing and it didn’t matter an inch. Sidon was his boyfriend. He was Sidon’s boyfriend. They loved each other, in love with one another. That was all he could ever care about.
He would need to thank Riju for inviting him out on a ghost hunt. It turned out to be one of the best nights of his life.  
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roominthecastle · 7 years
I don't have netflix so I haven't seen and won't be seeing the final season of longmire for a long time. How does it end. Do Walt and Vic ever get together? I'm getting Henry gets off his Heckor vigilantize. I want to know if the ending was good or now. Please spoil it for me
Okay then, I am gonna spoil. This is how S6 goes down in broad strokes:
Walt & Vic do get together (in every way) and Walt decides it’s time for him to retire
Vic has a miscarriage after chasing after & getting shot by Chance (who escapes during his sentencing), which sends her to a v dark place (one reason why Walt decides to retire), but then she pulls herself back from the edge and when her dad presents her w/ yet another opportunity to go back to Philly, she once again chooses to stay.
Lucian goes a bit more nuts than usual and dies in a misguided but ultimately well-meaning attempt to crush the b.s. lawsuit against Walt (witnessing his decline first hand is the other main reason why Walt decides to retire - he knows he is close to ending up like that). The lawsuit gets dropped but it’s mostly due to Jacob’s pro-Walt testimony.
Henry drops the Hector act and spends the season trying to help out wherever he can (after almost dying from exposure in the desert). He mediates btw Jacob and Walt to sweep organized crime out of the Rez, he advises Cady, then helps bring Malachi down.
yes bc Malachi is back w/ vengeance and spends the whole season (off-screen) trying to frame Jacob to get his hands on the casino.
Jacob spends the whole season trying to be a better person and finds that it is a rather thankless process. Malachi kidnaps Henry and Jacob but Team Sheriff thwart his plans. Walt - after some hesitation - saves Jacob from being choked to death, which brings a measure of resolution to their show-long antagonism. Walt also kills Malachi.
Jacob - who I assume goes to prison off-screen for being in business w/ the Irish mob? - appoints Henry to manage the casino - a task which Henry accepts.
Cady is about to leave for New York after her legal aid center goes belly up (due to money issues and heated backlash for her participation in the abduction of a sick child on the Rez), but decides to stay when Walt stops by to pitch his plan that she should run for sheriff and manage the office w/ Vic’s help
Ferg’s last scene is him marching into the hospital - all dressed up and w/ flowers - to propose to his girlfriend who provides all his storyline this season along w/ her mother.
Zach gets hired as a deputy and now it is permanent (he and Cady also have a little hanky-panky + we see him help her put up campaign signs - the kind Walt used when he ran for sheriff)
and Walt finally gets a cellphone
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rockcandyshrike · 8 years
Cindy Semi-Reluctantly Presents: A Spiritassassin Marvel!AU
I just hurt myself thinking this up so I’m inflicting this upon the rest of y'all.
After the Clone War, the Empire is sweeping through the galaxy subjugating planet after planet. The Empire comes to Jedha and as the years go by and the Empire gains more and more control, the Guardians of the Whills look at what the Empire has done and decide to take a more…proactive course of action. 
There’s an ancient ritual where a Guardian, unbreakable of body, mind, and spirit, is essentially irradiated by the oldest Kyber crystals to become imbued with the Force and gain enhanced senses and abilities (Or die. One of the two). 
After much deliberation, Chirrut is chosen to undergo the ritual. Chirrut lives and comes out of it harder, better, faster, stronger, and able to fight 100 stormtroopers without breaking a sweat. With Baze watching his back and shooting down any enemies who are too far out of his asskicking range, he helps turn the tide against the Empire and rallies the people of Jedha to push out the Empire.
When Baze is captured, Chirrut leads a mission to infiltrate the ship where Baze is being kept deep in its bowels. After rescuing him, he meets Darth Vader and *kicks his fucking shit in.* Vader unfortunately escapes and Chirrut and Baze make it out with a bunch of other prisoners.
After several more successful missions sabotaging the Empire’s hold, they assault a ship that was transporting an elite Imperial official. In the battle, Baze falls from the ship and Chirrut is grief-stricken over his lost lover. They interrogate the official and discover an ultra-powerful Force artifact has been brought to Jedha to destroy the city.
Chirrut and his team sneak onto the Star Destroyer that hovers over Jedha like an executioner’s axe, and wreck their way through to the heart of it. Chirrut is confronted by Darth Vader and *kicks his fucking shit in again*. During the fight, they damage the machine holding the ultra-powerful Force artifact and the Star Destroyer starts to go down. Vader flees on the only escape pod like the cockroach fucker he is.
Chirrut sees there’s no way out of this, and as some of his team members who made it to the control room steer the Star Destroyer away from Jedha into the ground, he curls around the ultra-powerful Force artifact and prays one last time to be reunited with Baze in the Force.
That isn’t what happens.
Fast forward to after The Force Awakens, Luke has taken Rey and Finn to Jedha so they can learn about the Guardians and have a well-rounded Force education (Finn is not happy that they’re on another fucking desert planet). They feel a strong tug in the Force and follow it to the ruins of a Star Destroyer out in the desert. Venturing into the core, they find a man sleeping inside a Force Protection Bubble. 
As they debate their next course of action (“WHAT THE FUCK” “MASTER LUKE WHAT DO WE DO?” “...I don’t know???”) the man wakes up, turns sightless cloudy blue eyes towards them, and says, “By the Force, keep it down I’m trying to sleep!”
After that rude awakening [ ;) ], they take Chirrut with them, really Chirrut invites himself to their Force Field Trip Around the Galaxy and he’s too cool for them to turn down, and he becomes Finn and Rey’s teacher alongside Luke. Because even tho Luke is trying his best, he still only learned from: Old Ben for like two days tops, a shitty frog, and the good ole school of hard knocks. He’s winging it 80% of the time.
Rey and Finn learn some things Guardian style. 😎
When they finally meet up with the Resistance again, the Resistance has caught wind about a male human with a heavy repeating cannon who’s killed some important Resistance allies and has been connected to the deaths of many important Rebel operatives and allies as well, but he doesn’t seem to age. Rumors call him the Sandstorm Assassin.
When General Leia has to meet with the leaders of a strategically important planet, Luke, Rey, Finn, and Chirrut come along. (Chirrut and Leia are buddies btw. Because they are.) As their land convoy is leaving the city, everyone with even a whiff of Force-Sensitivity has a bad feelin-
A large, heavily armored, more heavily armed man drops on top of Leia’s vehicle and rips one of her guards out the window.
They get swarmed by First Order stormtroopers and Chirrut, Finn, Rey, and Luke burst out of their speeders to fight. Rey attacks the man and puts on a *damn* good show, but she gets shot in the shoulder (I’M SORRY REY). As the man with the inordinately destructive blaster, the only reason she’s alive is because of the body-focused Force techniques Chirrut taught her, lines up a shot and-
Chirrut comes flying out of nowhere and dragon kicks him in the face.
He spins around into an attack stance with his staff up and *freezes.* He managed to knock the assailant’s mask off and as he picks himself up off the ground, Chirrut recognizes that breathing, he recognizes that tread, he recognizes that Force aura
“Who the hell is Baze?”
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bonneibennett · 8 years
Anonymous submitted:
But the thing is, KC really came out of nowhere. The whole bday scene was so weird. He first told Tyler to kill C (if I remember correctly), then out of nowhere he stands in her bedroom, saying that she wasn’t supposed to be caught in the crossfire. First of all, why did he buy her a present, before that episode there was no scene between them that you would think “o that must make a him like her…” but really out of the blue he fell head over heels for her. I’m 100% sure, JP didn’t see any sparks, she made that scene so that people saw something there. Even Candice said, she doesn’t understand why people ship them. This is maybe gonna sound mean, but I’m not trying to be, ‘cause this is how I saw it.
The reason that scene also really didn’t work for me at all, was 'cause to me it looked like a father comforting his daughter. The lines, the way C asked if he was going to kill her (her tone). It was weird for me and still doesn’t make sence why he was all of the sudden so in to her. Plus the lie he told, that she wasn’t supposed to be hurt, like Tyler did it all on his own.
I don’t know why, but it is strange that Kat wanted Bonnie+Klaus, Bonnie+Kai and she’s a big fan of BD, but she got non, when JP and CD decided to put her character with Enzo, MM wasn’t allowed to say anything to Kat. Luckily, Kat did like working with MM, but the whole action of JP and CD is strange.
Btw, I heard a radio interview of M.Trevino where he was asked with whom would you like a romantic interest, he said he loved to Tyler be with Bonnie. He liked working with Kat and after that the whole BT ship started and few month later they put him with C. So everyone who liked to work with Kat, do get diclined. Well… it looks that way, anyway.
Yeah, this may be obvious already but tbh I’m avoiding the KC/anti-KC stuff. Frankly, I just don’t have a stake in that fight. But for sure, no argument here that the first KC scene and then Klaus’ infatuation/attraction were sudden when they first came up in s3. In that previous post, I was just trying to say that whether KC ever existed or not, I don’t think JP would have ever explored Klaus/Bonnie. 
Because like you said, almost none of the people who wanted to work with Kat on that level got the chance to. Hence this gifset, lol. The TVD team were reserving those sweeping romance and temptation-of-darkness storylines for Caroline and Elena, and they were stubbornly unable to see good, Beautiful-And-Strong Bonnie as someone with that kind of dimension.
Aww, Trevino. They did him so dirty too, and I still don’t get why. He was so integral in s2 and s3, even s4... his storylines tended to run in parallel to the other characters’, but they were always so compelling. Why did they drop it all when they moved Klaus to TO?
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andrewuttaro · 6 years
New Look Sabres: GM 37 - ANA - Still Kicking
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Two teams come into this game with two straight regulation losses: only one will come out with a W! I did some digging into past blogs and I discovered something weirdly encouraging: the Sabres came into this game after losing two games in a row in regulation. That’s not the encouraging part. The encouraging part is that this is only the second time this season the Sabres have lost two in a row in regulation and the last time was the 6th and 7th games back in October! Yea, there was that five game losing streak right after the big olde ten dubs but the Sabres played good in four of those and collected points in three. Kind of like Friday night in Washington when Buffalo played well but was just not rewarded for it. Last night in a tilt against the Anaheim Ducks the Sabres looked good again, this time in they looked good the kind of way that makes you excited for the postseason: the consistent way. Maintaining a narrow lead for most of the game the Mighty Sabres of Buffalo pounded out a hard fought win in front of a very merry sellout home crowd. Last game I just asked for a nice sendoff before the Christmas break and evidently my letter reached the North Pole because I got what I wished for! I must be a good boy. Of course it’s fair to say it’s the Anaheim Ducks and in spite of where they sit in the Pacific Division their just not that great a team. Yea, that’s fair. But within that shaky framework are a few pieces that won a Stanley Cup more than a decade ago the year the Sabres should’ve been there to meet them. And it’s also Christmastime so maybe just let yourself be happy about a win for goodness sake!
Having gone home for some Yuletide prep with the Fam I watched the first period on MSG TV next to my dad like it was 2011 all over again. Jolly. The Sabres came out immediately throwing the pressure on the Ducks, shots after shots after shots, and the visitors just kind of held on through it. John Gibson was clearly a big part of it. Jack Eichel got a chance, Tage Thompson got a good chance, friggin everyone hopped on the sleigh and got a chance. The Ducks did get to testing Linus Ullmark a little bit as the period went on. Then the Buffalo Sabres gave us their Christmas present to us: a rare gift that, barring another wicked win streak, is a truly meaningful gift to those of us who watch this team a lot: a powerplay goal. Set up in the offensive zone Jack Eichel got the puck to Rasmus Ristolainen who continues to be on a line with the other big Rasmus: Rasmus Dahlin to make Rasmus Squared. Risto got it to Dahlin who you could tell sized up a quick pass back to Eichel but instead skated toward Gibson and just rockets it in five hole. The noise of the home crowd was very audible. Funny thing, I think Dahlin happened to also go five hole on Reinhart who was doing an excellent job screening Gibson. That goal came a tad over three minutes left in the first period and nothing terrible noteworthy happened before the first horn sounded except an almost fight. Jeff Skinner must have been doing some trash talking with Ryan Getzlaf (which makes a ton of sense btw) because Zach Bogosian came rushing over like Getzlaf was about to punch a puppy. No puppies were punched and the second period began similarly with volley after volley of Sabres chances.
Ondrej Kase had a scary breakaway early in the second but didn’t get past Ullmark. There was an almost goal for Jack and Jeff that you could see how pissed the two were that they didn’t finish it. I don’t know about you but as the last minutes of the second period ticked by and the Sabres took a 1-0 lead into the third period there was a nervous energy. Now I’m listening to the radio broadcast en route back to Buffalo and I can’t help but get that feeling something is going to go south. The Sabres were on the penalty kill to start the period and once again the kill was strong under the guidance of Chief Killer Bogo and his newly returned co-conspirator Jake McCabe. Adam Henrique almost sneaked in a wraparound as the PP died but no line was crossed. The Ducks started to pour it on now. Three straight regulation losses is rough and they didn’t want it either. Linus Ullmark really got into the zone facing shots from just about every angle. And then, like getting the gift you’ve been asking for on Christmas morning, Jeff Skinner got the puck and skated in around the outside of the net and roofed it close quarters short side on John Gibson. 2-0 Sabres with 8:48 left in the third period. Insurance if I’ve ever seen an insurance goal. Small but massive note: that’s Jeff Skinner’s 26th goal this season. With that he beats the most goals a single Sabre scored last season at 25 whom Jack Eichel scored in an injury shortened season. Pretty unreal, eh? Seven or so minutes later as the Sabres increasingly push back against the Ducks the visitors pull their goalie and Conor Sheary finds the empty netter. The time ticked down to zero and Linus Ullmark’s second NHL career shutout and eighth win of his first season working part-time in Buffalo. The Buffalo Sabres win 3-0 over the Anaheim Ducks sweeping the season series with quacks for the first time since 2010-2011.
Now as the Sabres navigated that perilous 1-0 lead as the Ducks came at them hard early in the third period there was something far more worrisome afoot in Key Bank Center. The play-by-play call by Rick Jeanneret went more or less silent with a confused sounding Rob Ray trying to do color commentary and play-by-play for a time. Eventually, well known Sabres social media guidepost and pre/postgame host Brian Duff took over the color commentary somewhat awkwardly, but RJ did not return for the duration of the game. While officials for the team said an update on him would be given once more was known a few folks at the game said they saw RJ carried out on a stretcher. WGR 550 reported shortness of breath and heart problems. It was a difficult night trying to think about writing this while worrying about someone who embodies this franchise perhaps more than Gilbert Perrault or Alexander Mogilny. RJ is literally the longest serving NHL play-caller in league history having been with the Sabres since 1971. Think about that, if you’re under 20 then one or both of your parents were probably not born yet when RJ first took the microphone as their guy. He may deserve a banner in the rafters more than Danny Gare. Well, the update the Sabres delivered this morning was very encouraging saying he is resting, doing well and looking forward to being back after the Christmas break; but what he apparently texted to the Athletic’s John Vogl this morning is perhaps the most heartwarming message and weirdly accurate of where the team is at on the ice right now as well:  simply “Still Kicking.” Incredible.
Now we go into a Christmas NHL break and a roster freeze to go with it. The Sabres play again on Thursday in St. Louis where they will meet Ryan O’Reilly in the better situation he was looking for… oh wait. All kidding aside, I want the best for O’Reilly. I have tickets to his return to Buffalo on St. Patrick’s Day because I know fun games when I see them. I will post a Amerks Angle for December after Christmas but before that game so if you just cannot wait for more content then you got something to look forward to: but if you are that person, well why haven’t you commented your words of yuletide encouragement!? Yes: comment, like and do share this blog on social media and amongst family and friends with holly jolly spirit! And just think about where you were with this team at Christmas last year: probably just about tapped out considering the season was pretty well dead already. What if I told you then the Sabres would be third in the Atlantic division nine points up on a playoff spot in spitting distance of the Maple Leafs? You probably wouldn’t believe me but if you did you would sign up for it in a heartbeat. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and very glad tidings to you and your kinfolk! Let’s go Buffalo!
Thanks for reading.
P.S. Conor Sheary joked about his empty netter not counting after the game. If he starts scoring again after Christmas maybe it will count a lot in retrospect.
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