#(speaking of captain spaulding-that movie was fire. from 1930 but goodness it was funny 😁)
thebigshotman · 2 years
Hello everyone! It’s been forever, hasn’t it? A very happy, very belated new years to each and every one of you! Hopefully everything is going like you planned it to be so far. As for me…you can probably tell that it hasn’t lol
See, the holidays ended up afflicting me with the worst ailments that an RPer can ever dread to suffer: Burnout and laziness. It started out as aggressive burnout, not at all helped by my current fixation on old Hollywood comedians at the moment in preparation for a film class, but then I started to feel just plan lazy. This extended even to non-RP writing, too; my mind was literally “head empty, only Marx Brothers”. And despite watching a movie of theirs with a character literally named CAPTAIN SPAULDING in it I was still not motivated enough to come back.
My brief thoughts of Tumblr during these past two weeks made me feel like crap, cause I knew I was worrying you guys and I was mad at myself for running out of steam for this event (which is going to continue and wrap up in a satisfying manner, come hell or high water!). But I just couldn’t get myself to come back, not even to post up something like this. Until now!
So before I say anything else I want to sincerely apologize for leaving you all hanging and worrying you all. None of what I mentioned in the past two paragraphs is any excuse for doing that to all of you lovely people. I hope you can all forgive me and welcome me back, as I very rarely suffer burnout and this is likely to not happen again for a great while!
And I will be returning soon! Within the next two days in fact! Very belated Christmas present asks will come first, followed by returning to both event and non-event threads in force. Luckily I’m started to recall where we all left off in terms of threads so no need to drop anything thank goodness. I’m just happy that I finally have the motivation to come back here!
Thank you all, so so so so so much for being patient with me as the holidays literally killed my motivation and time. I’m happy to be back, and I hope you all aren’t too mad at my sudden disappearance and equally sudden reappearance ❤️❤️ I love you all, truly.
I’ll see you all soon!
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