#(strangling the mic stand) IS THIS THING O
fujii-draws · 1 month
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In the Hands of Fate.
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(+text vers)
146 notes · View notes
Thirty Second Heartbreak
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You think you’re doing pretty well for a human being who has to deal with two demonic entities in your life, to the point where you think you’ve become unfazed by them (maybe even prefer them over dealing with the arguably more trivial things in your life, like working customer service). But alas, you are still only human and humans grieve over the darnest things.
guardian demon! Jimin x reader
genre: fluff, comedy, slice of life, supernatural, aspects of slow burn
word count: 8.6k
Related works: see masterlist under guardian demon!jimin section
Story progression from Worlds Collide
A/N: Oh my God, the struggle to start this was fdskgh but probably because there was no way I could avoid a more ‘slower’ installment this time compared to the previous ones. BUT! All necessary! Don’t want to jump to the....exciting bits so soon. :D I hope you enjoy...while you can. (LOLL i kid idk i’m just gassing yall up).
The sound of the door unlocking, opening and then closing brings your attention away from your screen momentarily, spotting the familiar figure of Jaehee as she throws her shoes off, clearly disgruntled. You turn back to the video you’re watching just as she ambles over to your place on the living couch, collapsing onto the other end in a mess of limbs.
Taking out an earbud, you comment. “You look like you’ve been through hell.”
“Ugh don’t even get me started.” She groans back, rubbing at her temple before she spills her guts. “I’ve been trying to help Jason look for a place with his roommate since the place they’re renting now is so dingy. I don’t know how many viewings I’ve been to now but every time I think we’ve found a decent enough place, they complain about the stupidest thing!”
“Such as?”
“How it’s ‘too far’ from their school and work.” She air quotes it before squawking incredulously. “It’s literally a five minute bus ride away! How is that far?!”
You snort with a shake of your head. “Yeah, that’s like, nothing? What are they expecting, especially living in the city here?” 

“Exactly! Not only did they want to a nice, cheap place but somewhere close to one of the busiest parts of the city? Nah uh, not happening.”
“So? What are you gonna do about it?”
Jaehee lets out a heavy sigh, exasperation lacing her every word as she lets her head flop back against the couch. “They still haven’t decided on a place, and I’m making his roommate look for some himself but they got about half a month left to find one because the idiot—!” She interrupts herself by making a strangled, growling noise that expresses her restrained frustration (for her boyfriend or his roommate, you’re not too sure at this point), “Put in his notice already! Like I get you have to let the landlord know two weeks ahead of time but were they really that confident in finding a place by then?!”
You grimace at your friend’s predicament because it really does sound like a pain in the ass.
“You working any time this week?” Jaehee asks after a moment. You pause your video to think about it.
“Hmm, I only work this Tuesday and Wednesday. Why?”
“Let’s go out for lunch or something — check out some of the cafes I have saved from Instagram.”
You hum in consent; it’s been a while since you’ve been out (besides for work) anyways so you’re okay with a little outing. “Sure, how about this weekend?”
“Sounds good!”
“Have a good day!” You say cheerily, waving off the customer you just cashed out. As soon as they’ve walked away from your register, your smile immediately drops, eyes whipping to the time before immediately you’re pressing the button for the mic on your radio. “I’m going to take my break. The line’s dead.”
“Yeah go ahead, Alicia will cover you.”
You don’t hesitate to speed walk out from behind the cashier counter and beeline your way to the very back of the store where the staff lunchroom is, all the while dodging the few customers lingering in your path. You will not be stopped here if you can so help it. Punching in the code on the security pad in record timing, you fling open the door while tearing the earpiece off to place on the communal table then heading over to the fridge to grab the large iced latte you had bought before going into your shift today.
And thank god you did because you don’t think you would be able to make it through the day without it. It’s your first shift of the week and being that it fell on a weekday, the store isn’t so busy. It’s great on your part because then you don’t have to deal with talking to customers and putting up a fake smile but it makes for the shift, however short it may be,  feel ten times longer than it is.
You’re only here for four and a half hours but you already feel like dying.
As you settle into a chair, you pull out your phone to scroll through your social medias as well as take the time to reply to messages in your group chat. You’re sipping on your drink when a sudden chill overtakes the room. Before you can so much as shiver, a voice nearly makes you shriek.
“So this is where you work? Man, how depressing.”
You nearly fall off your chair at how hard you flinched, managing to stifle your would-be shriek into a more controlled yelp. It’s only when you recover were you able to shoot the intruder a hard glare.
“Jungkook! What are you doing here?!” You hiss, trying to keep your voice down. The offending demon merely shrugs nonchalantly from across you, leaning back in his own seat in a very impossible way where he should’ve tipped over but he doesn’t.
“I was bored and decided to follow you — find out any of your dark secrets you might be hiding.”
“You know even Jimin doesn’t stalk me as much as you’re doing right now.”
“He’s boring; doesn’t know how to have fun anymore.” Jungkook sighs almost tragically as he gets up to stride around the room. You watch, a little thrown off by the juxtapose this demon-disguised-as-an-idol has to his surroundings. He’s got on a black hoodie that has bold white letters on the front that spell out Balenciaga, Kappa sweatpants and Puma runners; casual yet so bougie at the same time, it’s painfully obvious that Jungkook does not belong here, a lunchroom of a minimum wage job and that’s not taking into account his good looks either.
You sigh out in both annoyance at the scene and at Jungkook’s unannounced appearance.
“Look, I don’t have time to entertain you so I think it’s best if you —“
It’s quiet but you distinctly hear the trill of the lock pad being woken up and the numbers being punched in, announcing the arrival of a co-worker. You immediately clamp your mouth shut, eyes darting to see who would walk through the door. Not like it would matter because the more worrying issue here is that Jungkook has not left yet. The door clicks open and in walks Emily, a girl who usually helps out around the floor.
“Hey!” She greets you cheerily, none the wiser of the demon standing just mere feet in front of her.
“H-Hey…” You reply back, trying hard to be casual and maintain your attention on her rather than on Jungkook who’s grinning so widely, you think his cheeks would split. “Done for the day?”
“Yeah, thank god! I’ve been here since twelve.”
“Wow….but lucky you, at least you’re leaving.”
It’s currently seven in the evening, you started at five today and are scheduled until closing which was nine-thirty. You envy her for getting to leave, regardless of your otherwise short shift. Emily clocks out at the computer, taking off her work vest, walkie and headset, placing them back in the appropriate charge holders. It’s then that Jungkook decides to saunter over, silent as a ghost to peer curiously at the equipment and hover over your co-worker as she opens her locker to grab her bag and other belongings.
You try to grab his attention to get back, facial expression doing the talking for you but all he does is bunny grin at your cartoonishly angry faces.
“You’re part of the closing team today right?”
You instantly school your expression as Emily shuts her cubby locker, turning your way to head over to the wall hooks to grab her jacket.
“Y-Yeah. I hope we get out early since everyone’s been working on the go-backs as much as they can so cleaning shouldn’t be so bad…” Your voice comes out higher than normal, and though you technically have nothing to worry about (his demon visa only allows for you and supernatural beings to see him after all), it’s still hard to ignore a begrudgingly handsome 5’10” man. Actually, you think it’s even more frustrating because you’re the only one who can see him. And that doesn’t add to the fact that he’s being a total little shit right now — what is he doing with those radios? You try to subtly lean your head to get a better look but your co-worker speaks, pulling your gaze away from the mischievous demon.
“Yeah, it has been pretty slow too but you know how it gets when we’re just about to close; they all come swarming into the place out of nowhere.”
“Damn it you’re right….” You groan, the thought effectively distracts you from your demon problem momentarily. You let your head flop back, eyes looking skyward as if to pray to the retail Gods to have mercy. Emily pulls on her jacket, fixing it into place while slinging her bag over her shoulder to throw one last pitying look your way.
“Well, fingers crossed it doesn’t happen. I’ll see you—“
A piercing screech erupts in the room, causing both of you to wince and whip your head towards the rows of radios by the computer desk. Emily’s confused while you’re not impressed because she can’t see the stupid, wide eyed look Jungkook has on his face, mouth shaped into a perfect ‘O’ and looking like he just discovered the next best thing after Nutella, finger poised just inches from a walkie.
“Did someone forget to turn off their radio? That was a nasty feedback.” Emily remarks, shuffling over to take a quick peek only to walk away with a puzzled shake of her head. “Weird.”
“Y-Yeah…” You agree uneasily, shooting up from your seat and attempting to change the subject. “Weird—anyways! I should probably head back out there, get this done and over with.”
“Ha ha, yeah you’re right. I need to get going too; I’ll see tomorrow then!” Emily smiles, waving at you before she hurries out the door, finally leaving you to be able to openly glare at Jungkook.
“What did you do?!” You hiss, pulling on your own walkie and shoving your phone away into your back pocket.
“I don’t know! But it was cool!” He squeals, giddy as a kid on Christmas. It makes your head begin to pound and you just know that you’ll end up with a headache if you stay here any longer. But the conundrum here is that you don’t want to leave to finish the remainder of your shift, and not because you don’t want to work. No, you’ve found yourself a bigger problem.
“Look,” You say sternly, “I better not see you in and around the store doing…whatever the hell you just did there!”
“Hmm, can’t promise you that poppet.” Jungkook grins, wiggling his eyebrows. “I’m a free demon, tied down by no contract or mortal so you have no power over me.”
You huff, aghast at his declaration because you cannot have him running around causing a mess in the store (that’s more work for you!). Your mind races before the thought strikes you and you stick your nose in the air, challenging. “I’ll tell Jimin.”
You almost smirk in triumph at the way Jungkook’s snarky grin falters, eyes flickering as you see him consider his options and when you think you got him beat, he squares up again, mirroring your stance only it’s annoyingly more effective with his height advantage.
“Go ahead — I’ll have you know that he loves me too much to do serious harm to me.”
You don’t know if he’s bluffing or not but you really have no time for this; you already hear your manager asking if you’re back from your break yet over your headset. You answer that you’re on your way back out now before shooting Jungkook one last warning glare.
“Just. Leave. Or at least stay here!”
His only response is to continue to look like that meme of the cat with a knife pointed at it. Begrudgingly, you turn to leave, already feeling your blood pressure skyrocket.
You continue to work as the cashier for the remainder of the night, keeping up an impressive front that everything is fine and you’re not beside yourself with anxiety at the thought of whether that troublemaker of a demon had pity on you to leave you alone or not. So far, you’ve not heard a peep of any supernatural business coming from anywhere around the store. Your hope runs higher once the clock reaches nine and you only have half an hour left on shift to clean up with your co-workers before you can finally head home.
“Alright guys, how are you sections doing?” You hear your on-duty manager ask over the radio.
“Still got some stuff to put back.” Someone replies.
“Any up at the front?”
You turn your gaze from dumping the trash in the smaller bins by each register into the larger garbage bag, bringing up your mic to speak into, “There’s a couple of stuff here.”
“I’ll go grab them.”
Things were going pretty well, you manage to finish emptying the trash bins and as you’re tying the bag up, that’s when you hear it — a static noise coming through your headset but before you can make anything of it, it’s gone. Not a minute later you hear one of your co-workers, Daniel, say over the headset, “Stephanie where are you?”
“I’m in aisle 48, why?”
“Did you say you need help?”
A pause.
“Then who said they needed help then?”
You chime in after a moment of your own puzzlement. “No one said they needed help.”
“Yeah I didn’t hear anyone say they needed help.” Your manager adds in as well too. You see her coming up to where you’re standing by the return bins behind the register, shooting you her own pinched look of confusion. You can only shrug, just as lost.
“I swear I heard someone say they needed help….Or I’m going crazy.” Daniel responds, sounding unsettled. You honestly don’t know what to make of it either…..unless……
“I think the store might be haunted.” Your manager comments as she begins to unload the assortment of items left in the return bins.
“…..What makes you say that?” You ask nervously though the thought of a possible poltergeist isn’t what got you sweating.
“The last store I worked at, we actually had some unexplained things happen — all caught on camera by the way. Like, stuff being knocked over with no one there to cause it, or hearing people when there’s no one there just like now.” She says this all in a really light-hearted tone, even adds in, giggling, “Whenever we had to close the store, everyone would be so scared to go to the back by themselves; we would all just move in a group.”
You give your own stiff laugh, glancing out onto the store floor in hopes that a certain demon didn’t hear that and get any ideas. Your manager shuffles off with the items in a cart, off to put them back in their appropriate spots which allows for you to begin dragging the garbage bag and grab the handful of damaged items to put in the back. You nearly break out into a run to get these tasks done because your mind is set on another goal: find out where the hell Jungkook had gone off to.
You pass by Daniel who, on meeting your eyes, only shakes his head in disbelief, still not over what had just happened.
“I swear I heard someone….” He begins to defend himself and though you would’ve loved to validate him that it’s most likely true, you don’t for various reasons.
“I think that’s a sign that we should all go home soon.” You teasingly say instead. He laughs as you scurry past him to fling back the ‘Employees Only’ double doors, throw the trash bag by the door that lead out to the dumpster and deposit the damaged items in the designated racks. You swear you do it in record timing, you’re left slightly panting by the time you barrel out of the flapping doors of the back room area, but before you can begin to think of where one might find a demon lurking in a department store, you hear a loud crash.
“What was that?” Your manager asks over walkie.
“I don’t know, but something big fell over around aisle 50-56….”
You hurry on over to the scene of the crime, arriving fourth among your co-workers who had thought to do the same thing. From the end of aisles 52, you hear a very loud gasp, followed by a barrage of concerned remarks.
“Oh my God, what is this even doing here?!”
“Didn’t we sell this?”

“Okay, I’m low-key a little spooked and it doesn’t help that this was the Halloween decoration.”
Sure enough, your eyes travel downwards to see a massive dark shape lying on the ground. Once you’ve approached the group, they’ve already propped it back up again to reveal that it was a six feet tall witch, abnormally pallid face haggard and twisted into a wicked, gnarled grin, complete with rows of sharp teeth and wispy, long white hair. You grimace, metaphorical hackles raised as you stand at a safe distance away from her outstretched, clawed hands. You’re not a big fan of anything horror to begin with, but at least before, you would’ve still been assured that this was just a mannequin-like, overgrown store centrepiece …..and not something that could possibly be possessed if given the chance. 
That being said, your eyes nervously dart around but find no signs of the demon on the loose.
“Rachel, didn’t we move this to the back? What’s it doing out here still?” Daniel asks your approaching manager on duty.
“I….thought so too?” is her puzzled reply. She does a once over on the witch, trying to think of whether or not maybe the other managers have forgotten about it and had left her here in the corner to rot but it all doesn’t seem plausible; the store is very strict on moving out seasonal items once the occasion is over and Halloween was well over at this point.
After coming up short on an explanation, Rachel shrugs, “Either way, we have to move it to the back. It doesn’t belong here anymore. Anthony and Daniel can you do two do that while we do final touches?”

Your two male co-workers go to grab a side on the witch to lift her up but as soon as they touch her, she comes to life, shrieking and cackling while waving her arms around and everyone present find themselves shrieking along with her.
“OH MY GOD!!!” Stephanie wails, hand pressed over her heart. “I NEARLY FUCKING DIED!!”
You can’t voice your own agreement with her, too preoccupied trying to calm your own racing heart after nearly jumping into the shelves of clothes behind you. Amidst the loud complaints of the near death experience, you faintly hear another set of cackling that wasn’t coming from the witch. Rachel eventually reels everyone back in once everyone’s general panic has died down to hearty laughs. The boys get set back to the original task and the rest of you were given the duty to put back the remaining straggler of items from the return bins earlier.
But once again, not even a minute goes by before you hear another startled shout coming from back room.
“Guys everything okay?” You hear Rachel ask over walkie.
“Oh my God, I think this store might actually be haunted!” Daniel’s voice cuts through, pitch a tad high from whatever encounter he just had. “The lights just turned off in here, we’re leaving right. NOW.”
You distantly hear a swoosh of air from the force the back doors swing open, followed by a garble mixture of nervous laughing and rapid talking.
“Okay guys if everything’s fairly clean then we can definitely head out now and put the remainder of the stuff back early morning.”
You check your watch and see that it’s 9:15, which by your work standard is a way early wrap up time for a closing shift — but you’re not about to complain. You’ve got a demon to catch and the faster you get out here, the better. So you race back to the lunchroom where mostly everyone was already gathered, taking off their headset, vests, and clocking out on the computer before grabbing their things from their cubby lockers.
“You need to get a priest in here and bless this place or something Rachel.” Daniel half jokes but you think underneath it all, he’s actually pretty serious. Everyone else seems to agree and you can only offer a wry smile, not sure if that would actually keep Jungkook away from causing any more trouble, or if an exorcist is a better option. Either way, everyone seems more antsier to leave than usual, even if they seem like they’re not taking these supernatural activities too seriously. You all move out of the lunchroom in a group, hastily making your way to the front entrance in hopes that you don’t encounter any more spooks. Your manager reaches up to the panel by the sliding doors, punching in the alarm code with speedy fingers and once the initial beep has sounded, she pulls open the doors and everyone goes rushing out into the cool night air.
“Goodnight everyone!” You hear a chorus voices call out and you return your own before you start making your way to the bus stop, bag strap clutching tightly in your grip. You arrive to the little shelter, huddling yourself into the seat in the farthest corner, leg bouncing in a mixture of impatience and jitters. Naturally, you swivel your head to either side of you to check on your surroundings but find that no other soul to be approaching or presently with you. You swallow, breathing out deeply while rolling your shoulders a little to finally settle back in your seat. Maybe Jungkook got bored after everyone left the store, off to find some other unfortunate being to —
The brunette throws his head back to let out a boisterous laugh, leaving you practically clinging to the bus advertisement panel for dear life. After a few breaths, you shake yourself from your frozen state to shove Jungkook by the shoulder. He only continues to laugh, clutching his sides and curling up on himself.
“You—! That was you in the store wasn’t it?!” You accuse right off the bat, eyes glaring as he calms himself finally to breathy giggles. Once he’s reigned in those too, he looks at you square in the face, dead serious.
“No, it was bloody Mary, come back to take revenge because you didn’t let her use her coupon six times.”
Your mouth hangs agape, so caught off guard by his answer but when it actually registers, you wheeze. Now it’s your turn to throw your head back and laugh. Vaguely, you remember that you probably look really crazy right now because no one other than yourself can see Jungkook, sitting beside you but you don’t care; it’s late and if anyone has caught sight of it then all the more reason for them to leave you alone, just like how you want it. Eventually, you calm yourself, catching your breath and with a sniffle, you half-heartedly slap the demon’s arm.
“You’re awful.” You say weakly, failing to keep the lingering mirth out of your voice. “You didn’t have to scare my co-workers and in turn, me, half to death.”
“But it got you out early, didn’t it?”
You go to argue but find that you can’t. Jungkook sees and isn’t afraid to let you know he’s got you beat with a smug smirk and quirked eyebrow.
Well played, you think, well played.
The weekend couldn’t come any sooner and you find the joy in not having to set up an alarm all the more sweeter. It puts you in a better mood knowing that you can finally sleep in and wake up when you actually feel rejuvenated enough. Which is why you’re feeling more energized to be out and about with Jaehee as you two make your way to one of the cafes she had bookmarked. It took a bit of searching (the cafe, evidently enough, was located on the other side of the plaza you were in, facing out towards the busy roads rather than grouped together in the inner circle like the rest of the other establishments), but you were settled into a cozy cute booth of the aesthetically pleasing cafe, iced latte and an assortment of fancy pastries to try out in no time.
You and Jaehee catch up for the first couple of minutes while sampling the little cakes in between conversations. After you finish two of the four you both bought, you ask Jaehee about her impromptu real estate agent job she’s taken on for her boyfriend and his roommate. Instantly, she lets out a groan of irritation at the mere memory of it.
“God, it’s still a mess. I actually have a scheduled viewing later today; I was wondering if you’re okay to tag along. It won’t take long.”
You nod your head, sipping on your latte. “Yeah it’s fine, I don’t got anything else planned for the day.”
Jaehee nods, slouching in her seat a bit as she pulls out her phone. “Good, I might just need the moral support. Like, the roommate was also supposed to come too since Jason’s at work and because, well, he’s the one looking for a place right?! But ugh! He’s like, ‘I’m too lazy’. I’m ‘bout to drag his ass if I have to at this point.”
“Gosh, you’re honestly doing the most right now and I don’t even know what for.” You say, frowning at how this situation sounds to be more and more of headache the more she talked about it. That’s what you kind of admire about Jaehee; she’s willing to go through such lengths for the people she cares about the most but at the same time, you really wished she knew when it starts to get too ridiculous. Even if he was busy with work and school, Jason or at least his roommate should still try to make an effort in apartment hunting instead of leaving it all to Jaehee (regardless of any amount of compensation that was probably offered).
“I know, it’s because they think they can get a place so easily when it comes down to it but it’s not. Like, we were lucky enough to score the place we live in now but that was before the housing market really went to shit.” She says, firing off a text message (most likely to her boyfriend’s roommate). “I honestly would’ve left it up to them too but….” Jaehee grimaces with a shake of her head. “Some of the places his roommate sent to me to check were so sub par for the offered price, like, you can get a much better place for the same price and also if they’re willing to dish out another $75 on top of their budget.”
“Huh.” You reply, not sure what to say to that but also thinking that the whole situation speaks for itself. You’re low-key glad that it’s not you that has to deal with this all, considering the fact that you have enough on your plate. On second thought, you think crazily enough, having to deal with two demons doesn’t seem so bad compared to what Jaehee’s doing — at least they leave you alone for the most part, save for Jungkook’s random bouts of shit disturbing but overall, they’re not bad company; just enough spice to your otherwise mundane life. The notion makes a wry smile begin to tug at the corner of your lips.
“By the way, how’s it going with Julien?”
“Huh? Wh— Oh! Yeah, Julien….Um…Good? I guess?”
Things have been….interesting between you and Jimin. He still goes out nightly to do….God knows what but you’d rather remain ignorant to whatever demonic activities he gets up to but when he does come around to pester you, it’s very much ‘the usual’; a lot of bickering and pranking (mainly on his part) where often times it leaves you fuming and red-faced and him smirking triumphantly or in a fit of giggles. Despite your indignation though, you surprisingly don’t mind it….that much. It’s a weird push and pull with you two, where even though it seems like he shows up just to judge your choices, poke fun at your human first world problems, you’ll still be able to find him standing at the end of your street, waiting to walk you back home after a late night shift so that you don’t have to face the convenience store corner alone without fail. On the rarer occasions, you’ve caught him humming parts of the ‘The Truth Untold’ during late night showers where you wake to get yourself a glass of water and the first time you did, you had stood in the hallway, completely mesmerized (you told yourself it was the good acoustics, you know, to help you sleep at night).
A puff of air releases from your nose quietly, unconsciously; the beginnings of a chortle bubbling up in your chest as you muse about your aloof guardian demon who looks like your idol crush. He’s started out to be such an anomaly, a disturbance to your normalcy, but now, you’re starting to see how interwoven he’s become in your life — settling into an empty space you hadn’t quite noticed until now and making it into his own.
“Uh…Y/N? You okay?”
“You like, spaced out on me.”
“O-Oh…Sorry, was just thinking about something…”
“Julien….?” Jaehee teases with a waggles of her eyebrows.
“Oh my God, you’re annoying.”
Jaehee only laughs, scooping up another forkful of the pink decorated cake. “We should finish up here and get going, I’ve finally convinced Jason’s roommate to get his lazy ass up and go to this viewing with us so we gotta go meet up with him.”
“Yeah, sure.”
You both finish off the rest of the cakes and you your latte before leaving the cute little cafe. After a quick subway ride, you arrive in the area where Jason’s university is; a hub of students walking around either on campus or around the neighbouring streets leading to downtown. You and Jaehee head off in the direction where a small residential area is located by the school, just a block around the corner, an admittedly convenient place to live in for those attending the school but also understandably not the best of living spaces. Right off the bat, you could tell that this is a very old neighbourhood, one that has probably been around since the building of the university. Many of the small bungalows look cramped beside each other with their collective, muted grey, brown and off white colour schemes, facing out with even smaller yards with overgrown lawns and low chain linked fences, all rusted and has seen better days.
Subsequently, Jason’s place falls in with the monogamous look the neighbourhood has taken and you can’t help but grimace when you and Jaehee step up the small wooden patio of the front entrance, noticing how badly chipped the white paint is. It makes you wonder if the interior is as dismal as the exterior, and if that was the case, then you can see the reason why they would want to find a new place despite how convenient the location is.
Jaehee gives the doorbell a ring, quickly growing impatient as a minute passes and your third companion doesn’t answer the door. You shift idly in place, but then decide against it as a loud creak gives off from the old wood — best to stand still lest you wanted the entire patio to give out on you, seeing that it very well may if you so much as sneeze on it. You both wait a bit more until finally you hear shuffling from inside and the locks click, door finally swinging open to reveal what you assume to be Jason’s roommate.
Personally, you’ve never met him until this moment but you can’t help being a little bemused; the guy looked like he straight just rolled out of bed and put on the nearest clothes he could grab.
“Took you long enough Henry.” Jaehee snaps, already heading back down the steps towards the little driveway. You follow after her without so much of a word or second glance at the male to see if he would follow. 
“We need to start heading to the viewing, it’s literally just down another block across the street.”
“I just got up…”
Well that solves that mystery, you think wryly. You stop by Jaehee’s side as she stands at the end of the driveway, looking back to see Henry locking the front door and closing the screen one in front of it afterwards. He shuffles on down in his sweatpants and university hoodie, ball cap on over his head to no doubt hide any unruly bed hair. It makes you glance down at your own outfit for the day through the lenses of your shades, it’s one of those days where you’re actually coordinated and looking pretty cute, if you do say so yourself (self pat on the back).
When he finally catches up to you, Jaehee takes the time to formally introduce you. “This is my bestie and roommate, Y/N.”
“Hello, nice to meet you.” Henry greets, offering a small smile. You return it with a simple hi and a small wave before Jaehee ushers the both of you to start making your way. The weather is nice and clear, sun beaming in a fairly cloudless sky but has yet to reach the point where you can feel the heat bearing down on you. A perfect temperature where it’s not too hot, not too cold and all you need is a light jacket. The air feels fresh, promised with the coming of spring soon along with the budding of leaves sprinkled on the branches of the trees you pass by. You inhale deeply, enjoying the breeze and the way the sunshine makes everything seem a little more vibrant.
You take it back when you reach the so-called apartment. Well, you had expected it to be an apartment but it’s another one of those small bungalow houses, the only difference is that this one is a lot better kept on the outside; grass trimmed with a small garden and even had an overhang on the side that separates the garage, leading to what you assume is the backyard. You spot a figure standing on the sidewalk just outside the home, in the middle of stubbing out a cigarette. It made you and Jaehee pause to look at each other, wondering if this is the owner waiting on you to arrive. It’s Jaehee that speaks up first.
“Hi there, we’re here for the viewing…?”
The man turns, lanky with a scruffy beard, dressed in a plain grey t-shirt and jeans with a baseball cap. He gives you both a wry smile.
“Funny, because so am I. It seems that the guy is showing someone else around right now.”
“Oh! Okay…”
And so you have no choice but to wait around outside until the person who had arrived first was finished with their viewing. It doesn’t leave much for you to do, and you find yourself pulling out your phone to scroll idly through your social medias. You get pulled into conversations with the other two but for the most part, Jaehee and Henry are discussing about other possible viewings they should see with Jaehee pushing Henry (and through him, Jason) to get some of the required paperwork when signing the rent for a place (i.e. credit scores).
You’re bored by the time the man in the grey t-shirt gets his turn. Sighing, you tuck your phone back into your pocket and glance around, actually seeing more people approaching the home most likely for a viewing as well. As your eyes scan over the patrons, they lock onto a figure standing right across the street from you, casually leaning against a lamp post, staring right at you through their own pair of dark shades. You had to lower your own to make sure you weren’t seeing things but nope, there he is, in all of his dark denim glory and you just know he’s smirking (honestly when is he not). Before you can even sputter, you see him reach into his back pocket, pulling out his phone and fingers making quick work on it. Not a moment later, your own phone vibrates.
It’s only then that you tear your gaze away to avoid looking suspicious (or crazy, who knows; you can never tell if you’re the only one who sees him or not), pulling out your own phone to see a text notification. You swipe your lock pattern, quickly tapping to open the message.
“Fancy seeing you here.”
You hate how you just read that in his voice, teasing lilt spot on. Your fingers fly to reply back.
“I should be asking you that, aren’t you allergic to the sun nowadays?”
Instinctively, you glance back at him to see his reaction but should’ve known to be disappointed because he only coolly inclines his head downwards to read your text off his phone before you see deft fingers work on a reply.
“I’m a demon, not a vampire. Besides, what is this haunting of a department store I keep hearing about going around?”
You suck in a breath, glancing up nervously to see if he’s caught wind (being a demon and all). You duck down when you catch sight of the those dark shades locking onto you, even when you can’t even see his piercing eyes behind the lenses. You could only hope your own shades hide the way your eyes shift briefly with unease.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about but considering the fact that I have a literal guardian demon, this shouldn’t even be that concerning?”
“Y/N! It’s our turn now!” Jaehee calls, pulling your attention away from the demon.
“Oh, yeah coming!” You scurry after the duo who had walked up the length of the driveway to meet with the agent doing the viewing. He introduces himself, shakes all of your hands and then leads you under the overhang to a door on the side of the house. Upon opening it, you realize that the space up for rent was the finished basement of the home, not the actual house itself as the door leads to a pair of stairs going downwards and straight into a small, tiled kitchen. It’s simple, open spaced with two bedrooms (one on each side of the living room area), one bathroom down the hallway leading from the kitchen and a laundry room. It’s adequate enough for two male students to live in.
Jaehee seems to think the same, nodding her head in approval as she directs Henry to ‘take a good look’ around. You hang off near the entrance seeing as how you’re just here for the shits and giggles, which allows for you to resume your conversation with Jimin. When you pull out your phone, you see a string of messages.
“You’re funny doll but you’re not dumb.
This has Jungkook’s name written all over it.
So have you been talking to that brat? I thought I told you not to.”
You roll your eyes, shooting off a reply.
“Hey man, he’s the one who follows me. Not like I willingly go out and look for him.
If it bothers you so much, then why don’t you just do some demon voodoo magic to ward him off?”
You don’t get an immediate response and it makes you smirk triumphantly for once. Yeah, you know him by now that whenever he brings up Jungkook and how you should stay away from him, his tone never gets stern enough to where he would personally go out and burn the younger demon with hell fire. In fact, you want to go as far as to say he’s using Jungkook as an extension of keeping his eye on you without actually having to constantly shadow you. You don’t mind, but you still find it funny that as loathing as he seems to be of his junior, Jimin undeniably has a soft spot for him…. or at least some semblance of trust, which is a good sign right?
Your phone vibrates and you glance down to read the new texts.
“What are you even doing there anyways? Don’t tell me you’re downgrading….
Please don’t.
No offence but this house looks ugly and I just saw you go through a side door that leads down to the basement of it.
That’s never a good sign.”
You actually snort to yourself, smile wide on your face as you go to reply but then back track a couple of times, debating on whether or not you should take this opportunity to mess with him. Unfortunately before you get the chance to decide, Jaehee, Henry and the sales agent are shuffling over to where you’re standing, looking about ready to leave.
“So I will definitely send you the paperwork that you need to fill out through the email you gave me and if you have any questions, feel free to email me as well.”
“Sounds good! Thank you so much!” Jaehee smiles, nodding to the agent before turning to you. “We’re ready to go, sorry if you got bored.”
“Nah, it’s all good.” You reassure as you follow her out with Henry. When you emerge back outside, your eyes instinctively go to the lamp post where you last saw your guardian demon, but find that he’s no longer there. Figures.
You shrug it off (you’ll probably see him later tonight anyways), turning back to Jaehee who’s talking to Henry about how they should take the place because this is the best one she’s seen so far in terms of meeting their requirements. Henry nods, seemingly agreeing with her and says he would let Jason know about it. The look of relief washes over your friend instantaneously and you just know that she’s glad that this headache will be settled once and for all.
“Make sure you tell him! You guys seriously only have less than half a month left before you get evicted!”
“Okay, okay!” Henry’s smiling good-naturedly, clearly not letting that looming fact dampen his spirits. It’s commendable because if it were you, you would be a hair away from a mental breakdown. His easy-going response makes Jaehee’s smile falter a little and you can only send a helpless sorry look to her; seems like she’s not quite out of the woods yet.
“Anyways, we’re gonna head home now since all of this has made me tired so bye.” She’s turning away in a huff, not so much as another glance at Henry. You smile awkwardly, sending a hesitant wave before following after your friend.
“I swear to God they better take that place like, I’m so over everything.” You hear Jaehee mutter under her breath as she rapidly types out a message, probably to Jason because you get the feeling that she’s lost faith in Henry to do something as simple as that.
“I think it’s a pretty good place for them too. And it’s only slightly farther from where they live right now anyways so there shouldn’t be any commuting ‘problems’.” You add in half to placate her and half in honesty.
“Exactly, and the rent is around what they pay for already.”
Your discussion carries on to Jaehee telling you about the places she has seen in the past weeks (quote, ‘it was the saddest and dinkiest place I’ve ever seen’) to how she’s also received some pretty shady emails from landlords about possible viewings. You make it back home in no time, the both of you taking off into your rooms to change into something more comfortable as well as wipe off all your make-up. No sooner had you closed your bedroom door and flopped back onto your bed, flinging your bag and sunglasses off to the end of your bed, completely worn out for the day did a familiar face pop up to hover over yours, brown eyes looking none too pleased, arms crossed. It’s then you realize he’s lost the dark denim jacket you last saw him in, revealing the simple black fitted t-shirt underneath, which showed off nicely toned biceps. His sudden appearance had made you flinch in surprise, but find that you’re too tired to care, settling back into your mattress unperturbed.
“You never answered my question.”
“Hello Jimin, I’m doing great too.”
“Not funny. I need to know so I can make sure I won’t be caught dead going into a shack of a house.”
His words make you perk up, giving him a cheeky look. “So if I said I was downgrading, you’ll move out?”
The words fly out of your mouth before you even register what you just said. For a fleeting moment, Jimin’s face takes on an unreadable expression but it was enough for a dull ache to start blooming in your chest and in its centre, regret. It was meant to be a light-hearted, teasing jab, like the ones you always engage in with Jimin but you find yourself wanting to backtrack because, even when you won’t admit it out loud, you don’t actually mean it. Besides, it’s not like you see him on a daily basis to begin with, so you’re not particularly sick of seeing his face every day…. And last you heard, demons don’t need sleep so what’s the point in getting his own place when he won’t even use it that often?
You’re about a breath away from blurting out your own poorly constructed ‘psyche!’ moment when, in a blink of an eye, the air around him shifts, a dangerous gleam in his gaze. He moves slowly, deliberately, arms uncoiling like a snake ready to strike and it makes you tense up, effectively pulling you out of your head. His hands come down on either side of your head, caging you in as he lets out a dark, breathy chuckle.
“Oh, my darling Y/N….” He leans in close, voice but a low rasp that actually sends goosebumps along your skin. “Have you forgotten that it was you who bound your soul to me?”
Oh shoot…. By technicality, he’s right; as if you can even forget about the night you first met him anyways. You have no arguments there, and his smirk widens knowingly as he watches you chew on your lower lip nervously. You hate how you get the feeling that one of his favourite hobbies is making you squirm and when he catches you in those moments, he likes to milk it as much as he can. Point proven when he doesn’t let up in iterating his point.
“Or….” He continues purring with a languid tilt of his head, “Do I need to remind you so you won’t forget…?” He trails off vaguely enough to have your imagination running wild without your permission.
Like a nail in the coffin, your face instantly flushes, indignantly or from being extremely flustered — or maybe a combination of both. Either way, you feel like you wished the bed would swallow you whole but Jimin, ever so cunning and sly, always knows when to rile you up only to have it all come crashing down on you. It’s the same old trick, but you always manage to fall for it so his next words knock you right out of the spell.
“Besides, I know you’ll miss me too much to let me leave.”
Instantly, your face morphs to one of disgust, the teasing tone that replaces his seductive one acts like the bucket of cold water you had desperately needed.
“You’re insufferable.” is the only thing you can manage to seethe out but it comes off more of a pout, cheeks still burning strongly. His face breaks into a huge grin, eyes disappearing as he throws his head back to laugh, finally easing off on you to a comfortable proximity but still keeping his hands firm on either side of your head. You choose to petulantly turn your face to the side, refusing to be subjected to this humiliation any longer.
Thankfully the chiming of your phone allows you that moment of escape, hand eagerly bringing up the phone to address the notification and when you get a glance, it nearly makes your eyes pop out. Faster than you thought possible, you whip into a sitting position and it’s only thanks to Jimin’s inhuman reflexes that saves the both of you from causing each other’s concussions.
“Woah, if that was your plan on trying to kill me, you’re gonna have to do better.”
You ignore him in favour of the news you received in your group chat in the form of a video trailer. More specifically, a trailer for BTS. Concert. TOUR. DATES.
You’re silently screaming, heart pounding so hard you think it might explode out of your chest as fingers tap furiously to open the link, all the while in your mind you are chanting;
Please let it be in my city, please let it be in my city, please let it be in my city, please let it be in my city, please —
Your eyes are laser focused, the new title track blasting through your phone’s speakers as clips of past concerts flit by in rapid succession. Bold words flash by in accompaniment with keywords being ‘BTS’, ‘WORLD TOUR’, ‘LOVE YOURSELF’. It all further adds to the buzzing live wire your body has become and it reaches the apex once you see the name of the first city and date flash across the screen. You swear you stop breathing.
Moment of truth.
Time seems to slow for you, but the names go by within seconds and then...the video ends. 
It takes some time before you think you finally let out a slow, deep breath, the buzz dying out of you just as quickly as it had come like being on a roller coaster.
Your arms drop from holding the phone up so close to your face and you can’t help your heart from doing the same.
“Ah...So they’re going on a world tour....” You hear your guardian demon muse airily from beside you. “Aren’t you excited?”
Shoulders slumping, you bring your group chat to type back a response, saying the words aloud for him to hear as well.
“They’re not coming.”
313 notes · View notes
hyphypmic · 5 years
HypMic: Not Breathing
Anon asked: MTC . FP. MTR. BB reacting when they got home after a long day only to see their S/O on the floor blue and covered in bruises and not breathing. You can pick a happy or sad ending for anyone!
Immediately do the first aid thing and cpr and all that and he checks for what caused your situation
Then he would call the ambulance while he’s shaking but he does his best to think straight and settles into some sort of mindset
But the moment he makes sure you’re at the hospital and slowly recovering (seriously a minute later and there would have been irreversible brain damage) then he would go out and hunt whoever did this to you
But after like he pulls himself together after realising he’s been crying this whole time and just stands up and rubs his eyes and channels his anger somewhere else
And he finds a way to find whoever did it to you and nearly obliterates them with his fists and mic and they barely make it out and he makes sure that he strangles them hard enough to make them feel like they’re going to die
Then he’ll leave them with a death threat and a promise to make their life a living hell
Like seriously he would rage, but he wouldn’t do anything supremely against the law, though making sure the person never steps in ikkebukuro again, destroying their life foundations... That’s his promise
Freaks out and freezes for a bit, but masters himself enough to call an ambulance and do some semblance of first aid
And then the ambulance comes and takes you away and he follows, but while in the ambulance he’s in rage and the minute you’re checked in he goes out and really anyone who sees his eyes would back away
And he demands that ichiro help him but ichiro tells him to calm down first and ichiro let’s Jiro lash out first so that he would calm down
And then ichiro promises that they will find whoever did it and make them pay
And even Saburo gets into it and they search the scene before the cops get there and they find all the evidence they need
And together, the three of them hunt down this guy and make them plead for their lives because honestly they would toss him back and forth but Jiro would be allowed to lash out and beat the person up and it’s crazy because Jiro is squeezing around the person’s neck tighter and tighter and almost kills him but ichiro stops him and Jiro just walks away angrily
He would be in shock and approach your immobile body slowly
Then he’ll snap out of it and do his best to CPR, and call the ambulance and all that
And he’s crying and shaking and he calls Ichiro and Jiro because he needs help and he’s not doing it properly
Ichiro takes over while Jiro does his best to comfort Saburo
And in the hospital, you’re like not waking up and it’s unsure you ever will and this just awakens something in Saburo
And then Saburo wants to go after the guy and the brothers agree and they figure it out, using their connections
But when they corner the person, Saburo tells them that he wants to do it himself
So the person is begging for their life because of Saburo’s words alone and the brothers are so shaken because of it because really, one verse blasts the guy solidly to the wall and the next few have bones breaking
Ichiro stops Saburo when the guy loses consciousness and is way too bloody and Saburo is just crying into ichiro’s shoulder and all that
He gets so mad, but immediately does CPR and all that and he’s yelling at you to wake the fuck up
And he calls the ambulance and all that because he needs you alive and is just yelling at you to breathe
And he blames himself because he wasn’t there to protect you and really he’s just in such a rage that once the ambulance people take you away, he lingers in your shared apartment and kicks and throws everything while he’s just screaming and yelling and blaming himself
Then he finds the evidence of whoever did this (turns out to be some rival yakuza boss) and there’s like a threatening note and really samatoki is so angry that they dare bring it into his personal life and he’s still blaming himself for bringing you into it
So he calls Jyuto and tells him to be off duty for a little bit and he gets into his car and drives and drives in rage and when he arrives at the warehouse, he just raps and flat out takes all of the henchmen out with a single verse and he’s so angry that whoever is still moving gets their head cracked or beat up
But with his knuckles bruised and all that, he finds the boss and doesn’t bother with the mic and pushes against the rap attack of the boss, samatoki would feel nothing because that verse can’t take him down so he gets to the boss, gets the switchblade in the boss’s pocket and makes it very, very clear that the boss wasn’t leaving alive, but his family will live because honestly? Samatoki is better than that
So samatoki proceeds with the torture, and draws it out as long as possible while enjoying every moment
An entire crew was taken out, and that’s over a hundred people
Call the ambulance and the cops immediately
Would administer first aid and all that, then would hunt down whoever did this
He would do everything by due process first and he so angry when he sees you on the bed and all he can see is your prone body on the floor
And he’s calm, but inside he’s very, very angry
Would ask for Samatoki and Riou’s help because he wants someone to check him and prevent him from going over
So the three of them hunt him down and they corner the guy and Jyuto just walks up and grabs him by the collar and the guy says that Jyuto can’t do anything because he’s a cop
But Jyuto says, a dirty cop at that and he just attacks relentlessly with the mic and with his fists because he needs to release that rage and it’s scary because Jyuto doesn’t stop even when the man was unconscious
He really doesn’t stop and it’s starting to get crazy until Riou and samatoki stop him enough and they drag him away kicking and screaming but also tired
He settles into that military calm, he does the first aid, calls the emergency services
He accompanies you to the hospital then he immediately calls Jyuto and Samatoki because he needs backup, but also because he wants them to stay away, like just be alert and on call
And he does the hunting on his own, he makes sure to find the bastard as soon as humanly possible
And when he does, he makes sure that he doesn’t use his mic because he wants to feel bones break beneath his fists and look into the bastard’s eyes
And Riou is just so fucking scary because when he’s mad, his anger is through the rough and so goes his strength
And he doesn’t say anything beyond: you shouldn’t have done that to Y/N and proceeds to beat the dude up and Riou has an honour code, but that line blurs when it comes to you
So he makes sure that the bastard dies by strangulation, the same way you were injured and that killing calm just takes over his body and he takes the body, skins it for good measure and dumps the mutilated corpse somewhere where nobody can find it
You thought mad trigger crew was scary? Yeah no you clearly haven’t met Ramuda
Ramuda would be able to do the entire ambulance and first aid schtick, but he will drop all of that childish persona and drop into dark Ramuda
And seriously, he knows how to manipulate hi sway into finding the bastard that hurt you, and when he does, he just goes to a bar with the bastard and laughs and makes friends all while getting the bastard drunk
And at the end of it, Ramuda knocks him out and when the person comes to, Ramuda is there sitting In front of him with all of the torture devices he can use
And he has that kind of predatory smile on him that really scares the living shit out of people
So he goes and uses his words, but not his mic
And says he took him out for a drink because… people deserve some fun before they die
And the drinks made him do some stupid shit that Ramuda made him do, like some sort of reputation damaging shit
and then Ramuda begins the torture, and it’s so slow, so torturously slow that the bastard is screaming already
But the thing is, Ramuda doesn’t want this guy to die quickly, he draws it out as long as humanly possible
Like over days he draws this out, forcing food and drink down the bastard’s throat, refusing to let them die
And when Ramuda is done, and the guy’s innards are practically out, Ramuda doesn’t end it quickly
He just walks out of the room, letting the bastard bleed out and die even slower
He would do the typical call the ambulance and all that
And he’s not a confrontational type of guy, he would just participate in the investigation and do his best
And it would kind of drive him crazy because he’s not as violent as the others and understands that he can’t do anything really
But he does his best and stays by your hospital bedside everyday just bringing you flowers and apologising for not at least being there to prevent it
And he’s crying and blaming himself and all that
Then at some point, he decides to do something about it, and that day is when the detectives find the person who did it
And he goes with them to apprehend the person, but then no one can stop him as he personally beats the bastard within an inch of his life with the mic
The police don’t stop Gentaro because honestly. They’re too scared to and it’s just… Gentaro lashes out hard and he tells the full truth while he’s crying and all that
Then he stops when the bastard begs for his life and Gentaro just walk away to go back to the hospital
He would call the ambulance and the whole first aid and all of that
But then he would impulsively look for the person, who turns out to be one of his gambling buddies or something because Dice actually finally beat him at a game and exposed the guy for cheating, making him lose over and over again
And dice is furious, hell hath no greater fury
And it consumes him so he immediately goes and beats the guy up, not with the mic, but with his fists and he’s in an absolute fury and it’s impulsive
So the cops show up and dice has to make a run for it because he can’t be put in jail and not see you
But he does end up in jail for attempted homicide
But fling posse bails him out…. And they promise they can go after the bastard together and dice is brought to tears by the solidarity and friendship
And they try again, finding the guy in a completely different district
And the beat him up with the hypnosis mics, like near brain melting that it drives the man nuts
Well, this one, you really don’t want to wrong
Because okay, he’ll do the ambulance, the first aid, perhaps check you over and prevent you from suffering any long term brain damage
But the anger in him, it sends him back to his assassin mode that the minute that your condition is stable at the hospital, he goes out, changes and hunts this person down
He does so with brutal efficiency and its almost laughable at how easy it was to find the person
But like Ramuda, he would want to drag this out for as long as freaking possible
So he starts with the poisoning, not just of the food, but of the people around the criminal, making sure that his life was a living hell before he wanted to slide the scalpel over his body
The food saps his strength little by little, making him weaker and weaker
Then the fact that he loses friends, money and all that he lives for while he’s sick? That’s all Jakurai’s doing
And one night, Jakurai just appears in the apartment with a death promise in his eyes and he administers the antidote, only to make the man alive and awake to see everything he was doing
So he gives the paralysis poison that’s effective for torture, not allowing the man to move, but allowing him to feel and scream at everything
Jakurai makes sure no one can hear them as he slides and cuts and draws as much blood while keeping him alive long enough to endure all the plans
And Jakurai is scary, and he makes sure that the man doesn’t die… but spends the rest of his life trapped on a bed… with the occasional visitor, and that visitor being Jakurai
Would freak out and do shaky first aid at best, he would call the ambulance though
And he would call Jakurai too, and the doctor honestly asks if they want to find the guy, but Doppo says no and he’ll just believe in due process
So Doppo goes to you everyday and cries a lot because he’s really sorry he wasn’t there to save you and now that you’re like this because maybe because of him and how he wasn’t there all the time
And he just progresses into a mess and Matenrou is concerned, but Doppo does his best to maintain a regular life, knowing the attacker was still out there
Doppo, on his way home one day, gets attacked by the same person that hurt you, but that’s when Doppo’s tether snaps and he goes full force on the guy, screaming at the mic and making sure the guy’s brains melt out
And the fierce attack has the man living the rest of his life in a vegetative state
This causes doppo shock but he tells himself that the bastard deserved everything that was coming to him
Does a very nervous and panicked first aid while he calls the ambulance and the cops
And he’s so sorry he wasn’t able to defend you, and all that
But when they find out that the one who attacked was one of those people who coveted Hifumi’s club, that was an entirely different story
Hifumi calls on Doppo and Jakurai to help him find the person that attacked you
And he doesn’t want to fight, but bring him to the club and make sure his life is completely ruined
And he does make sure that life is ruined by getting the man slobbering drunk and scattering such incriminating pictures
But that isn’t enough, so Hifumi exposes the man for who he is and beats him up with his hypnosis mic, effectively rendering him almost useless
And he’s the one to bring the attacker to the precinct, the light in his eyes just full of anger
And he makes sure that that guy gets a life sentence for what he did to you
142 notes · View notes
Oof, could you possibly do some DenNor with a highschool au please?
((Sure thing!!! Sorry this took so long, I kept deleting it :/ This is based off a true story, btw!))
Lukas loved Mathias. He really did. Mathias was kind and sweet and, despite only having only dated for a few weeks, Mathias would probably cut off his own hand if it meant making Lukas smile.
Yes, Mathias was amazing. However.... Lukas found himself secretly enjoying the few school hours he had without him. Their lunch periods, for instance, didn’t match up. Mathias nearly fought the principal in an effort to change that until Lukas calmed him down. Now the twenty minutes alone with a sad sandwich and slightly frozen milk was the only quiet time Lukas had to himself.
He thumbed another page in his book, thoroughly engrossed in the plot, hardly even noticing when the steady chatter of the lunch room died down to near silence.
Lukas’s head snapped up. He knew that voice. And only one person could call him Lukie without dying...... His eyes darted around until they landed on a table in the centre of the room. Oh, no.....
Mathias was standing on the table, surrounded by flowers and chocolates, with a microphone in his hand and a huge grin on his face. Lukas felt his ears turn pink with embarrassment as he felt the eyes of every student in the room on him. Mathias winked, and he was damn lucky he was hot, because otherwise Lukas might just stomp up there and strangle him.
“This one’s for you,” Mathias purred into the microphone, then pointed to the table next to it, which had (oh god how did Lukas not notice that) Mathias’s unofficial garage band on it. Berwald on bass, Tino on drums, and Lukas’s own baby brother on keyboard. The students started cheering when Emil hit the first notes. Oh, good heavens above, Lukas wishes he didn’t know this song.
“You’re insecure,” Mathias crooned into the mic, leaning forward far too much considering he was standing on a heap public school lunch table. “Don’t know what for. You’re turning heads when you walk through the DO-O-OR!”
Lukas groaned and covered his face with his hands, but he could still see Mathias start dancing through his fingers. His hips moved in tight circles, his hands sending hearts and kisses Lukas’s way. “Don’t need makeup! To cover up. Being the way that you are is ENO-O-OUGH!”
Wait a second.
Were the other students dancing, too?
Lukas wanted to melt through the floor. Mathias has somehow found the time to choreograph an entire lunchroom worth of students to the dumbest pop song in the world.
Mathias hopped off the table and towards Lukas, swinging his hips as he went. “Everyone else in the room can see it!” He cheered, and the other students sung along. “Everyone else but you-ooh!”
Lukas looked up, finally, feeling his face turn the colour of a strawberry as Mathias sat in the chair across from him. He braces himself for Mathias to, inevitably, start screaming the chorus, but instead he reached across and gently took Lukas’s hand. Was... Mathias blushing too!? His voice dropped low, much softer, and Lukas wasn’t sure if the mic was even on any more. He could barely hear through the throbbing of his heart in his ears.
“Baby you light up my world like nobody else,” whispered Mathias, leaning closer.
“The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,” Lukas leaned closer too.
“But when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell,”
“You don’t know, oh-oh.”
Mathias’s lips made a soft impact with Lukas’s own, sending a shiver down his spine.
“You don’t know you’re beautiful.”
Mathias finished with a huge, beautiful grin. The crowd of students held their breath. Lukas did, too. Or maybe he’d been holding his breath since Mathias hopped up on that table.
“Lukas Bondevik, light of my life, my darling dearest,” began Mathias, standing up and moving around the table so he was at Lukas’s side. “Would you do me the honour of...” He god down on one knee. Lukas’s heart stopped. “Going with me to homecoming?”
Lukas spluttered, looked at the crowd, looked back at Mathias, and decided the best place to hide his blush was in Mathias’s shoulder. He dove into his boyfriends arms and whispered, “Yes.”
Apparently, he didn’t whisper low enough, because the entire cafeteria exploded in cheers and applause. Mathias laughed and scooped Lukas up into his arms, peppering kisses all over his cheeks. “He said yes! Guys, he said yes!”
Lukas smiled, his hand firmly in Mathias’s, eternally happy for his beautiful boyfriend.
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kittymaverick · 7 years
If anyone needs them, here's the transcribed version of the entire bloopers
Tunon: The chaos you’ve sown everywhere is unacceptable. You cast yourself so far outside the established order, and I [Record scratch] I can’t—I just CAN’T EVEN DEAL WITH IT.
Sound cut: *Beep beep*
Barik: I’m a weapon bond to you only by duty. No freaky deaky.
*Beep beep*
Lantry: Point taken. I will make no note on the subject for the time being, except for what happened to my accent. [Cough]
*Beep beep*
Eb: The Archon’s more fragile than I susspe— speh, speh speh speh.
*Beep beep*
Graven Ashe: [Maniacal cackle] Oh you putting big words out there!
*Beep beep*
Barik: [Voice cracking from desperation] I would be out of this armor if I could do this!
*Beep beep*
Nerat: Ever the loyalist. Prepare yourself for a second cage, Barik the Di— Barik of the Dithfavored. Phlaffuring Fuckertash!
*Beep beep*
Barik: Get up, girl! [Sobbing] He was… the most human… of all of us— Spock!
*Beep beep*
Eb: Considering all the things that don’t think to bother you the slightest, I’m not gonna lie, I kinda like getting o— I’m kin— I— Mm— [To the side] hmph! Reading.
*Beep beep*
Verse: The last thing I need or want is a hug from the shambling junk keep— Junk huuuuuurrrrgggghhhhhhh. [Disappears off screen] Junk, heap. Junk heap, okay.
*Beep beep*
Nerat: We will have your bones fashioned into a sceptre, you skin knotted into a belt, and your tongue fed to crav—feh—heh— I’m good with the words speaking.
*Beep beep*
Sirin: Fatebinder! It is always such a pleasure to speak with you. [To voice director] Do I sound sarcastic? [Laughs]
*Beep beep*
Nerat: Good ear, young fatebinder! When the Vendrini guar— Vendrinen guard, VenDRIEN gua— Vendrien—fuck my life!
*Beep beep*
Tunon: The court may never recover from this blow, but at least I can seek some final satisfaction out of you, and NOW I understand the line better!
*Beep beep*
Sirin: Goodbye, Fatebinder. [Snaps fingers] I, AM, OUTTIE.
*Beep beep*
Eb: The band is too small to be a serious threat to the Dissfavored or the Chorus— [chuckles]
Valerie Arem: Darn it! The Dithfavored! [Still laughing] Can, can we ju… it’s like a Pinky and the Brain line at this point for me! [Inhales, resets.]Urgh!
*Beep beep*
Verse: Classic example of the Overlord’s devastation, like a battering lamb that e— lamb? A battering lamb.
[Voice Director: I was just kinda thinking about, you know, deep fry— (???)]
Allegra Clark: Can you imagine instead of a battering ram, an actual battering lamb. Like a MEEEHH, bloop!
*Beep beep*
Eb: Now that I stand at the top, the only chant I will start is a chant of disarmament. I will not throw them into the charnel pit.
Valerie Arem: Oh! I— I s— totally faked it on charnel I was so glad I chased that I had no idea if that was how it was pronounced. [Laughs] Oh happiness! ^_^
*Beep beep*
Lantry: I think she has great potential. A dangerous amount of potential, to be blunt. The Scarlet Furries— Ha! Furies! Sorry! I’ve been at a convention.
*Beep beep*
Killsy: Thought would stalk small pack of sages near den place call Burning Library. But Sages b—[Stumbles on next syllable] fuck. Ahem.
*Beep beep*
Ashe: Perhaps another catastrophe that will punish our foes for hiding behind their [sudden change of tone] walls? [Cackles] I get to the—
[breaks character and laughs]
Kirk Thornton: I saw the question mark way to late! [Still laughing]
*Beep beep*
Barik: The Adjudicator certainly taught you everything he knows about being a inedebedeburdeBerDURpassthehand!
*Beep beep*
Lantry: What’s that, you say? Flocks of nubile lasses with an interest in old man who knows history? You need a definitive trectatus?— tracTAtus! Dammit! [inhales angrily] Urgh.
*Beep beep*
Sirin: You can’t be serious, Fatebinder. Don’t ask me to do this. [Prolonged gasp as Voice Director explains what is about to happen.] AURGH…. WHAT THE FUCK, MAN? This shit just got real.
*Beep beep*
Mark: Won’t have much of anything left once the Adj—Adjfucker— Shit! [Awkward tittering] One more time.
*Beep beep*
Lantry: Sustaining it, and if enough people fear it, even growing a beh- ahahoho, poo.
*Beep beep*
Nerat: You have exhausted your usefulness, and we will delight in tattooing our sigil on your fla— [garbled syllables] ong nyour nya nyer.
*Beep beep*
Barik: And the strength of our legion, is in— [Bumping sound] me hitting the mic stand, boomshakalaka.
*Beep beep*
Verse: You piece of shit! Do you know how hard I’ve work to sta—[strangled] uuuuaaaaarrrrrrggghhhhh. [Disappears off screen again.]
*Beep beep*
Lantry: Scholars hypothesize the Scourges are born of magic. The Oldwalls and their— oo, shit. Crech? Creché? [Voice Direction corrects.] Crèche? Crèche. Somebody’s gone to school… it wasn’t the actor.
*Beep beep*
Nerat: Graven Ashe and Tunon have allied against us! You conspire to rob of— duh pfft pfffft pffftttt… to man— amange you! That’s— [sputtering, angry and frustrated] ERGH!
*Beep beep*
Graven Ashe: [Sound of a grizzly bulldog shaking off water?] Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreh…Heh.
*Beep beep*
Nerat: That simpleton Ashe is no doubt sobbing in his porridge over the [sudden realization of self incrimination] soldiers we killed— fuck!
*Beep beep*
Tunon: Either the Archon of shadows has lost his once indomitable pow— prowers, in combact, eh dep…[breaks character]
Ray Chase: Even the typo, ah, make sense. Comapt!
*Beep beep*
Verse: The most we do for each other is try not to get the other one killed, which is more than you can say for morse— urgh, my gawd. [Slurring, then] RA GA GYA GYA GYA- okay.
*Beep beep*
Tunon: Master, if you’ll join me upstairs. [Blushing] I will pledge fealty to you in the lawful manner.
Ray Chase: I do not want to know what THAT is. [Everyone laughs]
*Beep beep*
Graven Ashe: Would Kyros’ mighty spymaster please enlighten this gathering of allies with some scrap of stratIA—GLURERrrrrrr!
*Beep beep*
Nerat: We are legion, and you cannot stand against [voice cracks] us all. That was a stumble, fuck.
*Beep beep*
Eb, or rather Valerie Arem: Geez god fuck I can’t say any of that!
*Beep beep*
Lantry: I don’t imagine Kyros leaves anything to mere confidence coincidence in-conscious and all the other words I thought was. [Checks.] Coincidence.
*Beep beep*
Sirin: Burgh! [Throttling] Ergh! Wow! Hey, I got… bronchitis, hey!
*Beep beep*
Graven Ashe: So I will start protecting the peers— petitia—
*Beep beep*
Lantry: General Grumps is the wiser choice. It’s patently obvious which Archon he is truly loyal to— well derp, poopy head.
*Beep beep*
Verse: Welcome back, ass [Also gets bronchitis] hole. Ergh! Ass HOLE, like HOLler.
*Beep beep*
Eb: Perhaps now is a fine time to test the reach of your Edict—s. Oh, Edict- Eh huh, uh huh…
*Beep beep*
Tunon: I once thought that Kyros was the sole Overlord. The notion of rising to her eshe— eke— ektelon…[resigned inhale]
*Beep beep*
Xander Mobus: “Fatebinder of reeking discharge”? We’re going right to the fart jokes!
*Beep beep*
Nerat: [Mockinglyl] Fatebinder of reeking discharge.
*Beep beep*
*Fart noise and effect*
*Beep beep*
Verse: Phew! I can spell you— spell. [Elatedly] I can spell!
*Beep beep*
Mark?(Nope! IT'S NERAT!): You’re gonna have to kill ALL of us, ‘cause you’re my number one guy… Sorry, full jack.
*Beep beep*
Verse: Of all my days running with the Chorus, I think I enjoyed Ass gang the most.
Allegra Clark: I’d wanna be in Ass gang! That sounds great!
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